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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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is this self-proclaimed president playing along with us for now, let's see how much he will continue to do this, and as for the csto, well, that's great, because he is setting the trend, if a country that is not only a member of the csto, but also a member of the union the state that is part of or most integrated with russia behaves like this, so why do kazakhs, or tajiks , or some other countries or kyrgyz have e? to have some more powers or more obligations to russia, well, i think lukashenko is wonderful in this. thank you very much, oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia. thank you, mr. oleksandr. now we have mr. andriy shkil, a well-known politician, journalist, people's deputy of ukraine, of the fourth, fifth, sixth convocation, who currently lives in france. on this occasion
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you see the french flag behind my back, and we will see it now and ask, very interesting, my first question is historical, modern, i am confused, let's say it directly, mr. andriy, thank you for finding time for us, good health i, good health, each other, thank you for the invitation, thank you, look, i already forgot about such and such a word conjugation normandianeman, uh, and here today, well, i am so for... i am convinced that mr. andriy knows that, yes, during the second world war the french were fighting on the russian-german front, and it was the normandy nemen squadron, and here yesterday or today, i don’t remember anymore, some good russians said that i would similarly name some company, teams of french, some people who are engaged in the uav, it got itself a... appropriated the name
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normandy neman, and it looks like it's going to russia, and there it will fight on the side of russia against ukraine. has anyone in france heard of this at all? i just got curious, because the russians lie so much, so i decided to ask you first of all, mr. andriy, did anyone in france hear that such a new normandy nemet has appeared and will shoot uavs in ukraine from the territory of the russian federation? well. i have not heard and of course, i have not monitored the french mass media now, so to speak, the second tier, those that are somewhere on the edge of visibility, but anyway the official media are busy right now, of course, this is the olympics, the closing of the olympics, and if there is any international information, then it is primarily the situation with the exchange rate breakthrough, and it is being discussed, this is the main subject...
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studying the situation in russia's war against ukraine, if you look at it from this overview, but one thing is known, well, well, well, there is no shortage of freaks, and in france, where, according to various sources, there are around 800,000 people from the former soviet union, well, it is true, along with those ukrainians, who left the former soviet union in that period or later, then among them there will be freaks, there will be those who will come. and from other countries in france in order to once again try to discredit, on the one hand, ukrainian-french cooperation, which is bright and hardly acceptable, bright and understandable for us, but hardly acceptable to moscow, because well , if everyone is a victim of the myths it creates, so they created the myth that this is hardly france that is not a part of russia, or some kind of continuation of it, or on the contrary, russia is a continuation of france, which... in what style did they try
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always constantly shooting at the world, spreading this information, but nevertheless the situation has changed, and you, the kremlin, must change with it, accept the simple fact, understandable for, in particular , the average frenchman, that france was, is and always will be on the side of those , who is a victim of an attack, a victim of aggression, a victim of imperialism, and not the other way around, not at the hands of the imperialists, no matter how it is...someone would not like to demonstrate it in a different way, so they may be, let's just see where it came from, this is what these relationships illustrate normandy neman with russia, just this photo, we just showed it, and there is a chevron, you see, the chevron is from the french republic, who is this person, did he find this chevron himself, is he some ulan ud himself, or are they really french, but the car on... is called,
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as far as i understand, a lada, and it is an old model, still soviet, this is the normandy nemen uav detachment, and there is a lada, look, you have to be here. in estimates, well, but do not forget that france has such a well-known, worldwide, legendary military formation, which it is called letarzhe, that is, the foreign legion, where representatives of the russian federation are still taken, to the great detriment of all of us, they serve there, undergo military service and have every chance to return and serve somewhere in russia or any other russian formations , and of course, they have a resident card. that they receive after five years of service, a five-year contract in the french foreign legion, they can clearly identify themselves that we live in france, and we are fighting there for russia, and here we are professing one or another principles there, these are the punctures, let's call it so mildly, of
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the foreign legion itself, which is trying to filter out all politically engaged persons who should not penetrate through this thick enough a sieve of checks. which stumbles every volunteer, everyone who wants to infiltrate a foreign country, but they happen, those that happened, yes, by the way, according to various sources, there are about a dozen former fighters with russia, they fought since 14th year on the side of the terrorists , is a grouping the lpr and the dpr, and they could identify themselves as they wanted, well, let's not forget that france was registered... it was with scandals, with various interesting adventures on the way to registration, a structure that supported there, which was called the dpr, that is , or france and the dpr, it was registered somewhere on the laser coast, where the main fighters for the russian
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empire are concentrated, who usually fight for the russian empire, they like on the laser network, well, the tradition is so russian, and that’s why it happens, but it’s well, well what freaks on... mr. andrii, i will continue to have a little bit of ironic questions, the next question, this question is related to lucy caste, a candidate for premiership, and somehow it became known, but i didn't think about it, no knew, today i was told that this arises then i have a question, are there candidates for the premiership traditionally? because lucy is not traditional, and now the prime minister is not so traditional, i have nothing against it, by the way, i welcome diversity, please, whatever, but when it goes on in a row, you start to think somehow, maybe after all some, it's some
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the trend is french, well here i am to be honest, this is the first time i have heard this from you, by the way, i have never paid attention to it, because at first i have little faith that she will be... a valid prime minister, that approval will take place, but nevertheless, this is the only candidate that the winners of these elections, the far left, the left and the socialists, who united among themselves, managed to propose to macron, the president of france, to offer the candidacy, at least one, well, one that was found, one that was agreed upon, one that and suggested, actually. continues to work in the paris city council, she is the main economic mind of the current mayor of paris,
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ms. hidalgo, and if we see, as we see, that the olympics are held with sufficient quality, frankly, there are no such failures that every resident expects. in the capital of france, i expected, because the olympics is always, well, any such event, always something, something does not work out, somewhere does not work, some failures, punctures, some oversights, nevertheless, everything, well, everything works as expected the time of the great, grandiose, a powerful event, but there are no major failures, therefore, in principle, the political biography of this lady is quite normal, and she... is from the environment that, well, let's say this, or not at all, or supported ukraine, but there a scandal has already appeared, mr. andriy, because she is a leftist, but she seems to have already agreed on matters, and
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i am calling on the parties, there, both parties are calling to restore the wealth tax, their positions are converging, in short, she is a socialist, and they are right, ah.. in fact, there is a complicated picture here, there are pure socialists, well, we are fine this political force is associated with... mr. glucksman, who is quite bright, a bright figure, a bright character in the support of ukraine in france among the political establishment, but these are socialists such as the current america of perez, it is socialist, socialist environmentalists, environmental party, and they do not agree on matters with any others, except those who did not come to parliament. of france, because both the lepenivites and the right-wing, moderate right-wing, which are also
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represented in the parliament of the current convocation, will not agree on a tax on wealth, because the right-wing is a principled position, there is simply a question of expanding the circle of tax minimums, that's all, and it was hanging in the air, i think that it will overtake everyone, maybe even macron in his. that is, if there is a commitment to this, then it will be done by the current government, and not, and not by the currently proposed minority of the government, the government, because it must also be understood that now in france, well, let's say, one cannot say that there is no government or some kind of weak government, simply there are problems with the executive power, and who benefits from this it is beneficial to the legislative power and the main power, i.e. the presidential power, the legislative power, it will continue to be... possible, because it has never formed the executive power and it is used up and conducts dialogues with it, the elysee
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palace, personally representatives of president macron, and macron himself with conducts dialogues with them, it increases their ratings, their presence, their recognition, but nevertheless it simplifies the life of the french president, that is, now all that lucie caste, she was somehow not so optimistic that she would take the position of prime minister, to what extent, why do you think so, why do you think that there will be a government crisis or a crisis connected with the formation of a government, well , the name government crisis is so loud, there were worse crises during the current government in france, and we can remember, no, no, we can call it a speakeriad or something like a premiere, but no more, this problem is not felt in society and among the population, this is the first and second, why lusvi kastit is an unlikely candidate, why here... because then the government will not have any other support if
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she will not pass, well, let's say this, the testing of her government, we first of all say, because what is a prime minister, the prime minister is not a personal figure, it is not she, she will form the government, but the prime minister will form and the president, that is, in no other way, or the majority in the national assembly, which does not panic, no no no no. no, no, the winners do not have an absolute majority, there are disagreements on many points of view and so on, that is, here i think that either she will become a victim and agree, that is, she will cease to be a candidate for the prime minister, or she will agree to the elysium palace dictated the list of ministers who will act in her government, and of course the extreme left representatives who are part of this coalition for the people's front or the popolykh front will oppose this, this is... such a sufficiently pro-russian activist, let's say, very not
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pro-ukrainian, let's call it this way, and naturally he will speak out against and they will cancel this figure nominated to the post of prime minister, as agreed, so there are very serious levers of influence on the processes in the yenicent palace and he feels comfortable in this situation, and i do not use the word crisis here, no, it is not worth it. thank you very much, andrii shkil, a politician, journalist, the people of ukraine of the fourth, fifth, sixth convocations communicated with us from france, thank you, mr. andrii, yes, now from european france, we will fly with you to asian bangladesh, and accompany us will be olena bordilovska, olena bordilovska, indologist, doctor of political sciences, head of the new department. cliques of the national institute of strategic studies, it is obvious, ms. elena, that
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bangladesh is a new challenge, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no, it's not prikhor, the flag, we see, thank you for finding it, ms. elena, it's time for us, thank you very much, i'll say it frankly, as i constantly quote various humorists, i'm so old that i remember how sabchak and clinton were still men. so, so i was very young, but i remember how bangladesh was separated, the whole procedure, pakistan, bangladesh, on... even rock bands then sang some there were famous concerts called under the name of bangladesh and so on i don't know who remembers it except me my question is what is happening in the beautiful country of bangladesh, why i call it beautiful, because i spent 2 and a half years
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in lviv and there was an indian restaurant there, and wherever i went, the owner of the bangladeshi restaurant was there. well, although i fed indian dishes, very tasty, i want to say, so what is there in bangladesh, ms. elena, well, as you rightly pointed out, it is a beautiful country, quite young, and really, apart from you and me, i do not know who still remembers how it was formed, it was in 1971, as you mentioned, under the time of the liberation struggle, east pakistan, the so-called became the people's republic of bangladesh, and... and from this began the independent history of this country, which currently has a population of almost 175 million, and is known in the world, i don't know how to whom, but to people i don't know, they like all kinds of branded things there, for example, they buy clothes from zara, known for its production, its textiles, let's say,
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which it supplies and sews for such niche brands, yes. and for e very expensive, that is, it is an export-dependent country, which in the past years on the one hand, it demonstrated a real economic miracle and there was even a so-called bangladeshi model, with which sheikh hasino vadzet is associated, which you are now showing, which is now in india as a result of the events, well, but after the coronavirus epidemic and even after the russian-ukrainian wars in... rising prices, huge economic problems began in this country, in addition, political problems existed because sheikhasina, who is the daughter of the first prime minister, the same mojebur rahman, who, sheikh mujabur rahman, who led the country to independence, has actually been in power for almost
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the last 15 years without change, and before that she was the prime minister of the country for 5 years and turned from a kind of democrat into an authoritarian ruler and with her name with the name of her political force, which was created by her father mujaburahmam, the awami league, that is, the people's league, corruption, and various scandals, and violations of human rights are associated, well, the last drop is actually what happened, that is it happened unexpectedly, let's say, for us, but... it's not at all a surprise for the citizens of the bangladeshi country itself, that is, it was such a volcano that was supposed to explode and in the end what happened happened, and the last straw, here you are showing just these student protests, the largest university in the city of dhaka in the capital, became, so to speak say, the leading driving force of these protests, various other
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students joined them, the fact is that these events of 71 still have echoes. in the political and social life of this country, since they were introduced there almost immediately in 1972 the so-called quotas, for various segments of the population, but primarily for family members, veterans of this liberation struggle of the 71st year for independence, these quotas were increased, decreased, returned, in 2018 the government canceled them, but very recently already in this year, after sheikh... won the elections, which also raised a lot of questions, because they can hardly be called free, fair, these quotas were renewed, and the students who suffer from this quota, because a very large percentage young people aged 15 to 24 do not
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working and there is no opportunity even that educated youth, because education in bangladesh is actually very, very good. these young people do not have the opportunity to apply their knowledge, and it is the young people, starting from june, when these quotas began to be restored, went to the protests, which ended on august 5, by taking power for a certain period, i hope, in the hands of the military, as has already happened more than once in bangladesh, who promised to create and have already created a temporary in... and actually asked, to put it mildly, sheikh hasina badzet to leave the country, she fled to india, where she was already given political... asylum after her father was killed in 75, no, not even having time to make a speech. well , the footage that we see now is probably
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the most famous bengali in the world, the nobel prize laureate, muhamed yunus, who returned to the country literally three days after these protests, he is her political opponent, a very famous person, well, if we have there will be an opportunity, i will tell you more about it, involved... by the way, also in the economic success of bangladesh, he returned to the country and on august 8, he took the oath and headed such a temporary government. i have such a question, but i have an impression, i watched the situation in dacia and in bangladesh as a whole, but i have such a very vulgarized, that is, simplified opinion, that mujubur rahman's daughter is just na. .. it’s boring , you just know, such a small reason was found, it’s not like that, because i read so and so, and look, well, it’s not a reason for such
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a revolution, but it really started with such a small amount, grew, grew, a month , two, three, and that's it, and it's over, just get bored, people who have been in power for a long time get bored, if the people want to do something, they can do it, subtly... alludes to russia, which has been sitting there for 25 years and everyone likes it , everything is fine, i understood correctly that they are just sitting for a long time, especially since there are some british traditions there, it is a colony of britain after all, but you are talking about education, it is obvious that education is also british-like, and the political system is also somewhat british-like, and the judiciary system, i think generally british and so on, and people strays, they expel simply. i am wrong, in principle no, you are not wrong, the only thing is that there are certain clarifications, well, indeed, if a person is already 76 years old, yes, let's say, although muhammad
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yunus is 84, and a political opponent who was released from prison on the day of release , escape, let's say hasina wadzhet, and the opponent, the opponent, is 79 years old, yes, this is khalidazia, that is, well... obviously, we already see people of this age in power in many countries, which raises questions, that is, here of course, she is bored, moreover, that she really did a lot for the country and wanted to see it prosper, i want to emphasize it once again, this bangladeshi model is about very successful economic development, a country that has become the second exporter of textiles in the world after china, and due to this very the country also rose. which, in principle, in this industry has grown very much at the expense of women, but all these innovations were actually once proposed by muhammed
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yunus, let me say two words that he has a nobel prize for such an interesting case, he is a pioneer of microcredit, and when he founded his so-called rural bank in 1976, it seems, he offered microloans up to $5 to working women, primarily women, pay attention, because he trusted them more, considered their more responsible ones, who then invested this money and developed their own small business there, and thanks to this, this experience was spread around the world, he became a laureate. returning to sheikh hastaine baza, here now, of course, as always, there is a lot of various conspiracy theories, well, first of all, let's say as i already noted. she is a very pro-indian leader, although she managed to balance, to develop quite such a strong relationship with china, bangladesh is a participant in this initiative
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of china's one belt - one road, unlike india, and chinese money is also present there, but politically she has always relied on support india, it has always been like that, and many people in bangladesh say, we want to have india as a friend, but we do not want to have it as a dictator who constantly imposes some of his own rules on us, and then various all kinds of theories that after all, it was the military that pushed her to do this, even though they actually saved her, because if she hadn't escaped, then we would have had the third case of a female figure in south asia like indira gandhi benazerbutto being killed, thank god, she survived, yes, because she was given... the opportunity to leave the country, that is, whether it is the military, or whether it is outraged students, of course there is such a conspiracy, which means that it is pakistani intelligence that has made efforts
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to weaken ties and. .. with bangladesh and strengthen this triangle of pakistan on the contrary, china and bangladesh, although pakistan and bangladesh have a very complicated relationship, understood after the war of independence. next, the indian intelligence, is it its failure, such accusations, although the indians themselves recanted and said that no, no, we warned that this, so your general is new, he was just appointed as the commander-in-chief of the army in june literally this year, he. .. there is a dangerous one, well, who knows what was there, but i still think that you are right that this is not just some military coup or there is support intelligence of neighboring states, this is a faster version of the one when she just got bored, because , well, since 2009, she has served three terms in a row, and from 1996 to 2001, she was the prime minister, i would like to.
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my language is not poor, but now everyone is talking about the bengali, bangladeshi miracle, the question is, the residents, bengalis, bangladeshis felt it, that is, when they say a miracle, sometimes it seems that a miracle is a miracle, but people like received two dollars a day or one dollar a day, so will they, if the roads were really built for... tolls
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grew, people started to dress better, eat better and so on and so on and so on, this is a tangible process of this miracle, so until 2019 it was tangible, because it is really a good education, bangladesh is the first in south asia to start it reforms , i.e. the computerization of the country, including education, and bangladesh introduced very different interesting norms for... secondary education, and this is a very densely populated country, it is very difficult, it is difficult climatic conditions, i.e. the level of, say, children of school age, who did not suffer seriously from any diseases there, no died at such an early age, well, bangladesh is actually higher than neighboring pakistan , india, the economy grew at least 6.5% in recent decades, and there were years when it was 11% and... people really felt it, they
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began to live better, and it was precisely this coronavirus that hurt bangladesh very much, because all the exports that were going, yes, and covered all these brands, lavis, prijmark, zaro and everything else, it stopped, and this is an export- oriented economy and precisely textiles primarily because there are about 3,500 factories in bangladesh, which... they sew clothes mainly for export, and this is 85% of its exports in general, thank you very much, thank you very much, i would personally listen and listen, i am interested, but the 20th hour ends, we have 20 seconds left for to say thank you to olena bordilovska, indologist, doctor of political science, head of the department of new challenges of the national
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institute of strategic studies of ukraine. thank you, bow down, goodbye, good luck, victory to all of us, big and small, good luck, i congratulate you, this is the saturday political club, my name is khrystyna yatskivs, this program cannot be imagined without vitaly portnikov, he will definitely appear in... a conversation with us already in the second part of our program, in the first part we will talk with distinguished guests, experts about the hottest events of recent days, and , prevail, however you like, today on the air we will have the topic of a breakthrough in the kursk region and certain events in the belgorod region. perhaps we are now watching the unfolding of these events. a few days ago, let me remind you, on the border of kursk and sumy.


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