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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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at 9:00 a.m. we honor the memory of those who died in the war between russia and ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the lipetsk region of russia was attacked by drones, fire and detonation at the military airfield, even the russian ministry of emergency situations confirmed. on the fourth day of fighting on the territory of russia, the offensive troops in the kursk region. region can be 30 km from kurchatov, where the kursk as. russian soldiers write about this and add that the attacking troops have already begun to dig in. is the war in kursk oblast for a long time? local residents of the russian border are begging putin for help with evacuation. he helped and gave 10,000 rubles. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrech and today we are talking about it. get involved. in lipetsk, russia, after local authorities reported a
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drone attack, detonation began, local residents write about explosions and detonation of ammunition at a military airfield. the airfield is on fire, the airfield is on fire, look, oh, what's going on there, i'm a thing, yes, here. "they are bombing the military airfield there, already in the morning, the governor of the lipotsk region of russia , igor artamonov, announced that a state of emergency had been declared in the territory of the lipotsk region, he confirmed that the cause was the detonation of explosive objects, and said that six people, russians, were injured..." unes confirmed the fire at
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the military airfield in lipetsk the local population was evacuated from the settlements of koptsevo, yakovlivka, and in the municipal district , public transport was stopped were advised to stay at home or in safe places, businesses were advised not to call people to work. fighting in the territory of the kurdish region continues. already for the fourth day in the previous day , the military, which made a breakthrough in the territory of the kursk region, could advance 30 km on the way from the city of suja to kursk. rfe/rl's russian service has created an interactive map that is updated in real time and synchronizes reports from various sources about hostilities in the region. analyzing the movement, the military could advance 7 km in the direction of russian lhovo. another direction of progress, which is visible on the map from the village of koreni. in the direction of the city of
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rylsk. tonight, russian and ukrainian telegram channels published a video of a fire, claiming that it was the result of explosions in the rila district of the kurdish region. they said that near the village of oktyabrskoe , a column of russian soldiers was broken, ammunition is being detonated there. we cannot promptly confirm this information in wartime conditions. the night before , photos of unknown people in military uniforms began to appear online in the form near the plates with settlements as in kursk region. russian pro-war publics, in particular a war expert, have geologically analyzed these photos and say that they are probably ivanivka and lyubimivka - the nearest villages to the settlement. korenevo the russian service
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of radio svoboda, citing russian military personnel and zetbloggers, writes that fighting continues in a 30-kilometer zone from kurchatov, where the kursk nuclear power plant is located. and the military, who are making a breakthrough, are already digging trenches and fortifications in the territories they have taken under their control. at the same time, russian the so-called war veterans, yuriy kotenok and yehor guzenko, write that in the territory of the kurdistan region, the russian ministry of defense has raised reserves, consisting of fighters from the kadyrov battalion and mercenaries of the wagner pmk. the russian ministry of defense has not announced anything about it. they write only about the battles in the kursk region and about the losses of the enemy. according to their data, 400 soldiers died during the day. armed forces they also claim that during the last day there was no advance on the territory of the kurt region by other troops. and the residents of the kursk region have already started record a video appeal to putin and complain that no one evacuated them, they got out of the settlements on their own. and
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their relatives remained in the border areas of the kursk region, who also complain that the local authorities did not inform the population about the attacks and the danger. they have all the information. received from telegram first telegram channels, and then already channels, this is the video that was distributed by the russian media the day before. we were left with our children without a roof, without payments, without money, we left what we were in, our children are afraid to sleep at night, our relatives have stayed, we cannot call them. no one warned us, we couldn't take any documents, we left, our relatives stayed behind, some are in basements. putin, help, please, help, please, villages are being destroyed there, you probably do not know anything, but there is fear, what is being done, and putin helped people fleeing from the kursk region with money and ordered to pay those who
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were forced to leave their houses for 10 thousand rubles, that's a little more than 100 dollars, the insider edition at the same time writes that to the residents of the region, who sign the munitions contracts. they give a one-time payment in the amount of 400 thousand rubles, which is approximately 4.5 thousand dollars. the world is already beginning to react more boldly to the breakthrough of the russian border in the kursk region. officially, by the way, ukraine never confirmed the participation of the armed forces of ukraine, there were no statements from the ukrainian general staff or the ministry of defense in this breakthrough. the deputy spokesperson of the us ministry of defense, sabrina singh, said that they do not consider the events in the kursk region to be an escalation, but ukraine does. what is needed to achieve success on the battlefield, it was a quote and added that strikes by american weapons in the kursk region do not contradict us policy, they are, they say, against only attacks deep into russia itself. the ministry of defense of france also reacted to the battles in the kursk region and noted there that the offensive of the armed forces had
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an initial success due to the effect of surprise and opposition to less prepared forces. they note that this attack may force the russian army to attract forces there. areas of the front, for example, from those where the armed forces feel pressure. western media, citing various sources , also publish details of operations in kursk region. bloomberg, for example, writes that the russian military command knew about the preparation of an attack on the kursk region, but they did not inform putin about it. bloomberg, citing a person close to the kremlin, writes that the chief of the general staff of russia gerasimov and other high-ranking officials allegedly ignored intelligence warnings about the accumulation of sy. on these borders, and they were informed about this two weeks before the fighting began. despite this, writes bloomberg, gerasimov is unlikely will resign from his position in the near future, because this is a quote, a sensitive issue. valery ryabikh, military expert, expert of the information and consulting
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company defense express joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. greetings, mrs. kateryna, greetings, dear viewers, listeners. glory to ukraine. well, we just recently, and the last words from my summary of the situation in the kursk region were about bloomberg's information and, in fact , whether putin himself had been warned, in your opinion, there really was an effect of unexpectedness unexpectedness and indeed someone from the russian military special services could have known that something like this was being prepared but had the audacity not to warn putin about it. well, the thing is that at the moment. the trend continues in the russian federation, that everyone is in a hurry to report some successes there and create a certain bubble in order to get certain privileges, well, and, accordingly
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, to stand out against the background of those who have failures, and of course, there can be a story here , how about that bad messenger who... and brings bad news, but, of course, there could have been miscalculations here, and the same, the general staff, the same russian intelligence. which could, let's say, understand that this could be misleading, to distract the russian forces, in order for them to prematurely transfer those reserves that they are currently burning in the donetsk direction, trying to solve tactical tasks, they are essentially now they are burning their strategic reserves there and... in such a situation, especially based on the fact that there were no such precedents before, and
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the same actions on the territory of the russian federation, they were limited to the actions of russian volunteers, and in principle took place at the tactical level, and more, let's say, bordered on the need to solve information tasks. it is possible that a similar situation was evaluated in the same way, and no one in the army, which was used to fighting in its usual patterns, did not count on the fact that the move could be non-standard, especially in conditions when, well, in some unknown allies of ukraine have appeared, who are still fighting... on the territory of the kurdish region and will expand their influence, and their actions
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well, in such a miraculous way, they coincide precisely with the tasks of the defense forces, which, by the way , do not yet confirm what is happening at the official level, but in terms of scope and scale and, that is, some forces, these can be exactly and we have already read it is in various media that... the main, main force is precisely the armed forces of ukraine, the rdk and the freedom of russia, ilya ponomarov wrote about this in particular there, they are working without help, and if earlier we saw that it was russian citizens who entered from the territory of ukraine to the territory russia, and it was not so large-scale, these were such raids, now everything has turned around, and indeed russia and the world did not expect this operation on such a scale, i will remind you that bloomberg wrote about the fact that this is the first invasion of russia since the second no one expected it. well, here, bloomberg swung,
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because, well, modern russia cannot be equated with the rsfsr, but here, too , the kremlin regime probably fell into its own trap, which is primarily an informational one, because when the same legion was active. and russian volunteers on their territory regions bordering ukraine, then everyone tried to exclude it from the information space, not to react, and in essence understood that in a large military context there, such actions cannot take place, it happened once, it happened twice, here is this one.. . informational noise, it was suppressed, and
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in fact the same residents of the belgorod region, they were left there alone with their problems, and the local authorities also contributed to this, and now that the russians have shut up with such large-scale, well, quite significant actions subdivisions which well, judging by... they have everything necessary to carry out successful actions, and here we can talk about a rather large-scale operation, which is coordinated there by place, actions, directions and tasks, and it is multi-domain, multi-dimensional an operation that takes place not only there, let's say, on the ground, where the ground units are advancing, but we see that also... the forces in the air are also active, in particular, well, it has already been confirmed there that
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those forces use means to destroy air targets, in particular, the same small aviation in in the form of drones, fighter jets, which, judging by the reports that are available, have already destroyed several such significant aerial objects as enemy helicopters, in addition... we now see that the enemy's aviation cannot operate successfully in this direction, and this tells about the fact that these forces are supported by such a significant number of means against. of air defense, in addition, we now see that events are taking place around that reduce the potential of the enemy group that may be operating there, and the conditions for overturning, that's it today's strikes on the same lipetsk airfield, and judging by all the destruction, including stocks of a large amount
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of aviation ammunition, well, and probably a sufficient number of the same aviation equipment, well, besides, we see that active actions are taking place in cyberspace, the adversary also feels the effect of radio-electronic warfare and cannot carry out quality control, well, the same information domain, he is also, let’s say, involved in this, and here is the same silence that is now... from the side official the ukrainians of the ukrainian government and the ukrainian military, and the fact that now this russian information bubble is being digested within itself and thus shows exactly the discrepancies in the statements of the official military leadership of the same
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gerasimov and the events on the ground, and this creates certain conditions, just what and well. .. could be the targets of such an operation, valeriy, there is information, a lot of information really, or information or, how to relate to it, not facts, but just different opinions, what is possible, and that is what the russian telegram channels write there, the situation can be changed the reinforcement of the wagnerites or the kadyrovites, can this happen, can they protect the kursk region, well, it all seems to me... this is also, well, some kind of judicial actions and statements that sound in the information space, respectively, well, against an organized force in which regular units can act there, can be such a significant force, these are similar
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organized units and a planned military operation with the use. various forces and means, for this the same general staff of the russian federation should still concentrate not on statements on the fact that they destroyed 1,100 people there, including equipment and the like, on the planning of such an operation, and for this they still need to divert forces from other directions, and here we are talking about what is before that. .. time in this direction , the appropriate conditions were not created in them so that a similar situation did not occur, and the same ee millions of russian rubles that were invested there in the equipment of the same fortifications and the organization of the so-called defense, they ee also somewhere were looted, that's why such statements
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about the fact that some wagnerites will come there, especially since it is no longer... the kind of force that could be observed in the past, when the military and political leadership of the russian federation itself bet on it, they were in favor, now these are scattered units, which were all the more focused on performing tasks that are not specific to, well, rather, not specific to what is happening in the kursk region and... such a quick introduction of them into battle, well, it will only help dispose of them qualitatively. valery, or yours? in my opinion, those forces in the kursk region can pay off for a long time, and one more point, which is also written about in the telegram channels, is that it is possible that a similar operation can unfold in the belgorod region. everything is possible now,
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especially since this direction is the responsibility of the group. and in fact, they must now react to it and, first of all, here, well, it can force it to overturn. reserves from the same kharkiv direction, well, in the future there and, say, the general staff of the russian federation will be forced to turn to overturning forces and means from other directions, where, well, let's say, their situation is a little better now, and in essence everything will
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depend on the reaction of the russian military leadership, and here it seems that this operation, it is planned, and for each step of the enemy in his actions, there are already certain ideas about the next actions. which can be not only linear, but also symmetrical, and no one protects the enemy from the fact that this strike can be, well, not only, for example, there in the belgorod region, or even in the bryansk region, there are also a number of vulnerable directions, including geographically advantageous places that could be occupied, let's say. unit friendly to ukraine in order to create a buffer zone, but no one excludes the enemy from strikes, for example, in the opposite direction somewhere 100 km away, well, for example, somewhere there on
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one of the areas of the front in the south of ukraine, and this will also make the enemy very react, the last one is very short, because the time of our broadcast of this conversation is coming to an end, but all the same, it's like guessing a little at a coffee shop thickets, we do not know what the purpose of the operation is, but whether it is long-term or not, yesterday oleksandrova... said on our broadcast that this is a medium-term or long-term operation , in your opinion, how? well, in this operation, it still has tactical ideas, operational tasks, and strategic ones, and in fact , this operation has already fulfilled a number of even strategic tasks, but still , what am i saying, here we can say that this is a phenomenon, it is already will remain with us until ... will greatly influence the further course of events. thank you very much for joining. valery ryabikh, a military expert, an expert of the defense express information and consulting company, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and the northern
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border continues to suffer from shelling. according to oc pivnich, dozens of attacks have been taking place in recent days, and evacuations are underway from 23 settlements in five communities in sumy oblast. we know that 92 people were taken out of the ten-kilometer zone of the yunakiv community in one day. two brothers, a six-year-old child and 22-year-old guy. this was reported by the red cross society, whose volunteers were taking out the bodies of the dead. according to their data, the two brothers were in the yard of the school, which was destroyed by the russian army in an airstrike. the only active crossing point, the humanitarian corridor on the border of the sumy region with russia, stopped working with the start of hostilities in the border zone. through this checkpoint, they could enter the territory of ukraine. from the occupied territories, the ministry of reintegration says that they previously closed it for 10 days, the bus communication with border settlements is also stopped. in the village of stetskivka in
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sumy oblast, a controlled aerial bomb hit a school and damaged 17 residential buildings. kordon-media journalists saw the consequences and spoke with local residents. let's listen. 5:203 storaj called me and... informed me that there was an attack near the school, a projectile came in, and accordingly we have then, we are somewhere around 5:30, i came to the school, a very large destruction and a very large amount lost, all the windows were replaced, and the internal doors were also replaced replacements were made, the school toilets were all done. i understand that these are two rockets, how do they come to me to practice, we even
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did the sunday before that, i have, as i say, finished the training, because it is dangerous, the children are constantly calling me, as i say no, no, no, not yet nothing will happen, take care of yourself, your relatives, well... what will you do, you see how we will restore, god grant that everything will be fine, somewhere around 5 o'clock, i went to feed the household , fed the household, left, went into the barn, and here i heard an explosion, well, of course, smoke, well, somehow i don't know, it feels like, well, no... after i came in, the frame is lying on my bed, i was born, probably in a shirt, that's why
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the frames, one, the other, fell off. here the cabinet was standing, here is the cabinet , the sun turned over, everything was knocked out early, oleksiy drozenko, the head of the sumy city military administration, joined our broadcast, mr. oleksiy, thank you for joining, i congratulate you, of course we are interested in what the situation is today in the sumy community, to what extent shelling has become stronger, i wish you good health, the military has a lot. definition, the situation is completely under control, but we should note that over the last week we have had an increase in the number of shelling and attempts to hit the enemy in sums in the sumy community, residents constantly hear explosions in the air, the vast majority of cases are the work of our air defense units. we are infinitely grateful to the best armed. in the world,
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our armed forces, and we observe the results of their work both day and night, unfortunately, there are hits in the sumy community, this yesterday the village of tetskivka and the pitsyk starostat also pushkarivka, there were two hits, one of them to the schoolyard. the school building, the facade, the windows were severely damaged, and residents of 18 other households requested help due to the destruction of their buildings, four buildings were badly damaged, the others were not badly damaged, there were windows, ceilings, etc., we are grateful to our benefactors who quickly ...
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arrive, they help to cover the windows and ceilings with film there, we are grateful to our emergency services, which respond instantly, dismantle the debris, fortunately , i note that there are no casualties, we have one injured civilian in each of the two cases, non-serious injuries, timely medical assistance, for which we are also grateful to the doctors from... their united cooperation, therefore, despite these unfortunate incidents, i would like to note that everything is quite stable here, and i will say that the city itself during this intense week of shelling did not did not receive any damage, the situation is like this, mr. oleksiy, and the situation is difficult, we
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remember, recently it was a whole day. anxiety and, that is , the situation in the region is still difficult, and comparing with other regions far from the border with russia, of course. and tell us about the evacuation, because what you described, what we also quoted from the news to our viewers, told, and there are dead, boys, and there is a six-year-old child, these are two brothers, and how is the evacuation happening now, or is it more hasty it takes place and whether, as i understand it, sumy is the city to go to in the first place. people are taken away, what is the current pace of this process? that means, if we observe throughout the year, then starting from spring, starting from may, we have an evacuation to sumy and through sumy to other cities and regions of ukraine of our residents from the border, and the first large flows were the evacuation from
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pilopil from... fortune telling, it was may and june, many people were accepted, then the intensity of the evacuation decreased, but currently, over the past three days, shelling from russia along our border has also increased , it seems, yesterday even such a negative record was set, more than 50 cases of use, use. coffees along the border, and this accordingly determines the flow of internally displaced persons and directly to the beginning in sums, sums previously many ee accepted from the border, and in total our community has already accepted more than 30,000 idps in two years


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