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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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abandoned bridges, even while russian buryatia, which is far from lake baikal, suffers from floods. the high water broke even the dam there. due to flooding, local authorities evacuated hundreds of residents of the region to temporary shelters. exactly how long they will be there is unknown, as the water continues to arrive. forecasters' forecasts also do not bode well for russians, as the rains will continue. but before the very broadcast i read about the fact that not only buryatia is being flooded there, the republic of tyva is also under water there, and novokuznetsk swam today, let them continue to swim like this. well, for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in the new two hours. formats,
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even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22, good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue, there is a big show on the espresso tv channel and oleksandr morchivka will talk about money during the war and the topic is very relevant today. yes, oleksandr, please. thank you, vasyl, and welcome to the audience. we are talking about the shortage of workers, who is missing, who will work at ukrainian enterprises, how the authorities are going to raise taxes for that business, which just now well, it barely survives and often closes its activities. more on this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshevko, congratulations, this is a column
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about money, during the war. last week, we announced in the issue with vasyl that ukraine will soon receive non-refundable development funds from our international partners, and now our state has received a grant of almost $4 billion from the world bank, these funds will help in financing the priority. of budget expenditures, it is about salaries for teachers, rescuers and social benefits, prime minister denys shmyhal announced, for according to him, this is the first tranche of direct budget support from the united states. this year, in general, ukraine will receive from the usa more than 7.5 billion, that is precisely grant, non-returnable money. and here it is important, i emphasize every time that we distinguish with you where the funds will help.
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non-refundable grant, which is simply given to support the ukrainian treasury by our international partners, and where is the money that comes in the form of loans, although preferential quite often, but loans that ukraine will eventually have to pay anyway return. the introduction of new taxes may lead to an acceleration of price growth, according to a recent report of the national bank. for example, the introduction of a military levy on the income of enterprises can significantly speed up the expansion. inflation, such a tax is largely transferred by businesses, often to you and me, ordinary consumers. i would like to remind you that the cabinet of ministers submitted to the council a draft law on raising taxes by uah 140 billion due to the revision of the military levy, excise duties and some other fiscal measures. according to the project, legal entities such as income tax payers, as well as ordinary people, will pay the military tax at the rate of 1% of income, and for...
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employees, for ordinary workers, the levy will increase from the current 1.5% to 5%. this initiative is still being discussed by lawmakers, we hope that when they come to the session hall, we will know about specific decisions. but august began with an increase in the price of dairy products , the retail prices of kefir, kefir, yogurts, butter and. this is reported in the association of milk producers. strong heat affected the interruptions in the operation of ventilation systems on farms, experts say, and this led to an increase in the number of heat strokes in cows and a decrease in their productivity. here, in particular, in july, milk processing enterprises experienced a shortage of raw materials, the industry association says, and it is clear that long-term power outages affect work. of powerful equipment and a significant
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amount was deteriorating both in supermarkets and warehouses, all this was reflected in the prices, they also included the cost of generators in... products, well, we see that this is not the limit, experts predict that, for example, milk may become more expensive in the next month as well. and the military can submit a simplified application for receiving benefits in ukraine, an experimental project has been launched to simplify the application for assistance in paying for housing and communal services. this is reported by the ministry of social policy. this can be done through the portal of electronic pension services. the department explained that this opportunity can be used by participants in hostilities, persons disabled as a result of the war, and participants in the war. it doesn't matter if a person resigned from the service or continues it, you can still go to the portal of electronic services
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of the pension fund and submit an application in order to receive an allowance for the payment of the commercial allowance. well, in ukraine too. now there really is a shortage of workers, said the head of the parliamentary committee on economic issues, dmytro natalukha, so he said that more and more ukrainian enterprises will be closed due to a lack of people and resources, and the situation may reach a critical point by the end of september. we will talk about this in detail with serhiy marchenko, founder of the recruiting agency borsh. he joins the connection. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. serhiy, well , we see that even in the parliamentary committee , despite the statement about increasing taxes, despite the fact that everyone has men to serve at the front and economic reservation is not on time, the deputies are already declaring that enterprises
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will be closed at the same time, trying raise taxes, who do you think will pay them, is it really a human resource disaster right now... can something be done to change, in particular, to look for people of retirement age for work, to involve women in male professions, or your suggestions? look, a lot of questions came up, if i forget any, then please remind me, see what i have, what is my understanding of the situation, in fact, ukraine has a big, demographic crisis for a very long time, this is not a question of this year or last year. this is the question of the last dozen years, in ukraine fewer people are born than die, in ukraine the population is aging, in ukraine there are several people for one working person who, soon there will be several people who are retired, so we have these problems, and the great war,
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the invasion in 22 only added to these problems. mr. natalukha said very correctly, he said that companies will go bankrupt, why so, because... that there is a critical shortage of people, and in order to attract people to work, companies are forced to raise wages, for example, for the past according to the estimates of the largest job search site in ukraine, the average salary in ukraine increased by 22% last year, 22% is a lot for the labor market. and this year the pace growth of about 7.5% for the first half of the year now. there will be quick statistics for the third quarter and we will try to see what will happen in the third quarter, but so far for the first half of the year we have 7.5, that is, the rate of wage growth is maintained, but a large number of the population has gone abroad, a large
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number of the population is now serving in the army, does not take part in economic activity, and enterprises that will pay more for working hands will receive... less profits, because they simply have a banal decrease in the number of people in the country, there is also taxes are added, which are going to be introduced by voting in the verkhovna rada on the initiative of the government. mr. sergey, well-known demographer ela libanova noted that now most employers are looking for pensioners, well , of course, there is no risk of mobilizing this person, and it is possible to pay less, the person receives, for example, a pension, and also a salary, and which one is yours? what do you say, well , you see, it wouldn’t have been happiness, it wasn’t happiness that helped, there used to be age discrimination in ukraine, if we look at literally 10 years ago, if we look back in 10 years, we will see that then employers wanted people aged
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30-35, now employers are considering 50-60 years, this is already normal, absolutely, and they really have these reasons that a person at 60 years old is no longer mobilization and this is a kind of plus, a kind of stability, if we are talking about some positions there, again specialists who have not lost their qualifications with age, then this is a very reasonable strategy. oh, but you understand, now they are talking, they are talking a lot, let's replace men with women, people are good, so we have about 5-8 million people who left ukraine according to various estimates, who are they, are they women, who will you replace the men with, there are no women with whom you can fully replace the men in the country, that's what the problem is, really according to the ministry of economy, at least the figure that was announced to the imf representatives is 4.5 million people from... now, there is a deficit in the labor market, and it is precisely these 4.5 million
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people who are abroad, it was not announced here about those men and women who are now at the front, and it is interesting that vasyl zima spoke with oleksandr vilkul, the head of the defense council of kryvyi rih, and he said that there is now a crazy deficit of 500 in armitel and 20 thousand in total in the city, well, this is the city where he talked about... about the population, well, that is, it is significant, and as well as the city, which 55 km from the front line is definitely not an attractive place even for migrants from , which is unlikely to be near the front will they go there to work, but the western regions can be...attractive, but is it really possible to attract such workers to ukraine? well, there is no alternative to this, because
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we have to be realistic, a large part of those people who left ukraine will not return, in ukraine, some part of people die at the front, die under bombs, that is, our population is decreasing, business remains as it is and there was, and business needs working hands, therefore labor migration is the next challenge for ukraine, because it would be very good if labor migration was not uncontrolled, but somehow planned, if we had an understanding, and which compatriots we want to attract, who, what faith, what, what mentality, ah, because you know, asia, africa is big, from where, most likely, migrants will be attracted, but if you have some... still balanced policy, then it is possible to avoid some problems that already exist in
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many european countries, where uncontrolled migration comes, leads to social explosions, to the dissatisfaction of the indigenous population, and what we see now the great revenge of the right-wing parties in europe, which are sponsored by putin and the russian federation, this is also one of the consequences of a not very far-sighted migration policy, so i wanted... that ukraine would not step on this rake twice, i really wanted to, but this is the reality that is approaching according to the forecasts of sociologists, this is our perspective with you , unfortunately or fortunately, i don't know, but thank you for your assessment of the situation, serhiy marchenko, the founder of the borshch recruiting agency, was in touch, i will finish the column about money during the war with you, but still the big broadcast is still going on , there will be a section on sports, weather and an interesting announcement follows. vasyl zima will tell everything in detail, watch us. oleksandr, thank you very much
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to oleksandr morshivka, thank you to the guest, serhiy marchenko, you know, there are very good words in the word of god that a wise man sees danger and avoids it, and a fool goes and, well, as they say, suffers from it, so when there is certain processes are dangerous in the long run, you need a wise... person to prepare to avoid suffering, this is the difference between wise and stupid, and actually it is such a good marker for people who make decisions, i am not here i can't react, because when people write some things in their posts about the espres tv channel, well , you can not react, of course, or you can react, well, the people there advise oleksandr morshevka, they say go to work, espresso will not lose anything, oleksandr morshevka works, in principle he pays taxes where is he still supposed to work, well, you people just write something, you think that you are writing, secondly, uh, m,
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you say that you are on the all-ukrainian broadcasting channel, you don’t need milk, atoms, nuclei, well, this is some kind of set of phrases and words, i want only to certain people who for some reason believe that journalists don’t work, or somewhere here , we just have sunbeds and swimming pools, we lie there for whole days, and then we get out and jump back into the pool, then it’s not like that, i want to tell you that a journalist, if you count, look, how many corruption schemes were exposed precisely by journalists, how many things became known, on which journalists drew attention, how many important messages you received from... precisely from journalists, then you will understand that it is possible somewhere that can compete with the same activity of law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption bodies that receive a salary for this, and we do not receive a salary for the fight against corruption, but journalists perform an important and very important function, and they work, so that you understand, if you have never worked as a tv presenter or a journalist, you do not understand, what a load it is, what
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a job it is, what emotional exhaustion, psychological exhaustion, physical exhaustion, well, you don't need to write my... in the comments, it's without respect for the people who write it, without absolute respect, because normal people understand and appreciate the work of everyone who participates, giving himself wholeheartedly to the victory of our state, so this is the chamberlain's answer to you, as they say, and now we have a sports review from my colleague oleksandr vashchuk, the most important events in the world of sports, and there is something to eat... , let's see so the medal days for ukraine at the olympics in paris are over. our star record holder yaroslava magushchyk won the gold medal of the olympic games. she won the high jump competition with a result of 2 m. another bronze award for ukraine here
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won by iryna gerashchenko, who shared the third place with the australian. the pedestal of honor we dreamed of. well done, of course, i could have jumped a little higher here, honestly, i was setting myself up to be higher, but when i realized that after all i had become an olympic champion, i calmed down, exhaled, and in principle, we performed the most important start with my team, i decided to support our girls and mykhailo kohan, who won a bronze award with a result of 79 m 39 cm in the final of the hammer throwing competition. in tokyo 2020, he was... a lot close to a medal, becoming fourth. these fourth, fifth, sixth places for ilya kovton and the entire ukrainian men's gymnastics team at this olympics were like a curse. and in the final final, our athlete managed to win silver. ilya is a medalist in parallel bars. oleg vernyaev did not succeed in the final. france, paris, dumas, d'artagnan and the three musketeers. and
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we have harlan and three musketeers, or rather, saber women. ukrainian team. female fencers in the composition of olga harlan, alina komaschuk, elena krovatska and yulia bakastova became the champion of the 2024 olympic games. the teams were level throughout the final match. harlan went to the decisive duel with a score of 37:40. olga managed to equalize the score and bring victory to ukraine. 45:42. yes, the last battle is behind me, it is the most important battle, i have to be calm, i have to think about what i have to do, i have to choose, remove all emotions. that is, my main task at this olympiad was to remove emotions and separate emotions and actions, that is, during in the final i managed to do it and i wasn't thinking about the gold, that we were going to win it, i was thinking how to hit the 45th shot and that helped me a lot. the draw for the last qualifying round of the champions league took place in the swiss region. liivske dynamo
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learned about its potential opponent in the fight for entry to the main grid of the tournament. hooray. if szczawkowski's team gets past scottish rangers in the third round, they will face the winner of the saalsburg twente match. we will remind you that tomorrow dynamo will play the first match of the duel against the scottish team glasgow rangers. the game will take place in lublin. the ukrainian football championship has started. in the first round without sensations. verez karpaty - 0:0, kryvbas-chornomorets - 1:0, lnz. left bank - 1:0, obolon-kolos - 2:2, vorskla-shtar - 0:5, zorya ingulets. 2:1, the rest of the matches of the first round will be played later, cheer for yours! thank you, oleksandr, i congratulate our olympians, with gold and silver, as well as all those who represented ukraine, perhaps not, as they say, without getting
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enough points for prize places, but in any case, thanks to everyone who er... who represented our state at this , probably the most important, quadrennial sports summer forum. by the way, i wanted to tell you something so good, uh, an interesting story, well, now i’ll look, maybe i’ll remember something, but for now let’s talk about the most important thing, because today the most important thing is happening at the front, where the enemy is fighting very hard, and he must be beaten with everything possible. well, actually, tv channels. and the vesna charitable foundation opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade also for legendary well and for a third separate assault legendary. for the legendary brigades of the 110th and 47th armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back complex, numerous enemy
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attacks every day. they defend our freedom and future, and in a way that more clearly defends our life and health, in the literal sense of the word. it was these wars that stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, when there was a shortage of ammunition, the situation was difficult, the enemy once again used a huge the number of cabs and... equipment, and then it was a huge problem to get out even from avdiyivka , it was possible to do it, but still there were losses, first of all without returnables, these are our soldiers and wounded, but also equipment, the losses of equipment are significantly affected , are greatly affected, so these resources must be renewed, and our soldiers urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, and this directly affects the health and lives of our soldiers, stop the drone, put the drone where... this is this health and life, and our ambitious goal is uah 3.5 million, but we understand that we will do it, and you know it, and i know it, and our soldiers
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know it too, so it's only a matter of time, let's do it as soon as possible, remember, every donation of yours brings our victory closer, together we will be able to protect those who protect us today at the cost of their lives and health. yes, i have as much as 30 seconds that i want to tell you that... uh, i wanted to tell you such a good story and let's talk about it, and oh, i remembered, i remembered, the security service of ukraine neutralized fsb agents in six regions of our of the state, i to which point, we often see military personnel checking checkpoints near certain cities, understand that there is a war going on, the enemy can activate or send their agents to different areas, regions in order to destabilize the situation, be understanding. to these things, and you know, well , you just have to understand that during the war, the enemy uses all possible means to influence, kill and act, well, our special services
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are there to oppose him, so treat this with understanding and support and strength defense and special services of ukraine, which beat the enemy here and there and here. thank you for being with me, with my colleagues, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, but just now the weather from natalka didenko will be yours. and for the coming day, and for the whole week. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, we are starting the synoptic week together, there is some very interesting news, i will tell you about it later, when we review the weather forecast for tomorrow in each region, and shall we start today's meeting by squatting or lying down on the grass, because eh... we are talking about grass we don't talk so much, well, actually like the air, because it's such an absolutely familiar picture, especially, of course, in the summer, well, also in the spring, when the first green blade of grass
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appears, so let's pay more attention to it today and look at it from such a scientific point of view vision of what grass is and what it gives us, so herbaceous plants are life forms of plants that do not form a woody stem, woody, the height can be different from several. up to 6-7 m, for example, bamboo or banana, imagine, these are herbaceous plants, well, approximately according to estimates, herbaceous plants make up about 20% of the plant mass of the entire terrestrial biosphere. the surface of the grass is a catalyst for dew, and in arid climates it is the main source of precipitation and is essential for the survival of any vegetation. well, the taller the grass, the more dew, of course, so pay attention, a short incitement. grass creates the need for its regular watering, if you cut the grass often and short without watering, then desertification occurs, i have the impression that in kyiv, god forbid, of course this
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desertification will be much faster than we can imagine. herbaceous plants are, of course, grass, very important for the economy, for the general culture of mankind, a fodder resource for domestic grasses, animals, sorry, grasses have been cultivated for 10 thousand years, and they are also used. for the manufacture of paper and plant cultivation, which is aimed at obtaining edible injuries for humans, has been practiced at least, i can't even pronounce it, since the period of 9500 years bc. and of course, grass is important decorative, religious and medical function in human society. that's how beautiful it is, necessary, useful, our favorite herb, which we unfairly, do not always pay enough attention to. so, now we move on to magnetic storms, tomorrow we will observe small fluctuations, some kind of very insignificant activation, so the situation is calm after the recent ones, by the way,
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that's enough. we watch together and move on to the weather forecast for the next day on august 6. in the western part of ukraine the air temperature will be comfortable, no high, +22-25, sometimes even 20-22°, and there will be rains with thunderstorms in places. in the north of ukraine, significant precipitation is not expected for most of the day, but there is a chance of rain in the evening in zhytomyr region and kyiv region. the air temperature in the north is 24-26° above zero, in the east of ukraine the precipitation is so light, i would say the heat is moderate, 27-29°. there will also be a lot of sun in the central part of ukraine, such a pleasant air temperature of 25-29°. some local rain may appear in vinnytsia in the evening. in the southern part
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ukraine is also in... it is important without precipitation, the highest air temperature will be here, traditionally, logically 25-30 above zero, and also in the evening in the odesa region in some areas it may rain, in some places even with a thunderstorm, tomorrow august 6 is expected in kyiv the weather is mostly dry, until the evening in the capital there is a chance of light rain, during the day the air temperature will fluctuate between 25-26°, and what i promised at the beginning, let's look a little ahead... according to the approximate forecast, according to preliminary data, due to a week somewhere from august 13-14 in severe extreme heat will resume in most regions of ukraine, when the air temperature will be 33-38°. of course, these forecasts are a little premature, they need to be clarified, but still, i urge you to carefully follow, of course, the daily forecasts and listen to this important information, as
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always, the forecast. weather for your attention on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered. leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. there is an air alarm in israel and everyone is rushing to shelters, because danger is very close. for a country that knows well what a protracted war is, the storage issue is effectively resolved. in addition to the underground shelters in
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the israeli new buildings. necessarily design mamakas - fortified rooms in public buildings and mamadas - fortified rooms in apartments, metal doors that withstand the blast wave if they are closed, even such a sound. reinforced concrete walls are 30 cm thick. the absolute advantage of such shelters is the time to move there. you can in a matter of seconds. ukraine, which is also adapting to the challenges of a large-scale exhausting war, decided to borrow the experience of israel, but what happened? since 2023 , modular concrete shelters have begun to be built in many cities of ukraine. mostly these designs installed near public transport stops and in other crowded places so that bystanders can
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hide as quickly as possible. at least from the debris, these buildings have such thick walls, they are, so to speak, an anti-splinter partition that protects people. currently, there are modular shelters in most regions of the country, in particular in dnipropetrovsk region, donetsk region, kherson region, kharkiv region, kyiv region and even in rivne region. we checked several such hiding places in kryvyi rih, the city where it is located. 60 km from the war zone. modular shelters in kryvyi as many as 70, 10 for each district. according to data on the prozoro website, each cost a little more than a million hryvnias. compared to other cities, kryvyi rih also saved money. in principle, kryvyi rih has one of the lowest prices, but this may be due to opto.


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