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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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that without one house, there was a fire in the village of tsirkuny, there were no victims, so far this morning we still have no information, but i can definitely say that it was different, different, different types of weapons, because by the sound they were in volume and intensity, they were completely different, this is the first and second, they constantly report that the reconnaissance drone. fly, and when reconnaissance drones fly, they accurately inform the gunners in order to strike, so this story is about the arrivals, it is despite the fact that it is close a suburb, it is tsirkuny and, it is the northern part of kharkiv region, it is very close to the city of kharkiv, almost across the ring road, everyone who knows this is the northern saltivka, it is very difficult for them, very difficult,
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very difficult to experience it until that we do not have information because it is morning, but i think that if there were victims, we would have received such information by now, i think that without victims, i hope so, yesterday they also reported that it is more to the political, if yes, the political life of kharkiv oblast, which still continues, let's move on to the fact that the deputy chief of kharkiv ova is leaving. positions, it is about mykhailo harnam, they write that he submitted an application of his own free will, could you tell us more about it, what it might be related to and who will fulfill his duties? last week, there was a report that another deputy appeared at the head of the regional military administration, and i know mykhailo kharlam personally, i know him... he is a person who
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has been in this, well, this movement for a long time i was a deputy under the previous governor, i can't to comment on this fact, because as for what the reason was, what the reason was that he left, but he definitely controlled the head of the regional military administration, he controlled... construction, well, capital construction, including the construction of bomb shelters, restoration works and also works related to the construction of defense structures, i think that the reason that he resigned for his own at his own will is his personal reason, and in time, i think we will know for sure. the reason for which he left,
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so without knowing the information, it is very difficult to comment it is difficult, but i think that it is still connected with the processes that have taken place in the kharkiv region in recent years with the construction of defense structures, buildings and with the construction of bomb shelters and restoration works in the territories, i think time will tell the real reason, and by the way , what is the current situation about these defense structures, are there any more here? new touches to the whole picture, well , the commission, the commission that was created by the head of ova is working and figuring it out, but it’s not entirely clear to me if ava was responsible for this construction and then ova starts investigation, law enforcement agencies are dealing with this issue, comments, comments, referring to the secrecy of the investigation , we do not have special, but the process. this is a process,
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a process and movements, there are movements in this direction, and i want to say that, by the way, at this time , clean, clean structures are being built on the territory of kharkiv oblast, excuse me, defensive structures on the border, practically in many in many districts, work is still going on, commenting, commenting on something like, at what stage of the investigation. at what stage were those statements about wood, about that were bought, firstly, by natural persons who do not have vat, secondly, at an inflated price, and so on, this is all at the level, at the level of the internet, the internet, the internet and telegram channels, and, but i know for sure, that this issue is being dealt with by law enforcement agencies, who will give us
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a fair assessment, and society very much wants the law enforcement agencies to figure it out and provide a fair assessment, because there is a statement there, for example, by kambrig, who said that in the tserkunivsk direction, on lipetsk he did not take a defensive direction buildings, because they were in an improper condition, and he was forced to sign, to take these buildings on the balance, he did not take them on the balance, and this also needs to be dealt with, you know, this is such a painful topic, because it is the life of our soldiers, this, well, this is the life of our people, our boys and... and here, dear, dear, dear , the crime that was committed in this process, if the law enforcement agencies prove it, then you know, it's just life, playing with life, and it's
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easy to do it is impossible, because the most precious thing is the life of our soldiers, ours defenders and they must be in proper conditions with protective structures. their own, and, by the way, the mezh anti-corruption center is quite active in covering the movements in this case, martyna bohuslavets wrote a few days ago that they found out the number of the criminal case, and they will monitor and also urge kharkiv activists, well, if they were to pay attention to this case, and social control is still in this sense in ukraine, we must take control of this issue, because this issue is extremely important. important for society, not only for kharkiv oblast, and for the entire country. well, one more piece of information is not very fun, according to the data, according to the ministry of justice, kharkiv region is among the top three regions with the worst ratio
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of birth and death rates, and now there are few births, many deaths, at 5:1 to 5 now, what to do with it, sir oleksandr, i don’t know how to tell the ukrainians that despite the war, we actually need, we need, that the children have many children, but i see that the occupiers are only on this too, they have everything now, they are hysteria , mothers have to give birth to a terrible force, that is , putin is running there, he is giving out cars, ladoves, all the affairs are there, that traditional family, families with many children, well, it is funny, funny, but in fact it is not funny at all, because they still have him there. .. this is a lot, if anything, they will pick up a little turkmen, a little kyrgyz, a little uzbek, and everything is fine, in principle, the quality of russian slavism will not change from this, but what should we do, yes, what should we do, you have to give birth to children, maybe some city or regional program, i don't i know that motherhood stimulation is for older people, but
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on the other hand, yesterday galina kuts joined us and said that there are a lot of pensioners in the city, and all the young people leave for safer places, this is also probably in the statistics and it is in fact, look, i constantly about... i think, well, for example, we will have a wedding tomorrow at the enterprise that i manage, and there two of our workers are starting a family, you know how it makes me happy that people in such a difficult time, during the war , still find each other and create a family, which means that life goes on and you have to live, look, it is very difficult in these conditions, especially for young people, to plan, er, your future and plan the birth of a child, because we all understand that in kharkiv oblast there is a constant front line, constantly dynamically developing, moving front line, and
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it is impossible to get any guarantees that today you will be safe in your house, so it is very difficult to plan a child, well, how difficult it is to plan, because if in the case when you give birth you will be forced to move around the country or evacuate, if you are alone, it is even more or less, if you still have a small child in your arms, then everyone understands that it is very difficult, this is the first, and the second, there is no, there are no prospects, people understand, well, they do not understand the prospect, but when will the war end or will it end? this year, will we be in this state for a few more years, plus constant problems with electricity, plus the moral and psychological state of the population, well, for example, today we stayed up almost all night because of the explosions, and so wake up in the morning and plan, for example, birth
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children, well, it is very, very difficult, that is why the program, the program is one victory, victory, then, we will all, all from... we will deal with our, our favorite issue for a long time, we will make children, give birth to them and raise the glory of ukraine, so the plan is very simple , we must... be able to and we will engage in childbirth. thank you for this optimism, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr skoryk, a member of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us from kharkiv, and we are already adding kherson. we will ask how the night went there, evgenia virlych, the main one editor of the kherson publication cavuon city, contact us. evgenia, good morning, glory to ukraine. hero, glory, goodness, tell me how indomitable kherson survived the night? well, the day before. dinner in kyiv was like at home, so it was actually very loud, but
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a little different, because in heson, in general, on the right bank, there are simply an incredible number of russian uav reconnaissance drones, why are they not shot down, then the question is not military, i cannot say, i'll just say this fact, but it's incredible, it's incredible it's like, what does it look like, huh? m, you can walk down the street and hear the throne above you, the hum of the throne, and there will be no alarm, because the alarm is a mechanism that does not always catch drones, sometimes it catches, sometimes it doesn't, if we say about the bereslav district, the one that is closer to the front line, then it could be the buzzing of several drones, that is , the situation is like this, you just go by yourself... or it's just been quite difficult to go there for two years, yes, you you move, let's say,
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because just walking down the street is almost impossible it is impossible, neither in a dream nor in principle, in that area, which is close to the front line, you are moving, a drone may fly above you, the closer to the front line, the more there may be a cluster of two or three drones, for example, just above you, what is moving, what does it look like too, what does it mean? in kherson there is almost no concept of walking, ugh, that is , you only have to go somewhere on business, constantly understanding that there will be shelling both during the alarm, and before it, after it, if, for example, yesterday in kyiv we heard an alarm, we understand that the danger, the anxiety is over, the danger is over, there is no such thing in kherson, in the beryslav district, so you can not just go somewhere, you clearly understand. where you need, because before that, well, for example, i have this habit, my
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friends, we often warn each other where we are going, well, so that in case we understand what happened, where the explosion was and who at that moment he could have been there, who needed to be helped, or at least found out what happened to the person, that's why we haven't been able to walk for two years, first the occupation, then shelling, moving, somewhere like that, and it happens that shelling. it starts during such a movement along the route, yes, absolutely, well , recently, i already said something, i think a week ago, a drone hit a public transport bus, thank god, everyone is alive there, but people were just traveling by bus, the drone hit, may hit some components, damage the bus, it once happened and repeatedly that drones, explosives from drones hit... humanitarian aid buses, it is very difficult with this, because after all, the roads and
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in principle, the roads in the communities are not so busy, and there it is very easy for the russians to see what is happening from drones and, accordingly, to hit vehicles. thank you, mrs. yevgenia, for always up-to-date operational information from the kherson region and kherson, yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the cavon city publication, was in touch with us. we talked about the operational situation, a short pause, but stay, because further on we have kupyansk and mariupol, we will learn about what is happening in these cities, do not switch. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to do it to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a savory pro set, unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little. places, and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five pans from
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chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation, there are discounts until the day independence on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. see this week in the collaborators program. family betrayal, how a family from kherson sold themselves for positions. our act, a meaningful act, is absolutely decisive. but who among... ukrainian bloggers became a fake minister of culture. russia, ukraine, belarus are all our common great homeland. on tuesday, august 6, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. as promised, we continue our broadcast with the inclusion of andriy besidyn from kupyansk,
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the head of the kupyan city military administration will be there soon. contact us. let's talk with him about the situation in the city, which is undeniably difficult, and what's more, such a very symbolic step was taken in the kupyansk battleship of one of the 114th brigades, they raised the olympic flag in order to express their support to our athletes, the olympians, and to convey it there to them such a greeting, and of course to draw attention to the war in ukraine, mr. andriy, andriy besidi is already with us. head of kupinska mba, contact us. good morning, glory to ukraine. good morning, glory to the heroes. she was just talking about how you and a soldier of the 114th brigade raised the olympic flag in kupyansk. how such an idea appeared in general, and
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er, how it happened, the actual rise, whether you have already read the comments, i do not know. from abroad regarding the support of ukraine and drawing attention to the situation there, drawing attention to the situation in kup'insk? well, i want to note that in fact in a month it will be two years since the city of kupyansk was deoccupied, we are on the front line, constant shelling, constant destruction, the enemy is trying to destroy the city, destroy everything living in the city. now france, the olympic games, the whole civilized world is competing for sports achievements, for sports results, unfortunately, our country is competing for survival, competing for its independence, competing for sovereignty, and each of us, especially our soldiers, boys and girls who on the front lines of every second they give their lives for a free, independent
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ukraine, we wanted the whole world to see, the whole world to hear. about the fact that, despite the fact that it is kupyansk, it is kharkiv, kyiv, rivne, chop, or france, our olympians, we are one the state, we are a single country, we are an indomitable people, and we will definitely win, not only in sports competitions, but also the country of the terrorist and all this evil that came to us on our land. what is the general situation in kupinsk now? i... now i went to one of the city's websites and i see that there is a recruitment of people there, for example, for a vocational school of students, someone is looking for a repairman for refrigerators, and how much is 6 kilos to the front? yes, 6 km, but the city lives, the city works, thanks to those people who are in the city, you know, for us
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the most important goal, the most important goal, so that our boys and girls who are at ground zero, who give their lives, they come to the city and they understand why they are doing it, they understand that despite the distance, everything must work, everything must provides give an opportunity and first of all to them to rest, to gain strength and to those people who remain in kupinsk, although we emphasize that it is very dangerous at the moment and it is necessary to evacuate, but they remain and they are provided, provided with everything necessary, route transport that runs within the community, there is a connection with the regional center and rail, road and bus, and there are shops, atms, ukrainian post office, pharmacies, educational institutions at a time during the holidays, but they will start their work, we plan to open a kindergarten online, this is the first the school year, when our children, of course
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, will be online, but will go to kindergarten, will work with teachers, and there are many different plans ahead, the most important thing is, you know, to drive out the enemy of our territory, to make the city free, so that the city is not shelled and we... will be together with everyone our friends, partners, the civilized world to recover. by the way, i wanted to ask about this yesterday, i read about such a wonderful and incredible initiative as the kupyan drone, we would like you to tell our viewers a little more. if i understand correctly, this is a platform on the website of the kupyan community, where you can either donate money for drones for our defenders, or even collect. learn and collect them yourself, right? in fact , literally a minute, yes indeed, but the most important thing is to assemble drones, these are engineers, who collect drones, the entire algorithm
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is made for them, training, a logistician who will help in any difficult situation there, in fact, 126 drones have already been handed over to our guys, 236 engineers are currently registered who collect these drones, this is a social platform designed to help our forces or. drones, how to collect the most drones and our slogan cover our sky. well, thank you very much for this story, mr. andriy, for finding the opportunity and time to participate in our telethon, andriy besedin, head of the kupin city military administration, a front-line city that had already been under occupation, and the front is still close. yes, there will be news soon, but before that, let's watch the program from our colleagues, legal expertise, stay with the express. we will come back after the information release. aktum bar association. action
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for results. who benefits, the state or the corrupt? congratulations, yaana javamelnik. this is a legal examination program. so, on july 18 , the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a draft law in the first reading, which... provides for the possibility for those suspected of corruption to go to agreement with the investigation, but why exactly this document made so much noise in society, what are these corruption schemes and corruption crimes, we will talk about all this today in the program, and oksana dogoter, a lawyer of the legal association, is next to me. ms. oksano, ukrainians learn about and watch such odious things almost every day. these schemes, but why exactly this document caused such a wave of indignation, what is wrong with it, can a suspect of corruption really pay off in a trivial way? i believe,
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that gallas did such a thing around this draft law because the majority of our society, if it were the overwhelming majority, yes, believes that corrupt officials , thanks to the specified draft law and the specified norms, will have the opportunity... to avoid responsibility for the crime of corruption committed , although this draft law is fundamentally different and contains completely different, let's say, pursue a completely different goal, that is, this draft law provides for a fine as an additional measure of punishment, i.e. along with the main measure existing today an additional punishment is determined, which will be imposed only if the person cooperates with the investigation, admits his guilt, accordingly, a plea agreement is concluded and additional punishment in the form of a fine is determined, i would like to emphasize that these are quite large
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amounts of funds, i think, everyone... our viewer can review, there are hundreds of thousands of hryvnias at stake, at the expense of which we can, well, if we were to replenish the budget of ukraine as well, and i would like to emphasize that, as of today, the norms of the current the legislation provides for an additional sanction, such as the main punishment and an additional sanction in the form of confiscation of property, but when a corrupt person, for example, does not have an online presence, it turns out that it is cheaper and more profitable to just sit out without decoding anything from the state. and also the specified draft law, it is, let's say, somewhat dictated by our partners, it is our step towards the european union, because it is necessary to fight corruption. tell us about your experience in such cases? well, first of all, i would like to emphasize that the crime of corruption - it is always a crime related to receiving an unlawful benefit, it is not always in monetary equivalent, it can be in
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kind, the person i... has powerful , discretionary powers, and, for personal enrichment, in our bar association a large number of the specified cases, and our lawyers cooperate in this category of cases step by step in order to avoid any violations of our client's rights, and also monitor compliance with the specified rights and norms and rules of the pretrial settlement body. both by investigators and prosecutors. basic in these cases, the view is always on, so to speak, nsrd material, that is, secret investigative investigative actions, classified, which must then be declassified in the appropriate order, and in this category of actions there are always a number of violations that should be paid attention to, and our lawyers including drawing attention, i will say this, the imperfect work of the investigation sometimes leads to the fact that
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persons... may be acquitted by a court verdict, tell me if i understand correctly, if a person could receive a bribe and it was not properly recorded, then such a person can a lawyer not help? no, if the right lawyer always directs his work to comply with the law, i.e. none of the lawyers is a recluse or some kind of scapegoat, we are all equal... participants in criminal offenses, me, the prosecutor, the investigator, and the person who is even a suspect or an accused person, and our actions are aimed at achieving the truth in criminal proceedings, but really, if the investigator makes, let's say, such a gross mistake regarding the collection of evidence, then improper and inadmissible evidence is a reason for the court to did not accept it, and indeed as a cause-and-effect relationship may be the verdict
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of the court. an innocent person, but this is no longer about even, let's say, the capabilities of a lawyer, but about the excellence of the work of investigative bodies, we simply note these facts and emphasize, thank you, lawyer of the legal association oksana dogoter, see the next editions of the legal examination program, ahead there is still a lot of useful information, the aktum bar association acts for the result. news time on espressu tv channel.
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kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. around one o'clock hours of the night, the occupiers attacked the village of tsirkuny in the suburbs of kharkiv. a fire broke out in a damaged residential building there. oleg senigubov, the head of the regional military administration, informed about this. previously , there were no casualties. also at night , around 11 p.m., russian troops launched a rocket attack on kyiv and its suburbs. the enemy aimed ballistic missiles of the iskander-m or kn-23 type. this was reported by the head of the kyiv city military administration. serhii popko. in the capital and on the outskirts of the city, the air defense forces worked. enemy missiles were destroyed, no damage was recorded. there was no information about the victims. after the first night in kyiv and the region, the alarm was declared. two women were injured due to enemy attacks in the vasylkiv district of the zaporizhia region. in total, during the day, the occupiers inflicted almost half a thousand blows on...


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