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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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he may have his own plans, zelenskyy still has his own plan, well, the ukrainian government has, probably should have its own clear plan, not just these 10 points that were declared by zelenskyy, but the real plan of ukrainian victory, then kamala garis and donald trump will understand what the ukrainian state actually wants, but in terms of points, i think there is nothing to comment on here, because what we heard... these are such familiar words, that is , correct words, it is good that the conclusions have been drawn, it is bad, that andriy yarmak did not hear me in the 19th year and almost got into a scandal with impeachment, it's good that the conclusions have now been drawn, and now if they were trying to somehow be equally distant, the only point here would not be overturned... here in the other direction, because
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it is better to be equally close , and not exactly distant from the two headquarters, and i will tell you, for example, well, good words, i immediately have a question, but how did we work at the congress of republicans, yes, one ambassador, well, it is not enough, there is absolutely not enough work, here should be political at the congresses. holding political parties should be, how did the office of the president and andriy borisovych personally work in these conditions, they blocked the trip of people's deputies of ukraine to the republican congress, well , opponents, yes, well, they didn't want opponents to be there, well, okay, well, if you don't have your own representatives of the servants of the people party, then why do you block opponents, realizing that you will not be replaced by anyone, well, it is to use the platform from the outside. uh, i don't know, for
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the internal political struggle, well, it's yesterday, so i want conclusions to be drawn in this too, well, on the outside, everyone is talking in principles with one voice, everyone helps the country, that's why words are not enough, we need to see the result, bipartisan, bicameral support, repetition of all this as a mantra, we don't have stable bicameral or bipartisan support, no. we do not have a plan for the victory of ukraine under trump, there is no plan for the victory of ukraine under kamala garis, and there is no plan for the victory of our national or defined national ukrainian, there is a ten-point formula, a good basis, i divide these points, there i have a question, how to guarantee from russian further destruction, well i have my own proposal for membership in nato, yes, that is... in principle, there is a base, but
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realistic and such scenarios of different assessments of the situation are made in some groups, but so that the office of the president, well, if he gathered such a closed in-depth discussion, they are they make orders to non-state structures because of some there, but very sporadically, we need to communicate directly here, they have never had such a desire, so i have not trusted words lately... i want to see actions, thank you, mr. valery, and for a long time we did not mention orbán, and we should have mentioned him this week, because a group of 67 meps appealed to the european commission with a call for restrictive measures against hungary due to budapest's decision to simplify the entry procedure for citizens of russia and belarus, i will quote what... meps say
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, we call on the european commission to take urgent measures measures to investigate hungary's decision, because it could become a loophole, potentially endangering the functioning of the schengen area and its role as a safe place for citizens. if the hungarian government refuses to change its policy, the european commission and all eu representatives should question hungary's presence in the schengen area. the published letter says, well , to put it simply, hungary, despite, despite all reservations, despite all restrictions from european countries, allows belarusians and citizens of russia and belarus, simplifies the entry procedure for citizens of russia and belarus, as a result of which europe may face a new number of russian spies, killers and... those people who
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can come to europe and do some certain actions, what do you think, mr. valery, europe can do with hungary? in addition to excluding hungary from the schengen area. ukraine is not a member of the european union. i cannot say what europe should do in order to, hungary, here is what you said. what is ukraine, what are we entitled to? ukraine, being in relations with the european union, including with hungary, in partnership relations, that is, we have only just... opened negotiations on accession, but we are in the partnership format, so we are already doing a lot in why the common european policy, foreign and security policy, i.e. this is one of the positions
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of the treaty of amsterdam, every country that is a member of the european union should coordinate foreign policy, i.e. what hungary demonstrated... does not do, i.e. if, as an expert observer , i will say that hungary does not actually fulfill the basic, namely in this area, does not fulfill the basic prescriptions, well, but it is already a decision for brussels, how to bring it to its senses, because it looks very weak from the outside, well maybe it's good that there are such calls now for the european union to find answers to... because one country, of course, will not make the weather there, but slovakia looks as though it is possible to catch fish, not slovakia itself, but the leaders, just like hungary, that is not hungary, these are also its leaders at the moment, hungary can change, it can
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change after the elections of its leadership in the 26th year, so this is an attempt to catch a fish in muddy water from all sides, these are of course such things that do not contribute, because ... for the consolidation of the european union, and it's about time as an observer, i will say that, well, it is time to take some measures, it is obvious, but we have bilateral relations with hungary, we have a common border, it is important for us now to have as many solutions as possible to issues that are in our strategic interests, and if hungary blocks our european path, we need to look for a solution through brussels as well, and defend our national interests, not fall on our knees in front of... our position, otherwise what you said now will be written down to you later and will be from you demand, as otsi 11 adverbs of clauses on national law, education and language. do not think, dear our government, that you
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have slipped something in there now, and then it will all be taken off your meter, nothing like that, then we will dig it all out, so protect the national interest, there is no need to break into it directly... really in closed doors now focus on ending the war and joining nato. the european union is a longer way. i claim that without joining nato , there will be no effective entry into the european union, it will only be on the terms of the second variety if we become a member of nato, then hungary and everyone else will talk to us in a completely different way. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, valery. chalilei, we are continuing our broadcast, friends, and we are working live on the espresso tv channel, and it is time to fill in the interim, conclusions, or interim survey, the results of the interim survey, today we are asking you about whether you consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective, these are
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the results in us television survey, 17% yes, 83%, no, on our youtube the ratio is 28%. people consider ukrainian diplomacy to be effective, 72%, no, that is, those who watch the stream on youtube believe that ukrainian diplomacy is still more effective. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on decatel, 15%. in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets of 10% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is
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vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the tv channel espresso. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to. to learn about the war, about the military, the front, the component, serhiy zurets, and how does the world live? feeder is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury , good evening, two hours to be aware of the economy. broadcast by vasyl zima. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the television
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premiere of a documentary about the most difficult 10 years of our lives, via personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira angels unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva. about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. new week on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend with us under. bag party monday and step confidently into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna
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yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this second part we will talk about the following. chicken on fire. a special military operation is underway in two regions of the border region of russia. what political effect has this humiliating action for putin already had? as a national security advisor, andriy yarmak assessed his own role in the government system in ukraine. so where is the line between the powers of the minister of foreign affairs and the head of the president's office. the information weapon controlled by russia , telegram, is used by enemy
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special services to influence the ukrainian audience, how to fight the kremlin's propaganda? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes. i would like to remind you that we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. friends, today we are asking you about this, do you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, leave it. please comment it under the video, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you think that ukrainian diplomacy is effective, for today 0.800 211 381, no 080 211 382, ​​all calls to these the rooms are free, vote at the end of the program and we will tally up the results of this vote, i want to introduce today's guests of our studio, these are my colleagues larisa voloshina magazine. political psychologist, larisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, and andriy yanitskyi, journalist, andriyya, i congratulate,
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i congratulate you, so, colleagues, let’s start with this survey, we ask about the effectiveness of ukrainian diplomacy, we ask about it for a reason, because yesterday andriy dermak gave a long interview to european truth, he talked a lot about ukrainian diplomacy, we will talk a little more about yermak himself later, but how would you respond to question, do you think? in effective ukrainian diplomacy, as of now, are ukrainian diplomats working effectively, larisa? well , i think ukrainian diplomacy is strange, very strange, but nevertheless effective in such circumstances and in such an orchestra. thank you, andriy. i still think that it is not very effective, because in fact , diplomacy in our country goes in two ways, the official one and the informal one, the informal one is run by the president's office, and mr. yermak, well... the official one is our minister, mr. kuleba, and i it seems a bit confusing
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of our foreign partners, that is, official diplomacy goes to africa, and not official diplomacy goes to europe and the united states of america, well , if it happens in a different and different way, but if i were in the place of our western partners, i would be surprised by such a step of the ukrainian authorities, well , western diplomats and our western partners are surprised... by the events that are taking place in kurtshchyna , a large military special operation has begun over the past three days, now we can talk about armed forces. forces of ukraine are involved in this large special operations, but it all started with the fact that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine did not comment on these events, the ministry of defense, of course, did not either, and only the russian propaganda media reported on the advance of ukrainians deep into russian territory, and even international agencies, international media wrote with reference to
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russian propagandists. bloomberg even took offense yesterday and wrote about the fact that we called genstem. in the general staff , no one picked up the phone, no one commented anything to us, as in these conditions, colleagues, that is journalists to respond to such events, because these are important events for ukraine, these are important events that need to be told about on the tv screen, from the mass media, from the electronic mass media, there is no information, there is only racist media, there is only z- bloggers, there are... international media to which the general staff does not respond, not to mention that the ukrainian media too, the general staff does not give any information, larisa, well , again, we see that some foreign media, at least public platforms, such as deep state, they announced right away that they won't be updating their maps because they
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want to keep it secret while it's being kept by hq, they're updating it two days later, they're warning that it's not... information, though they always said that their maps are the most up-to-date, we see similar things, for example, being covered in the same israel, well, we all understand that they are ukrainian military, but we don't know what to call them, they are russians, they say that these are the ukrainian military, for example, israel always explains something about planes lieftenstein, one more thing, that is, israel as a country that has been at war for well... years, more than 70 years, they have learned, their media is quite objective, quite toothy, critical of the authorities, but nevertheless, this this learning, it should be, i think we also need to learn this and we are learning, because i see that for the most part there are people who want to comment, referring to russian
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telegram channels, but i see that the majority the ukrainian media are somehow like that... scoreboard, they somehow understand the fact that is the general staff silent? well, of course, the general staff is silent, and, well, there are several options, you are sitting on the air, these hostilities begin, some, some information appears, and you do not know, to say, it is the ukrainian army, or maybe it is the russian volunteer corps , or maybe it's the free russia legion, because all these special operations were previously carried out by russians, people who have a russian passport, who are fighting. against putin's regime, we can only record how today, when we showed this synchronicity, when fighters entered the city of suju, they say that we are fighters of the 99th mechanized battalion of the 61st separate mechanized steppe brigade, we captured and control the strategic facility of gazprom, this gas distribution station, this is the only verification
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of this information that i have seen in the last three days. andriy, have you encountered... similar things, well, not only during the war, when, when this verification is difficult to obtain, and the viewers and our readers, they still need information, because they do not read these russians these zriots and telegram channels, but i would advise against it why not read unverified sources, read the ukrainian media, read the espresso site, this is verified news from that country. here , one's own journalistic work is important, journalists who know how to work with open sources, to verify real videos, during the conduct of hostilities a lot of fakes appear, very often throw-ins are made from previous wars, or here is a photo of a ukrainian military man as early as 10 km from
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kursk, but then journalists and fact-checkers noticed that kursk... is written in ukrainian on a road sign, i.e. most likely they just drew a zero there, it was 100 km, but it turns out that it is like 10, that is why there is so much on both sides, it is important to check all the information carefully, this is done by professional journalists in publications from the white list, read such publications and you will be informed events, well, by the way, here we mention what information during these few. appeared in the media space, yesterday there was information that the sumy city council had apparently made a decision on the annexation of the suzhan district or suja. to the sumy community, then they disturbed it all information, then there was a refutation that this is not true, although i myself am from sumy oblast, and i know suja, well, it is literally
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30 or 40 km from the places where i grew up, and we always perceived that there was a part these regions, they were handed over to russia, but these are the ukrainian regions of suja, you know all these stories without me, but in the current situation, of course, it is important, it is important that we understand what is happening there in kurshchyna, in your there is now an understanding of how this situation develops, if we all have one thing understanding, we can correctly explain to our viewers and our listeners and readers, because there are many reflections and victorious reflections, and unclear. whether there are any reasons for this and whether there are any successes for this, and this can also be confirmed only by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. larisa? well, the first thing i would
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like to point out is just such a russian delusion that all the commentators have fallen into, is that they said the ukrainian army, but it came and no one was there, well , no one was there at all, only kadyrov was there or kadyrivtsi somewhere there they hid in the bushes, disappeared, as they said. ukrainian military analysts, that there were defensive lines, that is, this is not a simple walk, this is a really thorough, absolutely blitzkrieg military operation, and the fact that the russians were caught off guard does not mean that it is because it was easy for us and we almost walked there. in those spaces, no, it speaks of the skill of those who planned and those who executed. the second thing is that it is clear to me what is happening there, well, it is obvious that when there is a breakthrough of the defense line, and in front
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with it we remember the minefields, the lines there of some type of suravikin, or someone else, some kind of dragon's teeth, this has passed, the troops have passed through the breakthrough, it is obvious that they are somehow beginning to spread out into the expanse, and this is visible, they are trying to occupy, create this zone. sanitary zone in order to reduce the pressure on sumy region, because there even the city of sumy is very close to the border, that is, it is dangerous, and we understand that the russians tried, they would still plan to advance there, and here, well ukrainian is better soldiers to sit on foreign land and watch russian villages burn behind them, or in front of them, than it will be ukrainian villages with ukrainians, that is, this is an obvious reason, and there is another reason that i... also completely understood that happened, the fact is that the russian army, in its offensive in the donbass, we must
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understand, and many are talking about this, that they are very reluctant to transfer troops from those combat zones to ukrainian territory , which is, that is, they are actually a little shocked that what happened in terms of the fact that they planned to push somewhere, somewhere, to go to some boundaries, on ukrainian land, somewhere... to stand, that is, their offensive had already begun to slow down, and kyrylo butanov spoke about this, and western analysts spoke about this, that 6 - 8 weeks, and they will not stop, that is, they have no resources, and here the ukrainian, ukrainian army forced them to prepare to fight in other areas of the front, that is, it is unbelievable, that is , the russians are now because they are starting to stop in donbas, well, it's not quite yet it is noticeable, but nevertheless... it can be seen from the equipment that is there, from the reserves that are there, that they do not have the strength to fight there for six months in the same way, to take that pokrovsk, well, they do not have such forces, and when they were
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already ready to stop, the ukrainians forced them, those troops, who are exhausted, to transfer without reserves, what they have there, instead of replenishing the pokrovsky direction, the otorets direction with these reserves, now these reserves will be sent here, that's great, but what do we hear about it being discussed in ukrainian society? kursk npp or not kursk npp? are they distracting the attention of ukrainians or someone else? good russians say: "no, are the ukrainians distracting the russian army?" "no, the ukrainians conducted an incredible military operation, an incredible one. and in fact, firstly, it was carefully planned, and secondly, it was very risky for those who went on that offensive, so let's wait, we have to wait some more week to understand what kind of territory it is." after all , ukraine is also captured and what will we do next with those peaceful residents who are there, the returned territory, well, let's say freed from the tyrannical putin regime.
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i would have said so, but from the reaction of putin and from the reaction of gerasimov and from the reaction of the security forces, that is what could be understood, and it is clear that they took it seriously, if we remember the forays of the russian volunteer corps and the legion freedom of russia, i understand that they were more like this and more for the pr effect, let's say so, but we slightly weakened the attention of the russians to such attempts to cross the border, they may also this time they thought that it was something not serious, and then it turned out that everything was not so, well , it is important that this time the west supported us, and we saw these questions even from opposition russian journalists who asked the american representative, but how so, what about the united states of america, they are not concerned, but it turns out that they
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are not concerned, that the operation was agreed with our western partners, and they believe that it is absolutely fair, plus it seems to me that it is important that we we do not create these authorities that were created russians in the territories they capture, we talked a little on the air and mrs. larisa emphasized that it is important to observe all international norms, the geneva convention, when you are fighting, including on foreign territory. well, that is, we do not touch civilians, we do not touch civilian life, and we see that we do not endure, as they destroy our cities, and bahmuts there, that is, our troops, the troops are advancing, advancing, peaceful, peaceful residents, well , of course, without casualties it can't be gone, because it's a war, and because it's a war, simply there are losses that cannot be avoided, but
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we... we are not engaged in simply demolishing cities completely and leaving no ruins, it seems to me that the ukrainian troops are advancing cautiously, and this is in accordance with the un charter on the protection of any the right to the protection of any state against which aggression has been committed, that is, what we are doing, we are self-defense and the protection of the ukrainian people, well , we will monitor the developments in kursk or suzhi, but i hope that... in kursk, in rynsk and in koryanevo, everywhere, everywhere, wherever the armed forces of ukraine arrived. friends, i remind you that we are working live, and during the entire broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you this, do you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no. if you consider this ukrainian diplomacy to be effective, you can also call and vote at 0800-211-381, not
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0800 211-380. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. one more topic, colleagues, it arose yesterday and after an interview with the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrii dermak, serhiy sydorenko from european pravda conducted a long interview with yermak, and yermak in the questions and answers, it seems to me, these are both questions and answers, they are in principle. will probably be the first to be noticed by the western audience, because the western press has been quite actively writing about yermak's role in zelenskyi's entourage for the past six months, about the fact that he performs a lot of tasks from zelenskyi, that his powers are much wider than those of the head of the office of the president of ukraine. as yarmak explains his role in international politics, and let's
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listen because he compared his role. a traitor on matters of national security, i think no one will argue that the country's chief diplomat is president volodymyr zelenskyi, and we can see this from the results, and therefore, of course, as the head of the president's office, carrying out the president's instructions, i deal with many questions, that's the way i work, if you compare... how national security advisers work in other countries, and that's why i communicate with colleagues from the united states, for example, with jake salevan, with jens plötner from germany, and with many others. colleagues, why does yermak have to justify that he...


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