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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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the heating season and possible problems with electricity supply, how are dnipro residents preparing? well, in fact, there are no questions about the local authorities, because each community normally ensures the preparation of its own community for winter, for the heating season, and so on, but here it must be understood that we are all not immune, unfortunately, from this type of shelling. infrastructure and generally from other points, that is, as he noted, if we talk about dnipro, as our mayor, boris filatov, pointed out to us, then count on the city government, so to speak, but all the same, count on everyone on his own, so that everyone can somehow keep his household there in this way and provide for it, so people also personally. to this, well, here
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how to prepare is also a big question, personally you will not heat the apartment there and the water, if it is turned off there, also you will not bring it there in any way, and the light as well, therefore, here the question is controversial, but simply what can not be not only there is heat or light, it is all connected to each other, because these water pumps work there also from electricity and so on, that is, it is a chain such a reaction, therefore... if there will be big interruptions with something due to shelling, although the preparations are normal now, there will be problems with everything else, so let's see what will happen, unfortunately, we are not insured, but the preparations are going, well, so normal in a way, and what about the preparation for the educational period, until september 1, what i ask, because a lot of media write about the order of the ministry of education and science number 850, which provides: new rules for
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the functioning of schools, they say, they are consistent with the new, if school policy offline, there it is assumed that mostly students will go to school face-to-face, or will have a mixed form of education, and distance classes can only be if there are more than 20 students in a class, idp children should go to school at the place of actual residence, and not attend, for example, online classes at that school, where they studied before, and students in the occupation can only study in a family or extramural form, please tell me how this affects studies in the dnipropetrovsk region, in particular in those areas that are close to hostilities, or whether schools were operating there in some way, and doesn't that mean that, for example, schools of conditional nikopol. where
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it is impossible to restore face-to-face education for obvious reasons, what will happen to them, they will simply be disbanded, teachers will be fired, or how will this happen, does the local government have a vision? well, in principle, in the educational process , after all, live training is really more effective, but if we talk about such very dangerous areas of our region, then this training is part-time, it can really cost either life or health. to children and, in principle , to teachers as well, and on the question of all of them territories, let's say this, in nikopol, there in the nikopol district are not distinguished in such a way that there will be something separate, somehow training will go on there, but like there in dnipro, for example, it will go like this, now here is what you announced, it well, everyone thinks about these standards, how to adapt to them. well, but a little closer
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to september, some individual concept for each region will already be developed there, but what i know, for example, if we speak for dnipro, parents with children also choose a plus, if it is the first day, well, the first half a day of study or the second half of a day of study can also be chosen for your child, well... i think that most likely these hours of face-to-face studies will be somehow reduced in more dangerous areas, and it is very important to understand that, well, it is really very important the condition for all this is the presence of shelters in educational institutions and the response to any danger approximately before the air alarm, so in principle it is possible to provide in this way, but of course ... that remains a percentage
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of danger, well with that, it is certain that nothing you will do thank you, panikaterina, for the information, kateryna nemchenko, deputy of dnipropetrovsk. of the regional council was in touch with us, i will only add that on july 11 this order, which we talked about with ms. kateryna, was withdrawn for processing, and the ministry is still engaged in what it actually thinks about how to organize face-to-face training, remember let's see, in lviv it was proposed to go to school earlier, but the authorities in general did not support this, in the end, lviv schoolchildren will go to school on september 1, like all the others, a little... pause further in the espresso broadcast, and that yes, yes, there is a pause in the espresso broadcast and we will continue to learn all the most important things from the regions. there are discounts until independence day on
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the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to military stories. who were in captivity, ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are 15% discounts on linex forte until independence day at psylshynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in
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two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how are they changed? affect our lives, we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. good morning to those who joined and thank you for watching from the press, we are adding our next guest odeschyna, in touch with us, valentina shuls, deputy of the odesa district council, volunteer in touch with us, good morning, glory to ukraine, ms. valentina, glory to the heroes, good morning, how was the previous day in odesa and how did the night pass, the air alarm was all over ukraine, what is in odesa? in odesa, as well as throughout ukraine, there was an air raid, but it is possible to say that it is relatively quiet, enemy drones are constantly being shot down, this is not new for odesa, but you can say that it is more or less calm, huh,
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so the mood is not bad in odesa, the mood of odesa residents is not bad, and we just returned from kherson oblast, were with volunteers, so... they send greetings and hold on, and what did they do in kherson oblast, tell us in detail what they did there, who they helped this time, we are helped by... the ronald mcdonald foundation foundation helps, they allocate food kits and we travel with such a mission, because there is more there were elderly people who needed help, and we went to deliver food kits to the kherson region, as well as medicines, because there are such areas of the city where, unfortunately, due to shelling, people do not have electricity and water, that is why we volunteers support them , local residents, as much as
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we can, well, such touching stories every time we return, people have them completely, well, there is no connection, means of communication there, and grandfather comes and says: girls, victory is coming soon, well we of course, of course support these people. and they are very grateful for the fact that we do not score, for the fact that we come and support them in this difficult time, yesterday dmitry medvedev, the russian former president, then the prime minister there, who now appears to be the secretary of the national security council of the russian federation, said that yesterday or the day before yesterday, that in response to the actions of the ukrainian armed forces in kursk, a powerful attack on odesa should be immediately launched. that's how i saw it, but you know, odessans, let's say this, usually
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make some jokes after his statements and not they take this alcoholic seriously, let's say so, well, but you didn't know that medvedev has a sense of humor, and it turns out he does, he was joking , listen, okay, let's talk about serious things, not so funny, in fact, well, if you can call threats funny. of a huge country, to seize a city, a regional center, a country that they attacked, but that’s the way it is, these threats really look quite dubious, after the fact that, in principle, they don’t have a single ship in the water area that is adjacent to ukraine in the black sea , i wanted to say that there was such a bit of a scandal in odessa and even searches took place in the city hall and in a private house. company, this is connected with the formation of unified tombstones on the avenue of heroes, that is
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, odessans who died in this war, and the funeral office of the anubis funeral home, a private company, belongs to some pestruev family, i do not know who it is, why it is important whether it is or not, they were given the task, in a word, as if they won, as far as i understand the tender. and they were supposed to be 50,000 hryvnias each , and they were supposed to order something like 80 pieces and the corresponding one the company said that the walls have gone up, it is unprofitable to make them, now they are not making anything, they are not holding a new tender, in other words, as far as i understand, such a situation is quite strange, in principle, the idea of ​​creating such a memorial cemetery with unified superstructures is absolutely healthy and normal , everyone and kyiv and... all big cities are thinking about it now, holding some kind of contests, i really have complaints about
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these tombstones themselves, i look at them, and they, i don't know, i just don't know, if i should choose what's wrong with that, but it's not it looks like a war memorial, it looks like just a cemetery, just some kind of cemetery, it’s just going to be unified, just similar, i don’t understand why the 100 by 60 slabs should be flat, i don’t understand that either, for example, and what does it have to do with it to be exactly black granite, because no matter how expensive it is, it is somehow so tastelessly simply done, and and but here it is not only about taste or distaste, here it is about commemoration, that is, the very process of perpetuating memory, this is this is a part of some national myth, which is composed because these same graves, they... forever, that is , relatives, grandchildren, there, i don’t know,
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great-grandchildren, will come there, children will come, bring flowers, some ceremonies will take place, because this is a war, it is nation-building, if ukraine takes place, it took place as the state will exist, in 100 years these graves will be just as important, that is, this is an important step, here some, i don't know how to call it, some simple. without yes, and that's what you, what you pointed out, it really looks a little bit, to say the least, terrible, and the second is that. what people make money from the burial of military personnel, and by the way, this is not the first such request when the families of military personnel are directed to this funeral agency, well, we have, let's say , monopolies in odessa, and there are a bunch of other small agencies that do burials
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for much more there are cheaper, and some. but the local government cooperates with this particular agency, and i hope that the law enforcement officers will deal with the situation in odesa, specifically with the burials of soldiers, because this should not happen. so i understand what it is somehow connected with the arrest, and then the deal with the investigation of the vice-mayor, the deputy mayor of odesa, svitlana bedrega, who held the position. with financial issues with the last four mayors, she entered into an agreement with the investigation, we are waiting to see what the results of this agreement will be, i wonder what this agreement was about, it is obvious that it was an exchange for some information regarding corruption instruments, which i do not know the last time decades took place in odesa, and probably related to the current mayor. ms. valentina, thank you very much for the conversation, valentina schultz, a member of the odesa district council, a volunteer
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who just returned, by the way, from kherson oblast, kherson oblast will also be in touch with us, serhii nikytenko, the editor-in-chief. so stay with us don't switch. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from matrats market is just for you. meet perina dreamlight mattress. the perina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping simply on the floor. soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so affordable. total from 490. 9 hryvnias. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 3000 hryvnias. and we offer you an extra quality spirin mattress for only uah 499. the economy is incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, reminiscent of a real grandmother's duvet. no more spending crazy money on a new bulky mattress. everyone can upgrade their mattress from now on. you
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oskad. the number of injured as a result of a rocket attack on the shevchenkiv district of kharkiv increased to 13, this information was as of yesterday, today there was also alarm in kharkiv and in the region, and explosions were heard in kharkiv at night, and fighting, of course, continues with the russians in both directions , reports the general staff, well , we will find out more about everything, we are in touch with artem revchuk, deputy of kharkiv of the city council. mr. artem, glory to ukraine, good. there was an explosion in kharkiv, is it already known what it was? well, there was more than one explosion there, several explosions were heard, those from the northern part of kharkiv mishka, well, more were heard there, thank god
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there is no information about the destruction and victims, most likely, it is, as they say, maybe there was work and of our armed forces, for now i say, i repeat once again, that information about the destruction did not come, what is the current situation at the front in kharkiv. oblast, what can you do, what do they know in the city? uh, well in fact, the front is stable, both in the lipetsk direction and in the vovchansk direction, more active fighting is going on in vovchansk than in the lipetsk direction, well, i can’t say the details, but our armed forces manage to hold the existing front, and the enemy is clearly kharkiv will not be in the running, well, all of ukraine is actively monitoring what is happening in the kursk region for obvious reasons. and we communicate from time to time with representatives of the military who serve in
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kharkiv oblast, literally the day before yesterday, it seems we had a fighter from the kharkiv direction and we casually asked him if there was any feeling that there was some peace at the front due to the fact that the russians had to direct part of the troops there, probably to orientate them in... another direction, and whether there was less in kharkiv shelling, explosions during this time, during these three days, while the fighting continues in the kursk region of the russian federation? well, as for the fighting there in the kursk region, of course, this news, let's say, cheered up the ukrainians, and especially the people of kharkiv, the people of kharkiv are very hopeful that that it will still be possible to create. sanitary zone near the city and this terror in the city will end, as we know, kharkiv is a border city, an outpost of the ukrainian state, and
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unfortunately, the missiles reach the city very quickly, and there is almost no time left for air defense to capture and destroy them, so first, as a rule , there is an explosion, and then, only then, there is an air alarm, an air alarm signal, which concerns there, if in... the effect on the fighting, on the lipetsk direction and on vovchanskyi, it does not have much of an effect yet, moreover, i will say that i have guys who are serving near klishchiivka, the situation there is quite, well, as it was, as it is, difficult, there are very heavy battles, it is very difficult for our guys, despite the fact that they are holding on there, but everything well , i think that russia... they will be forced to transfer the reserves, i think that it will be from the kharkiv region that the transfer will take place, there is even information that
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it is possible that they have already removed part of the reserves from the vovchan direction, they are sending it there, i know everything i still think that there will have to be reserves, and maybe in the future we will have to they should leave the kharkiv region completely and focus on protecting their border, and... it was a good decision, in fact, i think it was hinted at by the mayor of kharkiv, mr. terikhov, who said that this city cannot be driven underground, commenting on his own about how underground schools are being built now, and when journalists asked whether there should be underground hospitals and so on, he said that, even though there are, they will be built and funds have already been allocated for this, for example, operating rooms, resuscitation underground blocks are made in city hospitals, this certainly makes sense in the city where. there is constant shelling, but in general he said that it is not a solution to hide the whole city underground, the solution must be in another way, and he said that i cannot comment on what is happening
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in kursk oblast, but like in this direction, i.e. the creation of some kind of buffer zone, conditionally speaking, so that it would be more difficult for the russians to attack millions of cities, it may be about this, in this context, i would like to ask you... about the plans for the educational season, so to speak, september 1, already soon, there is one underground school in kharkiv, it has already been completed there or it is still being completed, well, there is only one underground school, it is already ready, it is working there, plus there is a subway school, it is in the subway that there are equipped classes, as far as i know, it is there for boys, this one the territory is also expanding there, there are plans for up to... three more schools, but still, this will not completely solve the problem with offline education, well , there is only one, and three more, that's four
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plus mitrashkola, well that's it.. not a solution to the problem at all, unfortunately, today kharkiv remains in training, well, that's a lot negatively affects the educational process itself, as well as, say, the presence directly in kharkiv, uh, of parents together with their children, many parents just for the educational season, let's say, go to other cities, where there is an opportunity... to go offline in school for their children, and because of this, the city is also losing its residents, uh, they are here in the summer, but from september some will start leaving, well, in the neighboring region, uh, well, we will ask ourselves , probably, what are we talking about we still ask, we ask, what is the current situation in
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the city with... with electricity, with light, in us yesterday we had expert svyatoslav pavlyuk, who said that it is necessary to prepare for the worst scenarios, not to relax, although the situation is better now, he said that those areas, regions of ukraine, which, for example, were left without their own generation, should prepare a scenario, for example , how to live a month without light in winter, that is, such a scenario should be on the table of all, relatively speaking, mayors of large cities, what do you say about it, mr. artemy, with an expert, well, in general, you should always prepare for the worst scenario, because if you prepared for the worst scenario, well, as it happens in life, then thank god it does not come true, if you are not ready, if you let everything go, as they say, as they say in russia, then it may just be the negative scenario, as far as i know, the city prepares very actively for just the worst scenario, all measures are calculated. these are different
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measures, what will happen in one or another situation, of course, the most important thing is that there is centralized heating, so that people are warm and do not freeze, this is the most important thing, and a plus at the last session of the kharkiv city council we they adopted a program just for condominiums, which allows financing from the city budget 70% of the costs for generators, as it were, the maximum amount there is 100, uah are allocated, that is, in principle. or there is emergency lighting or maybe an elevator, plus we also agreed with the mayor on joint commissions that if there is a need to increase this amount, well , there are different osb, for someone there one generator will be enough, for someone it will not be enough, then
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we will also contribute promptly. thank you, mr. artem, artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was with us on communications, it is reported that an air alert has been sounded in kyiv, an air alert remains in cherkasy region, shahedis are recorded somewhere in the sky, the air force is working to destroy them, and validators in ground public transport are temporarily not working in kyiv. now. you can pay for travel only through the kyiv digital application, kyivans, pay attention to this, so that no, no, do not be, without a travel ticket in ground transport, if you go to work, be aware that you have to pay for travel through the application kyiv is digital, 8:00 is approaching, which means that kateryna shirokopoyas, our colleague,
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is already ready to present... new news release, katya, good morning, what will it be about? greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of night attacks in ukraine and why it was loud in korshchyna at night. more... attack drones and more than a dozen artillery shells were directed by the enemy of the past day at dnipropetrovsk region. a 50-year-old man died in nikopol. he was in a hospital that was attacked by the russians. another elderly resident of the city was injured. under the enemy myrivska, pokrovska, chervonogrigorivska and marganyska communities were also on fire. damaged


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