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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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yermak, whom i have already mentioned, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, in an interview with european pravda, said that on the eve of the elections in the united states of america, ukraine is working with the democratic republican party to inform about events in ukraine. let's listen to what yarmak said. we really appreciate, first of all, the support of the entire american people and the bipartisan support that we have in the congress, and certainly today... we are working with the environment, with people from the staff and candidate donald trump and even before the nomination, but already candidate from the democratic party vice president kamala harris. it is very important for us that both staffs, both candidates, people around, clearly understand, first of all, even, i would say so, on a daily basis, and with the help of ... our embassy in
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the united states, what is happening in ukraine, clearly understood the stage of the war, clearly understood our strategy, and to be honest, it seems to me that it is very important that both candidates really have a plan, a plan for ukrainian victory, that last sentence, mr. valery, confused me the most, because yarmak. says that there are two candidates there must be a plan for the ukrainian victory, well , it is not the plan that zelenskyi has, but they must have their own plans for the ukrainian victory, could it be that both that candidate and that one can have their own plans, zelenskyy still has its own plan, well , the ukrainian authorities should, probably, have their own clear plan, not just these 10 points that were declared by zelensky, but the real plan for ukrainian victory then... both
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kamala garis and donald trump will understand what they actually want the ukrainian state, here by points. i think here there is nothing to comment on, because what we heard are such familiar words, i.e. correct words, it is good that conclusions have been drawn, it is bad that andriy yermak did not hear me in the 19th year and almost got into a scandal with impeachment, good, that the conclusions have now been drawn. and now it's as if they're somehow trying to be exactly distant. the only point here, too , would not be bent in the other direction, because it is better to be equally close, and not equally distant from the two headquarters. and i will tell you, for example, well, good words, i immediately have a question, how did we work at the congress.
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republicans, yes, one ambassador, well, it's not enough, work, absolutely not enough, there should be political support at the congresses, political parties should be, how the office of the president and andriy borisovych personally worked in these conditions, they took, blocked the trip of the people's deputies of ukraine to the republican congress, well, opponents, yes, well, i didn't want to. for the opponents to be there, well, okay, if you don’t have your own representatives of the servants of the people party, then why do you block opponents, realizing that you will not be replaced by anyone, well, that’s using an external platform, i don’t i know, for the internal political struggle, well , this is yesterday, so i want conclusions to be drawn in this as well, well, on the outside, everyone speaks with one voice in principle, everyone helps the country, so... this is not enough, we need
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to see the result, bipartisan , bicameral support, repetition as a mantra, about all of this, we do not have a stable bicameral or bipartisan support, no, we do not have a plan for the victory of ukraine under trump, there is no plan for the victory of ukraine under kamala geris, and there is no plan for the victory of our people or is it certain national ukrainian, there is a formula. points is a good basis, i divide these points, there i have a question, how to guarantee further destruction from russia, well , i have my own proposal for membership in nato, yes, that is, in principle, there is a basis, but realistic and such scenarios of different assessments of the situation are made in some groups, but so that the office of the president, well, if he gathered such a closed... that
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deep discussion, they do it because of some orders to non-state structures, but very sporadically, here we need to communicate directly, they have no such desire was, that's why i... i don't trust words much lately, i want to see actions. thank you, mr. valery, and we haven't mentioned orbán for a long time, and we should mention him this week, because a group of 67 meps appealed to the european commission with a call for restrictive measures against hungary due to budapest's decision to simplify the entry procedure for citizens of russia and '. i will quote what the members of the european parliament say: we call on the european commission to take urgent measures to investigate hungary's decision, because it could become a loophole, potentially endangering the functioning of the schengen area
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and its role as a safe place for citizens. if the hungarian government refuses to change its policy, the european commission and all eu representatives should question it. the essence of hungary in the schengen zone is stated in the published letter. well, to put it simply, hungary, despite, despite all reservations, despite all restrictions from european countries, allows belarusians and citizens of russia and belarus, simplifies the entry procedure for citizens of russia and belarus, as a result of which europe may face a new number. russian spies, killers and those people who can come to europe and do certain actions there. what do you think, mr. valery, that europe can do with hungary, apart from excluding hungary from
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the schengen area? ukraine is not a member of the european union, i cannot say what europe should do in order for it to... hungary, here is what you said, what, what ukraine, what do we have the right to? ukraine, being in relations with the european union, including with hungary, v partnership relations, that is, we have only just opened accession negotiations, but we are in the partnership format, so we are already implementing a common european policy, foreign security policy in many respects. that is, this is one of the positions of the treaty of amsterdam, every country that is a member of the european union must coordinate foreign policy, that is, what hungary demonstrably does not do, that is, if, as
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an expert observer, i say that hungary does not actually fulfill the basic ones, that is does not fulfill the basic prescriptions in this area, but this... brussels has already decided how to bring it to its senses, because it looks very weak from the outside, well, maybe it is good that there are such challenges now, so that the european union will find answers to them, because one country, of course, will not make the weather there, but slovakia looks at it in such a way that it is possible to catch a fish, not slovakia itself, but the leaders, just like hungary, it is not hungary, it is also its leaders. at the moment, hungary can change, it can change after the election of its leadership in the 26th year, so this is an attempt to catch a fish in muddy water from all sides, these are of course things that do not contribute, including the consolidation of the european union, and it is time,
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as an observer, to say that it is time to take some measures, it is obvious, but we have bilateral relations with hungary, we have a common border, it is important for us to have... the maximum solution to the issues that are in our strategic interests, and if hungary blocks our european path, we must also look for a solution through brussels and be, and defend our national interests, not to fall on your knees in front of the hungarians about such a populist offensive line, and to defend your position, otherwise what you said now, you will be recorded later and they will demand from you, like these 11 proverbial points on national power, on legislation, education and language. don't think, dear our government, that you have slipped something in there now, and then they will take it all off your meter, nothing like that, then we will scrape it all up, so protect the national interest, you don't have to break in there right into the closed door, focus now attention to ending the war and joining nato.
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the european union is a longer road, i claim, without joining nato, no joining the european union will be effective, it will only be... on second-rate terms, if we are a member of nato, then hungary and all others will talk to us completely - to another thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was extraordinary. ambassador of ukraine valery chaly, we are continuing our broadcast, friends, and we are working live on the espresso tv channel, and it is time to fill in the interim, conclusions, or interim survey, the results of the interim poll, today we are asking you about whether you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective, these are the results of our television poll, 17% yes, 83% no, on our youtube. the ratio of 28% of people consider
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ukrainian diplomacy to be effective, 72%, no, that is, those who watch the stream on youtube believe that ukrainian diplomacy is still more effective. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matryk toper you forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a mattrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. the unique case in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior, but
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greetings, friends, the tv channel is live espresso, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this second part we will talk about the following. chicken on fire. a special military operation is underway in two regions of the border region of russia, which has already had a political effect. this action is humiliating for putin. as an adviser on national security, andriy yarmak assessed his own role in the system of government in ukraine. so where is the limit? between the powers of the minister of foreign affairs and the head of the president's office. information weapon. telegram controlled by russia is used by enemy special services to influence the ukrainian audience. how to deal with kremlin propaganda? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes.
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i would like to remind you that we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. friends, we are asking you today whether you think ukrainian is effective. diplomacy, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, please pick up the phone or smartphone and vote if you think that ukrainian diplomacy is effective, for today 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up. of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today 's studio, these are my colleagues, larisa voloshina, journalist, political psychologist, larisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, and andriy yanitsky, journalist, andriyya, congratulations, congratulations, so, colleagues, let's start with this survey, we ask about effectiveness of ukrainian diplomacy, we ask about this for a reason, because yesterday andrii dermak gave
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a big interview to the european truth, he talked a lot about ukrainian diplomacy, about yermak himself, we will talk a little. er , more later, but how would you answer the question, do you consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective at the moment, or are ukrainian diplomats working effectively, larisa, well, i think that it is strange, very strange, i think that ukrainian diplomacy is, but nevertheless effective in such circumstances and in such an orchestra. thank you, andriy. i still think not very effective, because in fact, our diplomacy goes two ways. official and so informal, informal led by the office of the president and mr. yermak, well, the official is our minister, mr. kuleba, and i think that it confuses our foreign partners a little, not very diplomatic goes to africa, and not officially goes to europe and to the united states of america, well, it happens differently and differently, but eh, well, if i were in the place
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of our western partners, i would be surprised by such... such a step of the ukrainian authorities. well, what about western diplomats and our western partners are surprised by the events taking place in kurtshchyna, during the last three days, a large military special operation has begun. now we can talk about the fact that the armed forces of ukraine are involved in this major special operation, but it all started with the fact that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine did not comment on this event, the ministry of defense from... neither, and only the russian propaganda forces reported on the advance of ukrainians deep into russian territory and even international agencies, international media wrote with a reference on russian propagandists, bloomberg even took offense yesterday and wrote that we called the general staff, no one picked up the phone in the general staff, no one commented anything to us, under these conditions, colleagues, how should
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journalists react to such events? because these are important events for ukraine, these are important events that need to be told about on the tv screen, in the mass media, in the electronic mass media, there is no information, there are only racist media, there are only z-bloggers, there are international media, which is not the general staff does not respond, not to mention that the media are also ukrainian, the general staff does not give any information, larisa, well , again, we see that some foreign... media, at least public platforms, such as deep state, they announced immediately that they will not update their maps because they want to keep it secret while it is kept by the general staff, they update it two days later, they warn that it is outdated information, although before this they always said that their maps are
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the most relevant, we see as similar things, for example, are covered in the same israel. well, we all understand that these are the ukrainian military, but we don't know what to call them, it's the russians who say that they are the ukrainian military, for example, israel always explains something about lieftenstein's planes, something else, that is, israel as a country that already well , 70 years, more than 70 years has been in the war, they have learned, their media is quite objective, quite toothy, critical of the authorities, but nevertheless. this is the lesson, it should be, i think we also need to learn this and we are learning, because i see that most that there are people who want to comment by referring. on russian e-e telegram channels, but i see that the majority of the ukrainian media are somehow so respectable, somehow understand the fact that the general staff is silent. well,
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of course, the general staff is silent, and here are several options, you are sitting on the air, these hostilities begin, some, some information appears, and you do not know, to say, it is the ukrainian army, maybe it is the russian volunteer corps, or maybe this is the legion free russia entered, because all these uh... special operations were previously performed by the russians, people who have a russian passport, who are fighting against putin's regime, we can only record, like today, when they showed this synchronization, when fighters entered the city of suzh, they say that we are fighters of the 99th mechanized battalion of the 61st separate mechanized steppe brigade, we captured, we control the strategic object of gazprom, this gas distribution station, this is the only verification... all this information that i saw during the last three days. andriy, have you come across similar things, well , not only during the war, when when
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verification is difficult to obtain, and viewers and our readers still need information, because they do not read these russians, these z-patriots and telegram channels. yes, i would advise you not to read or check it. sources, read the ukrainian media, read the espresso site, this is 100% verified news. here, own journalistic work is important, journalists who know how to work with open sources, verify real videos, during hostilities, a lot of fakes appear, very often throw-ins are made from previous wars, or here it appeared a photo of a ukrainian soldier already in... from kursk, but then journalists and fact-checkers noticed that kursk was written in ukrainian on a road sign, that is
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, they just painted a zero there, it was 100 km, but it turns out that it is like 10, that is why it is so much on both sides, it is important to check all information carefully, this is done by professional journalists in publications from the white list, read the following. questions and you will be aware of the events, well, by the way, here we mention what information during these few days appeared in the media space, yesterday there was information that the sumy city council had apparently made a decision to join the suzhan district or suzha to the sumy community, then they spread all this information, then a refutation appeared that this was not the case, although i myself am from the sumy region and i know suja, well, it is literal. it is 30 or 40 km away from the places where i grew up, and we always perceived that there was part of these regions, they were handed over to russia, but these are
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ukrainian regions, suja, you know all these stories, without me, but in current situation, of course, it is important, it is important that we understand what is happening there on the course. you have now an understanding of how this situation develops, if we all have a single understanding, we can properly explain to our viewers and our listeners and readers, because there are many reflections and victorious reflections, and it is not clear whether there is for this any reasons and whether there are any successes for this, and this can also be confirmed only by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, larisa, well, first of all... what i would note is just such a misleading russian, in which all the commentators got, is that they said that the ukrainian army came in and
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no one was there, well , no one was there at all, kadyrov alone or the kadyrov people hid somewhere in the bushes, but they got away, they said it was easy , but in fact it is not so, as far as i understand, and the western media write about it and analysts, ukrainian analysts, the military say that there... there were defense lines, that is, it is not a simple walk, it is a really thorough, absolutely lightning-fast military operation, and from the fact that the russians were caught unawares, it does not mean that it is because it was easy for us and we went there almost in open spaces, no, it speaks of the skill of those who planned and those who executed, the second thing that is clear to me is that it is happening there, well, it is obvious that when there is a breakthrough of the defense line, and in front of it... we remember, minefields, lines there of some type of suravikin or someone else, some dragon's teeth, this has passed, the troops have gone through the breakthrough, it is obvious that they begin
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to spread somehow. in breadth, and it can be seen, they they are trying to occupy, create this zone, a sanitary zone in order to reduce the pressure on sumy oblast, because there even the city of sumy is very close to the border, that is, it is dangerous, and we understand that the russians tried, they would have planned anyway to advance there and here, well, it is better for the ukrainian military to sit on someone else's land and watch them burn behind them there or in front of them. russian villages, than it will be ukrainian villages with ukrainians, that is, this is an obvious reason, and there is another reason that i also absolutely understood what happened, the point is that the russian army, in this offensive that it is conducting in donbas, we must understand, and many people are talking about this, that they are very reluctant to transfer troops from those combat zones to the ukrainian of the territory that exists, that is, they are actually a little shocked by
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what happened in that... that they planned to push somewhere, to go to some borders, on ukrainian land, to stand somewhere, that is, their offensive has already begun to slow down, and kyrylo butanov spoke about this , and they talked about it western analysts say that they will stop in 6-8 weeks, that is, they have no resources, and here the ukrainian, ukrainian army forced them to prepare to fight in other areas of the front, that is, it is unbelievable, that is , the russians now because they... to even stop in donbas, well, it is not quite visible yet, but nevertheless, it is clear from the equipment that is available from the reserves that are available that they have that they do not have the strength to fight there for another six months in the same way, to take that pokrovsk, well , they do not have such strength, and when they were already ready to stop, the ukrainians forced them, those troops, which are exhausted, should be transferred without reserves, that is what they have there, instead of replenishing
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the pokrovsky direction and the toretsky direction with these reserves, now these... will be sent here, which is fine, but what we hear, how is it discussed in ukrainian society, the kursk as, or not the kursk as, are they distracting the attention of the ukrainians or someone else, good russians say, no, it is the ukrainians who are distracting the attention of the russian army? no, the ukrainians conducted an incredible military operation, incredible, and in fact it was firstly, it was carefully planned, and secondly, it was very risky for those who went on this offensive, so well... wait, we have to wait another week to understand which territory is captured after all and of ukraine, and what will we do next with those peaceful residents who are there, the territory returned, well, let's say this, from the tyrannical putin regime, i'm so sorry, but according to putin's reaction and gerasimov's reaction and the reaction of the security forces, what could be understood, and it is clear that they are
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seriously. everything was accepted, if we remember the sorties of the russian volunteer corps and the legion of freedom of russia, i understand that they were more like that, and more for the pr effect, let’s say so, but we slightly weakened the attention of the russians to such attempts to cross the border, it is possible that this time they thought that it was something not serious, and then it turned out that everything was not so, well... it is important that this time we were supported by the west, and we saw these questions even from opposition russian journalists, who asked the american representative, but how so, and what about the united states of america, and they are not concerned, it turns out that they are not concerned, that the operation was agreed with our western partners, and they believe that it is absolutely fair, plus i think it is important that we are not. ..
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we are creating these authorities that were created by the russians in the territories that they capture, we talked a little on the air, mrs. larisa emphasized that it is important to observe all international norms, the geneva conventions, when fighting, including on foreign territory, well, that is, we don't touch civilians, we don't touch civilian life, and we see that we don't destroy them, as they destroy our cities and bahmuts. yes there, that is, our troops, the troops are advancing, advancing, peaceful, peaceful residents, well, it is clear that it cannot be without losses, because it is a war, yes, because it is a war, there are simply losses that cannot be avoided, but we are not in the business of just demolishing cities under...


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