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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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then to israel, but not in the way, at least, as iran threatened, and now the same threats, and we, and we, and we, and we see that after all, the sane fool wins, they listen to the advice that is heard from washington and think, well, maybe we will give some kind of answer, well, but are we strong enough to give a powerful answer and are we stupid enough to give such a powerful answer, well, that's why they think, and we move on, russian the war in ukraine cannot be ended immediately about... this is a special representative of the government of the celestial empire of eurasian affairs li hui said in an interview with the south african newspaper star and the indonesian newspaper kompas. at the same time, he once again used the word "crisis", not war. well, according to mr. special representative, provoking a block confrontation will not help to find a solution. he believes that some countries still think in cold war paradigms. lihui also emphasized that... the chinese leadership
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is willing to do whatever is necessary to facilitate de-escalation and negotiations, and he also pointed to the need for the international community did not stop creating conditions for, and again here he used the word crisis, resolution of the crisis, well , here they do not fully understand or do not want to show that they understand the situation in the middle east, because they constantly talk about doing their best. efforts to end the war, but the war is not called a war, they call it a crisis, to them it is a crisis, how can you end a war by calling it a crisis, well you won't end it like that, and now we go to the united states of america, ukraine is not warned the usa about a planned military operation on the territory of the kursk region, still russian and still federal. an official representative of the state department said this during the daily briefing.
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united states of america matthew miller. according to him, official washington is in constant contact with kyiv in order to understand the purpose of this military operation. but at the same time , mr. miller emphasized that ukrainians have the right, but what exactly do we have the right to? let's hear from mr. miller in his direct speech. there is nothing unusual about that the ukrainians don't tell us their exact tactics before they implement them, this is the war they're waging, we give them equipment, we give them advice, but when it comes to the day-to-day tactics they use to strike at the enemy, sometimes we talk to them about it and sometimes we don't, and they have every right to make those decisions, period, you give us weapons, and then we decide how to use those weapons, how best to use them on the battlefield. in order to
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destroy the enemy, neutralize it, well, it's interesting also that in the eu, in the european union they also support ukraine's legal right to protection from russian aggression and its efforts to restore sovereignty and territorial integrity. yes, the spokesperson of the european commission, peter stanu, said during the daily, sorry, said comments to the public. at the same time, he also emphasized that according to international law, ukraine has a legitimate right to defend itself, in particular by striking at an aggressor on its territory, that is, we see that the united states of america, even though that they say that oh, we would not like these weapons to be used for purposes deep in the territory of russia, but they say that ukraine has the right to do so, the european union is talking about it today, although no, it was not today, it was yesterday, but, if we take the time difference, it was already night in ukraine, white house spokeswoman karin. also said that
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ukraine has the right to use western weapons as it deems appropriate and necessary, and the white house security council's strategic communications coordinator, john kirby, said yes, but at the same time, he added that washington is in contact with kyiv and will ask kyiv for some more detailed information about what is happening in kursk oblast, but i am curious, do you know what, and bilausov is still its head? lloyd did not call the pentagon, did not ask what, please forbid the ukrainians from attacking us, considering the fact that he already called him like that once, i think that this has already happened, and oh my god, and there the apostate is out of reach , you know and that's all, well, it would be interesting, well, and in a completely different way, although this, unfortunately, does not surprise anyone, they reacted the united nations reacted to the military operation of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. and then, a quote.
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incidents like these increase the risks of escalation on the battlefield. this is the end of the quote, and this is a quote from the representative of the secretary-general. he said this during the briefing, at the same time he added that the united nations would like to see the situation de-escalated as much as possible, well, you know, the song that is already so tired of the united nations, we express deep concern, we are so sorry that people are dying in ukraine, but no, ukraine, well, how will it be. tion of the situation, and the turk is broken there, new york, bahmud, now there is also sivyard, here they do not want to de-escalate the situation, everything is normal here, as if this is how it should be, well, you understand, vasyl, this is the old the song of the united nations organization, which again suggests that either this organization is not needed at all, but
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a very serious reform must be carried out, and they have been talking about this reform for a long time in butzim, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, for 2.5 years they have been talking, talking, talking, and so far... so they just turn into that old radio, you know, which always turns on, always works, it speaks in the house, but no one listens to him, it's basically the same story, well, that's what the un radio is saying, and okay, you're worried, and well, and everyone is doing their own thing, because in ukraine we need to solve our own issues, well, kamela garis is gaining momentum, the day before she officially became a candidate in the us presidents from the democratic party, and according to a new poll conducted by the morning consult agency, in seven swing states camolo harries was supported by 48% of voters, while only 47% of voters supported donald trump, although if you add up all the polls i've been reading over
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the past few weeks, they're still pretty much on average, i mean kamla harris and donald trump, well, we'll see three more with a little over a week to go before the... election that scheduled for november 5, let's see what happens there, but i think that kamela harris is gaining momentum and gaining points. let's move on: starting today, estonia will introduce full customs supervision and control at the border with russia. now the goods and people who transport these goods and are headed from russia are subject to a thorough inspection, and the time for crossing the border will increase significantly. it is done step by step. estonian authorities in order to stop non-compliance with western sanctions against the russian side. estonian prime minister kristan michal said earlier that the decision is related to attempts to non-compliance with sanctions and transportation of prohibited goods. well, the politician, about
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whom i will talk further, seems to have decided to test the nerves of the spanish law enforcement officers in this way. the former head of the generalitat of catalonia, carles puigsdemont, returned today. to his homeland, that is, to catalonia, despite the fact that he can be detained here as part of the accusation of wasting state funds in particularly large amounts. he announced his return the night before, well, mr. puigdimont has been in belgium for seven years, and the spanish government is in vain is trying to get permission to extradite him from there. there, in the 19th year, he even became a member of the european parliament. well, the day before, as i already said, he... informed about his arrival, about his desire to come, he arrived today, but it seems that the country's law enforcement officers were not ready for this. carles puigdemont simply spoke to supporters in the heart of barcelona and then disappeared without a trace. at the same time, local journalists report that the police did not detain him, on the contrary, they announced the start
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of the detention operation at all exits from there are roadblocks in the city and everyone is being checked. well, that's how it is. around the finger, well, we'll see what happens next, but it seems to me that he decided to become such a mass, to repeat, let me return, they are not waiting for me there, they want to detain and arrest me there, and i will return, because i i want to show that i stand up for the rights of the people of catalonia, well, he stood up for what rights for it was during his rule that a referendum was held in catalonia, in which the majority of the people of catalonia decided that they wanted to... secede from spain, spain is not i liked it, spain opened a bunch of criminal cases, according to which several associates of puigdimon were jailed, well, he himself was forced to flee to belgium, where he was hiding until yesterday, at least they did not want to extradite him from there, you know what navalny is like, i i'll sit down, i
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'll come, i'll meet, he fled from the kingdom of spain to the kingdom of belgium, in the kingdom of belgium, he doesn't want to separate anything there, no, but there is, by the way, something to separate, there if you throw a click'. there are, well, at least two provinces, we're not calling now, i'm just i'll prove that it's not, i just mean that he's saying that he doesn't like this kingdom, and he's fine with the kingdom of belgium, but not there, well, but he's back, vasyl, he's back, he says that... he wants to be with the people of catalonia and defend their interests, and their main interest is, as he says, secession from spain, oh, by the way, why did he come back, because he wanted to attend a meeting of the parliament of catalonia, and so there, at a session of the parliament, they were supposed to elect a new chairman of this autonomous region of spain, and he was supposed to be a representative of the socialist party, which pochdymo didn't like very much, and then he didn't come. it is not known whether he attended, well at least i do not know whether he attended this meeting, you know, i'm sorry, when
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i look, people are watching what is happening in ukraine, obviously, we were attacked by russia, huge problems, there are economic, human losses, resources, demography, everything, and here you look at it all from the prosperous kingdom of spain, from the prosperous kingdom of belgium, from hungary, think, and you will come up with whatever other problems you will create for yourself, but live and be happy that you are alive at all, no one attacked you, you are doing well, the economy is developing, no, we must... then we would be happy , so that everything was calm in general. oh yes, vasyl, it's 100%. well, in conclusion, i talked, although there are many synonyms for this word, which cannot be used on the air, but which would very well convey what i will talk about next. so, agents of the federal bureau of investigation, which we also know as the fbi, conducted a search in the house of a former american, well, he calls himself a spy and ex-un inspector scott ritter, so that you... understand, it is he who regularly, as an expert, in quotes, appears on the air of russian
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propaganda tv channels. the information about the raids was first reported by the nbc news channel, later it was confirmed by the fbi itself. the department said that its agents searched the propagandist's apartment, and further quote: to carry out law enforcement activities in connection with the current federal investigation however, the fbi did not specify what this investigation is about. well, i'll also remind you that scott ritter's passport was confiscated by border guards in june 24th when he tried to fly out of new york to russia, so it's possible that these are all connected stories, and after that scott ritter himself went out to journalists, and he briefly explained why the law enforcement officers in everivka are conducting a search in his house right now, he said that the searches were due to comments for the russian media, such so-called mass media. he called these suspicions are absolute, absurd and
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quoted that he will be accused of manipulating the opinion of the americans at the behest of the russian government, oh, isn't that true, oh-oh-oh, isn't he manipulating, but of course he is manipulating, because if you look at his inclusion in the same skabeeva, he kept talking about how bad the usa is, how russia is, how russia and putin are good, and all the things that the beggars say. that's all untrue, that's why it's good that a criminal case was opened against him, well, now they would also put him in jail, well, if they find the culprit, reasons for this, and i think that they will find, well, for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. events, events. that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know
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what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky on espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets, on saturdays at 21:30 on espresso. good evening, we are with the great ether continues, and in spite of us it is already closer to the final, the topics are only
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getting hotter, oleksandr moshchevka is already next to me, money during the war, oleksandr, you have a word, good evening. greetings, vasyl, greetings to the audience, today the attention of us ukrainians, as well as international partners, is focused on the events in the kursk region, in particular, economists are also monitoring the transit of russian gas, what is happening there at the suja gas measuring station, and what is the future of... the ukrainian gas transportation system , we will talk about this in detail in a moment, wait. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is it column about wartime money, gas prices in europe are rising. this is the reaction to the events in the kursk region, in particular near the suzha gas measuring station, which is the point of entry of russian fuel into our gas transportation system. now, according to the bloomberg agency, a megawatt/hour costs €39. this is essentially more than what was before the events,
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in particular in the kursk region, what is waiting for the ukrainian gas transport system and what is waiting in between. dear partners, after 2024, whether fuel will be transported by the ukrainian hts and whether there is fuel, we will talk about this and not only to talk in detail with mykhailo gonchar, he is the president of the center for global studies strategy 21 and joins the broadcast, good evening, i congratulate you, mr. mykhailo, well , our attention is really focused on the court and, in fact, what awaits in the event of such a catastrophic situation. when military actions can simply damage the critical infrastructure, damage the gas measuring station, is this unrealistic, or can it really affect the further transportation of fuel of the ukrainian hts? well, as you can see, nothing has affected so far, so i i don't think there are grounds for any
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panic, if this gas station, or rather the compressor station, may be destroyed. station, because the gas station is part of the economy that is located at the compressor station, well, it can only be as a result of strikes, russian strikes, and if a corresponding decision is made in the kremlin, when such a militaristic approach prevails, and not a commercial one, however, the events of the last few days, well, it means that the transit continues, let it be there... decreased by 12% and so on, nevertheless, it says that commercial reasons still prevail, at least for now, i mean in moscow, since gazprom is already in a difficult financial position, its losses are growing, and therefore
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the european market is practically lost, but there are some opportunities. .. they are looming to return to it, well, i mean the information that appeared there the month before last in june, about the possibility of supplying the so-called so-called azerbaijani gas, it will be essentially the same russian gas, only in azerbaijani wrappers, and we can see from here such a rather patient position of gazprom, moreover, they announced that the transit continues, and there are no other statements, for example, from the slovak operator, from the european end of the pipe, to the companies that there they are observing some interruptions in the supply of gas through the territory of ukraine, that is, i think
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that the situation is simply heating up to a large extent, so you say... "when bloomberg news was voiced, in this way you can say in an apocalyptic style, i think, the apocalypse it won't happen, well, if we talk about what could happen next, then there are several scenarios, well , actually, if, here, mr. mykhailo, about the scenario of azerbaijani gas, that to what extent it will be completely enveloped by russia, well, that's why, explain, well because..." because azerbaijan does not have large excess volumes to export this gas, the gas it has, it exports to the european market anyway, more precisely to southern europe, the balkans, southern italy, and that's all, that can be within the framework of the shah deniz project. yes, there is a second phase
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shah deniza, but she will be in a few years. now you can speak there, well, there will be some somewhere they will scratch. which the weather does not do, and therefore one way or another it will be about the fact that the azerbaijani sokar, a state company, or some other authorized company, will turn to the one who has nowhere to go with this gas resource, and we know who it is, this is gazprom, and of course from a formal point of view, if the gas would be azerbaijani, because it will be purchased by an azerbaijani company and will continue to be supplied. there according to the system agreements to european partners, whoever wants to buy it, whoever wants to buy it is also quite clear, it is at least three countries, or rather companies. from the three countries that are somehow interested in continuing their gas relations with russia, with gazprom, which
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, unlike the european union as a whole, has done nothing all this time to minimize this dependence, if not to get rid of it, and reduce it as much as possible, and these countries are well known, these are slovakia, austria, and to a lesser extent hungary, although it sits on russian gas, but has, so to speak, an alternative in form. of the second thread of the turkish stream, along which this gas then comes to hungary, so in this case it is about the fact that this is also an important moment, why, say, gazprom, or rather the kremlin, did not dare now, for example, to close the gas tap, use situation as a force majeure and to stop the supply of gas to the european market, he did not do it, and i think he will not do it, because at the european end of the pipe are his, figuratively speaking, trojan horses, so to speak, those
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regimes that, within the framework of the european union and nato, in one way or another support that, all to varying degrees, its russian policy, and therefore, if gas supplies were to be cut off, when gas supplies to europe were to be cut off, then it is not about the european union as a whole, and we are talking specifically... about two or three countries that are sitting tight, that are benefited by cheap russian gas, or gas at a special price, and accordingly, if for moscow to cut off this supply, it means complicating relations with those who work for it, because now it is not profitable for the kremlin, but here is the scenario of the so-called zero transit, is it appropriate for ukraine, in particular, well, look, here if we are now with... we are monitoring such activity in social networks, there are also such opinions published on various internet resources that, as they say, well, without transit, everything is lost , that
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we need to agree in one way or another to the fact that the transit continues, well, of course, the more gas in the pipes, the better, because the gas transport system is essentially ours, it is currently working somewhere there, i am not mistaken, if. .. i say for a tenth of what she can perform, and if there will be a situation where only domestically produced gas will be pumped, that is , roughly speaking, 20 billion cubic meters per year, instead of 200 and a little, which is what the system as a whole is designed for, then they say, in principle, all this will be a disaster, no disasters there will be none, well, first of all, we have experience of how the system works. without transit gas and without gas supplies to ukraine, when russia arranged the second gas crisis in 2009,
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when it first stopped the supply of gas to ukraine, and then the transit through ukraine to january 2009 to europe, completely zero, they counted on the fact that, so to speak, everything would kneel down and stop in the country, and the cities would be left without gas, without heating and so on at the peak of winter cold, but nothing happened , because the system was reversed, and in the end, so to speak, the supply and transit of gas was resumed, after the intervention of the european commission, however, if no such catastrophic consequences did not happen, that is, after that and oil and gas and then. next to the operator's room systems of ukraine after the unbanning of oil and gas, they worked out the mechanisms for once, because it was not the first time that the question of ukraine
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being left without transit came up, they worked out the mechanisms and modeled this situation, and it was done in the same way in recent years, precisely taking into account the fact that at the end the five-year agreement between naftogaz and gazprom expires on the 24th. all these simulations showed that the system would work, well , of course, some work was done to make it so, of course, that work the system will be far from optimal, well, as i mentioned, the system is designed a priori for much larger volumes of transport work, nevertheless, when this hysteria is accelerating now, i would say with the fact that at any cost it is necessary to the transit was, it doesn't matter what russian gas... or from where else, if, i think that this is precisely the work for the reincarnation of that shadow scheme under
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a conventional name. here it is necessary to proceed from the fact that when we provide such and such there, say, the transit of russian gas under the azerbaijani brand, we at the same time give an opportunity for gazprom to improve its financial situation, and more deductions will be received in the russian war budget, respectively, so we are there, roughly speaking, having earned some dollars or euros in transit, we will help somewhere, we will help somewhere at ten o'clock dollars or euros, incomes to russia, in other words, this must be taken into account, here you have to choose whether the earnings are insignificant, or whether the support of the enemy is financial, i apologize, but i have to end on this optimistic note, after all, that the future of the ukrainian gas transportation system is , and at one time i had serhii
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makugon in the studio, the operator of the gas transportation system even before the great war, he said that work was and is being carried out on how the ukrainian gts will function without russian gas, there were options, and i am sure that everything will be fine with it . mykhailo gonchar, president of strategy 21 center for global studies, was a guest of the column about money during the war. i will say goodbye, there will be more to come, watch us. thanks to oleksandr moshas, ​​thanks to the esteemed expert for the clarification. i hope you understand more on this important topic. santa barbara cinema. elections were held for members of the keen state support council. the body deals with the distribution of money at state cinema pitches, having the decisive right to vote. the process naturally attracted the attention of the professional community
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. criticism, in particular, says that the influence of artem kolyubayev, producer and partner of the head of the president's office, andriy yarmak, will remain in the council. yuliana chechenina, of course, could not pass by, and she will tell us more, i think that she is even there and in the process involved in a certain way, right? no, please tell me. vasyl, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers, female viewers, unfortunately, the press was not allowed to attend this event, they only had an online broadcast with terrible sound. therefore, you know, not enough moments were extracted from everything that could be heard, but enough to tell you about the scandals and intrigues at derzhkino, i will tell them in a second. so, friends, when marina kuderchuk was recently dismissed from the position of head of state cinema, many
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representatives of film societies were fired. rejoiced, but the most skeptical and pragmatic of them said, no, wait, this is not the end of the story, it won't be, everything is fine with us, and don't have any illusions, that's how it seems to me, and it happened. the council of the state cinema was replenished with a new composition, not entirely new, because we are waiting for two more members from the state cinema, it is very interesting who it will be, but we already have seven members of the new council, in general, the voting took place in two stages, first we recruited a competition commission, which had to choose from these members, there are nine of them in total, and the question arose, of course, first of all, because the press was not allowed even with enough such with interesting arguments, they began to say that somehow we do not have space in this room, the press will interfere, and in general, you know, we will announce an air raid alert, and we will not know where to send those journalists, how to ensure security and so on, so no
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need. and at the second stage they said that if no one was accredited, then we did not accredit anyone, what are the questions for us.


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