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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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and all this affects weapons, you see that the range of weapons is increasing, and the accuracy of weapons is increasing, and now it is not a problem to hit an apartment, yes, for a drone, but even 10 years ago, you know, they destroyed the whole house, but now you can , if there is a terrorist sitting in a room somewhere, yes, they can launch it. hit him through the gate without even breaking the windows, but in terms of destroying helicopters and using, let's say , fpv drones for air defense, you know, it's just a case, in general, these drones are really fast, if the helicopter flies well at a normal cruising speed, the drone is able to catch up with it, but let's say, the range of the drone is not high and... special conditions are needed for
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the drone to approach correctly, because there were several attempts to approach the helicopter from the wrong side to the tail rotor, but you have to enter from the side where the thrust of the propeller is directed, then this tail rotor will pull, pull the drone towards itself, and there were cases when the drone entered from the opposite side and due to the power of its engines, it was simply not... able to fly to helicopters, well, simple simple aerodynamics, that is, in general, fpv drones, they are well used to destroy russian unmanned scouts, there are attack drones, yes, but as for helicopters, they still have limited capabilities, and mr. valery, the very end i wanted to ask you about the north korean missiles used by the russians in the... shelling of ukrainian
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territory, in particular, it was recorded that two north korean missiles flew in the direction of the kyiv region, what can you say about these weapons from north korea, how much, how much it can help the russians and how effective it is. well, you know, any weapon will help the russians, because they use it against the civilian population, but now they are rushing. on a well-organized ukrainian air defense, now they use all kinds of crap like foam drones and korean missiles. well, what can be said about these hwasongs, yes, these are hwasong missiles, there are 11, hwasong, well, i don’t remember anymore, it seems to be hwasong 11, but something is spinning, the number seven is next to it, so this is a missile, which in general is like this copy, very similar to russian and ballistic. iskander, iskander m. so, but
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unlike the russian iskander, this rocket is more primitive, and it can be influenced by means of reb, which generally happens. well, in addition, the rocket technologies there are superior to north korean technologies, they are to a large extent, not that of the world, they have lagged behind russian and chinese ones, they have even lagged behind russian ones, although they are higher there in china. technology than in russia, which means that these missiles are easier to fight with, but that's all they are dangerous anyway, because even if reb diverted this rocket, well, let's say, blocked its communication with the satellite, then this rocket can fly to any place, and it can either fall in a field or still fall on some population center, they are still dangerous, it is still best to shoot them down in... physically,
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then for sure, since patriot and sumpte they work on a direct hit heat to kill method, then they are guaranteed to detonate the warhead of this missile in the air, and there in general 500 kg, but is there a logical explanation why the russians use these missiles north korean, given the fact that russia always ... says and boasts that they have the largest military-industrial complex there, and they take north korean missiles, which, let's say, are lower in class than russian, well, drones, they, they also said that we are advanced there, we developed such drones there, as a result, they took and copied the iranian drone, iran, which has been under sanctions for more than 30 years, well, under the conditions of a dictatorship, so it is... let's say, powerful
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propaganda, there is such a thing, that is, the centralization of power, but science is in a stupor, how rule, and here are the technologies that they have developed. so, well, back in the 90s, yes, they generally stopped, that's why the russians are forced, because they want to increase volumes, and for this you need to expand production, yes, ah, and you need to get western components , because they themselves are not capable of making most of the radio-electronic equipment of complex weapons, yes, that is why they are forced to turn to countries such as iran, cocks... korea, well, probably something in africa, so they will also be there, they will ask that they gave, so, so, here are the reasons, i.e russian lagging behind in intellectual technologies, high-tech processes,
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that's why they are forced to take not the quality of missiles, but the quantity, because, for example, they made their own hypersonic missile there, yes, well, the result, they are able to release. well, two such missiles a month, and they need a quantity, they need to fuel patriotism, but they fuel patriotism with nothing, they will hit kiev somewhere, they will hit somewhere else, they will hit kharkov, yes, and the russians are happy that there they killed several ukrainians there, for them it is a joy, yes, ah if it doesn't become a rocket, judging by this, if you compare it with the production of airplanes, of course no one publishes accurate data on missiles there, if you compare it with... the production of airplanes, then the russians had the highest production in the 22nd year, well, in the 23rd last year it fell by 15 percent, this year it fell by another 15 percent. with missiles, there is a greater
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need for high-tech equipment, there are microprocessors, controllers, programmable valve matrices, yes, how difficult. to become, apparently, that production falls into greater, with greater, yes so to speak, by a gradient, and that's why, because of this, they are forced to turn to korea in order to at least receive a certain number of missiles every month . thank you, thank you, mr. valery, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey, today we ask you if you follow events in kurshchyna, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or
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phone and vote by numbers, if you follow what is happening in kurshchyna 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all on these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings serhii, glad to see and hear. well, first of all, let's go let's talk about what is happening in kurshchyna, because the official ukrainian authorities do not confirm or comment on what is happening in the neighboring region of sumy. but there is a reaction from the spokesman of the state department of the united states of america, matthew miller, who comments on the reaction of russia, which says that this is a provocation of the ukrainian authorities, or as they say, the ukrainian junta headed by zelensky, and matthew miller pointed out
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the irony of the statement of the russian ruler putin that the current events in the kursk region are a provocation of ukraine. let's hear what said matthew miller. i have seen messages from the russian authorities, for their part, ironically calling it a provocation, considering that russia has been violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine since 2014. mr. viktor, apparently, putin and the entire russian government in general were counting on some kind of reaction from the world, saying, save us. ukrainians are bombing, and this is a violation of international law there, although it is the right of self-defense that we are currently using, how do you assess this situation, which is now unfolding right before our eyes, and 48 hours we are already watching this, well, first of all
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, everyone really watched the reaction of the head of the kremlin yesterday, and the reaction was quite strange, it was kind. she was indecisive, and some even began to admit that it is not putin who is speaking before us at the security and defense council, they say it is not his business. just such an image that he has always displayed, well , i will say this that i do not believe in these conspiracy theories at once, and secondly, it seems to me that here it is more like the fact that putin is really being misinformed on certain areas of the front, that he that from him some information is hidden, and it is hidden. because you saw how
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putin actually behaved with the officials of the ministry of defense, in fact all the officials of the ministry of defense received hats after the election of putin for another term, who was dismissed from the ministry, deputies, some of the deputies even ended up in pre-trial detention center, some are still unknown . .. at this time, because they say that some simply disappeared, and in, as they write ironically, the ministry of defense of russia was completely purged, so in this case i it seems that this was really an unexpected story for putin, secondly, it showed that russia is still not as strong as it is... the head of the kremlin, moreover, you remember last year's campaign of prigozhin, also on
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territory of the russian federation, who also exposed all the problems that exist in russia. now, well, let's say this, unknown little men with ukrainian chevrons show that this theory is valid, that is, russia is not as strong as it seems. and in this sense , putin's russia looks really so insecure, despite the fact that it is already leading 2 years of war with ukraine, it cannot even close the entire line of its border, and this is a very good signal for our many international partners. moreover, ukraine shows in this case. ukraine shows strength, ukraine shows determination, and this means that
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our western partners must also pay attention to this subjective position, which means that you will force us to sit down at the negotiating table under some pressure, well, it is practically unrealistic. mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, believes that the reaction of the russians to the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine demonstrates a real attitude. russians before the war with ukraine and the putin regime, to quote podolyak. the events in kursk and belgorod regions allow us to conduct a certain laboratory experiment. while the repressive machine of the russian federation burns in the bushes, freed russians can go out with flowers to meet the anti-putin tanks. finally the will, we will wait for such shots, although the impossibility of this is already obvious. therefore, the lack of an adequate reaction to the counter-war will only confirm our opinion. about a strong, conscious relationship between the russians and their government, and why, mr. viktor, aren't
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there any kuryans who happily go out there to meet the ukrainian troops, and whether or not people in general somehow understand why the war that putin launched in ukraine in 2014 year, returned to their territory? i think there is no cause and effect anymore. those polls still show that the majority, the vast majority of the population, i don't want to say that the entire population, but the vast majority of the population supports putin's actions, unfortunately, and the percentage of those who oppose the war with ukraine, and the percentage of those who do not support putin's actions, it still does not exceed 20 points. this means that russian society is hopelessly sick, it means that since 2000 there have been 13-14
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years, it has been so informationally washed that now it is hoped that something will switch, the switch will switch, and immediately people will start thinking, otherwise , absolutely does not come, so, by the way, i think that i take into account ... this fact, putin released russian oppositionists from prison in such a way, because he understands that there is a lot of harm to this deep... people, they will not tolerate, that is, they will not influence people who have been washed, i repeat, informationally for many, many years. against this background, serhii shoigu, who visited iran, complained that ukraine, they say, ignores putin's proposals, which he voiced, or simply put,
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the capitulation plan for ukraine, when four oblasts should go to the russian federation, and the armed forces of ukraine have. .. to leave these regions, given this rhetoric of shoigu, does this mean that putin is not at all ready to no negotiations and does not want these negotiations, and all this talk about a peace summit with the participation of the russians at the end of the 24th year, this is only the desire of the world community, which pushes zelensky to this. i actually do not evaluate shoigu's visit to iran so clearly, because it seems to me that shoigu came to iran not only to talk about something, i think that shoigu came as putin's envoy to talk , including about russia and iran giving
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russia's opportunity to return to the negotiating table with the west. countries, namely, that iran, in this case, allowed to be a negotiator on behalf, on his behalf, with western countries, and accordingly, that this card, the far east, that it, or the middle east, rather, that it be played by putin in such a way that he will represent the middle east, and he will just the kind of person who will be able to come to an agreement with israel, and with the united states of america, and with saudi arabia, and with other countries. that is, i think that shoigu's visit in this case was used solely as an excuse
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to persuade iran to give russia such a mandate for negotiations. belorussian dictator oleksandr lukashenko at a meeting of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the commonwealth of independent states states suggested the possibility of the collapse of russia. let's listen to what lukashenko said. a permanent hybrid war is being waged against our peoples, and each of the cis countries has already experienced at least one color revolution, which is essentially an attempt at a coup d'état. the situation may develop in such a way... that any of our states cannot do without this unity, and if we do not understand this today, we will be dealt with individually, but if russia falls, we will we will all be drawn into this upheaval. lukashenko says that if russia falls, we will all be in trouble,
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we will be dragged in, although he has already been in trouble, and russia is falling. what does this mean for the cis, i.e. lukashenko says that let's all fight against ukraine together and remember the csto and perceive the events in kurshchyna as an attack on one of the members of this organization of the collective security agreement? putin has repeatedly tried to create any organization that would be an adversary of nato. it was, really was. an attempt to use the csto countries that you are talking about they reminded me that these were opportunities for the creation of some other parallel alliances, so far they have not been able to fix this, we are talking about some kind of evil news, yes, to which we include iran, plus north korea, plus
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china, but as for ... russia's closest neighbors, it looks like lukashenko and putin are constantly scaring it with these color revolutions, i have the impression that this is a big point for them, well, lukashenko has already sold, including to his own society, society , what he said then the protests during the elections, in which... by all indications svitlana tykhanovskaya won, were that they were organized by the event. in the same way, putin said a lot that... the trojan revolution in georgia was organized by the west, that the maidans in ukraine were organized by the west, that was all, so i absolutely do not even pay attention to these words,
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because this fear sits inside them , tell me, mr. viktor, does this mean that lukashenko already feels that putin's collapse is possible, that it will happen, and this is how he is trying to play. the role is a person who wants to to unite everyone, to say, let's all be together, he himself is already looking at china, which, by the way, is one of those partners of belarus in europe, china and several countries of eastern europe, which allows lukashenka to distance himself a little from putin and understand that he can have a future even without putin, well , in fact, lukashenko does not have that many. to the option to play, that is, on the one hand, he really depends on russia in many ways, on the other hand, you remember, even
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his visits to china took place, that is, he is trying to have additional support at least somewhere, of course, that in the circle of the former cis countries, it is difficult for him to count on this support, because even among... the presidents who are part of this, this, this current community, there are few who too wants to have direct business with lukashenka, because they consider him an object, not a subject of politics, taking into account that it is easier to negotiate with russia than with lukashenka separately, that is why all these attempts, they have already been, as leonid said bunch it already happened, so there is nothing new here. lukashenko is trying to play on different fronts and is trying to show its
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subjectivity, at least a little, because we remember that even a year ago, everything was going to the point that these two countries could actually be managed from the same center. thank you, mr. viktor, it was viktor shlinchak, the chairman of the board of the institute. world politicians, friends, throughout the broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you the following: do you follow the events in kurshchyna? so, the results of the television survey: 94% yes and 6% are not interested in this on youtube, we have a ratio of 89% yes, 11% no. this is me i put a full stop, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 20:00, come, we will have valery chaly, a politician and diplomat, we will talk about... everything , including the events at the kurshchyna, on this, goodbye, take care of yourself and your relatives, all the best, there are discounts until
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independence day on motororex pills, 10% at pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. wow, i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here. drink reo. i'm saving myself. reo. you're ready, my dear, you're ready. took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts until independence day on normoven tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima. this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military,
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front, component. sergey zurets. but how does the world live? yuriy feder has already been talking to me about what was happening outside of ukraine. yuriy dobrovecher. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war usynerchevka next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chechenina, our art watcher, ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already in front of me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, leader of the crimean tatar people , in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front
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- an analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the hostile and false. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses, etc must be rebuilt. about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about rights, opportunities. and personal experiences of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't spend any money. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. hello, my name is yuriy fizar, and this is an espresso interview. usually to this studio.
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invite interesting guests in order to talk with them about interesting topics, and today my interlocutor, extraordinary and plenipotentiary, ms. ambassador of the republic of estonia to ukraine, anneli kolk, i will talk to her about important things, about mutual relations between estonia and ukraine, about the help we have received, continue to receive, and i am sure, we will continue to receive from our brotherly country, and about much more. madam ambassador, i congratulate you, thank you very much for today. joined me for coming here, thank you, thank you so much, thank you very much, for inviting me, thank you, look, the first question will be this, estonia is a relatively small country compared to other european countries, of course there are also smaller ones, but estonia is small, but despite all this, we received a lot of help from your country, both financially and militarily, what is this, i don't know, paradox, maybe, why is this
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so, or is it because knowledge of history, or maybe something else is hidden in it? yes, of course, one of the main reasons is that we have a shared history. we were occupied by the soviet union, we lived together under the conditions of occupation, we know what assimilation, de-russification, and the soviets are. i tried to erase, eradicate our language, our culture, and we know what our common neighbor will do, of course, this was one of the reasons, but i think the main reason why estonia is helping, has helped and will continue to help ukraine is that that estonians love ukraine very much. we admire
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how you behave against this russian evil, how you bravely and resolutely fight against brutality, genocide, war crimes, and i think this is the biggest reason why estonia wants to help ukraine and this war. brutal continues over two years, and the admiration of estonia for ukraine grows even more, it grows due to the fact that you continue to defend your country, fight for your people, for your cultural identity, and all this is very dear and very close to estonians, and it is from one on the one hand, it's bad that this shared history that you mentioned unites us, and on the other hand, it's good that it
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unites us, because we... feel how close we are to each other, even despite the fact that we are separated by some, some kilometers separate us, and none the less, but saying everything about aid, are there any statistics, how much aid, for example, military or financial, we have already received from the republic of estonia, of course, there are very reliable statistics, estonia has provided from the beginning. the invasion of more than 26 million euro humanitarian aid, and this is as government state aid, aid from the private sector and ordinary ordinary citizens, in terms of military aid, it has already reached more than 500 million, if compared to gdp, estonia provided aid for more than.


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