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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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she disposed of them as she saw fit, so what should i manage and interrogate as an investigator, the children, mother took the money. last year, according to the declaration, tamara novikova earned more than a million hryvnias, but she did not find the money to buy a chandelier for the apartment bought by her mother. i didn't even run the electricity to the end, because i don't have anything to pay for, i don't even have anything to buy a chandelier, and you use it, as you live there, for the position of a judge. a professor of the department of international and comparative law is also applying for the constitutional court of ukraine of law of the national aviation university nataliya kaminska. i am ready to be open, transparent, and honestly perform my functional duties as a judge of the constitutional court in the future. in 2007, natalia kaminska bought an apartment in kyiv for $80,000 on credit. however, indicate this value in the declaration of the candidate for the position of judge of the constitutional court, professor. i forgot until
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2011 my husband's father, my former father-in-law, unfortunately deceased, he paid the loan funds for this apartment, monthly loan payments, but of course, later after the divorce, i paid these funds on my own, it was his initiative, he had the opportunity to pay, after the divorce, according to kaminskaya, her parents helped pay off the loan debt, and last year her mother... the position of a judge, another apartment in the capital for almost 70 thousand dollars. kaminska contributed a percentage of her funds to this apartment, however, the pensioner herself paid a much larger part. where does the mother, who has not had any source of income since 2020, get the money. my the mother received benefits, significant severance payments in 2019, when she resigned due to retirement, she was also ...
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subsequently, won a court case for the remaining benefits that were not paid to her in a timely manner in in connection with dismissal and severance pay. the candidate for the constitutional court has wonderful relatives. the professor declared assets in gold and silver worth uah 140,000. and these are also gifts from grandparents. also, nataliya kaminska, according to the declaration, has more than... keeps cash, also gifts, these were mostly donated funds before the death of my grandfather and my father. last year , nataliya kaminska received more than half a hryvnia from various people. this interview for the position of judge of the constitutional court is the second for natalia kaminska. prior to that, she applied for the position according to the quota of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and received a recommendation from the advisory group of experts. about
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inconsistency with high moral qualities, the professor tried again, now under the president's quota, and this time she was recognized as dishonest. on july 31, the advisory group of experts found them unfit for office judges of the constitutional court based on the president's quota of five out of six candidates. so soon we will have a new competition and new, hopefully this time, worthy applicants. and for today, that's all i have, it was... judicial control and i, tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about a judge exceeding his powers or making illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. all the best and we'll see you later week. we are looking for
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a brother and sister who disappeared during the occupation in the luhansk region in the village of baranivikka. the girl eva is four years old, and her brother artem is eight. contact with the children was cut off at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, and nothing is known about them since then. so if you have any information about eve and'. please call artem immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the number 11630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. the search for six-year-old mysh melnyk, who disappeared, continues also in luhansk region, namely in the village of grechyshkine. and we have very encouraging news about this boy. we have been looking for him since march 2022 and he has been missing for a long time.
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no news, we did not know where and with whom myshko was, and under what circumstances he disappeared. we made many programs about the search for mishko, told you his story and asked for information. to us any information about the boy, and when it seemed that there were almost no chances left, a witness wrote to the chatbot of the child tracing service in a telegram, saying that he knew about his whereabouts mishka melnyka. this is the message we received. mishko is in kindergarten, in the village of grechyshkino, his grandmother brings him there, we have photos. we asked the witness for details and he confirmed that the boy is allegedly staying in... in the occupied village of grechyshkane and goes to the kindergarten. we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy. kindergarten in the village of hrychishkino. it is located right at the school. he is alone there, his name is teremok. we congratulate
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you on the holiday. and this is a photo that we had for almost two years of searching. if compare with those sent to us by the witness. he is indeed a very similar boy in both photos. we were also helped in the search by fall specialists who search for information in open sources, and they managed to find a page on the russian social network of classmates of mysh melnyk's probable mother. here she is, and here she is with little mouse. and this is a photo of a boy at a slightly older age. by the way, his mother posted the last photo of mishka on her page in february. 2023, so judging by the witness report, photos and videos he provided, as well as social network of the mother-boy, everything points to the fact that, fortunately, everything is fine with mishko the miller, and he is probably in the village of grechyshkine
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, luhansk region. however, so far this information has not been confirmed and we cannot be 100% sure that the boy has been found. so please. everyone, but especially the residents of the occupied village of hrychyshkine in the luhansk region. if you see this program, please check whether mishko-melnyk is really studying in the teremok kindergarten. if possible, take a photo or video with him and his mom and send it to the service chatbot search for children in telegram. you can also contact us by short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine. free of charge we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. there are
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15% discounts on troxevasinel until independence day in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. national tv on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, and also movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn mego on a variety of devices without wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until independence day on linex forte of 15% in pharmacies psylansky, bam, and ochad. there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgar. 10% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. hello, my name is yuriy fizar and this is an espresso interview. i usually invite interesting
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guests to this studio in order to talk with them about interesting topics. and my interlocutor today is an extraordinary and authoritative lady ambassador of the republic of estonia to ukraine. anneli kolk, i will talk to her about important things, about the relations between estonia and ukraine, about the help we have received, continue to receive, and i am sure we will continue to receive from our brotherly country, and about many other things. madam ambassador, i congratulate you, thank you very much for joining me today, for coming here, thank you, thank you so much, thank you very much for inviting me, thank you, look, the first question will be, a relatively small country compared to other european countries, of course there are smaller ones, but estonia is small, but at the same time we received a lot of help from your country, both financially and militarily, what is this, i don’t know, paradox, maybe why this is so, or is it through the knowledge
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of history, is it possible that something else is hidden in this? yes, of course, one of the main reasons. it consists in the fact that we have a common history. we were occupied by the soviet union, we lived together under the conditions of occupation, we... we know what assimilation, de-russification is, and the soviet tried to erase, eradicate our language, our culture, and we know what to do with our common neighbor, of course, that was one of the reasons, but i think the main reason why estonia helps, helped. and will help ukraine, is that estonians love ukrainians very much, we
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admire how you behave against this russian evil, how you bravely and resolutely fight against brutality, genocide, and war crimes, and i think that this the biggest reason why estonia wants to... help ukraine, and this war has been brutal for more than two years, and that capture the number of estonians in ukraine is growing even more, it is growing due to the fact that you continue to defend your country, fight for your people, for your cultural identity, and everything, it is very expensive, and very close to estonians, well, on the one hand , it is bad that this one the shared history that you mentioned that unites us, and on the other hand, it's good that it unites us, because we
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feel how close we are to each other, even though we are separated by some, some kilometers separate us, and none the less, but still talking about aid, are there any statistics, exactly how much aid, for example, military or financial, we have received so far from the republic of estonia, there are a lot of funds, statistics: estonia has provided more than 26 million euros in humanitarian aid since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and this is as a governmental, state help, help from the private sector and ordinary ordinary citizens. as for military aid, it has already reached more than 500 million. if compared with gdp. then estonia provided aid for more than 1-3% of gdp
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of its own, this means that we are one of the most active countries supporting ukraine. in addition, the estonian government decided at the end of last year that they will allocate 0.25% of ours annually for the next four years. for ukraine, specifically for military aid, for reconstruction, so our aid will definitely continue, and estonia will do everything possible to increase humanitarian and other aid to ukraine. well, i can only answer that in estonian, i'll try, madam ambassador, don't criticize my tanantei accent too much dvaga for everything that estonia does for us, but... look, one more point, a few months ago the parliament of estonia passed a law,
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and then this law was ratified by the president of estonia, which this law allows the use of frozen russian assets to compensate for the losses that russia has inflicted in this aggressive war in ukraine, several months have passed, it seems two months have passed since this law came into force, have there already been any transfers, this is the first question, to ukraine, i mean, and secondly , questions, have other western countries followed the example of estonia because estonia was the first western country to pass such a law. yes, of course, estonia was one of the first countries that started talking about the need to use frozen russian assets to rebuild ukraine, because the aggressor has to pay a price for it. and we were one of the first countries that said two years ago
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that we need to start the reconstruction of the recovery of ukraine already during the war, we don't need to wait until it ends, because we need to give people hope and to help refugees, those who left ukraine, and then started to return, then we tried. to understand, to analyze all possible ways in order to make russia pay the price for the damage it caused to ukraine, and we were pioneers in implementing it. such legislation regarding the use of frozen russian assets for the restoration of ukraine, and these assets are not only state assets, they are also the property of private individuals and legal entities in estonia, and all those
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who are under international sanctions, then the law was passed not... recently and until now that the regulatory processes are ongoing, because everything must comply with international rules, so that we do not create unnecessary problems for ukraine in the coming years, so we are currently working on this, and i think that we have excellent progress in this direction, i hope that we can to demonstrate to the whole world that it is possible, that it is possible ... all the frozen assets and the profits from those assets, not only directly, the profits for simply that we held these assets before, you set a very great example for the western countries by passing this law, other countries, in your opinion, personal opinion, why don't they pass such laws,
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just your personal opinion, because of fear, is something else possible after all? it is very difficult for me to say why certain countries do something or do not do something, but i think that there are still some legal issues, legal issues that countries are discussing, but estonia is really our national legislation. tried to do so in such a way as to prove that we can do it without violating european or international legislation. i am very i hope that western partners will see this and will not delay and pass similar laws in their countries. well, now let's move on to something else. post-war reconstruction
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of ukraine. after all, even this reconstruction is already underway in various corners. of ukraine, and those that were under temporary occupation in the first days of the war. tell me, please, does estonia have any projects, in this case state or non -state projects, with which it helps rebuild ukrainian cities and villages. yes, yes, of course, as i already said, we started this work already in the 22nd year, and all these... projects related to recovery in ukraine then began, in particular in the zhytomyr region, it is conditionally ours, our region, our region, since estonia is a small country and we have limited resources, and we thought that we should approach the issue of the recovery of ukraine very comprehensively, so we have chosen one
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area, one region for themselves, and we provide assistance regarding. right there, we helped build a new kindergarten, and we conduct training for teachers, educators, so that such assistance is long-term, just not simple to build one house or one shelter, but to help in such a way that it is long-term and inclusive. to the problems faced by a specific region, of course, well, but we talked about the money that goes from estonia, or, for example, the military support that goes from estonia to ukraine, let's talk now about the help that ukrainians receive, who now are in the territory of the republic of estonia, do you have any statistics at this particular moment, how many citizens of ukraine are there and whether
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is there any tendency to return to ukraine? yes, of course, we have statistics on ukrainians living now in estonia, and we have provided them from the first day of their arrival in estonia, any help, any help that we could provide, it is medical care, social protection, education , us too. opened two special schools, specialized schools for ukrainian children, where they can study in the estonian language, but keep their own language. their culture, but they can study according to the ukrainian program, so we try to do everything for the refugees
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of ukrainians who stay in estonia so that they do not lose this connection with their country, with their culture. of course, we have other plans, projects, but the main slogan of the government. it is necessary for ukrainians to feel that they are welcomed here in estonia, and i can confidently say that ukrainians in estonia definitely feel that they are welcomed in this country, since my daughter has been living on the territory of estonia for more than two years republic, she studies there and she knows how estonians think, how estonians help and how estonians try to do everything in order to bring our common victory closer. over the russian aggressor, and now a little about the victory: in estonia, apart from, of course, women and children, there are many men who have received, this is not
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temporary shelter, temporary protection, it is called, as far as i understand, in estonia, tell me, please, now in many, at least in eastern european countries, they are talking about the fact that they are somehow trying to cooperate with the government of ukraine regarding men and... who are subject to conscription into the army and who are militarily obligated in order to somehow help these men, or at least register in ukraine, in the relevant authorities, and maybe even return them to ukraine, is there something similar in estonia? yes, such discussions, such requests have already started some time ago. to come in, but our previous prime minister said that because people are living in estonia
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legally, we have given them temporary residence permits and temporary protection, and we are not planning to send them to... the country back, because we have there are rules, we have obligations, and it also comes from european legislation, that is , we have no plans to send them back to ukraine, but in this sense we cooperate with the ukrainian authorities, with the ukrainian embassy in tallinn, and we understand that ukraine has... but i think that many ukrainians living in ukraine, they want to return to their country, they are waiting for such an opportunity, for
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opportunities, to return, this was one of the reasons why we started reconstruction so early, so that people could see the perspective of the future, we have kindergartens, communities, etc., so that it was easier for people to return, we usually cooperate with the ukrainian authorities in order to understand how we can help the ukrainians, but as i say, we are not going to send them back if they do not want it, of course, madam ambassador, one more question, the question can be said from ukrainian students studying in estonia. recently, well, literally a month or two ago, there was information that, for example, in lithuania they are preparing or have already passed a law, according to which
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ukrainian students who study will be deprived of benefits according to the exchange program, are they going to do something like that in estonia or not? we have ukrainian students studying in estonian universities. for many years, even before the full-scale war started, and we have many ukrainian students and we are proud of them because they are very intelligent, they are very eager to learn, and so far i have not had any information about the government's plans to stop aid according to... programs that are currently active, so ukrainian students should calm down, everything will be fine, thanks to our, of course, brothers and sisters in estonia,
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now let's believe again. a little before , unfortunately, the topic of war and let's talk about red lines, there is a lot of talk about these red lines in the west, for some they exist, for some they are clearly defined, for some they are very unclear, but for estonia in this war, in in our joint war, i will call it that in our joint war with the russian aggressor, are there any red lines? this is my favorite question, thank you for it, estonia has never talked about any red lines, for us the most important thing, one of the most important things, is integrity territorial integrity, democracy, cultural identity of people, and
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we strive. and we don't see any red lines when it comes to russia's brutal war against ukraine, all the war crimes, genocide that they committed, we believe that here... there cannot be any red lines, and our goal is to preserve , ukrainian independence, democracy, territorial integrity, so we support ukraine in everything we can so that it can achieve these goals, and
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accordingly. we don't see any red ones lines here as such, the government has already said in many cases that we are ready to discuss any possibility of helping ukrainians, and the most important thing is to help ukraine win this war, then we are ready to discuss any solutions, ways, but... . since we are a small country, we understand that we need to cooperate with other countries, to move together, then it will be easier to discuss these issues with our partners, and we are ready to be a pioneer in certain solutions, so our red line, if i ...
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call it that, or the blue-yellow line, that's it precisely to help ukraine win this war. just wonderful words, this is not a red line, but a yellow-blue line, and this is to help ukraine win this war of aggression, this is simply, simply incredible, i thank you very much for this, and look, in estonia itself, i understand that you now trying your best to help us win this war, but in estonia? they are considering, i will not say so, or they are preparing, i will directly say why they are preparing in estonia for a possible attack by russia now, because they talked about it a lot at the beginning invasion of ukraine 2.5 years ago, but are they talking about it now in estonia, of course,
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when we became neza. in the 90s , we were always very cautious about the fact that russia had no plans for an invasion, and we always talked about it in nato and the eu ... in the face of threats from russia, we, we warned other countries about this, so we have been preparing for self-defense for a long time since the beginning of the 90s, that is why we wanted to acquire membership in the eu and we wanted to join nato, we prepared step by step for this.


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