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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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chat: the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a... phone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislation changes our lives. what to prepare for? these and other questions that concern ukrainians are answered. timut
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are leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. today, putin convenes the national security council of the russian federation. this is reported by the russian media. i wonder what we will talk about? well, i don't know what, what he could be talking about, yes, yes, theoretically, maybe? and he will say: dear russians, i got up, that is, i got tired, that is why i got up, got up, left and went in an unknown direction after the russian ship, listen, and that would be for sure, i am handing over power to the provisional government headed by karam morza, yes it would definitely be a good black swan, and what we would definitely like, a clever move, we would be shocked, but you know, we are already too old to believe in fairy tales, putin has read enough, you know.
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in my opinion, we are quite simple, it is clear that he will surely be able to react somehow to what is happening in kursk region, it is interesting that for the first few hours the russian media was just silent, listen, and this is always a traditional story for russian propaganda, olga len, our political columnist, often says that when something happens in russia, but the russians , rather, the russian propagandists have not yet received instructions on how to ... cover, so they usually choose, take a pause, yes , choose the side of silence, listen, well, we know that this sometimes happens in our country, that when some there is sensitive information, we don't know to us, to us, what are they telling us, wait for official messages from the general staff, listen, we did that with the krinkas, and then it turns out that everyone already hates sodel in the army, no one understands why they put so many people there, who from this ... territorial
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acquisitions, i would be interested to ask zaluzhny if he somehow tried to stop this story, if so, why the commander-in-chief could not stop this story, or if he did not really control all directions, which the western media wrote about, that means, which means directly then the army was controlled from somewhere in the president's office, is this normal at all, did he give real information about what is happening there, well, in a word, you already seem to know it, they rolled it back, now we will watch what... is happening in kursk, in for this kursk region, maybe this is a brilliant solution, or maybe it is an adventure that will cost a lot, but we, unlike russia, can raise these issues, and we think they should be raised, because right now, something is happening, which is very important. stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, please contact us, mr. stanislav, congratulations, glory to ukraine. mo congratulations, glory to the heroes. in general, we invited you to talk about the war in the middle east, but... you know, such events
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happen here that it is difficult to avoid them, and it would be strange on our part, too, if we did not talk about it. we remember the recent statement of international partners, in particular the united states, when they allowed the weapons of western partners to hit russia. at that time, it seemed that, actually, we were asking kharkiv residents and soldiers from the kharkiv front about, well, something it was, they refused in some places they said. there about the downing of some planes or something else, once there in kharkiv oblast a column of equipment was set on fire, but i’m not talking about that at all, i’m talking about the fact that something is happening there in kursk oblast, we are talking about it all day today, just all morning , in your opinion, this is another postponement of the war on the territory of russia became possible thanks to this political step with... permission to
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use weapons by western ukraine on the territory of russia? well, it should be understood that we still we do not have such a complete opportunity to operate on the territory. federations only in those areas where it is critically necessary, and obviously the most, the most promising, are precisely those that are adjacent to the ukrainian-russian border, and it is possible that this operation, which is taking place in the region of the kurdish region , it can be one of those elements, but again we have to understand that the permissions that are not given to us are more like a... a green light to be able to make some kind of strikes on point strikes for those purposes and objects located on the territory of russia, which are related to the russian war machine, but we must understand that
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i would not hear of such permissions not being granted to us in the context of the fact that we could do some it is really such a serious offensive, it is meant in active, and land, and armored forces and the like. but now we see that such an alleged offensive is taking place, we certainly do not know all the information, well, for example, on tuesday russia announced that ukraine actually started this armored offensive to the south of kurdistan oblast, and it was the governor of this oblast, alexiy smirnov, who was the first to report the information about this alleged attack, well, we see that now... a lot is already being said about it, and you rightly pointed out, at first there was no information at all, in general, we could not say for sure about the fact that what, what, what is happening there and on what scale and the like, but now they are declaring attacks from ukraine, well, again, i do not know
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to what extent the operation of our state was developed here , we remember that last year allegedly from the territory of ukraine, fell into the territory of russia. this russian legion, which is fighting for a free russia, and it is also worth understanding, that is, there are a lot of unknowns, and we can only guess what it can all mean, i do not think that this will be some kind of big special operation, rather, it is possible to probe the soil , how russia will react to it, including the information space, we should also be aware of it, well, ukraine is learning, if it is true. ukraine, she is learning, and she also applies different methods, including hybrid character, which actually, let's say, to test the strength of our enemy. as for how the western partners will react in the future, well, i don't think that they would see it that way, that it
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will really be such an active and large phase of the war, obviously, they understand that it is, that it is ours, that the war is between. ukraine and russia have a symmetrical character, and this is also one of the elements of this asymmetry and these and that and also the hybrid elements that this conflict takes place, well, i think that it is unlikely that we would be given so much green light on a full operation in this sense, although of course it is up to ukraine to decide, i think, but we can definitely say about what is happening in the west. would be afraid of some kind of major escalation, and all because the russian federation is, after all, a country with nuclear capabilities, and obviously i do not think that ukraine would be advised to carry out such large- scale counteroffensive operations deep into
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the russian federation, given that , which really could have the consequences of involving other countries, in particular those belonging to the countries of... and therefore there and refers to such actions cautiously, and if approved there, it is only when there is such a need, so i do not think that something so serious will pass, but what is possible is possible as a sounding, perhaps as a test of our enemy , this is not bad, i think that this operation is also possible here. was just approved with our western partners, as of yesterday we already know exactly who will be if kamala harris becomes the president of the united states, who will be her vice president, it is tim waltz, senator from minnesota, democrat, and you know, in this
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case we are definitely dealing with such a white cisgender man, one might say older, two children, 25 years of service in the army. in a word, why exactly tim waltz was chosen by geris and what does this portend for us if geris wins this election, who is tim watts and what does this show about the attitude towards ukraine, well really the candidate from the democratic party for the presidency of the united states kamala geris and to nominate vice-presidential candidate tim walls have already participated in their first joint campaign rally, once again testifying that, after all, they will go together to the elections, which will be held in november, and precisely to this rally. thousands of supporters gathered, and it took place at the temple university in
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philadelphia, well, here it is worth understanding that even earlier such a rather fruitful cooperation between these politicians followed, it is worth noting that in march walsh accompanied garis when she became the first acting vice president who visited a clinic for abortions. well, also, as reported, these are such and such visits, and others also had a great influence on garis, and we can say that, after all, they really have such and such common visions on many issues, and it is obvious that volz complements this pair of them and it is obvious that he after all, really... a white american who has fought and who is really well-versed in
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domestic political issues, and i think that just the two of them could make a good duo, and it is possible that now we will see some new interesting statements, and we can see that there was an immediate reaction to this decision we have a lot of american politicians, well , the public in general supported her... kamala harris’s choice and we can see it on the example of us president joseph biden, and former president barack obama and his wife michelle, and many others, that is, in fact, we we can say that there is approval in the democratic camp, and this is not bad, considering that the democratic party still needs to mobilize and, let's say, overcome the lines of division that have taken place in recent times. well we see that in this, well, if we talk about what
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other positives he has, then actually it is said that walt is liked by progressive people, and he looks good just like that on television, and he knows how to say what to say, that is, it is also very important for a potential vice president. it is also worth noting that volz became famous for his sharp statements against republicans, well , in particular , vice presidential candidate jaydy vance for his outbursts and regarding garis, well, we can see that, after all , he is also positive for us, for of ukraine, therefore that he very often... expressed support for our state, and i think that in general, if you take the fact that he is a teacher, that is, he is
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well versed in what is happening in the world, he was a military man, that is, he knows , what war is, what it actually is, what it can bring, i think it's very good for us, and i think that this vice president would really do very well ... kamala harris would add, if she won the presidential race, well again, we'll see, we don't really know how the american people will decide who will lead america in the next four years, but in my opinion, actually this guy, this duo, he is really not bad, so we are waiting for further runs, in fact, we are watching the american election campaign, meanwhile... the number two of another, different duo, namely trump vance, spoke the same way about
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ukraine, senator, republican jaydy vance, who is a candidate for vice president, in the event that trump becomes president, said that the ukrainians lack the military, who can fight, so we need to bring peace to this region, we need a negotiator that putin respects and said that putin does not respect kamala. geris, because she is afraid of him, but he respects trump, and therefore trump can end this war, any comments, mr. stanislav. we have literally two waves, but now we must understand that now there will be a lot of criticism towards the democratic camp, and for example, as already reported, the republicans have chosen the direction of attack on kamala's vice-presidential candidates harris, on tim volz, and they call him, they call him a socialist and a radical, referring to his progressive policies
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as governor of minnesota, and also , house speaker mike johnson wrote that... kamala harris and tim wolds - these are the most radical leftists in american history, that is , we will see a lot more of such various throw-ins regarding harris and wald, and obviously trump will say that he is the best option, that he can deal with putin, that he can solve everything there problematic the question is in domestic and foreign policy, so there is actually nothing surprising here, the stakes are quite high, so that is exactly why i say that... it is necessary to watch, i think that there will still be many different and interesting and controversial statements from both camps , but actually only the american people should decide, decide who should win. thank you, mr. stanislav, stanislav zheikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, was in touch with us, they talked about a lot of things, including the elections in
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the usa, and the situation in the middle east, and things about the situation in the kursk region of russia , too, and... the kursk military commissars, military officers, excuse me, already say that the width of the front is barely 15 km, huh, but if there are no official comments from the ukrainian defense forces, this morning serhiy sgurets, the head of the defense express consulting group, told us that, according to his calculations, it is about 7 km exactly. some hostilities are going on there and the front has advanced, we will expect some official reaction, our colleague kateryna will tell us much more in 15 minutes broadband with news, there will be all the verified information, we also remind you
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that there is a qr code, it remains on your screen in order to load the weapon. you are strong today and we are extremely active today, we have already collected more than 15, we have collected more than 18 thousand, literally 1,500 we need to make twenty, let's stop, let's close this already, well, in the meantime, while you are doing this, i want to say that the multimedia project the will to win continues, it tells about the incredible willpower and resilience of our athletes despite the great challenges of war, personal losses and suffering, they overcome numerous obstacles, pave the way to victory and we actually continue. cycle of short stories about our athletes, see, then news.
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i am serhii stakhovskyi, the former first racket of ukraine, the 30th first racket of the world. during his 15 -year professional career, he participated in all major tennis competitions in the world, including grand slams. won the atp competition, spent 16 years in the ranks national team of ukraine, i was born in the city of kyiv, i am from kyiv, i am ukrainian, i really love this country, these people,
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this land, and i understand what each of us is doing. after a full-scale invasion, i joined the ranks of the defense and today i am a special agent of the center of special operations and the security service of ukraine. center. the special operations security service is fighting on all front lines, we have units in all regions of ukraine and in every area of ​​combat engagement. the unit works efficiently, we use small groups, the group plans the points of damage, we
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are called to reinforce or to suppress the moscow assaults, we find our own locations, we measure our own evacuation routes, we set up our own route, again depending on the task , groups are formed, or only a mortar goes, is this a mortar fp? or two mortars, and the group commander already directly sets the tasks, i was in the mortar calculation for a certain time, then i switched to engineers for fpv drones, that is, it is the equipment of the drone itself for its flight, due to the fact that we are constantly moving along the battle line. of course, we all need to be able to shoot from automatic weapons, from pistols, throw grenades, that's why all this is constantly
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practiced when we return to the bpd, it's all constantly practiced, sharpened, improved, well, i have to practice a lot, because directly the employees, who are, let's say, hr employees, it's all easier for them because they've been doing it all their lives, so of course i have a lot of catching up to do. there is a full-scale invasion of muscovites into ukraine unprecedented in the 21st century, to attack a neighboring independent state with missiles and aviation, this is an incredible tragedy for ukraine, because the number of civilians killed, raped, taken away, tortured, robbed by muscovites, well, it is measured in tens of thousands, destroyed cities that.. completely destroyed, i saw these cities with my own eyes, and this, of course, is very much in relation to what the muscovites
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represent themselves, as a nation, as a state, and what they want to achieve, as of today , the aggressor has already destroyed more than 500 sports infrastructure facilities in ukraine, killed several thousand athletes, instructors, and these crimes do not end. the opportunity to instill a love of sports in children was taken away from us, especially to people who professionally knew how to do it. as a person who has devoted more than 20 years of my life to sports, i really want to give a part of myself to the sport that has given me almost everything. fortunately, i am allowed to practice with young tennis players, so i have the opportunity to pass on some of my experience. the fact that ukraine is at the olympics is incredible victory, in conditions of full-scale war,
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bombing, destruction, killings and the like. the victory of the defense forces, because we have a country, and the victory of our athletes who qualified for this olympics is huge. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a set. saivory pro unpack tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the
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12:00 pm
greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. one a person was injured as a result of falling fragments of a downed drone in the kyiv region. in addition , 22 private houses and farm buildings were damaged in two communities - reported the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. in general, the alarm in the region lasted more than eight hours. and that night, the russian army shelled the center of kherson. the enemy hit many.


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