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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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this is what is happening in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, it's time to learn about the main thing for the moment, i'm anna yavomelnyk, i greet all viewers of espresso, i'll start with this strengthening of defense capabilities and ways to achieve peace in ukraine, president volodymyr zelenskyi discussed during meetings with america'. ski congressmen in
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kyiv. the head of state emphasized the importance of obtaining additional air defense equipment for the effective protection of the civilian population and critical infrastructure of the country. the parties also paid special attention to the advancement of ukraine on the way to euro-atlantic integration. the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb on a settlement in sumy oblast. as a result of the attack, one person was injured , the regional authorities reported. also destroyed. and damaged private homes and cars, at dawn the russians destroyed a school in sumy district, hit an educational institution in the village of stetskivka with two rockets, as the acting mayor of sumy told the previous meeting, not a single surviving window remained on the front facade of the building, there were cracks on the walls and columns, and more than 10 houses of local residents were also damaged. 300 children studied at the school, now the lessons will continue only. now the headquarters has already been deployed,
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emergency services workers are working on the spot, all services are involved, there is light, there are no victims, thank god, that is, the russians killed a man in nikopol, he was on the territory of the hospital, where the occupiers targeted with artillery, - informed the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhiy lysak. doctors fought for his life until the end, but the injuries, unfortunately, turned out to be fatal. as a result of the attack , the institution's building, garages, cars and power lines were seriously damaged. two people were killed as a result of the shelling of kostyantynivka in donetsk region, said the head of donetsk ova, vadym filashkin. the occupiers were targeted by the private sector. according to preliminary information, the enemy used artillery. authorities are urging people to evacuate from the front-line areas of donetsk region due to the constant threat of shelling. and the spressa and blessings tv channel. the vesna foundation opened
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a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and radio-electronic warfare systems for the third separate storm brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the cssu. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future, it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember. each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front line. we urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small uavs and the drones of the comikatia. we really appreciate your help. glory to ukraine. a hero on the night of august 8
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, a powerful explosion rang out in the temporarily occupied berdyansk, local telegram channels report. there was no air warning signal. local residents note that the explosion was not similar to the work of the ppu. the occupiers, according to the usual scenario, do not comment on the arrivals. and the hostilities in the kursk region continue to intensify. the russian ministry of defense reports on successes in the fight. with the armed forces of ukraine, on the other hand, their propaganda warriors are not so optimistic. they write that it seems that the armed forces of ukraine started an offensive from two directions on kurchatov, where the kursk nuclear power plant is located. locals allegedly heard explosions near the station itself. also in telegram channels complain that the city of sudja is completely under the control of ukrainian defenders. at the same time, russian fighter jets drop unguided bombs there, actually destroying its inhabitants. the ukrainian side officially comments. regarding the situation does not give yet. estonia
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has strengthened customs control at the border with russia, all to prevent the transit of sanctioned goods. the minister of finance of the country reported that among these products there are often suspicious things, military or dual purposes. now everyone who leaves to russia will be checked at the estonian customs, in case of suspicion , an additional inspection of luggage, documents and vehicles will be conducted. the newly elected president of mexico, claudia scheinbau, invited the head of the kremlin, putin, to her inauguration. in response, the ukrainian embassy called on the state to detain war criminal putin if he dares to pass through. the inauguration should take place on october 1, and the international criminal court issued a warrant for the arrest of the russian dictator in the spring of 2023. the
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security service reported the suspicion to two in absentia russian military personnel involved in the murder and torture of the sbu colonel. during the temporary occupation of kyiv region. the suspects grabbed the ukrainian officer, tied him to a tree and tortured him for several hours, the body of the murdered security officer was found by law enforcement officers in a forest near vorzel in one of the mass burials of buchi residents. after a series of examinations , the police managed to identify the occupants. they turned out to be the combatant of the 76th assault and assault pskov division of the airborne forces of the russian federation and his deputy. over 95% are ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured in russia, said the head of the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine, danielle bell. according to her, the practice of torture in russian captivity is widespread and systematic. ukrainians are beaten with metal sticks and
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tortured with electric shocks. according to bell, the torture used by the russians against the ukrainian military is the worst she has seen in her 20-year career. on august 8, 2008, russia carried out armed aggression against georgia, as a result of which it killed hundreds of innocent people, occupied abkhazia and south ossetia. refia has turned these regions into a gray area where lawlessness prevails and people's rights are neglected. today in kyiv, public and political forces, volunteers, representatives of the georgian diaspora came to a rally to remind the world of what russia's impunity leads to, because already in 2022 it has carried out a new attack on ukraine, the demonstrators emphasize that russia must withdraw its troops from the sovereign territory of georgia and cancel the recognition of the georgian regions of abkhazia and south ossetia, so- called independent states. in 2008, we
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survived the aggression that the whole world saw. i am very hurt and sorry that the same thing... we see people forced to flee their homes and live in fear of shelling, we want it all to end in ukraine now, we are against the fact that people were . in kyiv, the police detained two men who allegedly burned the car of a public activist. according to the police, one of the arsonists followed the woman, poured a flammable substance on the car at night and set it on fire. the police detained a kyivan and... a resident of the kyiv region it was reported that the men face up to 10 years in prison for the crime. niger chose the path of rapprochement with russia. thus , the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs commented on the breakdown of diplomatic relations
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between the african republic and ukraine. kyiv regarded this step as a gesture of solidarity with those who are spreading chaos and confrontation among all. parts of the world, including the african continent, the agency said. let me remind you that the decision to sever relations with ukraine was made by mali and niger after the defeat of the malian army together with russian wagnerians. they partly blame ukraine for this. kyiv refutes the accusations. two strong earthquakes with a magnitude of about seven shook the japanese island of kyushu. meteorological agency. of the country announced a tsunami warning: the height of the waves can reach one meter, local media write. let me remind you that at the beginning of the year , an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred in the north-central region of noto, which killed almost 250 people.
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look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because it's there live broadcasts of ether, all news releases, programs and specials. like what can only be seen from us, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them , comment, be there, and of course, more important, you can always read on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels. in social networks and see you at 3 p.m. greetings to all viewers of spresso, information day in rozpal itself. in the next few hours, we will analyze with you the main events of today, and there are some. a lot, in studios, roman chaika and marta oliyarnyk are working live for you, you will also donate, and
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in the meantime we are collecting expert opinions from our guests, verified, such as, for example, two news, i am marta, i have good news and bad news for you, come on let's start with the bad news, the bad news, this sycamore lying warrior survived after being hit in a half-bucket, and the good news, youtube finally died on the territory of russia. great, but in the meantime we will join and say hello to our guest, the head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy 21 pavlo lakiychuk, mr. pavle, good day, glory to ukraine, good day, glory to the heroes, well, of course, we will start from the first since the second world war, the invasion of ground troops on the territory of the russian federation, the first time such a thing has happened, about the effects of you ... we ask a little later, the only first thing that interests us is why for the third day in a row we do not know who works
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on the former lands of the ukrainian people's republic, we do not hear an official message from the general staff and do not understand whether it is the armed forces of ukraine or vice versa volunteers the russian rdc, for example, the legion of freedom of russia, why don’t they tell us, a year ago, everyone who could announced... the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the south, in all angles, in all possible options, from the chief of intelligence to the chief of the general staff, well, and it seems to me that it was a false concept, so this time the operation continues in information silence, we don't, we guess, but we don't... know exactly the objectives of the operation, even the directions of the strikes are estimated from the data
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of the enemy by and large, i don't think , that it is expedient to comment on the tactical situation in the kursk region, in the kursk people's republic, but one can assume the reasons for these events, i will remind you that... even after the beginning of the kharkiv russian operation, the invasion of the kharkiv region in may of this year, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense , general budanov, assessing the situation in the kharkiv region, said that sooner or later it would, or rather sooner, it would reach its end and warned her that the enemy... was concentrating forces on another part of the front, on another part of the border, if someone
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likes it more, in the direction of sumy, it was then, in my opinion, that suja was first heard in the military context, and it is obvious that two conclusions, two assumptions can be made more precisely, the first was that it was a provocation by the russian side in order to create that the very border in our sumy region, which received a quick and tough repulse from the forces of ukraine prepared for a possible invasion, which went on the offensive, or even bolder - this is such a preemptive counterattack, a strike from to disorganize. the enemy's group, the enemy's offensive group, to knock down his plans, and as
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it turns out, as always, the group, the units that are prepared for the offensive, turn out to be unprepared for defense. mr. pavle, please tell me, do you think this operation was coordinated with our western partners, because yesterday there was a statement by the coordinator of strategic communications of the national security council of the white house, john kirby, that they will contact ukrainian colleagues and find out what is happening in the kursk region, and white house spokeswoman karin'. said that the russian occupation forces are attacking ukraine from the territory of the kurdish region, and she actually said that it should be remembered, hinting that ukrainians have every right to take all necessary measures to protect themselves, to prevent any possible future attacks by the enemy, what do you
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think, are these operations, are they somehow coordinated in advance with our partners, were they informed about... this, did it not come as a surprise to them and could is it then as a consequence to suffer some negative effects for us, if, for example, it was not agreed with them? well, in this context , it should be noted that there the spokesman of the white house also said that the position of the united states is that ukrainians should not strike on the territory of the adjacent territory of the russian federation for military purposes on its territory. they have to cope with american weapons on their own, well, actually, in ukraine, in kyiv, everyone remembers the recent ballistic, ballistic missile strikes on our capital, where they came from were flying from kursk oblast, just a week ago
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shaheds were flying from where they flew from kursk oblast, as a matter of fact, something had to be done about it. and in fact, whether the americans wanted it or not, they said, we, we don't want our atakoms to fly to khmilovo and other military objects in the seat of the region, but you can handle it with your own forces, well, with your own forces, not necessarily with drones , the ukrainians said that we can do it on our own, mr. pavle, and why then... so much criticism for yesterday against us with enough the publications you know, in particular, you probably saw in forbes, they also criticized that this is a diversion of reserves that could help the eastern front, in the same pokrov direction, that is, somewhere in the new york area, instead of the military
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effect of the kurdish battle, it is definitely not will be and this is not the only publication that writes like this, but of all the semi-official explanations, we only have the words of podolyak, the adviser to the head of the president's office, to consider this as an official statement of the general staff or the central committee, we cannot, and in this case, not having a strategic plan, whether can we say that the physical effect is so great that it is worth at least the use of such a resource, equipment and manpower ? well, first of all, i also don't know the strategic plan of our command, and i can't, i can't assess the prospects of the operation, especially at its initial stage,
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i will say only one thing that the russians, what tactics they used. this with the kharkiv operation, they concentrated their forces in the area, in the direction of the main strike, right there between the temporal yar, toretsk and pokrovsky directions, while trying to stretch our defense forces as wide a front as possible so that we cannot concentrate reserves in these areas, it now looks very much like... the ukrainians are operating in a similar way, actually striking in unexpected, i was going to say, pin punches, maybe not pins and needles, maybe it is very serious, in areas unexpected for the enemy, they are forcing to move
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forces there, yesterday at a meeting of such grim people... uh, in putin's residence, uh, general gerasimov, the russian said that they will make an effort, to, maximum effort in order to knock out the ukrainian forces from the kursk region, to capture the corridor, in fact, what we expected, the sanitary corridor in the kursk region, and the british publications, the british intelligence report about what, what... about the movement of at least five russian brigades to this area from the east, add to this that one grouping of forces operates in the kursk region and in the kharkiv region. the enemy's north, where after the sixth the active movement of reserves between the flanks of this
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group began, that is, in fact, let's speak directly, from the direction of kharkiv the troops are being transferred to the kurdish, so not only our reserves are being stretched here, the enemy's reserves are being stretched here and the situation is exactly the same as in kharkiv. with smaller forces , he will be able to bind more of the enemy's forces, and then in a win. mr. pavle, please tell me, and regarding the evacuation from sumy oblast, do you think that these things that are currently happening in korsh oblast and sumy oblast are related, because yesterday the regional administration decided to evacuate residents from 23 settlements of sumy oblast, and there is some speculation that... could be preparing some big offensive like this took place in the north of kharkiv oblast, the enemy was also expecting an offensive in sumy oblast and was preparing for it, and this operation, which
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is currently taking place in kursk oblast, is a kind of measure that was called to avert this event, i absolutely agree, actually our intelligence and the head of the main intelligence agency, and the speakers have been talking about it burningly since at least since... since the middle of may and june, the enemy was preparing, and he was accumulating forces in the kursk direction, and what became the sixth number became such a trigger, once again i, until there is no official information, we, neither you nor i, cannot say who put the match, what ignited this situation, was it a preemptive strike by our forces or already? was there an attack on the enemy forces, which were deployed to carry out an operation, is it advisable to evacuate, well , look, only today, during the night, well, and
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partly yesterday, the russians carried out many strikes, air strikes, artillery strikes on populated areas of sumy oblast, only kabama strikes it was, if i am not mistaken, 16. 12 + 4 + 2, well, mr. pavle, and even more, yes, well, you can imagine what is better, of course, it is better to evacuate the population from the dangerous zone, evacuate, because, well, the enemy can go over, realize his plans in the end, if he has enough forces, mr. pavle, we see from the enemy that official propaganda has been poured into them, because in them, even the very ministry of defense of russia itself deletes and erases and rewrites its messages many times, it is also
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impossible to hide it anymore, because warlords and telegram channels report to them, and telegram, unlike youtube, did not crash, and accordingly 26 km in two days, that's it of course, 30 km to korchatov. that is, they are crying out to the kursk nuclear power plant about this too. the first and second lines of defense, which were built along the sumy region by russia, 15 billion rubles were spent there, and rather small forces passed through them like a hot knife through butter. in this case , the effect is repeated - of the beautiful wagner pmc, which simply went to moscow at super speed, or? and this means that, in principle, in theory, with such entire areas held by conscripts in russia, there are no reserves of combat-ready men who would
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hold the border. well it is, i mean starting from the chinese-russian border and all the way to the ukrainian, russian border, they threw everything into the crucible of war, do you, in general, do you see what could be considered and well, as hetman sahaidachny would say, maybe... repeat like this, here such a campaign, well, i don’t know what there is about the campaign to moscow, the russians are already spreading fear that the ukrainians are going to take kursk as from them, and then change to zaporizhia, you know, such interesting versions, nevertheless, well, there is a nuance here, a very interesting trial, but this is one more... this a well-known word in ukraine, because it is really connected with our gas transportation system, it is the largest and currently the only one operating.
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our entry into our gts from the russian side, and now the contract with russia for gas pumping is about to end, and this trojan horse, russian trojan horse, how it can be used for the dysfunction of our gas distribution network, it is very difficult to say, here it is here is certain. it is necessary to talk with experts, energy engineers, who know better about this, but it is obvious that the threat is there too was, and we were forced to respond to it, ugh, thank you, pavlo alakiychuk, the head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy of the 21st century was in direct contact with us, we will now have a short pause, we will talk about the current
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situation after it in sumy. where the evacuation is currently taking place, how actively it is currently taking place, how many people have already been evacuated, and actually why they decided to resort to such measures now, we will find out all this in just a few minutes, but, but, before that, i i want to remind you about the fact that we have a very important task with you now, the task is to provide three brigades with drones and rebs, and for this we are currently collecting as much as 3.5 million hryvnias, so i very much ask you to join this collection, now you see a qr code on the screen, so i ask you to scan it, open the camera on your phone, point your smartphone at the screen and go to the link that leads to the bank in the monobank, and actually only there now we collect this money, so i ask you, those who do not have a monobank may not uses it, ask someone you know, family or neighbors to help you
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sort it out. with these latest technologies, we know that not everyone has yet mastered the ability to use a qr code, so please ask someone from your acquaintances or relatives to help you with this, and remember that there are no small donations, and each of your the hryvnia really matters, and now we are going on a break, after which we will continue the topic of sumy region and what is happening in the kursk region of the russian federation. wait. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need the savory pro kit, unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even
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