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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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for example, at these, at these, at these ponds of the commander-in-chief and so on, that is, i am only asking questions that everyone, in every kitchen, in every family, in which someone is already in the armed forces, someone has already died, someone has been buried, they, they, they themselves, they ask, okay, see if everything is okay with you and me, but i tell you, this is how i see this situation from a military point of view. "a small soviet army will never defeat a large soviet army, therefore it is necessary to make the ukrainian army as nato as possible, so that what the commanders planned, and in the nato army i can tell you that the battalion commander, he acts as in the soviet army, in fact, perhaps the division commander acts, i mean, plans the operation, that is, there are different options for actions, in the soviet army, the battalion commander is not planning anything." he came,
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poked his finger, 600, 600 servicemen ran. this is not the case in the nato army. these 600 servicemen operate according to such a very, let's say, carefully worked out plan, and they are divided into certain groups, there are subdivisions of the main ones hard work, there are units of hard working supporters. and so, i believe, we need to adapt this system as soon as possible. all other political issues. and the competence of political leadership is another issue, and it is also present, well, but it is also the same, it is also an issue, simply, if you give the battalion commander such powers as the division commander in the soviet army, it means that these powers he has, including, for example, the right to say no, where he considers it inappropriate, and for this there is no punishment in the form of, for example, removal from positions of very capable commanders, mr. andriy, thank you very much for your opinion, absolutely true. i support it, and the military themselves
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say so, and mr. andriy, first rank reserve, naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine and strategic expert of the sonata company was in touch with us, a short pause and we will continue. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and the feet. you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matrix for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new interior item, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it as a rest. and
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taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast based on facts. developments, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso, we continue the broadcast on espresso and oleg penzyn, an economist and a member of the economic discussion club, is already in touch with us, mr. oleg, good morning , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes! good morning. mr. oleg, well, such terrible news is coming that in in ukraine, there may be interruptions with bread, they say, due to the fact that flour prices have increased, and in two months already a 50% increase has been recorded, and prices continue to rise, other raw materials
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are also more expensive, here is the head of the all-ukrainian pekoriv association and the director of the kyivbread company, yuriy dudchenko said about it, is a shortage of bread really possible? oh, listen, if you and i looked at the dynamics of this gentleman's statements over the past six months, the price of bread in our country, if it were true, would probably be five times more expensive than it was a year ago, i would was as cautious as possible with similar expectations, in relation to... the year , flour grew by 4%, well, in relation to that actually, as of the end of july of the 23rd year, the end of july of the 24th, well, that is
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50%, i really want to remind you that this gentleman's statements were that the price of bread will increase by 30% per month, it was the beginning of june. well, now we have august, you see something, something is being done with bread. the next moment, you and i are collecting grains somewhere around, well, last year we collected 82 million tons, this year it will be 72, because minus 10 million tons due to the abnormal heat, due to a drop in productivity, a decrease in cultivated areas, but in order for... you and i to prepare, we need somewhere on the order of 20 million tons of oilseeds, in fact , we need about 10-11 of the grains themselves, well we collect 72, despite everything, our export potential
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was about 405 million last year, this year it will be less, with such figures, what kind of deficit can we talk about, huh, no well... what are you looking at, i understand that otherwise you you won't draw attention to yourself if you don't speak something, well, frankly strange, let's call it, one more moment, probably, they talk all the time about the fact that the poor, the bakers, the unfortunate, the power outages, there are mobilizations, well, first of all, i want to say that kyivhlib has fully booked its employees, so... that they are critically important for the security and defense of the enterprise, this is one thing, and secondly, they have very limited shutdown schedules, even in those moments when you and i sat for 12 to 15 hours without electricity, kyiv bread received electricity without problems , because they are critically important
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for security and defense, well, by the way reservations, i already said, they are booked, and if you and i walk through the workshops of the bakery, and you know which one... there is actually an increase in the sex-age ratio of the working people, there are mostly women 40 plus, uh, well, really. well, honestly, that’s why, well, even the pictures you’re showing now, i don’t see young guys of mobilization age who are doing all that, well, maybe, maybe there’s something wrong with my eyes, but it’s true, well look, dear lady, in the picture you have now, it is definitely not a guy of mobilization age working at a bakery, therefore, let's be very careful, very careful about the statements of certain... personalities, we respect them as specialists, but let's be realistic,
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there is and will be bread in ukraine, and there will be no problems related to providing people with food in ukraine , so let's be completely calm from this point of view, well, when such statements appear at least, it usually indicates that for one reason or another... companies are planning to increase prices for one or another there in the near future products, if they state about the problems they face, most often it is if the preparation of consumers for the fact that prices will rise, will the same happen with bread, as you predict? no, this will not happen with bread, bread producers are very socially responsible people. i 'm telling you directly: the bakery does not only produce bread of mass varieties, the bakery produces cakes,
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cookies, premium pastries, cakes. there is a very, well , widespread moment when the practical cost of production of bread of mass varieties increases, bakers transfer part of expenses for cakes, pastries, and premium pastries. the fact that, well, there is no such social publicity, that is, we have bread at best, look, even in the 22nd year, when everything was very bad, in fact, in the 22nd year, with inflation of 27%, we have bread grew by 20% in a year, that's 1.7% in a month of growth, it was the 22nd year, there was a war near kiev, and then bread, i repeat once again, grew. a maximum of 1.7% per month, which is 30, which is 40, which is 50, ugh, well,
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listen, well, let’s not be ourselves, and once again, in my opinion, those statements are very a lot, and this does not mean at all that it will be like that in reality, i say again, it is quite likely that cakes and cookies will become more expensive there, which means that less of them will be consumed. in the end, let's keep the figure, so yes, when, therefore, when i actually talk about those things, and i say again, let's calm down, let's not react seriously enough to this, this is a normal activity of people who produce this or that product and they want additional attention to their own business, and mr. oleg, let's talk a little more, we need 50 billion more. highlights the european union, what does this mean, this is actually half of the amount that has been allocated for the entire time,
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this is a large tranche, i understand correctly, no, no, this is not the european union, come on, we have a lot of numbers there today, er, j7, meeting, decided to allocate 50 billion of money to ukraine as a guarantee of revenues and frozen russian assets, ugh. that money, that is, it is not j7 itself, that is, it is also japan, it is great britain, and canada, europe allocated 50 billion euros to ukraine for 3 years under the ukrainian facility program, we are under this reform program, in exchange for money , we constantly receive macroeconomic financing, it is partly credit money, that is, there is nothing surprising, it was adopted last year. those 50 billion that you are talking about now is the j7 decision, as a matter of fact, it was a proposal
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by the americans to protect ukraine from political risks associated with possible elections in the united states of america, and thus ensure military and technical aid to ukraine for the 25th year, that is, these are funds that can go to finance the army, weapons, these are the funds that will remain on the american military-industrial enterprises. exploitation and transfers to ukraine. let's call a spade a spade. the newest products do not come to ukraine, what comes to ukraine is what the americans take out of operation and hand over to us. we are quite satisfied with this, what is coming to ukraine today, by and large, is, well, the weapon that corresponds to the samples that
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the aggressor is fighting with us today. one more point, probably, which must be understood, the profit of the americans from this, well, so that no one has it doubts, first of all, by the way, this also applies to those 61 billion dollars that the americans allocated to us at the beginning of this year, there 50 billion went to the enterprise of the wax-industrial complex of the american industry, it’s just that they are seriously activating their military industry in this way, and with on the other hand, the weapons that are decommissioned must be disposed of, that is , funds should be allocated from the american... budget for the disposal of decommissioned weapons, they also save on the fact that they simply hand it over to us and do not allocate it funds for disposal, well, the americans are a classic option, they always count money, there are no questions here, by the way, so that no one there has any very strong feelings, actually the contingent that works at
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the enterprises of the military-industrial complex is the electoral base for dear republicans, here...well, that is , there are no surprises here either, when we are told that trump is going to limit the supply of weapons to ukraine and there will be no, uh, thank you, mr. oleg, for these thoughts, they calmed us down a little , at least we won't be hungry there is always some kind of bread with milk, so with help everything is not so bad, oleg penzyn, economist, member of the economic discussion club, was in touch with us and we already have the next guest, the people's deputy of ukraine, oksana savchuk, will join us. mrs. oksano, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. so, the president submitted a document on multiple citizenship to the parliament. as indicated in the explanatory note, the adoption of this law will help to ensure the conditions for the return of citizens who have forcibly left ukraine abroad through the war, as well as their preservation of ukrainian citizenship. what is your position as
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a people's deputy regarding this draft law, have you already had time to get acquainted with it, and in fact, what else is important for us to know about it? well, you and i understand very well that this is not the first time that the president has tried to introduce various documents to the council, this time, it is another bill introduced by the president, which i would like to point out here very exclusively. on the basic legislative things that keep us as a basic democratic state, well, the first thing is our constitution and article four, the constitution, which clearly says that ukraine has a single citizenship, this is also article eight, which says that the constitution is the highest
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legislative document, and no one can change those basic essences. which are laid down there, and what is the citizenship of ukraine in general? citizenship of ukraine is a connection between a citizen of ukraine and his state, which has its own rights and obligations. this is very important for all of us to understand. that is, in fact, after 1991, after the restoration of ukrainian statehood, all people who that... moment by citizens of ukraine who did not have other passports. today, by the way, we have a number of points that do not always work to the end, even without the law, which, by the way, does not change the main problems that we have, we have what we clearly cannot say in this legislation is legislation, and what are we
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going to do there with the same belarusians who moved to us as opposition members. for example, they want to acquire our citizenship, what will we do with those ukrainians who once had russian passports, and this is true, but they are in front at the beginning of the active invasion, they returned to ukraine, still with those russian passports, today they are illegal, because the migration service is very difficult to contact. i believe that this draft law, in summary, can be considered only after the war, when changes to the constitution are possible, currently any. i believe that we cannot make changes regarding citizenship in principle, but i hope that there will be some kind of fruitful story here. mrs. oksano, we still have a very, very short time left, we can ask how in general, with all other draft laws, what is going on, for example, i don't know,
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the ban on the russian church, but last session week ended with deputies blocking the rostrum, who aimed to demand from the leadership of the parliament to put the draft ban on consideration. parliamentarians of the russian church, that is, what is next, what are the forecasts? we have literally two minutes, but i will say very briefly that we all expect that on august 21, since there were agreements, and we must keep our words, that we will gather and start consideration of this draft law, there was already a delegation of deputies in the united states of america who heard... there were different opinions, so indeed they stated that there was a russian trace in that they tried to convince the united states there that it was some kind of pressure, but
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there was no no such words were uttered in their direction regarding this draft law, and this is logical, because they do not have the right to interfere in our legislation, so there is no need to delay, you just need to do your job, and regarding the draft bills that will be debatable, well, i hope that we let's press... we will still vote on the bill stating that religious organizations subordinated to russia do not have the right to exist in ukraine, and secondly, the discussion will be the following, it is about bills on taxation, it is also not all very simple, because that the approach is not correct in relation to the entrepreneur, well, it's a good idea, actually we expect some activity from the deputies, i really don't know, the parliament has it... it should be powerful and if the parliament does not undertake reforms, we will not have reforms will, if we do not have reform, we will lose the war, i think that it should be obvious to everyone, especially parliamentarians, because you are leaders,
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you are elected, you represent the voters and the government in this country, you should be the most responsible, or who can we count on for help from yermak, well, i apologize, all ms. oxana, thank you for this conversation, thank you, i also remind you that we are doing a collection, people. all our hope is really in whom, in the army and in the parliament, the parliament is in politics, the army is at the front, and the army hopes in whom, once again, only once again in the deputies who are not are losing their minds and on the rear, which supports the army, we support the army right now, we do it every day, we do it every week, we do it every month, i see that, of course, ukrainians are to a certain extent less to... and so on, but everything one thing, you know, i already said that i gave these two soldiers a ride there, and they were surprised that i did not take money from them, and one of them told me, what about you supporting the army, you
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will donate something, i say, but how else, how otherwise, because everyone will already donate, even the military themselves will donate, they take something from their own own salaries, those at the front, this is a fact, well, this is how we are, this is how we are arranged, we have a weak state, we have bad institutions , weak, poor, but we have a strong society, we have a strong people, i am surprised and it is fascinating how even the military themselves will donate to the military, not only to their comrades, but also from other brigades, to the neighboring brigade, always, you see the qr code, you know what to do, and we will be back in the next hour, tired of the mess in the kitchen , constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need... savory pro set from unpack tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the
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11:00 am
in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the sky rockets shot down all 27 shaheds launched by the occupiers over ukraine last night. this was reported in the air force. the russians targeted attack drones from primorsky akhtarsk. our anti-aircraft guns and electronic warfare soldiers have successfully worked within the limits kyiv, poltava, sumy, mykolaiv, kherson, donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions. four people were injured due to.


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