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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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to provide them with the understanding that they are very important people in our society, and we owe them a lot of gratitude, to create comfortable conditions for them, now we have many barriers, and this is not only in rehabilitation, but in general in moving around the city, yes, well for example, a military serviceman, or just a person with reduced mobility who moves around in a wheelchair and... or his daughter goes to school, then it would be very important for us as a society to create these conditions so that this veteran or just someone with reduced mobility can get to this barrier-free, unaided schools, or, for example, toilets, have we always had mobile people, can we get to the toilet, no, not always. this is a problem, it is a problem
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not only in cities, it is also a problem in administrative institutions, in educational institutions, in medical institutions, now a textbook on barrier-free accessibility was recently announced, where various institutions were analyzed and specific recommendations were issued on how to depending on what we're building or what we're changing, and that's important. for me a veteran who moves either in a wheelchair or with the help of prostheses, for me this is an ordinary person, like any of us, who occupies the same niche in society, and i have come to the understanding that when i enter an institution, for the first time , what i automatically do is check with my foot whether there is a threshold. uh, you already
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visually assess the width of the door, the passage to the coffee shop, for example, or whether the toilet is accessible, whether a person can get there, and which i would like to give, probably, what advice to all of us, that you should look around your place residence, your place of work, understand whether it's available to our veterans, probably because i work with veterans more, because it's... more focused, of course, for people who have been affected by the war, because the civilian population is also suffering a lot, we see constant arrivals, constant information , the number of victims, this is also a difficult path. ola, i want to raise the topic of not only physical rehabilitation, but also psychological rehabilitation. of course, if we talk about rehabilitation, it is not only physical rehabilitation, it is also the rehabilitation of mental health and its restoration, actually
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a psychologist works in every rehabilitation program and in every rehabilitation team, this is an extremely important professional unit in the team, and the psychologist is involved in working with the patient immediately, not when the patient enters the rehabilitation department, but also in the acute period. here it is important to understand, if... we are not talking about professional help, that is, when you are not a psychologist, about the correctness of talking to a patient with severe trauma, let's say, and there is a certain algorithm for how to conduct this conversation, and of course we receive training in communication with the patient, but there are such very simple recommendations, they now exist in various areas of the internet and other social networks. when the military themselves say what
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not to do, well, for example, i understand you, it is not quite correct, we cannot understand this particular person in this situation, because we are not that person, but we can say it, i am with you, i will walk your path with you, it is also very important to involve the family and not forget that the family too. gives from the trauma received by their relatives, as well as sometimes it is believed that when the wife or mother comes, she will provide psychological support and help, but this is not always the case, sometimes the mother, or the wife, or the child also needs work with a psychologist, preparation, and actually this is work with the whole family or with the whole family, fighters do not always want to inform
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their relatives about their complex injuries. in my experience , there are boys who do not want to tell their mother, and they delay as much as possible. at this time, to inform my mother about my serious injury, i have a fighter, he lost two hands, and he has decided that he will inform his mother and actually meet her only when he receives prostheses and learns to use them, that is, he also worries about her psychological state, of course, of course, and we respect his decision, in he has a clear plan, we support him, we will help him. to implement it, so yes, it is very important, and a psychologist, this is a key point, but we all need to learn how to correctly and correctly address veterans, or people who have suffered from war, and understand and understand that this is important and
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for us, and for those who receive this help, or this appeal, well, for example, is not correct, if you say, a stroller. or a wheelchair, i.e. there is a significant correct concept of a wheelchair, not a blind person, but a person with visual impairment, it is not difficult, it just needs to be asked, and we, as ukrainians, do everything possible to be correct, yes indeed, and this is true, because we have already said today that as we gain new experience, the experience of war, we understand that there will be many more... there will be people with injuries, many people who will receive serious injuries, who can then will lead to problems in the future, so to speak, and ola, as you can estimate, you are talking about the fact that you
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have been in military rehabilitation for two years, as you can estimate, during these two years, some colossal changes have taken place, changes for the better, because... we didn't have this experience before, right, this negative experience of war, and accordingly we didn't know what military rehabilitation was? i would say it a little differently here, we knew what rehabilitation was in the military, and we simply could not imagine it on such a scale, of course, the entire medical system is overloaded, but it is clearly possible. to say, i have experience communicating with foreign colleagues, and you yourself can assess how rapidly the development of prosthetics in ukraine is progressing here, and how many foreigners want to come to
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us to exchange experience and find common solutions in this direction or in other directions . rehabilitation, of course, we develop, we develop very quickly, there is such a thing as continuous professional development, and we use it, we also know how to analyze and make decisions, also ukrainians create new achievements in medicine as well, including, for example, i will tell a short story about how ukrainians are not good at determining bleeding in trauma, and ukrainians analyzed two additional points and created the fast protocol.
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fast you crayon, which is recognized throughout the world, and this happened during a full-scale invasion, these two additional diagnostic points indicate intestinal damage. and in this way, the surgeon receives early information that it is still worth paying attention to the damaged intestine. this is during the war. therefore, of course, we develop not only in rehabilitation. a very powerful development in the surgical direction. accordingly, rehabilitation is a consequence of surgery. and success is such teamwork. olya, there will be another question for you, for sure, it will be. perhaps the most difficult for you. what experience did you have during a full-scale invasion that you would never want to have? losing loved ones, relatives, losing
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ukrainians. because every loss is a pain that cannot be described, it's... it's a world that just falls in the family, in the family, in the community, in in ukraine, the war takes away the best. of course, i wouldn't want this, as probably all ukrainians do, but i want to thank you for your strength, for your steadfastness and for your work, thank you, and for the fact that you agreed to come and frankly tell about your experience, thank you .
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military vehicles increasingly become targets for enemy recruits, only in kharkiv oblast we know about four dozen such cases. the regional police managed to identify all the perpetrators. these are mostly young people aged 12 to 18. the age of criminals throughout ukraine difference. 68 citizens now have the status of arson suspects. such cases have recently been recorded in kyiv, odesa, dnipro, kharkiv, and lviv. russian special forces are behind them. services that recruit ukrainians on job search sites, social networks and messengers.
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people who are looking for quick and easy money usually fall on the hook, because for setting fire to one car, russian curators promise from 20 to 80,000 uah. but, as the detainees showed, none of them received such sums. as a rule, much less amount, further. new and new tasks, i would like to emphasize here, are blackmailing our citizens into giving information about their previous crimes to the national police of ukraine. on july 30, a 25-year-old man and his 20-year-old roommate set fire to three cars of soldiers and volunteers in the kyiv region. they filmed the crime themselves and sent it to the russian curator, for which he had to pay a thousand. dollars, but in fact, the suspects received half of the amount. also this week in kyiv, three
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unknown persons burned a car to evacuate the wounded of the third separate assault brigade. the van was parked in the parking lot awaiting repairs. the military brigades reacted to this by saying that the next perpetrators would be punished at their own discretion. major general of the security service of ukraine viktor yagon and former deputy head of the service. believes that there should be a clear reaction of both society and the state to such sabotage. i think that this is just one of those options when society itself takes on the obligation to put such people in their place, and the state must show that it is in the conditions of martial law that these actions are not some kind of hoax, but are real sabotage and work for the enemy, in connection with which you need cheesy. bring some changes or simply bring the practice of the courts to such a state that this, well, this is the destruction of military property,
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according to this, it is actually working for the enemy. earlier, a whole group of six young men were detained in odesa. paliyas worked under the cover of courier delivery and established the parking addresses of defense forces' cars. so during the day they delivered food, at night they burned military cars. in general, pali'. it was destroyed by at least 15 cars. another 28-year-old man from odessa set fire to a car servicemen, the man was promised uah 80,000, but he received... uah 937 and potentially 10 years behind bars, they took advantage, and i, a fool, was also taken advantage of, now i can go to prison for 10 years because of uah 937. according to law enforcement officers, russian special services are using arson videos to destabilize the situation in ukraine. the goal
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of all these actions of the special services of the russian federation is, first of all, to form in ukrainian. society the opinion about the existence of alleged ukrainian underbelly, who oppose the armed forces of ukraine, who want the arrival of here by the russian federation, and that is why they use these facts in their russian propaganda, i want to tell you that we have not seen a single fact of a pro-russian citizen who burned a car of the armed forces, or a volunteer, or committed other acts of sabotage. employees of the sbu and the national police deal with such crimes, since the same arson can be classified differently, depending on the circumstances, setting fire to military property, criminals face up to 10 years in prison. i emphasize that most qualify again under article 1944
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destruction is a war, and if it is a military car that belonged to the armed forces of ukraine, of course it is registered under article 114 of the lawful action of the armed forces of ukraine, and in some cases, where there are more serious consequences, it is even qualified under article 258 as a terrorist act, or 113, as diversion, since i want to remind everyone that we have a reduced age in our country. criminal liability since the age of 14, for example, a 35-year-old kyiv resident will spend 8 years in prison according to a court sentence, he burned 13 military vehicles with homemade with firearms, at the court the man admitted that he acted on his own conviction, if the curators and the arsonists were to be established and punished with a task with an asterisk,
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because all of them are engaged in subversive activities on the territory of russia, then our law enforcement officers mostly manage to find the perpetrators of the crimes by following hot tracks . see this week in the collaborators program. family betrayal, how a family from kherson sold themselves for positions. our act, a meaningful act, is absolutely decisive. but which of the ukrainian bloggers became a fake minister of culture. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator's program, about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. our today's issue is about those who in the temporarily occupied territories are blindly guided by the orders of the kremlin and vainly think that punishment will be avoided. he was a failed streamer on youtube, and became the russian minister of culture. a year ago, we already made our choice about the reunification of the regions with russia, and now we
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confirm our choice. we are together, we are united, we will win. this is artem lagoiskyi. oleksiyovych born in 1991, originally from kherson region. he graduated from kherson state university, worked as a teacher at the department of economics at kherson university, and was the head of the educational and methodological laboratory. but over time , artem left teaching and started blogging, created the good games youtube channel with reviews of video games. i took a nickname, well, a very eloquent bully. i wonder if he sees himself that way, or does he often? it was said that russia, ukraine, belarus and a number of other countries are all our common great homeland. be artemko didn't want to be a livestock farmer for a long time, so he went into business from streaming. in 2019, he became a co-founder of the bula-stroy company, which was engaged in the organization of construction. when a full-scale war broke out in ukraine,
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lagoisky fully justified his nickname. under the leadership of the russians, a former youtuber with the nickname "began to take care of cultural issues in the region, in 2022 he became the acting first deputy of the so -called minister of culture of the kherson region. our history continues, just unfortunately, our region had a certain period, when history was changed, history was twisted, but the current history is not forgotten. in the post of deputy, this cultural connoisseur took care of the philharmonic, libraries and museums in the occupied territories. part of the kherson region, as well as questions about the so -called true history of fairy tales about what a great country russia is. when ukrainian troops liberated kherson, artemko fled to the left bank. dnipro once again proved his loyalty to the occupiers and received a promotion in the form of a new chair, acting as the fake minister of culture of kherson
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region everything happens transparently, comfortably and most importantly - safely. like the minister of culture, lagoiskyi removes ukrainian literature from libraries, controls that schools teach history favorable to the kremlin, and imposes russian culture on the local poor in every possible way. in addition to... this, he was also made the head of the regional branch of the assembly of the peoples of russia. it was created on the initiative of the president as a platform for dialogue between society and executive authorities. such industrious work on the slopes did not go unnoticed by ours law enforcement agencies. on august 17, 2023 , the security service of ukraine notified lagoisky about the suspicion of collaborative activity, and he is in danger. up to 10 years of imprisonment. now the case is in the kherson city court, so we are waiting for artemko's streams to play during the convoy. and this is
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lagoiskyi's deputy in the so-called ministry of culture of the kherson region, larisa anatolyivna kosenko, 55. dear compatriots, the kherson region is electing the president of the russian federation for the first time federation, chooses the future of our children, ours. before becoming a bombed kremlin operative, larisa tried to build a political career in kherson. in 2020, she ran for the kherson city council from the now-banned volodymyr salda bloc party and fortunately did not pass. after that, she headed the kherson city department of culture and the archive of the kherson district state administration. when the russian army occupied the city in 2022, kosenka decided to cross out everything that connected her with ukraine. and start working for the invaders. according to media reports, kosenko called cultural workers in kherson and urged them to go to work for the russians, but
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she was not seen in public until recently. it was purchased only that year, for 50 million books that arrived at the libraries working on the left bank, that is 110 libraries. in this video, the traitor talks about the success of the campaign to remove ukrainian literature from libraries. of the left bank and their replacement by the so-called russian classics. this is how diligently kosenka is practicing his new position. now she is the deputy minister culture of the kherson region. in general, her treason is a family affair, because for now larisa is just waiting for her suspicion, for her husband, a well-known collaborator serhiy cherevka. our fimida has already waited at the judge. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, and now unites the willows. serhiy, 49, is
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from kherson, he devoted almost his entire life to politics. since 1998, he has regularly run for office. in 1998 and 2002 , he tried to get into the kherson city council. in 2015, he became the deputy mayor kherson and part-time head of the regional organization. tion of the kherson party. then he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of the education of children who moved from the territories temporarily occupied in the 14th year. there really is a problem of accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions. but later he forgot his native language, and began to call the occupied territories part of the great russian empire. in 2017, charavko left the post to become mayor. and in the 19th he ran for the verkhovna rada from the opposition party block, but does not pass. in 2020, charavkov ran for the kherson city council and
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won again. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the ship district council of the city of kherson. in his position, he took care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass migration of ukrainians abroad. the situation is catastrophic. in ukraine, let's say, over the last 10 years, the birth rate... for the scumbag of killing and torturing ukrainians, the occupation of cities and villages became not a pain, but an opportunity, which he gladly took advantage of. our act is meaningful act, is definitely determining how we will build, with whom we will build our future. when the region was bought, cherevko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson with the reds. during the ussr. initially, this traitor, together with hauraiter volodymyr saldo, participated in the creation of the so-called rescue committee for peace and order, the purpose of which was cooperation
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with the occupying forces. and russia, the invaders appreciated such fruitful work for the seller and gave him the position of deputy military civil administration of the region in the illegally created occupation body. russia is the motherland. people feel their personal involvement in the creation of history, we see how massively citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor, together with another similar fertilizer, fled to the left-bank part of the region, this... enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. the sbi found there documents and reports on how the russian pension system was created and adjusted during the occupation the work of the post office. to this pile of symbols of the russian federation and scenarios for holding events for victory day and russia day. it is a pity that there was no script for the day of defeat and disappearance, not for the empire, although we are now writing it ourselves. on october 19, 2022
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, by decree of the president of ukraine, cheravko was added to the nsdc's sanctions list, at the end of last year he was accused of collaborating. currently, the case has already been referred to the kherson city court. we hope that soon this traitor, like his wife-collaborator, will sit behind bars greetings, and they will see each other very soon. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. we will send it together. all traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the tv channel, the west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about the use of drones as tools. for
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organization of political murders, but the key topic of our conversation is different interpretations in the so-called peace plans, and of course we will analyze what our enemy is preparing. today's west studio guests are mark fagin and daniel frith. now the legendary american diplomat, former coordinator of the united states state department on sanctions policy, a person who can be called flesh and blood, will work on the air of the tv channel. american diplomacy. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador frit, glad to see you. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. so what the key story is the huge election drama in the united states. yes, we understand that there has been an extremely important replacement of the democratic primary candidate. we in ukraine sympathize with the democratic camp, of course, far from all, and we cannot express this matter publicly, but president
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joseph biden allowed it. we can withstand the russian onslaught, russian aggression, we appreciate it, yes, but we just don't know what to expect from donald trump, and even if we do know, we don't like this story to the end, but in any case in in the united states, races on the front line, activation of the enemy, so in your opinion, what do the ratings show and what will ukrainian politics be like, kemela geris? i don't know vice president harris very well, but i do know her national security advisor, phil gordon. we have known each other for several years, judging by her speeches and what i know about phil gordon, kamala garis will continue the us support for ukraine as president. there's no doubt about it, as vice president kamala harris met with
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the president a few days before the full-scale invasion, she attended the munich security conference in 2022 and met him there as well, and they also had meetings together later. i will say that this year's speech by garis at the munich security conference is worth re-reading. to me, it fits into the american tradition of supporting the free world, which president biden has said goes back to harry truman and ronald reagan. all presidents, with the possible exception of president trump, have followed this strategy, and i'm sure that she will also take over. dear mr. ambassador frith, do you have the feeling that everything in the world is so serious that you can seriously wait for the outbreak of the third world war. how interested is iran in what is being called the next site of world war iii, do we understand?


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