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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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we'll see, i don't know where we'll get it from, when the problem that's still not solved, the first is when the enterprise was merged in december of last year, everyone who produced, worked, cooperated together with the luch design bureau, and already this year powerful blows on certain enterprises, which those who know, know about, that's why there are no fairy tales, you can't make rockets with your fingers, if people are not provided with normal premises, normal mistakes. and normal tasks according to the mobilization plan, which has not even begun to be developed at all, so where will such a number of rockets come from, if those who produce rockets are still having some difficulties. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was general serhiy krivanos. friends, thank you for watching us, and i remind you that we are working live on the channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who ... are currently
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watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you follow the events of the kurshchyna, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, eh, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, comment, it's important for us to know what you think, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers if you 're following events on the kurshchyna 0 800 2113. 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free , vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. further we are in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes, thank you, invitation for invitation. good evening. well, actually, we have been with you for so long during the last ones. for six months they talked about
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f-16s, which are about to arrive in ukraine, the first f-16s are in ukraine, they are in the sky in ukraine, how is the situation in the ukrainian sky changing and is it changing with the appearance of even a few f-16s, well so far not much changes, because nothing is known about the application of these planes, it is not known what characteristics they will show in general, right? according to the air battles with the russians, so far we see that all the blows are repelled, well , all the shaheds launched by the russians are completely destroyed, but it is difficult to say with certainty that the f-16 is used in this case, at the same time, there are a lot of questions with the appearance f-16 in ukraine, this is the maintenance of these aircraft, safety issues, issues... of those pilots who
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train for these aircraft, according to your calculations, how many planes are needed for ukraine to perform all the necessary tasks, well, it is meant to ensure security in ukraine and shoot down missiles and missiles, as well as the use of these planes in the front-line zone, well, these are separate issues, you understand? in order to ensure the task of air defense in ukraine, i think that approximately, well, three squadrons would be enough to cover the entire territory of ukraine, in terms of destroying cruise missiles and shaheds. if we want to conduct air battles with the russians more or less on equal footing, to destroy the carriers, the russian carriers of cruise missiles kabiv. first of all, it is necessary
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to check to what extent the capabilities of the received f-16s meet these requirements, whether they are capable of repelling, let's say, whether their on-board defense systems are capable of diverting russian anti-aircraft missiles from the sides of the aircraft, and whether the aircraft themselves are capable of detecting russians and get them with... their missiles, i.e. their weapons capabilities and their equipment capabilities, if we are sure that these planes, although are equally capable of fighting russian aircraft, well, then we need to increase the number of brigades, well, at least as we had before the war, before the war we had seven tactical aviation brigades, a brigade in total from two to three squadrons, squadron 12. planes,
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we multiply accordingly, we get the required number of planes, if the russians, let's say, transfer fighter jets here from all over russian territory, right? well, they have, well, let's say this, there is, well, if you count, somewhere 140 su 35s, somewhere in the area of ​​120.30 km, more a sufficient number of larger old su-27p fighters, modernized, and at least a hundred mig-31s, then in general it turns out that we will continue to need to build up aviation, in addition... to negotiate with the allies on the acquisition of longer-range missiles, because still i would like to remind you that the russian su-35, su-30 sm2 and mig-31 fighters have missiles with a range of up to 300 km. by the way, about
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missiles, mr. valery, because on august 6 , there was a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and zelensky after the conclusion of this battle announced the restoration of all missile programs in the state, and according to your knowledge and feelings, how much will the ukrainians need in order to create a sufficient number of missiles of their own production that could fly towards the territory of the russian federation and provide all our needs for the destruction of the aggressor on its territory . in what perspective can it be? well, in general, we carried out developments of such, you know, more or less serious level, so up to 60-70% of project work on three programs: and the peregrine falcon, the export version was called grim-2, ah,
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means a missile based on the neptune anti-ship missile, a land variant, and the korshun-2 system based on the old one. of the soviet kh-55 missile, but with a new engine, with new equipment, all these programs, well, if they were not refinanced before the start of the war, so now everything depends on the level of funding and the level of help from the allies, if they supply us with the necessary components for these missiles , because we are not capable of producing everything, you see, our military industry has fallen to such a low level. yes, so that no highly complex systems we will not be able to design the project itself, not what to produce, we will be able to develop tactical and technical requirements for the systems themselves, for individual systems, for the systems themselves as a whole and for their individual components, but for now, well,
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we had them there, let's say there are some such achievements, but our serial production is weak, weak with... weak, a weak point, let's say so, because all our high-tech military enterprises are under russian strikes, that's why predicting something depends on how this production will be organized , if we go through our developers of drones, which are complex drones, produced on the territory of neighboring countries, yes, then this will significantly speed up the process, and if... then, accordingly , western concerns will give us some components for these missiles, because in general we have the engine, well, the hulls we will do it, so it will also be possible to make a system for guidance at the final stage, and we have good
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developments of this plan, but a similar system with a touch so that navigation takes place, accurate navigation, high-precision navigation. happened from help without help gps, this is our weak point, in my opinion, i also don’t want to say anything so clearly, but before the war we had such a problem with this, it is a system that is installed on all modern cruise missiles, there is storm shadow, scalp, there the american jasm, that is, our missiles in general, well, as their 55 is old, were guided using the gps system, which are currently causing obstacles. therefore, to say something about the terms, well, i think that the easiest way for us to make a land-based version of the neptune missile is, well , we will need maybe six months in order to establish production at a pace, well, let's say five or six missiles a month, well, but it
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will still not cover all the needs of the ukrainian army, provided that our western partners constantly talk about limiting the use of theirs. missiles and the advantage will still be on the side of the russian side, i understand correctly, well, as for the fact that russia is able to ... produce up to 120 missiles per month of all types, yes, of course, ours, well, 5-6, well, 10, let's say missiles, this lag is more than an order of magnitude, but it means that we, in addition, we receive missiles from our allies, say yes, i hope that these red lines, these prohibitions of restrikes, yes, they will advance further and further, because you see that russia... they do not care about anything, they are already starting to hit our second dam there, yes,
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i i think that the allies will finally agree to the use of their missiles, if we take together the number of missiles produced by our missiles and allies, then the situation will be at least three times worse than the russian one, but it will already be many times more profitable for us. another topic touched upon by the president zelenskyi, this is the production of drones by ukraine, and he says that our state is already taking over russia's leadership in the production of drones and their use at the front. let's listen to what zelensky said. our ukrainian defense and security forces are already taking advantage of this, and in july our soldiers used more drones than the occupiers. this should be... a steady trend at the front across all types of drones that we have in our divisions,
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from fpv to everything else, including our long-range drones that are already impacting the war strategically, influence the interests of ukraine, and our ukrainian leadership regarding drones can be not only the factor that brings a just end to the war, but also makes ukraine stand up. head of security for other states, a million drones have already been contracted by our manufacturers for this year, there will be a total of one year more. mr. valery, at the same time as what zelensky is saying, he received a message that china has banned the export of all civilian drones that could be used as combat, and the restrictions will be effective from september 1 in the 24th year, they are also... high-precision measuring equipment and some important components of drones, how will this
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affect our plans to make a million drones annually? to a large extent, because i am familiar with manufacturers who imported a huge number of drones and their components from china, i.e. engines, well, screws, let's say, it's not a problem to make them, but compact electric motors. plus batteries, plus cheap, extremely cheap chinese radio electronics to complete these drones, well, all of that, well, there different systems, there are controllers, so what are there, so some electronics, the simplest electronics for them, it can be significantly influenced, but so far i think that we already knew about it and... little by little established cooperation with european manufacturers, although they really are not able
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to produce in such a quantity, the chinese can produce a million drones per month, that is, what we can produce per year, they produce per month, well, yes, because they have multi-story factories there, where they sit, let's say half a million chinese trample these drones, well, in principle, we could probably also increase... production, if not for russian shelling and strikes on such enterprises, on small enterprises, on large ones, we know something, we don’t know something, but this is the decision of the chinese, it affects not only on ukraine, but also on russia, after all, the russians now have more opportunities, and what was the pride of zelensky, very soon may be the pride of putin, regarding the production of drones, i do not want to do such forecasts, but... but you know, we are with china we don't have a common border, but russia does, and
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this tendency to throw a suitcase across the border, yes, it can help the russians, although i already, well, i was told by entrepreneurs there, so i was present at a conference where they told me that the chinese , individual chinese for violating the ban on the export of drones. they are already sent to prison, that is, there are possible options, i think that russia will try to bypass this ban in the same way that we... it bypasses sanctions, european, american sanctions, and it will be very dangerous for us, ago we have to watch the situation, so far i haven't heard any official comments in connection with china's reaction, with china's decision to ban exports, but in general i know that it
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can significantly affect both sides, and one side of the possibility, so to speak... to break this ban more than in our country, well, we are talking about the russian side, but we see, mr. valery, how literally in the last few days, fpv drones are becoming a weapon not only in terms of destroying manpower or equipment on land, and in the air, because fpv drone shot down a mi-28 helicopter over the kurt region and it was reported. the sbu, soldiers of the special operations center a on august 6, and the video shows that the sbu drone hits the rear propeller of a russian car, that is, now drones are turning into an unexpected weapon, such a formidable weapon, and they are in no way inferior to missiles, and these missile
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programs, about which we have mentioned, which president zelenskyy is talking about. how over the last 2.5 years has the nature of war and soldiers changed in connection with the use of these drones at the front by both russians and ukrainians? well the wars of the information age, you see, everything is microelectronics, and information technologies, ah, it, it-technologies, and all this affects weapons, you see that the range of weapons is also growing. and the accuracy of weapons is increasing, and now hitting an apartment is not a problem for a drone, but 10 years ago, you know, they destroyed the entire house, and now maybe, if there is a terrorist sitting in a room there somewhere, yes, they can launch a drone at him through fi-gate, without even breaking the windows, but regarding
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the destruction of helicopters and the use, say f'. half drones for air defense, you know, this is just such a case, in general, these drones are really fast, if the helicopter flies at a normal cruising speed, the drone is able to catch up with it, but let's say, the range of the drone is not high, and special conditions are needed for that the drone must be approached correctly, because there were several attempts to approach the helicopter from the wrong side to the tail. propeller, you need to enter from the side where the thrust of the propeller is directed, then this tail rotor will pull, pull the drone towards itself, and there were cases when a pividron came from the opposite side and due to the power of its engines, it is simply not able to fly up to the helicopter, well, simple simple aerodynamics,
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that is, in general, fpv drones, they are well used. to destroy russian unmanned scouts, there are attack drones, yes, but as for helicopters, they still have limited capabilities. well, mr. valery, at the very end, i wanted to ask you about the north korean missiles that the russians use when shelling ukrainian territory, in particular, it was recorded that the side of kyiv region, two north korean missiles flew, what can you say about... this weapon from north korea, to what extent, how much can it help the russians and how effective is it? well, you know, any weapon will help the russians, because they are using it against the civilian population, but now they are running into well-organized ukrainian air defenses, now they
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are using all kinds of crap like foam drones and korean missiles, so what? you can say about these hwasongs, yes, they are hwasong missiles there 11, hwasong, well, i don't remember anymore it seems to be hwasong 11, and something is spinning, the number seven is next to it, so this is a missile, which in general is such a copy, very similar to the russian ballistic iskander, iskander m, here, but unlike the russian iskander, this missile is more primitive, and it, it is influenced... it can be influenced by the means of the russian federation, which is generally what happens, but in addition, the rocket there is korean technology, north korean technology, they are to a large extent, not that from... the world, they are from russian and from the chinese lag behind even the russian ones lagged behind, although in china there is more advanced technology than in russia, so it means that
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these missiles are easier to fight with them, but they are still dangerous, because even if reb took this missile away, well, let's say, blocked its communication with a satellite, then this missile can fly anywhere, it can either fall in... a field or still fall on some populated place, they are still dangerous, it is still best to shoot them down physically, then for sure, since patriot and sumpte work on the heat to kill direct hit method, they are guaranteed to detonate the warhead of this missile is in the air, and there is a total of 500 kg, but is there a logical explanation? why do the russians use these north korean missiles, given the fact that russia always says and boasts that they have
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the largest military-industrial complex there, and they take north korean missiles, which, let's say, are lower in class than russian ones, well, drones, they , they also said that we are advanced there, we developed such drones there, and as a result took and copied the iranian drone. iran, which has been under sanctions for more than 30 years, is under conditions dictatorships, so there is, let's say, powerful propaganda, there is such, so, centralization of power, but science is in a stupor, as a rule, and here are the technologies that they developed, so, well, back in the 90s, yes, they generally stopped, that's why the russians are forced, because they want people. volumes, and for this you need to expand production, yes, and you need to get western components, because they themselves are not able to make most of the radio-electronic equipment
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of complex weapons, yes, so they are forced to turn to countries such as iran, north korea, well, probably something in africa, so they will also ask to be given it there, that means, that is the reason. that is, the russian lag in intellectual technologies, high-tech processes, that is why they are forced to take not the quality of missiles, but the quantity, because, for example, they made their own hypersonic missile there, yes, well , the result is that they are able to launch one or two such missiles a month , and they need a number, they need to warm up patriotism, but they are undermining patriotism with nothing, but they will hit... they will hit kiev there, there will be more they will hit somewhere, they will hit kharkov, yes, and the russians are happy that they killed a few ukrainians there, for them it is joy, yes, and if
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there are no missiles, and judging by this, if you compare it with the production of airplanes, of course there is accurate data no one publishes on rockets, if we compare it with the production of airplanes, the russians had the highest production in 22, but in 23 it fell by ... 15 percent, in the current year it fell by another 15 percent. with rockets, there is a higher need for high-tech equipment, there microprocessors, there are controllers, there are programmable valve matrices, yes, which are difficult to get, apparently, that production falls in a larger, larger, gradient, so to speak, and that is why they are forced to turn to... to at least have some kind of rockets receive every month. thank you, please. thank you, mr. valery. valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher
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of the state aviation museum. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who now we are watched live on these platforms, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you. about whether you follow events on kurshchyna, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take your smart phone or phone and vote for the numbers, if you follow what is happening on kurshchyna 0800, 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote, further we are in touch with viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the world field institute. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations sergey, glad to see and hear. well, first of all, let's talk about what is happening in kurshchyna, because it is official.
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the ukrainian authorities do not confirm or comment on what is happening in the neighboring region to sumy, but there is a reaction from the spokesman for the united states state department , matthew miller, who comments on russia's reaction, which says that this is a provocation of the ukrainian authorities, or how they they say the ukrainian junta headed by zelenskyi, and matthew miller pointed out the irony of the russian ruler putin's statement. that the current events in kursk region are a provocation of ukraine. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. i saw a message from the russian authorities, on their part, ironically calling it a provocation. considering that russia has been violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine since 2014 . mr. viktor, judging by that. above all, putin
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and the entire russian government in general were counting on some kind of reaction from the world, saying, save us, ukrainians are bombing, and this is a violation of international law there, although this is the right of self-defense, which we are currently using, how do you assess this situation, which is now unfolding right before our eyes, and we have already been watching it for 48 hours, well, first of all , yesterday really all reactions were observed. the head of the kremlin, and the reaction was rather strange, it was sluggish, it was indecisive, and even some people began to admit that it was not putin who was speaking before us at the defense security council, they said that it was not part of him, just the image that he always demonstrated, well i will say that i do not believe in these
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conspiracy theories. theories at once, and secondly, it seems to me that here it is more like the fact that putin is really being misinformed on certain areas of the front, that he, that some information is being withheld from him, and it is being withheld, because you saw how putin actually behaved with officials of the ministry of defense. in fact, all officials of the ministry of defense received a cap after putin was elected for another term. shoi was dismissed as a minister, the deputies, some of the deputies even ended up in a pre-trial detention center, some are unknown where, until at this time, because they say that some simply disappeared, and as they write ironically, the ministry
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of defense of russia, er... was completely wiped out, so in this case it seems to me that this was really an unexpected story for putin, secondly, this showed that russia is still not as strong as the head of the kremlin represents, moreover, you remember last year's campaign of prigozhin also on the territory of the russian federation, which also covered all the problems that exist in russia. now, well, let's say this, unknown little men, er, with ukrainian chevrons show that it, this theory is true, that is, russia is not as strong as it seems, and in this sense , putin's russia looks really very insecure, despite the fact that it has been waging
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a war with ukraine for more than two years, it cannot close the entire line of its border, and this is a very good signal for our many international partners. moreover, in this case, ukraine shows an opportunity, ukraine shows strength, ukraine shows determination, and this means that our western partners should also pay attention to... the subject's position, and this it means that forcing us to sit down at the negotiating table under some pressure is practically impossible. the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, mykhailo podolyak, believes that the russian reaction to the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine demonstrates the true attitude of the russians to the war with ukraine and the putin regime, quoting podolyak. events in the kursk and belgorod regions give...


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