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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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do what our west, western partners do not want, why? because we must understand that the principle on which all world politics is built is that the strong and violent are always supported, because the strong and violent are promising, they are not profitable to invest money in, thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining , taras zahorodnik, a political technologist, was in touch with us, and by the way, in 1618, sahaidachnyi and cossacks went to moscow, when it is my opinion. whether orbán or trump ever said the phrase, i don't remember which one of them, what about russia, she always won the war. 1659 konotop battle, russia did not win, sagaidachno's march to moscow, he took serpukhov, there are other cities, russia, well, muscovy didn't win then, the crimean war didn't win, the japanese war didn't win. the question is what you believe and how you act, so we will donate to the armed forces of ukraine, support our army, and help if we can, if we are not there, if we are here, and...
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news literally in a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. russia struck again kostyantynivtsi in donetsk region. two people were injured, the occupiers attacked the city of rszvsmerch, six private houses and a gas pipeline were damaged, the head of the regional military administration, filashkin, reported, and later information appeared that the number of injured in kusnia increased to 44 people. those in donetsk region reported to the regional state emergency service that russian troops hit a supermarket according to preliminary data, well, according to the information i had, up to 12 people were killed, said ruslan osypenko, head of the main department of the donetsk national police. the search is ongoing funeral operation, muscovites also completely destroyed the new post office in the city. fortunately, the employees remained alive, there were about 50 people in the eco-market in kostyantynivka at the time of the impact.
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to achieve the desired goals on the battlefield, the enemy always uses his diabolical revenge, strikes at civilians. russia began to use chemical weapons more often in ukraine, which is prohibited by international security conventions, the command of the support forces of the armed forces of ukraine reported that the enemy uses k-51 and rgvo gas grenades. in july, the invaders used ammunition with dangerous compounds 358 times, and... since
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the beginning of the full-scale invasion , 3,570 such illegal cases of the use of chemical chemical weapons in the form of these grenades have already been recorded. well , the russians have sent additional reserves to the kursk region, where the fire is now burning, and the equipment is going to the suzhansky district, where active hostilities are taking place . this is stated by the ministry of defense of the aggressor country, where it was noted that in the area of ​​execution of the task, rocket systems of salvo fire, hail, artillery systems tanks etc. in telegram channels, the occupiers reported that a column of their equipment was destroyed on the lgov-rylsk road at night. the vehicles carried infantrymen, most of whom died. corruption again and again during procurement. the director of nabu, semyon krivonos , said that the anti-corruption bureau is studying okhmandyt's tenders. and the national
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war memorial cemetery. in his opinion, in order to prevent similar situations, transparent procedures for the selection of performers, open estimates, clear criteria for the admission of participants, as well as public and journalistic control. we are currently studying these two cases, we are conducting informational and analytical work on ahmedet, and we are currently studying his involvement in general. those entities that are relevant to us, because there was the use of the funds of the fund, there are certain specifics, so to say that now we will register criminal proceedings based on this fact, well, it is premature, we are conducting the appropriate work studying the involvement of the sub entities that are specifically subject to butasap for these possible actions. yes, indeed, here we need well, the attention of journalists, it is actually to all these... trends, i would say so, and does not
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subside, and does not disappear, thanks to journalists, a lot of things, in general, began to learn about corruption, remember eggs for 17, winter and summer forms, a lot of other things, these were journalists, my colleagues, by the way, that's why, but the attention from those bodies that can also legally influence this is very good, yes, and now it will be for your attention there will be a plot, one second, the will to win, the multimedia project under this name is ongoing, which tells about the incredible willpower and resilience of our sports. despite the challenges of war, personal losses and suffering, they overcome numerous obstacles and navigate the way to victory. we are finishing up showing a series of short stories about our athletes. see
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my name is oleksandra pascal, i am eight years old, i do rhythmic gymnastics, a russian rocket hit my house, the house was completely covered with construction materials, when we took it out from under the rubble, she had an open fracture of her arm, a floor slab fell on it, broken four ribs, very... there were strong blows to the head and the little finger was torn off, then, when we took her to the hospital, the doctors provided all the necessary medical assistance, when we were discharged, we immediately
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went to rehabilitation, there they installed her first protest, on which she already started walking, for rehabilitation, we have already returned home to ukraine, to odesa, we have already returned to
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gymnastics classes. such childhood dreams and compete with girls at your level. today, oleksandra is very strong she has a scheduled day, in the morning she has school, then rhythmic gymnastics, then she enters the pool, swims, at this time she is invited to many different events. as it motivates people to keep going and show their resilience to other people who are in the same situation as us. my dream is to become an olympic champion.
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well, to continue the sports, olympic theme, canoeist ludmila luzan became the medalist of the 20-24 olympiad in a pair with anastasia rybachok. athletes won silver at a distance of 500 m. gold went to chinese women, xu shexiao and sun minya. having started on the second track, the blue and yellows were outside the top five leaders of the equator distance. ukrainian women crossed the 250 m sixth with a lag of 1.79 minutes. luzan rabachok reached the top five in the second half of the distance, and later sprinted her to the second place on the podium at the last olympics in tokyo, announcer uzan together with her partner also
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won silver medals at this distance. in paris, they will also perform in the semi-finals in the canoe single at a distance of 200 m. i just want to congratulate our athletes who, as we see, always, you know, because i can't, because of some such difficulties and difficulties, but still . they reach and win they reach the finish line either with that medal or with this one, defeating both themselves and their rivals kostyantyn zhivagu with us, investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist mr. kostyantyne, i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate the tv viewers, i also congratulate you one of the winners, well, one of the winners of the silver awards in the eve of this is just right ms. luzana from the upper plavni, i know that you... have a special feeling after this victory, because this is your native place and native people, be it
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please, i would like to hear your emotions after this award, vasyl, thank you, well, in fact , we are also very proud of lyudmila luzan and anastasia rybachuk, because they are representatives of our hirnyk nomination club, which we support, i personally and all our enterprises support. for at least 30 years together with the coaching staff, because the coaching staff, which educates such olympic champions, i.e. people who promote ukraine all over the world, make us proud of ukraine as ukrainians, and in general the world knows about ukraine as a very advanced state in sports, and i certainly sincerely congratulate lyudmila as well. and anastasia, i sincerely congratulate the coaching staff, i sincerely congratulate all the residents of plavniv, who
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see every week how all the athletes of the speech club train, when we, of course, with their support, money, love, of course, with their sincere - what help we can give to our rowing club, we help. to grow, help, we actually help to raise such champions who are not just silver champions of this olympiad in paris, which what we are proud of, they were silver and bronze medalists of the olympics in tokyo, four years ago, they are multiple and multiple world champions, european champions, champions of various competitions of the world cup stages in broadcasting, that is, actually, this is a very important situation, i would really like , so that tomorrow they... get the highest places in their personal e competitions that will take place
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during the day, and god forbid that ukraine will have additional medals, well, the most important thing is that i want to say once again that until the victory, we are proud of you , we really want all ukrainians to during this difficult time , we were proud of such champions who promote ukraine, who simply make all ukrainians in the world and all our friends proud. ukraine. yes, i will only add that i had the opportunity to do a project at one time, to communicate with the olympians, with the same zhann beleniuk, there, oleg vernyaev, many others, and support, support of sports, business, patrons, well, the state, of course, respectively, always gives a result, it is worth it, because modern sport, the sport of great achievements, it is so simple that these achievements are not to is not obtained, well, but now we will actually talk about the economy. after all, ukraine was able to reach an agreement in principle with the committee of owners of eurobonds of ukraine
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regarding the restructuring of the state debt. please, vasyl, thank you, in fact, we do not know that we are currently in those arrangements, because they have not been publicly announced yet, because they are yet. is sharpened, added, and certainly, as the market will understand how the restructuring took place, accordingly, official information will reach all information, financial agencies and agencies of the world, and all bondholders and in general all ukrainians and all people in the world will understand the conditions on which the restructuring took place , i want to say that this is definitely an important situation. which we have restructured the debts, it is absolutely necessary that ukraine is not in financial
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default, although in technical default it will be short-term, until the physical exchange of old bonds for new bonds, certainly i would just like to say that it should have been done a little earlier, although i think the treasury did a good job that we restructured, i mean we had no other option but no... because we don't have the money today to pay off the debt of 25, more than 25 billion dollars to the bondholders, to the holders of our bonds, we need this money in order, first, to repel the aggression of the russian federation , finance the armed forces of ukraine and secondly, to finance the vital activities of our state, starting from social payments and ending with all the payments that are necessary to support the ukrainian sovereign in order to maintain all the attributes of an independent state. the only thing i would like
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to say is that there are several questions, let's say, questions about sovereigns and... what were these quasi-papers that were issued by the ministry of finance and for what i understand are incomprehensible reasons, for some reason we redeemed them at a nominal value of 200 million dollars, i do not understand why this attitude towards these instruments separate from the fact that they did not fall into the perimeter of the entire restructuring, when there were other bondholders and other coupons. restructured even with some reduction, i.e. a mess happened, well, this is a question that market professionals will figure out in the next two or three months, when we will see, after all, under what conditions the restructuring took place, that it took place and that there is a principled agreement owners, that's very good, in fact the owners didn't have very many options, and
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there weren't very many options to disagree with restructuring because we cannot pay this money. and this was not even discussed, we need money as a state for other things, and we know why we have already talked about it, and therefore in this situation, it is simply technically necessary to do everything correctly so that the damage is as small as possible or if the smallest any to cause damage to the state of ukraine today and in the future, because on what professional and correct basis? will the restructuring be carried out today, in the same way these stockholders will expect our behavior tomorrow and for the future, because ukraine, like any country in the world, still needs to be present, will be present on the market of debt obligations, on the market of european bonds and bonds in general, and therefore professional behavior is very important all the time ukraine itself, as
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a legal institution as a state. behavior is very important to show that we are civilized, that we play by the rules and that we do everything in the best way, as it is accepted in all western financial markets. well, of course, debt restructuring, it's great and it is great that now ukraine is actually not becoming a default country, but in any case , the economy must work, money must continue to be earned, because the need to pay this money will arise sooner or later anyway, and also pay those needs, pay those. needs that ukraine has on a daily basis, so in your opinion, will this agreement be able to stabilize the financial situation in ukraine, save funds for the state budget, well, savings, it cannot be said that these are savings, everything is just mines, we will simply pay by these debts in some future periods, as it will be there in 5 years or 10 years, because
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this is already a double restructuring, that is, the second restructuring after the restructuring of the 15th year, which was carried out all the time by the ministry of finance together with the national bank of ukraine, and i also say, as i want to tell you today and i can say that i cannot prove and say for 100% that this was a successful restructuring, and that all these so-called quasi-sovereign securities that we issued for the future growth of the gross domestic product of ukraine, which were released. that it was successful operation, and that this instrument is successful, and in my understanding, in general, the behavior regarding the restructuring of these quasi-sovereign instruments of warrants for the growth of the domestic product of ukraine, the behavior of both operators and the ministry of finance is not clear to many market participants, why
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they are repaid at face value, and the rest are sent too big structuring, and with the reduction of the body of debt there, let's say by 25-30%, today we are talking about 30%. that is, in this situation, the state, if you do not repay any debtor, then you are today supposedly saving, although you are just restructuring your debt and will pay it off tomorrow, you have to pay interest on it, and we understand that in fact , yes, we saved today. funds that will go to other needs, and we understand the needs, the armed forces and the life of our state, what it gives us, well, it definitely gives us... today we have money to finance all the obligations of the present, as i said, that we had no other choice, it is necessary that we do so
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today, so that we have as few as possible, on the consequences of this restructuring were as light as possible for the country, and this depends on the professionalism of the ministry of finance in the first place and on the fact that the ministry of finance will play its best. western rules, how it works in western markets, as i said before, but we heard from the head of the budget committee what possible problems already in the fall with payments, and what measures will be taken there in order to fill the budget, we are not even saying here that about filling, at least about stabilization, because the gaps are significant, what do you think are still tools, which may not be involved, but could have been involved to stabilize the budget, but in addition to... restructuring and other proposals that are currently being heard, please, vasyl, well,
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the main rule of any state, any economy, any financial market, no matter how much you restructure, the end is always bad, and the only way out of this situation is the gross domestic product of the state, its economy and its development, the development of defective domestic product, the development of the state's economy. because it is possible to restructure as much as you like, but how the economy does not work, how enterprises do not work and how there is no added value, which exactly these enterprises produce in any industries, whether it is agricultural or the service sector, or heavy industry, it is necessary to produce added value, as added value exists, then you can restructure, you can repay, after that repay and generally become a net creditor to the world, like japan today and... japan after the second world war was guilty of everything, in general, it is a country that lost, it was guilty of everything, but it started grow its economy and you know what
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it produced from electronics to cars and how today it produces all of that and today japan's gross domestic product and value added has earned so much that it has paid off all of its post-war debt were after the 45th year and became a net creditor of the world. that is, the world owes more to japan, various countries, the united states, germany, ukraine, are more to blame than japan owes to anyone, and this difference is calculated in trillions dollars, i.e. trillions of dollars, japan lends to the whole world and all countries, why, because it has not restructured its debt, and no matter how much you restructure, you cannot, you cannot make money from it, you can make money only in steel. the work of its economy and in sustainable sustainable development and in the sustainable creation of added value, this is exactly what the ministry of finance should focus on, the ministry of finance
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does not do this, but rather the cabinet of ministers and precisely our executives whom we as taxpayers hire to or choose and hire and we pay money to those who pay taxes so that they go in the best possible direction. led the country and created this added value, developed the economy. this is the main option where we can take the money that is so lacking. of course, today, this is not a fast process, and money is needed today, and today this issue is solved by raising taxes, we have already talked about it a lot, the whole country says, we understand what taxes will be raised, that taxes will be needed to receive approximately from 125, from 105 to to... uah 150 billion by the end of the year to finance these expenditures that we still have this year, but it is as easy as possible
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to finance public expenditures when you have a larger economy and when you have a larger added value, one situation is when you produce nails and earn on each nail from the hryvnia, let's say 10% of production, i.e. the added value of 10% of... the hryvnia, i.e. 10 kopecks, and the other situation is when you produce iphone phones, or when you produce satellites, or when you produce electric cars, where the added value is not 10%, and 35%, at least in some situations and 50%, and it is certain that the tax from 10%, which is income tax, or there is value added tax, is 2 uah in our situation from 10 uah, in situations when you...
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comments, thank you for joining us, konstantin zhivago was in touch with us, an investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist, well, now we will break off literally for a few moments, come back, continue, because the economic results from oleksandr are ahead chives, many other interesting things, stay with the great ether, laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, helped me. due to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control. there are 15% discounts on trok sevazin until independence day in psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacalut active plus with a plus of active ingredients. i use it to overcome problems with clear and unpleasant smell. lacalot active plus with two-phase technology, actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath.
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joint pain. ambulance against the main field, begins to act in 15 minutes, there is 25% discounts on esthesiphin until independence day in psylansky, bam and oskad pharmacies. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenkom, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about
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the situation with restoration. in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and what does it look like now? i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. i hope you all stayed with us and more viewers, now it's time to talk about summing up the economic results of this weekly i will tell you the most important thing in detail, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, i greet the viewers, there was a lot of different news this week, i will tell you about grants for farmers, benefits for veterans, international aid is traditionally available, everything is in detail, wait a moment. i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is
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a column about money, during the war, it is important that international support continues, and i start my column with this, ukraine received almost 4 billion dollars in non-repayable grants from the world bank. these funds will help in financing the priority ones budget expenditures, the government says, are salaries for teachers, rescue workers, and social benefits. according to denys shmygal. this is the first tranche of direct budget support from the united states this year. in total, ukraine receives more than 7 million more than 7.5 billion dollars from america. this is the total number of these non-returnable funds. this week, the cabinet of ministers allowed foreign companies to build large buildings in ukraine, including high-rise, industrial buildings.


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