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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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why are these stories, about these stories , not told to us by anti-corruption bodies, but by journalists? uh, well, i think that the anti-corruption authorities are also telling, they are doing their job, we can see it, maybe obviously not the way we would like, but the journalists are doing their job the way we would like, or at least we would like even better, but they also work on time and fulfill their duty, this gives us hope for a good future of our state, all this is due to the fact that... journalists wrote about it, ngl media, as far as i can see behind the desk, you will tell me, yes, the portal, and it is obvious that the journalists are just doing their job, and this is happening because there is no rule of law in the country, so it was possible to turn off the espresso channel from the air with one order without any grounds, reasons, just like the other direct fifth channels there, and please wanted to disperse the parliament, please wanted not to... enforce the law, please
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wanted to pass the law in violation of the regulations, please wanted not to vote for the legitimate opposition , or to command from the president's office, cabinet ministers, you know, all this, or to have all these advisors of the president's office in their positions, who do not work anywhere, do not report to anyone, but teach everyone how to live, teach everyone, all go immediately to the army, say these dozens of advisors who they hide without an army, without any reason, go for a ride, rest in the south.' seas, this is how it works, unfortunately, it is the absence of the rule of law, and if the rule of law is absent on the mountain, then obviously it will be absent in every official who works in this or that ministry, in this or that fund, for people's money means nothing to him, he lives like it's the last day, because the government lives like the last day, because the government doesn't care about the law, and to care about the law doesn't mean that there, relatively speaking, zelensky himself or yermak himself carry suitcases there earned money, maybe they wear it, maybe they don't, i don't... i
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don't know this and i don't have such data, but the fact that the government is built on monopoly, on the violation of the principle of separation of powers, this obviously demoralizes the whole society, because this means that you can do anything, then you can steal, and this is the biggest problem, which of course is shameful, because it is, it is shameful from an international point of view, we are talking about european integration, we are talking about international aid, we ourselves are giving the enemies of ukraine a reason to say that corruption is everywhere in our country. to all these american anti-ukrainian figures, who all the time say that we do not need to give weapons, and there are many of them, because russia is financing them all, our petty, absolutely irresponsible, petty officials, who really do not steal a little, contribute to all this and thereby are destroying ukraine, but in order to preserve ukraine, we must first of all establish the rule of law and responsibility, starting from the president and ending with the last state official, then it will work. thank you sir. thank you mykola for the conversation, it was
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mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, put like this video, and take part in our vote. today we ask you about the following: are there any good russians who are useful for ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your opinion, if it is separate. and separate from these two unequivocal answers in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote 0800 211 381, if you think that among the good russians there are useful for ukraine, if there are none, in your opinion 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up the results of this vote, then we have on the air viktor yagun, major general of the sbu
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reserve, deputy head of the sbu in 2014-15, director of the agency with reforming the security sector. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. yes, good evening. let's start our conversation with the situation that is currently developing in kurshchyna, because the russians have already made many statements and the ministry of defense of the russian federation. today, putin commented on the situation. said that this is some kind of provocation by the defense forces of ukraine, er, we do not have a clear answer from the ukrainian side yet, but we understand that there are obviously reasons for not speaking and not commenting officially , what are these the reasons in your opinion, well , the reasons why we can't, since the russians once tried to enter the kharkiv region and didn't know. what achievements they will have,
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tactical or strategic, so it is with us now, we have entered the enemy's territory, and we must understand whether we tactically fulfilled our plan, then...that is, we distracted the enemy's attention, managed to ensure the withdrawal of some of their reserves, distracted, distracted their attention from the more serious tasks that faced them there in the donetsk region, in the kharkiv region, and whether we can achieve some strategic tasks, in particular, i don't know, to take control there, for example , the kursk nuclear power plant, but why, why can someone collect it? the nuclear power plant is under control, why can't we take it, that is we wanted to, you see, we just need to stop playing don quixote and tell that we are going within the framework of the geneva conventions and do not cross the border, but we have a state border, we do not
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cross the state border, i said a long time ago and this was even not in the 22nd year, but even earlier than in russia security. stylish towns at a distance of 15-20 km simply do not exist, and ukraine can repeat what we saw with prigozhin's colony, when his column calmly, without any tension, took control of the city in which it was located the entire headquarters of the rostov military district and the column almost reached the tula, so i think that if ukraine set itself the goal of ... a combat raid of a combat brigade on the enemy's rear, it would be great. mr. general, judging by putin's reaction, he did not expect such a development of events, and this means that they did not prepare at all for the fact that the territory of the russian
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federation, the war that they started in ukraine in 2014 could come to the territory of the russian federation, after 10 years, this war has already come there, whether they feel it or not do russians understand what is happening in their state, well, as of the present moment, except of course the residents of the suzhan district and in the kursk region in general, or can this affect psychologically, on russians in other regions, will they understand what is happening? unfortunately no. unfortunately, they do not understand anything, and except for those who were directly there in some unpleasant situation, yes, there, someone’s building burned down there, or someone was hit by drones, artillery, all the rest, they will simply
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ignore, on the contrary say, these are your problems there is no civil society in russia, there is no mutual respect and support in russia. region of the region, everyone is for himself there, so i think that everything will remain as it is, that is, only those people who saw directly, or received something there from ukraine, others will simply ignore all these events, the head of the main the intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, general budanov says that by the summer of the 25th... russia will face a dilemma: either to end the war against ukraine or to announce a large-scale mobilization, quote mr. budanov, who delivered a speech to graduates of the kyiv school of economics. the enemy understands that if the protracted war continues, then no later than the summer of the 25th year, russia
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will face a dilemma, either to stop it all or to announce another large-scale mobilization. you, mr. general, do you think for a long time? will it be enough for russia to fight in ukraine and on what, on what factors will it depend? well, they have enough money until the end of the year, that's for sure, because all the decrees that were signed by putin or his henchmen in the regions, they concern the provision of funds for mobilization, well, until the end of the year. everything else, they really don't have money, the economy. in the 25th year, stagnation will begin, perhaps stagnation will begin, this is the end of the 25th year, and some decisions must be made regarding mobilization, because the volunteers and those who are paid for money are running out, and the replenishment, which can not
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only fill the gaps that are in the troops, actually switch to the accumulation of reserves there, maybe not even tactical, but strategic, and there... on those or in other areas, all this is simply absent now, they simply operate with those units, shooting from one area of ​​the front to another, and thus... they try to hold that intense pretend offensive that they conduct at the expense of meat assaults, all this was once little end, listen, since october, in fact, they have been at this pace for almost a year, well, no army simply can withstand it. mr. general, the main intelligence agency has confirmed the ukrainian operation on the tendrivska spit in the northern part of the sea, according to the data. reconnaissance on the night of august 6, landing a group of special forces landed on the spit and
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destroyed enemy armored vehicles and there were losses among the russians. before that, its ukrainian drones attacked the russian morozovsk airfield, where su-34s and ammunition depots were destroyed. there was also information published by forbes that ukraine lost the chance to destroy. dozens of su-34s due to the prohibition of the united states of america to strike on the territory of the russian federation, how do you assess the deployment of these hostilities on the territory of the russian federation, but the special operations that we conduct are, as far as they are successful, how much are they sufficient, how much are they improving, how do you as a professional look at it? well, look, the fact that they are improving is clear, because we saw what happened in morozivka, we saw the quality of
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the strikes, and that indeed not only equipment was destroyed there, but also ammunition, i hope that the strikes that we we carry out on the oil refining enterprises of the russian federation, they are also being improved, the last information was that we could already fly there for 200 km, so everything that can ... with the help of our military equipment, which exclusively ours and based on our developments, to do something, then we do it, as for the other, there is permission, no permission to use military equipment and ammunition against, ammunition of our partners, well, unfortunately, i think that sometime years after completion this war uh, one of the historians asked valid questions, i don't know
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if there will be answers to them, why they did that and why we came to what we have. in your opinion, why are our western partners restraining ukraine, they want to conduct a dialogue with the russian federation, as we see during the exchange of russian oppositionists for killers and spies, and this dialogue is visible. is conducted between the interstate or between special services, they do not want to lose this dialogue, they are afraid of the ungovernability of the russian federation, they are afraid that the russian federation will use nuclear weapons, is there any logical explanation why ukraine is not allowed to use western weapons for strikes on the territory of the russian federation ? they don't want the total destruction of russia, they do are afraid of the destruction of russia, they don't understand... what will happen after russia starts to fall, and they really fear that nuclear weapons will be
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uncontrolled. if somebody from russia took responsibility, saying, i control nuclear weapons, and i'm not going to let them spread over there, i don't know, to other newly created independent states, i think the west would put on that person and the collapse of russia and the end of of all these processes. which began here at the beginning of the 20th century, ended peacefully, and yes, the situation will continue with such heart-breaking leaps, and it is not known how it can really end, until the west understands that russia in its current form is not a partner and is not capable of negotiation, it is not even a state, i don't know, a conglomerate to... then we will have this situation: two steps forward, four back, two sideways, and this dance
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around russia will continue. these dances, mr. general, continue, and i do not know whether you believe this information, which the russians spread, in particular through the mouth of the deputy minister of foreign affairs serhiy ryabkov, that the ukrainians were preparing an assassination attempt on vladimir putin on the day of the russian navy. on july 28, but on july 12, belousov, the minister of defense of russia, called lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states of america, asking him, ah... that the ukrainians should not beat during the military parade in st. petersburg and that they should not attempt to assassinate putin, a fragment of that , what ryabkov said, now we will listen. i can say that according to some signs, the signal is directed from the russian side to
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washington, and i understand, not only to washington, but also to some others. capitals controlled by washington, we have avoided a new round of escalation, mr. general, can we trust what the russians say, listen, well, this is an information operation of the russian federation, which was based solely on their information and solely on what they say, well, listen, well, who's going to sort it out? in the security system and understands who is responsible for what, well, what is the meaning of telling defense minister austin what, what, what he can do, he can call umerov at his level, and what died? umerov supplies the armed forces with potatoes, not even always weapons, you know, if it were a conversation, i don't know
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gerasimov there with the head of the joint staff of the united states, well then. understood that it would be a conversation with sirskyi and warned sirskyi that listen, well, somehow stop something there, and so you just know, about nothing, this is a confirmation of their narratives that ukraine is under the complete control of the united states, and behind each with a call, she carries out any requests of russia there, which can affect the united states, this is all a bluff and definitely not true, so i'm calm. he treated everything, especially the fact that someone there was going to beat him with drones, well, these are his personal problems. mr. general, i have already mentioned this exchange that took place between the russian federation and the western countries last week, this behind-the-scenes diplomacy, or these behind-the-scenes
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negotiations, do they indicate that... russia and our western partners are still leading there are many negotiations behind the scenes and they are in contact with moscow, and the main thing is that those who sit in the kremlin, they can, if they want to it is necessary to agree on something with our western partners, and this, it also gives answers to the question, what, what is happening in general, and why... russia is constantly, well , playing, roughly speaking, confused, and constantly talks about it , we will destroy the whole world, we will use nuclear weapons and we will destroy ukraine until we destroy it, that is, after all, this exchange shows that the western partners and the russians can conduct a dialogue and agree on something, this is a no no
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what does not prove is, you understand, we from... from in the same way, with the same things, we can remember the exchanges that began in 52, under stalin, you know, and then they continued to exchange spies, on the er bridge between the zones of west and east germany, it's not about anything proves, it simply proves that there are contacts, they really are, there is a telephone connection, there is, they contacted even the hottest uh... these phases and it was unpleasant that there were no ukrainian prisoners there, but this just proves that no one talked about ukraine without ukraine, that is, everything happens there, no no no contacted putin, what putin expressed a wish was his wish, intelligence contacted, contacted from one
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side of syria, the intermediary was the turks, and they went to... the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation to the gur of the russian federation to the fsb and agreed that agreed, yes, this was an unprecedented special operation, because for the first time since the disappearance of the soviet union, not citizens of the country were exchanged for citizens of the country, others , but political prisoners were exchanged, no matter how they were convicted there. for which they did not have citizenship other than russian, it was such an interesting situation, but it always happens in the world, and i believe that it is one of the things that there are contacts, yes, there are contacts, well, what can we do, we cannot influence them. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, this was major general of the sbu reserve viktor yagun. friends,
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we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you about this, is there? in your opinion , among the good russians, are they useful for ukraine? yes, no, it's on youtube, or yes, or no, if you have a different opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers. 0 800 211 381, if among the good russians you think are useful for ukraine, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers. are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth
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convocation, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, mr. volodymyr, kurshchyna is on fire, and the ministry of defense of the russian federation and putin are simply frightened by what is happening. on the border of the sumy and kurt regions, suzhansky district, 11 settlements, sudja, ukrainians are advancing towards kurchatov, where the kurdish nuclear power plant, a gas distribution station located in suja, which in principle controls all exports of russian gas to europe via ukraine, is under. control of the defense forces of ukraine, in your opinion, can such raids and similar operations change
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the attitude of the russians to the war and influence the course of events at the front? well, in fact, the only unifying idea of ​​the russian population is russian television, and if russian... television has now begun to lose its position very much, then i am left with some set telegram channels, and a completely defragmented post-russian empire, relatively speaking, because taking into account the demographic changes in the population of the current russian federation, it can be said that soon a third of the population of russia. will be of non-slavic origin, uh, citizens, so to say that russia has some kind of unifying
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idea, but obviously putin and his ideologues expected that the attack on ukraine would unite with a sense of victory and great power, would create a new russian identity , but now in the third year of the war, the population begins directly to get, so to speak, all the goodies from this war, we have the fact that they are being robbed by russian troops, there is so much evidence that russian troops, fleeing from the territory of kurshchyna, manage to enslave their own population, and the government also behaves in such a way that it essentially abandons these people arbitrarily, without coordinating the opportunity for them to leave, to leave the territories before the ukrainian offensive. well, sometimes it seems to me that the russian government behaves the way the ukrainian government behaved in the kyiv region in february 22. well, but me, but actually, me
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i suspect that she behaves much worse. but here is the reaction of the russian authorities, the russian leadership led by putin, who so wanted to take kyiv in three days that they are now surrendering property... villages and cities, and this war has already spilled over the border of ukraine, into the territory of the russian federation, what about does this indicate this shows the failure of putin, the complete failure of putin, because he is talking about what he says are provocations on the part of the ukrainian side, although these are not provocations, it is a war that would come to the territory of the russian federation, and he, probably, in a terrible dream... he could not imagine such a thing, well, the peculiarity of the current, current attack of the ukrainian judge on the sozhzhan district,
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because it is no longer voluntary'. the corps is russian, and the ukrainian troops, and this is a direct reaction, that is, a war, well, no, you can’t tie some armed forces to the territory, and others will still walk around the territory of ukraine, relatively speaking, like a buffet, so ukrainian the troops will walk on the territory of russia, as if at a buffet, things went differently, i.e ammunition replenishment situation. themselves, with the ordering of troops, with the arrival of serious weapons, the latest ones, allowed the ukrainian army to create tension in a completely unexpected direction, and the most important thing is that it is a similar mirror situation with the energy gift, because here there are some 20 km to the city of korchatov, and there is a prospect of that ukrainian troops will surround the kurdish nuclear plant. and
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this means that then the object of the novkol energodar trade is created, that is, in essence, what is the seizure of the kursk and the blackout of the south russia, in my opinion, this is from, for example, this kursk magnetic anomaly and the entire pond smelting industry, which... well, in this area, especially in lipitek , the novolypitsk metallurgical plant is located, it is the plant that currently supplies the most steel for the russian army , that is why the power cut of such production will lead to the super effect of such a domino effect, where not only the population will be without electricity, but most importantly, the most important thing, that the
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russian defense industry will be without... electricity and stop, this is a very strong move, to be honest, here is the reaction of john kirby, the head of the national security council of the white house, to what is happening in kurshchyna, he says that the united states of america has not changed its policy on allowing ukraine to use american weapons to counter the immediate threats that arise on the other side of the border. and that they will contact their ukrainian colleagues for a better understanding of the situation in the kurt region, but it is absolutely obvious, mr. volodymyr, that without their own missiles, without their own capabilities, missile capacities, it will be difficult for ukraine to strike at military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, destroy ammunition depots, strike at russian airfields, zelensky this
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week announced that there will be even more home-made missiles in ukraine, because yesterday he held a meeting rates of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and, according to zelenskyi , the rate decision directed additional funding to the missile program. let's listen to what zelensky said. also today , a decision was made at the pond regarding our rocket station programs. to increase funding, and separately the minister of defense reported on the provision of weapons to our brigades and the corresponding negotiations with partners. i am grateful to everyone in the world who is really ready to support us in exactly the way it is necessary to achieve results both at this time and in the future. i would like to say, it is good that in the third year of the great war, after
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all... such a rate of the supreme commander-in-chief made a decision regarding ukrainian missiles, but these missile programs, they started during poroshenko's presidency, but were suspended in 2019, why do you think these decisions were made at the time, and if they are wrong, who should be responsible for these mistakes? well, the military-political should be responsible for that. construction and the commander-in-chief personally, the fact is that during the time of poroshenko , ukraine produced 600 missiles a year, 600 missiles, well, these are ptursy, these are aviation missiles, quite well -known, r-27, in my opinion, r-10, such missiles, that is, the line was quite wide, and we have two constructors.


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