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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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tamara novikova cannot explain, i asked her more than once, even yesterday, she takes offense at me, she says, i suffered a lot from your profession, and why is my life, my wallet , the state looking, well, on what grounds, if my mother has she had a relationship with her father, he gave her some funds, which again i do not know, she disposed of them as she saw fit. so what should i lead and interrogate as an investigator, where did you mother take the money? that year tamara novikova, according to the declaration, earned more than a million hryvnias, and did not find money to buy a chandelier for the apartment bought by my mother. i didn't even run the electricity to the end, because i don't have anything to pay for, i don't even have anything to buy a chandelier. and how do you use it then, how do you live there, a professor of the department of international law is also applying for the position of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. of comparative
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law of the national aviation university natalia kaminska. i am ready to be open, transparent, and honestly perform my functional duties as a judge of the constitutional court in the future. in 2007, natalia kaminska bought an apartment in kyiv on credit for $80,000. however , the professor forgot to indicate this value in the declaration of the candidate for the position of judge of the constitutional court. until 2011, the father. husband, the former misvekor, unfortunately, deceased, he paid the loan funds for this apartment, the loan payments are monthly, but of course, then after the divorce i paid these funds myself, it was his initiative, he had the opportunity to pay, after the divorce, for according to kaminska, they helped her pay off the loan debt parents, and last year the retired mother gave the candidate for the position of judge another apartment in the capital with... for almost 70 thousand dollars.
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kaminska contributed a percentage of her funds to this apartment, however, the pensioner herself paid a much larger part. where does the mother, who has not had any source of income since 2020, get the money. my mother received benefits, significant severance payments in 2019 when she resigned due to retirement, she also subsequently was, won a lawsuit from. the same applies to the rest of the payments that were not hers timely paid in connection with dismissal and severance pay. the candidate for the constitutional court has wonderful relatives. the professor declared assets in gold and silver worth uah 140,000. and these are also gifts from grandparents. nataliya kaminska also, according to the declaration, has more than 400,000 uah and 300 dollars in her accounts. 27
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dollars is kept in cash, also gifts, these were mostly donated funds before the death of my grandfather and my father. last year , natalia kaminska received more than half a million hryvnias from various people. this interview is for a position judge of the constitutional court for natalia kaminska is already the second. prior to that, she applied for a position under the quota of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and received a conclusion from the advisory group of experts that she did not meet high moral standards. the professor tried. again now according to the president's quota and this time it was recognized as dishonest. on july 31, an advisory group of experts found five out of six candidates unfit for the position of judge of the constitutional court based on the presidential quota. so soon we will have a new competition and new ones, hopefully this time worthy applicants. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shostrova. if you know the facts. corruption in the judicial
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system, or you want to report a judge's abuse of authority or wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. watch this. in the collaborators program. family betrayal, how a family from kherson sold themselves for positions. our act, a meaningful act, is absolutely decisive. but who is ukrainian? bloggers became a fake minister of culture? greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the roshi occupiers. our today's issue is about those who are blindly guided by the order in the temporarily occupied territories. the kremlin thinks in vain
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that the punishment will be avoided. he was a failed streamer on youtube, and became the russian minister of culture. a year ago, we already made our choice to connect the regions with... russia , and now we confirm our choice: we are together, we are united, we will win. this is artem oleksiyovych lagoisky, born in 1991, originally from the kherson region. he graduated from kherson state university, worked as a teacher at the department of economics at kherson university, and was the head of the educational and methodological laboratory. but over time, artem left teaching and started blogging, created the good games youtube channel with reviews of video games. duv took a very eloquent cattle. i wonder if he sees himself that way, or was he often told about it? russia, ukraine, belarus and a number of other countries. this is all our common great motherland. artemko did not want to be a cattleman for a long time. that's why
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he went from streaming to business. in 2019, he became a co-founder of the bula-stroy company, which was engaged in the organization of construction. when it started in ukraine. large-scale war, lagoisky fully justified his nickname. under the leadership of the russians, a former youtuber nicknamed bydlo began to take care of cultural issues in the region. in 2022, he became the acting first deputy of the so -called minister of culture of the kherson region. our story continues, simply, unfortunately, our region had a certain period when history was changed, history was twisted, but the current history is not forgotten. in the position of deputy, this cultural connoisseur took care of the philharmonic, libraries and museums in the occupied part of the kherson region, as well as issues of the so-called true history of fairy tales about what a great country russia is. when ukrainian troops liberated kherson, artemko fled to the left bank of the dnieper.
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once again, he proved his loyalty to the occupiers and received a promotion in the form of a new chair, an acting fake minister khersonsky culture. region everything happens transparently, comfortably, and most importantly - safely. unlike the minister of culture, lagoisky is removing ukrainian literature from libraries. controls that schools teach history beneficial to the kremlin, imposes russian culture on the local poor in every possible way. in addition to this, he was also made the head of the regional branch of the assemblies of peoples of russia. it was created on the initiative of the president as a platform for dialogue. between society and executive authorities. such industrious work on the slopes did not go unnoticed our law enforcement agencies. on august 17 , 2023, the security service of ukraine notified lagoisky of suspicion of collaborative
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activity, and he faces up to 10 years in prison. now the case is in the kherson city court. so we are waiting for artemko's streams to play during the convoy. and this is lagoisky's deputy in the so-called ministry of culture of the kherson region , larisa anatolvna kosenko, 55. dear compatriots, the kherson region is electing a president for the first time as part of the russian federation of the russian federation, chooses the future of our children, ours with you. before becoming the bombed mouthpiece of the kremlin, larisa tried to build a political career in kherson. in 2020, she ran for the kherson city council of the now-defunct volodymyr salda party and luckily did not pass. after that, she headed the kherson city department of culture and the archive of the kherson district state administration. when the russian army occupied the city in 2022, kosenka decided to cross out everything that
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connected her with ukraine and start working to the invaders. according to media reports, kosenko called cultural workers in kherson and urged them to go to work for the russians. however , she was not seen in the public field until recently. in that year alone, 50 million books were purchased, which went to libraries operating on the left bank, that is 110 libraries. in this video, the traitor talks about the success of the campaign to remove ukrainian literature from the libraries of the occupied left bank and replace them with so-called russian classics. this is how diligently kosenka is practicing his new position. now she is patroness minister of culture of the kherson region. in general, her treason is a family affair, because while larisa is just waiting for her suspicion, for her husband, a well-known collaborator, serhiy cherevka, our fiddler has already waited for the judge. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, even now
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unites both soldiers on the battlefield and people who help restore the economy and social sphere of new regions in the rear. i am born in serhii, 49. from kherson, he devoted almost his entire life to politics, since 1998 he regularly ran for office somewhere. in in 1998 and 2002, he tried to get into... the kherson city council. in 2015, he became the deputy mayor of kherson and concurrently headed the regional organization of the kherson party. at that time, he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of the education of children who moved from the territories temporarily occupied in 2014. there is indeed a problem of accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions. but later he forgot his native language, and the occupied territories. began to call it part of the great russian empire. in 2017, cheravko left the post of mayor and
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ran for the verkhovna rada from the opposition bloc party in the 19th, but did not pass. in 2020, charavko ran for the kherson city council and failed again. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the ship district council of the city of kherson. in his position, he took care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass emigration of ukrainians. overseas. the situation is catastrophic. in ukraine, for example, the birth rate has decreased by 40% over the last 10 years. for cheravka, murder and torture of ukrainians, occupation of cities and villages became not a pain, but an opportunity, which he gladly took advantage of. our act, a meaningful act, definitely determines how we will build, with whom we will build our future. back when the region was occupied, cherevko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers
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on the main square of kherson with red flags of the ussr. initially, this traitor, together with hauraiter volodymyr saldo, participated in the creation of the so-called rescue committee for peace and order, the purpose of which was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. so fruitful the invaders appreciated the work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military-civilian administration of the region in the illegally created region. occupying authority. russia is the motherland. people feel their personal involvement in the creation of history, we see how massively citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor fled to the left-bank part of the region together with another similar fertilizer. this enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. the sbi found documents there reports on how the racist system was created during the occupation. and the work of the post office was being adjusted, to this pile of symbols of the russian federation and the scenario of holding events for victory day and
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russia day. it is a pity that there was no script for the day of defeat and disappearance, not for the empire, although we are now writing it ourselves. on october 19, 2022 , by decree of the president of ukraine, cheravko was placed on the nsdc sanctions list, at the end of last year he was accused of collaborating . currently, the case has already been referred to the kherson city court. we hope that soon this traitor, as well his wife, a collaborator, will be behind bars, and they will see each other very soon. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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greetings, this is saturday's political club, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and this program cannot be imagined without vitaly portnikov, he will certainly appear in a conversation with us already in in the second part of our program, in the first part we will talk with distinguished guests, experts, about the hottest events of the last few days, and prevail pe'. weigh it as you like, today on the air we will have the topic of a breakthrough in the kursk region and certain events in the bilhorod region. perhaps we are now watching the unfolding of these events. a few days ago, let me remind you, a border breach occurred on the border of the kursk sumy region in the area of ​​the city of sudja. and despite the active reaction to these events from the russian side, we have not yet seen any comments from the ukrainian side leadership and from the side, well, ukraine itself. of the military, which is probably absolutely unnecessary now. there are no clear maps, there is no
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concrete clear understanding in which operational zone all these events are taking place. all we know is actually, ah, things are happening in interesting places, also from an energy point of view. we are talking about gazprom facilities, some of which are already under the control of the defense forces of ukraine. well, we are also talking about the kursk nuclear power plant, to which the russians are now drawing reinforcements for the defense of this object, obviously reinsurance. one way or another, we have a precedent, actually since 1944, this is the first time that the russian federation can declare that on its territory there are representatives of the military of another country, it is very interesting to watch
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how the recently released russian li'. commenting on this story, we will definitely talk about it, as putin's godmother, if i'm not mistaken, ksenia sobchak, who also considers herself a journalist of her time and a russian liberal, comments on this story, so there are meetings to help residents kursk region, which suffered, attention, these are now citations due to the actions of the armed forces of ukraine. can you imagine the trouble in the kursk region because of. su, which is absolutely not true, the trouble in the kursk region is because of putin, who started an aggressive war against our country, everything else is only the consequences of his decision and the decision of the russian people to have such a ruler. oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, is in touch with the studio. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes,
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good evening. we will be extremely careful in the end, and we don't have any... unconscious information, clear information for analysis, but we understand that this week the line of combat of the defense forces of ukraine with the russian army has changed somewhat, it has become longer, it has become larger, if we say how it is changed the general picture of military operations in this war, what would you say, please, well, it is beginning to change. the general cover of hostilities, because we will now see what is happening with the russian army, how they will redeploy forces, how they will strengthen reserves, well, a lot of things will change, it has been since the sixth, four days, and so far, well, to analyze and say how it will change, you can only assume certain things, but the fact that it will change is obviously what will have
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the most impact on the changes, is it military action, or is it even political. component, informational component, and so on, we remember that the war has not ceased to be a hybrid, and it consists, among other things, of informational, political, economic, and everything that is media, which falls under the name hybrid war , it's a very successful raid, well, not a raid, it's not allowed such a word to be used, it is a very successful counterattack of our troops and i am sure that soon we will begin to feel the results of these actions directly. and in other parts of the front, it is unlikely that anything will change significantly in the pokrovsky or soyarovsky tatar directions, because there the fighting is carried out by the groups of the south of the so-called russian, and this, and where the fighting is now taking place in kurshchyna, it is the north of the group, and they communicate with each other, but do not exchange
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forces with each other, well, at least so far this has not happened, so believe that they troops will begin to withdraw. from the pokrovsky district, it is unlikely, from klupinsky-limansk, maybe from kharkivsk, 100% will be transferred from the reserves, from the leningrad military district, also obviously, can there be conscripts there, we will see a lot, this is an event, she, she is very it is big and such a big balsa in the distance, we have not yet realized that it happened and what can happen further there, it is not, well, it is not at all. not just like that, you can spread it out on sawmills, but you know, i don't know how much time we have, so maybe we have enough time to thoroughly analyze what is happening, but again, as far as i'm concerned, we don't have official data, clear data, they don't provide us with it,
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there are objective reasons for that, we understand it perfectly, well and to analyze very colorful information... i apologize to the public, but in my opinion, the information hygiene of ukrainians is at the highest level. mr. oleksiy, what if we go through the interesting details that have appeared and are already evident in the context of this stage of the confrontation between russia and ukraine. honestly, it absolutely amazes me how much innovative ones are being used recently, drones are being shot down with them. russian helicopters do damage right on the fly, russian drones are shot down by our drones, and this is also, in my opinion, an interesting know-how, can we talk about really? a new degree, a new stage of application of these unmanned technologies? well, drones are not dominating this war yet, but they have begun to have a significant impact,
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they will be improved, i don’t even see anything strange in the fact that they have started shooting down those, well, for example , russian helicopters that enter the zone, where this bodyless can work, we understand that it was directed by the operator, not by himself. he made decisions there and in the direct line of sight, which is tens of kilometers, well , depending on at what height, which drone, but well, we saw komikaze drones attack, so maybe we can see directly now, they are attacking targets that are located on on the ground, moving targets, eh, if the target is in the air, it does not maneuver actively, it does not gain high speed, which the drone behind it cannot catch up with, even if it is a curtain, well with... as the saying goes, just no moving or moves slowly, then intercept it with a drone, well, what is the difference between it or an armored car or a tank for the operator, what is the difference? and
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it depends on the specialty of the operator, how much he is trained, how much experience he has to control the drone to direct it directly to the enemy target. the same applies not only to helicopters, it applies to enemy drones, reconnaissance drones, there is no need to look for any, you know, we... often use the words there are the latest technologies, know-how, there is artificial intelligence, well, we collect all this in a heap in order to somehow raise our own feelings of importance, because we are so smart, we have such things, these are ordinary things, let's look at it a little easier, there is no such thing as sacred here, this is it it’s okay, we can even shoot down a winged aircraft with a circle, i’m not sure that drones will be used as means of air defense, because it’s a small radius of action, but if someone
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flies something or a russian drone or a russian helicopter into the field of vision, let’s say drone through the eyes of the operator, why not, if he does not maneuver, if he does not fly quickly, he will be destroyed, but this is not necessary. to give as an additional means of air defense, it is rather even more er, more like an exception to the rules, because if this helicopter was not very far away, it was easier to shoot it down with manpads, well, if the summons, ukrainian drones are already visible to the belarusian dictator lukashenka, by the way, in the context of recent events, he ordered to strengthen the grouping of troops in gomel and mozorsky and... directions, all this is the border with the kyiv and chernihiv regions, actually sending iskanders and polonaises there, these are jet
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systems as well, is it possible in some way a situation when we and belarus will also take some active actions to destabilize the plans of the ukrainian army, the iskanders against drones, well this... lukashenko was scared, so seriously, such a scandal is against being, well, what is this, the fact is that this fear of his, well, it can be with a high degree of probability to be sure that no action in the near future with the territory of belarus will not be conducted on us, especially on sukhadol, because then we can use article 51 of the charter of the united nations. about what self-defense is and we have the right to attack any military objects on the territory of the aggressor, for this we do not need any additional permits, well, if we and our
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partners agreed not to use certain types of weapons at their request, then with our own weapons, excuse us, we are guided by the articles of international law, that is, in this case, the articles of the organization's charter of the united nations, lukashenko understands that if he leaves his territory, at least something will be done. from the territory of belarus, if it flies something there, then we will immediately strike back, and he sees now that this strike back is, well, the belarusian army with all his, excuse me, points, lukashenko, it will be defeated very quickly, and okay, and today it also became known about the destruction of one of the so-called boyka towers in the black sea, periodically there is also information about these towers, we remember how in in 2023, the central intelligence agency was talking about getting back, no, not even getting back under our control, but about knocking out and
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actually... knocking out russian control over some of these facilities, and today the navy reported what they had done impact on one of the gas towers in the waters of the black sea. spokesman dmytro pletenchuk said that there are dead occupiers, and also some of the equipment used on these platforms was destroyed. what does it mean, does it make it easier? a situation in which we feel more comfortable in this part, at least the black sea, i will remind you that it is also interesting to us for economic reasons, for reasons of civil shipping, including yes, well, the actions of our special operations forces, our teams that attack from the sea, that attack the coastal areas that attack turrets, other objects on the sea, well, this is... well, these are
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asymmetric actions, which we often say, in order to achieve success, the same operation on the kurshchyna, the same actions, well, you know , for some reason everyone believes that, well, not everyone, but many believe that the war should take place, as i do not i know, in the days of caesar's legions there, one must be built there, another on the other side, and who will kill whom, we, military analysts, military... leadership, have said many times that we do not have as many forces and means as in our enemy, so we have to act asymmetrically, everyone wants us to act symmetrically, if from their side 50 00 climbs there, then we also have to put 50 and we will fight head-on, well, we will not fight like that, these blows and we just kind of bypassed the smoking, although i think we will talk about that too, about what is happening there from the point of view of the analysis of some telegram
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publics, and from the point of view. in essence, what is happening there, there is a lot of interesting things to talk about, that is why these actions, fighting towers, strikes on crimean submarines, strikes on anti-aircraft defenses, strikes on lithuania, on an oil refinery, this is all our symmetrical response, and this is all a complex of measures that gives us the opportunity, at least for today, to restrain a very powerful russian offensive, at least in the eastern direction and in the future, as they say... well many foreign analysts, but not journalists, but military, because these are more military people, still understand military affairs, than very respectable journalists and some analysts there, that we have the prospect of intercepting a tactical initiative in the fields this year, this it is very important, and what happened at the chicken, it will simply go down, as they say, in the history books, because it is a unique operation, it is a unique operation, and mr. oleksiy, you
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said that a... at this stage in the course operation there are many things that can be done to analyze from a purely military point of view, what you most, what upset you the most, first of all, let's do it, because it is a symmetrical response, what we did, we to the russians, where in the south, when our counteroffensive actions were , they built a line of syrovikin that was very difficult for us to overcome now. on the eastern front, through which they are advancing, they are building fortifications behind them, because i understand that counterattacks are possible, and so that they would have somewhere to defend themselves, such fortifications were not built in the kurs region, this is the first, second, there is no there were troops with combat experience, there were even conscripts who immediately began to surrender, the question arises, why do n't we hit that city, where the russians have weaker defenses, this is not
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a counterattack, this. .. precisely the counterattack, it can even be considered as an element of active defense, because defense is not only positional, it is active, that is , mobile, maneuverable, point-based, and so on, that is, people in the army fight according to protocols and rules, and not according to some kind of know-how, are they sitting, are the navies, god's harrows, inventing something, the army must fight by protocol and follow clear rules, and the commander's task is to use exactly those rules, exactly those tactics that are most convenient in a given place, at this time, in a given couple of years, and so on and so forth, taking into account the whole... the second thing that is interesting is the possibility that we can reach the kursk nuclear power plant, then the situation with our zaporizhia nuclear power plant will look completely different there, and grossi, the head of the magat, has already mentioned this are already starting certain conversations about what should be done, what should not be done there, and exactly what can be.


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