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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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the ukrainian offensive in the kul region will expand, a broken column near rilsk and strikes. airport in lipetsk. what is known about the new attacks of the ukrainian military in russia? we talk about this further on the bbc's live from london, i'm inna kosynska. the most significant ukrainian attack on russian territory since the beginning of the war. this is what western analysts are already saying about the situation in the kurt region. today is the fourth day of the armed forces operation in kurshchyna. and this night, the defense forces of ukraine struck the military airfield in lipetsk, more than 300 km from the ukrainian border in addition,
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a large russian convoy was destroyed in the ukrainian strike in the kursk region. here are the shots of the destroyed military convoy near rilsk. in the video of local residents, burnt military equipment is visible, as well as damaged trucks with dead servicemen. presumably , there were reserves in the column, which the russian authorities threw in order to stop the offensive of ukrainian forces in the kurt region. according to russian military bloggers, the armed forces launched an attack on the convoy with the help of american missile systems haimars. the russian military-political leadership did not comment on this situation, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine neither confirmed nor denied the attack on the column of russian troops in kurshchyna. my colleagues checked the geolocation of the footage that was distributed by telegram channels and then their conclusions. these are the consequences of an attack on a russian convoy in the kursk region on the territory of russia. the video shows trucks used to transport russian soldiers. bbc verify.
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confirmed that this is indeed the village of oktyabrske near relsko. the author of the video is shocked by such losses. after all, this is the territory of russia federations, border areas, but which have hardly experienced war. such a number of cars could bring several companies of soldiers. about this. russian telegram channels are also writing about the attack, but the russian military leadership is silent: the russian ministry of defense publishes a video of new convoys going to the region where the armed forces of ukraine have actively advanced. fighting in the territory of the kurdish region continues. this is the area on google maps where the russian convoy was hit. ukrainian sources say that the strike was carried out by missile systems hymers, american arms. which earlier
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the allies did not allow to hit the territory of russia, but now these missiles are already flying there. at the same time, russian attacks on ukraine became more frequent. the day before, the russians shelled sumy region, where two people were killed, and in the morning , russian troops attacked a supermarket in the town of kostiantynka, donetsk region. at the time of the attack , many people were nearby, at least 14 were killed, and another 43 were injured. damaged private homes... mall, post office, shops and cars. but the day started with numerous reports about the effectiveness of the ukrainian strike hundreds of kilometers from the border. we are talking about an attack on the lipetsk military airfield. guided aerial bombs and russian military aircraft were stored there. it is reported that the drones targeted military warehouses, which led to a fire and the detonation of ammunition. video recordings of the powerful explosion began to be distributed on social networks by local residents. later, the local authorities.
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confirmed the massive attack by drones, and why the ukrainian authorities openly admit the success of this operation, bbc correspondent in kyiv , james waterhouse, further. sources of the security service of ukraine told the bbc that the drone strike was carried out on an airbase in lipetsk, russia. they added that in addition to the hundreds of guided aerial bombs that the russians stored there, the airbase housed fighter jets and bombers. this is confirmed by russian military bloggers. who work on the other side of the border, as well as local russian officials. i assume that satellite images will appear, thanks to which we will be able to see the damage there damage videos appeared on social networks showing several explosions and a large fire. this is the type of operation that ukraine has wanted to carry out for a long time. it often seemed that it was forced to fight with its hands tied due to the reluctance of the west to allow ukraine to strike targets inside russia. but now there is a general agreement with... the usa and germany and great britain
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believe that this cross-border attack by ukrainians on russian land is fully compatible with the right of ukrainians to defend themselves, and the scope of this drone attack will continue. offensive in july of russia and statements that the majority of villages are still under ukrainian control, it becomes clear. ukraine is investing in this operation. but the stakes are high, because the russians are crowding out the ukrainians on the eastern front in ukraine. however , it seems that the ukrainian offensive is forcing the russians to redeploy troops from other places, which may have been the purpose of this operation. it was a bbc correspondent in kyiv about what is known about the attack on the air base in lipetsk from the ukrainian side. year, but in general, how do you evaluate the operation of this night in the russian body? matthew saville heads the military department research to the royal institute of defense studies, and here is his opinion. the attack on the airbase may be in support of the ground operation that began this week in
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the kursk region. and it can also be a continuation of the long-term ukrainian campaign of using drones against targets deep in russian territory, on russian infrastructure, and ammunition depots. logistics centers, that there are remote places to airbases, from where large russian bombers take off, which launch cruise missiles and other means that hit ukrainian civil infrastructure and cities, and air bases in places like lipetsk, fighter jets carrying cabs rise from there, they attack ukrainian forces in the north of the country, around kharkiv, so kursk, lipetsk, voronezh have already become targets. with strikes on airbases, they are trying to... push back russian planes, which are a great threat to ukrainian forces, for some of these purposes they would like to strike with atakams, ground-based ballistic missiles provided by the united states, but this is a last resort, that is why they use drones. the operation in the kursk region may be
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carried out to increase pressure on russian forces trying to threaten kharkiv, although that offensive stopped several weeks ago. there is also a political element, this may be a signal to the west that ukraine. continues the struggle, while for the last six months they talked only about russian pressure on the front, current events are changing this narrative. and this is a humiliation for russians. we do not yet know what the final scale and duration of this ground operation will be. what the ukrainian troops were able to do to pass into russian territory unnoticed is an indicator of the failure of russian intelligence, so says the british columnist patrick bury. but what is the purpose of this operation? i think we can safely say that this was a bit of a russian intelligence failure because it came as a surprise to them, and it's interesting because many, including myself, thought that the ukrainians now have limited capabilities, and this is proof of that. , that they can do this
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even when they are under strong pressure from the russians in the areas of donetsk and further to the south, but this did not prevent them from gathering some forces, i i would say quite significant forces, and also to hide them so that the russians... would not see them, this is the largest invasion and the first such case when regular ukrainian troops found themselves on russian territory in this war, so it will of course have political consequences. from the point of view of whether ukraine has the resources to continue this operation, it depends on its purpose. if you look at some of the geolocation footage, you can say that they potentially went about 30 km deep. at least some vehicles still managed to get there. but this does not mean that they will hold this territory. it all depends on their goal. it can be like a retaliatory operation. if you take over part of our territory, we can take over part of your territory, and this is always beneficial. another goal is to draw russian forces away from donetsk, to force the russians
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to move troops to areas where they did not expect a strong risk. this operation will also have a certain political shock in russia, due to the fact that a part of their territory was captured. and ukrainian forces may be near a big city at this stage, so i think it is such are the possible intentions of the ukrainian forces, but of course all this depends on the support of the operation, because it is quite expensive in terms of fuel, ammunition, air defense, the forces sent there, of course the russians also have an advantage in manpower, they mobilize enough people and continue to compensate for their losses, rebuild them, but they do not train them as they did at the beginning of the war, below the level of headquarters. there are no training officers or planners, and their ability to attack is quite limited to small infantry attacks or heavy artillery shelling, but they can gradually advance, especially where they have enough people, and they are doing it in places like turetsk and pokrovsk, in the donetsk
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region, and that is where the ukrainians are under a lot of pressure right now, the humiliation of the russian army, it says about the breakthrough of the armed forces of the russian federation into russia , the western press and... read more: the blumber agency indicates that this is the first invasion of russia since the second world war, and this just shows the loudness of the defense of the russian borders. according to the publication, the russian military knew. ignored signals about attack, they write, they say, the intelligence of the russian federation warned the head of the russian army about a possible breakthrough two weeks before the start of the fighting, but in the end these data were rejected, and putin was not informed. the british newspaper telegraph writes that in less than 48 hours, ukraine captured more territory than during the entire unsuccessful counteroffensive last year. journalists emphasize that the sudden attack in the kursk region humiliated the russian army and that the offensive of ukraine is not slowing down. regarding the purpose of the operation, the economist said, they believe that the probable purpose of ukraine is not
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the capture of the kurdish as, as russian military personnel believe, and the creation of a buffer zone along the border, which will help in future negotiations. but what does the russian press write about this, because the war is now also raging on the territory of the russian federation. russian publications were read by the bbc's correspondent in moscow, steve rosenberg. russian chronology today is really interesting. if you take into account that most of the russian... publications that are printed and published in this country are controlled by the state, but what is noticeable when you look at these dailies today is, if you will, reluctant recognition by moscow that the ukrainian attack across the border was quite successful. currently, for example, the moscow komsomolets magazine, a popular tabloid, quotes the relatively new russian defense minister as saying, "mistakes happen, but you can't." to lie, and the newspaper thus writes: we have to admit that this raid is due to a strong move by
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the zelenskyi regime, and it has unfortunate consequences for russia. and this is another very pro-kremlin newspaper, izvestia. she writes: the enemy, that is , the ukrainian army, acts professionally and courageously, in accordance with all the rules of the art of warfare, uses drones, air cover for its tactical groups, pulls up battalion reserves. groups that carry out attacks in different parts of the kursk region, and this is quite interesting, because it reflects the awareness of the authorities in moscow that it is very difficult to find at least some positive in what is happening in the south of russia, the last four days. from a military-strategic point of view , the ukrainian operation on the territory of the kursk region of russia was carried out flawlessly. this is the opinion on the air of the bbc said the retired australian major general about... mike ryan, a researcher at the lovy institute think tank.
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first, the ukrainians learned the lessons of the 2023 counteroffensive and used the element of surprise. they shocked the entire russian system, starting from putin and all the way down , with that attack across the border. and this is a major turning point that changes the status quo of this war. they have already achieved a strategic breakthrough, because they forced the russians to... reconsider the way in which they conduct the war in ukraine, they will have to transfer to the kurtsk region part of its reserves, if not from eastern ukraine, then definitely from other regions of russia. this will force putin to reconsider his military command, which has once again failed him. it also shook russian politics, not just the military. over the past six months, the ukrainians managed to carry out a very successful campaign of deception against the russians. it is an extremely large campaign involving many brigades, which requires significant
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preparations, there are complex logistics, huge intelligence, high operational security, so it is extremely smart, well planned and a brilliantly conducted operation by the ukrainians. the russians are now confused, because when someone is caught off guard to such an extent, they go into a state of shock that slows down their response. i believe... that the resistance of the russians will increase over time, but at that time, in a matter of days or weeks, the ukrainians will reach the stage when they can say: we have conquered enough territory, and then they will dig in and defend what they have. so subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news. we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok, you are on youtube you can watch our news release if you missed it on the air. and that's all for today, see you on monday at 9 p.m. kyiv time. take care of yourself.
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congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this second part we will talk about the following: chicken on fire. a special military operation is underway in two regions of russia's border region, what political effect has this humiliating action for putin already had? as an adviser on national security, andriy yarmak assessed his own role in system of government in ukraine. so where is the line between the powers of the minister of foreign affairs and
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the head of the president's office. information weapon. russian-controlled telegram is used by enemy intelligence services to influence ukrainian audiences. how to deal with kremlin propaganda? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes. i would like to remind you that we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. friends, today we are asking you about this, do you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no, everything is on youtube quite simply, either yes or no. if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video. if you watch us on tv, please pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective today 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote, i want
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to introduce today's guests of our studio - these are my colleagues, larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist larisa. i congratulate you, i congratulate you, and andrii yanitskyi, journalist, andrii, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, so, colleagues, let's start with this survey, we ask about the effectiveness of ukrainian diplomacy, we ask about this for a reason, because yesterday andrii dermak gave a big interview european truth, spoke a lot about ukrainian diplomacy, we will talk a little more about yermak himself later, but how would you answer the question, do you consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective at the moment, do ukrainian diplomats work effectively, larisa? well, i think ukrainian diplomacy is strange, very strange, but nevertheless effective in such circumstances and in such an orchestra. thank you, andrei. i still think it is not very effective, because in fact , diplomacy in our country goes two ways, the official one and
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the informal one, the informal one is run by the president's office, and mr. yermak, well, the official one is ours. minister, mr. kuleba, and it seems to me that this confuses our foreign partners a little, not so much - diplomacy goes to africa, and not the official one goes to europe and to the united states of america, well, it happens differently and differently, but eh, well, in the place of our western partners, i would be surprised by such and such a step of the ukrainian authorities, but western diplomats and our western partners are surprised by the events that are taking place... on over the last three days , a major military special operation has begun in kurtshchyna, now we can say that the armed forces of ukraine are involved in this major special operation, but it all started with the fact that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine did not comment in any way those of this event, the ministry of defense, of course, neither, and
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only the russian propaganda media reported on the advance of ukrainians deep into russian territory. and even international agencies, international media wrote with reference to russian propagandists, bloomberg even took offense yesterday and wrote about the fact that we called the general staff, no one picked up the phone in the general staff, no one commented anything to us, how in these conditions, colleagues, journalists to respond to similar events, because these are important events for ukraine, these are important events that need to be reported on the screen tv, from... the mass media, from the electronic mass media, there is no information, there are only racist media, there are only z-bloggers, there are international media to which the general staff does not respond, not to mention that ukrainian media are also , the general staff is not giving any information, larissa, well again we see that some foreign media, at least public
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platforms like deep state, they announced immediately that they will not update ... in their maps because they want to keep a secret as long as it is kept by the general staff, they update it for two days, later, they warn that this is outdated information, although before that they always said that their maps are the most current, we see how similar things, for example, are covered in the same israel, well, we all understand, that these are the ukrainian military, but we don't know what to call them, the russians say, they are the ukrainian military, for example, israel always explains something about lieftenstein's planes, something else, that is, israel is a country that has been around for 70 years, more than 70 years is located war they have learned, their media is quite objective, quite toothy, critical of the authorities, but nevertheless, this is a lesson, it
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should be, i think we also need to learn this and we are learning, because i see that for the most part, there are people who want to comment, referring to the russian telegram channels, but i see that the majority of the ukrainian media are somehow so respectable, somehow understand. to the fact that the general staff is silent, well, of course, the general staff is silent, and here are several options, you are sitting on the air, these hostilities begin, some information appears, and you don't know, say, it's the ukrainian army, maybe it's the russian volunteer corps, or maybe it's the legion free russia came, because all these special operations were previously carried out by russians, people who have russian passport, who are fighting against putin's regime. we can only record how today, when they showed this synchronization, when fighters entered the city of suju, they say that we are fighters of the 99th mechanized
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battalion of the 61st separate mechanized steppe brigade, we captured, control the strategic object of gazprom, this gas distribution station, this is the only verification of this information that i have seen in the last three days, andriy, have you come across similar things? well, no, and not only during the war, when, when this verification is difficult to obtain, and the viewers and our readers still need information, because they do not read these russians, these zriots and telegram channels, but i would advise not in any case, do not read unverified sources, read the ukrainian media, read the espresso site, this is 100% verified news, the real thing is important here. journalistic work, journalists who know how to work with open sources, to verify real videos, during the introduction of hostilities, a lot of fakes appear, and
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very often throw-ins are made from previous wars, or here is a photo of a ukrainian military already 10 km away from kursk, but then journalists and fact-checkers noticed that kursk was written in ukrainian on... on a road sign, that is, they probably just drew a zero there, it was 100 km, but it turns out to be like 10, that's why it's so much on both sides, it's important that the whole check the information carefully, this is done by professional journalists in publications from the white list, read such publications and you will be aware of the events, well, by the way, we will mention what information appeared during these few days. in the media space, information appeared yesterday that the sumy city council had apparently decided to join the suzhan district or suzha to
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the sumy community, then they spread all this information, then a refutation appeared that this was not really the case, although i myself a native of sumy region and i know suja, well, it is literally 30 or 40 km from the places where i grew up, and we always perceived that... there are parts of these regions, they were handed over to russia, but these are ukrainian regions of suja, you know these all the stories, without me, but in the current situation, of course, it is important, it is important that we understand what is happening there in kurshchyna, you now have an understanding of how this situation develops, if we all have a single understanding, we can pra... explain to our viewers and our listeners and readers because there are many reflections and victorious reflections, and
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it is not clear whether there are any grounds for this and whether there are any successes for this, and this can also be confirmed only by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. larisa. well, the first thing i would like to point out, just the kind of russian delusion that all the commentators have fallen into, is that... they say that the ukrainian army went in and there was no one there, well , there was no one at all, only one there kadyrov or the kadyrovites hid somewhere in the bushes, and yes, they got away, they say it was easy, but in reality it was not yes, as far as i understand, the western media also write about it, and analysts, ukrainian military analysts say that there were defense lines there, that is, it is not an easy walk, it is really thorough, absolutely lightning-fast. military operation, and the fact that the russians were caught off guard does not mean that it was because it was easy for us and we went there almost in open spaces, no, it
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speaks of... the skill of those who planned and those who performed, the second thing is that it is clear to me what is happening there, well, obviously, that when there is a breakthrough of the defense line, and in front of it we remember the mini-fields, the lines there of some type of suravikin or someone else, some dragon's teeth, this has passed, the troops have passed through the breakthrough, it is obvious that they somehow begin to spread out into the expanse, and it can be seen, they are trying to occupy, create this zone, a sanitary zone in order... to reduce the pressure on sumy oblast, because there even the city of sumy is very close to the border, that is , oh my god, it is dangerous, and we understand that the russians tried , they would still plan to advance there and here, well, it is better for the ukrainian military to sit on foreign land and watch russian villages burn behind them there or in front of them, than it will be ukrainian villages with ukrainians, that is, this is an obvious reason, and there is another reason that i also absolutely
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understood what... happened, the fact is that the russian army, it, in its offensive, which it is conducting in donbas, we must understand, and many people are talking about this, that they are very reluctant to transfer troops from those combat zones on ukrainian territory, which is, that is, they are actually a little shocked by what happened in terms of the fact that they planned to push somewhere, to go to some frontiers, on ukrainian land, to stand somewhere, that is, their offensive has already begun. and kyrylo budanov spoke about this, and western analysts spoke about this, that in 6-8 weeks, and they will stop, that is, they do not have resources, and here the ukrainian, ukrainian army forced them to prepare to fight in other parts of the front from the jump, that is, this unbelievably, that is, the russians now because of the fact that they are starting to stop at donbass, well, it is not quite visible yet, but nevertheless it is visible from the equipment that is there... the
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reserves that are there, that they have, that they do not have the strength to fight there for another six months in the same way, to take that pokrovsk, well, they don't have such forces, and when they were already ready to stop, the ukrainians forced them to throw those troops, which were exhausted, without reserves, what they had there, instead of replenishing the pokrovsky direction and the atoresky direction with these reserves , now these reserves will be sent here, that's great, but what do we hear like that is being discussed in ukrainian society, kursk as or not kursk? are the ks distracting the attention of ukrainians or someone else? good russians say no, are the ukrainians distracting the russian army? no, the ukrainians conducted an incredible military operation, an incredible one, and in fact it was carefully planned for the first time. secondly, it was very risky for those who went on that offensive, so let's wait, we have to wait another week to understand which territory is captured after all. and
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ukraine, and what we will do next with those civilians who are there? the returned territory, well, that is, let's say this, from the tyrannical putin regime, i would say so, but judging by putin's reaction and by gerasimov's reaction and by the reaction of the security forces, that is what could be understood, and it is clear that they took it seriously. if we remember those forays of the russian volunteer corps and the legion of freedom of russia, i think... that they were more like that, more for effect, let's say so, but we slightly weakened the attention of the russians to such attempts to cross the border, they, maybe this time too they thought it was something not serious, and then it turned out that everything was not so, well, and it is important that this time we were supported by the west and we saw these questions even
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from opposition russian journalists eh... who asked the american representative, and how is it, how is the united states of america, and they are not concerned, it turns out that they are not concerned, that the operation was agreed with our western partners, and they believe that it is absolutely fair, plus it seems to me that what is important is precisely that we do not create these authorities that were created the russians in the territories they occupy, we talked a little on the air, mrs. larisa. emphasized that it is important to observe all international norms, the geneva conventions, when fighting, including on foreign territory, that is, we do not touch civilians, we do not touch civilian life, and we see that we do not endure, as they destroy our cities, and bakhmuts, that is, our troops, the troops are advancing, advancing peacefully, peacefully.


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