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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday politicians. club every saturday for espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about rights, opportunities and personal human experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project.
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urban reconstruction and development program every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. good health once again, 17:31 minutes and 15 seconds on our clocks, expert-researcher of north america and the british isles of the foreign policy council of ukraine prizma oleksandr. raev will now appear before us, and we will ask him about the following. good health, mr. alexander, thank you for finding time for us. yes, congratulations, and glad to be on your air. so i have a question for you: who is better, trump or harris? because trump, well, you know, the known is always better than the unknown, much better. when you know something, it's better if you don't know something. about trump, many people
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do not like trump in america, ukraine, and europe, but he is famous, he is familiar, he can roughly understand what will happen, how he will behave, we know absolutely nothing about haris, this refers to that, this is that concerns that the american constitution really says that it is not an independent politician, but only performs the tasks of the president, the vice president performs the tasks. "if the president does not give a task, then she does not fulfill it, but at the same time we do not know what she thinks about ukraine, what she thinks about the war in europe, what she thinks about russia, what she thinks about putin, and there you can count on ten hands, it is not enough. so, mr. alexander, what is better, whether trump is familiar or not, you know, to operate with them in terms of better or worse, for it is extremely difficult for us." because one
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and the other can show both their positive sides and their negative sides in relation to ukraine, i would rather say here about the categories of risk, more risky, less risky, and from this point of view, trump is for us riskier, and because you know, if you compare it to gambling and it's popular enough to compare american politics to poker, trump is a last-ditch bet , because you know your cards, you roughly guess what the opponent has and you understand that you have very similar hands, you understand that you can now either win everything or lose cleanly, and therefore trump is such a bet, he can on the one hand do everything possible to we blew the russian army to pieces, he can, as he promised, suddenly start bombing moscow if he suddenly wants to, he can support us with money in a way that biden never planned. but at the same time he can fulfill
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his other promises that he will simply call ukraine and the ukrainians will stop and will negotiate with russia based on existing circumstances. haris, if we continue the comparison with bets again, haris is when you make a small bet time after time, expecting a very small win, that is, you will win relatively often, you will keep a good pot, but at the same time it is very long, boring and it is not known when this game will end, and it is not known how much more you have to sit and play like this to collect at least some normal pot, and therefore i would rather go by this comparison. harris, she is less risky for us, more predictable, but with a potentially lower outcome, and trump, he is predictably risky, he is problematic, but at the same time he can be won if everything goes right. for some reason i remembered this, this, this russian proverb. a terrible end is better than a horror without
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an end, that is, trump is a terrible end, possible, and kharis is a horror without an end, giving weapons little by little, so... they didn’t win, but so that they didn’t lose, and trump, maybe or we will lose or we will win, but there will be some certainty, maybe you are right, yes the second question, mr. oleksandr, to you, so exotic, i think it will be for ukrainians, in the democratic party in the united states organized before the elections, as far as i understand, you can refute me, maybe i read something wrong there, such a group of people who calls itself ... the republicans for kamala harris, that is , the republicans for the democrats, and they, if undecided people, they want to drag onto the democratic platform by proving that it is still better to be an american
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led by a democrat than to be unknown by whom led by the republican trump, who can destroy nato and do a lot of trouble, or is this exoticism? but has this always happened, or is this the first time, or is it the first time so successfully, because they say that they are really, well, successful, that many people, well, maybe not tens of millions yet, but already millions are starting to look closely at those people who say republicans for democrats, your analysis, mr. oleksandr, in fact, you are right when you say that this is an exotic case, but it is not a single one, many times and even... what to dig far away, during the cold war, there were cases, especially in the 50s and 60s, when the positions in principle of the democrats and republicans did not differ as radically as they do now, when they basically agreed on
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some basic principles, i.e. on the principles that communism must be stopped, america must be a leader, and the economy must develop, then it really happened very often, as well as the cases where similar committees were formed, the republic, for example, the republicans under kennedy, or let's say, democrats, democrats under nixon, there really were such cases, there were very frequent cases of switching from party to party, well, let's say that it's a long way to go, our beloved donald fredovich actually started as a democrat, his first political affiliation, he was a registered voter of the democratic party , and he was even a member of the party committee in his native city of new york, namely the democratic one. party, and then he switched to the republicans, i.e., before, such spillovers were political, they were popular, they were the norm, again let's remember that reagan, he also started as a democrat, but now it is actually, i will repeat myself correctly, they said, the situation is exotic, because now the opposition of the party, well, is conducted along
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very hard lines, let's say, the same trumpists say that the one who is not ready to vote for trump, cannot be called an american patriot, that is, the question is no longer just an idea'. logic, in belonging to the american nation, unfortunately, this fragmentation of society, it can intensify, and therefore the fact that such a committee appeared against this background, despite the fact that for who is he and against whom, but the fact that, in principle , the interparty is like this, such a flow of personnel, a flow of ideology, it is possible, the fact that there are people who cheer for unity, there are people who cheer for all-american principles, this is very important for us very positive mr. alexander. yes, well, by the way, just for the audience, you know, such a cherchelb, with whom zelensky, the ukrainian president, is compared, also ran between parties quite intensively, and he was not always like that, he started with one and ended with another, they write now
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american sociologists say that kamala receives 5% more in some places than trump. is this a trend, or can we... about continue to follow this trend, or is it like, so to speak, these outbreaks, after that earthquake, when biden left, kamala came, and if this, as the car shocks say, yes , when it's simple, then it will level off again and somewhere they will go nose to nose until the beginning of november, are we seeing some kind of trend that is being monitored. please, mr. oleksandr, this is already forming a certain trend, because car shocks passed in the first week and a half, but in the first week and a half we saw that 45.48% appeared out of nowhere for kamala, we saw that out of nowhere she had a huge amount of money for the company and began to support donors, she
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began to speak little by little, then it really was the so-called effect, the biden effect, that is, biden left the company and all those who supported biden went to charis, but look... now she has already been in her first public conflicts, that is, when trump tried to accuse her of because she uses his ethnic origin, when he allowed himself quite racist attacks against... to her, when there was a question, when would there be a debate after all, she was at the first big federal level public speeches, she started going on interviews on federal channels , she finally chose her vice president, that is , a lot has changed since then, and the voters who doubted or were hyped about biden's decision to leave, they could already change their minds, but on the contrary, we see that her position is only getting stronger, so for now we can indeed claim that a certain trend is forming, and the trend is primarily ... that in addition to the fact that kamala has the support of all democratic
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voters, and primarily because of the gentleman that you are now showing, that tim waltz, who has joined kamala with moderate democrats , who previously doubted her, kamala is clearly gaining additional votes from independent voters, for whom she, returning to our first question with you, is a predictably more stable option than donald trump, because in america. classically neutral voters who do not belong to parties, they choose a more stable option, and this is tim vols, he, he, who, he, what he imagines himself to be, well, he, we know, is an important person for america, because he is such an average, average white american, and so many average white americans, always looking so fondly at republicans, now they will look at him. because he is such a middle-western uncle , he is so self-absorbed, well, we see such
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a cowboy, but who is he for us? for us, he is one of the first, of the first american governors, who said that businesses in his state, and this was an official executive order, could not do business with any company from russia or belarus, they could not even have part of the capital from those countries, and those businesses. have to either come from minnesota, or if they can't do that, just shut down. this is a person who, already on february 24, 2022 , came out in support of ukraine, although, if he does not engage in foreign policy within the limits of his position at all, this is not his hypostasis. and also tim wold is a person who although she has never been to ukraine, she donated millions from her own pocket and in coordination with many charitable foundations to support ukraine, to support our recovery, and to support our schools. in support of the restoration of health care centers, that is, this is really a person who has
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a clear pro-ukrainian position, by the way, the state of minnesota became the first in which february 24 was declared a day of solidarity with the ukrainian people, so from the point of view of ukraine, from the point of view of international politics, he is quite active, and although really on at the all-american level, he is not yet known, as the last polls showed, only 30% of americans know who tim walz is, we generally see that he is quite active, he is a politician who can increase this rating, because even if he in a field that does not belong to his responsibility at all, that is, in foreign policy, if even there he took such an active position, played so much with this topic, then what to say about other topics where he can actually show results, he can demonstrate some experience. thank you very much, oleksandr kraev, expert-researcher of north america and the british isles of the council of foreign affairs. and then to another hot
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spot, this spot is called "the state of israel" , we will talk with our regular guest svitlana glas, an israeli journalist, but all this will be mandatory, but only after advertising. that's right. thinking about a new mattress, but this is what stops you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person emits during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a kemal orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become significantly better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price, call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. pay instead of the full price of the mattress. only half due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver
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the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on air tv channel watch at 9:00 p.m.: news, results of the week, breakthrough progress in the kursk region, while the situation in kyiv is not being commented on, moscow is panicking, the military is confidently moving deep into the russian federation. the situation at the front: the enemy is advancing in the pokrov direction. ours on the podium, how was ukraine represented at the summer olympic games? all this and much more already at 21 at espresso.
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and good health again, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. and now it will appear, i hope. a journalist from israel, i have written journalist, but now i have to write journalist everywhere, femininity, you are now in fashion, i hope she will appear now, we will talk about israel, she has already appeared, as far as i can see, mrs. svetlana, good health, thank you for finding time for us , and do you think it's better to be called a journalist or a journalist, i don't even know, i'm happy anyway, because it's my profession, i've been in it for many years, and we journalists are never the same. it doesn't happen, yes, i agree, so ms. svitlana, about a week ago, i don't remember, we talked with your colleagues, with analysts, and i said that it is unlikely that a big war between israel and iran will start, well, i was not convinced that it would not start, but they said that it could start, and now i have the impression that i was right, although i am
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a small specialist in middle eastern issues, what do you say, what is your feeling? when you are in israel, and obviously everyone around is writing, discussing, analyzing, synthesizing, and so on, but has israel gotten closer to war with iran this week, or closer, i'm not even saying it's moving away, because there never anything is moving away from the war in the middle east, but your point of view, please, it seems to me that now this state is in such a calm, waiting, you know, as they say uh... such a silence before a great threat, there will be something like that, i don't know , i want it not to happen, i want it very much, but it will probably be because of the fact that iran and yatallah omini declared that he cannot but respond to the death of his assistant. ismail haniya, who headed the politburo of hamas, and who was killed in
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tehran, i think he cares a little less than shukra, who was his assistant. who was killed in beirut, it is precisely for him that he wants to take revenge on israel, when and how, i do not know, but he already says that this expectation is an integral part of the attack on and on israel, because this psychological attack, it is very complex, very difficult, and it is very distressing for israel. you know, the first days when they said that iran was about to attack, we were all so, you know, very complex, we were expecting, we were afraid to leave the house, we were afraid of what... to do, because it was about to now, about to, and now a little bit, we lived with it for a day, two, three, four, a week, but a person has such a property that he relaxes a little, a little... and now again people go to theaters, we show movies, people go to restaurants and meet for a cup of coffee and so on, but still we are waiting for it
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will probably be like this, when again, i don't know, one more question, and i think that this is also being discussed in the state of israel, eh, so hanya was killed and now mr. sinwar was elected as the head of the politburo, what... i read about him, i don't know who is worse: khanya or sinvar, because khanya was considered, as far as i remember, more poli is a financial and political person, sinvar is such a terrorist with a big, big, and maybe even bigger letter, that is, this is a military wing, and he is now both military, and political, and financial, and whatever, what do they say about it in israel about this newest head of hamas? well, you're right, absolutely. but that it was probably expected a little, but still, israel and the palestinian authority and the gas sector itself perceived his appointment completely differently, you called him mr.,
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blinkin called him mr. yesterday, so now we have mr. mr. yahya sinuar, who is 62 years old from birth, he was born not quite a scumbag, as they write now, but look, let's say, the gas sector took his appointment ambiguously. there are people who say that it is good that it is him, because he lives in the gas sector, although no one has seen him for probably a year, no one knows where he lives, in which of the tunnels he is, unlike chania, who lived permanently in qatar, this was his place of residence, others say that and hope that he came sinuar and we will now have order, we will destroy israel, we will destroy the jewish state and we will live well and. as we want, well, whether they or the terrorist organization hamas, there is another question, another, another, well, which is worse, another
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group, i apologize, in the same gaza sector perceives him differently, because everyone knows that he is a very cruel person, and even from a young age, and he destroyed people, killed the same residents of the gas sector just because, not because they speak badly, even because... because they look at him not the way he wanted of this, mr. mr. sinouar. at the age of 19, he had his first arrest, and then there were many more, he received five to life sentences from israel, spent 22 years and since 1961 in israeli prisons, by the way, here in israel he studied in prison good hebrew, speaks very good hebrew, and during the deal... shalit, as we call it in israel, which would be 2011, the year he was released. then 127 people were released for one
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of our soldiers, who, who was taken prisoner, well, who happens to fall asleep in a tank by accident, and two of his neighbors, soldiers were killed, he he woke up and was in captivity for 5 years, he was exchanged, there was such a shalit agreement, it is called that, and then there were a lot of what we call them, with blood on their hands, among them was sinuar, and after 2011 year, when he was released, he went back to the activities of the terrorist organization hamas, and behind him a lot, as they say, and events and and and what he did with his palestinians, the main mass of what he was doing, he caught it, with "found out which of the palestinians could work for israeli intelligence. and immediately destroyed them, because of that , the appointment of sinuar, the head of the politburo of the terrorist organization
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hamas, was not met ambiguously in the gaza sector either. ms. svitlana, i have a trick question for you. when the war started on october 7, i listened to some analysts, they said that it is obvious that in the territory of hamas, that is, in the gaza strip, no one likes israel. everyone hates him and so on and so on, but at the same time they don't want war, and then the question arises, we can roughly imagine the mood for ourselves, one, one thing, it's when many people want to sleep, wake up, israel is gone, and horo a good result, i mean hamas and i mean the gaza sector, another option when you don't sleep and you have to fight. the infrastructure is being destroyed, people are dying, maybe not in such numbers as the so-called ministry of health says about it, there are
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tens of thousands of gasses there, but someone... is playing, obviously, without it, there is no war, so how much, which, what are the moods in this gas, we can see, yes, on the map behind my back, a small piece, this is gas, and the west coast you see is a little larger, and gas is completely a small piece, it borders the mediterranean sea with the state of egypt, but how ready are they there, how ready are they all, how are the hasidim, how ready are they all? everyone wants to die so that there is no israel, or there are those who want to live, and then it is allowed that israel also lives. indeed, this is a very, very difficult question and not an easy one, but you don't have easy questions. of course, it is very, very difficult for me to answer. i do not live in the gas sector. i scold you with this. thank you, thank you. i do not communicate with residents of the gas sector. i sometimes
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communicate with... the arabs who live here on territory of israel, i talk to them, they have an absolutely clear position, they do not want war, they want peace, they want to work, i think, i think that in the gas sector, people who live and work there, and who worked for the territory of israel for many, many years and had money for this, which they lived on, and look, in the palestinian authority, that is , in the gas sector, they... do not have their own currency, they have either dollars that come to them from abroad the border from the arab world, or the shekel, is the currency of israel, they do not have their own currency, because, in order to buy something, in the same territory of palestine or the palestinian authority, they need either dollars or shekels, and they have to be earned, and if they don't have work here, and there are a lot of them now, nobody comes here for to us for work, they
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don't have money, and because of that... i think that there are absolutely, well, people who, i don't know if i'm calling them correctly, people who are members of hamas, who, from the first step of one's life, from the first words, from the first feeling of the environment, there are already hamasites, then of course they are for the fact that they agree to die so that israel dies, and he was not, but there is a part of people who i think they want to live, well, if not completely in peace with israel, then at least let... live israel nearby, let him give us work, gives some money so that we can also live, buy, raise children, build houses, schools and so on, well, this is my personal opinion, i understand, i understand, yes, i myself paid in the west bank, dollar, dollar a liter of water, a dollar, a liter of water, a dollar, a liter of water, i used to give these dollars, i remember, the last question, mr. svitlana, i'm sorry, we literally have wait a minute, but is it important what the israeli
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press is writing? about the visit of shoigu, a military figure of russia, to iran, something we have come to know more about, or we don’t know anything, and you know, they don’t write much about it at all, they talk a little, but they don’t really write, they say that in general, that it’s like shoigu went to iran to convey a message, i'm sorry, putin, that you are there, if you are going to hit israel, then don't hit it too hard, so that the civilian population is not harmed. well, i don't really believe in it, that it was so, and our press and our people, who speaking on television, they say that they very much doubt that this was exactly the message to shoigu, that he went there, it was probably there after all, he went with the purpose of asking iran for a little more of these drones that russia uses against ukraine, against ukraine, and with what is currently happening in ukraine and there in the kursk region, i...
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somehow putin got a little behind and thinks that i should send my envoy to iran, let him talk with him a little there . thank you very much. slidlana glaz, journalist from israel informed us about what is happening in this wonderful country, which i love very much. now we will inform you in general about the news in ukraine and in the world, then we will watch an advertisement, then taras kuzyov, a british canadian political scientist, but we will not talk about canada, but we will talk about britain. and about the riots that have been going on there for almost a week. advertising, but first the news. how many ukrainians were killed by muscovites in july,
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as lukashenko repels the mythical. other threat and who managed to defeat


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