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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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exclusively by these issues of escorting military personnel, so if a person wants to get to us, there is a high probability of 99% that he will get to us and exactly where he wants. thank you. the callsign general, the operator of the uav of the 12th special purpose brigade of the national guard of ukraine was on the live air of the tv channel, they talked about how recruiting takes place in the unit of the callsign general, how those who willingly apply to them are selected, and how it is possible to simplify the path of a civilian who discovered the desire to voluntarily join the unit, the azov brigade, and what the general staff is now proposing to give such an opportunity not to be involved in this process. shopping center tsp, we
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will, of course, monitor this, and as soon as there are any legislative initiatives on the part of our parliamentarians on this matter, we will definitely inform you about it so that you know that this process is already in our the state was settled. well, we will now move on, in the meantime, we are adding oleksiy honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine to of our ether, with whom we will also talk about this issue. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. i congratulate you, well, i just had the opportunity to talk with a soldier of the special purpose brigade of the azo of the national guard of ukraine, we talked about recruiting and we talked about the fact that the tsk, now at least the general staff suggests that the tsk not take part in the process when there is a person who wants to voluntarily join the ranks of this or that unit, so that it is not necessary to go through all this bureaucratic and red tape in the tcc, do you think, will it be the will... of our parliamentarians, yes, namely
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the monomajority, because it actually adopts bills in our state, if it wants, of course, whether such an initiative will be sufficiently supported in the hall of the parliament, well, i would definitely support it, say it for me most of it is difficult for me, it is obvious that there are huge problems with this, i already know a lot of cases when a person agrees, is ready to go to fight in some unit, and then finds himself in a completely different unit and... feels abandoned by that unit, and it is huge problem. in general, if we talk about the central committee, well , the central committee needs deep reform and in general a restart in my opinion, i, for example, do not understand at all why the central committee is military, well, why it is not just engaged in recruiting, but ukraine was able to make excellent special forces, absolutely, in we don't have any problems with this, or the provision of services in the mia system, well, there are no problems with this either, why can't we, that is, we... some strange thing: we
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train an officer, for example, a tank driver, we train him, we train, we invest in this resource of strength, c time, and then this taxi driver goes to work in the tsc with papers, for what, why, why not give it to professional people, civilians, women who can deal with this issue absolutely calmly, well, that's why, but how partially this.. . it is definitely necessary too. mr. oleksiy, many ukrainians are currently concerned about the issue of the mobilization of young men from the age of 18, although according to the law in our country mobilization takes place from the age of 25, but there is a certain category of young men who graduated from the military department and who were in military service, who turn out to be not conscripts in ours in our legislation, and conscripts, but there is another category, these are people who... once went to
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the vlk, they were recognized as unfit in peacetime, it turns out that they automatically became conscripts, and now, if they are detained there on the street by the employees of the tsk and sp, then they are subject to mobilization in the same way as those who were in military service or graduated from the military department. i know that discussions are currently underway in the parliament about who is older. mobilize 18 to 25-year-olds, who doesn't? i do not i know, there shouldn't be any debate here, you are absolutely right, there is this problem, and the problem is huge, the problem is related to the fact that in fact, well, those who have passed the military service, those who have passed the military department, are reserve officers, they have always been mobilized, there is no news here, these are military, military reserve, and indeed, now another category has appeared, the so-called border guards. suitable for military time, for which
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certificates were issued, temporary certificates of conscripts, these are boys over the age of 18, who have now begun to be mobilized, are absolutely blatant case, on him. happens when two twin brothers, 19 years old, are detained by the tsk, one is completely healthy, they release him, and the other has heart problems, and he is mobilized, well, this is food, that is , we do not take the healthy, we take the sick, and despite the fact that everyone promised , that there will be no mobilization until 25 years old, in principle, well, for those who have not completed military service and the military department, i submitted a bill that corrects this, this bill was not considered for some time, until now, because the general staff... min defense gave a negative conclusion on him, even until the parliament voted by a constitutional majority to instruct the security committee to consider it, only after that the committee considered it and after a long debate, but still, thank god, they agreed that this problem exists, and on the basis of my
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draft law they made the so-called 11379 modified letter where, so which one they supported, and now it is only necessary that only the verkhovna rada remains. to correct this situation, but it must be corrected urgently and absolutely, and when it will be corrected, because there is no session in the parliament hall right now, so the deputies seem to be working now, but each in their own committees, so when can this law get to the parliament, for a vote, i mean, when the parliament meets for a meeting, the closest thing is planned for august 20, i absolutely i don't understand why the parliament is not working, i am ready... to be in the parliament, now the meeting will be announced, i am ready to be in the parliament for half an hour, work, vote, where are the other deputies, what is going on, why has the parliament not been working for more than two weeks and more want two more i didn’t work for a week, i don’t understand, and until we gather for a meeting, neither this issue
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of limited fit, nor the law banning the moscow church, nor other important laws can be adopted, because there is simply no parliament, and by the way, you mentioned ? on the law banning the russian church in ukraine, and we understand that if they, i mean the servants, they will continue this ping-pong with the adoption of this law, then we cannot proceed to the consideration of other laws, because as far as i remember that they promised that work would start on august 20 consideration of this draft law, and if we start with this draft law, then this process may last a very, very long time, will others postpone it then. bills in an unknown box, if they cannot put order with this bill, and it will take a long period of time to finally pass it? look, there is a feeling that they are deliberately sabotaging the work of the parliament, by the way, there is a feeling that this is not related to
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any bills at all, it is related to the fact that they wanted to release shmygal, the leadership of the servant of the people faction is trying to help him in such a way that in general, you see, and there are no meetings, it can be done... they can’t and while there they are trying to change zelensky’s opinion on this, it seems so, but the whole country is hostage to these political games of theirs, because it really is not known when we will gather , as i said finally, and if august 20, then it is still a long time, and it is really unclear how we will continue to work if we start the law on the moscow church, a very important law, but then it also seems there, more than a thousand amendments , and we see an active lobby there that will delay the proceedings of this law. in principle, his wish can still be considered in one or two days, but will there be such a wish in the leadership of the parliament? so what is the question? ah, so i will repeat once again, i believe that our faction must work urgently, there is no need to wait for anything, to hold a meeting of the verkhovna
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rada, whether tomorrow, whether on monday, i don’t know, any day is acceptable, and to work and solve all the issues that exist. mr. oleksiy, look... we have another issue that is quite painful for ukrainians and for ukrainian families, in particular military personnel, and of their families and the soldiers themselves, this is a question of demobilization, because when the law on strengthening mobilization was passed, they should have provided for demobilization, but they did not provide for it, they promised that it would be passed in another draft law, but the other day there is a message that, in principle, those at the pace at which russia is mobilizing, we cannot afford to demobilize... that is, it turns out that we promised the people that this issue would be resolved, but now we say that we cannot resolve this issue, because the russians are not going to stop the war they continue the pace of mobilization and we cannot slow down this pace, then, i apologize,
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who will come and i don’t know, there will tell people openly, well, you know, hang in there, you have already been there for 2.5 years... and it is not yet known how much you will will have to, will the government take political responsibility, in the end tell people about it frankly, because these ping-pongs with bills, they give people hope. but this hope looks like it will probably not come true. mocking the military, you know, it's very cynical because we hear all the time, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, our military, our heroes, our titans, but as soon as it comes to the solution of their social issues, to return the thirtieth child, no, there are extra payments, mortgage, normal, no, any question, i know i thought... i got a vacation from the military, but in this kind of struggle, incomprehensible, colossal,
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the treatment is normal for the military, no, and the terms of service are not, in fact, although it is absolutely obvious that these people cannot serve forever, well, you have to give it people have a light at the end of the tunnel, and this also undermines mobilization in state, one of the reasons for these people, who swim across the yew, go in some trucks to transnistria and other shame is happening. this is because no one knows, if you are taken into the army, how long you have to serve there, and no one wants to serve, well, until the 200th or 300th, well, it is difficult, well, it is obvious, so you just have to give people an honest term of service and then a certain number of people would come to the service, and a certain number of people, even if they were released, would eventually return, but knowing their rights and feeling like a free person, but ukrainians these are cossacks, not serfs, but really everything happens completely differently. terms of service are not set, i have been fighting for this since march last year, then i submitted the first
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bill on this topic, he was actually the first in the council on this topic, but neither he nor others who have appeared since then , no, in fact, what was in the text of the government’s, i emphasize, the government’s bill on mobilization was the determination of the term of service at 36 months, but even they were removed at the last moment during the adoption , everything everything everything was removed and today, well, the military, well, well, they are simply abandoned and deceived and this very bad, and by the way, this bill that you mentioned about demobilization was submitted to the verkhovna rada by the european solidarity faction, it is number 11460, it not only provides for demobilization, it also provides for transparent reservation, it also provides for the possibility of unhindered departure abroad of those who can defend the national interests of ukraine. all these issues need to be resolved here and today, and it is not even just about demobilization. it is about the actual opportunity without obstacles to represent the interests of ukraine, and as we know, not everyone is given such
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an opportunity in our country. it's true, well, this is one of those draft laws that was submitted by various groups of authors, i am a co-author in it, which could solve the same problem about terms of service once, and indeed about crossing the border. in general, crossing the border with us now, well, to be honest, it's complete madness. i am in favor of opening the border, because what... at the border is a colossal corruption scheme, everyone knows that they leave at will, everyone knows how much 8-10 thousand is worth dollars, various figures are called, some guides are leading through the mountains, some are there, well, they are creating corruption everywhere, and this is very wrong, there are a large number of categories of ukrainian men who are not subject to mobilization, these are people with various deferments, these are reserved ukrainians, these are the same . guys 18-25 years old, well, what is the problem with letting these young guys today go there to study abroad, come home for
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the holidays, keep in touch with ukraine, start a family there, instead we actually push them out people just go abroad, or the story about these ukrainian sailors, who actually all moved abroad and brought their families there, because they simply cannot work, because they do not have a job in ukraine, they do not have a military specialty. also not in demand in the navy, because, unfortunately, we have almost no navy, as a fleet with ships, but at the same time they are simply forbidden to eat, in fact , the opportunity to earn for themselves and their families, and we simply lose these people, tens of thousands of people , and i think this is madness, and it is necessary urgently correct, and this draft law could do it, we still have a minute and a half, i would like you to respond briefly to the fact that zelenskyi introduced a draft law on multiple citizenship to the council, he actually says that... it is for , to enable those people who are currently abroad to return to ukraine, and so that they do not lose this
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connection . i didn't look at the draft law, i didn't study it, but i'll repeat, well, it's a great idea to maintain communication, so maybe for that we'll open the borders first, well, we'll just open the borders and give ukrainians the opportunity to enter ukraine. and not just to be there somewhere, because they are afraid to go to ukraine, even those, i repeat, i at least the categories that are not subject to mobilization, are mobilized, well , there we are, well... and those who are not subject to mobilization, who is not mobilized, well, it cannot last forever, so it looks, frankly , like some kind of blasphemy, there is much significant problems that the government ignores, moreover, which creates, i repeat, huge corruption, zelensky is personally responsible for this, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was on the live air
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of the tv channel, we thank him, but i will be for today gradually finish working for you, but stay for... surely my colleagues will continue the informational evening on the espresso tv channel, so stay and take care, see you tomorrow. now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacalut active plus with active plus ingredients i use it to overcome problems with clear and unpleasant smell. lacalute. with two-phase technology, actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lakalut aktiv+ - an action that you feel immediately. in the august issue, krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on
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approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. contest to the constitutional court. candidates for valuable property, what is my life, my wallet , the state is looking at, well, on what grounds? and how the contestant received a conclusion about dishonesty? i admitted my mistakes that were made in the previous competition, congratulations, on the air judicial control: the judicial system of ukraine needs a thorough reboot, this is one of the requirements of our accession to
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the european union. selection for one of the country's most important courts continues in ukraine. constitutional court. the selection conditions are strict, and even in spite of this, unscrupulous servants of themis try to get into the body that interprets the main state document and decides on the conformity of the ukrainian constitution legislation. we will talk about this today, but first to the news. the judge of the leninsky district court of poltava, serhii kononenko, was sentenced to six years in prison for demanding a bribe. the anti-corruption court found him guilty of two episodes. he demanded and received uah 3,000 for the decision to recognize the ownership of a self-built garage and uah 500 in the foreclosure case. and thousands of debts, this is the second time that vaks has issued a verdict against judge kononenko. on august 17, 2022, he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years
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years of imprisonment. however, the appeals chamber of vaks, having satisfied the appeal of the defense side, sent the case for a new trial. the publication about the court notes that during the first trial, kononenko constantly delayed the process. he was repeatedly fined for non-appearance. he also did not pay the amount assigned to him. bail and even tried to mobilize the armed forces to stop the proceedings. according to the anti-corruption center, there was another interesting detail in the case. according to the words to the applicant, the judge during a personal meeting offered her non-standard cooperation. we met him in the park. he said that he has three lawyers with whom he works, and offered me one too. plus, such cooperation had to have a sexual character as well, because he said. who sleeps with all the lawyers he works with. if the verdict becomes final , kononenko's time spent in the pretrial detention center will be credited to the term of his sentence. he stayed there from august
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2022 to june 2023. in ukraine , selection for one of the most important judicial bodies of the constitutional court. previously, the judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress of judges. but at the end of 2022 . the verkhovna rada adopted a law on changing the selection procedure. the law established an advisory group of experts, which analyzes each candidate for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional competence. and this stupid group of experts, it should, so to speak, filter the candidates, and already from the filtered candidates, the president, and judges, and the verkhovna rada will already elect next to their own, according to their quota, whom... they will appoint as judges of the constitutional court. the quality formation of the judicial body of the constitutional court is extremely important, because the fate
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of several key reforms, in particular the reform of the land market, depends on this court right now. after the end of the war, the constitutional court will consider the complex issues of reintegration of the occupied territories. and although the selection conditions are strict, unscrupulous servants of themis do not lose hope of climbing into the high chair. this is tamara novikova, judge of cherkassy. district administrative court, i was not an honest judge, without various compromises, always, as my parents taught me, to be honest with myself and with the law, never to compromise with conscience. in 2012 , the supreme council of justice refused to appoint tamara novikova as a judge indefinitely. the candidate assures that sticks were stuck in her wheels. i was fired at the end of the term. tenure as a judge, not for disciplinary or any other issues, what? because at that time, i
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had a conflict with the head of the court, and this is known to everyone, it is on the air, which submitted unreliable information on the quality of the handling of cases, and this was the reason why i did not get the appropriate number of votes in the supreme council of justice, when they voted for the extension of the mandate without... criteria of professional ethics and integrity. the members of the commission made a similar decision two years ago. members of the highest quality commission went beyond their powers and interfered in my personal life. that's why i appealed it, i have to this right, as an individual and not only as a judge. so i think it was a violation. today it leaves. open tamara novikova, like the majority of ukrainian judges, has very loving parents who saved money for expensive gifts for their daughter all her life. i was constantly, as they say,
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in very poor, modest premises, to put it mildly, so my mother could not stand it, she says, we will do everything so that you, i understand that this is an endless struggle for you and that you will not be harassed any more the owner according to the candidate of of the constitutional court, the lion's share of the money for the real estate was given by the mother, who worked as a teacher, and although the apartment was intended for the residence of the judge, it was also issued for the mother. the fact is that i did not have enough money to buy it, but to take it from my mother and say: mother, give me money, it is not customary in our country to use mother's money, or how to take it, where does the teacher's mother get money, tamara novikova did not can you explain, i hurt her more than once, even yesterday... she takes offense at me, says, i suffered a lot from you profession, and what is my life, my wallet
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, the state is looking at, well, on what grounds? if my mother had a relationship with my father, he, he gave her some funds, which again i do not know, she disposed of them as she saw fit, then what should i manage and interrogate, like investigators, where are you mother took the money. last year, tamara novikova, according to the declaration, earned more than a million hryvnias, but i did not find the money to buy a chandelier in the apartment bought by my mother, i did not even complete the electricity, because i do not have money... nataliya kaminska, professor of the department of international law and comparative jurisprudence of the national aviation university, is also applying for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. i am ready to be open, transparent, and honestly perform my functional duties as a judge of the constitutional court in the future. in 2007, natalia
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kaminska bought. on a loan for an apartment in kyiv for $80,000, however , the professor forgot to indicate this value in the declaration of a candidate for the post of judge of the constitutional court. until 2011, the husband's father, the former my the father-in-law, unfortunately, is deceased, he paid the loan funds for this apartment, the loan payments are monthly. but of course, after the divorce, i paid these funds myself. it was his initiative. he had the ability to pay. after the divorce, according to kaminskaya, her parents helped her pay off the loan debt, and last year her retired mother gave the candidate for the position of judge another apartment in the capital for almost 70,000 dollars. kaminska put a percentage of her funds on this apartment, however, a much larger part was paid by the pensioner. where does the mother, who has not had any source of income since 2020, get the money. my
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mother received benefits. significant severance payments in 2019, when she resigned due to retirement, she also later won a court case, respectively, about the remaining payments that were not timely paid to her in connection with her dismissal and severance pay. the candidate for the constitutional court has wonderful relatives. the professor declared assets in gold and silver. worth 140,000 hryvnias, and that too gifts from grandparents. also, nataliya kaminska, according to the declaration, has more than uah 400,000 and $3,000 in accounts, she keeps $27,000 in cash, including gifts. these were mostly donated funds before the death of my grandfather and my father. last year , natalia kaminska received more than half a million hryvnias from various people. this interview for the position of judge
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of the constitutional court is for natalia. kaminskaya is already a friend, before that she applied for the position according to the quota of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and received from the advisory group of experts a conclusion on inconsistency with high moral qualities. the professor tried again, this time for the president's quota, and this time she was found to be dishonest. on july 31, a group of experts found five out of six candidates unfit for the post of judge of the constitutional court based on the presidential quota. so a new competition is waiting for us soon. and new, we hope, worthy contenders this time. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report overreach by a judge his powers or his making illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the mail address you see on your
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screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. a breakthrough in the kursk region, what is known at the moment, what is the informational alibi strategy of muscovites and with which state ukraine signed a visa-free agreement. greetings, we are summing up today's news . together, i, annayma melnyk. the ukrainian flag is once again the majority at a school in new york , donetsk region, its...


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