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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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a russian rocket flew into my house. sashula was completely covered with building materials. when we took her out from under the blankets, she had an open fracture of her arm, a floor slab fell on her, four ribs were broken, she was hit very hard on the head, and her little finger was torn off. then, when we took her to the hospital, the doctors provided all the necessary medical assistance. when we were discharged, we immediately went to rehabilitation, there we set up her first protest, which she already started going to, after rehabilitation, we already returned home to ukraine, to odesa.
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already returned to gymnastics. this russian military crime, which forever took away from alexandra some such childhood dreams and to compete with girls at her own pace. today
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, oleksandra has a very busy day, in the morning she has school, then rhythmic gymnastics, then she enters the pool, swims, at this time she is invited a lot to various events, as she motivates people not to give up, to go on and show his... steadfastness to other people who found themselves in the same conditions as us. my dream is to become an olympian champion
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there are discounts until independence day on carsill tablets 10% in psylansky, pam and oskad pharmacies. tired of a mess in the kitchen? constantly have to sort through a pile of pans to find the right one. you need a set of save sevory pro unzip tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five saucepans from one to 9 liters with lids for any. if possible, use them on the stove and even in the oven. made pans with a rack to damage to stainless steel. savory pro pans will serve you for many years, from now on food is heated evenly, cooked quickly and without burning. and how elegant they are, laconic design and such bright colors. and the main feature is the well-thought-out folding handles. keep pots and pans separate. no more mess in the shoes. savory pro pans take up almost no space, so...
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our cupboards will always be in order. strul savory pro collection. 10 items from 999 hryvnias. call sales progress from unpack tv. drill screwdriver profi. compact, light, powerful. will replace a huge number of expensive professional tools. assemble furniture, hang a picture or a shelf, tighten almost any fastener, repair equipment and a car, and even screw a self-tapping screw into a metal profile. but it is not only a screwdriver, it is also a convenient and compact drill. will cope even in the most difficult-to-reach places, the price is only uah 499. order now and get flat and cross hardened bits as a gift. a professional works from a powerful battery built into the handle, and special lighting will allow you to work even in complete darkness. the magnetized holder of the pro reliably fixes the bits, and the convenient reverse function allows not only to screw in, but also to unscrew, even a very tightly tightened fastener. order a drill.
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screwdriver pro for only uah 499 and receive flat and cross hardened bits as a gift. call! long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with dolgit cream, you can also walk, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% at psyllanyk bam and ochad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day on corvalt, 10% at psyllanyk, bam and ochad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also distinguished
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guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters were damaged. property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't waste money. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing, oksana will be with us now korchynska, a volunteer, in the meantime, i will remind you that we are collecting 1,200 hryvnias - this is what you and i have accumulated this morning, don't stop, we want
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to collect as much as 3.5 million, so the pace must be high, if we will gather at the same pace as before, then somewhere in october, our military, for which we are gathering three of the military. drones and rep-systems will be received. the qr code is here, you can point the camera at it and scan this qr code and tell as many as you like. and while we 're talking to our guests, it's you you can do support our military. drones and reb systems will help them save lives and take moskaleva's life. what do 2.5 look like, you are now demotivating our viewers, but i can already see these. comments, how can we donate here, and they are stealing our money, well, but we have to show what we are, because we are talking about what is, yes, it is true, don't motivate, don't sweat motivating, we have to show it , and now
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oksana korchynska will join us and simply comment on what we see, mrs. oksana, we congratulate you, and good morning, glory to ukraine, i ask all viewers donate to the slaves directly online, it is better not to hear me, but to make a donation, because this is really something that can save our comrades with you today, i came to kyiv for the wedding of a comrade, it is possible to come to kyiv and marry my comrades only because on at the front, our guys are currently fighting, protecting us, and the rebs are the only thing that can protect them there at the front, and therefore, while we are talking with you, each of us should now bring this qr code closer. and because it is our only help if we are not at the front, because we are must be the back of our fighters, because what i always voice is not only this, but now i say, thank you, my image is not needed, every penny is important for this rap,
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for these drones, because rap is protection our servicemen, currently the only normal protection that is possible, including when evacuating the wounded, because it is impossible to evacuate a wounded person currently in... a day from most areas of the front without a reb, and that is why every penny, and you see now on the screen shows three teams that are currently leading the brigades at the front are hit the most , including on the most difficult directions, the third assault brigade, i don’t comment on where they are, but on one of the most difficult directions, more fundamental now for the turning point of the future war: 110, well, this is an extraordinary legendary brigade that has been defending for two years . right now, in the pokrovsky direction , it is the brigade that does not allow passage to the dnipropetrovsk region, because the enemy is very close, the enemy is now trying to advance to the dnipropetrovsk region, what is called
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the pokrovsky district, we reassure ourselves that but not far from mirgorod, if our guys weren’t defending every day at the cost of their lives, please excuse me, it would be very bad and very difficult for the trenchers, and the shelling is enough, and they were already in the range of artillery shelling , what happens in celery, what you see is wonderful. a lot of our front-line stories are related to selidova, many brigades had dates with their wives there, it was such a romantic city, we had a favorite pizzeria there, and yesterday the whole world was run by muscovites, because yesterday this mall shooting, it's right where our favorite was for all the civilians and the military... a lot of people dead, a lot of people injured, and they're not going to stop,
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destroying the best that ordinary people have, love, dating, opportunity it’s normal to go to buy shops, so if you have the opportunity today to go on the saturday of such a wonderful day, i have the opportunity to come to kyiv and go to the wedding at pobratym, all this is thanks only to the fact that our guys are now at the front, every centimeter of our land . and us with they protect you, you know, to go to the wedding of our brothers and sisters, it’s too much, we would like to go to our acquaintances who protect us, but we definitely don’t want to go to their funerals, mr. and mrs. oksano, what is going on now in kursk oblast and what is currently not commented on in any official way, by the ukrainian military, the ukrainian authorities, from the point of view. doctors, how, how to evaluate it, how to evaluate it, what are you, what are you saying among yourselves, well,
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well done, our, in this regard, general headquarters, and the headquarters of this operation, everything happened in deep silence, you saw it, of course, the evacuation routes were arranged, everything is not simple, as you understand, in such operations there are no easy evacuation routes, but... but well, it happens, thank god, well, i don’t see a flow of seriously injured people on the roads of the evacuation, i see mainly light and medium injuries, that is, everything is fine, well , for now, that is, it is difficult for us to judge, because we are not there, for judgment it is possible only when you you are directly in the events, and so when to us, well, there is already a hospital, we see something there based on the results, it is difficult to judge, we pray and worry for our boys and constantly remind all of us that we... that volunteers are ready to join and help in everything that is needed. thank you, ms. oksana,
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and for that appeal, our viewers responded, you know, while you were speaking 13, uah was added to that account, so it is comforting, we heard you, we heard your words, thank you, but very little, my dear 13 , the rap costs a quality of about 200,000, quality, because unfortunately, the drones are going a long way, so please, i urge you again, every penny. is important now for these brigades, and therefore, please help, because once again, this is our only possible contribution to the protection of our ukraine will help, help our heroes. thank you, you have a nice walk, wedding and send congratulations to your brother, may their family be happy, and may they be alive and healthy. thank you. oksana korchynska, a volunteer, was with us, dear friends, we are going for a short break, thank you, because for this morning we you... already collected 25 00 in total, well , while we were talking with ms. oksana, 13 00
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was added somewhere, hanging, already hanging, 14 00 was added, like this, that is, you and i have already collected 26 00 for this morning, we are going to pause, let's continue, and you will be able to use this qr code again, to which ms. oksana urged, not to be indifferent, because you heard that rep costs 2000 uah, we have 731 00 at the moment. and it's three and a half, three and a half, one might say, a pause, then we'll come back and talk about what's happening at the front. snow, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - urination under. by control, there are 25% discounts on edem until independence day at the pharmacies of psyznyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts
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on imodium of 20% until independence day at the pharmacies of pryszhnyk bam and ochad. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything. we we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect by dr. tys. improves memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts until independence day on linuxforte, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, bam, and savings. now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacal active++ with plus. active ingredients, i use it to overcome problems with clear and unpleasant odor, lakad active plus with two-phase technology, actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lacquer activ+ - an action that you feel immediately. there are discounts until independence day on bionm detox, 10% at psylanyk, bam and ochadnyk pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on troxevazin,
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15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the frontline component, sergey zgurets, what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrecher, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war. next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters of cultural news from chihchenina, our art viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become like a dream for many, next to me she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio mustafa dzhemilov leader the crimean tatar people are in touch with us , mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day: the events of the day
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in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and... indifferent people in the evening at espresso. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent. taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real program front with taras berezovets every saturday. 21:30 at espresso. we are coming back, dear friends, and pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the strategy 21 global studies center, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine, is already with us, mr. pavle. good morning. good morning, glory to ukraine. mr. pavle, a few minutes ago there was very fresh information, i don't know if you have already seen it, but let's start with the most recent. the soldiers
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of the 252nd battalion are said to have enlisted. video, i don't know if we can it to watch, if we can, i will ask you to give me this video, we will watch it together. 2.52 is located in poros settlement, belgorod region. glory to ukraine, glory to the 252nd battalion. ruslava's hero. well, that's literally all we know at the moment, but it looks like, if that's the case, they're in belgorod oblast right now. we can show you a map, in principle, where it is, how would you comment on it, well , actually, this should be expected, given the situation that is currently facing us in the north, the russians probably have it in the southwest,
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and a raid by the armed forces of the union. of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, and the events in the kharkiv region, they aim to shift the center of gravity of hostilities from donetsk region to the north, where we have the initiative. let me remind you that, despite the successes that our military has in the north, the situation is very difficult. continues in the east in the direction of pokrov, it’s not like we forget kurshchyna and belgorod oblast, heavy battles are going on there, and if part of the enemy’s forces will be forced to urgently move from our donetsk region to belgorod oblast and kurshchyna, it is already
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there will be a great victory for our soldiers. eh, in the meantime, let's talk about what we know further from the kursk region, there is, there is, there is a lot, you know, the first reaction, i think, of many experts was that they pulled the much-needed troops away from very important critical directions, on the other hand side, we see that this operation is quite successful, the russians were really caught off guard, they really weren't ready, they didn't have enough strength, eh... now these chechen battalions appeared there, the akhmat battalion makes excuses that they were fooled by the generals, they weren't ready and so on, well, in a word , that's how it showed weakness first of all. of this russian border, where there are very few troops, and honestly, these volunteers write there, say russian military personnel, that if it were not for russian aviation and lack of control over the air,
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which, by the way, cost at least one downed plane and two helicopters in the last couple of days , but the situation with a breakthrough in the kursk region would be, as they say, i will quote one of them, catastrophic for russia, well, i would evaluate something differently, well, the first thing is... indeed, for obvious reasons, there are different assessments of the actions in the east and in the north, when in conditions when the enemy is advancing on one, on one section of the front, our military is trying to successfully carry out an offensive operation on another section, well, from my point of view, this is correct. and well, this is something so diametrically opposed, because what the russians did in kharkiv two months
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ago, in fact, their idea with the kharkiv operation was to concentrate their main forces in the direction of the main strike, to stretch our forces as much as possible along the width of the front line, now... the armed forces of ukraine are forcing the russians to act too, to withdraw from the direction of the main strikes, troops, columns are coming from the east and from the northern grouping of troops, there is a big movement, that is, they are forcing the enemy's cards to mix up, and this , it is a success, i hope that it will have not only a political one. component and not only the military result of the defeat and defeat of the russian group pivnich, but
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also will have an indirect result on the course of hostilities in the east of ukraine. uh, why? russians, in your opinion, how many troops can russia remove and send to kursk, and how ? it may affect the events unfolding there, it depends on how painful the blows are for them in the kurdish area, if, if they are ready to tolerate it, then, in fact, their goal will be to stop the offensive actions of the armed forces of ukraine , that is, to prevent the introduction of the second echelons, well, so to speak, to stop in... ukrainian success, for this, one set of forces is needed, in order to squeeze our troops out of it
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direction, there will be a need for a significantly larger number of forces, and here they are already faced with the dilemma of whether to continue concentrating troops in those areas of donetsk region where they tried to uh... to succeed, to break through our defenses, that's what they were doing bet, for almost a whole year , a bet is being made whether to give up one's plans and throw these forces into the liberation of their already conditional territories, well, but in the meantime, british intelligence says that the russians are advancing into donetsk region and entrenched there. what is happening in the donetsk direction? well, on the donetsk direction, the most difficult part remains the pokrovskaya section, the pokrovskaya direction, where, well
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, the novoaleksandrivka eminence, zelene pole, kalinove, these are all settlements already on everyone's ears, the enemy is coming, trying to advance to the side. pokrovsk, and to the northwest of it, thus actually creating such a cliché for logistics on and pokrovsk as a logistics hub and the pokrovsk-konstantynivka route to the north. yesterday's russian missile attack on the center of kostantinivka is another proof. what it is this direction that is important for him, that konstanze, konstantinivka, it is
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our distant logistic hub. the russians demonstratively show that this is no longer the rear, it is actually the front line, the situation is still difficult in the turkish direction, or rather even to the south of the turkish salient, where the enemy is advancing in the new york area, and this also creates a threat. the defense of turkey as a whole, our guys are holding on to the chasivyar direction, the enemy's advances there are insignificant, but he does not relieve the onslaught, i repeat once again, i want, i hope, that for responding to the events that are taking place in the north, the enemy will be forced to reduce
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part of it. withdraw the second echelon from these areas, and then it is possible to weaken the enemy's pressure in these areas, and there is a field for the commander's decisions of our commanders in this area, if we can seize the initiative, it will be a great success. well, we will monitor what is available, we had yesterday, we already have a minute left, literally, yesterday serhiy zurets was on the air with us, and he says that despite the fact that we are very successful, the situation is in the kurdish direction, the russians were really caught off guard, but it is important here to monitor this moment and not to miss the moment when it will actually be necessary to retreat, perhaps, that is, not to hold on to these territories now, well, as for the kursk ...
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direction, i can remind you here our kharkiv offensive of the past year, why did it stop at the boundaries we reached, when our command realized that there were not enough reserves for further advancement, and this is, so to speak, the real boundary that we can hold, here now on the kurshchyna approximately the same situation, or not... walking on the wave of success, don't forget about the rear, don't forget about the front and push forward exactly to the distance that logistics allows, don't break off, mr. pavle, thank you, pavlo lakeychuk, the head of security programs of the strategy 21 global studies center, the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine was with us, thank you, dear viewers, that you are with us,
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listen to two more... 300 hryvnias with a tail and it will be what we are for this morning we collected 40,000 with you, we are doing well, donate and watch the news with kateryna shiropoyas, what happened there in ukraine and the world in the kursk region, i don’t know how russian she is or whose it will be interesting to hear operational information provided by the armed forces of ukraine. so wait, we have something to entertain you. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning, the occupiers hit the object with a rocket.


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