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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning, russian troops shelled kherson and aimed at a high-rise building. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, announced this. an enemy shell hit one of the apartments. as a result of shelling , the building was completely destroyed. fortunately, no one was hurt. it was somewhere. around six o'clock i was in the kitchen, making coffee, went into the room, and just lay down, my mother was on i was on my bed, i was at my place, and then suddenly there was such an explosion, and there was some kind of flame, and then everything went up in smoke, ugh, i was uncovering everything, and then i saw what. in the morning
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, the enemy hit the premises of the fire department in nikopol with a drone. as a result of the attack, windows at the rescue depot were broken and equipment was damaged. this was reported in the state emergency service. fortunately, no one was hurt. and at night, the enemy launched two iskander-m ballistic missiles in the kharkiv region and two guided missiles over ukraine kh-59 missiles. the last two were shot down by our defenders. sky, this was reported in the air force. the russians also struck with four shahkheds. ukrainian air defense forces shot down all drones in odesa, kherson and kirovohrad regions. over the past 24 hours, 96 combat clashes took place at the front, the general staff of zysu reports. the enemy continues to operate most actively in the pokrovsky direction. almost a third of all offensive actions took place there. near turetsk, the occupiers carried out 11. attacks in the area
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of ​​northern new york and zalizny. by himself the russians launched more than three dozen guided bombs on shtoretska and its adjacent territories. in the kramatorsk direction, the occupiers stormed seven times. all efforts were concentrated near the temporal chasm. in the kharkiv region , the defense forces repelled enemy attacks near vovchansk and tykhi. five attempts took place near kupyansk. the russians advanced near petropavlivka, kolisnikivka and to the side. of the new son, the aviation of the defense forces made 11 strikes on areas of concentration of enemy personnel, and also hit two means air defense, seven means of missile troops and aviation, as well as two warehouses with ammunition of the occupiers. over 95% of ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured in russia. this was stated by the head of the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine, daniel bell. according to her, tactics. torture in russian captivity is
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widespread and systematic. ukrainians beat with metal sticks and torture with electric shocks. danielle bel said that the torture used by the russians against the ukrainian military is the worst she has seen in her 20-year career visiting prisoners. the security service and the national police detained a suspected agent of the russian special service who was preparing a series of arson attacks in the kyiv region. he turned out to be a 16-year-old resident of the capital. the enemy deliberately recruited a minor when he was looking for quick money in telegram channels. the test task was to post anti-ukrainian leaflets around the city. after its execution , the curator promised the minor a lot of money in exchange for setting fire to military vehicles with mandatory video recording of the process. law enforcement officials report two damaged cars of the promised amount of your cryptocurrency. he never
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received the alleged pallium. the minor was informed of suspicion under two articles at once. he faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. the captured footage was needed by the fsb for the preparation of informational and psychological special operations, which were carried out in ukraine not with the fsb's money, but allegedly in our country there is a pro-russian underground, which is thus trying to disrupt the mobilization and help the russian federation. when setting a task for the minor, the russian curator stated that he would not set fire to fire necessarily a military car, and any car that is... military, the security service and the national police prevented the implementation of the enemy's plans thanks to the timely exposure of the russian agent and his arrest in hot pursuit. in kyiv, the police detained two men who allegedly burned the car of a public activist. according
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to the police, one of the arsonists followed the woman. at night, he doused the car with a flammable substance and set it on fire. the police detained a 42-year-old man. annual resident of the kyiv region, they were informed about the suspect faces up to 10 years in prison. you are not alone, for the families of the fallen heroes, a holiday was organized in the lviv region. philanthropists seek to improve the psychological and physical condition of women who lost relatives due to russian aggression. more in the plot of my colleagues. her life... was divided into before and after june 8, 2022. iryna snitkina's husband died defending ukraine, the woman could not comprehend this reality for a long time, she was haunted by depressive thoughts and feelings of apathy, she held on for the sake of two daughters, ivanka and oleksandra. my children, my
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wings, i guess it was appropriate, kamila, sasha. iryna became a participant. of the you are not alone project from the iryna koval charitable foundation organized a vacation for five families of fallen heroes at the saint charbel hotel in the lviv region. here , women work with a psychologist for six days, draw, visit a spa and drink mineral water. today i feel, i don't know, some kind of relaxation, peace, from what we are doing, we are doing it in a team with girls, girls. everyone, very much simple, sweet, well, so sincere, we all support each other. the loss of a loved one depresses and deprives one of vitality, says psychologist olesya tsymbala. the method of art therapy helps women to live through grief and get rid of the feeling
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of loneliness. namely, thanks to art, thanks to work with artistic means, they have the opportunity to relax and open up. and get resources, for example, swimming pools, that's all, it's a robot table, it's an opportunity to feel your body, in work with loss, it's important and with trauma, the robot table is important. the organizer of the project also took care of the children of the fallen heroes, they have a separate program of activities, and while the children spend time with the teacher, their mothers take care of their own health. it's important in advance because we understand that children are our future, if we don't help these women, they won't be able to raise their children properly, because they don't really have a closed wound, a wound that's bleeding, very
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i like it a lot, i dreamed of being in a wrinkle, i am glad, because what, because my mother has such an opportunity to recover, benefactors are ready in the future. to keep women who are left alone with the pain of loss, every business that has the opportunity, someone with money, someone with their activity, to help join and be useful, important, in any matter, he must do it. kateryna oliynyk, yuriy melnyk, espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and systems. electronic warfare for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the zso. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades
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urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal with you is uah 3.5 million. now on your screens you see all the necessary details in order to... zadonat. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. you and i will see each other in less than an hour, further along. on air my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting. dear friends, here we are and this is our final hour, we are starting it. thank you for being with us, thank you for actively donating, we've improved a little, you've improved a little today's situation, which was. with donations and almost uah 2000 already, listen, the final hour of our, our participation in
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the espresso marathon and let's give this your final rush, right now there is a qr code on your screens, you scan it and retell it as much as you don't mind , as much as you can tell, we will we are grateful for any donation, whether it is small or large, it does not matter what size it is, the main thing is that it is there, i thought that 700 people for 10 hryvnias will already be 700, and there will be 700, which means that in we will have 6.5 hundred thousand hryvnias already in the account, in a word only 10 hryvnias, but the main thing is that there are 700 people together, let's check if that many people are watching us, dear friends, i understand that you tell someone 10 hryvnias, he thinks, and i can add more, and it's starting to overheat, so... start adding and we'll continue talk with our guests, now we will talk about sumy region, what is happening there,
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we will ask adriana kostenko, who is already in touch with us, mrs. andrina, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and member of the board of the public organization sumy region intelligence. ms. andriana, we welcome you, congratulations, studio, greetings to the audience, the day before there was a very long air alarm in sumy oblast, like today... with air alarms, is it quiet, is everything the same, yes, almost a day, more than a day, we lived in the conditions of the air alert, yesterday, closer to noon, it, well, literally for 15 minutes, if i’m not mistaken, was suspended and continued during the past day, it turned on very often at night, and unfortunately, these alarms were accompanied by arrivals, accompanied by explosions, accompanied by such a sufficiently loud environment and in
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regional center and in general for most territorial communities of our region, in general i can say that it is very disturbing to watch and listen to all this, because before we always said that sumy is such a special region that has the longest border with... with the enemy, yes, and today and these last three days we feel a very tense situation and fly out and fly into the region and the work of the air defense forces, in fact, there is such and such a certain anxiety about the safety of the civilian population that is constantly present, and what worries me the most , that there is not enough information in general, you cannot always distinguish where the defense forces are working. where and when do our defenders, the armed forces of ukraine, actually work to
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warn or possibly repulse the attacks of the enemies, yes, where are the enemies? certain arrivals, therefore, against the background of constant loud such arrivals and flights , the situation is quite tense in the city and in the region as a whole. i'm watching. that just now sumy oblast is marked in red on the map, which means that the air alert continues, sumy oblast borders kursk oblast, mrs. andriano, what news is there from there and how do people discuss exactly what is happening in sumy oblast, what the armed forces forces of ukraine entered the kurdish region? well, actually, as i said, there's not a lot of such information there is an official one, and when... it is absent, or it is given in such portions, yes, of course
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people then, i mean ukrainians, in particular the residents of sumy oblast, try to look for it in enemy publics, try to look for it in unverified sources of information, and en masse , are massively discussing completely different scenarios, from even such fantastic ones that they want to exchange the kursk region for the zaporizhzhia region and... to be honest, my function is often to just constantly debunk these, this kind of fakes, misinformation, some rumors that , that are walking, here, but this is again a question of the fact that it is probably necessary to work more systematically and explain to people, without revealing certain military moments, but in order , you know, to retain and in order to strengthen faith in the armed forces , to explain
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to people what is happening, there are a lot of rumors, rumors, various misinformation. unfortunately, a certain part of society also walks around these propagandistic public places and reads, in fact, what is happening there and makes up their own minds, of course, it is not completely and not always sustainable adds, but on the other hand, you know, here we can certainly show the famous map of ukraine in 1919, and on it, in principle, i don't know where here, where here... this where, where, where here, these are the current hostilities in kursk, where kurshchyna is, they are trying to understand, but, but you see what ukraine looked like then from the point of view of the founders of the ukrainian people's republic, and we see that there is a large part of present-day belarus on
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this map, i really like how it is written , you know, in our country they sometimes say that it is not good to say muscovites, well, but here it is written in black on yellow on... moscaly, although at the end it is not i, but y, moscalye, moscalye, moscalye, well, we like it, moscalye, that's what we call them, yes you know that joke, he says what it is, he says, cattle, four legs and horns, he says, here is a bull, a bull, wrong, mykola says, this is a bull, oh, then he says exactly it, that is, this, this the announcement is important, but they say that theirs is for the same public, they are not ashamed to write.
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a little yes, of course, in general, slobozhanshchyna is the land of such free cossacks, in groups, perhaps yes, cossack settlements, those former partially serfs who were able to for whom the main value is will, freedom, and in fact, who provided protection, historically provided protection of the eastern border. of modern ukraine, and of course, a large part of this western, modern, not belonging to russia, muscovy, yes, in fact, these are, well, really historical lands, ukrainian lands, a large number, a large number of ethnic ukrainians live on these lands, if you look even the census of that
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year, 1918, actually according to language... most people identified that they speak ukrainian, i mean suja actually, kursk, modern kursk oblast, yes, so really, it's just a question, a very big question, is it originally whose land is it, so, i would, you know, being frank, i wouldn't provoke, being a scientist... i wouldn't provoke a discussion of the public debate about blocking the crossing of state borders, here, but what may need to be frankly said is that russia also has a large number of historically ukrainian
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lands , as well as belarus is, and if russia wants to protect. them within its borders, then it should start respecting the territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of our state. absolutely. mrs. andriana, regarding the actual border, as now with the defensive fortifications in the sumy oblast, because we understand that things can be different and the situation, the events unfolding in kursk oblast, can turn out differently. well, since the summer, we have been observing such quite systematically, systematically. work on strengthening the state border, in fact our team with a humanitarian mission with programs socio-psychological support. who traveled, a large number of territorial communities, border territorial communities of the sumy region passed through, and we saw that the borders were really being strengthened both by building
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fortifications and through, well, even such physical force, and now we definitely understand that also a sufficiently large number of certain, certain equipment, certain... defense systems appeared in our region , which were definitely not there at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, i personally do not believe in a physical breach of the border, yes, although threats with shelling, missile attacks, shelling, drones, and so on, it is quite possible, and we are, and we are observing it, although i believe that the border is strongly fortified, and the extreme... in addition, we also have a population that is sufficiently disposed to in order to fight back, fight back the enemy, at the same time
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, the evacuation of 203 settlements is also underway in sumy oblast, how is it happening, what is the number of people and where are these people going next, are they being taken somewhere centrally, or is everyone already on their own must look for a new place of refuge and how how long will this evacuation last? well, in fact , this evacuation was only announced yesterday when the situation worsened in six or five territorial communities, which are directly in the affected area and most often face shelling, face direct even the intervention of the drg, but actually these are actually the communities about which you and i constantly mentioned on the air, and... we are really talking about 23 settlements, about 6 thousand residents of these settlements, that is, this is the krasnopil community, this is the mykolaiv rural community, myropil,
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yunakivska and khotynska communities. at the moment , it is not clear, in fact, how and how the conditions for the temporary stay of these people will be arranged, as far as i know, a significant part of up to fifty... children began to be evacuated from, if i am not mistaken, from the khotyn community, joined this process humanitarian organizations, in a number of territorial communities, which are physically further away from the zone, the combat zone, yes, temporary reception centers for internally displaced persons are set up there, complex complex psychosocial is provided. help, assessment of the needs of these people, help with the provision of the most necessary means of subsistence, yes, but i still do not see
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such systematic work, because actually evacuating 6,000 people is quite a difficult job, in addition, one must understand that these are mainly rural settlements, and also to understand that these are mainly grandmothers, yes some grandfathers, who are very... difficult, well even in total danger, so very difficult ready to leave their house, yes, their, their settlement, well and often it's also people people with reduced mobility, people who find it difficult to move, and evacuation - it's not just that they jumped into a car somewhere and drove away, special equipment is needed to transfer these people. well, in general, what is currently developing in kursk oblast, did it push certain people to the point that they decided to leave sumy
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oblast for a while? i understand that the residents of sumy oblast are already hardened people in principle, because they live in the region that has the longest border with russia, there must be some internal resistance here, but nevertheless, well, given what we 've seen over the course of 2.5 years, while... a full-scale invasion has been going on, has that instilled some kind of, you know, panic or fear, or at least some kind of forethought about security residents of sumy oblast, or on the contrary, it inspires them with hope, uh, well, anxiety is definitely there, it is observed, if in general, in everyone, yes, and if we talk about these communities, which are directly under the affected area. there are, of course, families with children, yes, this is such an additional motivator for them to think about the safety of the children themselves, that is
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, the families themselves, where... where there are children, where there are people like that, who are more active, of a more working age, more mobile, they tend to leave after all, and this, it is noticeable, also take their grandmothers, relatives who stayed there in the regional center, who have and have not actually left the region as a whole, that is, those people who have somewhere to leave, they are really inclined to leave, but again... we must not forget that rural the area is elderly people, it is often lonely people, it is often people who they may physically have relatives, but these relatives either live far away or left during the full-scale invasion, and in fact they have neither resources, nor physical opportunities, nor simply no opportunity to live anywhere, so it is important to have such programs where
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they will simply be told that... you stay there for a week, we will shelter you somewhere, in fact, it should be provided housing for a sufficiently long, perhaps permanent period of time for such people, because it is unlikely that a significant part of people will return to a ten-kilometer zone in the nearest period of time, let's be honest, it's hot enough there and it flies in, and it actually flies in every day. every hour actually every hour. just four minutes ago, the sumy public reported that a mixed work schedule has been introduced in sumy medical facilities due to the own complication of the security situation, and people are asked to contact family doctors by phone, and urgent care will be provided by doctors on duty. so the situation in sumy oblast is a bit complicated. yes, in fact, and
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we observe the same thing, even. eh, for some reason private clinics are working, this is also such a big issue, communal institutions, state structures, medical institutions, they are in this format, and yesterday i literally talked with the demand for private polyclinics, clinics, yes, where people have to pay, but they work there, that is , they have a guaranteed job, people are forced to look for funds for some urgent cases, because there are urgent cases. yes, we understand, and urgent cases, then people apply for their funds already, ms. andryana, thank you for the conversation and for the story about the situation on sumy region, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and board member of the sumy region intellectuals public organization, was with us, we are going for a break, we will come back, continue and talk about, again about suzha, the city of suzha, because the russian public says,
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that... it seems that the ukrainian military controls, in particular, the suja gas measuring station, which is a key border facility for the transportation of russian gas to europe, about this and also about what kind of energy situation we will have in the country, further, let's talk with oleksiy orzhel, stay with us. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one you need. set savory pro unpack tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even in the oven. pans are made of damage-resistant stainless steel. savory pans pro will serve you for many years. from now on, food heats up evenly, cooks quickly
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