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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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here we are simply talking about some territory that someone has entered, you have to understand that russian society is sufficiently atomized, if you will, this is an atomized society, it is primarily interested in the situation at home, and if nothing is happening in your region, then you really don't care much about the suffering of the residents of another region, especially since the government itself knows better what to do, it will free the chickens, it will return people to their homes. and now we just have to accept the evacuees, according to the official ones according to these data, 76,000 people have already been evacuated from these regions, by the way, this is the number one task, as you and i all understand very well, together with this, and that, it seems to me, is clear, in some moscow, that there is happening in the kursk region, few people care, it's true, it's such an important moment of russian political life. that
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revolution never starts from the suburbs, change never starts from the suburbs, all russian changes always happen in the capitals, in 1917 it was petrograd, in 1991 it was moscow, if you don't win the situation in the capital, you will lose the country, but in 1917 moscow was against the bolshevik government, but the bolsheviks took power in st. petersburg in st. petersburg, and then they absolutely calmly established this power in moscow after some kind of ug. a short-term clash, now, if you understand, if any rebellion in petrograd wins and moscow remains under the control of the authorities, then this authority will simply be able to destroy any rebellion in petrograd, and vice versa, in 1991, almost all regions of the russian federation supported the gkchcp, moscow did not support, yeltsin did not supported, and as a result the top leadership of the soviet union, which was supported by all regions of russia, lost the struggle for power.
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there is something in this, as you understand, quite interesting, so from this point of view you are right, kherson was just such an unexpected event for them, as russian troops have to leave a conquered city, there is some kind of border struggle, some problems with the inhabitants of some provinces, who is to blame for them not living in moscow, i would say such a referendum: all of russia hates moscow, all of moscow despises all of russia. it real relations in this state from the time of grand duke ivan kalita, and not from vladimir putin, so i would not say that we are observing something new. well, well, from the point of view of what is happening in russia itself, we have understood a little, but about the traps that the russian state is currently falling into, you noted, on the other hand, can we fall into any traps, i can now be accused in some... very careless
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thoughts there, but nevertheless, when we have specific definitions of the specific borders of a specific country and declare ourselves as a country that adheres to international law, can they reproach us with the fact that we are not just protecting our own, but that we have in fact violated this international law by crossing the russian border, or how, how, how not to fall into a trap, in fact . and why no one criticizes? because it seems to me that this episode with kurshchyna, it just illustrates that everyone is very careful in their statements, kirby from the white house says: but we still have to figure it out, we will receive information now from the ukrainian military, although it is difficult to imagine that they don't know what's going on in kursk, but no one is speaking, you know, we consider the second inadmissible on the territory of the russian federation, although not a single person has said such a thing, not even lukashenka. yes,
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lukashenko did not say about him separately, look at how international law looks like, if aggression is carried out against your country, and if the country that is the aggressor accumulates military resources, manpower and equipment on its territory to continue this aggression, then you have full legitimate right to enter the territory of this country in order to destroy the enemy's military force, equipment and manpower in this area, where she prepares for the next attack. and by the way, this is exactly what the russian federation was guided by when it announced a special military operation in 2022, it said that it wanted to protect the people of donbass, and in order to protect the people of donbass, it was necessary to enter the territory of ukraine and destroy the military potential of ukraine in order to she didn't bomb donbas anymore, right? ugh, that was the idea, russia recognized our statehood, our borders, as it were, but they said, but there is a ukrainian army that is bombing. unfortunate children of donbas, we are hers
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destroy, and everything will be fine again, also daglat, yes god's grace, we say the same thing, we absolutely do not need the kurdish region, we need to destroy military equipment and manpower. raga, which is concentrated in the territory of the border regions of the russian federation with ukraine, that 's all, and here it is very difficult to notice something, because in any war the one who started the escalation, who started the aggression, is responsible for the victims on the territory the country he attacked, as well as the victims on his own territory during the second world war war, among the victims. during the war, there was a lot of civilian population of germany, by the way, why did we all enter its territory, it was its territory, we could stop somewhere on the borders of germany, the soviet union and great britain, the united states somehow did not stop, yes, but for
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who, adolf hitler, is directly responsible for the victims among the civilian german population , who is directly responsible for the victims among the russian civilian population. who carries vladimir putin. i talked a lot with germans who said: listen, what horror was in the days when the allied armies entered germany, especially the soviet army, there were rapes of women, murders, mass tortures, literally, just horror. and i told you, i absolutely agree with that. this is incredible horror. by the way, what was happening on the territory of ukraine, belarus, lithuania, poland, and other countries is terrible, it's all terrible. the unspeakable horror of the suffering of the civilian population, but i am very sorry if your grandparents did not support the national socialist german workers' party in the elections, did not allow it to grow stronger, did not allow it to start an invasion a war against your neighbors, all your grandparents, relatives would be alive, you started it,
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you were driven by a sense of injustice towards the outcome of the first world war, but you could understand that after you satisfied your feeling. injustice, such catastrophes may begin in your life, compared to which the injustice of the first world war will seem to you like flowers against the background of mass murder, rape, torture, well, that's all, who is to blame, who, if you had behaved differently, there would be no other world war, and to you had a democratic german state, this democratic german state could, together with great britain and france, restrain the bolshevik soviet union, could join in the destruction of the communist regime, and nothing would happen. but you went a completely different way, so from russia, when the residents of the kursk region now say that you and i supported the svo, well, i'm sorry, if you support the svo, if you support the views of your neighbors, the bombing of civilian cities , sooner or later the war will come to you and your
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children and kills you in your own homes, even if the army that comes there behaves more civilized than the army that came to our land and turned out to be simply, i would say a horde of savages. medieval bandits, i won't even say barbarians, because barbarians were still a civilization compared to the russian army, there could just be rocket fire, there could be drones, there could be the results of falling missiles, you lose life, you lose health, you evacuate, and what did you want, if you think that your army may enter the territory of another country, sooner or later the army of any other country can reach you, maybe it will not reach moscow, but it will reach the court... as it turned out, living in the border regions with ukraine, communicating with your neighbors for decades, crossing this border 155 times, knowing for sure that there were no nazis there, there are not and there will not be any, how could you not believe
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your own stupid eyes, your own tv, what is happening to you and the residents of the kurdistan, belgorod, voronezh or bryansk regions. well, i still understand the people who live there in the primorsky krai, and who they are they never saw anything, no one, nothing except a stuffed tiger, that all the tigers seem to have been killed there, but i understand people who live in the kamchatka region, in some yakutia, they watch tv, they don’t know where ukraine is, maybe there nazis really live, well, let's imagine, but you, especially the border band, are you really idiots? you are asking a rhetorical question now, vitaly eduardovych, everything you are saying now is so logical, well, it is absolutely like how 2 + 2 = 4, not 5, not 6, not 8 and not 20, but here you are you ask this rhetorical question to ordinary
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residents of the border regions at a time when, excuse me, even ksenia sobchak says that she is collecting some help there with her project for... residents of kurshchyna, belgorod region and so on and so forth who suffered from the actions of the armed forces of ukraine , that is, it qualifies now as a problem. that stems from the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, and i'm sorry, i'm not saying that she is a standard of some kind of intellectual thought, but it would seem like a person who claims to be a journalist, at least what a journalist, ksenia sabchak is part of the system, and she does what is generally accepted in this system, somehow money for peaceful residents of ukraine who have become victims, victims of behavior. forces of the russian federation, it did not collect, neither for the residents of kharkiv, nor for the residents of odesa, and this is a russian
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city, why do you not collect money for the residents, nor for the residents of other ukrainian regions, and those who were maimed, and those who raped, and those who were deprived of property, and those who live without light, and those who can live in the cold, she did not collect any for anyone money, although she has this money, thanks to her connections with the putin family, for... the forest, and her husband, bogamolov, yes, yakiv bogomolov, yes, bogomolov, kostya bogomolov, the son of a well-known tv reviewer in moscow, who , thanks to the upbringing of a good family there, got several theaters, he closed the theater of roman viktsyuk in moscow, you know, ugh, that's all these people do, so it doesn't surprise me at all when you talk about the village. these moscow families, all these patricians from the cesspool, excuse me, where did they all
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come from, they are generally like that, ugh, that's it it just surprises me, because i knew both ksenia's father and her husband's father, and they were serious people, both of them, and this is all a shantrapa, simply, who owes everything in life to her parents, she herself is a failure. to be where they are , you see, that's the trick, and i have to think about all these people now, what they 're collecting there, they're not collecting, what the curator said, that's what they're collecting, uh, so that, as we can see, others there, a representative of the russian establishment, the opposition, as it were, lev schlotsberg, lashed out at those russian campaigners who welcome the conduct of troops in... how can this be, a politician must be with his people, you understand? these are all
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scoundrels who do not deserve our respect and attention, i.e. lev schlotsberg, he means with the russian people, and here is marlene dietrich, she was not with the german people and went to give concerts to the allied armies, of course no one knows her, and cursed all world history and all germany, and... not with the german people, who came to germany in the form of the norwegian occupation army, but schlossbir with the russian people, ugh, but thomas mann, who wanted the defeat of hitler's germany, he is, of course, who he is, he is just some unfortunate writer who betrayed germany, whom probably no german knows, reads or respects, only dozens of museums were opened to him after the war, and schlossberg, of course will have a museum in... pskov, if he is not put in prison before this putin, you see, this logic, these people cannot even understand examples from
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history, that the one who wins, only the one who wants the complete defeat of the man-hater mode, and i understand that this road to this defeat lies through the suffering of this civilian population, which supported the aggressive policy, the more russian suffering, the more chances for change in russia itself, that 's what hocus-pocus is. mr. vitaly, what about lukashenko? spoke up against the background of the recent events, he even pulls his special forces and iskander with the polonaises to the border from the kyiv and chernihiv regions, well, but he spoke quite interestingly about possible changes in the leadership of belarus, he said something about what one way or another, one day i won't be with you, of course i'm not going to leave you, but anything can happen, so how do you like this public exit. the russian dictator, even against the background of the anniversary of the failed revolution in belarus,
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you know, i once wrote an article about the then president of montenegro in the 90s, and i stole the title from a well-known serbian newspaper at the time, which also wrote about he wrote an article, i liked it so much that i decided to translate it, this article was called chernogorsk eel, do you know what an eel is, ugh ugh, it's an eel, ugh, an eel, that's lukashenko, he behaves exactly like this yagulya, he 's not even an eel, he's a yagulya, a real yagulya, a lady yagulya, only not montenegrin, but belarusian, a real bulgarian, who even is not maneuvering, but squirming, you understand, squirming, on the one hand he needs to show putin that he is his loyal ally, on the other hand, the russians are already talking in their public, lukashenko agreed with ukraine on the withdrawal of troops from
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the belarusian border, i myself withdrew my troops to the border, and this gave an opportunity ukrainians to release their forces. for an attack on the kurdish region, and they quickly disarmed them, because they quickly led them from the belarusian direction to the kurdish region, we did not even have time to notice it, and of course, in this situation, lukashenko speaks, but no, on the contrary, i will now send my the border, so that they do not break through to where they are not going to break through, you see, that is his whole role, because he understands very well that on the one hand he needs to secure himself, and on the other hand to show the way... to the company that he with them, he strengthens what does not need to be strengthened, because he is their ally, that is why he will keep scanders, air defense forces on the border, he will not keep troops, you understand, yes, and this is the whole logic of lukashenka, he always tried to maneuver , of course, after the 26th year, when he dispersed this popular protest, it is
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much more difficult for him not to moderate, because these people always, what do they do? they negotiate with the west, the west tells them: "okay, hold only free elections full elections, but no questions, everyone loves me, you see, now madura, he does the same as lukashenko, yes, there are no problems, it’s great, but then he wakes up to everything, well, well, so now i will fight with the venezuelans, exactly the same he does the same thing, lukashenko did, but in..." there is also a person there to whom he can turn for money, just like lukashenko, this is xijin ping, xijin ping, and now lukashenko is trying to maneuver between china and russia, but to these maneuvers continued, he needs to survive and what do you think he wants to die with putin, you are wrong, he may think that he can live without putin, only he needs to preserve
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the regime so that putin does not creep up and so that the west cannot do anything with him, he will solve such a difficult task. and that's why he is twisting like that, the ukrainians also wanted to attack us, now i will show where this attack was being prepared, don't worry, volodymyr volodymovych, and the fact that they are there in the kurdish region, and why is he not helping the russians, they are members of the csto , i remember, in january 2022, some incomprehensible people, but clearly not of foreign origin, are organizing a protest in kazakhstan, and the president... this is a foreign attack, terrorists, mercenaries, no one crossed the border of kazakhstan, he somehow found these mercenaries right in astana and other cities, and the csto troops immediately came, they had definitely crossed the state border here, it registers the security council of the russian federation, putin holds meetings, says what a provocation, not
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selective shelling, but why the csto is not working, uh, why presiding. kb, who is presiding over there, lukashenko is presiding, i don't remember who is presiding over there now, he won't say, come on, friends, let's get together and send our glorious troops to the kurtsk region, let them help the russians repel the attack, let's at least do some non-military work there to release the energy of the russian troops, no one wants, no one wants, putin wanted to help tokaev, and tokaev had to i saw this putin in the grave in white slippers, well, slippers. after all , lukashenko also does not want to help putin, he puts iskanders at the border, everyone else does not want either, well, it is very strange, huh, so this also shows to some extent how this all of them russia worries a lot, you see, in fact, in fact, they are just maneuvering that it has not come to them, everyone hates it,
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but it is somehow strange, russians hate moscow, the csto countries. they hate russia, everyone around dislikes the csto countries, somehow, as soon as you leave the csto, as armenia said, we suspend our activities, everyone immediately starts loving you, going to see you, you meet with the secretary of the united states, maybe this is the key to happiness, leave the csto and other integration structures with russia altogether, if all of them they don't like what to stay in the same union with her, that's all, that's a good question. that's how it was explained more than clearly, more than clearly, but you mentioned xijin ping, and i would like you and i to maybe talk like the global south... about the situation around, i doubt, of course, that they are all aware , where the takur region, but less so, for them it is a weakness on the part of the russian federation, the fact that it did not
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control a certain part of its generally recognized, world-recognized border, or they now the observers are exclusively, and they think whether they should continue to cooperate at least in some sense with this country, no, i think that they ... perfectly understand that this is a weakness, and by and large it corresponds to their idea of , that the best way out of this situation is a ceasefire and the disbandment of troops, and by the way, this ukrainian raid on kurtshchyna once again convinces, let's say, precisely the countries of the global south of the correctness of their approach, that the issue is not someone's territorial integrity, in cease fire, that's why which turns out to be the same between russia and ukraine as they are. well, china has territorial claims to india, india to china, pakistan to india, china to the philippines, everyone has some territorial claims, and someone
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controls some territories that are considered foreign, and which are claimed by several countries at once, well and what to do in such a situation, to try to find a political solution to the problems, so that everything is clear from their point of view, ukrainian troops are on the territory. of the kurdish region, which we consider by the russian federation, and russian troops are located on the territory of four ukrainian regions of crimea, and we consider this territory a part of ukraine, but what to do, of course, we must stop the wagon and start negotiations. huh, so i think that's a faster, even redundant argument for the chinese approach. and eh, i would say that this can now be said to the russians from their side. you see, we told you that it is necessary to cease fire and start a dialogue. and you said no, we will not cease fire, but now there is already a war on your territory, and you already have a disputed territory conditionally on your territory, we recognize your territorial
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integrity, as well as the territorial integrity of ukraine, but what to do with it, how to prevent it, no way, you must cease fire, so it is clear that they are exactly in such a plane and will express themselves, well, how, as far as we understand, the ukrainian state and the ministry of foreign affairs. in the person of its representatives, they are working on, and interestingly, what exactly on the african continent dmytro kuleba is visiting malawi, zambia, mauritius and some countries from the african continent, in these days actually broke off diplomatic relations with us, and we are trying to build some bridges with others, what is happening and can it give a practical result? the practical result, it is not connected with the war, it is simply connected with. issues of positioning ukraine in the modern world, and if you want, with food security, because if the issue of food security is important, it is also part of our efforts, then in principle, the more countries will be interested
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in peace in ukraine and in economic ties with us, the better for us, that's diplomacy, that just not about the war, about someone breaking diplomatic relations with us, it seems to be niger and mali, right? yes, these are the countries that are under the po'. the protectorate of moscow today, which is assisted by the wagner group or the african corps, created by the ministry of defense of the russian federation after the death of yevhen prigorshenko. the regimes located in these countries also have, very often, no mutual or diplomatic contacts with other countries , even in africa, because the legitimacy of these regimes is not recognized there. both modes are the military junta, the niger regime is even going to kill, it seems. the current, legitimate president of niger, whom he receives as a hostage, so in this sense, if you realize that these countries depend on moscow, then of course, they
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always looked for an excuse to show their disloyalty to ukraine. by the way, in the organization of the united nations, they always voted in support of the pro-russian position, not the ukrainian one, and in this regard, when they say oh, we were neutral in the war between russia and ukraine. position, it falsehood. on the other hand, i do not believe that we should declare our support for those separatist movements that, say, took part in the destruction of the wagnerites in mali. that is , we can help all this, we can finance it, we can have contacts. we are interested in the fact that as many wagnerites as possible remained in africa for permanent residence, somewhere in the sands of the sahara. ugh. but we cannot question territorial goals. any country, even if that country is ruled by a military dictatorship, because we ourselves are a country that can be in a state of complex problems with territorial integrity for many decades, so it can
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be. and that is why we must realize that the issue of maintaining at least the semblance of international law, because international law, as i have repeatedly said, has been destroyed and will not be restored in the next decade, but we must in any case insist that the world order - it is legitimacy, and therefore, helping some groups that are fighting our enemies, simply on the principle that the enemy of our enemy is our friend, and not being allies of military dictatorships, we must remember that there were times recently when for... helped the legitimate governments of maliir to fight against separatism and radical islamism, and the question of the territorial integrity of maliir is not questioned by anyone on the african continent, the legitimacy of the governments of these countries is being questioned, so i would simply like the officials of ukraine to be the officials of ukraine, and this seems absolutely logical to me, because there is no need to give an excuse for ukraine were accused of some actions that would allow us to compare it to, say, intervention with
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the russian one, all the more so. everyone is waiting for this, mr. vitaly, after our last meeting with you, serhiy shogo shoigu, the former minister of defense of the russian federation, and some people from whose team are currently being arrested in russia for corruption, well, he visited tehran in the capital of iran and then he went to baku, azerbaijan, and we understand what iraq might be preparing for these days. and there is also a different reading inside, which can be the answer to israel's answer, yes, the islamic revolution guards corps for a more radical approach, the newly elected president masoud pezeshkian, allegedly for a more restrained one, but less with what shoigu forgot there, and considering the information that russia is sending some samples of its weapons there, what
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could this mean? well, i think that russia perfectly understands that iran is its ally, it is helping in this war, there are not so many allies who can supply russia with weapons, the kremlin, and from this point of view, of course, he could not go there come, on the other hand there is i don't think there is any information that he advises iran that he is advising iran, which was passed on to yotali khamenei by vladimir putin, that russia generally advised iran to refrain from a serious attack on israel. that it's not because the russians are somehow very sympathetic to israel, but because they might fear that a retaliatory strike would destroy all their efforts in iran, say, destroy the iranian nuclear facility, say, that nato nuclear facility that can be used to produce nuclear weapons, that it must be prevented because if iran gets rid of the main scapegoat in its war with the west, then of course russia's position can be weakened. by the way, we still don't know
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what they are preparing for. iran, because we see that the tehranis said that they were about to strike israel, they were already counting an hour before this strike, but then everything somehow stopped, maybe because the iranians received the results of the investigation into the circumstances of the assassination of the head of the hamas politburo ismail hania, because there are many theories here, and that hania became a victim of internal political clashes in to the leadership of hamas itself, there is also a lot to say, because... he had disagreements with the head of the hamas-gazi organization, yahya sinwar, about how to proceed in the war and whether to seek a truce or not. they had different positions there, someone accused hania of not wanting peace talks and a ceasefire. anyone from sinwar? in any case, the fact that sinwar unexpectedly for everyone, his candidacy was not even named, became the new head of the hamas politburo, indicates
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that... that the destruction of haniya was not some exclusively israel by an israeli act of revenge for 7 atrocities, but it could be the result of widespread idleness in iran itself and in the ranks of this terrorist organization itself, and that is why iran can think that israel did not really kill hania, we will shoot at israel, we will look like idiots in the eyes of its own allies, this is one time, the second may be the danger of a retaliatory strike, the third is that iran may think... that it is able to use at this stage other terrorists from the hezbollah organization, who also wanted to get rid of their chief of staff foad shukra, who was killed in berlin by a rocket attack, to israel literally a day before ismail hannia threw it, and they can just take their time, and they can discuss all this shuigu, but that does not mean that russia will just be there together with iran.


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