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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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the head of the joint staff of the united states, well then it is clear that it would be a conversation with sirskyi and sirskyi was warned to listen, well somehow stop something there, and you just know it, about nothing, this is a confirmation of their narratives that ukraine is under the full control of the united states, and on a call-by-call basis, it carries out any requests by russia that may affect the united states. it's all a bluff and definitely not true, that's why i took it all in stride, especially the fact that someone there was going to hit him with drones, well, these are his personal problems, mr. general, i already mentioned this exchange that took place between the russian federation and the western countries last week, is this behind-the-scenes diplomacy or... these behind-the-scenes negotiations, do
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they indicate that that russia and our western partners still conduct many negotiations behind the scenes, and they are in contact with moscow, and the main thing is that those who sit in the kremlin, they can, if they need it, agree on something with our western partners, and it, it also answers the question then. and what is happening anyway, why is russia constantly, well, playing, roughly speaking, confused, and constantly talking about the fact that we will destroy the whole world, we will use nuclear weapons and will destroy ukraine until we destroy it, that is, everything after all, this exchange shows that western partners and russians can conduct a dialogue and agree on something. this does not enlighten us about anything, this,
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you understand, we can recall the same, with the same things, the exchanges that began in 1952, even under stalin, you know, and then they continued with the exchange of spies on of the bridge between the west and east german zones, this does not prove anything, it simply shows that there are contacts, they really are. there is telephone communication, there is, they were in contact even in the most heated phases, and it was unpleasant that there were no ukrainian prisoners there, but this just proves that no one talked about ukraine without ukraine, that is , everything is happening there, no, no, they did not contact putin, so what putin expressed a wish for is his wish, the intelligence agencies contacted, contact-wise. parties to the sruu with a mediator
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there were turks, and they went to the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, to the gur of the russian federation, to the fsb, and agreed that they agreed, yes, this was an unprecedented special operation, because for the first time since the disappearance of the soviet union , non-citizens of the country were exchanged , non-citizens of other countries and. and political prisoners were exchanged, no matter how they were sentenced there, who had no other citizenship than russian, this was such an interesting situation, but it always happens in the world, and i believe that this is one from the elements of the fact that there are contacts, yes, there are contacts, well, what should we do, we cannot influence them, thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was major general of the sbu reserve viktor yagun, friends, we ... continue to work
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live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, like this video and vote in our poll, today we ask you about is this, in your opinion, among the good ones russians useful for ukraine? yes, no, it's on youtube, or yes, or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below. with this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers: 0800 211 381, if among the good russians you think are useful for ukraine, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine on the fourth convocation, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you.
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thank you for being with us today, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. well, mr. volodymyr, kurshchyna is on fire, and the ministry of defense of the russian federation. and putin, simply frightened by what is happening on the border of sumy and kursk regions, suzhan district, 11 settlements, suja, ukrainians are moving towards kurchatov, where the kurdish nuclear power plant is located, the gas distribution station, which is located in suja, which basically controls everything , export. russian gas to europe through ukraine is under the control of the defense forces of ukraine, so in your opinion, can such raids and similar operations change the attitude of the russians towards the war and influence the course of events at
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the front. well, actually, the only unifying idea. of the russian population is russian television, and if russian television has now begun to lose a very strong position, then what remains is a set of telegram channels, and a completely defragmented post-russian empire, relatively speaking, because taking into account the demographic changes in the population of the current the russian federation can be said... that soon a third of the population of russia will be citizens of non-slavic origin, so to say that there is some unifying idea in russia, but obviously putin and his ideologues
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expected that the attack on ukraine would unite the feeling victory and great power, will create a new russian identity, but... now, in the third year of the war, the population begins to directly receive, so to speak, all the goodies from this war, we know that they are being robbed by russian troops, there is so much evidence that russian the troops fleeing from the territory of kurshchyna manage to rob their own population, and the government also behaves in such a way that it essentially throws these people against their will... coordinating the opportunity to leave, to leave the territory before the ukrainian offensive, well, sometimes it seems to me that the russian government behaves the way the ukrainian behaved in the kyiv region in february 22, well, but to me,
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but in fact i suspect that she behaves much worse, but here is the reaction of the russian authorities, the russian leadership led by putin, who... so wanted to take kyiv in three days, that now their own villages and cities are already surrendering, and this war has already spilled over the border of ukraine, into the territory of the russian federation, what this shows, it shows the failure of putin, the complete failure of putin, because he is talking about someone there, like him he says provocations on the part of the ukrainian side, although these are not provocations, it is... a war that would come to the territory of the russian federation, and he probably could not imagine such a thing even in his wildest dreams. well, the peculiarity of the current, current offensive of the kyiv nasuju, on the suzhansky district, is that it is no longer
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the volunteer corps is russian, and the ukrainian troops. and this is a direct reaction, i.e. war, well no, you can't tie some armed forces to... and others will walk around the territory of ukraine, relatively speaking, like a buffet, which means that ukrainian troops will walk around the territory of russia, as per the buffet, once it came to that, i.e., the situation with the replenishment of ammunition, with the ordering of troops, and the finding of serious new weapons, allowed the ukrainian army to create tension in a completely unexpected direction. the most important thing is that it is a similar mirror situation with the energy donor, because there are some 20 km left to the city of korchatov, and there is a prospect that ukrainian troops will surround the kursk nuclear plant, and this means that then
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an item of trade is created around the energy donor, that is, in essence, what is it? the capture of the kursk athens and the blackout of the south of russia, this is, in my opinion, from, for example, kursk. a noticeable anomaly and the entire metallurgical industry, which is located here in this area, especially in lipetsk, is the novolypetsk metallurgical plant, it is the plant that currently supplies the most of steel for the russian army, therefore the de-energization of such production will lead to a super effect of such a domino effect, where not only the population. there is no light, and most importantly, the most important thing is that the russian defense industry finds itself without electricity and
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stops, this is a very strong move, to be honest, here is the reaction of john kirby, the head of the national security council of the white house, to what is happening in kurshchyna, he says that the united states of america has not changed its policy on allowing ukraine to use american weapons for countering the immediate threats arising on the other side of the border, and that they will contact ukrainian colleagues for a better understanding of the situation in kursk oblast, but it is absolutely obvious, mr. volodymyr, that without its own missiles, without its own capabilities, missile capabilities, it will be difficult for ukraine hit military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, destroy warehouses. supplies, to hit the airfields of the russians, zelenskyi
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said this week that there will be even more self-produced missiles in ukraine, because yesterday he held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and according to zelenskyi, the decision of the stake directed additional funding to the missile program. let's listen to what zelensky said. also today. at the meeting, a decision was made regarding our missile program to increase funding, and separately the minister of defense reported on the provision of weapons to our brigades and relevant negotiations with partners. i am grateful to everyone in the world who is really ready to support us in exactly the way it is needed, so that at this time, and in the future to achieve a result. i would like to say, it is good that in the third year of the great war, after all, the supreme
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committee of the supreme commander-in-chief made a decision regarding ukrainian missiles, but these missile programs, they started during poroshenko's presidency, but were suspended in 2019, why do you think opinion, such decisions were made then, and if they are wrong, then who should be responsible for these mistakes? well, the military-political leadership and the commander-in-chief personally must be responsible for this. the fact is that during poroshenko's time, ukraine produced 600 rockets a year. 600 rockets. well, these are ptursy, these, aviation missiles, are quite well-known. r-27, in my opinion, r-10, such missiles. that is, the line was quite wide. and ee we have two design bureaus that were engaged in rocket
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construction, it is of course that the southern ee semi-demmash plant and there the design bureau is responsible and of course it is the design bureau of the beam or as the term luch is used. so, i want to remind you that in the 19th year it is more precisely in the 20th. these purchases and state orders for the enterprise were completely stopped luch prom, already on the 20th, in my opinion, on thursday, december 4 , 23rd, the bankruptcy of the promin enterprise was announced and, in my opinion , criminal cases were opened against the chief designer korostalov. how this correlates now with zelenskyi’s statements, i don’t know,
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but if zelenskyi is sincere, then at least all this criminal prosecution against korstolyov should be stopped, and all those who organized the harassment of korostylov and the ban, and refuse to make state orders for products, beams, they should all be held criminally liable, i want to remind... that among these products , the neptune missile is famous, and now, by the way, it was korostylov and his designers who turned the anti-ship missile into an anti-ship missile. tuv cruise missile for strikes on ground targets, and the last strikes that took place, for example, in the kuban on objects and in the voronivsk region, in my opinion, in the kursk region, well , the enemy claimed that ukraine used exactly neptune missiles, that is, obviously they begin to appear, because when you analyze different
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publics, then, well, i counted more than 20 cases of use. e rocket neptune, at least, maybe it is not confirmed by anything, but there were mentions in the media, that is , it is obvious that some kind of revival is happening, i believe that the real inspiration for kb promin is the very deployment of the production of anti-ship missiles neptune together with romania, romania agreed to cooperation, romania for... was interested in this type of weaponry, which showed itself already, so to speak, not far from the territorial waters of romania, and they realized that this type of weapon is quite suitable for them, and they are ready to cooperate in the production and equip their armed forces of this type. mr. volodymyr, another topic that will be relevant in
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the next six months is the presidential election in the united states of america on august 7. kamala harris should be officially nominated by the democratic party for the elections, she has already decided on a vice president who will fight with her for the presidency, and accordingly for the vice presidency, this is tim walls, he is 60 years old, he grew up in nebraska, 24 served in the national guard for years, and after the start of the full-scale invasion, tim walls supported. to ukraine and declared publicly about that he is ready to help ukrainian refugees. at the same time, the candidate for the vice president of the united states of america, jay devens, who is from trump, during the campaign event in pennsylvania, said that the ukrainians do not have enough soldiers who can fight, and also repeated trump's thesis that russia would never
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have invaded ukraine if it had been the president let's hear what vance had to say. if you want to bring peace to this region, you need a negotiator that vladimir putin respects, is there anyone here? obviously, we're among a biased crowd right now, but who cares here believes that vladimir putin respects kamala garis, she is afraid of all of you, and she will definitely not be able to sit down with vladimir putin and promote an acceptable peace. mr. volodymyr, talk about who will sit down at the negotiating table, kamalagarish or donald trump, and who will be more successful in negotiations with the president of russia, if these negotiations take place, but i am interested in the attitude of kamala garis and donald trump towards volodymyr zelensky in this situation. because there was already a scandal when volodymyr
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zelenskyi spoke with donald trump after he came to the presidency on the phone, then this phone conversation became the reason for ... impeachment proceedings against trump were announced for talking about providing aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation into the case of the burisma company, which involved biden's son, joseph biden hunter, with kamalo garis, if you believe publications in time magazine zelensky also has a difficult relationship with simon schuster, because at the munich security conference of the 22nd year. before the large-scale invasion , zelenskyi and garis had, as simon writes, a tense conversation about whether ukraine to respond to threats of an attack by the russian federation. to what extent, in your opinion , are these personal, personal misunderstandings that zelenskyy once had
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with trump and garis can affect relations between ukraine and... the states of america, well, after biden, none of the politicians will be a good grandfather or a good grandmother for zelenskyi . this fact is obvious. the fact is that trump , in general, cringes at the mention of zelensky. he defeats himself at the same time, but he perfectly understands that zelensky is the one, well, that story from impeachment and... he, well , trump definitely has no trust in zelenskyi and his entourage, i want to remind you that at one time, giuliani, once... the mayor of new york and trump's lawyer came to kyiv and organized this criminal case against -e biden and
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poroshenko, through whom two people who are suspected of high treason , derkachi dubinsky, who released the falsified tapes, appeared later, and now dobinsky is running for the investigative detention center. the council of the federation of the russian federation of the upper house from astrakhan, and this burden rests on zelensky's administration, don't trust trump, let alone haris, kamala haris, she is special, her whole life is connected with the case with the prosecutor's office, she was the general prosecutor and in the conversation with zelenskyi and minshina, she spoke as a prosecutor, and as a defender of her president, with the person who organized the criminal
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prosecution of her president, that is what is special, because zelensky organized the criminal prosecution of biden in ukraine, together with petro poroshenko, that is, against the two... organized these fake films, etc the story did not end with these fake tapes, because dublinsky was not convicted, who was somehow released from the country, well, i remember other characters who also, let's say, poisoned the relationship between ukraine and the united states, but now zelenskyi finds himself in the -er... situations when he will have to answer to kamala for all his actions, and she, she looks like a prosecutor at zelensky, like a prosecutor at a criminal, that is
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, at the accused, or rather, well, you know, she looks not only at zelensky, as well on trump, because trump has a lot of criminal cases, in fact, that's why it's a very interesting situation here, because we obviously have a vice president. will be the curator of ukraine, as biden was at one time obama's curator of ukraine, and this is very good, because there is a danger of lowering relations, and then the curator of relations with ukraine can be the secretary of state, we must, mr. volodymyr, we will monitor this, we must complete our program, we will continue in other programs about the elections in the united states of america, there will be a lot of interesting things to come, thank you for the conversation, it was political expert. volodymyr tsybulko. friends, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey. we ask you about this, are there any good russians who are useful for ukraine? let's look at the interim results of our
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survey. 17% - yes, 83 - no - these are the results of a television survey. there are discounts until independence day on linex forte of 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until the day independence of navizin. 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. eurofest softcaps - an ambulance against the main field, starts working in 15 minutes. there are discounts until independence day on imodium. 20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime
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. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component. sergey zurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already with me and time talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. it's time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news chechenina our tv viewer is ready to tell rome good evening presenters who have become for many movrodnidenka already in front of me is ready to talk about the weather this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, leader of crimean tatars people in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast. in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso. see
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this week in the judicial program. competition for the constitutional court, where did the candidates get their valuable property, why is the state looking into my life, my wallet, and on what grounds? but how did the contestant get a conclusion about dishonesty for the second time? i admitted my mistakes that were made in the previous competition. watch the program on thursday, august 8 at 17:45 judicial control with tetyana shustrova on espresso tv channel. journalist who joined... political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. congratulations, friends,
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the second part of the program is live on the espresso tv channel verdict, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this program we will talk about the following: the kurdish arc for putin, the war spilled over into the territory of the aggressor's country, what kind of effect can be expected in russian society, good russians for measures. opponents of putin's regime released during the great exchange want to become leaders of new russia, are there any useful for our state among them? peace plans of ukraine. the second global peace summit will be held in the country of the so-called global south. what will he be and what concessions is zelenskyy willing to make. we will talk about all this in the next
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45 minutes. but before that, friends, how to start our big conversation, i will remind you that we are conducting a survey throughout our broadcast, we are asking you today , are there any good russians who are useful for ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, vote, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0.800 211 numbers 381, if in... you think that among the good russians there are useful for ukraine, and if you do not think so, then 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote , and today we have igor reiterovych on the air, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast and
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we are waiting for the inclusion of viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis from sum, exactly just from the city, which is located on the border, next to the kursk region. i hope that viktor boberenko will join our broadcast and we will talk about what is happening in the neighboring kurshchyna region, and how it is reflected in the sumy region, in the sumy region, in particular in sumy. but before we actually start this big conversation, i would like you, mr. igor, to answer a question that we conduct among our viewers and tv viewers, we ask them whether among good russians there are useful for of ukraine? how would you answer this question? no, well, there are certainly useful for ukraine who serve in voluntary formations, which are part of the armed forces of ukraine, and
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fight against it with weapons in their hands. putin's regime and against russia as an aggressor country, therefore these people definitely fall under the definition of good russians in the sense that they call a spade a spade and try to really really change the situation that arose in the first place in their country. all others who are currently abroad, who are called themselves as the russian opposition, it seems to me that they have many, many questions, and with each, well, with each minute. i would say yes, every day these questions come to them more and more, because they had a lot of time to decide, to take the right position, but as we can see, as they say in russia , herbatov's grave will fix, well, to some extent, this applies to those who claim the status of this alternative for putin, and it must be said frankly that this is a kind of alternative. well, you mean three positional politicians, who were changed by putin for murderers and spies, this is
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volodymyr. for and levyashin.


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