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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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exactly in a week. breakthrough in the kursk region, what is known at the moment, what is the informational alibi strategy of the muscovites and with which state ukraine signed a visa-free agreement. my greetings, we summarize the results of today's news . together, the employer. the ukrainian flag is flying again at a school in new york of the donetsk region, it was returned by the soldiers of the 53rd brigade named after volodymyr monomakh with the help of the ukrainian flag. fighters
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destroyed the russian tricolor, which the occupiers touched the day before, after that our scouts installed the ukrainian flag, the other day russian propagandists announced the alleged capture of the village, but the general staff of the armed forces denied this and stated that the fighting for new york was ongoing. the woman was injured due to enemy shelling in the dnipro district of kherson. it happened around 11 o'clock in the morning, the injured person went to the hospital herself, she had an explosive injury and a contusion. city ​​mayor roman morochko informed. one of the shells also hit a high-rise building. fortunately, people survived. russians killed a man in nikopol. he was in the hospital where the occupiers fired artillery, reported in the national police. doctors fought for his life until the end, but the injuries, unfortunately, turned out to be fatal. also, around midnight, the occupiers fired at a house in the pokrovsk community. a 12-
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year-old boy was injured. two brothers died in sumy oblast due to enemy shelling. a six-year-old boy and his 23-year-old brother were hit by an airstrike in the yunakiv community, the regional prosecutor's office reports. as a result of the impact , private houses and cars were also destroyed. at dawn, the russians destroyed a school in sumy district, hit an educational institution in the village of stetskivka with two rockets. as the acting mayor told. sadly , not a single surviving window remained on the front facade of the building, there are cracks in the walls and columns, now classes will continue only online. the headquarters is already deployed, the emergency services are working here, all involved services, the light is available, there are no victims, thank god, the spresso and goodness tv channel and the vesna charity fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and... radio electronic
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fighting for the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and 47th brigades of zys. the defenders of the nadonetsk area every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third crimea of the assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small anti-aircraft missiles of the enemy and komikatsi drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, war always has its own rules, combat operations on ...
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the territory of the kursk region of russia was commented in the office of the ukrainian president, the adviser to the head of the op mykhailo podolyak said that the kremlin is reaping the fruits of its aggression. this position was also supported in the european union. eu spokesperson, peter stano, during the briefing in brussels, he emphasized that the offensive operation of the defense forces of ukraine in the kursk region is part of the legal right of ukrainians to self-defense, so the armed forces have the right to strike the enemy both on their territory and in vorochi. fighting in the kursk region continues to intensify. the russian ministry of defense reports on successes in the fight against the armed forces of ukraine. their propaganda warriors, on the other hand, are not so optimistic. they write that it seems that the armed forces of ukraine have launched a two-pronged attack on kurchatov, where the kursk ec is located. and the locals allegedly heard explosions near the station itself. telegram channels also complain that the city of suja is completely... under the control of ukrainian
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defenders, while russian fighter jets are dropping guided bombs there, actually destroying its residents, the ukrainian side has not yet provided official comments from a military point of view regarding... the situation. ukraine signed an agreement on visa-free regime with mauritius. on the ukrainian side, the document was certified by minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. the agreement should facilitate the travel of mauritian investors and businessmen to ukraine is looking for new opportunities, after the war to increase the number of ukrainian tourists to a comparable state. mauritius also received an invitation from ukraine to participate in the conference. on the restoration of ukraine next year in rome. the relay cabinet was set on fire at the behest of the enemy. in the capital, law enforcement officers detained youths who committed sabotage on the railway. russian curators attacked the men via telegram. according to the pal'ivs
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, they were promised good pay. in the end, the participants managed to receive only 1,500 hryvnias in advance. young people were informed about the suspicion of sabotage both face life imprisonment. at will with confiscation of property. on the occasion of the professional holiday in ukraine , a new commemorative coin with a denomination of 10 hryvnias dedicated to the communications and cyber security forces was put into circulation. she continued the series, the armed forces of ukraine told the press service of the national bank. starting tomorrow, the new product will be available online. the russians are warning less and less about their terrorist attacks. compared to 2022, the analysts of the center for combating disinformation said in their report. they investigated how russians use informational alibis, it is a mechanism by which the enemy preemptively accuses another party of its war crime. examples of an informational alibi are
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the airstrike on the mariupol drama theater and the killing of ukrainian prisoners of war in olenivka. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupying forces and russian propagandists used an informational alibi to blame ukraine and maintain the image of the so-called peacemaker. currently, we note that the trend of using an informational alibi is declining, because russians are no longer afraid for their own image, they already used to the fact that they are terrorists and occupiers. the help of the army, during the kremenchutsky blackouts. volunteers work despite the lights being off and the lack of free hands, for example, sewing kikimora. my colleagues will tell you how the process was organized. camouflage awnings are a modern alternative to nets, which can tear even when trying to mask a dugout or equipment.
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local volunteers experience such tents for the military every day. for a sample, i will tell you, here is an 8x10 grid of this size, it will be woven by our team. somewhere around three days, well two there are a little more days, but we will sew a camouflage awning of the same size for two hours, here the main thing is to choose the color, it is not difficult to sew the fabric, any girl who has executed on that machine at least once can sit down and help sew. however, during a blackout, volunteer ms. svitlana says, in order to continuously fulfill orders, they need mechanical sewing machines, and some old ones are already in need. repair, usually these are already old machines, so somewhere the strap broke, some spare part came out somewhere behind, therefore, we are turning to you, caring citizens of kremenchug, if anyone suddenly has a mechanical typewriter in good condition, we will be glad if you provide it to us temporarily,
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or give it as a gift, at the entrance, i sit down, they take scissors next to me, everyone who can , capable, and working. mattresses, they say, work even during power outages, they are also very popular with our military, well, you see how many there are...
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volunteers call on citizens to join their initiative. from kremenchuk vlad plaksii hryhoriy bobenko. all right, see you soon already tomorrow at 2 p.m., oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens over the years, but i am attentive and remember everything, we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel it. the difference: the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization
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serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can have your say on the day with a phone survey, plug and play. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the
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legal expertise program on the spresso tv channel. good evening. we are from ukraine. social network stop or social network on pause. has the government really frozen the pension salary increase, to whom, how much and why. syrian on kurshchyna. yes or no, the head published a photo, which we will try to comment on, and a photo and a caption under it. they flee in panic, the locals run to kursk, and the kadyrivites say that they did not leave their positions, so why did they never meet with those units that entered the kurtsk region, where they, we don't have, it's not our business , the white house reacted to events in the kursk region, and the bloomberg publication also wrote that for the first time since the second world war. the troops of a foreign state entered the territory of russia, although i will remind you again that in the second
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during world war ii, there was no russia, there was a russian federal soviet republic, and in general it was a country of the ussr, russia, while the state did not exist. well, what will happen with the transit of russian gas through the territory of ukraine, oleksandr morchivka will talk about this with a guest today, because it is still a very important and sensitive topic. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. i remind you that my name is vasyl zema, this is a program. had a big broadcast, we are starting and now i invite serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and the presenter rubric military summaries of the day, of course, the topic is kurshchyna, serhii, please, you have the floor. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, indeed we will talk about the dynamics that are happening in kurshchyna, as well as how the situation in kurshchyna affected other parts of the front, about this in a conversation with our military, so about all these details in a moment ,
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of course, the third day in a row in the media. the space is dominated by the situation with the events in the kursk region, however, de facto , this direction is not mentioned in the summary of the general staff, there the main emphasis is placed on the fact that the main efforts in and the most difficult areas are pokrovsky, turetsky and kramatorsk, there the enemy has a certain advance towards pokrovsk, the enemy gets a certain initiative and dynamics, if we look at this map, the enemy has pushed into serhiyivka. continued the attacks to the north and went to the outskirts of the settlement of grodivka there, advanced a little to zhelany, ivanovka, and this is the actual advance along the railway to pokrovsk, despite the loss of the enemy, he is trying to push in this direction, and this is precisely the main concentration of enemy efforts. at this time, our armed forces
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carried out a series of counterattacks that affect both the new york area and the time zone. in the ravine, and there are certain changes that do not allow the enemy to advance, and those minor gains that the enemy had, they are now taken back by our military, but in any case, of course, at the bottom of this , the question still arises that is taking place in kursk oblast, and we can say that we have been observing this operation for three days, we can say that... in two districts of kursk oblast, this is korenivskyi, this is in the northwest, that we can see the scheme in the surdzhan district itself, high-intensity fighting continues, the armed forces have cut such a road rylsk koreneve suja, there is also an advance deep into
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the russian territory, there are different estimates, there the study institute talks about 10 km, the public and... hysterical claim that the armed forces have advanced into the kurt region 26 km from the border to the settlement of anastasiivka, we have it on our map, and are actually bypassing the city of sudja, although the city of sudja itself is the same as the analysts there emphasize viewers, that it is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, and in general it is claimed that somewhere around three... in kursk region is under the control of the defense forces of ukraine, but we understand that this is such a situation when our units are advancing, and in fact this general the area is precisely related to the fact that hostilities are taking place in certain areas, and in general, this area covers exactly 350 km, which, by the way, is quite a lot, it is possible
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to expect that the enemy will now transfer some reserves to this ... this region, however it is quite convenient for defense, if we take into account how the rivers pass there, how the highways pass there, it can really be held if there is such a goal and purpose, and quite interesting assessments were made on this by the retired australian general micro, this name is known to our experts , foreign experts, he analyzes the hostilities in ukraine in sufficient detail, tries to systematize them, precisely this... operation in the skurd region, he evaluates quite highly and emphasizes the fact that this is actually an operation with the involvement of several of our brigades, he names certain brigades, i will not name them, he says that these are qualitatively prepared units, in contrast to the counterattack of the 23rd year, he says
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, this australian general, that these offensive actions are carried out with high mobility, mechanized... forces, and this differs from the attempts of the same russians to advance in the kharkiv direction in recent months, and this high level of mobility is precisely necessary in order to use all the gaps in the defense and in the defense of the enemy, and the general emphasizes that the ukrainians seem to have deployed a significant number of air defense means, means of defense, which significantly limit the effectiveness of the use of the traditional such... the main argument of the russian side is aviation, precisely because of the fact that there is cover by means of air defense, and what he notes this australian general that... ukraine achieved surprise at the start of this operation, which suggests that in fact the talk that the battlefield is transparent is true, but in reality
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with proper planning, it is possible to ensure the effect of surprise and ensure exactly the measures that are currently taking place in the kursk region, but when we talk about the goals of this operation, they are actually tactical, operational and strategic, among tactical... goals we can attribute a certain holding of territory there, the destruction of the enemy, his forces and means, the capture of the russian military, operational goals include plans or intentions that these actions will force the enemy to transfer reserves to this area from other directions, and thus weaken other zones, where the enemy is attacking or defending, and when we talk about the strategic... goals of this operation, actually mikrayyan, the australian general, says that there are several such strategic goals, first of all it is to slow down
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or stop the russian momentum in offensive operations, the second strategic goal can to be a transition from such a narrative of the war to a more positive one for ukraine and countering russia's disinformation that russia will secure an inevitable victory in such a war. on the exhaustion that sometimes dominates the foreign mass media by the third strategic goal or effect, it can be considered that there is an increase in the morale of the ukrainian population, taking into account that for a long time gunpowder has been carrying out offensive actions and there is a slow penetration of our defenses, and the fourth strategic goal there for, according to the australian general , is that if we let's seize more territory on e... in the kurt region, then this is in case suddenly, if ukraine is forced to go to certain settlements there through negotiations at the end of the 24th or 25th year, and actually it
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is better to conduct such negotiations when part the territory of the aggressor is held by our military, this is an assumption, i do not think that we are talking about negotiations and preparations for negotiations, but in any case, the dynamics of hostilities in the kursk region continue. we are watching this and will evaluate it in the future, despite the fact that we understand that this is the history of the fighting in the kurt region and affects other areas indirectly in one way or another. and now we will talk about what is happening now in the kharkiv region, the commander of the third battalion joins us operational assignment of the spartan brigade, oleksandr bukatar. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, i would like you to describe a little the situation in the north of kharkiv oblast, what is happening there, what are
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the dynamics there based on your experience and the actions of your subordinate unit, well, at the moment the situation is under control, the enemy is trying to make assaults, but they are all useless. because we break them even in advance, well, the enemy does not change tactics so far with small infantry groups, and this gives us, of course, let's say so, it is possible to break them and completely control the course of events. oleksandr, there was information from otu kharkiv, it seems, either today or yesterday. probably today everything is about the fact that the occupiers are less actively using aviation in the kharkiv direction, is this really so, or
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has the situation already changed today? no, it is true that a little bit aviation, namely guided aerial bombs , reduced their number, let's say so, and compared to sunday and a half ago, now it has become... less, you mentioned that the enemy in your direction uses this usual tactic of small infantry groups, and the question arises why this tactic is now chosen as the main one with the enemy, or because it is irrational for artillery to hunt for these small groups there, or the enemy does not have enough strength, or some other arguments well, are they forming this tactic that you mentioned earlier? i think, first of all, this is due to the fact that manpower is not, let's say, a priority for them,
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that is, they have meat assaults. as they were, so they are, they do not count people, and this they have enough resources, and technology, technology has such a property of running out, and let's say this, during these years of war, how much we have destroyed, we, i mean, the defense force of ukraine, then i think, after all, they are exhausted by this. oleksandr, what are the most optimal tactics from ours now? side, in order to counter these small groups, which regularly put pressure on our defense, what is the logic against, what is the procedure for countering these small groups, well, look, the life and health of our boys is the most important thing for us, so if we we see, discover, then we do not spare anything for the destruction of the enemy, so... let's say this,
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some direct tactics, that yes, there are two liu, two enemies, we will use it, there are five, we will do it, no , there is no such thing, it's all selective from each situation, but we do everything so that they can't even reach their positions, and is there more ammunition or still the left part of the missions to destroy? manpower is exactly used by our fp drone operators, well, it has increased or decreased, you know how there are not a lot of projectiles, they are, let’s say so, so that they don’t say there, there is no shortage of projectiles, we don’t have it, but i say, it all depends on
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the situation and... and yes, of course, for example, an fpv drone, it is more accurate , it is more maneuverable and, let's say, inflicts damage, well enough to stop the enemy. oleksandr, what about those with russian lancets, halls, are they, relatively speaking, still bothering us in the sky, and are there any means of counteraction to... they are against the lancet, or after all, each unit has its own way out of this situation? well, look, the lancet is an attack uav, which is corrected by a reconnaissance uav, it is precisely the reconnaissance units of the arlan, zala, suprokam types that are being trained, ah, yes, the enemy has them in sufficient numbers, they use them extensively, but
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still already... the defense forces of ukraine have ways to shoot them down, destroy them, there are special groups that are engaged in this, and, let's say, little by little, little by little, but still , we are learning and, well, let's say, minus these means in the enemy oleksandr, you are a battalion commander, i wonder how old you are... the picture of your subordinates: the oldest person, the youngest person, how about that? hmm, well, there, you know, draw some kind of line that only 30-year-olds or 35-year-olds come there , there are no young guys, even at the moment they are 18 years old, who come independently, voluntarily, want to... well, they waited,
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relatively speaking, when they turned 18 there in order to go defend the country, because before that they were not given such an opportunity, well, there are also, let's say, well, parents who are already over 50, and they, let's say so, from the point of view of what, well, what young sons do their job, protect the country. well, they are serving time, so there are different ones, so i will say that from 18 to 50 there with a tail, that is why there is a department, there can be a 50-year-old person in the department, a 50-year-old person there, and a young boy of 18 or 20 years old , how does it affect the cohesion of the team and how is it?


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