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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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or maybe they believe in international law and universally recognized borders, on which they usually wipe their feet, but they understand that the world cannot ignore the rules it established after the second, and these borders, which the russian federation considers a border, it considers it a border , and she also considers donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhzhia regions to be the border, she also believes that she can move borders there, she can do anything she wants. the russian federation broke international law, that's great, not for the first time, until things, you know, when in 1918, i apologize for such a long digression, but this is an interesting moment, the russian federation, germany and ukraine negotiated peace, then it was decided where the borders of the russian federation were, where the borders of the independent ukraine, recognized as the ukrainian state by the bolsheviks. and between these two
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borders there was a neutral zone, quite such a large neutral zone that no one claimed, which, by the way, included the city of suja, so what the bolsheviks do soon, they decide in kursk what will exist temporary worker-peasant government of ukraine, but such a government cannot exist in kurdsk, because it the city, the center of the province, and if there is a temporary worker-peasant government of ukraine in kursk, then the question arises, what, what is it ukrainian, and then the bolsheviks decide, let the government officials, the bolsheviks, go to suja. so suja became the first capital of soviet ukraine. everyone says: "kharkiv is the first capital." suja is the first capital. and they immediately announce that this court is now part of the ukrainian socialist soviet republic and the seat of the first
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soviet government of ukraine, then, when the court is occupied, it seems to me, by the white guard troops, it is decided that the provisional government will move to belgorod, which is then also the territory of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, and then to kharkiv, and when in 2022 decided to create the soviet union, the russian bolsheviks say to ukraine: listen to the bolsheviks, and judge, we just borrowed so that you would have a government there, but now that you are still a part of the soviet union, why do you need this territory, let it be the territory of russia. and so suja, which for several years was part of soviet ukraine, and before that a neutral zone between russia and ukraine, becomes part of soviet russia. now the question arises, why can't we do the opposite again, why can't we make the neutral zone again, like you.
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in 1918, if it already existed, these are very conditional things, you understand, agreements between states, on which international law is based, on agreements between states, i.e. borders of the soviet union, they were carried out absolutely conditionally, simply by the pencil of the people's commissar for nationalities ra of soviet russia, and then of the soviet union joseph stalin, few people remember that the general secretary of the central committee of the rcp also held such a position. november 7, 1917, and all these soviet republics with their borders are purely a figment of his imagination, some countries were occupied, such as ukraine, belarus, georgia, armenia, azerbaijan, others were separated from soviet russia to blur the status of occupied countries that were founders of the soviet union, but he created their borders himself, so we have a huge number. regions, divided, as
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we understand with you, the territory of donbass, half of donbass is russian, half of donbass is ukrainian, part of donbass is donetsk region, part of donbass is rostov region, half of bukovyna is ukrainian, because stal decided to take a little part in romania, half romanian , half of galicia is ukrainian, half of galicia is polish, half of slobozan is russian. half ukrainian, half from the region of sumy region, russian, half ukrainian. in principle, ethnic ukrainians live on both sides of the russian-ukrainian border. that is, in those regions in which a counter-terrorist operation was announced today, the kursk, voronezh, bilhorod regions and more.
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bryansk, belgorod region, i apologize, and also voronichka, in which a counter-terrorist operation has not been announced, only because it now has a border with the occupied territories of ukraine, and not ukraine itself, which is controlled by a legitimate government, this is the ancient ethnic displacement of ukrainians, a large part of the districts of these regions, kursk, belgorod, voronezh and bryansk regions, is part of the ethnic resettlement of ukrainians, people from these regions wrote to me in messenger, facebook or a few years ago with absolutely pure ukrainian . the first poet who published a collection of poems in the ukrainian language in this part of the ukrainian lands was the famous mykhailo koltsov. russian folk poet bart selyanskyi, he started with ukrainian folk songs, because in voronyshchyna people spoke ukrainian, he wrote it down and wrote poems in ukrainian, then switched to russian. if we talk about the principle of national self-determination, a large
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part of the territory that has a direct border with ukraine is ukrainian ethnic territory, but in 1991, when the decision was made about... the collapse of the soviet union, it was decided that the union republics should remain in their state borders, the republics, which are nominally independent states, formed the soviet union, and this was the wisest decision, because if you start to see where is whose ethnic territory, you can to fight all his life, and russia is completely surrounded, that is, this whole vector of russia by strangers. territories, ukrainian, belarusian, kazakh, whatever you want, but russia itself broke this order, already in the first months after the collapse of the soviet union, they decided to establish control over transnistria, remember? yes,
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of course, we were a country that supported, unfortunately, yes, in transnistria it supported the gkchcp, but yeltsin still decided that he would support it. transnistrian separatists created by the kremlin. you know how did the transnistrian separatists thank him? in october 1993, they send armed units to support the congress of people's deputies of russia in order to overthrow yeltsin by armed means. people with weapons come to moscow from teraspol, carrying out the instructions of the then president of the self-proclaimed transnistrian republic , igor smirnov. ruslan negotiates with him. oleksandr rutskoy of gazbulat that they sent an army to moscow, an army to destroy the legitimate government, which happens after october 1993, in moscow anyway decide that you need to support transnistria, you don't think it's strange, but if you look at it from a historical perspective, the territory sends bandits
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to destroy you, and you say, well , they and we are more interested in keeping moldova in tension than to destroy. this abscess, and so continues to this day. here is a beautiful illustration for you: georgia, abkhazia and south ossetia. russia participates in a coup in georgia, but when eduard shevernadze comes to power, they decide to punish him for his influence in the past. and they do not agree with him on restoring the territorial integrity of this country. support abkhaz and south ossetian. separatists who, as you know, are carrying out terrible ethnic cleansing on their territory, expelling ethnic georgians. here is a second story from the 90s, and then the same, the same toolkit, is applied to
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ukraine. ugh. so, they themselves do not believe in these borders. they believe that they can redraw the borders of the former soviet republics like this. they like it because it's not real states, there is only one real state on the post-soviet territory, it is the russian federation, but we can also decide that it is not a real state, that it is a state, it is just some scrap of the soviet union, the russian soviet federative socialist republic, a fiction of lenin strotsky, they were simply able to regain their bandit power on this territory, which, by the way, until the beginning... of the 1930s, no one recognized this territory, it was simply a separatist piece of the russian empire that got down lenin strotsky's throat, because they managed to win it back, then attack us, of course, kyiv, minsk, the caucasian countries, all this is clear, but it is not
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a state, and there are two ways for it to become a real state, the russians see this way in , to... return all the soviet republics to its fold, and i see another way, to give the people of russia the opportunity to decide on their own statehood, to stop being younger brothers. er, of this very russian people, even more so, this russian people has shown such infantilism for the entire time of its history, that he can't be either an older brother or a younger sister, it's just, i'd say, a complex mental state, such a complex mental state, i'd say, that doesn't allow you to be a member of anyone's family, so it's better, it's better , you know, when there is an acquaintance or a relative with severe alcoholism. he comes, he always comes, we
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know it, someone who hasn't lived in russia may not know, but i know for sure, they always come and knock on the door, but no 5 rubles, no, no, you'll drink tomorrow, oh you and all state logic, so in principle i think... that this is a bold step, a bold step precisely from the point with a view to demonstrate this cardboardness of the so-called russian empire, which turned out to be no empire at all, but just such a czech machine, incapable, incapable of preparing for anything, where is the russian intelligence, i want to ask where is the glorious federal security service of the russian federation, headed by the valiant comrade bortnikov, where the foreign intelligence service is headed by a good comrade naryshkin. how should she send her wife to paris for shopping here naryshkin is the first to write a list
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of mentions this and this and this this this and that a watch and such a watch and such a jacket and a taquemanto ugh, and how to find out that there are ukrainian troops in the kurt region, it’s not really interesting here, he’s interested in shopping, well, i’m not talking about bortnykav, he certainly doesn’t send his wife to paris, because he's not like that, i said... a sophisticated personality like naryshkin, but he could also do his own thing, what do they do there anyway, you can't steal all the time and do nothing, well, now they'll have something to do, because this is counter-intuitive the operation they announced does it mean that it is the fsb officers who will be driving in these areas, the truth of the border? no, not at all, it means that a regime of complete lawlessness is being introduced in these regions, a counter-terrorist operation was carried out, say, in the north caucasus, this... what did it mean, the russian army was operating there, the fsb officers are generally ruling everywhere, will rule, this is the impression, that they
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do not rule, but they get the opportunity to act in a situation of complete lawlessness. look, in the north caucasus, between chechnya, ingushetia and dagestan on the one hand, and the rest of russia on the other, there was actually a state border. when you crossed the border of, say, the republic of dagestan with the stavropol territory, it seems that it was russian. if i'm not mistaken, you had to show your documents, your passport, to the whole world, you were checked by real border guards and policemen, and you could not let them go to the real russia, you know, they filtered, found out, conducted interrogations, checked you against some of their databases, well and internally, they could do whatever they wanted there, the counterterrorist operation regime means they can without any... judicial sanctions to do anything, to hold you
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hostage, by the way, you know that this was the most profitable business of the russian generals, they just took people as hostages in these caucasian families and then just received money for the ransom, ugh, and all this under cover by the kto regime, because they simply announced that you are a terrorist, and then you brought them money, they already said that you are not a terrorist, they can keep you in prison by the court and the investigation. can listen to your phone without any formal sanction, can even check your correspondence, can enter any house, any apartment, you cannot avoid letting them in. in normal life, in moscow, if a policeman comes to you, you have the legal right not to let him in, at least in your own apartment, in the regime of a counter-terrorist operation, as you understand, no one will help you, and so on, and what are they doing now ? they actually declare the border regions with ukraine such a separate state,
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the bryansk, bilhorodsk and kurtsk regions, that is, whatever they create, they will create a border between these regions and all other russia, they will decide who to let in there, let's say that journalists or some activists there, or some volunteers there who want to help someone there, don't go there, it's a matter of national security, go to voronezh, they can go there not release, or release those whom they want. or let them go wherever they want, they can create a special regime for people from settlements that, say, were under ukrainian control or are, if these people want to leave their regions, make them special interrogations, etc., they get the possibility of any military
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actions in this territory without any supervision, that is, if they want to use heavy weapons there, they will burn them... what else , the army and the fsb can do everything , this is absolutely such an idea, you know, as ivan the terrible had, again, i apologize for recalling the story, there was the territory of oprichnina, it would not be quiet and peaceful on the territory of oprichnina, it was the tsar's territory, everything else outside of oprichnina, there the executioners could do anything they wanted, even hang you by the legs and cut off from you... what they wanted to cut off from you, because it is not oprichna, and it is a method of ruling. now putin actually rules russia as an oprichnina, and the announcement of a counter-terrorist operation is a form of taking certain regions outside the scope of the oprichnina, in which the oprichniks will be able to do everything in the world. due to the fact that there is such
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a danger. ugh. that's all, because what can they think? maybe some local residents. cooperated with ukrainian troops, facilitated the transition, maybe there were some agents in local services fsb or border troops or local authorities, you have to check everything, they are looking for spies all their life, right? and besides, they really need no one to create an information vacuum, because these residents are already judges of other cities, they start going somewhere, they start rehearsing, "save us, we love you so much, we supported svo, so what well, you are throwing us at will, why should anyone hear this, you can clean some administrators of local telegram channels there, or tell them what to write, you, by the way, can noticed that the belgorod telegram channels from the moment when the actual combat clashes began there and have undergone
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a certain evolution up to the present moment, they are trying to act within the framework of the vector set by: the administration of the region, and now it will intensify, and from kursk region there will be yes, now i carefully read the local telegram channels, let's say suzhin, but i'm sure that they will all be taken away from a certain point, as it was with the togokin telegram channels, and they cease to be sources of information, because this same you see, these are small local channels that are just sources of information, we have sewage here, we have a bad mayor here, and when the shelling starts. they start to write out of inertia: listen, we got a flight here, we couldn't leave here, we don't have buses here, we don't have trains here, here we, the residents of sever, say this, they say that, but nobody needs that in russia , they should write ukrainians are bastards, the government is wonderful, we thank our governor for helping us, and this is also part of the counter-terrorist operation regime, mr. vitaly, more
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an interesting observation, maybe subjective, but... it seems that for the russians, you said that in principle for russia as a state, that the territory of, excuse me, the current kherson, which is controlled by ukraine, that their kursk region, they are absolutely equal, these are all their territories, just kherson now, well , it is occupied by the ukrainian army, the ukrainian quasi-state by the nazis, so on the other hand, to be honest, the exit caused a greater stir. of russian troops from kherson, how can we leave our people there and so on, than that what is happening in the kurshchyna, according to my observations, the russians know less about the kurshchyna, and they are much less concerned about it than the territories they occupied, namely the ukrainian territories, well
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, because when it came to ukrainian territories, there was little talk of occupation, of military victory, here we are simply talking about some territory. someone has entered one, one must understand that russian society is sufficiently atomized, if you will, this is an atomized society, it is primarily interested in the situation at home, and if nothing else is happening in your region, then you really don't care much about the suffering of the residents of another region, especially since the government itself knows better what to do, that is , it will free the chicken, it will return the people, and now we just have to accept to evacuate. according to official data, 76,000 people have already been evacuated from these regions, by the way, this is the number one task, as you and i all perfectly understand, together... it is clear that in some moscow, what is happening there in the kursk region is of little concern to anyone , it's true, it's very
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such an important moment in russian political life that the revolution never starts from the suburbs, changes never start from the suburbs, all russian changes always happen in the capitals in 1917 it was petrograd, in 1991 it was moscow, if you don't... win the situation in capital, you will lose the country, but in 1917, moscow was against the bolshevik government, but the bolsheviks took power in petersburg, in petersburg, and then they absolutely calmly established this power in moscow after some short-term clashes there. now, if you understand, if wins any rebellion in petrograd, and moscow remains under the control of the government, then this government will simply be able to destroy any rebellion in petrograd, and vice versa. in 1991, almost all regions of the russian federation supported the gkchp. moscow did not support, yeltsin did not support, and as a result, the top leadership
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of the soviet union, which was supported by all regions of russia, lost the struggle for power. there is something in this, as you understand, quite interesting. so from this point of view you are right. harson was just as unexpected an event for them as it was for the russian troops have to leave the conquered city. there is some struggle on the border, some problems with the residents of some province, who is to blame for them not living in moscow, so i would say the following refrain: all of russia hates moscow, all of moscow despises all of russia. this is a real relationship in this state from the time of grand duke ivan kalita, not from vladimir putin, so i wouldn't say that we are witnessing something new. well, well, from the point of view of what is happening in russia itself, a little. gathered, but about the traps in which they are now falls into the russian state, you noted, on the other hand, can we fall into some
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traps, i can now be accused of some very careless thoughts there, but nevertheless, when we have specific definitions of the specific borders of a specific country and declare ourselves as a country that adheres to international law, can they reproach us with the fact that... that we are not just protecting our own, but that we, in fact, have violated this international law by crossing the russian border, or how, how, how not to fall into a trap, in fact, a why does no one care? because it seems to me that this episode with the chicken, it just illustrates that everyone is very careful in their statements, kirby from the white house says, but we have to sort it out. of the russian
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federation, however, not a single person said that, not even lukashenko, yes, lukashenko did not say about him, look at how international law looks like if aggression is carried out against your country, and if the country that is the aggressor accumulates military resources, manpower and equipment on... your territory to continue this aggression, then you have everything the legitimate right to enter the territory of this country in order to destroy the enemy's military forces, equipment and manpower in this territory, where it is preparing for a further attack, and by the way, this is what the russian federation was guided by when it announced a special military operation in 2022, it said , that it wants to protect the people of donbas, and in order to protect the people of donbas, it is necessary to kill on the territory of ukraine and destroy the military potential of ukraine so that it no longer bombs donbas, right? ugh. that was the idea. russia recognized ours
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statehood, our borders, as it were. but they said, but the ukrainian army is there, bombing the unfortunate children of donbas. we will destroy it and everything will be fine again. also , yes, god's grace. we say the same thing. we absolutely do not need the kurdish region, we need to destroy the military equipment and manpower of the enemy, which is concentrated. on the territory of the border regions of the russian federation with ukraine, that's all, and here it is very difficult to notice something, because in any war the one who started the escalation, who started the aggression, is responsible for the victims the territory of the country he attacked, as well as the victims on his own territory, during the second world war, among the victims of the war. there was a lot of the civilian population of germany, so we all entered its territory, it was its territory, we could stop somewhere on the borders of germany, the soviet union,
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great britain, the united states, somehow not... yes, but for civilian casualties of the german population , adolf hitler bears direct responsibility for victims among the russian civilian population , vladimir putin bears direct responsibility. i talked a lot with germans who said: listen, what a horror it was in the days when the allied armies entered germany, especially the soviet army, the rape of women, the murders. mass torture is, literally, just horror. i told you, i totally agree with that. this is incredible horror. by the way, what was happening on the territory of ukraine, belarus, lithuania, poland, and other countries was terrible. it's all horror. indescribable, the horror of the suffering of the civilian population. but i am very sorry if your grandparents did not support the national socialist workers party germany in the elections. you didn't let it get stronger,
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you didn't let it start for... the garnd war against your neighbors, all your grandparents, relatives would be alive, you started it, you were driven by a sense of injustice towards the results of the first world war, but you could to understand that after you satisfy your sense of injustice, such catastrophes may begin in your life, in comparison with which the injustice of the first world war will seem to you flowers mass rape torture, well, everyone who who is to blame, if you... had behaved differently, there would have been no second world war, and that you would have had a democratic german state, this democratic german state could, together with great britain and france, contain the bolshevik soviet union, could join the the destruction of the communist regime, and nothing would have happened, but you took a completely different path, and with russia, when the residents of the kursk region are now saying that you and i supported svo, well, i'm sorry if you support svo, if you support vysta
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your neighbors bombing. civilian cities, sooner or later the war comes to you and your children and kills you in your own homes, even if the army that comes there behaves more civilized than the army that came to our land and turned out to be just, i would say a horde of savages medieval bandits, i won't even say barbarians, because after all, barbarians were a civilization compared to the russian army, there could just be missile fire, there could be drones, there could be fall results missiles, you... lose your life, you lose your health, you evacuate, and what did you want, if you think that your army can enter the territory of another country, sooner or later the army from that other country can reach you , maybe it will not reach moscow, but it will reach the court, as it turned out that you, living in the border regions with ukraine, communicating with your neighbors for decades, crossing this border 155 times,
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knowing for sure that there are no nazis there.. . was not, is not and will not be, how could you not believe your own stupid eyes, your own tv, what is happening to you residents of kurt, bilhorod, voronezh or bryansk regions? well, i still understand the people who live there in the primorsky krai, and who have never seen anything, anyone, nothing but a stuffed animal, a tiger, or they all seem to have killed a tiger there, so i understand people, some... in the kamchatka region in some yakutia, they watch tv, they don’t even know where ukraine is, maybe there really are nazis living there, well, let’s imagine, but you, you are especially the border strip, you are complete morons, rhetorical, you are now asking a question, vitaly eduardovych, everything you are saying now is so logical, but it is absolutely like how 2 + 2 = 4, not 5, not 6, not eight and not 20, but... you
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ask this rhetorical question to ordinary residents of the border regions at a time when, excuse me, even ksenia sobchak says that she is collecting some help there with her project for the residents of kurshchyna, bilhorodshchyna and so on and so forth who suffered from the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, it qualifies the problem now as arising from actions armed forces of ukraine, and this, i'm sorry, well, i 'm not saying that she's a standard of some kind of intellectual thought, but it would seem like a person who claims to be, well, the title of a journalist, at least, yes, listen, what a journalist, ksenia sabchak, part of the system, and it makes what is considered generally acceptable in this system, somehow money for peaceful residents of ukraine who have become victims, victims of behavior.


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