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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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to start with hungary, because this news that hungary is going to open its borders to russians and belarusians does not leave me, and in fact it does not leave me alone, but also european politicians , who have already started talking about the possibility of excluding hungary from the schengen zone, this is a serious statement, yes, for now it is just a statement, some concrete there are no steps in the... direction, but do you think these statements can become a reality for hungary? i think that theoretically they can become a reality, but as we said in the previous broadcast, actually, that this is a difficult step for the european union, because, let's say, it will still require unity among the members, and for example, hungary may have someone who will be against this position, for example, slovakia, or someone else whom we do not know now... and therefore this step
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may not be implemented, but as i understand it, the easiest way would be to introduce some additional border control with hungary, and these statements are also being heard, for many countries it will be easy to do, because they already protect their borders and carry out additional checks within the eu, now, for example, mobile groups of frontex travel on the borders of the eu, which... which carry out such an additional, well, partial check, they can, for example, continue such a check with these mobile groups, or they can simply introduce a regular cor cordon, and well, this will also require a little time, but this too step, if there is no support from other members, or all members are not unanimous in this matter, then they can go this way. what is happening with hungary seems not to be something so strange and extraordinary for us, but nevertheless... these simplified
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visa rules for russians and belarusians, then the fact that luk coyle works quietly in hungary, then the fact that hungary, it turns out, warned israel that iran would attack israel . putin's influence. i think it's not only a question of putin's influence, it's a question of hungary trying to become a player, and it has the opportunity, being the eu presidency, and actually, i think it's trying to make the most of it, of this, of this situation , from now on, as long as she is presiding over the eu, so that she can influence decisions and not only influence decisions, but like, play a bigger role, that's... once, secondly, it's
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also if she's going to play a bigger role , it can also influence decisions positive for itself within the eu, and the third, of course, is that a question of ordinary economic interests, because on... for example, hungary wants cheap energy resources that russia can give them, because this will again affect the prices in the country, or the economic situation, and this in its turn will contribute to the support of the population, the actual political force, so it is more of such personal interests plus the desire to be a player on the international arena. heard, thank you, let's move on to discussing the tour of our minister of foreign affairs... kuleba to africans, to african countries, he was supposed to meet with by president lazarus chakvera, but it is also known that there is also not very good news for us, mali broke off diplomatic
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relations with ukraine, against the background of the fact that the tauregs decided to hand over the wagnerites to ukraine, well, in short, such a diplomatic combination that needs to be dismantled is very difficult , excuse me for the slang. what to expect from this visit of coleba? i think this visit will be positive, at least it can be done from the statements made by kuleba himself after the first visit, that the support of african countries to ukraine will be better. i would i also wanted to mention here why this visit is important in general. kuleba is currently visiting three countries that are members of the african union. the african union is such an influential organization in africa, and it is even a member of the g20, the g20, it has its own representation there, and this organization has quite an influence on the situation in africa, often it also engages in peacekeeping activities , as well as africa, we
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know, it is quite connected with russia, and it can also influence the situation in ukraine, that is, the resolution of the war in ukraine, because africa, it depends on agricultural products, ukraine is an exporter of agricultural products to these countries, in general to africa, and therefore it is beneficial for africa that the war in ukraine ends, so that agricultural products go there more easily and it was more accessible, cheaper for them, so that is, this issue is beneficial for africa, on the one hand, we have peace, and on the other hand, this is an issue for us, because if african countries... will be interested in solving the war in ukraine, and in principle ukraine will be able to deliver position, as she sees it, they can also influence that pressure on putin to stop his war of aggression in ukraine. when we talk about malia, she is also a member of this
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african union, and here we can see that against the background of positive news that in principle the start of the tour is good enough, that is, the first country. expressed support for ukraine, then we see that one member of the same african union makes such a serious statement about disrupting diplomatic relations, and this is very negatively, because it will affect the members of this african union and also the support of ukraine. and how are the moods in african countries in general now, because we know that they were still under the influence of russian propaganda. the russian voice can be heard quite loudly there, or has this situation already turned in favor of ukraine? no, in fact, these countries still remain, that is, there are countries that we manage to change a little, to change the situation, to improve the attitude towards
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ukraine, but in general it is africa, because it was a colonial country, and they for quite a long time, they were not very, let's say, sought after. slightly to the west, they have a negative attitude towards the west, and russia took advantage of this situation, and it, let's say, kind of helps these countries, kind of tries to be such a partner, and this story goes back to the times of the soviet union, when russia is very strong , not russia, but the soviet union increased its influence there, sending various aid, various employees who could help develop these countries, and therefore the situation is such that it is very difficult for us these countries, somehow tilt to their side, but there are developing countries in africa that are economically strong enough, for example, even koleba expects that, for example, mavrykiy will generally participate in the reconstruction of ukraine, that is, they will invest in ukraine and will rebuild, respectively, most likely these
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countries, which are richer, which are more developed, they will of course be more favorable to ukraine and are more favorable, i also think that if we strengthen cooperation with africa, what is being done now? actually, our minister is me i think that this will only increase the number of countries that will support ukraine, why, because we have a similar history with these countries, they also experienced the moment when they were resource-rich countries, but they were used and even now, russia is using, and ukraine is also a country that has been oppressed by its neighbors for a long time, especially russia, so we have such a somewhat similar history, and we can actually also use this moment to sway these countries to our benefit, plus we can help them have enough cheap product. in its market, which means that the population will support the government that exists in the country, that is, we can
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be mutually beneficial to each other. thank you for the explanation, mariya galitiy, an expert on international relations, was on our live broadcast, we thank her and remind you, our viewers, about the collection, this square appears in the corner. lesya, i know that you follow the amount of transferred funds, how much did you share, some kind of trouble, some kind of today, i don’t know, 4 hryvnias, dear friends, that’s all we managed so far collect, and we are already on the air, one and a half hours, we will still be on the air until 5:30 p.m. in a few minutes, or rather, i will tell later, and i hope that a little will be added to our collection, let's show our viewers once again, the qr code is large , if they don't see that little one in the corner, so that it's more convenient for them to scan, dear friends, three ... reptiles need our help with you 110, 47 and a third separate assault, we
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are collecting, look at the screen now and read and see photos, we collect on drones and on rap systems, why is it our army, well if anyone still, as of now the third summer of the war, does not know why, then we will repeat, remind, drones help our military to detect enemy positions by... bring them gifts, rep systems confuse enemy drones and save the lives of our military, so join us, please, there is only a qr code, these are the realities of this collection, i wanted, you know, yesterday we collected 43, i thought, my god, what a good pace, we collected 43, multiply by seven, and by the end of the week it would be plus 301 sia, and this is already more than 250 00, as it was on average in our country the previous two weeks. but you see, somehow somehow i was too optimistic, or
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after all, our viewers will do everything possible to convince me of the opposite and will not disappoint, and we will have no worse results today than yesterday, dear friends, join us, scan the qr -code, we 'll be back, we're going to take a short break now and continue, and the qr code will also be there in that corner near the mother, stay with us. there are discounts until independence day on troxevazin of 15% in psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. tired from the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a pile of pans to find the right one. you need the savori pro kit. unpack tv. savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little space. and the price is only from uah 999. set sejory pro - c5. pots from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion, use them on the stove and even in
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independence day on magne b6. 10% in pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings vasyl's big air of winter 2 hours of air time 2 hours of your time 2 hours to learn about the war and how the world lives for two hours to keep abreast of economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect
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our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. as legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we are coming back, dear friends, and mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine, appears on your and our screens, sir. nikita, good day. good day, nice to see you. mr. nikita, you have such a forced vacation, what do you do during this time? i don't know who's on vacation, i know exactly who the first to launch this one, i apologize for the lie, it was just in front of my eyes. well, whoever started it, maybe he's on vacation somewhere.
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i, like most of my colleagues, do not have a free moment, we are working, and... i think that the topic that we are meeting with you about now is just evidence that we continue to work, we are working on various bills, in primarily over those related to the protection of ukraine's national security in various spheres. well, let's start with what was announced by telegram, the parliamentarians are currently working over the bill that should regulate this social network and not only it, how is the work on this bill now, is there a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, and a vision of what this law could look like when it gets to the session hall? well, we are determined to hold a committee, literally yesterday and the day before yesterday i spoke with mykola knyazhytskyi, who is the author of today's basic text, we
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exchanged opinions, that is, regarding further steps, well, it is obvious that a committee should be held. so i told mykola leonidovych honestly, well, in the sense that this is not the first time that we are talking like this, it’s just that we are talking about such specific things, now that i think that we need to, well, either follow the path of justifying his text, or well, withdraw it, well, there are different ones, this it is not necessary that he should withdraw and then transfer, these are our purely regulatory processes, they are not how to say? they are not about the content, they are just about the passage, but, well , because i believe that already when mykola knyazhevsky was writing his text, the situation was the same, it became worse, it intensified, we need much tougher steps to protect our information space, because this is not
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an information-psychological operation, it is no longer an information war, it is simply about... direct subversive sabotage operations carried out with the help of first of all one particular network, this is telegram. so, i want to draw the attention of all the viewers that when you see the news that a saboteur was detained there, a spy was detained there, those who set fire to military vehicles were detained there, some other hell detained, opened there. so it's all connected to the telegram, it is in the telegram that recruitment takes place, in the telegram the coordination of enemy actions takes place, not ipso. again, i want all of them to hear it as it is, when we sit in telegram, we support a network that works for our defeat, not psychological,
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for psychological, first of all, it is clear, it is and was created, it came here like that, but these are no longer toys, it is not about the fact that it is convenient, that is, the service, it is about the fact that this thing kills us physically. that's what it's about this, mr. myky, is about intelligence networks that organize specific military operations against ukraine every day, every day, and it all sits there, and nothing happens there, moreover, the leadership of this network absolutely openly declares that it will not happen nothing happens, that this is our policy, that we have everything that absolutely means who wants to do what. he will do it, with the exception of those cases, of course, when the fsb is dissatisfied with something, then they quickly jump up and carry out all the instructions from the top. sir
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mykyto, will ukraine be able to ban telegram when there is a telegram channel of volodymyr zelenskyi as the president of ukraine, a telegram channel of all our departments, and there are also, for example, a... channels that often drop information that is very useful office of the president, we know that there are anonymous telegram channels that connect to the office of the president, before the ban in 17th year , the vkontakte network also had a lot of all kinds of official representative offices, it does not mean anything, they wanted, they banned, telegram can be turned off for one day, in order to, or by decision... national security council or by law, if a law has to be adopted. i believe that in fact the law is necessary, because no, telegram is the only one, there are
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other unmoderated networks in which, too , to hell with operations against ukraine, anti-ukrainian, including international ones, you also have to be tough with them, and not it's just, you know, you get spat in the face, we get spat in the face, we rub it in and act like nothing's happening, so it doesn't matter who's there and how much representation, whose, it's right, they're there, because when that's all it started when i didn't realize it, in particular, i'm not saying that i'm a saint and that i 've been talking about it from the very beginning, now i 'm aware of the danger, and then it seemed like a normal policy, but if citizens use it, then it's a custom. will ensure the presence of government bodies, various, all of them, so that people can get information there, but the problem is, the problem is that for each verified account,
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it is not about anonymous channels, the fact is that for one account of the president's office there are today is 100, conditionally saying, in the sense that there may be more of them, accounts that masquerade as official information and spread fakes. are engaged in subversive activities, and now we can already see, on the example of political campaigns in the west, that we are already covered by a tsunami of deep fakes, and i warned my colleagues that when, when, we have all our heads of state on the same day, it is possible , that i, too, in the sense that people's deputies, both from the government and from the opposition, will start to tell in telegram, as well as you... unmoderated networks that the front is breached, everyone run to the western border, everyone save yourselves and so on and so forth, it will be our
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faces, it will be our voices, only there will not be a word of truth, it will not be us, it will be people , who read the text somewhere on lubyanka, again, or it doesn't matter where, this is what will happen, and the prospect of it, it is not tomorrow, it is today, relatively speaking, and why is there no solution, a nuclear nuclear war, to which there is conditionally a minute, yes, that's how we have it, you know, so that means it's not a prospect tomorrow, this is the prospect of tonight, conditionally speaking, well, actually, if we are talking about a problem that has already ripened the day before yesterday, why do you think there is no decision by the nsdc, only then the legislators could think about how to draft it into a bill and affect it not only telegram, which is now frankly acting in this way in order to... destabilize the situation in the country, affect other social networks and clearly prescribe what criteria they must adhere to in order to
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work in ukraine. look, i know that the work is going like this, i know that ours are competent bodies collect information, i don’t, unfortunately, i can’t announce there, well , certain quantitative indicators there, because they are very disturbing, very much, but this information is accumulated, it is transferred, well, to where it is necessary, in particular to the nsdc , it is being worked on there, let's see what happens. until the end of the summer, but again, again, i believe that the ukrainian parliament, it has the same responsibility for what is happening in the country as, say, the national security and defense council, and we, as a specialized committee, do not we can stand aside, mykola knyazhytskyi took the first very correct step, then we just need to bring it all in line with the challenges that are now before us, and i
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believe... i believe that it is necessary to introduce, well, finalize the law and introduce it to the consideration of the verkhovna rada, because the problem, again, in my opinion, the problem is of a systemic nature, it is not only about the telegram, will it not be and we have to systematically, systematically solve it, will it not happen as happened with the bill on the banning of the uoc mp, which is not there will be those willing to will, to forbid, as you say, a look, i... think it will be even more difficult, because unlike moscow churches, where exactly 80% of ukrainian citizens do not go, but unfortunately, 80% of ukrainian citizens go to telegram, which is even worse than going to moscow prostitutes in a moscow church, it's much worse, so, well, that shouldn't stop us, because we, ukrainian politicians, have to take care of ukraine, its national interests, its
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national security. we have to do it and count, and we will count, of course, on the help of the public and the media, and how else to convince the population that this has simply crossed all the limits of common sense, the use of an enemy tool, well, it is not the population who is voting, but those people who have delegated the right to vote to us, who were elected by the citizens, whether there will be a critical number. people's elected officials who will vote, and not come up with some kind of forced break, yes, i won't say vacation, forced break in the work of the verkhovna rada? we have a very simple alternative: either we win, whatever that victory is in this one war, or we will not be there, i think that there will be enough conscious people in the hall of the verkhovna rada who understand that the alternative
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to... taking the necessary steps to protect the country is very simple: they will not be there physically, because parliamentarians convocation of the occupier, well, maybe with the exception of a few dozen collaborators there, i don’t know, so parliamentarians, the rest will not be needed by the occupier, that’s all, that’s why it’s a very simple choice, it’s a choice between living, a choice between dying in yami, i'm sorry. well, we will hope that the majority of people's elected officials understand the importance and understand all the dangers and all the threats, mr. mykyta, thank you, mykyta potoraev, people's deputy of ukraine, talked with him about the possibility that telegram will be banned in ukraine, and the uoc will also ban it - mp well, mr. nikita gave us a little hint that now at the level of the nsdc they are already thinking about that decision, we will observe, we will follow and
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inform you, and for... our colleagues from the editorial office of novyn anna are already ready to inform you eva melnyk is ready to share with us all the most important state at 4 p.m. friend, we give you the floor and please share what this issue will be about. congratulations colleagues, how much money ukraine will receive from the european union, about this and more. be with us. there will be more rockets of domestic production - the president of ukraine said. at the meeting , the stake was decided to allocate additional funding for the domestic rocket program. volodymyr zelenskyi also stated that the situation in...


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