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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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diplomacy russia declared one employee of the embassy of moldova in the russian federation to be a person of non-gratuity. prior to this, last week in moldova, the parliament building was searched and two people were detained in the case of high treason. after that, kishinev announced the expulsion of one of the employees of the russian embassy for activities not. compatible with diplomatic status. we will remind that on august 1 , the presidential election campaign officially started in moldova, which is extremely important both for the current government and for partners in the west. the kremlin in its turn is trying to use the situation to bring moldova back into its orbit. more on all this in our next story.
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the presidential election campaign officially started on august 1. the parliament of the republic of moldova chose the date of the presidential elections in 2024/october 20. on the same day , a referendum on joining the european union is planned. these two events are significant not only for the current government and its partners from the west, but also for russia, which is not against regaining its power over moldova. as you know, the intentions of swamping the estate the president has and about 13 more politicians, as european truth writes, the most popular representative of the opposition, the leader of the rating among all opponents of the government is the pro-russian ex-president, head of the socialist party of the republic of moldova, ihor dodon. however, dodon announced that he would not go to the elections. the socialists will nominate the former prosecutor general of moldova oleksandr stoyanaglo as their candidate, but there is no shortage of competitors here either. the russian authorities will continue. has oligarch
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ilan shor as his favorite and tries to unite all other parties around him. in the spring, the peremoha political bloc was created for this purpose, and even the ceremony of its creation was held in moscow. the official candidate of the kremlin is the staunch socialist vasile bolya. but will he survive until the day of the election, given the experience of removing shorov candidates by the authorities in the past? as for this , there is no certainty in moscow, so doubler ex-prime minister vasilet tarliv, who headed the government for seven years during the reign of the communist party of moldova, is also planning to register. oligarch and former member of the parliament of moldova ilon shor, whose convicted in absentia for complicity in the theft of a billion euros, is the main representative of the russian federation in politics and a public enemy of sandu and her political team. from 2022 , shor's supporters are trying to shake up the situation in moldova, not hiding too much that their goal is to overthrow the current prose. the current government,
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the financing of this activity is carried out from russia, this is also not too hidden. shor, who is now hiding in moscow, even publicly admits to passing the cash to his moldovan associates. mandu's opponent, former prosecutor victoria, also plans to run fortune, who filmed her campaign video with a dove in her hands in the center of teraspol, the capital of transnistria controlled by the russian federation. and again , these are not all pro-russian opponents. a journalist plans to become president. natalia moraky, who positioned herself as an independent journalist, but got into a scandal due to her connections with the most odious oligarch vyacheslav platonov, who is called the number one raider of moldova and a co-author of the large-scale money laundering scheme landromat. he can also submit his candidacy for the post of head of state to nominate the ex-head of the government of gagauzia iryna vlah. however, maya sandu is the undisputed leader and the question is whether she will win in the first round or whether she will vote twice.
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a large opinion poll conducted in may-june on behalf of the american international republican institute testified to an extremely polar attitude towards the current president. she is loved more than all other politicians of moldova, but also hated the most. it is worth noting that even at the beginning of his presidency, sandu had a significant number of opponents, especially among the people pro-russian part of the population of moldova. in 2020. she won from the then pro-russian president dodon, receiving almost 58% of the vote, but the remaining 42% did not share anywhere. according to the results of a survey by the institute of european politics and reforms, published on july 30, 30% of respondents are ready to vote for maya sanda, writes deutsche vales. in second place is ihor dodon with 13%, and the top three is rounded off by pro-russian politician renato usata. 5%
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at the same time, as reported by the ministry of defense, it will be held in moldova from august 5 to 23 military exercises vognyanishche 2024 with the participation of three countries, which are aimed at increasing operational interoperability between them. the training, which will involve moldovan, romanian and american soldiers, is aimed at developing operational capabilities and improving the interoperability of participating personnel. military equipment units and artillery systems of the national army will be used for the exercises. the fire shield is held in accordance with the national army's 2024 curriculum. it is organized annually in... starting from 2015. in in the following days, in the context of the exercises , military equipment will be moved on national roads. moscow does not hide its ambitious plans to interfere in elections
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in at least two post-soviet states. one of them is georgia, where moscow will actively interfere in the parliamentary elections. and where the bet will obviously be made. to the pro-kremlin party georgian dream. another country is moldova. here, all the kremlin's hopes are tied to its main manchurian or kremlin candidate, ilon shor, who has already managed to hold two pre-election campaigns in moscow congresses of his party. by the way, the heads of individual regions of moldova, particularly gagauzia, came to see him. the kremlin is not actively pumping money now. about the kremlin's political projects in moldova. the key question is whether the special services of moldova are able to disrupt this scenario and prevent a kremlin candidate from coming to power in moldova, especially since the fight for the position of president will be
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fierce. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thank you for being with us. thanks for watching together to victory and glory to ukraine. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m 10% at the pharmacies of psyllashnyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgarska, 10% at the pharmacies psyllashnyk, bam and ochad. the television premiere
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of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the faces... stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetiana chornovol, founder of the angel taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and... a special look at events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond , who is china then, my heart hurts, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15
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at espresso. three. war, and not only for territory, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdik with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. legal right to protection. international allies of ukraine do not object to the transfer of ground troops. actions on the territory of the aggressor country, how the success of the kurdish operation can affect the negotiating positions of kyiv. zelenskyi's peace plan. in the president's office confirmed that at the second global summit they hope to present the peace formula to the representative of russia. why did lukashenko talk about the possible consequences of the collapse of the empire? kamala harris is typing. surveys indicate an increase in the advantage of the candidate from the democrats
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over the opponent from the republican party, how are the ukrainian authorities building relations with both candidates? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours we will... talk about ukraine, the world and our victory. well, of course, we will talk about the events taking place in kurshchyna, as well as how the united states of america is preparing to elect a new president of the united states of america, kamala harris and donald trump are applying for this position, and of course, we will mention orbán, about china, about the tour of africa dmytro kuleba, all this will be in the first part of ours. we will discuss the topics of international politics with the diplomat and politician
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valery chaly. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour. we will have a journalism club with my colleagues larisa voloshyna and andrii yanitsky. however , before starting our big broadcast and our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian drones attacked a military airfield tonight. in lipetsk, russia, they hit a warehouse with guided aerial bombs and a number of other objects in the area of ​​the airfield, several fires broke out there, the detonation continued until the morning, the results of the damage are being clarified, let's see how it all turned out, knock it down!
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout everything we conduct surveys on our broadcast. today we ask you the following question: do you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no. please vote for us on youtube, either with the yes or no button. write your own. a separate opinion under this video in the comments, if you watch us on tv, call us on
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the phone, if you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective at the current stage 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of our voting, and we will be in touch to be valery chaly. valery chaly, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center, mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. valery, let's start our conversation with course breakthrough of the ukrainian army, we can already speak of the ukrainian army, because literally today a video appeared where soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine talk about the fact that the cities'. kursk oblast is under the control of ukrainian troops, video from the soldiers of the 99th
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mechanized battalion of the 61st separate mechanized steppe brigade, they claim that they control the strategic facility of gazprom, meaning the gas distribution station located in suja, let's watch this video. good health, from the city of sudja, we have news like this, the city is under control. the armed forces of ukraine, in a place of peace, all houses, all cities, targets, the strategic object of gazprom in the city of sudja are controlled. by the mechanized battalion of the 61st separate steppe brigade, peace to all, glory to ukraine, mr. valery, let's talk about the reaction in the west from our western partners, apparently the russians expected that they would, according to the traditional scheme, now begin to pump the western information space and
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talk about the bloody tyranny that invaded the territory of the russians there. federation, how did you observe this reaction, what can you say, what is the reaction of our western partners, and whether this reaction is one of the steps to the adoption of a decision on granting the right of the ukrainian state to strike with western weapons on the territory of the russian federation deep into the russian federation ? well, for starters a few such basic ones. first of all, ukraine has the right to self-defense, according to article 51 of the un charter, and the very fact of russia's aggression allows ukraine to respond by force, armed with defense, that is, it is possible on the territory of the aggressor or on land, on water, in the air, to carry out operations, military operations, that is, the second weapon that
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is transferred to ukraine, it is ukrainian weapon, even what you call... right, no one gives anyone any right, these are gentlemen's agreements, in fact, so political, from the point of view of legal, all weapons that are purchased or transferred to ukraine, it is ukrainian, and there is no need to ask for the right to use it, the only thing that partners sometimes stipulate in the supply of weapons, these and other nuances in the political plan they stipulate, no more than that, ukraine is a member of all... control regimes, export control, missile technology control regime, i.e., therefore , from the point of view of international law, we should ask absolutely no one, well, but politically, we have such agreements when we sometimes receive some weapons, as with the americans, for example, over there, how are they they call it long-range, in fact it is a replacement
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for our tactical weapons, which here are no more than 300 km, there are 500, we already had and have such weapons, that is, it is not necessary to talk about long-range here, but there were such agreements, so ukraine has the full right on this defense and on self-defense, in this context all the comments were basically made, and on this right on the territory of the adversary, the aggressor, it is important here that russia is the aggressor, that is, it is important that ukraine cannot be called. if russian propagandists did not come out of their pants there, how antonov, the ambassador in washington, began to tell that how it is, the americans do not criticize, well, if you are an ambassador, if you are already a general under sanctions, but you already dress in the robes of this ambassador, then you want to stick to some
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business, moreover, that he called the ukrainians thugs, despite the fact that... the criminal crimes of the russian armed forces, which were confirmed, well, the scabs simply cut off the heads of the ukrainians, that is, i'm just this cynicism, it's already so extreme, and you can't tell where the diplomat is, where there is a criminal, where there is a criminal, that is, they are all already smeared by one, well, it is emotional, regarding the essence, then no one can answer him, except for what he said... washington will not be official in any other way, this is all within the framework, absolutely within the framework of international law, and the reason for all this was russia's aggression, the reason for this was occupation of russia. the only thing that is interesting in this whole situation is that when russia entered the sumy region with columns of tanks, they did not notice
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the interstate ukrainian-russian borders, until suddenly they noticed that there was a state border. it turns out, that is, this is an interesting observation, that is, i think that this will have consequences, because they may notice that there is a border that goes from the donetsk region to the border with russia and with the same luhansk region, such a time will come, such a time will come, therefore, in principle, the reaction international is adequate, it is about this part, well, then there is a reaction about the weakness of the racist. regime in relation to putin's weakness, confusion, lies, uncoordinated assessments, that is , it's interesting that despite such... conversations for months, or even more than six months, that everything is already going in one direction, all layers in this are in one direction luzu, ukraine seems to be losing,
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russia will still win, let's somehow push ukraine to give up its territories, capitulate in exchange for peace, as they say, in fact, simply to stop further occupation, and now this scheme is collapsing, it turns out that not everything. has not yet ended, so this situation will have a lot of consequences, including in relation to all these plans for peace without ukraine, and will even have consequences in ukrainian society itself, because in a total war motivation is also important, although i would beware of some kind of euphoria, i see that there are such calls here, let's go to... moscow or the kurdistan nuclear power plant is ours, i think that this is unnecessary, because i already more or less understood where the situation is going, the main thing is that it
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this defense operation, this same anti-war operation, was successfully completed, and let the subsequent steps be as effective, not spectacular, as it was before, remember, we plan to break through there. everyone was told there, everyone was told, here i like more than anything that it is being held in a very, very good way in the right style, few people know what is going on, but we are getting and god forbid we are getting some positive news, by the way, this is the silence regime that you are talking about, that this special operation is being carried out in such and such a good atmosphere, a secret atmosphere, when they don't announce a special couple there for three or four months. regarding this silence, as it turned out, and according to the spokesman of the state department
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of the united states of america, matthew miller, that even the united states of america did not receive any warnings from ukraine about any operations in the kursk region of russia. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. ukraine does not inform us about its exact tactics before its implementation. there is nothing unusual in this. it's a war they're fighting, we're giving them tools and we're advising them, but when it comes to the day-to-day tactics, when it comes to the day-to-day strikes, sometimes we talk to them, sometimes we don't, and it's up to them to make their own decisions. well, the spokesperson of the european commission peter stano, commenting on the events in the kursk region, stated that ukraine, according to international law, has the legal right to defend oneself, including striking the aggressor on its territory. how do you, mr. valery, assess the reaction of moscow, putin, gerasimov, all of this
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power block that putin assembled, how much is this for them, an unusual special operation that is being conducted against them, because all international agencies, all world media are writing about the fact that starting or ending with the second world war on the territory of... the russian federation , the foot of a soldier of a foreign state did not set foot, and this foot of a foreign soldier became in ukrainian, well, if it's history, then it's not entirely accurate, because the chinese foot stepped there at one time, but nevertheless, i think that everyone saw anger, confusion and... and such a very sour face of putin, because when he i received a report from my commander gerasimov, and everyone saw it, this is
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a facial expression that cannot be hidden somewhere, i think that probably everything is over with gerasimov, and now it will most likely be hung on him, all these failures, and i think , which... we will see not immediately, but after a while there changes, that someone has to be responsible for it, and this is a very serious failure, which from putin's point of view hits him personally, well, it is so, it hits completely at the king, those same tsars are turning to protect him, well the tsar turned out to be not quite what they thought, although, in fact , the corruption here is huge, 15 billion rubles. were divided into three lines of defense, it turned out that these billions went into the pockets of the generals and others, well, the actual
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fright, you can see it... you can see the fright on the face, because it is 500 km to moscow, already at that time, the wagnerites went there, they went to rostov, they entered the million-strong city and simply occupied it, it’s the same thing, the same story, that is, people are actually there in these cities, they also either ran, or even someone was waiting for the ukrainians, so they perfectly understand what it is, that it is a different ... situation in the war, moreover, i will tell you, there was a very strange story before this, it is no secret that in such cases, when the russians learned about the plans of such operations of various kinds, they where did they immediately run to call washington, they called washington, stop kyiv, don't give them weapons, well, washington has leverage, of course, providing weapons,
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providing... financial support, and so what happened in the last month that the situation, and i claim, the situation has changed, it's not just those statements what did you hear, single people, the situation has changed radically, i don't want to go into details, why, let everyone analyze what happened in the last month, but in principle, we have a window of opportunity to act more actively. more actively, i don't know how long it will be, but for today it is, so whatever prohibited by international law, international humanitarian law, it is now allowed, and in the future , of course, we would have to insist that our partners reassess the situation and see that the effective actions of the ukrainians, if this is indeed confirmed, after all, there is no such official statement, these effective actions they ... they also need
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effective support with weapons, including long-range weapons, well, i said that there is no such thing at all about it yet, i am talking about tamahawk missiles, as they are trying to deploy for some reason in germany, and not in ukraine, but this tomorrow, and today taurus, the german taurus missile, i have a question, if the germans expect an american tomahawk, which is 200 km away, then i... all the principles of the explanation, what is the escalation, if the germans give us the taurus, that is, less distance, which will be more tactical here , the operational-tactical theater of military operations, that is, it is logical, i generally see that there are fewer and fewer arguments why not to do it, recently the leader of the german socialists, social democrats said that look, it is not a leader, but one of them with... said
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that ukraine is not very active, not very effective, so why continue to give weapons? well , please, let's go. mr. valery, one more question in connection with what is happening in kurshchyna is the suja gas distribution station. back in soviet times, it worked and controlled the entry of russian gas into the territory of ukraine, which then exited there in uzhhorod, and there is also such a station there. there is, and now, in connection with the events in kursk, russian gazprom says that it continues to supply gas to europe through the suja station, but the transit flow through ukraine decreased by 12%, well, that is, after all , these transit routes that existed before the great war, they continue to be used by the russian gazprom, but on the other hand, we do not hear concerns from european...
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residents, because if the hostilities near gas distribution station, and this path exists, and hostilities are taking place there, why are european consumers or the leaders of european countries not saying anything about it now, well, because they know the situation very well, if we talk about the first emotional reaction, then there was a certain even such a small increase in prices. er, for gas on the market, but they understand very well, well, let me explain it to you like this, have you heard at least once that the russians bombed a gas pipeline there, just a meter, well more than a meter, these are strategic gas pipelines, or we for example, they blew it up, did you hear?


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