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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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personally responsible for the establishment of peace, well, for the situation in the war and inside the country, that is why i do not want to talk about their path, as far as that is concerned, they will go their own way, and the only thing we have to do is still help victory of ukraine, to help a just peace and to do everything so that we avoid mistakes, in this sense. i will say that it is clear that the first peace summit ended with nothing from the point of view of establishing, if there was a truce or the establishment of a lasting peace, there were diplomatic successes, diplomatically gathered the countries, it is very good, but it is not about the zelenskyi peace formula, let's say, there is the de-occupation of all territories, the border of 1991, then...
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it was not discussed there, and what is the second peace summit, from the point of view from a diplomatic point of view, such holding of major events, i understand, it is also useful, but from the point of view, as you rightly said, of the mechanism of work on ending the war there or defending one's positions, it is very doubtful, because, well, some kind of explanation is needed to convey publicly, on the other hand told that there will be a formula, how according to the grain formula, that there separately from turkey was a mediator with the observation of the un, the un secretary general, that there are two separate processes and we will not sit at the same table, i do not know, what two scenarios, i can make a forecast, this scenario is not a peace summit, handover, it will not end in anything, if on... it
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is invented like this, because, well, obviously russia does not want this, and it needs to be forced to peace, but from another point of view, i generally think that this is a very strange story that sounds constantly in ukraine will put russia at the same table, i will not i understand, but if putin comes to this table, what will you do then, you have a decree that you cannot negotiate with putin, well, actually he is a war ... criminal, that is, on the one hand, we turn to mexico, that he be arrested there, that if he comes there, he will be arrested, and on the other hand, we are very much asking for a russian representative, and which representative, which representative lavrov, on whom there is no place to put a seal, who confirmed the bombing of the mariupol maternity hospital and the killing of our people, with from the high rostrum confirmed antonov, who calls us thugs, and himself... covers
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the thugs with real criminal cases, shaiga, what a criminal, who even now is a gyrasina, by the way, also a criminal, look, they, as they answered, they hit in kramatorsk civilians, these are crimes from the point of view of humanitarian law, who, who will sit on the side of russia at this table, and again, and russia has recognized that ukraine not only has the right to sovereignty, but integrity, that ukraine is a full-fledged country, that it is conducting negotiations on equal terms, putin admitted that ukraine can exist, he also said, ukraine will not exist, we will destroy ukraine, it does not exist, there is no such country, sorry, let's first, let them say in moscow that ukraine is a sovereign country, they will forgive all these slanders, about nazism , admit all these, first publicly say who. it was all
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lies, and then you can talk to them about something, and before that, what will it look like, well, a real politician, let’s take a real politician, there were such stories, although in our country the war is existential for survival, either ukraine will survive, or russia , there is no third way, there may simply be pauses for a few years, so the question arises in my mind, so serious and big in this sense, is there any understanding at all... of the essence of war, and if we are really exhausted, society will also be exhausted , then i do not understand this insistence at all, let's agree on something with russia, it can be different, it happened in history, that there can be a cessation of hostilities for a while and then some finding of some peace formulas or some geopolitical formulas there. but no one is
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recognized the occupation, no one in any way recognized that sanctions can be lifted, or, for example, that these people are no longer guilty of killing after that. ukrainians, if someone from ukraine is going to go that way, to forget what happened there, to draw a line, let's see what the difference is, no, this is not the right way, so i believe that what the head of ukraine's foreign policy, irmak, is declaring now, then it is rather, well, such maneuvers are such, which, well, they know why they are doing it, in general, i really hope, we will somehow win. diplomatic lines that they want to lead, c in the context of the next peace summit, it is obvious that the african tour of the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba should also be considered, this means, mr. valery, that ukraine is starting to fight for
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the african continent, and well, if we compete with russia, then how can we compete with russia, considering the fact that this week two countries that are influenced by moscow, mali and niger, announced the severance of diplomatic relations with ukraine, and you asked everyone who watches the broadcast a question about diplomacy, i just want to give it is a little bit of a reference that diplomacy is not the entire foreign policy of the country, the president, the government, and the inter-parliamentary parliament are involved in foreign policy, and there are such sports initiatives, as they say... yes, sports diplomacy is cultural there, it is not diplomacy, diplomacy is a specific activity, a professional activity of diplomats who are engaged in this activity in the public service, so the fact that minister kuleba went to africa now is exactly diplomacy, that is, it was
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planned in advance, this is the fourth trip of only this minister, and before that minister klimkin traveled, well, i am not saying that in principle it is necessary to... of course it was done earlier and more intensively, but this is an ordinary trip to a planned group of countries, you see, it is purely regionally determined, that is, three countries, where the minister of foreign affairs has not yet gone to this region, he went there and some agreements were worked out, it seems to some, well, to be honest, well, you can say that during the war there, we are signing a visa-free agreement with mauritius, it looks like this, not very a huge success, but for diplomacy this is a normal matter, the agreements are signed, but there is nothing yet, that is, i would not even exaggerate the consequences of this trip, and i would not belittle them, well, to speak
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tactically, then i would have to go there to lviv, that is lavrov has already been there, he has already noticed all the places there, and here we are late for this train. it is necessary to work with africa, that is, from voting in the un to concrete opportunities, interaction, but to a greater extent with the countries that dmytrokuleva visited now, there are mainly such things, there is some small interaction, plus vote voon, but that does not mean that this activity should be ignored, moreover, i will tell you, i would still like to wait for the appointment of those announced ambassadors, here... the second part now, minister kuleba announced that they recruited through a competition of some kind unique, which has not been seen in the history of ukraine, candidates have been recruited, thousands of people have applied to be ambassadors to africa, the issue is ongoing, the second year is already underway, those ambassadors are coming, there are already allocated
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funds for the work of the embassy, ​​there are already employees, there are no ambassadors, i.e. this surprises me, so the work needs to be done systematically well, some elements can be added to official diplomacy, well , this week, our organization, we made a visit from such large african countries as nigeria and south africa, well, there are kenya and gambia, we made a visit of journalists, leading publications, and we cooperated very well here with ours and the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. suph, who is a representative just right. near east africa participated, and i thank the heads of the parliamentary committees, klym pushsensadze and merezhko and deputy ministers, that is, with we are working in africa, the work has become more active in recent years, but it should
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still be more systematic. friends, i remind you that we are working live and conducting a poll, today we are asking you whether you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, a separate opinion, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers. 0800-211-381, if you think it's ukrainian effective diplomacy, no, 08021-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. well, we continue our conversation with politician and diplomat valery chaly. let's talk, mr. valery, about lukashenko, because lukashenko made a statement at the council meeting.' the ministers of internal affairs of the states, members of the cis, he assumed the possibility of the collapse of russia.
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let's listen to what the belarusian dictator said about it. a permanent hybrid war is being waged against our peoples, and each of the countries the cis has already experienced at least one color revolution, which is essentially an attempted coup d'état. the situation may develop in such a way that any of our states. we cannot do without this unity, and if we do not understand this today, we will be dealt with individually, but if russia falls, we will all be drawn into this abyss. mr. valery, well , it seems that lukashenko should have stated that russia is already in the abyss and they are also together with russia, but there is not a single word here about the events that are unfolding in kursk, about the odc. b about cooperation within the cis, assistance to russia, why
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lukashenko is not talking about it now, i think that he will be in this abyss himself, he is trying to jump out now, i welcome these efforts, what he says is one story, what he does is actually a little different, in this context there are more such statements. radiska of sikorskyi, i.e. lukashenko, are giving signals that he can hold his own even on the edge of the abyss, if he behaves correctly, as for other heads of state, why he is pulling them along, what he is signing for them, i think that they do not think so , they have china, by the way, that one he considers lukashenko himself, also from china , for... now as his suzerain, who will save him
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from putin, realistically, in this situation, because pay attention to the training of the chinese together with the belarusians recently, that is, this happened after putin, without notifying shizenpin, he went to north korea, so things are not so simple there, and he says he needs such things, because he, you see, in what composition. and at what meeting is he presiding over, well, i think that lukashenko still dreams of leading a union state with russia, well it seems to me that he will not be able to sit on two styles so much that he still has to choose, either his personal security for the future and then some bridges with the countries of the west and distancing himself from putin the war criminal, or he will then be in this precipice... absolutely , and the fact that he wants to drag others in, well , i think they are smart, they won’t do it, but what happened in
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kurshchyna means that the csto, which putin was so proud of, is dead, that’s right, that’s why that in principle, if russia had the support of this, this collective organization security, the agreement on collective security, probably some other actions would. i understand that none of the countries that are part of the csto are in a position to help russia with anything now, well, the csto died earlier, this organization, and clearly such a cross was already laid when they did not help in the war with azerbaijan in iran, that is, in fact they did not come to the defense of the csto member in armenia, it was obvious to everyone, they all... destroyed this position, everyone in the csto perfectly understands, so that you
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understand, these countries, except for russia, they are not because of what they expect from aid to russia, no, they are there because, now already, although it used to be on the southern border, islamic radicalism, threatened some other things there, now they are there, fearing that their exit from there will have consequences from russia, that is, they are now there about ... simply to appease russia, and not to take part, especially in the war against ukraine, this is all unrealistic, sir. valeria, we are now watching the unfolding of the presidential campaign in the united states of america, we see how the team of kamala harris is being formed, she has decided on the vice president for with the candidate for the position of vice president, he became tim walls, and we can see that in
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september we will obviously have such a televsion. the duel between trump and garis on september 10 should be televised on abc news, but of course we are interested in all these events in the context of the ukrainian context. zelensky personally had a rather difficult relationship with trump. it was in 2019, when zelensky spoke with trump. on the phone and trump asked him to assist in the case against hunter biden in the case of burism. this week the publication came out in the half where simon shuster talks about the eve of the great war, that is , the munich conference of 2022, and not
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the difficult dialogues or difficult disputes that were between president zelensky and the vice president. of the united states kamala garis, as a person who knows very well how the american political machine works, how do you assess the mutual misunderstandings between zelenskyi, trump, zelenskyi and garis, how does this affect bilateral relations between the two countries? i am very concerned that we are still in a different evaluation paradigm. elections, and i've been trying to change it on more than one show, and so far i can't. the fact is that it is not so important for ukraine who will win in this situation, it is more important for ukraine what will happen in terms of the supply of weapons and financial assistance from the united states, both by the end of the year and in the next. in
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this sense, there will be turbulence in the states, and you know that we do not have a tool. we have no conversation, no financing projects, we all talked about this package last year, now no one raises the question, but where is the package in the summer, it is already due on october 1, the budget year in the usa, we do not have funding, we do not have enough money in the budget for next year, we need not even 60 there or 40, which nato ran away, and russia allocates 100 billion dollars for the war for the next year alone. on the armed forces, that is , there is no law on lendlease, that law on lendlease has expired, no new one has been adopted, no one raises this issue, so i am very concerned that our focus of attention is not only journalistic, journalistic it's understandable because it's interesting to discuss, we now have all the experts on football, the olympics and politics of the united states,
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and what's more, everyone is discussing technology, but no one has named who will be the candidate for vice president from the team. no one named khaharis, but everyone continues to be specialists, they continue to discuss, well, that's why it 's like this, you know, a fan will talk about another country, we don't have our own presidential elections, then we're bored, then we want to talk about others, and there are other problems, how to get there at all, it's november 5, that's why that a large part of trump's voters do not want to give power in any result of the vote. they want to get it, and on the other side of the left, on the side of kamal harris , more voices are raised in the other direction as well, so the turbulence will be sky-high, and the shutdown can already be said to be 90% probable, and the shutdown, i will remind you when it is a budget organization were not working and part of the military was not working, then
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the pace of arms supply has also decreased, that is , our risks are related to... including which there will be a configuration of power in the usa, if it happens there are actually four options, and it can be a republican, the president, the senate, he can have, then he appoints people loyal to him, and there are no balance levers, and the senate can be for the democrats, and then there will be other people, compromise figures will appear, it may be the other way around, that the lower house will be for another party, or or... everything is concentrated in the hands of one democrat president and he has everything and also a republican, that is, these are four different scenarios , and american sponsors just now worried more. not a presidential campaign, sponsored mainly by districts, districts now, well , congressional elections, because the distribution of forces will
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depend on it, and joseph biden left because of this, he, well, he was pushed out, because of this, that is, and until things, by the way, there may still be surprises, regarding, after all , you asked, i answer, personal moments that were earlier. arise, they influence, but i argue that they are not decisive, first of all, interests are decisive, and in the united states it is bright, now diplomacy interest, and i can confirm this, there may be smiles, there may be some friendly relations, but as long as your national interests coincide, if the national interest of the united states has diverged. with the ukrainian strategic national interest, then no good relations will help you, so we need to look at
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developing institutional cooperation, indeed, with the democrats, with the republicans, and personally, with various groups, by the way, there is no single team, as it is not surprising, when the president and vice president, they have their own groups, around them and the foreign policy of their groups, there will still be many questions. and now there is serious competition and some friction is happening, this is a normal process, but globally, i once again affirm and want to be heard, heard by everyone, that it is not so important who will win in the white house, you can work with both candidate, how important it is that we do not stop the amount of aid from the united states, arms, financial, and political support. well, andriy yermak, whom i already mentioned, the head of the office of the president of ukraine in in an interview with european pravda, he said that on the eve of the elections in the united states
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of america, ukraine is working with the democratic republican party to inform about events in ukraine. let's listen to what yarmak said. we greatly appreciate, first of all, the support of the entire american people and the bipartisan support that... we have in the congress, and of course, today we are working with the entourage, with people from the staff and candidate donald trump even before the nomination, but already candidate from the democratic party of vice president kamala haris. it is very important to us that both the staffs, uh, both candidates, the people around them clearly understood, first, even, i would say so ... on a daily basis, and with the help of our embassy in the united states, what 's going on in ukraine, clearly understood what stage the war was at , clearly understood our
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strategy, and to be honest, it seems to me that it is very important that both candidates really have a plan, a plan for ukrainian victory, that last phrase, mr. valery, confused me the most... because yarmak talks about that the two candidates must have a plan for ukrainian victory, well, it means no the plan that zelenskyi has, and they must have their own plans for ukrainian victory, could it be that both that candidate and that one can have their own plans, zelenskyy still has his own plan, well, the ukrainian authorities must have their own a clear plan, not just these 10 points that were declared by zelensky. but the real plan of ukrainian victory, then both kamala garis and donald trump will understand what the ukrainian state actually wants, point by point.
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it seems to me that there is nothing to comment here, because what we heard are such familiar words, ie the right words, it's good that the conclusions have been drawn, it's bad that andriy yermak didn't hear me in the 19th year and they almost got into a scandal with... equidistant, the only point is, they wouldn’t bend over here either, here in the other direction, because it’s better to be equidistant from the two headquarters, and not equidistant from the two headquarters, and i’ll tell you, for example, well, good words, i immediately have a question , and how did we fail at the republican convention, yes, one ambassador, well, that's not enough
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work absolutely not enough, there should be political support at the congresses, there should be political parties, how did the office of the president and andriy borisovych personally work in these conditions, they took, blocked the trip of people's deputies of ukraine to the republican congress, well, opponents, yes, well, no i wanted the opponents to be there, okay, well, if you don't have your own representatives of the servants of the people party, then why do you block opponents, realizing that... you can't replace them, well, it's to use an external platform, i don't know, for internal political struggle , that's it yesterday, that's why i want conclusions to be drawn in this regard, well, outwardly, everyone speaks with one voice in principle, everyone helps the country, so words are not enough, we need to see the result, bipartisan, bicameral support, repetition as a mantra, there is no such thing
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we have stable bicameral or bipartisan support, no, we do not have a plan for the victory of ukraine under trump, no plan for the victory of ukraine under kamala garis and no plan for the victory of our national or defined national ukrainian, there is a ten-point formula, a good basis, i share these points, i have questions about how to guarantee further destruction from the russians. well, i have my own proposal for membership in nato, yes, that is, in principle, there is a basis, but realistic and such scenarios of different assessments of the situation are made in some groups, but so that the office of the president, well, if he gathered such a closed in-depth discussion, they do it through there are some orders to non-state structures, but very sporadically, we need
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to communicate directly here... they never had such a desire, so i don't trust words lately, i want to see actions. thank you, mr. valery, and we haven't mentioned orbán for a long time, and we should mention him this week, because a group of 67 meps appealed to the european commission with a call for restrictive measures against hungary due to budapest's decision. entry procedures for citizens of russia and belarus, i will quote what the members of the european parliament say. we call on the european commission to take urgent measures to investigate hungary's decision, because it could become a loophole, potentially endangering the functioning of the schengen area and its role as a safe place for citizens. if the hungarian government refuses to change its policy, the european commission and all.
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eu representatives should question hungary's presence in the schengen zone, says the published letter. well, to put it simply, hungary, despite, despite all reservations, despite all restrictions from european countries, allows belarusians and citizens of russia and belarus to simplify the entry procedure for citizens of russia and belarus, as a result of which europe may face... a new by the number of russians spies, killers and those people who can come to europe and do some of their actions, what do you think, mr. valery, that europe can do with hungary, apart from excluding hungary from the schengen area? ukraine is not a member of the european union, i cannot
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say what europe should do. to do in order to hungary, what did you tell us, what, what ukraine, what do we have the right to? ukraine, being in relations with the european union, including with hungary, in partnership relations, that is, we have only just opened negotiations on accession, but we we are in the format of a partnership, so we are already implementing a common european policy in many respects. such a foreign and security policy, that is, this is one of the positions of the treaty of amsterdam, every country that is a member of the european union must coordinate foreign policy, that is, which hungary demonstrably does not do, that is, if, as an expert observer, i will say that hungary does not actually perform the basic ie.


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