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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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there is nothing like that, it's all delusion, it's all propaganda, i ran into such a wall that i had such a terrible thought that i was very scared, what will we do when we de-occupy our cities, because people are already there have become different, and it seems to me that more than one generation will pass, well, at least one. and i think that even two generations of people before we can really say that this is how ukrainians live here, because russian propaganda, it poisons people very much, very, very much, and i am scared and scared of the fact that i will probably have to go there and somehow i will build a medical center there, because it is mine, and i have been dreaming about it for all these 10 years. right now, i
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'm afraid of this, because i'm afraid that i won't be able to do anything with them, that is, we will just have to wait, and bet on our children, on those children who are there, that is, with children still it will be possible to do something, but with the people who are a little older there, nothing, but let's see, the main thing is still necessary. occupy, mr. mykola, thank you for your participation on our air, mykola osychenko, a media journalist, they talked about mariupol and not only about the occupied donetsk region, now viktor boberenko is joining us, a political scientist and expert of the analysis and policy bureau, mr. viktor, good morning to you, good health to you, sir viktor, andriy already mentioned this today, but actually let’s talk about this topic again, volodymyr zelenskyi announced a decision that will strengthen spiritual independence,
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so it’s somehow veiled, i don’t know at all what he meant, spiritual viktor, how about you, as you understand, we need to have already specialist independence, which can interpret the expressions of the supreme servant of the people, because they become vague, but deep-minded, well, they also like to speak prescriptively, i think specifically on... and from such small lines , then the general picture is formed when he says: well, here we are, we will come up with a plan by november, and according to this plan there will be peace, and one thinks, what kind of plan is it, what is written there, well, it is some kind of magic word that putin... then he will look
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and say: your same division, why didn't i know about it before, and of course, i own there, we we are withdrawing all the troops, that's all for now, we are signing a peace treaty, because you have a plan, i read something that everything is right there and at once, but in order to believe in this plan, you need a lot of small hints, which then maybe will come true , yes, he blinks at us and says that there will be spiritual strengthening there, well, most likely what they mean is that they are recruiting somewhere, they calculated that votes are being collected for the removal of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, which probably will be ban, there will be some transition period, so that the church communities could create something new, or merge into the ocu, but who told you that their own, metropolitan bishops from the moscow patriarchate will not gather here and rename it there, take the word moscow, but... filaret will be,
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oh, i say, lord, this kirill, patriarch kirill, will be remembered in our prayers from now on, yes, there will be a tipa, and mazepa will be anathema, yes, as it was before, here, but in the meantime, in the meantime, our spirituality will be strengthened there, the only thing i worry about is that zelenskyi does not climb over one day saying ukrainian scraps there, because we saw scraps in russian, or rather we didn’t see them, we only heard about them, there are no scraps, starting from the main scrap, the russians don’t throw their own into the war, which was once pronounced bright or crimson, like his that 's right, there are many others there about spirituality, about that, about that, about that, well , let's strengthen spirituality, i'm absolutely in favor, i think that european solidarity, voice, there is a part of the non-factional ones, well, what kind of christians are they, only on easter there and saved, yes?
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they will vote and that means there is something there maybe there are 180 votes from the servants of the people, who also like the drum, if it is not a fight for some, as it seemed there, bander signs, then by and large they do not care if opzh does not vote for it, or rather the two groups that they now have there, i forget all the time what their names are, but they won't vote because there are ideological, skyroposets, what kind of moscow patriarchate is there, well, for me it will be nice and cool news, maybe somewhere there we will write it down in a green plus sign, although well, i say that this... does not mean that a new one will not be created a church that will not join the ocu. well, actually, i just don’t know, what has changed, mr. viktor, look, there was a vote in the verkhovna rada, then ruslan stefanchuk said that it was a break, at first he said that it was vacation, but then someone told him what
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vacation during martial law, this cannot happen, and then these holidays were renamed a little and said that the deputies will simply work on their own. in the districts, in the committees, yes, and you can see that this work in the districts and committees somehow affected what, what, what will there be another vote after this forced timeout is over and they go back to the session room? well, they just didn't have votes, those who vote for them are once again opzzh, part, part, well, there are probably groups, trust. then these - if they did not agree to vote for this particular law , why? because opz has a very clear condition, or rather two of them: the first: you don’t touch us and we vote you whatever you want, that is , some kind of indulgence, yes, and the second, you don’t
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touch the moscow church and we vote, that’s all, but accordingly, this law is needed it was time to collect their votes. plus yes , they will understand that there are 28 votes, european solidarity will give, there vote will give something, the homeland will give something, for yes, even the group for the future there are only five deputies from volyn, they will give something, because the deputies from volyn are unlikely to be in favor the moscow patriarchate, well, that is, you have to find 170-180 votes in earshot, and they were not there, there was a front, but it is clear that this time, while stefanchuk took a break, there... hamya, the president's office worked with each deputy artificially, something they promised, they promised to take them on the next train, well, for the next election or something else, well, i don’t know what cookies and buns there were, maybe they were also envelopes, but i’m not ready to swear, i don’t have such an insider, and i can
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it is only safe to assume that some motivational things were used, and zelenskyi gave out a kind of military secret on the mountain, well... i kind of hint, i hint that we will have a new peace summit in november, but there will be a breakthrough in spirituality, from that the moscow patriarchate will ban, the more spiritual society will not become, the one who believed in god will believe, whoever was an atheist will not become one, i think he believes, but the majority of ukrainians, well, not as large a number as russians, they conditionally consider themselves orthodox, but i say that they are orthodox necessarily on easter, well, maybe there for... salvation for the trinity, that's three times a year, eh, but they enroll themselves in orthodox churches, in most such orthodox churches it's all the same which church to go to, whether it's moscow or ukrainian, but here i think that there are even a lot like its atheists and its adherents to
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the orthodox church of ukraine, but there is a swamp, who cares, well, but in the meantime, i think that... if it is cool to work with the communities, when there will be some kind of front from the metropolitans, well, if they ban the moscow church, they will say for six months, there conditionally from some there on february 1 there or march 1, 25, it is not possible to write on the church that this is the church of the moscow patriarchate, the community, well , the church community must decide who they are, then they will hold some kind of council, create another church, which will not be called the church of the moscow patriarchate there, and it will be called some... well, well, no, not ocu they won’t call it there, but there, there, i don’t know, there, the eastern ukrainian orthodox church, for example, yes, it’s like there, or there, the ukrainian orthodox church, well, not the ocu, yes, it’s like the kyiv orthodox church, i
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i don’t know, well, they will call it something, seven bishops will gather there, or somewhere 27, well, then they will say to their own that come to us, and they will move from the moscow patriarchate to others, there... well, of course, many communities must work here they will fall off, but for everything to fall off, i do not believe in this, and in the fact that, say, these pro-moscow bishops, and theirs here there are plenty of them in ukraine. not completely, they are fsb agents, they are all fsb colonels, at least, they will definitely not come to the ocu to epiphany, mr. viktor, there is a little time left, in short, you know, if you can react, there was an interview on ukrainian pravda with andrii yermak, to be honest, i didn't really want to read it, because i would think about who andrii yermak is, but on the other hand , i don't understand that in reality he is extremely powerful. and the question was correct, where do your powers end
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and where do they come from, to which andriy yermak said that my powers end there, or continue where there is an assignment from the president, that is, when the president assigns something, it means that there is this right hand or, as it were , the right hand of the president, what is this assignment breaks through somewhere, and but on the other side. you know, my colleague and good friend oleksandr zinchenko calls our current state system a dilettante, well , he has such an innovation, but i would joke about this topic, i would say that it is rather some kind of system where there is a big principal and large executors of these assignments, even if i'm being honest , look at the latest news headlines where the name is mentioned. ah zelenskyi, as a matter of fact, they usually go with the phrase the president gave an order, and
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literally everything in our country goes through this order, this is a new type, probably state management, for example, look, zelensky ordered the creation of a new family troops, zelensky instructed to increase the production of drones, zelensky instructed to quickly build fortifications in the main directions, zelensky instructed to deal with the pechersk lavra of the ukrainian orthodox church, zelensky instructed to find out. the possibility of creating a coalition of states, zelensky instructed the government to define the standards of news, zelensky instructed the government to work on the issue of reservation from mobilization, for a very long time, in fact, almost every news that zelensky something is there, he entrusted them with the rules, what is this form of government in principle, and we understand that in this... form of government, in fact, as you know in the game of thrones, we have this right-hand man who
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carries out these assignments, well, in fact, there is none such an institution as andriy yermak or the president's office, yes, in all countries, they respect the institutional law of the institution, there is a very clear hierarchy, which is, for example, the constitution of ukraine, there are codes, there are budgetary, tax , criminal, election codes, yes, there are laws of ukraine, there are by-laws, so yes, a law is issued, under law, the cabinet of ministers then pushes by-laws, for example, to create, and the president can indeed issue such a document, which is called a power of attorney, but it does not bear any regulatory burden, especially since according to the constitution, the president can't even entrust shmygal with this, and that's why he entrusts yermak, and yermak already has shmygal, or how? to maks stefanchuk, because the president has the right of legislative initiative, here yes,
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you can’t write here, he can submit his draft law to the verkhovna rada without a kadmin, without any direction, yes, i’m the president, i think so, and then he can really instruct irmak to develop such a bill there, bypassing the cabinet of ministers, although it is illogical, because there is a specialized ministry of defense, yes, which has to develop some there, well... someone instructed him or it came out by itself with the initiative that a new kind of troops is being developed about the dromes, yes there like, or there are some anti-corruption initiatives, there we add something to the regulatory base, there to the laws in the by-laws, for whatever reason, there are 17 of them, yes, for example, we create some there, if you don’t want to work transparently there, somehow, well, create this mechanism, okay, there zelenskyy said, instructed me to never seen this again... 17 eggs, well, well, here, but it should pass anyway procedurally through institutions, there is no such
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institution andriy yermak, it has to be these pocketbooks anyway, uh, that is, what, so that in a nightmare, no, no, no one dreamed that the president was writing an order on a piece of paper, yes, he was there a piece of paper and a runner are there, and he can write, i instruct, it can really be like that, he instructs, but until the execution of the ermak, but here it is already procedurally not... right, it is a paradox, who is the ermak, and zelenskyi cannot entrust shmyhal like that according to the constitution will entrust shmyhal, so he can only do his own thing the project is normative. normative and introduce it either to the cabinet of ministers, or the one, then the ladies, he can entrust the ermak, but the same ermak is not himself, he will type it with his fingers behind a laptop, and that’s because someone has to from the word d the assignment and to the last point, something is typed, introduced, there is some legal department there, which will proofread it
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for compliance with the legislation, what else is there, well, that is, these are procedural issues, and yermak is declaring. so you can say that, well, absolutely in, well, in constitutional law, in institutionally, they are all absolute two-year-olds there, because they cannot entrust you with what you do not have the right to do, do we have executive authorities or legislation, for me it's just that i don't know the answer. should have been cardinal richelieu, who would have said that my powers will end when i am 14 years old, then i have to say ukraine is me, as the man of the people said on the 13th and from 999 hryvnias. savory pro set is five pots from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion, use them on the stove and even
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the most common allergens. books for independence day on gelta kremgit up to 30% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. civil activist roman ratushny, journalist and military servicewoman tetyana chornovol, in memory. svetlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on the espresso tv channel. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to
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inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislative norms change. our life, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. let's go back, friends, i want to tell you that today we collected almost 20,000 for our army. the qr code will be in the "you donate" corner. and we will... talk with the general of the army of ukraine, the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010, mykola malomuzhy, he is already appearing on your screens, mr. mykola, good morning, congratulations, glory to ukraine, mr. mykola, somehow a hero ... yamslav, somewhat alarmingly, against the background of what is happening in the kursk region, news appears that lukashenko, accusing ukraine of violating
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the airspace, is gathering and drawing troops to the border with ukraine, what can this mean and what should we expect? well, first of all, we we note that after changing the strategic approaches to the war, as many times, even in our broadcasts, we talked about the fact that... it is necessary to act in an alternative way, that is, asymmetrically. when the enemy concentrates its troops in 10 directions, we can practice parallel preparatory, so to speak, measures of a tactical or strategic level in other regions, where the enemy is not waiting, where there are no hot spots, where we can deliver a powerful blow and develop offensives . the course is one of the formats, and i think it is not the main one, but it is indicative, both for the defense and for, respectively, system assessment. and our partners and soldiers, who say that indeed it raises the spirit to some extent, but i think that such operations should be carried out in the occupied territories, of course, in order to show
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not only that we know how to fight, but specifically to liberate our lands the second component, the fact that putin is scared, the fact that he has not, since the first days, been unable to assess the situation, even make some, well, acceptable statements, then he says that it is repulsed. then there are no prospects in the armed forces of ukraine, then there are still some means that they gathered there of security, then, accordingly, the security sector appointed an anti-terrorist operation led by a boarder, i.e. such a set of various chaotic actions that had no effect, but what can be used are threats in other regions, they tried to launch fire strikes immediately in the sumy and kharkiv regions , well, first of all , those of a terrorist nature are suppressed. as if people directly, that there were large casualties, and on the other hand, as if demonstrating that there could be some active hostilities, but we controlled these regions, it was understood that there
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new offensive operations are not foreseen, because the enemy is simply not ready, but lukashenka to raise the fact that he has intensified his militaristic rhetoric and readiness to enter our territories somewhere, that is, to support putin, distract our troops and that we are forced to... be displaced from the east, and perhaps even returned from kurshchyna to the border with belarus, that is why this model has been worked out, the fact that we seem to be striking belarus with missiles, drones, missiles, the truth is that they did not find them, although they searched for our wreckage, they could not be found yet , so am i i say it directly in quotation marks, because they were not prepared, but the drones, they seem to be already detecting, that is, the wreckage that flew to belarus, actually an absurd situation, because... firstly, both politically and militarily, we are extremely it is unprofitable to attack belarus today, there are no systemic reasons until the enemy from the side of belarus
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enters, or the belarusians themselves have not resorted to provocation, so it is clear that artificially created models of confrontation, in order to threaten us, that putin has raised troops, special operations forces, special forces, those who more controlled by lukashenko, and understandably so. i will bring eskanders, others, air defense systems and missile complexes there, so at the moment it is a threat to putin's povkazitsa with the aim of pulling our troops into the sector of belarus. lukashenko himself said yesterday that he, what is most important for him is peace in the country, but he also said that not everything depends on us, and if we only assume that belarus is all ... it will enter the war, like the second country on on the part of the russian federation, how would it change the situation, or would it mean that some new rules and new red lines then
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appear from the support of our partners? well, first of all, the entry of belarus, which declared that they were going to intervene, and extreme options, this is how we will attack the territory of belarus directly, physically, here even a violation of all... this is a change, so say the strategies relatively not only of ukraine, but also of the west, because the west closely monitors the position of belarus and the offensive on the territory of our state, meant that this was the unblocking of the so-called conditional neutrality, and it is clear that both poland and the baltic countries, which are nato countries, which would used their systems not only for anti-aircraft protection, but perhaps, so to speak, also piloted strike groups on the border, which is already a direct threat to the regime. lukashenka and another difficult situation is that the army of belarus does not want to fight, these special forces that he raised and this special operations, these are exceptional resources up to
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15 thousand. people, and a number of rocket and mortar systems, yes, but our troops, of course, have a powerful group there that keeps under control all the resources of belarus, and i understood that if he struggled, it could be a systemic failure, because without having combat experience, no motivation, the more the resources are large, i say, as the army of belarus to fight on our territories, it is definitely a loss, so lukashenko understands this, he plays in tight circles, demonstrates that he is ready to enter. he may even be prompted by the russians and putin personally for some provocations and even the actions of these subversive groups of these special operations on our territory with the aim of tentatively provoking a conflict, but i think lukashenko will not risk a large-scale war today, because it is a loss and military, and there may be a fall of the regime, a huge number of belarusians who today are silent against this regime, and he has already begun to declare that
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lukashenko cannot be the president permanently, as changes, these changes can be accelerated, but at the expense of provocation lukashenka himself, he is playing, whether putin will overpower him and it is necessary to take some active, aggressive actions on the borders, or is it still a direct threat, the destruction of the regime, we will understand the fall of its army, but this destruction is not only political, but also physical, so i'll get out of it, i think he is will not dare to go on large-scale offensive operations from the territory of belarus to our country. well, thank you very much for this conversation, mykola malamush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, was with us for the fifth time in 10 years. wider provocation, and of course also about our operation in the kursk region of the russian federation. dear friends, lesya vokolyuk, andriy saichuk, today we are working
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in this studio for you during the day. now we're going to take a short break, but teresa will continue, so we invite you to stay, we 'll be back at 12, at 11, sorry, and we'll continue until 12:00, and then we'll go on a break again, and we'll be back at 2:10 and we'll stay with you until the 17th, thank you for joining our heather with your comments, it's especially hot today with our youtube broadcast, i don't know what you... happened, well , join in with your donations, almost 20,000 hryvnias, while talking with the general, a few hundred more were added, and to make it 20, then a scrap of some 120 hryvnias, dear friends, today you and i have collected 82 for yesterday, this is a record amount, if it is the same today , then we will already have little by little, we will come close to nine hundred. thousand uah from
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the 3.5 million required qr code at your service, thank you for being with us, we are going on a break, we will be back at 11, you stay with espresso, because the ether continues, and it will be interesting from now on, well and we also watch the news, what happened in ukraine, in the world, what happened in the kursk region, kateryna shirokopeis knows everything and everything will tell us, and we will listen and watch. greetings olesya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you about the explosions that thundered at night in russia, another failure that befell donald trump and operational information. from the armed forces news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, russian troops launched ballistic missiles in the direction of kyiv. the suburbs took the hit.
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the city was also attacked by about a dozen shaheds in...


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