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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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medical examination on espresso tv channel. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt. about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine. about the rights, opportunities and personal experience of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process. update in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. so, we are coming back, we will now communicate with sumy region, specifically from sumy region have made this breakthrough into the territory of the enemy, all units will go to kurshchyna, and of course, there are also many air alarms and unrest in sumy oblast now. nataliya kalinichenko joins... us, ms.
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natalya, we congratulate you, good morning, ms. natalya, there has been an air alert in the sumy oblast for over a day, well, if they say that it may be connected precisely with the breakthrough of the dew there with with this move of the ukrainian military to the territory of russia, please tell me what you know from that, you are still there, maybe you can hear something in the sums themselves, well... from what we know, i can only tell you about what we hear, since yesterday we hear very powerful shelling of the border, we hear a lot of explosions, explosions of different, different strength, obviously, different weapons, they officially write that this and the work of our air defense, and the exits of our weapons, as well as certain damage to our infrastructure, cabs fly along the border.
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that is, the situation is quite difficult and the anxiety has really been going on for almost a day, there is no stopping it, and we are constantly, as they say, listening and living anxiously. what is the situation in bilopilla, and how often now something hostile flies in, and how many locals remain in the city? bilopol community, regardless of whether they were. whether or not there were any incursions into the territory of russia, it is constantly under fire, our border suffers the most from artillery and drones, drones are dropped, civilians are dropped, cars are destroyed, recently on a bus, a drone was dropped under a bus, people were simply transported by people on a bus, but the combine was destroyed by a drone and the combine operator died, it’s a little... that’s why
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life is not easy on the border, and the main line - this is our 40 km from the border, we heard explosions yesterday, we heard the day before yesterday, in bilopyl so far only in the outskirts, well, people, many people left, but people remain, those who are further from the border come closer to bilopyl, then from bilopyl go to sumy, well, this kind of migration has been going on for the third year in our country. and what, in principle, do they say about this whole story with a breakthrough towards russia? well, they say that, well , from what we saw, we saw that a lot of different equipment appeared on and on the roads of the region, and we hear how it moves, it the children are not going anywhere, of course, it's all us, all this happens in the cities, in our villages, communities, so... the most of course there are strikes
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and riots, this is the yunakiv community, in fact, it is the closest place to the court, where, where can to go to suje, this is the yunakivka crossing, there today at most 10 kabobs were thrown at the yunakiv community only yesterday, during the previous day, that is why the biggest fights, the most attention is paid to this crossing point, the khotyn youth community, and it is close to sumy, therefore it is the closest to sumy, therefore... in sumy, all these people hear explosions, we communicate, not only with bilious people, we communicate with relatives, acquaintances, that is why the sumys feel explosions on themselves for the second night, hearing such sounds, people in sumy are scared, well, but such as to say queues at gas stations, as it was before, there is no commotion in the shops, there is no such thing, they are worried that there will be some kind of response to serious russian actions, yes, i understand, but you know, i am here with... i was thinking about the fact that in the times
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of ukrainian people's republic, 100 years ago, the kursk region was mostly in part of the ukrainian people's republic, that is, it was considered that these were ukrainian territories, inhabited. by ethnic ukrainians, well , partly in the kursk region, even there the language is very similar to our northern slobodian speech, as we call it, someone says that it is surzhik, but it is a northern slobodian speech that has its own characteristics, and there is a large territory, in including the kursk region, and part of the belgorod region also speak this language, and this is one of the indicators of common belonging. therefore, the villages were earlier, and the borders were completely different, and suja is a cossack town, it was founded, and the same as glushkovo, the cossack glushko was the founder, the founder of the village of glushkovo, that is why the village of glushkovo, that is why it really was such
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a territory that united, well , there are probably people who they don't have this sujyk for nothing, it's the remnants of that ukrainian folk language, because i, too, heard from those, you know, after some blows there somewhere there... something and they just make some spontaneous recordings there, put them on the internet, and there they say, look, instead of looking there or look, they say that the roof was badly damaged, but not damaged cross, got spoiled, well, something like that, that is, there are a lot of ukrainian words there, the ukrainians, do you remember those videos from belgorod, which came in large numbers, they all speak there, i don't know how they speak here in donetsk region. somewhere the same, or in sumy region, kharkiv region or chernihiv region? well, yes, that’s the story, i don’t know if this is the return of some kind of historical justice, because once upon a time ukraine was indeed much larger, and the ethnic territories were huge, let’s remember, for example, the
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hrushevsky conference in the 17th year was sponsored by and was actually organized by one of the philanthropists from the kuban, one of the entrepreneurs of that time, well, russia... often tries to destroy ukrainian history and rewrite it, etc., in this context it is worth mentioning that recently in bilopyl they destroyed a monument, the house of the middle 19th century, this is the house of german brewers, i understand correctly, people even lived there at that time, yes, yes, people lived there, it is a residential building, just opposite, opposite our editorial office, we go out through the windows, so we... this building is constantly seen, yes people lived there, there were several apartments, it was divided into several apartments, and unfortunately, not only this historical monument was destroyed, it was destroyed here today, the school of 1896 was destroyed, this is part of the school building, it
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was destroyed literally two weeks ago, both the house and this school, they were built somewhere around the same time, this is the end of the 19th century, so it was called... the church, the historical church of 1760, i don't remember what year in the village of sreskivshchyna, and there are a lot of historical monuments today are either destroyed or damaged, well, until now non-restoration already, so is this house, it, we didn't know much about its history, unfortunately, sometimes destruction or some such issues restore history, we begin to read, know and convey to people, it was an ordinary residential building, it... the city, it’s okay, ms. natalya, it was under some kind of protection, well , i don’t know, there, the pavlovova is under the protection of unesco, and what about that in chernihiv oblast, i ask, well , considering the fact that russia will eventually have to, be responsible for all
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the evil she has done? no, this house was not under protection, it was was an ordinary residential building, and unfortunately, unfortunately, today we already had two flights near the house where oleksandr oles was born... oleksandr oles, this is also a historical monument, but it is simple, it does not have only local significance, there is no no protection, and it 's a pity if this house, where he was born, where our world-class person is outstanding, two cabs have already fallen nearby and the house is in danger, if, if it is destroyed, it is an authentic house, so it's a pity, no, they are not under protection, they are not monuments of architecture and there is none. a reminder to mention the work of oleksandr oles, for example, and that it is somehow rarely heard, because little by little ukrainians are getting to know their own poets, and this is a good opportunity to remind russians about our, about our, about our heritage. ms. natalya,
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thank you very much for the conversation, it was natalya kolesnichenko, a deputy of the bilopol city council, sorry, natalya kalinichenko, a deputy of the bilopol city council, was in touch with us, she spoke. about the situation in sumy oblast, especially given that the russian ministry of defense reported that in the neighboring fighting continues in the sumy kursk region of the russian federation, they say... the reserves of the russian troops advanced there, because the ukrainian military, with the support of various types of equipment, attacked the positions of the units of the russian federation? it's funny, by the way, that they were standing there, that ahmad, that akhmat chai, or akhmat sila, i don't know what, well , in other words, the local residents will say that they were there on the spot, you just know, gave, gave dral, what is it called, they just came in. the military, these are such elite russian units, but i don’t
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know where they are elite there, but of course superiority in russia in the air, it can be given in signs, although i understand that if we also had at least parity, it would be better to have superiority in the air, no, if we had precisely the superiority of the air, dominance in the air, then we remember this successful raid is already the death of the wagners, a beauty, when they... literally in a couple of hours covered the distance almost there to moscow, there was a little left, he just didn’t have enough courage, actually courage, because he could theoretically take the whole prize, but he only got her place in the cemetery, we are moving closer to the sea, to warmth and to ours of the ukrainian kherson region, yuriy sobulevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, is with us. good morning, glory to ukraine, ms. yuriy. mr. yury, i congratulate you, friends, gerovyn slava, how was the night in
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kherson region, tell me, yesterday we spoke with a journalist from kherson, and she told about the fact that you know, uh, there is no idea of ​​going out with local residents in kherson, they go only from point a to point b, because it is dangerous to be in the city and just be there. walk and wait, either for a russian drone or something on some artillery or what? tell me how the night was, at least? unfortunately, it was not calm at all, at night there was massive shelling in the central part of the city, they worked in other areas, in fact, the enemy also worked with artillery, a fire broke out, after the shelling it did not work, he eliminated the consequences. by evening we already had 14 wounded, one person died, yesterday there were a lot of
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drops from drones, now their activity, unfortunately, is very high, as for the fact that there are no vacationers, well, this is actually correct the line is so crowded, but unfortunately, there are a large number of people there, they are so used to these constant shellings that they are already little by little ignoring... these are the safety rules, when it is necessary, excuse me, how can you spend less time in the open space, because the absolute majority of our wounded, these are precisely the people who were in the yard, on the street, when the shelling began, or when the armed drone went off, yesterday , in fact, they also talked about this and about the fact that it is literally impossible in kherson just, just walking or walking down the street, that's it literally movement from point a to point b in order to minimize. risks, because the shelling can be sudden at any moment,
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people live in terrible conditions, how many residents remain in kherson, now the number is stable, but as it was there on average 30%, so it is, there is no such , so that many people are leaving now, just as there is no mass return to kherson region now, there is a certain migration in the blocs, some are leaving there, people still make decisions. someone returns, but in principle the number is about the same 30-35%, you know, i ask, of course, what is happening now in the occupied territories in skadovsk, i see that the collabart balance opened a monument to fyodor ushakov, the fleet of the admiral of the russian fleet, the fleet. well, they can't do without it, it's not only for the temporarily occupied kherson region, they are now
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actively engaged in such propaganda in all the so-called new russian territories, they open some monuments, some commemorative plaques, whatever, just to to do the holiday again in the pews, these are all elements of such psychological pressure on people. and forced integration into the russian world, now they are trying to broadcast a completely alternative history to our population, and again the emphasis is on children. what's worst, and they actually work quite effectively there, they have a lot of such complex programs, now, the priest standing on the right is someone famous, this is from kherson, do you recognize him, this is from the moscow patriarchate, now no, no, no, i don't
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recognize it, there was one of the locals who became a traitor. maybe it is he who belongs to that patriarchy, i know that they come from of the russian church, regularly, in fact, they visit the kherson region, they also hold some such events there, they try to make them mass, but there is a big problem here, because people try to avoid such events. you know, continuing the topic of collaborators, such a little story gives something even funny. in kherson, actually in the occupied part of the territory, the occupiers arrested for corruption an official of the ex-head of the water resources basin management, this is a kind of new formation, it used to be called the water management
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resources is just regional, and this is ihor andrienko, and in this story you know what is funny that... in the 21st year he was already persecuted for corruption in ukraine, then the occupiers came, he became a collaborator, he was appointed back to head the the company itself, they just changed the sign, and there he was also accused of corruption and bribery, and he was also removed from his position and now he is also on trial, well, in a word , the man has such a funny story, well, in fact, this story is very widespread, because these are all these treason... in their time actually ends, they are no longer needed, that is, at first they hired anyone there, a local gets a job perfectly to make a picture, to make at least some kind of management system, and at the same time they gave them the opportunity to earn some money there, illegally even in the sense of russian legislation,
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all this was documented and now bit by bit it all works out, actually. there are many such cases, russians, citizens of the russian federation, who occupy these positions and are already fully trying to manage, are already visiting, and local traitors, they are no longer needed, but those who understand this, they try to get some kind of position in the territory of the russian federation, go quietly, but whoever succeeds, who makes an agreement, they are released there, those who stay, believe that someone needs them here, well, little by little... they are arrested , listen, by the way, it was the same in the occupied donetsk region, when at first there were local collaborators in leadership positions, and then the russians just let their own there and that was it, because even the local collaborators, the russians there do not really trust themselves, probably they think that if they bought them, then
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some others can buy them too, absolutely true, because if a person cheated. she will cheat once, and a second time, and a third time, therefore there is no respect for these people, no future, in fact they have none, in the absolute majority of them, they are kept as a unit in order to make a picture, as a balance, and as a little, there is still a certain amount, and even then it is temporary, they too, they too will be changed later, all the others will simply be recycled, their... but they do not understand this, they believe that this is their best chance to get at least something, some kind of position, some kind of improvement in their material situation, but everyone gets one thing, it is those who survive. thank you, mr. yuriy, for your thoughts and information, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was in
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today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. we continue, the morning broadcast on the espresso tv channel, soon eight o'clock. o'clock, good morning to everyone who joined our broadcast, and we also congratulate kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, she is already in touch with us, good morning, glory to ukraine, ms. kateryna, to the heroes, glory, good morning, well, tell how the past day went by dnipropetrovsk region, and how did the night pass in dnipro, was everything calm? it is in the dnipro, thank god, that everything is calm, in nikopolsha according to our tradition today... tonight is also not an exception to the shelling, thank god that today there were no victims and wounded, like the previous day there
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were three people wounded, today fortunately , there are no injured people, but there is damage to private houses, cars, gas pipes, power lines, and other communal infrastructure, today it was shelling from drones, and from heavy artillery from the herads, that is why today such a combo was arranged right at night with the territory of the occupied energodar in our nikopol region, this is the margenetsk community, the chervonogrigorovsk and the nikopol region, that is, yes, it was quite an extensive shelling, but this is no longer news for us, so, somehow, it is not news, maybe for us, but news for the world in the guardian came out the guardian, a big article about that about these '. arrows about the conditions in which he lives, dnipro, a city that is the hub , literally, of ukraine and the armed forces now for
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the front, and there is also a great comment from mayor boris filatov. filatov was not asked whether he changed his opinion about yaroslav the mighty after her brilliant performance at the olympics. we don't know, he didn't write anything about it, but he wrote that he opposes the renaming of streets in dnipro, in particular, i will quote boris filatov now, it's worth it, he probably said that as an ordinary citizen, a resident of dnipro, i want to hear what you are not satisfied with the 152nd rifle division, which liberated dnipro from the nazis during the second world war, is there such a street 150? and yes, there is, yes, there is such a street in dnipro, and what, you can't change it, and what did they want to change it to, what name, oh, i won't say what name, now there are generally a lot of
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these questions. on renamings, well, you know, here it goes in such waves, that is , the renamings come from the city council, well, in principle, from other city councils in the dnipropetrovsk region, because not only in dnipro, streets are renamed in other cities and communities, but also in many, it is important, but here you have to look at it correctly, because renaming from the post-soviet past is... right, but some people now perceive it exactly as they did about this street, it is also that it is as if the eradication of our victories, the ukrainian soldiers in the second world war, that is, that it is like the leveling of the struggle of the ukrainian people in general, there in addition to the struggle there exactly on the territory of ukraine, and participation in other wars.
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that's why it started to be perceived and that 's why they started saying that it was for this street that ukrainian heroes also fought in the second world war, and they have the right to, let's say, this record in history, that's why this issue is really controversial here, you see, here what interesting, well, i, on the one hand, i would certainly discuss here exactly in the direction that, in fact, if 150... already the second division, the soviet red army and so on, then it is no longer the second world war, the great national one, and liberation from the nazis, well it sounds good on the one hand, on the other hand, by the standards of that time, boris filatu, if he had advocated for an independent ukraine, for a capitalist system, he is a well-known businessman, i think he would have been shot there in two or three days , those liberators who would enter
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the dnipro, well... of course, i don't know how to the german occupying power would have put him in charge, i think it wouldn’t have been, not very well, but anyway, i just mean that this is a debatable issue, but the decision was made by the military administration, not the city council, that is, it was not the city council that renamed, the street was renamed , i just looked at denys kotenko, he is a volunteer who died already during this war in 22, maybe he is not well known. perhaps so many have already died in the dnipro, in fact dnipro people continue to die in this war every day, that this i don’t care about the renaming, but it needs to be talked about, for this a decision is needed , actually, the delegated power of the local self-government, so i have a double impression here, on the one hand i am in favor of the renaming, on the other hand i also understand what he is talking about now mrs. kateryna, as a deputy, it must also come from the people
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, well, in fact, this is the case... the comment was made by us about the fact that it is impossible to eradicate even, well, history, and the head of the regional council also about this situation, well, not a specific street, in general, you know, dnipro is dnipro, dnipropetrovsk region, after all, it is still, well, such in our country, that people still need to be taught and introduced to a lot of things, both about the ukrainian language and about more modern views, so there is a lot to do. to work, and that is why these issues are debatable, because it is necessary for the politicians in power to have the correct position, for those who express the opinion of the people, to have the correct position, and precisely the position, well, it is correct, correct, but it is necessary that it she was understanding and loyal, because not all people are ready to switch like that, and they should work on this was carried out, it is necessary to speak,
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it is necessary to explain, it is necessary, it is necessary to deal with it. yes, lady, thank you very much for this conversation, the deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council was with us, well, we don't have enough news and the 7th hour is coming to an end, and the 8th hour is starting soon, which means that kateryna shirokopoyas is already ready to present a new news release. katya, well, i am most interested in whether anything new has become known about the battles in the kursk region, whether there will be anything in the issue about it. i congratulate ulyana, i congratulate andria, already for i will tell our viewers about the consequences in a moment. attacks on ukraine, as well as the results of the border breakthrough in kursk region. wait. greetings, it's news time on espresso. brainy.


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