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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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they are ready for anything, they can make any huge provocation at the kurdish nuclear plant and blame ukraine, and it will be very, very difficult, especially, well, if at the international level, because this is a very, very important thing. mr. ivan, thank you, ivan plachko, the minister of management and energy of ukraine in 1999, 2005, 2006 and the chairman of the board of the union of the all-ukrainian energy assembly was with us, and now anna yelamelnyka is with us, which means that we are watching from... a fresh selection news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, annoev's word to you. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, we will work further, the news editor will tell you about the most important thing, in particular, about why belarus is transferring equipment close to ukraine. all the details are below, stay with us.
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lukashenko gave the order to strengthen the grouping of troops on the border with ukraine, it is about the gomel and mozer tactical directions. these regions border zhytomyr, kyiv and chernihiv regions of ukraine. belarus is also dropping iskander missile systems and polonez multiple rocket systems close to our country. and all through the so-called ukrainian threat - reports. ministry of defense. i will remind you, the day before lukashenko said that ukraine allegedly violated the airspace of belarus with a drone, according to him, this apparently happened yesterday evening. at night, the ukrainian navy struck the sevash and petro honovanets gas towers, which are still controlled by russian forces. the occupiers kept technical and reconnaissance equipment and up to 40 personnel there, according to a number of ukrainian media. we are waiting for official
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confirmation. ukrainian scouts destroyed another russian boat in the occupied crimea, it was hunted down by the magura marine drone, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine said. the tunets speedboat was hunted at night from august 8 to 9 near the settlement of chornomorske. it was clarified in gur. muscovites use such vessels for patrolling the water area and logistics. three more watercraft of the invaders were damaged, their type is still being determined. and the number of victims in kherson has increased to seven, the attacks of russian drones on the city do not stop. this once a resident of antonivka became a target of the occupiers. the woman suffered an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound, as well as an injury caused by an enemy drone, received by a resident of the suburbs. the head of the city administration, roman mrochko, informed. three peaceful residents.
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two more wounded died. the russians once again shelled the kharkiv region. bogoduhivskyi, izyumskyi and borovskaya districts came under enemy attacks. the enemy hit the populated areas with a hurricane of rocket salvo fire. as a result of shelling, damage to cars, residential and commercial buildings, and also a kindergarten. among the dead are two men and a woman. in the morning, the occupiers hit a critical infrastructure facility in kramatorsk with a rocket. an employee of the enterprise was killed, several more people were injured - announced the head of the military administration of the donetsk region, vadym filashkin. and at night, the russians hit selidovo with an fpv drone. one person was injured, a private house was destroyed. the bodies of two children were identified among those killed in the rocket attack on kostyantynivka. these girls are 9 and 11 years old. examinations are currently ongoing.
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knowledge of the other six victims, among them there is probably another child, the office of the attorney general said. the day before, the occupiers struck the city from aircraft, aimed at a supermarket, and hit them with an kh-38 missile beforehand. so far, 14 dead and more than four dozen injured are known. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable foundation opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for... a separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom and the future it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear. ukrainians, we,
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the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need the means. we ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, since august 12 in donetsk region , the duration of the command hour has been changed. depending on the distance to the front, two schedules will work. the order was signed today by the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. in settlements more than 10 km from the front , there is a curfew. the hour will last from 21:00 to 05:00 in the morning, but in the ten-kilometer strip from the front, the restrictions will be strengthened from 17:00 to 90:00 in the morning. in particular, it refers to ugledar, hirnyk, krasnogohorivka, myrnograd, novogrodivka, selidove, ukrainian, siversk, chasivyar and
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toretsk in bukovyna, the lexus driver lost control and the car flew into a ditch. it is known that both the driver and... in social networks they write that metropolitan longen of the ukrainian orthodox church, who was tried for inciting inter-religious enmity, was a passenger in this car, the car is damaged, and longen is in intensive care. yew has been conquered, the state border service of ukraine showed a cute video with a wild boar returning home to its native forests from romania. the animal was called a wild boar in social networks. the four-legged first who was able to cross the river which those who try to escape from ukraine are constantly stormed. we meet ukrainian olympians, boxer oleksandr khizhnyak brought gold to ukraine today,
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our correspondent kateryna galko also met him in perun. katya, my congratulations. so how was our winner greeted? i congratulate my colleague, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so today on the platform of the kyiv railway station we met the ukrainian olympic champion oleksandr khishnyak, the boxer who brought the omriyan gold to ukraine. actually, a lot of people met him on the platform, including him his family, his wife with a small son, these are actually his compatriots from poltava region, they are also representatives of the olympic committee, representatives. olympic champion. like the national committee, they are waiting to see him and now they are waiting for him to sign their dream card. let's talk about it, let's hear what words greeted the ukrainian athletes whom he teaches, as well as many
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simply indifferent ukrainians who were happy for the olympic committee, and in general, all ukrainians are proud of you, and you showed true character, you achieved your goal. every ukrainian border guard is extremely proud of joint service with you in the same department. every border guard, especially one who performed and continues to perform tasks directly at the front at ground zero, where he could, watched where he simply received information from his colleagues, was worried. in the match for the championship oleksandr khizhnyak fought against the incumbent. the world champion in weight up to 80 kg, a kazakh, and won, in fact, this is already the second olympic games for alexander, in tokyo, four years ago he took silver, and now he literally knocked out gold for ukraine, which he is very
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proud of, let's hear the emotions of oleksandr himself, shall we? of course, i am proud of the fact that i became one of those boxers who managed to win an olympic gold medal, which... when i was still such a child, i started boxing, it seemed very far away, unattainable, and now this dream, that , which once seemed real, it became real, so in total, in amateur boxing, oleksandr khizhnyak had 142 fights, 125 of which ended with victory, now he takes such a little rest to meet his family, spend time with his... son , talk to his mother, talk to his friends, everyone was waiting for him, everyone wants to meet him, they also want to look at his championship medal, and actually there will be more to decide what he will do next, in which
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competitions he will win next, so actually this is all the information, let's stop for now, colleagues , i will transfer the ether to you, thank you, kateryna galko, correspondent of espresso, about the meeting, oleksandra. the predator of our olympic champion and, as of today, ukraine won 11 medals at the olympics. and for this moment, i have everything, i tell you see you at 5 p.m., later on the air about... my outstanding colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will work. friends, our final hour begins with an espresso marathon. thank you for working with us, le vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio for you. thank you for the plus 9,000 that we... have already collected with you since 2 p.m., and in total today we
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have collected 67,000, and in fact, some 28,000 separate us from the 800,000 mark, this what we collect and collect for drones and reb systems, now on your screens is a qr code, scan it, and i hope that these 28 thousand will be added today, already tomorrow we will announce on the air that we have 800 thousand , of course, not all 3.5 million, how much we want to collect, but it already brings us closer to the first million, and we will be much closer to it, if you still throw in your donations. drones and repistems are what will save the lives of our military from the third separate assault, 110th, 47th brigades, which suffered huge losses from and need to replenish their arsenal. dear friends, let's do it with you, the qr code is for your attention, there is no card number. but this does not prevent us from being together with our army, so we are on the air for another hour and you
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can donate for another hour, the qr-code will be right here in the corner, and in the meantime we will talk with our guests, and yevgeny magada is already with us , executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, we congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory, mr. yevhen, the americans, even the germans, say when they are asked, what is this, how is it ukrainians according to... there are no official statements from the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian army, that they are ukrainians, and both the american and german authorities say, well, they are ukrainians, they are fighting for their sovereignty and they are fighting, they can do it not even on their own territory, as such a change took place, which affected our allies, i do not really see changes in the position of our allies, because... the norms of international law fully allow a country that has become a victim of aggression to carry out,
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to use, in principle, all possibilities for to repel the aggressor. well , look, for example, during the second world war, wasn't everything, well, there, for example, exclusively... for britain and for the united states, they entered german territory, despite the fact that there were practically no germans on the territory of britain, well, there with the exception of the island of jersey, that is, this is evidence that there is an awareness of the aggressive nature of russian influence, and gradually there is an awareness that... ukraine is doing things that the west
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is really interested in, because the weakening russia is an absolutely useful trend for the united states, for the european union, i think that they are strongly oriented towards supporting ukraine, but also supporting here. it must be understood that this support will be mostly verbal, i.e. count on the fact that the americans or europeans will now provide ukraine with long-range missiles, i would not, because this will be considered by moscow as direct interference in the course of hostilities, and moscow, after the exchange of hostages , for example, she could then use it more actively... certain measures and therefore it is what
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is called active measures, that is, to shake up the situation within these states, and it would, i think, act very actively, so in principle it is support for words, moral support, somewhere there will even be words that ours coordinated with their western partners. has its own actions, but i think that in fact only units in the command of the armed forces of ukraine know the whole plan. you know, no one knows this plan, not even this guru. that russian lieutenant general who is in the duma state, which is very, very anti-ukrainian, anti-nato in general, any, and he said that we cannot figure out the plan of the russians, i mean the russians, for the plan of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, this says the worst, and meanwhile, i want to say that one thing that everyone agrees
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on is that it also has a certain psychological effect, this is what is happening now in kursk, including on the russian elites. in your opinion, has this shaken the position of putin himself, and the confidence that he is in control of the situation? putin is nice to watch these days, although he's not shown much, i think they realize that you know, it's the august curse, ilya ponomarov had a youtube channel utra february, and vladimir putin has a chronological channel august, ie. everything happens in august that just concerns russia, but you understand, you and i, thanks to our defenders, are observing a situation that seemed impossible for decades, the largest country in the world in terms of territory
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is forced to wage war on its own territory, we are witnesses of a historic event . that is, it is not just military action, it's a concrete, concrete movement that forces russia to respond accordingly, and that's, well , literally, i would say, an extremely visible fact, and so i'm sure that's, for today , the challenge is extremely big. i think that putin, he has such an interesting manner, now they are showing the prisoners, that is, well, by the way, i do not rule out that russia will refuse to exchange those who surrendered in this way, or on the contrary, they will try to quickly take away in order to punish them for, well, according to the norms
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of stalin's decree, order 227, not even a step back from 1940. in the second year, well, how is it, they say they were captured by ukrainians on russian territory, that is, this does not surprise me at all, this is firstly, secondly, i will say that putin, in his characteristic manner, he should wait , how will these events end, and after that there will be significant personnel changes, i think that... uh, the current vo of the governor, alexiy smirnov, who should run for office on september 8, on september 8 they have a proy in smolensk region, in kursk region, sorry , pass, gubernatorial elections, and now a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced there, that is, in fact
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elections cannot be held there, and russia, of course, has never been a democracy, but for them... it is very important for them to imitate the fact that it is a democracy and hold what they call elections, as they will hold elections in the kurt region, if the hostilities continue there, the regime of the counterterrorist operation, that is, they find themselves in a situation where the whole world sees that something is wrong, if putin is released there on the tv screen, and... then they are released even for a meeting with the security forces, i don't know whether they had time to pass the appropriate tests, because now covid is rising again head, and you know that they don't allow people to visit putin without an analysis, give the poop, because he's afraid of getting sick with covid in a panic, and accordingly, everything here is clear in which
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direction. the situation in the kremlin is developing, which vector? what do you think, were the calls from putin to joe biden or sidney pina when the offensive in the kursk region began? no, well, the call, the calls that talked about the call, bilousov's calls, lloyd austin's calls, i think they were, and the leaks to the american press, i think were made by the pentagon itself, that is... they have indicated that they will not talk to russia now, that is, well, it's not that double standards, the united states' attempt to play a controlled... lation, that is, when the russians sounded the alarm about what might be on bilousov, and maybe on
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putin, during the celebration of the day of the russian navy in sevastopol, then the americans obviously advised ukraine not to act like that, and now they will not do it, well, because this is a military operation. that is, it is not, not that somehow can be called terrorist actions. here we can only say that the russian propaganda is, of course, trying, as soon as the actions in the kurdistan region began to intensify, pregnant women, children, anyone, that is, they project the crimes of the russians on the occupied ukrainian territories. in fact, no objective confirmation of anything. there is no such thing, by the way, this is a tactic of russian propaganda for more than a month, however, then they talked about the arrival of ukrainian
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drones, and if you believe the russian media, then every drone attack, it ended with the death of children or pregnant women in russia, well, some kind of, you know, scourge, i'm not afraid of this word, even when the attack was carried out by drones. a month ago in the russian city of primorsko-okhtarsk, from where, by the way, hundreds of shaheeds were launched across ukraine, that is, their propaganda in this sense, it tries to demonize the ukrainian troops and show that they are, well, what they are not in reality, but the fact , that thousands of russian citizens are leaving the kurt region, i think this is for us... a good fact, because it shows, it shakes russia from the inside. no, no, you shouldn't expect that it will just happen, literally right here and now, and there
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will be some new rebellion against putin, but it is obvious that destabilization is happening, that russia is being demythologized. donald trump was born with statements about ukraine and says that... he wants the deaths to stop and knows how to end the war in ukraine and says that he will do it before even crossing the threshold of the white house, he says he also knows the powers of vladimir putin, and volodymyr zelensky, and believes that he will be able to reach a peace agreement to stop the deaths and destruction, what kind of statements are they aimed at, the american voters or the world. trump has to do everything contrary to the position of the white house, the position of komala harris in this case, not joe
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biden, and therefore he will of course say that he is ready for reconciliation, ready to ensure lasting peace, that 's because the official position of the united states. in support of ukraine, and this is no secret. trump, simply, according to the laws of the political genre, he is obliged to do everything in order to show that he is for reconciliation, but this, i think, is not true and there is no clear one hundred percent basis. knowing a little about trump, already having the opportunity to observe his presidential term in the 16-20 years, i think it is safe enough to say that what he said during the election. campaign, and what he will do in the event of being elected president may be different, well , just a 180° u-turn without any
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remorse for him, in the meantime i looked at the breaking news that in in three states, camala, harris is ahead of trump, if the election started now, it's wisconsin, and as i understand it, in '16, those are the states that trump won, that's one of the swing states, usually, and before elections, swing states, yes, yes, yes, and this, what these results show now, well, i would not rush to make far-reaching conclusions yet, because after all, there are still three months to... almost to the presidential elections, and during this time, the situation may still change, but it is clear that kamala harris did not ask for time entering the election campaign and
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biden's voters, well, let's say, welcomed her, so this is, i think, a good signal for her, she will move forward in this sense, and i think she will, in principle, go far enough successfully, that is, the fact that both candidates agreed to a televised debate tells me that they will be interested. in order to attract our supporters as actively as possible, and we, in this sense, must remember that there will be elections not only for the president, but also for the house of representatives , which is also important, and that is why we have to bet on bipartisan support, we should not make the mistake
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of saying: at the official level, that ukraine is interested in the victory of a candidate, we should say that we are interested in bipartisan support. well, here, of course, jay vance was not very nice with his statements, we literally, in general, have almost no time, well , literally in a minute, very often american commentators and observers say that jay vance was a good vice vice- presidential candidate for exactly biden in this story, biden. against trump, but against kamila harris and her own chosen one, tim waltz, he is just enough of a loser, this tandem now looks, do you also behave with this assessment, why do they say that? i would say that we need to focus right now on getting the veteran line up with jaydy vance so that he's aware of the nature of the matchup that's going on here, and kamala garis has had a...
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significant choice, i think she can to make this choice actively enough, well tim waltz too, do things, a veteran of 20 years in the army, so here we also have a wireless enough option, but we have to work, i understood your point with the republicans, ivan magda was in touch with us, a political expert, we talked a little, the executive director of the institute world politics, they also talked a little about the american situation, and of course about how much the kremlin was impressed by the situation in kursk. everyone understood that the boss, that's how the local elites unofficially call putin, the boss doesn't decide, the boss, i won't say this word dear friends, we are going on a short break now, i want to say that uah 70,000 is what you and i have collected today and we are already on our way to 71,000, i want to say that this is an absolute record for this week, and you still have 15-20 to go. minutes to
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add more money and make this record even bigger, now there is a qr code on your screens, quickly scan it, quickly transfer your money, if we collect less than 24 thousand, then we will already have eight hundred thousand uah from 3, 5 million needed, a good result, good pace, we're going on a short break with this, we'll continue and there will be more qr code after we come back, stay tuned. tired of a mess in the kitchen? constantly have to sort through a pile of pans to find the right one. you need a set of sevory pro unzip tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even
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