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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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yulia paevska, the founder of yangola taira unit, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. as legislation. norms are changing our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leaders lawyers, aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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friends, this is the espresso tv channel, and a special edition of the urban reconstruction and development program is on the air. my name is lesya vakulyuk, and in today's issue, together with experts, we will talk about the reconstruction of ukraine, so that everyone who needs it knows about their rights and opportunities related to recovery initiatives, and we also want to improve the recovery process in various corners of our country. we will today to talk about... for zaporizhzhia and the guest of our program is oleg halych, the head of the service for restoration and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhzhia region. mr. oleg, i congratulate you. yes, good afternoon. before we start the conversation, i suggest that you and our viewers watch the story of our correspondent artem lagutenko about the situation with destroyed houses in zaporizhzhia. the existential difference between. russians, ukrainians in that
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the occupiers can only take other people's property and destroy what they cannot reach. ukrainians - a hardworking people who will definitely rebuild everything. this house in zaporizhzhia was hit by a russian missile last year in march. the occupiers destroyed several entrances of the five-wheel drive under the foundation. 13 people died, including an eight-month-old child. my son and i were here together. and when the first explosion happened, we ran to the corridor, my son sat on a chair, i covered him and the second explosion happened. the russians fired their rockets at olga and her nine-year-old son, the woman and the child survived, but not their apartment. until this moment he, well, it was scary, but he didn't understand as much as it could be, after that, of course, he says, mom, i'm scared, he's afraid, he... i can't,
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we've been through a lot of stress, and this is igor, a resident of another village attic in the center of zaporizhzhia, which the invaders fired at from s300 systems in october 2022. my wife and i were in the bath together with kishka. maybe it saved us, there was nothing behind the wall, the destruction in the apartment is glass, windows. furniture, clothes, everything that was on the flight, all this was damaged. eight people died in this building, one entrance was completely destroyed. due to the attacks of the russian occupiers , dozens of houses and hundreds of apartments were destroyed in zaporizhzhia. 20 apartments were destroyed, and let's say 130 damage. it was very scary, well , who was standing on the balcony wanted to swim, who was filmed. nezalezhnoi ukraina 80 is 59
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apartments, that is, 59 families on the street of nezalezhnoi ukraina 67, 80 families on the street. myra 14:11 families on kamianoghirska street - 17 apartments, that is, 17 families, zaporizka 2a - 36 families and zaporizka 2b - 36 families, and people who became victims of enemy crimes were not left behind obnoxious their housing is being actively rebuilt, currently 12 apartment buildings are being restored in zaporizhzhia, according to this resolution. the liquidation of the consequences of the russian federation by the restoration agency has passed six buildings, that is, on which the restoration service is still carrying out work. the task of reconstruction is not easy - the builders admit. it complicates everything, we perform work not so called thanks,
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in spite of. and constant, air alarms, constant blackouts that affect that. works, well, we have what we have, nothing else is given, but we we fulfill our duties. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. in general, there will be a major renovation here, and even we were given a choice of wallpaper, interior doors, and floors. there is some choice, not everyone, everything is the same. developers plan to hand over most of the houses in zaporizhzhia by the end of this year. artem lagutenko, oscar yanson, espresso tv channel. and i will remind you that we are talking about reconstruction in the zaporizhia region
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with oleg halych, he is the head of the reconstruction and infrastructure development service in zaporozhye region. mr. oleg, once again i congratulate you. actually, zaporizhzhia. the region, its peculiarity is that it is an area where hostilities continue, and the enemy daily replenishes the number of those destroyed houses, shelling, taking away housing, a roof over the head, worst of all, taking away the lives of our people, is there any calculation, how many of those homes people lost, local self-government bodies keep track of how many of these homes are lost. about the private sector and high-rise buildings, unfortunately, i do not have such information at the moment, how much is completely in zaporozhye and the region, how much has been restored, is there such an account? well , yes, we conduct only our
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service, according to the decree, we are the customers for six houses that were destroyed as a result of russian aggression, well , that is, by... i can get you information, in another way, it is necessary in local self-government bodies, well, in fact, these are the houses that are in your competence, the restoration of which is in your responsibility, what kind of destruction, how serious are they, we saw in the report of our correspondent artem logutenko, this is comparison, and before and after, what happened after the russian missile and how it already looks restored, this is of course heaven and earth. tell us in more detail, well, look how serious all the houses are in the city center, the damage to the objects was different, there, for example, 80 nezalezhnoi ukrainya street, 80 and 67 independent ukraine street, these were direct hits to the house, well, which
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caused significant damage, i actually video one of them, houses zaporizhia 2a and 2b, which were destroyed. located next to each other, the rocket hit the first entrance of the house zaporizhia 2a, and it is now completely subject to restoration, that is, it is dismantled and subject to restoration at 14 kamianovivska mira street, fortunately, the rockets hit near the houses, so the damage was, let's say, from the black wave, damage to the walls, roof, windows there , balconies and so on, so... how does this process happen, a russian missile hits, a russian projectile hits, there is destruction, when the moment comes when
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the restoration begins, where does it begin, well, the collection of rubble, which is carried out by the emergency services and communal city ​​services. then the city council engages a qualified expert who determines whether the building can be restored at the expense of major repairs or reconstruction, or whether it is no longer subject to demolition and is subject to demolition. after the expert has provided a conclusion that it is possible to carry out capital repair or reconstruction works, the city council orders, well, conducts a tender for the production of design and estimate documentation, and already on the basis of the prepared design and estimate documentation, the customer is determined. works and in accordance with of tender purchases, the contracting
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organization that carries out these works is noted. how much longer is this restoration supposed to take , when do you think it will be finished, or do you have any plans in place, although i don't know, plans are difficult right now, considering that we are without power from time to time, and from time to time of time in the air alarms, so in our country. project according to the project documentation - this is the deadline for the 25th year, part of the buildings, but the tasks from the state agency and from the local self-government bodies as soon as possible to return people to their homes, therefore, in the work plans, all the houses are to be restored by the end of the 24th year, and that is to completely complete the houses and the improvement of the territory. yes, there are indeed corrections with the fact that the light is now turned off, it
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affects both the order of materials, where the company that manufactures these materials also cannot quickly produce them, and direct works, but thanks to the help of local self-government bodies, regional these issues are resolved positively by the military administration. direction and we will to hope that these, shall we say, directions will not affect the final delivery of the objects, who financially helps in the reconstruction of these buildings? these houses are financed from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression of the russian federation, that is, it is the state budget, all objects are provided, one hundred percent financing, therefore in this plan. if at the moment there are no residents, owners of these destroyed apartments,
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are there any, as we saw in the story of our correspondent that the woman who survived this attack finds it difficult to remember, it is difficult to speak, are there people who say, you know, i won't be able to live here in this house anymore, even if you rebuild it, and it will all look like a new penny, what happens in this case? well, on the contrary, all people want to live in these houses, so let's put it this way, in order to communicate with our houses, well, with residents of apartments that are being renovated, face-to-face meetings are held at each object , chats are created there in social networks, and as the resident reported, that everyone is already getting an apartment. with each one , the color of the wallpaper is chosen there, there is some
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laminate, there is something within the cost of the material that is included in the design and estimate documentation, most people want to return to their houses, as we can see in the video, these houses that are destroyed, they were built back in soviet times, were a little other requirements, other some other fashion. other layouts of even these apartments, now during reconstruction, are any adjustments being made, can the owners of the apartments, can they apply, i don’t know, someone there says, let’s make me a studio kitchen here, but here where there was a kitchen, a bedroom, and so i will have a bedroom and a bedroom where the kitchen is, and then there will be a three-room apartment, to be considered whether this will pass, this is impossible, because the work is being carried out... according to the project , major repairs do not involve changes in
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technical characteristics, but that's all, but it provides for the complete restoration of damaged entrances, the installation of new water, gas and electricity supply networks, drainage, heating, roof repair, restoration, repair of glazing and windows and balconies, i.e. price insulation of the facade and well and improvement of the territory, that is, this too... it is possible to carry out within the framework of capital repairs, that is, it is being modernized, but not in the same way that someone asked there in the studio or there to increase, well... the square footage in the apartment there at the expense of something, search construction materials, how complicated this process is now, well, even now in the time when the war started, everyone, every company that produced material to insure itself, simply, well, provides material only at almost,
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well, almost one hundred percent, at one hundred percent. surcharges, and well, the only thing is that previously it was possible to provide 50%, there 30% of funds, the material is provided, then the contractor closes the scope of work and pays, but now everyone is re-insuring and providing the material, especially which is expensive with a complete lack of advance payment , and the material is basically no questions, is that all? sometimes, it comes to the object, to the objects, and the builders, is there not a shortage of workers, because we understand that there is a mobilization going on in our country, and the one who was at the object today may be there tomorrow, for example , unfortunately, this is a question many people, well, let's say so, are afraid,
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afraid to work in connection with what will happen. at tsk, but at the moment, well, if, well, we are asking to solve these issues on the ground, because, well, at least, if we hit the trips until the end of the construction, well , the completion of work on each object separately, to the extent that local self-government bodies are included in housing restoration processes? so the local self-government bodies, let's say this, help a lot, it's the city council and the regional city administration, and they help solve issues with residents, with communal enterprises, and well, control from the regional state administration according to the terms that are established, that is , meetings are held on these issues, well, what problematic issues
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we can address and thanks to the holding of various meetings there with various... communal entrepreneurs or residents to solve the issues that arise in the course of the restoration, the residents who contact you, what questions do they have about the choice of wallpaper, the color of the wallpaper, or any other issues that bother them? well, there are such, and there are also such urgent ones that the terms of execution are why so long, why so? can you somehow calm everyone down, maybe they will turn on the televisions, turn on the espresso and see our conversation, just get something out of it for themselves, that there such, such and such houses will already be completed in such terms, well yes, well, first of all there is
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peace, myra street 14 is already 90% ready, later. according to the plans of an independent country, we have 67-80, somewhere in the month of november, well, this is already with the improvement of territories, there is a little, well, in the same terms there are november, zaporizhia-2 and kanenohirska, october, well, in principle we plan to finish all of them this year, if nothing drastic changes there, its reconstruction is currently underway. almost all over the country , where the russians have reached, russian weapons and where there are destroyed houses, is there any exchange of experience with other regions, can someone tell you something, or do you tell someone from your own experience, exchange it? well, we have state
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agency meetings among recovery services in those areas where recovery takes place at meetings. problematic issues are discussed, ways to solve them, there as in the future, therefore, let's say, communication, let's say, we have it from the agency to, well, let's say, by regions, they, these issues are basically the same with us, so, let's say, experience yes, yes , in this way, we share the problematic issues during reconstruction that most often occur, well... this, let's put it this way, that is, very much for the designers, when the house is not yet completely disassembled at the stage of its production project, he... can do a lot take into account, and this is the occurrence of additional work there, which is also the deadline
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they can complete the corrections of the project documentation there, well, such technical points that need to be discussed there between our services by our higher-ranking managers, fire, i thank you for the conversation. i will remind the audience again that oleg halych, the head of the service for reconstruction and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhia region, was with us on the call from zaporizhzhia, and this was a special edition of the urban reconstruction and development program, my name is lesya vakulyuk, thank you for being with us, see you soon next saturday at 6:30 p.m.
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fm galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until the day independence on tablets detoxyl 15%. in the august issue of krania magazine, we will talk about the return from captivity, how ukraine is looking for its own, will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts until independence day navizyn 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the book women at war
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is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book that is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on motorex pills, 10% at psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espressu tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. me and my colleagues let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and how the world lives. yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what
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happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. the news is cultural. alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell. good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club every saturday at espresso. greetings to our viewers,
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this is the experience of war and i am iryna koval. today i invited oksana vyhovska, infectious disease doctor, professor, dean of bogomolets medical university to our studio. oksana, i congratulate you. but probably not everyone knows that you are not only a doctor and professor and dean, but also a volunteer, so today i want to talk to you about this experience of yours. greetings, i want to start our conversation precisely from february 24, 2022, so that you remember where you were, what you were doing and whether you thought that it would happen... everything is exactly as it was, well, i think that this day is remembered by everyone, and i am no exception, on this day i ended up in the city of vasylkiv by the will of fate. which was one of
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the first to be affected, where the houses of local residents were shelled and attacked, the airport, and when i arrived there to pick up my husband's mother, i realized that i could not just be in this city, and i began to ask how a doctor i could provide help, how can i be useful, of course, the first thing that... came to mind was to go donate blood, but through acquaintances i learned that there is a territorial defense, and they are needed there, of course, of course, doctors, and thus on the first day of the war i became a doctor, a volunteer of the territorial defense of the vasylkov shield, that was the beginning of my volunteering journey, how long did you stay there in vasylkov, as of today
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, i am leaving... first, we started and organized a medical point , where civilians were also helped, especially during attacks, my function was to provide help at the place where the person was injured and to take the person to the hospital. where a person has already been operated on and provided with qualified medical care, and of course, providing assistance to boys and girls, who were volunteers, literally a month later a medical hospital with beds was organized, and accordingly from the first day we were on duty there, that is, we lived there 24x7 for many days, and at this rate i
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was there until... october 2022 year, and then at the same time i still worked at the medical university and traveled to work, then it became easier, there were more of us on duty, well, the hospital is still functioning, and now i know that you started going specifically to the de-occupied territories and providing medical help people in the de-occupied... territories, most often, where exactly do you go? well, it started with a trip to kharkiv, i will never forget until june 22 , when i got to this city, which i fell in love with and love very much, and i was simply carrying medicine for the military, for those of mine, for example, students, combat medics who were mobilized in different units and to various
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medical institutions, and on the way from kharkov , my colleagues called me and asked how it is possible to provide help to people in kharkov, conversation after conversation i speak not only people in kharkiv needs help, vasylkov also needs help, but i forgot, the first experience, it was chernobyl, i completely forgot, yes it was chernobyl, it was somewhere... this was immediately kharkiv, it was the de-occupied kyiv region, it was our entire kyiv region de-occupied, it was the first experience when we were together with our guys from the territorial defense, but today was de-occupation, tomorrow we were stopping by the boyar, borodyan, and borodyanka, and irpin, and the entire zhytomyr route,
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and then there was kharkiv, and chernobyl . directly, and then there was already kharkiv, and then kharkiv oblast, zaporizhia oblast, donnet oblast began, and so it went on, is it possible to somehow characterize all the cities, villages where you come with a group, and what you see there most often, it all depends on when it is was, for example, the 22nd year, or the 23rd year, or is it now the 24th year, the situation was a little different, well, for me , what i saw immediately after the deoccupation of the entire kharkiv region had a great impact on me, because we had such an opportunity, we, together with the military, were the first to come in, that is, there were still people did not see


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