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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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she told about her husband darina yaremchuk, and there was also a little bit of maria yaremchuk, his daughter, who was also a producer, but as i was told, she is not very, let's say, glowing around this tape, and again, as i was told that she doesn't really want anyone to think that she is somehow promoting herself with this film, she just wanted to make a film about her dad, i will say the following: very often, when someone from relatives makes a film, book, anything, about about my dad, about my mother, about my sisters, brothers, about, i don't i know, about children, but there is a great chance and probability to slide into such a compliment, to make a film that, well, let's put it this way, no, will not reveal the human,
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as a multifaceted person, as a person with some demons or with flaws, as in each of us had them, and there is a great risk of slipping into such a very emasculated image, from my point of view, this is precisely the image of nazariy yaremchuk in the film, although i repeat, a large number of viewers liked the film very much, and i am sure that many of you will like it too, because it is interestingly made, dynamic, it's really... it's quite pleasant to watch, it's exactly that kind of emotion, i would say, and the authors put it in it, so that we somehow connect with each other in the hall, through laughter or vice versa with such cheerful emotions, we are shown some songs, we are shown our history, that is , the film is generally very good, but if you want to see a really complex image of a complex person on the screen, then for sure that...
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either nazarriy yaremchuk really wasn't like that, or the authors did not want to show it like that, and sons, yaremchuk's older sons were not in the frame, they, as i understand it, either refused to film, or they were not offered at all, well , vasyl dzinkevich also refused to film, and we see that there are some scandalous or personal moments in the life of this musician. they somehow smoothed out a little, on the one hand it can be called such an unwillingness to fall into jaundice, into jaundice, there are also various scandals and authors talk about the fact that we immediately consciously moved away from this, for example, the divorce of nazarry rymchuk from his first wife it's also shown, well, it's quite simple that they broke up because there were some troubles and that's all, they don't get along anymore, but if we talk about the conflict in the smerichki band. after
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ivasyuk's death, after ivasyuk's murder, which has not been proven, and it is also mentioned in the film, but - there were conflicts, and they were not shown to us very well, as well as many other ambiguous moments in the life of nazariy yaromchuk, we haven't seen it, and on the one hand it's good, because at a certain stage, now it's another film that i'm talking about now let me tell you, in any case, the film is about the film... we are now talking about our outstanding musicians, they will be roughly the same type of musicians, actors, writers, and because we are just getting acquainted with this era, many of us are just getting acquainted with them, and that's why we decided to choose first, it's like we'll simply say that we had such people, here was the shot revival, here were the sixties, here was music, there was something else, already further on, when we... why this
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first layer, we will go to some subsequent periods and talk about these people in a much more complicated way, well, now we can talk about volodymyr ivasyuk, because his image is also extremely popular, on the youtube channel zahin kinomaniv, some time ago there was also such a youtube, journalism on youtube, it's called, i don't want to call it a documentary, which has become very popular. and somewhere over a million views are already there, and the author vitaly gordienko is there, i really liked, by the way, how he spoke about ivasyuk, with one thing, well he really managed to make such an interesting image, although also complimentary, but interesting, he delved a little deeper, he tried somehow to first destroy a little this myth around ivasyuk as the prime minister, he says, then he shows him and asks one host there.
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so he shows an excerpt from the program, asks how old you think volodymyr ivasyuk was when he died, and the presenter said, well , about 39, in fact, yavasyuk was 30 years old, and ah... he was often positioned like that before there through photos, through some texts or stories that it seemed that it was already quite an older, slightly man, yes, but it was actually, well, a boy, he was a very small young person, but many people do not perceive him as such, and in this film , somehow the author tried a little correct, and vitaliy hordynk also tells about the life of volodymyr esyuk, shows a lot of materials and photos. well, he tries to show ivasyuk from some unexpected angle, and he succeeds, and let's look at an excerpt, it's actually somewhere at the beginning of this film, and vitaly gordienko just says that look, some kind of surge in popularity, and what is happening now
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around volodymyr yefasyuk, how many views are his songs gaining now, and now he is trying to figure out what this phenomenon is all about, let's see: many people heard this melody for the very first time and immediately fell in love with her, she flooded social networks, people edited tiktoks with the exploits of our military under her, her views on youtube immediately increased to millions, it is not surprising, but she gave the hope that we so needed in a difficult time, as its author volodymyr ivasyuk succeeded 42 years after his death with his light song about love. well, four years ago, and it seems to me exactly in that period, this particular boom in the music of the period of the 70s and 80s began, i at that time it was called mustachioed funk,
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a documentary film was released, mustachioed funk by oleksandr kovsh and vitaly berdetskyi, and it is in a bubble, however, it caused... a lot of discussion, and this is understandable, because earlier in this vein, this hanging funk here is this music, which used to be called pop music, soviet pop music, ukrainian pop music, it was all called that, it was not, because the film, it is very modernly made, here we see a form that does not usually correspond to the form of those films in which we heard about the same smerichka, about kobza, about arnica, about all these bands, which also seemed, because of such a style, to be somehow very, very, very mothballed and uninteresting to young people, that they say it can be interesting only for people who were young at that time, and they only do all this out of a sense of nostalgia they mention, but in this tape, the authors for the first time,
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for the first time, told such a wide enough audience how all this music was written, why it was such a strange combination, really. these trends with soviet ideology, because the musicians wanted, or rather did not want to play ideological songs, these boring ones, wanted to do something fashionable, but they could not do it to the full extent, because it was forbidden and it was controlled, and so they tried to somehow do it, but somehow to cheat this system, it partially succeeded, although on the other hand, all these songs are the same, if you look at them now... there are so many of these moments, you can hear these absolutely successful successful attempts to copy the music that these musicians received on records, british, some american music, but still here this component
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soviet, soviet stylistics was still in these songs, well, let's listen to an excerpt from mustachioed funk, that's basically what it's about... hundreds of songs of incredible beauty, fashionable sound, extravagant costumes, new ensembles in almost every ukrainian town, where it all started in the soviet union republic, now this music... it's a new name, mustachioed fang. and, i am also pleased that such new definitions are appearing, for a period that did not have any name, or for a period that does not suit or is being discussed, now they are starting to invent
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new ones, it is very cool, and i will repeat , which is currently in the box office, yaremchuk, an incomparable world of beauty, a film that i highly recommend you watch and... it will be very interesting to see in a week or two, how many box offices it has collected, it is believed that i shoot documentaries, they are usually not collected very much, because there is less demand, but here... we see that the situation in our country has changed with the beginning of a full-scale war, well, not a little, in essence, ukrainians have become incredibly interested in documentaries, precisely such popular documentaries, and they watch it very actively on television, for example , the ratings of documentary films take quite a lot, and here, i think, it should be the same in cinemas, and now we will move on to the issue of state cinema, you know that once again proves to us... all this is discussed and the situation is not very comforting, because in general, since
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2019, when maryna kudarchuk was elected as the head of the state cinema, ukrainian cinema began to gradually fall into a certain stagnation, because ms. maryna was not very competent in the opinion of many people in the industry, and she didn't make connections in my opinion either. with foreign colleagues already after the full-scale invasion, when we were offered to do it, we were extended a hand of help, both financial and any other, but the student of the state cinema, in particular through the language barrier, because she didn't speak english, for example, she couldn't do all that, and we lost a huge amount of opportunities, and also we see a trend now, when tv people come to do something in film, they are completely unfamiliar with the industry, they at... there were engaged in television series, which are not of very good quality in general, and they are trying
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to make movies, a bet is made on commercial cinema, which is extremely important, but when there is an influx of commercial cinema and almost nothing original, serious, is filmed, documentary, then this is already bad. the situation worsened also due to the fact that a large number of cinematographers who are engaged in such serious cinema, which and... which was responsible in recent years for communication with the world, communication of cinema, film communication with the world of ukraine took place mainly at various festivals, and we were known on various sites, precisely with the help of documentary cinema and game, author's cinema, here, and at a certain period it was all covered up, and now, since this part. commentators, they are categorically against the policy state cinema, they do not want to come to pitches
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and receive funding, therefore, accordingly , we are left with this commercial production of various films, and we will probably continue with this in the next years, and the next phase of such a discussion is the election of a new team the state support council, this is a body... which is a film distributor, and its members are responsible for distributing the money that is allocated to the film production itself. now we see the meeting that took place, it took place in two stages, this took place , the commission was sitting there, and yes, the competitive commission, which chose these members of the council, and there should be nine of them in total, and these nine people, they are very influential. in the film industry, because they are responsible for the distribution of money. the press was not allowed in, but
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was told that it was not very convenient, they could not provide security, the second time they said that the journalists were not accredited for this event, and therefore there was no control as such from the media, the sound in the broadcast was bad enough that everything find out, well, as a result , seven people were chosen for this. this one the council does not have any specific issues, for example arkadiylyuk or volodymyr mula, but some still have issues in the conflict of interests. let me remind you that there is such a producer, artem kolyubaev, who is a former partner of andriy yarmak, well, he was the former head of the council for state support of cinema, and , well, i must say that he is... quite a big influence, and when the condescension of the past members of the previous
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council has faded, and they were forced by the court to leave their positions, their seats, we see that artem kolyubaev through other people again passed into council now we see photos where we see artem kolyubaev and two new members of the council, these are taras bosak and... denis tarasov, and these are people who work together with kolyubaev, for example, taras bosak is generally in his organization, is a member of his organization, and... also produces tapes together with him, for some reason they think that they are filmmakers, yes, that they are engaged in cinema, although it is completely different and these are industries that work according to completely different rules, and when tarasov came and answered questions on this competition, it was clear that in many ways he was not at all orients himself, but he still passed, and we see this situation again about
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artem kolyubaev, i want to say that he is a completely different person... significantly, let's say it mildly, and colleagues-investigators have already done a lot about him - a lot of different investigations, which related not only to the cinema, but now we can see fresh information from colleagues from the investigation, they, they found such information that the wife of artem kolyubaev bought a house in the united states, and money, partly such an amount for the purchase i borrowed the wine from the russians, let's see. artem kolyubaev you may have heard this name in connection with the head of the president's office andriy yarmak. these two business partners used to make movies together. now one politician, and the other suddenly began to grow business in construction, drone production and securities. we found out that recently the kolyubaev family, who fled the war, bought a house in the suburbs of washington, and
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they borrowed the money for it, do you know who? the russians this is such an interesting situation. please look at this investigation, because there they explain that, that they did not know what it was the russians, and what they will do next is unclear, as well as from bigus-info, journalists have also repeatedly investigated kolyubaev, and in each of them they emphasized that, firstly, he is not only related to the field of cinema, with which he started, because together with andrii yarmak, they produced the film rules of battle. for example, andriy yermak started with him later, when he became the head of the president's office, then things went very well for his partner artem kolyubaev immediately and dramatically, despite the fact that in quite different fields, from cinema to even meat purchases there and to drones, let's also see an excerpt from the binfo investigation. yermak is a producer,
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kolyubaev is a producer, yermak headed the president's office. kolyubaev began to get rich unexpectedly and enter the businesses of very serious people. these people have nothing to do with cinema. it just so happened: yermak vope, his partner kolyubaev, in a big business trip. of course, we began to suspect that kolyubaev could only be a proxy, and the shares written on him would really like to have the office of the president in his collection. well, roughly. here somewhere, this is exactly what our film community has been saying with these phrases for the past few years, trying to say that part of the film community will be more correct, because the other part is trying to somehow be closer to state cinema, because it is clear that friendship or not friendship, loyalty or disloyalty
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depends on this, do they receive money for the production of their films or for holding festivals or for anything else, and... now there are such two main positions in the film community, well, we understand that, again, that statement, which is constantly echoed in various investigations, and in particular in analytical materials about the fact that andriy yarmak now controls almost all the spheres that we currently have in ukraine, and the sphere of film production is definitely also under... his control, under under the control of artem kolyubayev, as we can see , who managed to maintain his control, and any protests of our community, who resort to court cases and try to defend some of their positions, they still, well, i won’t say that they will lose, but all
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the same, their struggle continues, let them be there courts are winning, some cases are being won in... all the same, we see that the situation continues, and for sure we need to adjust to the fact that, first of all, in cinemas we will mostly continue to see ukrainian cinema, which will be commercial, that is, it is not art cinema, this is a cinema that will be aimed at making money, there is nothing wrong with that, but there should be other films, and if our producers, who are engaged in author's more serious cinema, manage to find a finan somewhere. moving abroad, we will also have something to perform at international film festivals, but their number of such tapes will naturally decrease, and... this will affect the quality of our cultural diplomacy, unfortunately, because film festivals are not just screenings of films, they are active communication of authors, with the public, with directors, with all other
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people, who come to these film festivals, therefore, with cultural and film diplomacy, it is certain that for the next period we will have to say goodbye and direct all our hopes to the ukrainian institute, this institute. which is at the ministry of foreign affairs and probably the only one is really engaged in cultural diplomacy, however, for very little money, and all the money goes to completely different organizations. that's all for me friends, have a nice relaxing weekend and see you next week. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours
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to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhii zurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy fizar, already in front of me, and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morcha in kapor with me and sports news, i invite you to talk. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa zhimilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, from we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court, where the candidates have valuable property. why does
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the state look into my life, my wallet? well, on what grounds? but how did the contestant receive a conclusion of dishonesty for the second time. i admitted my mistakes that were made in the previous competition. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. judicial system ukraine needs a thorough reboot. this is one of the reasons for our accession to the european union. selection for one of the country's most important judges, the constitutional court, continues in ukraine. the selection conditions are strict, and even in spite of this, unscrupulous servants of themis try to get into the body that interprets the main state document and decides on the conformity of the ukrainian legislation with the constitution. we will talk about this today, but first to the news. the judge of the leninsky district court of poltava serhiy kononenko was sentenced to six years of imprisonment for extorting a bribe. the high anti-corruption court found him guilty on two counts. he demanded and
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received uah 300 for the decision to recognize ownership of a self-built garage and uah 500 in the case of collecting a debt of 100,000. this is the second time that vaks has issued a verdict against judge kononenko. on august 17, 2022, he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison. will, however, the vaks appeals chamber, having satisfied the appeal of the defense party, sent the case to a new court consideration. the publication about the court notes that during the first trial, kononenko constantly delayed the process. he was repeatedly fined for non-appearance. also, he did not pay the bail assigned to him and even tried to mobilize to the armed forces in order to stop the proceedings. according to the anti-corruption center, there was another interesting detail in the case. according to the statements. this judge during a personal meeting made her an offer of non-standard cooperation. we met him in the park. he said he has three
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the lawyers with whom he works also offered me. plus, such cooperation had to have a sexual nature as well, because he said that he sleeps with all the female lawyers with whom he works. if the verdict becomes final , kononenko's time spent in the pretrial detention center will be credited to the term of his sentence. he stayed there from august 2022 to june 2023. in ukraine , the selection process for one of the most important judicial bodies - the constitutional court - continues. previously, the judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress of judges, and at the end of 2022, the verkhovna rada adopted a law on changing the selection procedure. the law established an advisory group of experts that analyzes each candidate for compliance with integrity criteria and. professional competence. and here is this advisory group of experts, it should, so to speak, filter the candidates. and the president and the judges are among the well-known candidates. and the verkhovna
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rada will already choose their own, according to their quota, whom they will appoint as judges of the constitutional court. there is a qualitative formation of the judicial body of the constitutional court very important, because the fate of several key reforms, in particular the reform of the land market, depends on this court right now. after the end of the war, the constitutional court will consider the complex issues of reintegration of the occupied territories. and although the selection conditions are strict, unscrupulous services. the lyphemids do not lose hope of climbing into the high chair. this is tamara novikova, a judge of the cherkasy district administrative court. i was an honest judge, without various compromises, always, as my parents taught me, to be honest with with oneself and with the law, never to conspire with one's conscience. in 2012, the supreme council of justice refused to appoint tamara novikova as
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a judge. provisionally, the candidate assures, sticks were stuck in her wheels. i was fired at the end of my term as a judge, not for disciplinary or any other issues, why? because at that time i had a conflict with the head of the court, and this is known to everyone and it is on the air, who provided unreliable information on the quality of the proceedings, and this was the reason for my not got the appropriate number of votes in... the supreme council of justice when they voted for the extension of their powers indefinitely. in 2016 , the higher qualification commission recognized novikova as unfit for the position according to the criteria of professional ethics and integrity. the members of the commission made a similar decision two years ago. members of the highest quality commission went beyond their powers and my personal life interfered. that's why i contested it, i have
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the right to it as a physical person. person and not only as a judge, so i think it was a violation, to this day, it remains open, tamara novikova, like most ukrainian judges, has very loving parents who saved money for expensive gifts for their daughter all their lives, i constantly, as they say, stayed in very poor, modest premises, this m "to put it bluntly, that's why my mother didn't extort, we say everything... we'll do it so that you, i understand that this is an endless struggle for you and that you are not harassed by the owner, according to the candidate for the constitutional court, she gave the lion's share of the money for real estate mother, who worked as a teacher, and although the apartment was intended for the residence of the judge, it was arranged for the mother as well. the fact is that i didn't have enough money to buy it, to take it from my mother and say, "mom, give me money, it's not customary in our country
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to use mother's money, or how to... take, where does the teacher's mother have money from, tamara novikova can't explain, i asked her more than once, even yesterday, she takes offense at me, says, i suffered a lot from your profession, and why is my life my my wallet looking the state, well, for what reasons, if my mother had a relationship with my father, he, he gave her some funds, which, again, i do not know, she disposed of them. yes, which she deems necessary, then what should i lead and question, as an investigator, where did you mother get the money? last year, tamara novikova, according to the declaration, earned more than a million hryvnias, but i did not find money to buy a chandelier in the apartment bought by my mother, and i did not even complete the electricity, because i have nothing to pay for, i have nothing to even buy a chandelier. i to you what do you use, how do you live there, it is difficult,
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he is applying for the position of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. also a professor of the department of international law and:


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