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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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hmm, these are the narratives that they promote, anything can happen, i do not exclude such a thing, but we must understand one thing: their narrative, it is one, it is integral, and it does not depend in principle on the fact that there is putin, there is no putin, is there a putin regime or no putin regime? this narrative will always be that russia is an empire, russia above all, ukraine, not only ukraine, latvia, lithuania, estonia there. moldova, georgia, other states do not exist, well, ukraine is their number one, because without ukraine, without our territory, without our people, they are not a full-fledged state in general and not a full-fledged nation, if you can call it that in general, that is why they will promote this narrative, people are good, how many times i say, forget about good russians, forget about bad russians, forget about the fact that one of them may realize something, forget that they are changing power. forget that russia
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will fall apart, let's forget all about it, let's think and proceed from what we have now, there are russians, and it is the russians who are killing ukraine, killing ukrainians, there is power in russia, it doesn't matter what it will be, its main task will always be to destroy ukraine and other states, other nationalities that are not under its influence . this effective control of the russian world, and we must understand one last thing, which, among other things, we should have talked about in this program, and now we will talk about it, this clearly confirms once again that russian narratives, russian in ukraine, russian toponyms, there is no place for russian monuments, russian culture in ukraine and there can be no place, because if it... will be at least in one corner,
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at least in one region, and even worse in many regions and in many minds of our people, until that moment these people, there are oppositionists, the authorities, anyone, the fsb, spies, anyone will climb here and think that russia is here, and here is this, by the way, here is this situation, a shameful situation, and a very sad situation, which , unfortunately, once again arose in odesa, with trukhanov, with renaming , with this scandal, she once again demonstrates how firmly, how powerfully she sat down russia in ukraine, it settled in ukraine through its agents of influence, through its narratives, through its culture and, unfortunately, through its influence on many of our people, and therefore the task of our state, and our society, and us, as leaders, as journalists, as experts, to do everything to sweep out russian, from
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ukraine, away from moscow, away from russian, away from everything that can connect us with the russian world, with the russian empire, with anything russian, this is a number one for us, which we must understand, in the rear, above all in the rear, because if we are in the rear, then we must help to hold this rear and help to fight here with the same difficult challenges, important challenges. life challenges related to russia's struggle against our state, that's all, and the fact that these, these people are behaving like this, remember once and for all, nothing will change, nothing will change, they will come, kill us and they will destroy our country not only at the front, they will destroy the country and all over the world, they will try to make their own russia. a great
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empire, regardless of surnames or whatever from the opposition or power status of these people. i just want to remind our viewers that 432 names of streets, squares, alleys were renamed in odesa, 85 of them in odesa itself. the relevant order was signed by oleg kiper, the head of the odesa ova, in particular , bablia, polstovsky, zhvanetsky, etc., were renamed duma square. well, the odesa city council does not agree with the ova order. regarding the renaming of the low streets of the city, the head of ova oleg kiper is not going to change the decision to change us, but not far away is dnipropetrovsk oda as part of the process of decolonization renamed 292 objects of toponymy in populated areas of the region, 135 in kryvyi rih, but the head of the defense council of kryvyi rih, oleksandr vilkul, is also against it, maybe more cautiously, but also against it. and tell me, please, andriy, if, er, if,
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actually, in odessa, the process of decolonization around odessa, the process of decolonization will stall, or in your opinion, by a chain reaction... will it stall in other ukrainian regions as well, where else, in fact, there is a large field for work on the elimination of russians, i would say toponyms, please, well, it will not fail if there is a principled position of the central government, that is, we must understand that now there is a decision of the regional military administration, this decision was made exclusively within the framework of the current legislation, by july 27 the regional military administrators had to make such decisions, if city ​​councils, if the city mayors did not make such decisions, everything is within the framework of the current legislation, if the regional government does not retreat, if the central government does not retreat in the implementation of the law, it should not be delayed, but indeed, if there are any concessions, if
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there will be sabotage, it will be the return of our country to the situation that existed during decommunization, i will remind you of the 16th, 17th, 18th years, when there was a trial in odessa. the city authorities sued for the fact that the streets were not renamed, but let's now talk about one more thing, how can people who have carried russian narratives in ukraine all their lives speak anything in ukraine at all, and you know why this is happening, and so it happens, because , unfortunately, we lost the chance in 2022-23 to fight precisely with those persons who would not should have been as of today. in our odesa city council, the majority is trukhanov's party or the faction that trusts the affairs and the opposition platform for life, well, the opposition platform for life there dissolved, but the deputies remained, no one the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine deprived these deputies of their mandates, you understand, well, this is a consequence , this is a consequence of unpunished evil once again raising its head, and if indeed. there is such sabotage, then i see the only correct solution, we have such and such authorities should be dissolved and military administrations should be introduced then, well, if they sabotage the law, if they promote russian narratives in ukraine, which russia is happy with today. i will remind you that what trukhanov is doing today is on the front pages of all russian information scum. thank you, thank you, andriy, and you are absolutely right here, unfortunately, i also have to tell you this... what exactly are the russians saying, and i will remind you that today we asked you whether you think that the russian people are also to blame for the war , like putin, and here are the results of our survey: 94% those who called us believe that they are as guilty as their leader, and only 6%
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believe that no, not everyone is guilty. i thank you for this, andrei and i spent this new week for you in order to follow up... what exactly will it be for us and to discuss the prospects next monday. andriy smoliy, khrystyna yatskiv, project new week, see you soon. thanks, bye, stay tuned. doloxen strong anointed, released more in the joints. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day at
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valeriana bolgarska. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. sergey zurets. but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what is outside the borders of ukraine was happening yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war usenorchavka next to me. and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chekchenina, our art viewer is ready to say good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar
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people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening! on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that took place. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point. the following the footage may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze.
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political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. and goliku , 41. he comes from truskavets. before the full-scale invasion, the man worked as a construction worker in poland. however, on february 25 , 2022, he returned home and, despite his wife's persuasion, immediately went to the military. there he was told to wait his time. ivan to the army joined in january 23rd. after 5 months of training and training, he started working in the ranks of military intelligence. man. service in zaporizhzhia and donetsk region. he was seriously wounded in february of this year,
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during one of the combat sorties he came under enemy fire. ivan and his brother decided to wait in the dugout, but a tank shell exploded nearby. two 19-year-old border guards who were in the dugout died immediately. three soldiers were injured, among them ivan and his brother. well, it was lunch time. they also stood behind us and they died, that my partner and i had their legs torn off, and they are so that the medicine there is already without power, as if ivan put tourniquets on himself above the knees with splinters in his feet and legs. all the time before the evacuation, which was more than 9 hours, the man remained conscious. he poured water on his head, beat the water. learned that he is conscious of losing in such cases. he lost consciousness already in med evaku,
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he regained consciousness in the dnipro. he told his wife about the injury on his own, although he said that he had lost his toes. about saving the life of a seriously wounded soldier, whose kidneys have already begun to fail, to the doctors had to amputate his limbs at the level of the thighs. after long-term treatment in dnipro and kyiv for rehabilitation and prosthetics. ivan was sent to lviv to the anbroken center. the most difficult, the man says, was in the first days after the amputation. yes, there is something more terrible, and i felt it most strongly already here in lviv in the surgery, when i had the last three operations, and here already such painkillers are not powerful columns, here here such a thing, but then i felt what a phantom is like never before. with the physical therapists of the anbru center. oken ivan has been practicing for four months, they prepared the defender for prosthetics, and now
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they are helping him relearn walking on metal limbs. with ivan, we had essentially no difficulties in our work, that is , he is a patient who always comes to classes there, works out, i know that he will carry out all the instructions on his own, he himself knows that he needs this first of all, i only i help, i give instructions on the situation and he does it. both of ivan's prostheses have electronic knee assemblies. thanks to which you can play as much as possible natural movements. the cost of such modern technological prostheses is uah 1,200,000. they were installed thanks to donations from ukrainians for the collection of the charity platform dobro ua prosthetics for the indomitable. all this time , his wife and children were next to ivan. they - says the sick man remain his greatest support and support. to the question. what will he do first, when he stands firmly on his new limbs and returns home, the man answers with a smile: i will go
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somewhere to relax with my family, maybe. ema statnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. weekly the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy. invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, look at saturdays. club every saturday for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day
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with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdik with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good evening, we are from ukraine. the committee of the verkhovna rada proposes to decide whether to mobilize men under the age of 25. the russians are already destroying the f-16, but only in words and in their fake news. fake reserves plus. how to determine? such an application is genuine and cannot be mistaken. falling indices, why rapidly tech companies are losing and bitcoin is sharply cheaper. today, oleksandr morchevka will talk about it in more detail with guest oleksandr morchevka. well, in ukraine, the zone of future earthquakes has been determined, they say that it will begin in a few
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years in the battle during the time of yar, the enemy is trying to break through in the pokrovsky direction and is transferring initial forces from luhansk region to kharkiv region, although before that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi noted that kharkiv is no longer a priority target for the enemy. that's about it we will talk about other things during the next hour, 47, 46, minutes, i have a watch there, i can see everything, i know how much we have to work, and i and my colleagues will be with you, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, i immediately pass the floor to serhii zgurets, the military results of the day. serhii, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. greetings vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will again mention the f-16, which is officially already in ukraine, the new use by the enemy of north korean kn-23 missiles and the hard the details of the war in a conversation with our military, who are now protecting the yar times, about all this in a moment. i'll start with the fact that the fighter.
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the f-16 is already officially in ukraine, yesterday our column was not published, but just yesterday the president of ukraine officially demonstrated the f-16 fighters, it was just at the celebrations related to the 20th anniversary of the creation of the air force of ukraine, or what happened exactly on august 4 , and this is actually a historic breakthrough, which we have been striving for for almost two years, so far there are 10 of these fighters, according to the report. economist publications still have 10 will arrive by the end of this year and in total ukraine should receive about 80 f-16 fighters in the mllu version, this is the modernization version, including those fighters that have already been transferred to train our pilots for the european center, which will operate in romania, and four
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the countries - the netherlands, denmark, norway and belgium will hand over planes and weapons to us. supply the united states, either from stocks or with european money, that is, from those countries that will order weapons for our already existing f-16 fighters. of course, i managed to answer a lot of questions that say 10 planes is not enough, but i repeat, this is the first step, the first step of the transition to a new qualitative level, to re-equipment with aircraft that are nato aircraft, this is a multifunctional platform that will perform missions in the air to destroy. and air targets, and in the version of an air defense aircraft, and a platform that can destroy targets both on land and at sea . weapons, mastering defense tactics, this is difficult work, of course there will be losses,
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but i hope that there will be more victories with this aircraft, at this time in... such an enemy must be destroyed not only in the sky, but also on the ground, and how it happens was shown by the specialists of the main intelligence agency, who submitted satellite images of the destruction of russian su-34 bombers at morozovsk airfield, these satellite images show that one plane was definitely destroyed, two more have a significant impact, there are also in... pictures, on which we can conclude that they were also leveled with the ground, the ground of the warehouse where the aviation ammunition was, the runway was also damaged, now we see the video, what exactly is in this moro. vsk, so this work of our drones is unique, effective, i hope that this trend will be continued, at this time the russian federation is once again resorting to the help of north korean weapons, we
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received data indicating that on july 31, russia used north korean the kn-23 missile, structures that are now analyzing the wreckage have come to the conclusion that it is debris of the north korean missile k 23, it is similar to the indexes, with the numbering according to the fragments that were previously found on our territory, let me remind you that the last time russia used these north korean missiles was on february 27 of this year, in general, during the entire period of use of these missiles, there were about 50 launches were carried out, half of these rockets... exploded in the air, and the fragments of this rocket were found in the kyiv region, the rocket was actually headed
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somewhere towards the white church, but exploded in the air, and now we see the fragments of this the ken-23 missile, which has a range of up to 600 km and has a fairly powerful warhead weighing up to 1,000 kg in totyl equivalent, so we see that the enemy is trying to use all the... means at his disposal, which, of course, raises the issue of activating our air defense systems, increasing their number, which is actually happening right now, and now we will talk about what is happening in one of the most difficult directions, this is the time, we are joined by an officer of the fifth separate assault brigade, oleksii tarasenko, mr. oleksii, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear from our. my broadcasts, congratulations, i wish you health, i would like you to add a little detail about what is happening there , first of all, in the siverskyi
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donets-donbas channel, because there were reports yesterday that it seems that the enemy has crossed over this channel, what in fact, or it is true or not, it is difficult to say for the entire strip around the temporary ravine, in the area where my battalion and the brigade in general are defending, it is... south of the temporary ravine, ivanovske, and directly the canal itself, the enemy didn't even get to it, in fact, further north, where the enemy is guaranteed to approach the canal, and i'm convinced that the units are well entrenched on the right bank of the canal, and in fact the lines are quite advantageous for holding the defense, so maybe... some scouting groups i assume have come this way somewhere, but that doesn't say anything, i don't have any data at the moment what
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's going on further north, so this is purely my guess, i know that the front line is relatively stable now, and in fact the advances not even at 100 m, last weeks. oleksiy, tell our viewers what this canal in the donets donbass is physically like, is there water there, or are there just obstacles in the area that are difficult for the enemy to overcome, physically it looks like a huge anti-tank ditch with concrete along the shores, in some places, in some places simply earthen, with a width of 20 meters conventionally, which is even suitable for a person without equipment. it's quite difficult to pass just like that, that is, it requires, firstly, a good preparation, and secondly, it limits promotion
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techniques from the word at all, so this is really a very serious line, and i am convinced that the command also understands this and will do everything in order to gain a foothold on it and prevent the enemy from going to the right bank, realizing how much easier it is. to keep the defense along this line, than simply banal in landings. oleksiy, what is happening in your area near klishchevka, did the enemy there reach this height, which is there to the west of klishchevka, what tactics does the enemy, who is directly in the area of ​​responsibility, use your battalion? the enemy is attacking non-stop, i would say today, we have, ah, a lot of enemy movement. on landings, and rather chaotically, the impression is that sometimes the groups simply do not orientate themselves on the terrain and accidentally wander somewhere, or bump into them. to our
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positions, or is simply destroyed by drones, nevertheless, the enemy works in the same way in groups of two, three, four people who, both during the day and at night, try to go through the landings, go through the wooded area, in the area of ​​the canal, literally every 20- they advance 30 m consider their success, so they don't... they don't stop working in such small groups for a single day, about the height near the clinch, it's hard to say now, and this is the area of ​​​​responsibility of another battalion, but i can say that everything that sounds like very strategic ob' the object actually looks like a completely burnt piece on the ground.
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land where no one enters, because it simply makes no sense, usually now no one holds on to the height, on the contrary, the enemy, for example, tries to use thickets of beams, any bright, any vegetation in order to covertly advance, or simply to reach our positions, that is, the categories by which we... entered the second world war, that it is necessary to gain a foothold on a strategic height and keep the defense there, it does not work like that now. oleksiy, because of the air alert, we have literally one minute of our broadcast, i would like to tell you, to ask what are the most optimal tactics of countering the enemy, which are used by these small groups, and why small groups, because it is not irrational to use artillery against them, or there are some others the reasons, well, the reasons for the lack of people, firstly, secondly, the enemy understands. that
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it is easier for a small group to remain inconspicuous in the conditions of the fact that aerial reconnaissance is conducted simply totally, over every square meter of the territory, it is simply banal easier for them to move. the countermeasures are the same, in principle , there are many small observation fire positions that can cover a large area of ​​the territory, and the defense is scrambled so that it does not happen that the enemy bypasses the first position, moves deep, and there is no one... there is no one there, therefore, in fact, quite effective countermeasures have already been developed. mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for your explanations, for what you and your team are doing to protect our state. let me remind you that it was oleksiy tarasenko, the deputy commander of the assault battalion of the fifth separate assault brigade, this brigade defends our positions near the time of the yar, we see with tried and tested tactics, effective counter tactics. these
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were the main emphases of this era. and then vasyl zima will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much serhii zgruts, thank his guest. well, now we have a story for your attention, we actually have a lot of interesting things for you, so be sure to stay with the espresso tv channel if you have the opportunity. now the birds are already at the front and help our military destroy the enemy. another important collection is closed. thanks a lot. ukrainians managed to collect 4 million hryvnias and purchase all the equipment requested by the military, details in our story: another collection for our military was closed by the iryna koval charity fund, in a month and a half we managed to collect 4 million hryvnias. volunteers purchased 20 quadcopters and 24 batteries for the 100th brigade of reconnaissance. i really want to thank the viewers of tele
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espresso for always supporting all our gatherings, i want to thank my friends and i want to thank the person who responded to my gathering, him, his, his subscribers, this is mykolaivskyi vanyok, he joined and made a repost, these are mavics for reconnaissance, they will adjust strikes on enemy targets, they will help our... military to move forward, to understand where the russian army is located. currently, the drones are already at the front, the birds are working and helping our defenders destroy the enemy, together with the equipment, a special ukrainian flag was handed over to the military, painted by the children of the fallen heroes. thanks to your donations, we now have new birds that will soon be on combat missions, and we also want to thank
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the children for the flag that... painted it and gave it to us, this is about


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