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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

11:30 am
then i think that russia will not be able to achieve, but such blackmail and manipulation that they are trying to inflate now, well, they are working less and less, as practice shows that the russian federation can, of course, talk a lot, but in practice we see that the kursk people's republic is starting to get up from its knees little by little and it is quite possible that soon through a referendum it will break away from this prison of peoples and somehow threaten someone else later, well, it will be funny for russia when they cannot even their universally recognized to control the territory. thank you, mr. maksym, maksym nesvitalo, political scientist , internationalist, we talked about what is happening in the world, what impact it has on ukraine, we are going to take a short break now, we will come back, continue, dear friends, another 400 uah has been added to... our collection and in total for this morning 27
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00 we have already accumulated, do not stop the qr code at your service, and after a break we will return, and again he will be here in the corner, and we will talk with our next guest, stay with us, the pain may become obstacle, walking stairs, not with mine knees, for pain in the knees, try... dollar cream dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility with dolgit cream, you can also walk dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. there are discounts until independence day on linex forte of 15% in psylshynyk, bam, and shkadno pharmacies. national tv on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows, turn on megogo on various devices without any wires and antennas, and all this from 40.5 uah per month, oh, i i remember, oh
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podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military servicewoman tetyana chornovol, founder of the angels unit tyra yulia. writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively. on the air of the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters presenters, who have become like
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family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we'll be back, we'll wait while we wait for our next guest, let's remind you and show you who we 're doing the collection for, lovely guys, and that's it. they say: good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third crimean assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front line, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaji drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, this is the appeal they are asking for. guys,
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andriy and i are asking you to contribute your hryvnias to the collection that we are conducting, 3.5 million hryvnias, in general we want to collect, and we have already left with you, we have started the collection. nine hundred thousand hryvnias, this collection continues for the third week, dear friends, little by little we are moving forward, soon we will have the first million, but from when it will be, it actually depends on how you scan this qr code here, or the one that appears during our full screen broadcast, and it may or may not appear now, but will appear later, so you stay with espresso, er... and watch as soon as he appears. thank you, we have already collected uah 27 this morning, but i hope that we will collect more. yesterday, yesterday we had a record day, yesterday we collected 82 thousand with your help. listen, while we continue our,
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our morning greetings. congratulations today already steve woznik, i hope he was watching us. dear steve, if you can, please send some money. for our defenders for our guys, why did you speak english? well , just suddenly, suddenly steve is watching us now, turned on the tv, yes, well, he is just a billionaire, he could help a little now, but also today we congratulate ivan linyo, ivan lenyo, the frontman of the band kozak system, a beautiful man, today is celebrating his birthday and wrote two hours ago, sincerely thanking everyone for the greetings, i sincerely hope that everything we wish for each other such days are for strength. a sense of unity and a desire to win, in fact, this is what we want these days, and also for this sense of unity and desire for victory to also be active, that is, for us to donate something to the armed forces of ukraine, if we are already in the rear, and we have such
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a privilege. gentlemen, we are moving on, and ihor teshkevich, an expert of the ukrainian future institute, is joining us. mr. igor, we congratulate you. let's talk about the news from belarus, what lukashenko said about the fact that some troops are moving to the border with ukraine, before that some apparently downed drones or something like that were demonstrated, whether these troops can really be used at this difficult moment, we understand that the balance is very fragile now, ukraine. have transferred part of their forces to russia, russia has concentrated all its forces in the pro-pokrov direction, respectively, is n't this the moment when even a small amount of help to putin and the putin regime from lukashenko could upset this balance here? well, i don’t
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think that these troops, well, first of all, their numbers are not that large, and secondly, i don’t i think that these troops, they will act actively in some way. to try to invade ukrainian territory, and there are several reasons for this, the first key one is such a thing as a point of consensus in belarusian society, which means that this thesis is almost equally supported by lukashenka's electoral base and his opponents, it is that the belarusian the army should not fight against the ukrainian, ukrainian army, and it is about 80%, and it has been holding such indicators, if i am not mistaken, we started measuring from the spring of the 22nd year, well, for two years, immutable, and you can be anything, a dictator, an autocrat, whatever, but if you give an order that is not supported by 80% of your society, including, i'm sorry, the army,
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well, that's very risky, and the second part, this is the second, the second reason is, well, including the position of china, with which the official is now playing, there is also a... well, a very simple example, this is what denysenko already cited in his post, and such an example, that so for demonstration to the border, well, let's say that the polonaise division of the rszzo, well, for the ukrainian viewer, to understand, this is the same hymars, only on a chinese base, newer, and there the basic missile flies at 200 km, well, the belarusian one is modernized at 300, and of course the russians would like to get such a complex, but from china there is... categorically no, accordingly, this complex in azerbaijan is in egypt, it is in the united arab emirates, but not in russia. here. and why is it overturning as of today? well, first of all, the situation that has developed for putin in the kursk region,
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it really scared lukashenko a bit, lukashenko, because there are obligations under the treaties of the pro-union state, in the csto, etc. and if putin would say that this is a war and start pollinating these treaties, then you would have to sweat somehow, and accordingly, if you refuse, well - considering the level. the influence of the russian federation for lukashenka, it would be dangerous, but putin was afraid, well, in principle , it is logical, because the csto, most likely, no one would go to fight for russia, but such an appeal, it would simply indicate that this house is nothing it's not worth it, so it's better not to to create such a situation, and on the other hand, the same russian soldiers and the russian media, which is very important, centrally, they raised such a wave that it seems... the ukrainian attack on the kursk region became possible thanks to the fact that, well, about a month ago
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there was a de-escalation on the border between belarus and ukraine, that belarus withdrew its troops from the border, the key, in fact, it did not withdraw all of them, but i want to remind you that in june the so-called sudden check of combat readiness began and part of the troops were additionally transferred to the border, after lukashenko's statement that ukraine withdraws its descendants for the first time... less than it was that time, but this is demonstratively overturned, including to show moscow that, well, i, let's say, make some decisions, i kind of support them, because well, after three days of silence about kursk, well, even the belarusian ministry of foreign affairs announced something, well, including that, and it is possible that this drone was shot down, although , well, let's put it this way, it should also be noted that they flew before and were not shot down, and
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even if it was a ukrainian bezpolonik, that's why what, well, if we take into account, let's assume an attack on the objektrad region, well, i'm sorry, through which territory they could still fly, here, well, but now such a demonstration for moscow, well, in principle, it's more a game for the public than real preparation, can putin put pressure on lukashenka so that he stops already? to give the appearance of turbulent activity on the border, but still, let's face it, he tried more than once, but the question is from the other side, and with what forces and means? i want to remind you that the entire belarusian army is together with civilian personnel - this is 65,000, this is the entire belarusian army, and 42 of them are military personnel, not a set of about 15% of military personnel, but the meaning. part of the units are so-called cadre units, which means that these units are, well, on paper
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, a brigade, in reality, if we take the number, it is actually a battalion in order to train conscripts. preparation for war is a few signs. the first sign is the call-up of reservists, and on a large scale, unlike in belarus, where up to 5,000 are twice a year, and this is 10-1,500 at a time, although the second part of our... it is necessary to pay attention, this is the so-called mobilization of medical personnel, this means that vacations for doctors are canceled, etc., the third is the preparation of transport infrastructure, including the transfer of the railway to a different mode of operation, all this is not there, without this you can't start a war, tell me, well, isn't the csto, which belarus is a part of, this association, an analogue of nato, he doesn't demand in such a case, well, it's already a fact. second time on russian territory, let's talk about the csto once again, how is there such a thing that aggression against one of
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participants, but there is aggression against everyone, but let's pay attention to what putin said, he said a terrorist attack and provocations, ugh, why did he say that, because let's imagine the situation, putin says, okay, war, that's all, but allies in the csto , help, well , i’m sorry, you can se... imagine armenian units on the border with ukraine, which will fight for russia, kazakh units, unless, unless against russia, you can still imagine, well , no, they are not against russia either will be, let's not be, let's say, idealists to create myths, well, in the future in 50 years, i apologize, once again, this is one of the options, let's not dream, because the so-called khatzelki, which are passed off as fact, this is unfortunately our problem, but as of today... we have that most likely all participants, including belarus of the csto, would
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find opportunities not to support russia with their military forces. in this case , what is the danger for russia? russia will try to show that it is a geopolitical player, that it is a world power, that it is a military bloc around her, well, this is an attempt to imitate the united states of america, okay, and here from... in this case , the united states will also draw conclusions regarding russia's positioning regarding russia's political influence. and china, and india, and the states of the arab world. it is very dangerous for russia. that is why he is talking about a terrorist attack, provocations, etc. and now, in the third year of the war, is the public opinion about russia's war in ukraine, now in belarus, somehow changing in general, how, how, how, how is it evolving,
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or is it like this. i'm sorry, it's a war for ukraine has been going since the 14th year, if i'm not mistaken. of course, but for... this is not the third, well , the great war is meant, when something, in terms of public opinion, i already said that public opinion is a consensus that war cannot be fought, from the point of view of supporting that or on the other side, the society is divided, i mean such emotional support, and as for the influence of propaganda, yes, propaganda, it affects the electoral comrades of lukashenka and the so- called pro-russian belarusians, there is a greater radicalization, which... it is necessary politically and by all in other ways to support russia, but there is one problem that this radicalization, it takes place within a rather small, relatively small group, because the propaganda reaches about 40% by force, and for the rest, well,
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fairy tales, and even for the literal core of lukashenka, fairy tales against about the boy in the panties, the fascist regime, well, they... the sports look very strange, because there is one advantage in the belarusian-ukrainian direction, which was mass private trips of citizens, well, let's say from belarus to ukraine, if we're talking about belarus, and if during the holiday season out of 9 million, the border service recorded 3-4 million crossings, this means that, let's say, at least 1.5 million people were in ukraine, and if you were... in ukraine, in lviv, there in odesa, where else, of course, the fairy tales about the nazis there somehow do not come, so this, this is what works, will work for another couple of years, i hope that after the war it will resume and it will continue to work for the future, and i will also ask about this aspect, speaking about the future rather of belarus, you know, all of us
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there were probably a little surprised by the story, when uh... the russian navalny died in prison, then in fact somehow the crown, the main positioner and the future alter putin there immediately passed to his wife, and both this and this somehow look strange, because he’s not a monarch, they don’t have any dynasty, why is it so, an uncrowned oppositional oppositionist, moreover, an article was very interesting recently published by a russian er...actually an emigrant such mr. lebedev, who, one wonders whether bulk actually is a democrat, whether navalny was, or rather, whether navalny was actually a liberal, and where, where he actually analyzes how navalny's various positions have changed, but he emphasizes that if navalny were never to be, this
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awareness is how important it is to determine the trajectory of the future russia is that... baggage or cargo or burden of their totoritarian past, and that without its condemnation, without its acceptance and working through, conditionally speaking, no new russia is possible in principle, he very, very convincingly tells this by the way, and here i have here is the question regarding mrs. tsikhanouskaya, she also somehow got, after her husband was imprisoned, got some kind of ticket for the elections, now she seems to even... there is a partially recognized leader of such a government in exile in a conditional free belarus, but is she also not a random person, or do we fully understand what her views are in general, what belarusians who support changes and dream of something happening, what do we say simply, come on, i will give an example to venisuer, was
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such a talkative person, well, there is a person, juan guaido, you remember, even said on the express tv channel... that now he has overthrown maduro and everything will be fine, huh, but it so happened that juan guaido has now lost all his positions even within the opposition. well, the question is simply that there are, there are public attitudes, there are population groups, there is a person, and a person cannot always be an expression, an expression of the interests of these population groups. there as a national leader, well, this caused resistance and indignation, among other things in a large part of it, including opposition- minded belarus, well, okay, let's move on. well, i don't know, this question remains open, probably, so somehow, what's next?
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mr. igor, thank you very much for this conversation, igor tyshkevich was with us, we talked about the situation in belarus, we hope that lukashenko's father, lukashenko is not lying when he says that he is not at all interested in this war with ukraine, and we hope , which our... allies also have, holding back some arguments to prevent this from happening. dear friends, little by little it is coming to an end. our second part is etherl. i will remind you that we are working all day today in this studio for you and will return at 14 and continue. we already have a huge list of guests, and of course, we will talk with them about the news that will appear in our feeds, what it all means, and also we will summarize a little bit. this week, which turned out to be quite unexpected for the events, let me remind you that our names are lesya vakolyuk, andriy saichuk, and i also want to thank you for
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today's donations, uah 32, this is what you and i have already collected for today, we have currently 819,607 hryvnias, in total we need to collect as much as 3.5 million, but... as you can see, we are approaching the first million, and this is actually a third of the amount that we need. we collect for the necessary things on the front lines, these are drones and rap systems. you can now see the qr code on your screens. scan it, there is no card number, it is a little more difficult for some, but it is not such a big difficulty that cannot be overcome, if it is about supporting our army, about supporting our three brigades, the third is separate. storm 110:47 need of our urgent support, now they are also on the hot lines, rebs are what saves the lives of our military, we
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talked about this yesterday on our air with oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer, she actually explained how it works, dear friends, so join with your hryvnias, hope that today we will reach at least 8.5 hundred thousand hryvnias, we need everything for this... the same amount as we collected today, plus another 30,000 hryvnias. yesterday there were a record 82, well, in principle , this week we already have almost 3.5 hundred thousands have been collected, and if more is added, we will already come out, we will almost come to 400 hundred thousand hryvnias, if we collect at this rate, then listen, well, those 3.5 million will already be in our account, and as soon as the full amount is received. immediately drones and immediately rep systems will be on the front line and will help destroy the muscovites and protect the lives of our boys. well, here we are not saying bye-bye, but
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see you in two hours, stay with espresso, our airwaves do not stop with our break, the telethon does not stop pause, the 900th day we are working for you around the clock, actually covering the events. thank you, we'll be back at 14, and you stay with espresso, it will be interesting. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need the savory pro set, unpack the tv. savory pro pans are made up of one. one and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the sejory pro set is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any
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12:00 pm
greetings to everyone from espresso. jaanamelnik and this is news. the number of wounded has increased to five as a result of the morning attack by muscovites on kramatorsk in donetsk region. as reported in the regional prosecutor's office, the shelling took place at 6:10 in the morning. three men and two women were examined. in particular, one person is in serious condition and is being operated on. apartment buildings and private houses, enterprises, commercial premises and. motor vehicle previously, the enemy hit the volley fire systems tornado. russian occupiers attacked one of the utility companies of kherson-electrotrans at night - reported the head of the city's military administration , roman mrochko. according to him, no one was injured. there are more than 20 trolleybuses in nivychyna. the contact network and buildings were also heavily damaged. at night during


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