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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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the week of the us presidential campaign focused its efforts on events in several key states that will play an important role in determining who wins the election in november. my colleague tetyana voroshko followed trump's speech, as well as the progress of the presidential campaigns. congratulations tanya. honey, what did you hear from trump's press conference, what he focused his attention on. well, the main news is these press conferences, he said about what was agreed to be held. three debates between him and kamela harris on september 4, 10 and 25 at tv on three different tv channels, but it was unclear whether this was an agreement with the tv channels, and so far we have not heard from the company of kamela harris and walsh, whether they accepted this offer, whether they are ready to participate in this debate , he also said that cbs is ready to hold a debate between the vice-presidential candidates, but he began his speech by talking about the threat that, in his opinion, the country is facing. and a new depression at the level of 1929
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, it was a great depression, although there are different ones forecasts, and economically, i have not yet heard such a gloomy one, he also said, again he said this before, that the world was under the threat of the third world war, if he were the president, if he would win, then in his opinion, russia would 100% would not attack ukraine, and hamas would not attack israel, a statement that is impossible neither to refute nor to prove, he criticized his opponents, called them radical, very left-wing, and said... tim walls dealt with transgender issues, that he against borders, against walls, and besides, he talked a lot about how, as in principle, which is the main theme of his campaign, blaming kamela haris for the large number of illegals who cross the border and saying that 20 million people have crossed the border, although he is criticized that this figure is too high, he said that no one actually knows this number, he repeated his thesis that not only latin american or central american countries, but ... other countries as well, they
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emptied their prisons, emptied their mental hospitals, so that people could cross the border and moved to the united states, well, there are also objection to this, and besides, he criticized kamela haris, in his opinion, said that she cannot even give a press conference and, accordingly, will not be able to take a decent part in the debate. and tanya, you already mentioned to kamela garis what messages we ourselves have been hearing lately from the campaign of garis and vose. well, right now, kamela harris and... are campaigning very actively in six key states, and during their campaign, of course, they're first, the first goal of this campaign is to introduce tim walls to the audience, he talks about his story, appeals precisely to the demographics that camila harris really needs for her company, these are white men, workers, these are people who live in rural areas, in small towns, and of course they criticize donald trump, among the criticism is what he wants return the country to the past, wants to take away freedoms, also... they criticize, well
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, limit freedoms, and in particular, the freedom of women to have abortions, to make decisions about their health, and also criticize his character, i want to note that during this press - conference he answered, at least to one of those remarks, said that he personally believes that abortion can be banned, but with certain exceptions, and that the issue should be up to the states, not the state level. let's hear the criticism coming from kamela harris and her. today, in more than 20 states of our country, trump has banned abortions, many without exception, even in cases of rape and incest. if he wins, we all know he will sign a nationwide abortion ban to ban abortion in all states, even in wisconsin, but we won't let that happen. we don't shy away from challenges, but i
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'll tell you, donald trump, he sees the world differently than we do. he doesn't understand what it's like to serve others because he's too busy serving his own interests, over and over and over. this guy is weakening our country, he is sowing chaos and division among people. tanya, what are the latest statistics on where the presidential campaign is now? in general, across the country. polls are showing very good results, according to one poll published today by kamela harveys ahead of donald trump by 8%, according to others , she is behind by 5%, but in this case , the poll and the situation in the key states are very important, let's listen. the outcome of the election will be decided in key states, but in those swing states there are two groups of voters that matter. first, base voters, democrats and
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republicans must make sure that these voters come to the polls in all regions. the only reason independent voters in these states play such a role is because the ... rivals have about the same voter base, so kamela harris needs to do everything she can to increase voter turnout among democrats, and then they have to fight for the undecideds. tanya, thank you very much, my colleague tetyana voroshko was in touch with nau. the democratic and republican presidential candidates have chosen their running mates as vice presidents. the question now is whether or not having companions to... will actually help improve the campaign's chances of winning during elections in november. voice of america correspondent veronica balderes eglesias analyzed the historical significance of the vice presidential candidates, and what exactly are tim walls and jadi lance contributing to the campaign? narrated by andriy borys. confident in her choice
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, vice president kamala harris introduced minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate on tuesday in pennsylvania . he has been an exemplary executive on his staff, and with his experience, i 'm telling you, tim walls will be up for the job. republican presidential candidate of the party, donald trump also praises the political background of his running mate, senator from ohio, jady vance. however, the former president recently downplayed the importance of the person of the vice president for the election. i believe this is well documented historically. there is no vice president from the point of view of voters. experts explain that because vice presidents act in the shadow of us presidents, their role is often misunderstood and underestimated, but they are first in line for office if the president is unable to fulfill his duties and are
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key people in advancing the political agenda. agenda of his party. and their role is really to act as subordinates. help promote and carry out presidential policies and enhance the president's ability to function as a national and international leader. and the choice of the vice president to a certain extent can contribute to the presidential campaign - says professor goldstein. bill clinton's choice of alagor in 1992 was very successful. the combination of these two young centrists from the south, the baby boomers, sent a message of generational change. but it was a bad choice, according to the analyst republican senator john mccain's decision to appoint governor sarah palin as his running mate in 2008. she became a figure that was cheered on the campaign trail, and i think
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ultimately hurt mccain's candidacy, even though it wasn't the cause of the senator's loss. democrat kamala harris' campaign is now making a bet. supporting families in his case is not about control over reproductive rights, but economic support for families, education, health care, housing, job creation. instead, jdv will help advance the republican narrative, says analyst peter lodge. which they 're promoting is this: you know, there used to be an america where if you worked hard, played by the rules, as a hard-working , middle-class family, you could succeed, and that that america is gone now, and if you vote for them, and america will come back.
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even if vice presidential candidates rarely influence the outcome of an election, the american voter will surely pay attention to how well the chosen vice presidents listen to the electorate. and convey their concerns, analysts say. andriy borys, veronika balderas and glesias, voice of america, washington. direct relief, an american humanitarian organization founded for medical aid in europe after the second world war, now supports the health care system of ukraine. during a full-scale war. philanthropists provided ukraine with over 1 billion 300 million dollars in aid, part of the funds were directed to power supply systems for hospitals, support for prosthetics and rehabilitation, as well as medicines for cancer patients in cities with lack of chemotherapy, as well as help with the construction of new medical complexes. the other day,
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the organization announced another tranche of aid to kyiv. details in the story of iryna shinkarenko. president of the american humanitarian organization. another visit to ukraine, where he has already flown about 10 times since the beginning of the full-scale war, he says is an unexpected, priority need for his organization. not medical in ukraine. when russia targeted infrastructure, electricity became a big problem for ukraine's health care system. in order to providing medical services, diagnosing and treating patients requires x-ray machines, mri, lighting, and proper storage of drugs requires cold, and so this forced direlift to respond to the request of the ministry of health and... backup battery systems. we did not expect such
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a problem, and there is no doubt that the provision of electricity in healthcare facilities in ukraine remains a priority. to ukraine, the american organization has already provided aid for more than 1 billion 300 million dollars. about another 10 million dollars for ukraineif announced in july. part of these funds will go to the critically important energy supply of hospitals before winter. in addition to this, for the rehabilitation of ukrainians, the ministry of health protection of ukraine, with which the american organization directly cooperates, said. we have over 100,000 amputees today and the need is growing. if we talk about the number of people who need rehabilitation, it is more than 250,000 a year, and this need is increasing, because rehabilitation, especially now of a mental nature, almost everyone. ukraine needs it, and this it is no longer a shame to consult a psychologist, and
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the statistics will increase constantly. part of the new tranche from american benefactors will also be used to equip and repair a psychoneurological department for children in lviv. in addition to cooperation and assistance to those children who have received certain reactions related to injuries, whether military or other, or we have children who are being treated for oncology and, for example, have lost a limb, or we work with them. psychologist in the form of games and so on, or the loss of relatives or the loss of loved ones, so that we accumulated everything in one city, where all children's specialists will work together with the child, and also today there are many parents with children relocated from eastern places who have certain mental disorders, mental disorders, who can receive this help in a general hospital. another challenge facing the ukrainian medical system of treating cancer patients is the ministry of defense. health said, their number increases at an accelerated pace during the war, one of the volunteer organizations with which
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the kharkiv mission provides medicine more than 200 cancer patients who remain in the city for certain reasons. we work closely with them to identify the necessary oncology drugs and other related drugs so that a person with cancer can receive a full spectrum of treatment. in each of these strategic directions, we see a separate problem with children, that is, there is not enough attention to children with insulin resistance or children with cancer, or children who need prosthetics, because prosthetics for children is a completely different topic than prosthetics adults direct relief, which receives only private donations, provides medical aid to all states of america and more than 80 countries around the world, during natural disasters, fires, diseases or conflicts. this organization in california... was founded by an emigrant from estonia to help european countries with medicine after
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world war ii. however, the need and volume of aid to ukraine is the largest in all 75 years of the organization's work, says its current president. he tells, despite the change of focus in the news, the number of donations for ukraine among the donors of his organization is consistently high. much of the world's attention was focused on the situation in gaza and israel. now in the usa. the political season is what people see on television, so the competition for attention is high, and the economic circumstances are challenging for many people, but luckily people continue to support ukraine through direct relief, which is still the number one destination for the donations we receive monthly. there are many, maybe small donations, but a large number of people care about ukraine, so we think this is a positive sign that people continue to worry about ukraine. the ministry of health says that, in general , the attention of benefactors from other countries to the medical
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needs of ukrainians is not as active as at the beginning of the war, so they are grateful to those who continue to keep ukraine in the center of attention, because the needs are growing every day. iryna shinkarenko, dmytro melnyk, dmytro savchuk, voice of america. ukrainian service in the usa. yes, natalia vyber says about her and her daughter's beauty salon near washington and in the very center of manhattan. previously, the woman had five. beauty salons in in kyiv, part of which had to be sold and moved to oken, in her opinion, what makes the ukrainian service better than the american one? in the story of ivana podborska. the united states. a town near washington and a beauty salon almost like in ukraine, with ukrainian service, employees and owners. good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon, natalia, congratulations, yes, welcome to our salon the buty clorendon. this is our american-ukrainian salon, it is the first salon in dc, the first in history and the only
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ukrainian salon. this salon, joint work 50-year-old natalia and her daughter. started working in 2023, and this year they opened another salon in new york, in the heart of manhattan. each of them has a ukrainian approach to procedures. this is european quality, this is also ukrainian quality in america. everything that concerns materials, i order exclusively from ukraine. we provide a very high level of service. we don't do it like they do in america. manicure. americans do it very quickly in 20-30 minutes, and after almost 5 days, all days, this manicure becomes useless. in ukraine, natalya worked for more than 15 years beauty business, had five beauty salons in kyiv, never thought about living abroad until a tragedy happened in the family. my child died, anya had a brother, he
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got caught. oh, i can't talk about it, me. difficult, due to the negligence of the doctors in the hospital, he left this life, he was 14 years old, the doctors did an mri, they said that everything is fine, everything is fine, that they will treat him, and there was a hematoma, and this hematoma grew all night , and he had brain death, and he died in the morning in my arms ward, there were no doctors, to save herself from loneliness and the pain of loss, natalya decided to be with her then 19-year-old daughter anna, who had been living in the usa for a year at that time, i sold my apartment, car, part of my business, i had five hair salons, i had two i sold it, there were three
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left, and i just moved and started life from... from scratch here. i was 44 years old and just moved to america with two suitcases. the woman knew right away that she would continue her business overseas, so she devoted the first year to finding options on how to make it a reality. i applied for investor status, investor visa, international investor, that is visa i2, and i was given this visa, and i... started doing business, opened my first location in georgetown, that is, just one year after moving, you were able to open your salon in the capital of the united states, after nine almost seven months, but not everything was so smooth, natalia quickly had to look for a new place, the rent in washington itself exceeded the income. for the first two years, i did not
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receive any profit, i simply lived on all the money that i brought from ukraine, and after two years i stayed. nothing, that woman for some time i had to move into the same room with my employee, i was 407 years old, and i think how could i get to the point where i had everything in kyiv, an apartment, a car, business, status, i moved to live in america after three years with rumenka and a girl who worked for me as a manicurist. it was also not easy to find workers to meet natalia's requirements, so the woman, in addition to running a business, started to do... manicures and massages after taking additional courses, the prices were very high compared to american ones salons, my prices were twice as high, and high quality was required. over time , there was a demand for a quality ukrainian approach among american clients, and business went up. however, natalia missed kyiv and
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thought about returning back in the future, but the plans were changed by a full-scale war. they reported and did everything that these people do when the war started. i have an ex-husband, he is the father, we and ani, daughters, he is at the front, we help him if he asks for help with something, the woman says that she got a job several ukrainian women who moved to the usa because of the war, and gave one of the kyiv salons that she had left to her former employee. i wanted to help somehow, because they were all penniless. such actions are what help natalya fight homesickness, and i would really like to go there every year, but so far i haven't been there for 6 years. it's hard not to leave, not to see each other for six years, because i love my friends very much, i love my staff, the girls who work for me, and my family, i haven't seen anyone for 6 years. natalia
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does not give up the idea that one day she will come to kyiv, but for now she is building a little ukraine in her salons with ukrainian workers and she speaks with the real ukrainian quality of services. ivanna pidborska, yuriy. voice of america, washington. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and also listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. on this we will say goodbye. see also our daily briefings at 6 p.m. on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. thank you for staying with us, have a peaceful night and a peaceful morning,
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oleksiy kovalenko was with you, see you soon! there are discounts until independence day on normoven 10% tablets in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. in the august issue, krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we are talking to experts, listen. stories of the military, which were in captivity. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are
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to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. morchavka next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. cultural news. alena chekchenina, our art watcher is ready to tell. good evening. hosts who have become like relatives to many. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that are happening. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand
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how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. today in the program is the verdict with serhiy. kursk offensive operation. active hostilities on russian territory continue with the complete silence of the general staff of the armed forces and with the consent of the allies. to what extent it will strengthen ukraine's negotiating position. strategic impact of long-range weapons. zelenskyi claims leadership in the production of drones and the revival of the ukrainian missile program. ukraine is capable of becoming a leading provider of security for others states? kaleidoscope - peaceful plans. shoigu
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complains that ukraine ignores. putin's capitulation proposals, and zelensky insists that he cannot give up the territory without the consent of the people. which version of the agreement will the united states support? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour we are talking about ukraine. about the world, about the war and about our victory, let's talk about the big raid on the kurshchyna of the defense forces of ukraine and about what, in fact, is happening in the neighboring region of ukraine, how the troops are advancing on the territory of the russian state, how the world is reacting to it, and of course, we will mention the f-16 and how the ukrainian sky is turning into...
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a safe sky thanks to western fighter jets. however, before starting our big conversation, which will be attended by general serhiy krivonos, as well as valery romanenko, aviation expert and director of the viktor shlinchak institute of world politics, i suggest watching a video of how about 50 russian soldiers surrendered to ukrainian forces only on one part of the kurdish front. the video was released by the fighters. as part of the 14th regiment of unmanned systems forces, which operated together with the 80th separate airborne assault brigade, let's watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages. like this video and take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: are you watching? are you following the events at the kurshchyna? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have ... thoughts
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about what is happening in the neighboring region of ukraine, in kursk region, please write in the comments under this video, if you are watching us in tv broadcasts, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211381, if you are following this situation, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote. i want to introduce today's our first guest is serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, ex-deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. first of all, mr. general, let's talk about what's happening in kursk oblast, because, well, all the information that comes in.
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to consumers of information in ukraine, it comes either from western media that refer to russian propaganda channels or z-channels write a lot about it, so far , there is no official information confirmed by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, but it is clear that from the side of ukraine the military entered the territory of russia, the military is advancing deep into the kurdish region, analysts. of the institute for the study of war of the united states of america, they say that they went to a depth of 10 km, later there was already information about a depth of 25 km, well, that is , this map is gradually, gradually expanding, you can say, what is the idea of ​​this special operations, i.e. what goal is ukraine pursuing about...


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