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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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to say what europe should do in order to save hungary, that's what you said, what ukraine, what do we have the right to? ukraine, being in relations with the european union, including hungary, in partnership relations, that is, we have only just opened negotiations on accession, but we are in the partnership format, so we are already doing a lot. in what common european policy, foreign and security policy, i.e. this is one of the positions of the treaty of amsterdam, every country that is a member of the european union must coordinate foreign policy, that is, what hungary demonstrably does not do, that is, if, as an expert observer, i would say that hungary does not actually fulfill the basic conditions. in this
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area does not fulfill the basic prescriptions, well, but it is up to brussels to decide how to bring it to its senses, because it looks very weak from the side, well, maybe it is good that there are such challenges now, so that the european union finds answers to them, because, of course, one country will not make the weather there, but slovakia looks so that it is possible to catch fish. not slovakia itself, and the leaders, just like hungary, this is not hungary, these are also its leaders at the moment, hungary can change, it can change after the elections of its leadership in the 26th year, so this is an attempt to catch a fish in muddy water with everyone, of course these are things that do not contribute, including the consolidation of the european union, and it's time, as an observer, to say that it's time to take some measures, it's obvious, but we have... bilateral relations with hungary ,
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we have a common border, we are important to us now to have the maximum solution to the issues that are in our strategic interests, and if hungary blocks our european path, we must also seek a solution through brussels and be and defend our national interests, not fall on our knees before the hungarians about such a populist offensive line, but defend our position , otherwise, what you said now will be written down and you will be asked for all 11 proverbial points on the national law, education and language, don't think, dear our government, that you have slipped something there now, but then it will all be removed from your counter, nothing like that, then we will rake it all out, so protect the national interest, there is no need to break in there directly through closed doors, now concentrate the focus of attention on the end of the war and joining nato. the european union is a longer way. i claim
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that without joining nato, no joining the european union will be effective, it will only be on second-class terms, if we are a member of nato, then hungary and all others will talk to us in a completely different way. thank you mr. valery, to you for the conversation, it was the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine valery chaly. we continue our broadcast, friends, and work live on the espresso tv channel, and it's time to draw up interim conclusions. or an interim survey, the results of an interim survey, today we are asking you about whether you consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective, these are the results of our television survey, 17% yes, 83% - no, on youtube we have a ratio of 28% of people who consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective , 72%, no, that is, those who watch the stream on... tubi believe that
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after all, ukrainian diplomacy is more effective. there are discounts until independence day on normoven pills, 10% at psalyansky, bam and ochad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% at psalyansky, bam and ochad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day navizyn, 20% at psalyan pharmacies , memory and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is big broadcast on espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front, the composition of serhiy zurets, and how the world lives, yuriy fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine, yuriy. good
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evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, during the war, oleksandr morshchevka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, the big air of vasyl zima, the project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangole taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana
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povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the air of the tv channel. press. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real program front with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this second part we will talk about the following:
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kurshchyna is on fire. a special military operation is underway in two regions of the border region of russia, what is the political effect. already received this humiliating action for putin. as an adviser on national security, andriy yarmak assessed his own role in the system of government in ukraine. so where is the line between the powers of the minister of foreign affairs affairs and the head of the president's office. the russian-controlled information weapon telegram is used by enemy special services to influence the ukrainian audience. how to deal with kremlin propaganda? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes. i would like to remind you that we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. friends, today we are asking you about this, do you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own separate opinion,
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please leave it in the comments below video. if you watch us on tv, please pick up your phone or smartphones and vote if you think the ukrainian diplomat... is effective today 0800 211 381 no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we like i want to present the results of this vote to the guests of today's studio - they are my colleagues larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist, larisa, i congratulate you, congratulations, and andriy yanitsky, journalist, congratulations, congratulations, so colleagues , let's start with this survey. we ask about the effectiveness of ukrainian diplomacy, we ask about it for a reason, because yesterday andriy yermak gave a big interview to the european truth, he talked a lot about ukrainian diplomacy, we will talk a little more about yermak himself later, but how
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would you answer the question , do you consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective as of now, are ukrainian diplomats working effectively, larisa? well, i think it's strange, really. i consider ukrainian diplomacy, but nevertheless effective in such circumstances and in such an orchestra. thank you, andriy. i still think that it is not very effective, because in fact , diplomacy in our country goes in two ways, the official one and the informal one, the informal one is run by the president's office, and mr. yaermak, and the official one is our minister, mr. kuleba, and it seems to me that it confuses our foreign partners a bit, not really. diplomacy goes to africa, not officially to europe and the united states of america. in different ways, but, well, in the place of our western partners, i would be surprised by such and such a step of the ukrainian authorities. well, a western diplomats and our western partners
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are surprised by the events taking place in kurtshchyna, a large military special operation has begun over the past three days. now we can talk about the fact that the armed forces of ukraine are involved in this major special operation, but it all started with the fact that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine did not comment on this event. the ministry of defense, of course, neither, and only the russian propaganda media reported on the advance of ukrainians deep into russian territory, and even international agencies, international media wrote with reference to russian propagandists, bloomberg even took offense yesterday and wrote that we called the general staff, no one picked up the phone in the general staff, no one commented anything to us, how in these conditions, colleagues, journalists... to such events, because these are important events for ukraine, these are important events that need to be told about on
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the tv screen, from the mass media, from the electronic mass media, there is no information, there are only racist media, there are only z-bloggers, there are international media that do not the general staff does not respond, not to mention that the media are also ukrainian, the general staff does not give any information, larisa, well, again, we see that... some foreign media, at least public platforms such as deepstate, they announced immediately , that they will not update their maps because they want to keep it secret while it is kept by the general staff, they update it two days later, they warn that it is not current information, although before this they always said that their maps are the most relevant, we see as similar things, for example, are highlighted in that... israel, well, we all understand that it is the ukrainian military, but we do not know what
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to call it, it is the russians who say that it is the ukrainian military, for example, israel always explains something about planes, lieftenstein, one more thing, that is, israel is a country that has been at war for, well, 70 years, more than 70 years, they have learned, their media is quite objective, quite toothy, critical of the authorities. but nevertheless this lesson, it should be, i think that we also need to learn this, and we are learning, because i see that to the majority that there are people who want to comment, referring to russian telegram channels, but i see that the majority of the ukrainian media are somehow so respectable, somehow understand the fact that the general staff is silent, well, of course, the general staff is silent, and here several options, you are sitting on the air. these hostilities begin, some, some information appears, and you don't know, say, it's
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the ukrainian army, maybe it's the russian volunteer corps, or maybe it's the legion . free russia entered because all these special operations were previously carried out by the russians, people who have a russian passport, who are fighting against putin's regime, we can only record, like today, when they showed this synchronization, when fighters entered the city of suju, they say: we are fighters of the 99th mechanized battalion of the 61st separate mechanized steppe brigade, we captured, we control the strategic object of gazprom, this gas distribution station, this is the only verification of this information that i have seen in the last three days, andrii, you have encountered similar such things, well no and not only under during the war, when this verification is difficult to obtain, and ah... viewers and our readers, they still need information, because they do not read these russians, these ztriots and
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telegram channels. yes, i would advise you not to read unverified sources, read the ukrainian media, read the espresso site, this is 100% verified news. here, own journalistic work is important, journalists who know how to work with open sources, verify real videos in real time. conducting hostilities, a lot of fakes arise, very often throw-ins are made from previous wars, or a photo of a ukrainian military man appeared 10 km from kursk, but then journalists and fact-checkers noticed that kursk was written in ukrainian on a road sign, that is , they simply drew a zero there, it was 100 km, but... what like 10, that’s why there is so much on both sides, it is important to check all information
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carefully, this is done by professional journalists in publications from the white list, read such publications and you will be aware of events, well , by the way, here we mention what information during these for several days appeared in in the media space, yesterday there was information that the sumy city council had apparently decided to... unify suzhan district or suzha to the sumy community, then they spread all this information, then a refutation appeared that this is not really the case, although i myself come from sumy region and i know. suja, well, it is literally 30 or 40 km from the places where i grew up, and we always perceived that there was a part of these regions, they were handed over to russia, but these are ukrainian regions of suja, you know all these stories, without me , but in the current one
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of the situation, of course, it is important, it is important that we understand what is happening there in kurshchyna, you now have an understanding of how this situation develops, if we all have a single understanding, we can properly explain to our viewers and to our listeners and readers, because there are many reflections and victorious reflections, and it is not clear whether there are any grounds for this and whether there are any successes for this, and this can also be confirmed only by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, larisa. well, the first thing i would point out is just such a delusion the russian, which got all the comments, is what the ukrainian army said, but it came and no one, no one was there, well , no one was there at all, only kadyrov or the kadyrovs hid somewhere in the bushes, and also disappeared, they say , it was easy, but actually it is not like that, as far as i understand, and
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the western media is writing about it, and analysts are talking about it, the ukrainian ... military, that there were defense lines, that is, it is not a simple walk, it is really thorough , an absolutely lightning-fast military operation, and from the fact that that the russians were taken by surprise, this does not mean that it was because it was easy for us and we went there almost in open spaces, no, it speaks of the skill of those who planned and those who executed, the second thing i understand , what happens there, well, it is obvious that when there is a breakthrough. line of defense, and in front of it we remember the mini-fields, the lines there of some type of suravikin or someone else, some dragon's teeth, this has passed, the troops have gone through the breakthrough, it is obvious that they are somehow beginning to spread out into the expanse, and it is visible, they , they are trying to occupy and create this zone, a sanitary zone, in order to reduce the pressure
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on sumy oblast, because there even the city of sumy is very close to the border, that is , well... heaven, it is dangerous, and we understand that the russians tried, they all they would have planned to attack there, and here the ukrainians, well, it is better for the ukrainian military to sit on foreign land and watch russian villages burn behind their soldiers there or in front of them, than it will be ukrainian villages with ukrainians, that is, this is an obvious reason, but there is another reason the reason that i also completely understood what happened, the fact is that the russian army is on its offensive, it is going to donbas, we have to understand, and many people are talking about this, that they are very reluctant to transfer troops from those combat zones on the ukrainian territory that are, that is, they in fact, they are a little shocked by what happened in terms of the fact that they were planning to push somewhere to reach some boundaries, on ukrainian soil, to stand somewhere, that is, their offensive has already begun to slow down, and
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kyrylo butanov was talking about this, and western analysts were talking about this, that 6-8 weeks and they will stop, then... then they don't have the resources, and here the ukrainian, ukrainian army forced them to prepare to fight in other parts of the front from the jump, that is, it is incredible, that is , the russians are now because they are starting to stop in donbas, well, that's another it is not quite visible, but nevertheless it is visible from the existing equipment, from the reserves that are available, that they do not have the strength to fight there for another six months in the same way, to take that pokrovsk, well , they do not have such strength . but when they were already ready to stop, the ukrainians forced them, those exhausted troops, to turn over without reserves, that is what they have there, instead of replenishing the pokrovsky direction and the toretsky direction with these reserves, now these reserves will be sent here, that is great, but what we hear, how it is discussed in ukrainian society, the kursk as or not kursk as, they
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are distracting the attention of ukrainians or someone else, good russians say, no, it is the ukrainians who are distracting attention. of the ukrainian army, no, the ukrainians conducted an incredible military operation, an incredible one, and in fact, firstly, it was carefully planned, and secondly, it was very risky for those who went on this offensive, so let's wait, we have to wait another week, in order to understand which territory is still occupied by ukraine, and what we will do next with those peaceful residents who are there are located, the returned territory, well, that is, let's say so. from the tyrannical putin regime, i would say so, yes, but from the reaction of putin and from the reaction of gerasimov and from the reaction of the security forces, that is what could be understood. it is clear that they took it seriously, if we remember those sorties of the russian volunteer corps and the legion of freedom of russia, i understand that they
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were more like that, and more for the pr effect, let's say so, but we slightly weakened the attention of the russians to such attempts to cross the border, they may have thought this time , that it was something frivolous, and then it turned out that everything was... completely wrong, and it is important that this time the west supported us, and we saw these questions even from opposition russian journalists who asked the american representative: how come but what about the united states of america, and they are not concerned, it turns out they're not concerned, that the operation was agreed with our western partners and they think it's absolutely fair, plus i think what's important is that... we're not creating these authorities that the russians created in the territories , which they capture, we talked a little on the air and mrs. larisa emphasized that it is important to observe
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all international norms, the geneva conventions, when fighting, including on foreign territory, that is, we do not touch civilians, we do not touch civilian life, and we see we can't stand how they destroy ours. cities, and bahmud and that, that is, our troops, the troops are advancing, advancing, peaceful, peaceful residents, well, it is clear that there cannot be a war without losses, because it is a war, yes, because it is a war, there are simply losses that are not can be avoided, but we do not engage in the fact that we simply demolish cities completely and leave no ruins, it seems very careful to me. the ukrainian troops are strengthening, and this is in accordance with the un charter on the protection of any right to the protection of any state against which aggression has been committed, that is, what we are doing, we, this is self-defense and the protection of the ukrainian people,
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well, we will follow the development in kursk or suzhi, but i hope that in kursk, and in rynsk, and in korenevo, everywhere, everywhere, where the armed forces of ukraine have reached. friends, i remind you that we are working live and during the entire broadcast we will be conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether you consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective, yes, no, if you consider this diplomacy to be effective in ukraine, you can call also vote on 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. one more topic, colleagues, it arose yesterday and... after an interview with the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, serhiy sydurenko from european pravda conducted a long interview with
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yermak, and yermak in the questions and answers, i think these and questions and answers, in principle, they will probably come to the attention of the western audience first, because the western press has been quite actively writing about yermak's role in... zelenskyi, that he performs a lot of tasks from zelenskyi, that his authority is much broader than that of the head of the office of the president of ukraine. how yarmak explains his role in international politics, and let's listen, because he compared his role to a national security adviser. i think no one will argue that the main diplomat of the country is exactly that. president volodymyr zelenskyi, and we can see it from the results, and therefore, of course, as the head of the president's office, fulfilling the president's mandate, i
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deal with many issues, in this sense i work by comparing how national security advisers work in other countries, and that's why i talk to colleagues from the united states, for example, jake salevan, jens plötner from germany, and many others. colleagues, why does yermak have to justify himself, that he is a national security adviser, that he is in the president's team, that he only does what the president tells him. larisa. you know, it's interesting that we're talking about kursk, about yarmak, it's just some kind of déjà vu for me, because putin's regime began with fundamental question. answers the
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same question, who is mr. yermamak? and he found a role model for himself, i congratulate him, now it turns out that he is a sullivan, thank god, but i understand that the adviser on international affairs to the president of the united states is a position that exists, it exists, it that is, there are clear things, there are his powers, to whom he can give orders, to whom he cannot, whether saliman can give orders to blinkin, i don't know, most likely not, what yermak can do to him. another position, well, that's all he is tries to explain why he plays the role of sullivan, well conditionally, such as sullivan under president zelenskyi, and kuleba, but you can't justify it with official duties, if you need an adviser on international affairs to the president, who has certain powers and international weight, international spaces, well, create this, create, squeak, you have, you can, you
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have both legislative and executive. because the person is simply not fulfilling his powers, and i understand that many in the west are very concerned about the great influence person, that this influence goes beyond the boundaries of her official duties, and this is frightening even for a person for whom they did not vote, that is, this kind of uncertainty scares representatives of the west... putin, today exactly 25 years since he was appointed prime minister minister of the russian federation, that is, the collapse of russia under putin began 25 years ago. andriy, regarding andriy yermak, for what? moreover, yermak is trying
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to justify himself, although zelensky clearly said that everything he does is public, that yermak is doing it according to mine, he is doing it according to my instructions, in fact, more than one of our presidents has tried justify the head of the president's office or the head of the administration, yushchenko once said at the faction that baloga is me, well , zelensky said roughly the same thing, so i wanted to emphasize that we have heads of... the president's administration or the president's office, they always are a little demonized, so it is in principle in the ukrainian tradition that the role played by yermamak is not decorative, i think that he is really an influential person, but i personally have fewer questions about international politics than questions about domestic politics, just international politics - this is such a beautiful track, it's a peace summit, it's
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a weapon, and it just works there. i agree here with andrii borysovych that zelenskyi, volodymyr, is the chief diplomat, it is precisely his speeches that make parliaments all over the world applaud, it is precisely his charisma on television that attracts the attention of citizens of various countries, forces them to donate to the ukrainian army, support , he is a wonderful actor, we know his previous profession and... he works great, he reads wonderful speeches, and yermak's role, well, organizational, maybe, but there is a huge apparatus that prepares all these meetings, trips, that is, speeches, which are also written by neyermak, of course, of course, and i also have a question, well, you talked about, let's say , the bright side of yurmak, where he can promote himself and say that here i was
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at an international meeting and here i met with... important people, but what about domestic politics, that is the most interesting thing that in our country, what the president's office does, how they work with business, we know business complaints about the actions of the president's office, how the government is run from the office of the president, that is, there are a lot of questions regarding domestic policy, well, regarding foreign policy, yermak said that the president clearly understands what functions he has to perform in the current situation. the ministry of foreign affairs, and which should be entrusted to advisers, let's listen to this fragment. today, such traditional diplomacy, unfortunately, has its limits, today we need to achieve a result without having these limits, and therefore we all work as a team of the president, and i do not see any problems with the demarcation.


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