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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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time tells, first of all, it always, when they moved something, it got out later where they lit up, then time is still needed for overturning, on the one hand they know how to do it, they are constantly pulling somewhere along the front, and only they see some opportunity there for promotion, for a favorable situation, they throw reserves there, use them quickly, on the other hand, here it is so unexpected that it has started, so of course they are already withdrawing it, they will... they will do it, but how they implement it and whether they will succeed with it informational disorganization in the first place, as it is, here we will see, i hope that our defense forces will destroy them and everything will be fine, and as for the use of missiles, as far as i understand, this is perhaps the biggest obstacle that our forces are currently facing in the kursk region, and this is not only the kursk region.
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this is everywhere along the front line, first of all , they always had an advantage and this is such a key, one of the main, or rather means, it is aviation with their cabs, fabs, and if we talk there along the front line, this is now the district pokrovska, turetska there, they began to work very actively, in particular, when they had an advance and still do, there they concentrated all this attention and inflicting damage on populated areas, on the positions of the ukrainian military, and as they do, they simply erase everything to zero. and then already the infantry, and it is simply swarming there, it continues to advance there, and in these uncomplicated conditions it is very difficult to somehow conduct battles, and nevertheless our defense forces are trying to contain all this pressure, so it is also not an exception in the kursk region , they too they will apply all this, as they did in the area of ​​kharkiv region on the northern borders, vovchansk was simply destroyed first of all with kabas and fabas, this is what they did in the time gap. in mariintka, in bakhmut, that is, this
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is now one of their main tactics, and it is, unfortunately, an advantage, but now they will have to erase the flooding of the land in their own settlements, which cannot help but please, er, not please, but well it looks strange, because they are good, that there are military men, whom they throw for meat and they simply do not appreciate them, and these military men are all they trust exactly there. in battle, they don't kill and everything, but when they come after civilians, they are ready to demolish entire settlements of their own people, their own houses, it looks wild and strange, and the fact that the population, it supports everything right there, it's already some kind of, i don't know, madness and mania, just some kind of illness, well, of course they have some kind of separation, too, as always in russian, when there are... the local authorities are
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military, and they go out and shoot vladimir vladimirov, will do something, that is , they have a king and god is their ruler and everything, and they don't see anything anymore, although he is the one who approves it in the first place and gives orders to bomb them there, so i understood you correctly that at the moment there is no improvement in the situation for our forces in other directions, alas , not so that not... the improvement is simply difficult to observe, because the enemy has concentrated a large number of their forces, they are climbing continuously, moreover, they see some favorable moments, they see progress, and as i have already mentioned, one from their tactics, only they see something, some kind opportunity, they immediately begin to develop this opportunity to press there, and so they do, so now it is important to contain this pressure that is being exerted. in particular, in
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the pokrovska, turetska district, these are probably the most discussed districts, although we still have the novomykhaivka district, that is, it is somewhere from the ugledar to kostyantynivka, the route along which they are trying to exit, in particular, then to the ugledar, this is the krasnohorivka, georgiivka district , maksimilianivka, wherever they climb in the direction of korakhovo, and there, too, there are enough such heavy battles, and this is also the eastern kharkiv region, that is, it is populated there... everyone can see this ledge to the borova kupyansklovi kupyansk highway, that's why there are a lot of these difficult moments, very often just similar processes happened when they accumulate their strength, just in the avdiyivka area, there are probably the most group, now after they took it, they are now implementing it all there, plus they pulled up reserves there, because they see an opportunity to go to the road, that is , pokrovsk, myrnograd, konstantiny. and on these
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settlements, which are essential and essential one of the last ones is already so big, that's why they concentrated some amount of forces and start pressing, storming, that was it. there in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, it was in the area of ​​limanu, now the pressure was essentially asleep there, it was in the area of ​​siversk, maryinka, when she was still there, because her, that is, all these processes, and if you sum up this question, rather after all , it comes down to this, is it appropriate to use these fresh forces that went to kurshchyna, and instead of going to toretsk and pokrovsk, on the one hand, this... thesis is justified, and this is what the western partners and westerns began to throw at us, those who are discussing on twitter, this is what some representatives of our population immediately began to present there, and of course
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the muscovites took advantage of this, they immediately started in the media space they said, the military is rioting there, the people are rioting, no one agrees, why should we go there, if... all the settlements and the like are falling, on the one hand yes, and this is a very big risk, this is exactly the wolf that is driven into corner, took these risks, took these a-a such steps, a-a, what are we now we are realizing that more global and deeper goal, and it is worth it, if you think about it that way and if there are indeed certain options that will be used now in the future, there from kursk, with the territory, we will have to one day... use them, then it is worth it worth it, the only question is whether it will be implemented, if it is implemented, well, i am sure, everyone will say, cool, it was clearly very well thought out, and no one will remember whether it was already there or not, if it is not implemented, i am 99% sure, that everyone
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will remember toretsk, everyone will remember pokrovsk, that we screwed up here, there they messed up, nothing worked out, everything here is emotional, but here you have to think with a cold mind, understand the risks, because we have no other option, and also believe in the defense forces, believe in our defense forces, those who disagree - join, those who agree , help, or be silent and say nothing, that's all, so now, of course, stabilization measures are being carried out, certain reserves are being pulled up, there are many problems, but the most important thing is to restrain this pressure in the pokrovska and turetska areas in order to prevent progress and of course then, if you... and here and there, it will be great pokrovsk, toretsk, ughledar, kupyansk, do i understand correctly that the enemy does not withdraw reserves from these hot spots, hot areas, in order to transfer them to the kursk region. so far, this has not
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been observed, and i, again, as i mentioned earlier, even if they are there, that is, if in the pokrovsk region, they will pull something, i doubt that the guys will feel it, because there are so many of them, just that much. .. so many that there really isn't enough resources to destroy them all, so here it is again, and i doubt they'll give up it is from this direction, when they have such colossal opportunities, they would rather drag them away from the south and kill for the implementation there the cutting of the robotic protrusion, what they also set, and this is a more informational task, it is tactical, strategic, absolutely not is not justified and does not give them any advantage, but... and therefore i am sure that they are ready to withdraw some forces from there, but definitely not there from donetsk, i.e. pokrovsk and turetska, because the risks are too great. i would like to talk with you more about the processes of evacuation of the civilian population of the kursk region.
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if we talk about official statements, then we see that everything is fine there, that all people are being evacuated, everything. provided, but nevertheless, we constantly see statements and appeals from the local population, who simply shout that the kremlin abandoned and forgot them, in your opinion, how catastrophic is the humanitarian situation in the kursk region now, maybe catastrophic, maybe not , because there are different, again there are videos, there are different situations, someone was given four... buses, as there was one video, and they are all happy there, someone left on their own, for someone there they organize some kind of humanitarian handouts so that people at least get something, someone, someone was not taken out there, this disorientation in the information space, there we did not hear
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immediately when it all started, evacuate there, run away, there helped, what we heard in the information space, everyone was beaten, everyone was expelled, everything is fine. and it was at the level of official representatives of some kind of government, so the civilian population was not paid attention to, they still served them there, that is, they began to bomb them, they were already certain moments and of course that now it is precisely this disorientation of information in the first place, it affects this process, that everything is bad, they complain, and so be it, but again, it is this madness in the head, when it is necessary to turn to a higher the level to which they have reached, what are they, they are gathering in a circle, recording a video video to vladimir vladimirovich, help us here, the governor of kursk and the mayor and everyone gave up, what are you doing to us... and that's all, that's why they deserved it, let them drive away everything they have done to us, i
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hope and sincerely wish them to pass all the stages that we went through, that our population went through, not to receive humanitarian aid, to have their houses bombed, to be left with nothing, to at least get stitched up somewhere, and they thought what could happen when you come with the same to someone this is karma in action, actually, it turns out that it is. mr. roman, we talked about the enemy's readiness for such actions, from our side, the bloomberg agency, in fact, published information that two weeks before these events, russian intelligence allegedly informed the command, military command about a possible invasion, however, the head of the russian general staff, known to us. rejected this data and did not inform putin about it, what do you think, is this a sign that
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the russians underestimated us, or are they just now looking for an opportunity to justify themselves and looking for a scapegoat from buvaev, there are two options, or bloomberg did not know anything, i just wrote and everything, just under, well, because there were absolutely no signs, on the other hand, the second. and maybe it was so, considering how the same gerasimov is now and in general the military command of the russian federation in that area justifies its actions, they provide disinformation, everything was repelled, everything is fine, our units are working there now and the like, maybe it was such a situation that they don’t know what to do now, although, well, we see heads they don't fly to the public, everything is shown, everything is fine, everything is under control, how they... everything is fine, everything is under control, how they are inside is not known, if it causes any
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conflicts, if it causes any trouble there, well, it's just to our advantage, everything, everything is absolutely negative, what they have inside now is happening, everything is positive, were they ready, were they not, this now shows the result , how things progress, how they react, did they lie, if they lied, well, keep it up, we, we just for, and i... i also want to talk to you, we mentioned this a little at the beginning, about the reaction of our western partners to the situation, but actually we have statements, in particular the spokesman of the us state department , matthew miller, who said that the actions of ukraine in the kursk region do not contradict us policy, as well as the head of the german defense committee bunderstag, markus fabber, who does not consider the use of german to be a problem. weapons on the territory of the kursk region, is this not
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proof that these actions were either coordinated with our western partners, or they are just now telling us that you can invade russian, the territory of the russian federation, wherever you decide, or it was agreed, or they have no other choice now, and this is the genius, again a military-political krynist, i will not. name the last name, so that they do not say what i praise someone there, something else, and i will name it as simply a state, some place, structure, institution, military-political leadership, which faced the fact, or did not inform, did, and now no one will show publicly that we have there are some differences, no one will tell you to turn everything around, we forbid you from everything, we will not give help tomorrow, well, this is a very big and significant plus then in the hands of the muscovite. who will see that it is not possible to do this, but we can see in the public space absolutely completely
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otherwise, our partners cannot do anything, if this is a pre-agreed position, then this is a very excellent trolling of the muscovites, if not agreed purely on the fact, well, thanks to them for their understanding and thanks again to our military and political leadership, which is all implemented, was not afraid, and we also showed our strength, we finally accomplished what to some extent had been expected and asked for a long time, and why we don't do something similar, we did. well let's hope this is just the beginning mr. roman, thank you for a great conversation, for now i have all, i wish the viewers of espresso all the best, next we will have advertising, stay with us, there are discounts. until the day
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of independence, 20% off at the pharmacies of psyllanyk, bam and oskad. national tv on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. enable mego on various devices, wireless wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. there are 10% discounts on korvalt until independence day. in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours
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to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. sergey zurets. but what does the world live on? already with me and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chenina, our tv viewer, is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become familiar to many, already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, and also distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar... in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even
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more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. from the front , society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week in the judicial program control with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court, where the candidates have valuable property. why is my life, my wallet looked at by the state, well, from which... but how did the contestant get a conclusion about dishonesty for the second time? i admitted my mistakes that were made in the previous competition. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. the judicial system of ukraine needs a thorough reboot. this is one of the requirements of our accession to the european union. selection for one of the country's most important judges, the constitutional
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court, continues in ukraine. the conditions of selection are strict, and even in spite of this, the servants of themis are unscrupulous. are trying to get to the body that interprets the main state document and resolves the issue of compliance with the constitution of ukrainian legislation. we will talk about this today, but first to the news. the judge of the lenin district court of poltava, serhiy kononenko, was sentenced to six years in prison for extorting a bribe. the supreme anti-corruption court found him guilty on two counts. he demanded and received uah 3,000 for the decision. on the recognition of ownership of a self-built garage and 500 hryvnias in the case of debt recovery of 100,000. it's already for the second time, vaks passes judgment on judge kononenko. on august 17, 2022, he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison. however, the appeals chamber of vaks, having satisfied the appeal of the defense side, sent the case for a new
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trial. the publication about the court notes that during the first trial, kononenko constantly delayed the process. he was repeatedly fined for failure to appear, he also failed to pay the bail assigned to him and even tried to enlist in the armed forces in order to stop the case. according to the anti-corruption center, there was another interesting detail in the case. according to the applicant, during a personal meeting, the judge offered her non-standard cooperation. we met him in the park. he said that he has three lawyers with whom he works. for... he also offered me, plus such cooperation was also supposed to be sexual in nature, because he said that he sleeps with all the lawyers he works with, in the event that the verdict becomes legally binding, until the term... kononenko's punishment will count for his time stay in sizo, where he stayed from august 2022 to june 2023. selection for
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one of the most important judicial bodies - the constitutional court - is ongoing in ukraine. previously, judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress of judges, and at the end of 2022 the verkhovna rada adopted a law on changing the selection procedure. the law created an advisory group of experts, which analyzes each candidate for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional competence, and this group of experts, by the way, should, so to speak, filter candidates and already of the filtered candidates, the president and judges and the verkhovna rada will already elect their members according to their quota, whom they will appoint as judges of the constitutional court. qualitative formation of the judicial corps of the constitutional court. is extremely important, because the fate of several key reforms, including the reform of the land market, depends on this court right now. after the end of the war, it is the constitutional court that will consider the complex
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issues of reintegration of the occupied territories, and although the selection conditions are strict, the unscrupulous servants of themis do not lose hope of getting through on a high chair. this is tamara novikova, a judge of the cherkasy district administrative court. i was not an honest judge without... without various compromises, always, as my parents taught me, to be honest with myself and with the law, never to compromise with conscience. in 2012 , the supreme council of justice refused to appoint tamara novikova as a judge indefinitely. the candidate assures that sticks were stuck in her wheels. i was fired at the end of my term as a judge, not for disciplinary reasons or anything else. question what? because at that time i had a conflict with the head of the court and this is known to everyone and it is also on the air, which provided unreliable information on
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the quality of the proceedings. this was the reason why i did not get the appropriate number of votes in the supreme council of justice when they voted for the continuation of the powers of the unchallenged. in 2016, the higher qualification commission recognized novikova as having failed to respond. gives positions according to the criteria of professional ethics and integrity, members of the commission made a similar decision two years ago, members of the higher the qualification commissions went beyond their authority and interfered in my personal life, so i contested it, i have the right to do so as an individual and not only as a judge, so i believe it was a violation, to date it remains open. tamara novikova, like most ukrainian judges, has very loving parents. who had been saving money for expensive gifts for their daughter all their lives, i was constantly, as they say, in such poor, modest
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quarters, to put it mildly, that's why my mother could not stand it, she says: we will do everything so that you, i i understand that this is an endless struggle for you and that you are not harassed by the owner, according to the candidate for the constitutional court, the lion's share of the money for the real estate was given by her mother, who... worked as a teacher, and although the apartment was intended for the residence of the judge, it was also arranged for mother the fact is that i did not have enough money to buy it, take it from my mother and say: "mom, give me money", it is not customary in our country to use mother's money, or how to take it? where does the teacher's mother get money from, tamara novikova doesn't can you explain, i asked her more than once, even yesterday, she takes offense at me, she says, i suffered a lot from... your profession, and why is my life, my wallet , the state looking, well, on what grounds, if my mother had relations with her father, he gave her some
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funds, which, again, i do not know, she disposed of them as she saw fit, so what should i manage and question, as an investigator, where did you mother get the money. last year tamara novikova, according to the declaration, earned more than a million hryvnias, and bought money. a chandelier bought by my mother i didn't find an apartment, i didn't even run the electricity to the end, because i don't have anything, i don't even have anything to buy a chandelier, and you use it then, how do you live there, a professor of the department is also applying for the position of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine of international law and comparative jurisprudence of nataliya kaminska national aviation university. i am ready to be open, transparent, and faithfully perform my functional duties as a judge of the constitutional court in the future. in 2007, natalia kaminska bought an apartment in kyiv on credit for 80 thousand dollars. however, indicate this cost in
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the candidate's declaration. to the position of judge of the constitutional court, the professor forgot until 2011 her husband's father, the former misvekor, unfortunately deceased, he paid the loan funds for this apartment, the loan payments are monthly, but of course after the divorce i paid these funds myself, it was his initiative, he had the opportunity to pay, after the divorce, according to kaminskaya, to pay off the loan debt... her parents helped, and last year her mother, a pensioner, gave candidate for the post of judge another apartment in the capital for almost 70 thousand dollars. kaminska paid a percentage of her funds for this apartment, however, a much larger part was paid by a pensioner, where did her mother, who had no source of income since 2020, get the money. my mother received benefits, significant severance payments in 2019, when she resigned
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due to her retirement, and she also later won a court case for the remaining benefits that were not paid to her in a timely manner. due to dismissal and initial help. the candidate for the constitutional court has wonderful relatives: the professor declared assets in gold and silver worth uah 140,000, and these are also gifts from her grandparents. also natali... kaminska, according to the declaration, has over 400,000 uah and 3,000 dollars in accounts, she keeps $27,000 in cash, also gifts. these were mostly donated funds before the death of my grandfather and my father. last year , natalia kaminska received more than half a million hryvnias from various people. this interview for the position of judge of the constitutional court is for natalia kaminskaya is already a friend. prior to that, she applied for the position under the quota of the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine. and received a conclusion from a reprimanding group of experts about non-compliance with high moral qualities, the professor tried again, now under the president's quota, and this time she was recognized as unscrupulous. on july 31, an advisory group of experts found five out of six candidates unfit for the position of judge of the constitutional court based on the presidential quota, so a new competition and new, hopefully this time , worthy applicants await us soon. and for today i have everything it was the court control and i am tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about a judge exceeding his powers or making illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week.
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there are discounts until independence day on baneocin 20% in the pharmacies prysznyk, bam and ochad . vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is the great ether on espressu tv channel. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the frontline component. serhii zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy dobrovech, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money,
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during the war usendar morchavka. with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, cultural news, alina chihchenina, our art watcher is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become familiar to many, vitalka didenko is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicle of information project.


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