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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and tune in to the verdict with serhiy
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rudenko from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. well, the tv channel is broadcasting an informational marathon and lesya vakulyuk and marta oliyarnyk are working for you live, now we will have the opportunity to talk with kyryll duchko, staff sergeant of the communications service with by the public on the 13th. charter of the national guard of ukraine. mr. kyrylo should be in touch with us already. we will find out what the current situation is in the kharkiv direction. congratulations, and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations colleagues. regarding the situation and in principle the situation in the kharkiv direction, and in particular in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, the situation is difficult, but stable, the soldiers of the brigade are in control. have occupied lines and in
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principle do not allow the enemy to enter the settlement of lybtsi, which is strategic for them. and tell me, please, was there information from the representative of otu kharkiv, vitaly sarantsev , that the occupiers are now pretending to be your the direction of units from the luhansk region and throw recruited foreign students and workers. do you know anything about rolling more manpower in general? if you have the number, how much manpower is the enemy currently concentrating in your direction? i cannot answer in terms of numbers, but we really see the accumulation of the enemy, that is, the enemy still does not abandon the hope of occupying and reaching the borders of the settlement of liptsi and the outskirts of liptsi, because for them it is strategically important, since in the 22nd year... . the territory was
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occupied, and they used barrel artillery to get to saltivka and, in principle, the ring road, that is, to the city of kharkiv itself, that is , there is an accumulation, we are watching it, we are ready to give any repulse to the enemy, despite the superiority in numbers. and tell me, please, i just want an addition to this question, and is there anything known about students, foreigners and wage earners, maybe one of them surrendered as a prisoner, or you had the opportunity to take someone as a prisoner, and is this information really confirmed? by the fact that you directly see these people there on it place? in the area of ​​our responsibility, such cases did not occur, that is, i cannot say that we have such a fact, in adjacent units it is possible, but i cannot comment with a hundred percent guarantee. you said that your unit would fight back, despite the enemy's advantages. what are their
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advantages actually in the kharkiv direction, what is lacking in our military, if it is possible to announce it on our airwaves, please tell me, for today, a levy was declared for the brigade, the largest levy in the history of the brigade, this 40 million, it is called, the army is leaving the eastern borders, and currently there is not enough drones, because if the air is ours, accordingly , we will be able to advance on the ground. well, there are also not enough rebs, rebs help and save the lives of our soldiers, well, in principle, everything, so support the army, donate, one or two hryvnias, they will already help us destroy the enemy and drive him beyond the borders of ukraine. you say that slaves support and save lives, in what way, how does it happen, means of electronic warfare, they... are of different types,
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multi-channel, and thanks to the guys, our fighters can get from point to point b, pick-up bc, rotation, and in principle. provision and protection of our soldiers from fividrons, skids, that is, they, i understand correctly, if i use such simple language, mr. kirill, to explain to those people who, uh, well , they seem to know what war is, but do not know it in detail , they confuse enemy drones, er, they, er, here, for example, in simple human language, a drone flies, a pickup truck with a reb goes, the drone loses control. the pick-up truck in which our fighters are driving doesn't get it anymore, simply loses control and falls somewhere, that is, the russian pilot who is driving this drone, he no longer sees the image of himself on the remote control, i understood, thank you for the explanation, mr.
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kirill, i also wanted to clarify with you about what the enemy now has technology, we understand that the war is actually now technological and it is important, so not only... the number of enemy manpower there, yes, but also what equipment and what technical means he can use, how much he is improving, because , unfortunately, we understand that the enemy is far from stupid and stupid, and he is watching what we are doing and trying to get ahead of us, and this is a constant battle of those modern technologies, how much you now estimate the enemy has advanced in this aspect and how much larger these dimensions are. how he can implement it, well, at the moment i want to say that from the point of view of technology, we prevail, that is, if they have quantitatively, they make these drones in large quantities, they also produce them in schools and
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there are already whole enterprises that produce these drones , then in our case we take technologically, well, and please tell me, what if we are talking about reconnaissance drones of the eagle type? and so on, is the enemy currently using them very heavily and do we currently have any countermeasures against these types of drones? now, if you take the statistics from the repeated offensive from may to today, there is a decrease, but drones, arons, halls, superkams, they are constantly present in the air, that is, these drones first conduct reconnaissance of logistical routes, the positions themselves. and in the same way they adjust the fire, that is, their presence is there, some kind of counteraction, well, there is counteraction, but i can’t say in general which one exactly. we understand you and will not insist on this, i also wanted you and i to return a little to
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the location itself, as far as we understand, you are actually in the direction of lyptsi and they said that the enemy has a strategic goal to advance there now, so that... it is from there that he will reach the regional center with artillery, and you can explain to our viewers what the terrain of this area is, whether there are any favorable positions for the enemy to advance, or on the contrary the terrain allows now for our military to get a foothold there and yes, you know, it is good to hold this defense, well , i still want to say, keep the defense like this, the fighters of the brigade and, in principle, the defense force, they hold behind... the lines and the enemy does not, well, he tries with small infantry groups pass, but all this is unsuccessful for him , that is, there is fire suppression and the enemy retreats to their positions with losses, they are poor, if, as you say in simple human language, this is a hill from which you can see a conditional
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ring road, that is, from this hill you can to get large-caliber weapons, a tell me... please, i also wanted to clarify with you about the kabs, whether the enemy is now actively using them in your direction, in particular? to remain so is a very, very problematic issue, because if we compare with the period of may and today, it has decreased a little, but not much, that is , today, for today, the figure has been released. of guided aerial bombs in a hundred in the zone of our responsibility, more than 800 pieces, i.e. 800 kabs, the russians released in the zone of our responsibility. mr. kirill, thank you for joining our etr, kirill duchko, the staff sergeant
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of the public relations service of the 13th brigade of the national guard of ukraine charter from the kharkiv direction, reached out to us, dear friends, i hope you heard the words of mr. kirill about what ours lacks. the military, regardless of which brigade it is, they lack drones and rap systems, because this is what helps them resist the enemy, rap systems, this is what helps save the lives of our military, because... they affect enemy drones, confuse them , and they can't fire on our military, so please join our build for now the results during our broadcast with marta are bad, dear friends, only uah 100 was added, now for your convenience the qr code is on your screens, and i hope that there will still be more donations, more viewers are watching us and i think... that if one of our viewers refuses coffee today, then he
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will not die without this coffee, and moreover, he will prolong his life, which coffee shortens, and in addition to prolonging his own life, he will prolong the life of our defenders, who are now defending us, we for three brigades, we simultaneously collect 110, 47, the third, separate assault brigade, later, by the way, we will talk with the head of the medical service of the third brigade, the third assault brigade, a separate assault brigade about the fact that... the medivac was burned, and you see, there will be even more needs, therefore, that is why we need to be a little more active, dear friends, scan or take a picture for yourself, so that later someone will help you with that qr code to give you advice, we, especially our defenders, will be very grateful to you, we are going for a short break, then we will return and continue the conversation with the medical staff of the third separate assault brigade, stay with us when you sleep on uneven ground surface, the spine takes the wrong
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name is mykola veresin, sharp delivery facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18.15 for espresso. dear friends, we are back, and actually, i thank those who respond, because you know, for the first ones, how long is half an hour? not a thousand hryvnias were added to our collection, here i announced another one thousand, and i see that after all, the viewer of the tv channel is a responsible viewer, now you can see the qr code, and i will remind you that at the same time we are collecting drones for three brigades, for 110, for 47 and also for a third separate assault brigade, we are collecting for
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these guys , let's listen to them. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who are defending our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpola and komikatsi drones, very pro we ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, this is the appeal to you, our dear friends from brothers of viktoria kovach, the head of the medical service of the third separate assault brigade, which we are adding to our broadcast, we are adding it on a not very pleasant occasion, because last week the third separate assault brigade had a medevac, a huge bead, which was burned to the ground, mrs. victoria, what do you think , how much, you can guess, you
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know exactly how much money not only for the car itself, but also for how it was equipped and time must be spent so that this car can once again help evacuate the wounded from the battlefield. and congratulations, gentlemen, it is difficult to calculate the total cost of the car, the total cost of the city in it, because the amount of equipment is never equal to the amount that carried out this equipment in its activity, in saving life, because life is priceless in our country, and metal and technology, of course, it can be evaluated according to its cost, we can speak in simple terms, it was a rianimobile that transported the heaviest wounded, and therefore you perfectly understand how a four-wheel drive vehicle costs today and all the equipment that
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is in it is also far from the cheapest of those that can be in evakas, medical evakas in the army now. if we understand correctly, the car was in kiev for repair, which needed restoration, because the car also needs some kind of technical inspection and so on, and especially if this car drives on such off-road roads, and well, it works at 200% there ourselves, then we understand that this one the car is constantly in need of some kind of repair, and actually we understand that this was precisely the moment when the car was brought to kyiv to be repaired and sent back to perform. these tasks that were entrusted to her? yes, that's right, the car was delivered the night before the arson, the car unfortunately didn't make it to its final destination, so it was left at a stop which was guarded and which had, which had video surveillance, and so it expected that that in the morning she had to be
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evacuated to the point of repair, but unfortunately in the morning we saw it completely. another picture, the picture looked the same as you have now on the screen, it was a burnt car, completely destroyed with the whole city, and only the metal frame was left, do you already have any information about who needed to set this car on fire, who could it be the customer? no, unfortunately, we do not have such information regarding the customers and persons who carried it out, we expect information from law enforcement agencies, but we are very... closely and actively monitoring what is happening in ukraine in general, therefore that, as you can see, this is not the first case of arson, and this is not the first region in which military vehicles are set on fire. ms. victoria, how long have you been at war? from the first day of the full-scale invasion, this is already the second, if it is about me personally, then from the first day
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of the full-scale invasion, and if about the machine, then it is also from march 2022. yes, yes. on the first day of the full-scale invasion, why do you think the attitude of ukrainians changed, who thanked our armed forces, believe in the armed forces, support the armed forces, donate to the armed forces, and all this now in the third year of a full-scale invasion , it has changed so that now the medak are being set on fire, i have no explanation, because the question of setting fire to the medivac is... the question of somehow indirectly affecting the lives and health of their fellow citizens who are injured on the battlefield , by setting fire to a medivac, you are trying to kill those who are fighting for...our independence and for our freedom, to me, in my head, there is no understanding of what the motivation and what the purpose of a person who does such a thing could be. mrs.
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victoria, you said that you are from on the first day of the full-scale invasion, and this car performed its tasks on the front line in almost the same way, this is my understanding, we can talk about thousands of saved lives and how many lives can our combat medics not save now? because of the fact that they're going to miss that car, yes, of course, the question of thousands, i can't estimate because we, uh, we don't count how much the car takes away, and the car is not one single element that saves lives, it's just a component that helps medics, from the evacuation crew on time and as much as possible it's safe to get the wounded to the next stage of evacuation, but you're absolutely right, it's retarding. the work process, because it stimulates us to look for a new car of the appropriate class and not only the car itself, but also directly the equipment that is necessary to provide it. mrs.
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victoria, i would also like to ask you in general, as a person who is competent in this aspect, who can explain to our viewers, in general, what the current situation is with what is needed for evacuation, to save the lives of our military, with which... with problems most often encountered, maybe it is the logistical base, or maybe it is something else altogether, what are the needs of our combat medics and how can we ukrainians help you? the key need is armored medical transport, this is the first stage of evacuation, because if we don't have every stage secured, we can have absolute geniuses at the stage of stabilization points, absolutely geniuses at the stage of military hospitals and... but if a fighter is not delivered there in a state that is capable of further work with the wound, we are not will not be able to do anything to return
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the soldier to the formation or to return him to normal social life, so the question here is in the initial stage of evacuation, it is in armored sanitary equipment, with which there is an extreme shortage in general in the army, this applies not only to our brigade, but it also applies to the armed forces of ukraine in general, this is the first moment, and the second... moment is really a problem with evacuation transport, i think that all ukrainians see frequent fundraising for the purchase of medical evacuees, this is the reason that most of the transport we receive is transport from abroad or transport that has been used for a period here and is not as healthy and suitable for use in the conditions that it is in, breaks down more quickly, spoils more quickly and of course loses at the expense of hostilities, that is , transport is also a consumable, and this must be understood, it is the same as a dressing, it just lives sometimes a little longer than the dressing material. and
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tell me, please, and if we are talking about provision, how much is the current part of of what is needed falls on the shoulders of volunteers, and how much percentage is approximately provided by the state now, if we estimate the contribution of volunteer provision and the contribution of the state? if we talk about sanitary transport, then i can talk about my military unit, all sanitary transport - these were evacs provided by volunteers, or citizens of ukraine, who organized themselves and helped us from the very first days of the war. and the armored sanitary equipment was , of course, provided by the state. mrs. victoria, this wave caught fire, because unfortunately the medivac of the third separate assault brigade is not the only vehicle that is supported. they say, they note that mostly these arson attacks are carried out by teenagers, people who were already born after the independence of ukraine, i apologize for such
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a personal question, how old are you? 30, 30, you are a little younger than our country, you were born after independence, but half a life ago you were a teenager, please tell me if... it would be the case that someone could tempt you as a teenager with some money, or some, i don't know, gadgets or, well, any way to get you to do something, whatever harmed your country, because setting fire to a medivac is not only a harm, it is a harm to the country, because it takes lives. considering the fact that i am in the army voluntarily, surely no means would convince me to harm my own. and why do you think this happens to those teenagers who still agree to set fire to cars, point rockets,
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even though they are younger than you, they were born in this, you know, not that country, which is just getting back on its feet, not in the 90s, but they were born already in a country that was clearly it is clear that it is important to have a ukrainian language, it was already clearly understood that there are already laws, there is already a constitution, there is no such discussion about what ukraine is, maybe it should be returned to sovkavse ? i don't know how they deal with those who are caught as arsons, but it seems to me that there is a need to talk to those people about what exactly is the motivation for their arsons, apart from the money they receive, because i do not believe that money is the only motivation, it is impossible for a teenager to have the only one the motivation was money, and then we'll probably understand why they're doing it, i for
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me... it's just not a completely incomprehensible thing in the third year of a full-scale war and far from the first year of a war against an enemy who invaded our territory, so how can a teenager want to set fire to the car of his country's army, i'm not sure i don't have an answer to this question, but why did you young woman go to the army on the first day of a full-scale invasion and still remain there... and save lives, because this is my country and i am in it i am going to continue to live, i am not an emigrant, i am not going to leave anywhere from here, i need to build my country in the way i want to see it, and to shift the responsibility to someone else is a little wrong, mrs. victoria, let me give it another go, i wanted i have another question to ask you, and it’s not too bad either, it’s probably such a nice
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question, but... well, in these 2.5 years, you most likely lost some of your friends, loved ones, brothers and sisters, don’t be angry those people who now live in the rear and not just, well, those who set fire to them, that's all it is clear, for example, people who are now removed from the war and say in general that it is not their war, and let others fight there, but i will wait for a while, but when you face... death with death, when you yourself always putting your life at risk, how do you react, does this, you know, attitude of indifference to this war affect you? indifference always affects, because the presence of a position is at least an understanding that a person has formed his opinion, indifference will
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affect, but from a point of view. medicine - this sick people who do not understand and do not realize the complexity of the situation in which their country is. that's all. ms. victoria, thank you for what you are doing, thank you for voicing your thoughts. thanks to the third separate assault brigade. i hope that our viewers will listen now and in this way thank ms. victoria's brothers and sisters, because we are collecting for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th. on repsystems and on drones, dear friends, so use the qr code, it is still on the screen and will be, because we continue our marathon yes, we will continue with lesya, but literally in a few moments, after the news, i will now hand over the floor to our colleague, anna eva melnyk, who with the news editor has already managed to prepare for you and me the issue of the most important as of this moment. anna eve, i pass the word to you and please share with us what happened.
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you will find out, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will work later, we will tell you about the main things for this hour, in particular , whether ukrainians should expect electronic summons in reserve plus or actions, all the details are below, stay with us, i will start with important information. a series of explosions rang out in sumy oblast. it was reported in ova. an air alert continues in the region. the air force warns of the danger of using guided aerial bombs. so, please stay in safe places until the break. the russians dropped explosives from a drone on kherson. two women were injured.


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