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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 9:30am-9:59am EEST

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siversk tactical group was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you. i see a lot of comments on the broadcast on the radio liberty channel. and i also encourage you to share your thoughts on what you've heard. and about the role of belarus. write what you think about this , whether lukashenko can be personally assigned a special role, taking into account the events that are taking place. in the kursk region of the russian federation, the withdrawal of equipment and military personnel to the ukrainian border in belarus did not stop, and there they also threatened to close of the ukrainian embassy in minsk. the day before, temporary attorney olga tymush was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus, where she was given a note of protest, i quote: in connection with the violation of the border of the republic of belarus by a group of unmanned aerial vehicles launched from the territory of ukraine. this was reported by belarusian news. to the state agency
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belt. the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus also added that if the diplomatic mission of ukraine is unable to influence such provocations, as they say, then the belarusian side will raise the question of the feasibility of its further presence in minsk. and they also said that in case of expansion of the conflict, the fire will cover the entire region, including the eu countries. it was also a quote. allegedly, the flights of drones from the territory of ukraine, which belarus claims in the ministry of foreign affairs there , called it a very serious incident, they promised not to leave it open without an international legal assessment and even hinted that the countries of the european union could be drawn into the conflict. these criminal actions radically escalate the situation and are dangerous an attempt to expand the area of ​​the current conflict in our region. we strongly urge these parties to come to their senses and stop. we appeal to the peoples of neighboring europe, in case of expansion of the conflict, the fire will cover the whole.
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region and will spill over, in particular, to the eu countries. there will be no winners. and the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus promised to contact the un and the osce and tell all the details of the incident. ihor tyshkevich, an expert of the ukrainian future institute, joins our broadcast. mr. igor, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good morning. i want to ask u you, is it clear as of now, or these statements that are being heard. from lukashenka, from official belarus, if we take the general context and events in the kursk region, is there any special role of an informational, perhaps character, role here? this, it is primarily a game on the russian public and on its own, because ah, minsk got several problems on the russian side, i mean from the point of view of public opinion, from the point of view of the attitude of the russians. elites, accordingly, they will try
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to play it back, and so far they have it, somehow it correlates, because here on july 13, my colleagues in the editorial office reminded me that oleksandr lukashenko, he ordered the withdrawal of troops after intense tension near the border with ukraine, that's how it sounded then, but now in belarus they are showing a shot with military equipment that is already allegedly going to the borders with ukraine. what is happening in this coordinate system, what is changing for... nothing changes, this is a game for the public once again, let's be like journalists, well, in principle , journalists must have something like such an information memory according to their work , let's remember that it was in july, until july there was a so-called sudden check of the troops' combat capability and these troops stayed at the border for about a week, this was actually accompanied by that. by
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lukashenka himself, and then there was a statement about withdrawal. well, i think logically, journalists have to be friends with the logic that if there is a sudden check, sooner or later the troops have to return. we had it, so we tried to get a certain additional informational, let's say, exhaust or informational result from it. from the point of view of these parts that are on a rotational basis near the border, they both stood and are still standing. as of today, too. let's look at the logic and again the information memory, and the operation begins in the kursk region, at the initial stage the belarusian side does not know how to react, because well here it is enough to watch the belarusian television well belta, television resources, i mean propaganda ones, and the first two or even three days they talked about the refugees, but almost nothing about the operation itself, about the course of events they spoke because they did not know how from. there is such
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a thing as obligations, which are fixed in the collective security agreement, the union state agreement. and in the event that putin decided to say that this is actually a war and an act of aggression, he could appeal to this contractual basis, but putin also understood that most of the allies, and even lukashenko, would most likely prevail and abstain from the war on the side of russia, so it was dangerous for russia, but the russian press started another thing, it is such a wave that it seems that the ukrainian troops entering the kursk region are... these brigades to be removed from the border with belarus. at the initial stage , the officials tried to neutralize it thanks to the involvement of their own propagandists, they wrote in belarusian resources, but an interesting thing happened that putin
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needed, well, just in case, he just needed such a preparation for the culprit, for the central russian press, and for some reason they stopped letting it , well, accordingly, it means that some kind of action is needed. a move that showed that well lukashenko reacts, well, the statement was made up or not made up, i don’t know, the story with the drone, and then there is a demonstrative loading of several tanks onto the platform, and accordingly for the russian press, this is a very good headline, he already beat, and belarus will transfer tanks to the border of ukraine, well, it’s cool, it broke a... this negative wave for lukashenko and that’s all, but minsk and lukashenko have the opportunity to improvise here, that is, they are watching the general narrative led by the russian federation, or are they waiting for some specific instructions, perhaps from the kremlin, and once again for lukashenka , the main thing in this case is to sweat for well
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, including by providing comfortable conditions, as far as possible at the present time, and to neutralize negative waves, once again there was a negative wave. there is a reaction, there is a picture, well , i think you understand that such a thing as overturning equipment, well, please look at the map, this is also an appeal to journalists and logic. belarus is a fairly compact state, which means that if you want to transfer a dozen tanks there, as was the case in previous years, you you put them on the trawlers, and in two hours they are where they are, and loading them onto the railway platforms, well, this is a very good move, because... what are the cameras, it's long, it's beautiful, mr. igor, how many are there resources and opportunities for there to be such an expression of ukrainian among the drops of this rain , like you and how much more lukashenko can do, well, so far he is getting, but
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tell us about such a moment, whether in your opinion putin can somehow more actively use lukashenko and bilora? in this segment, can any statement be made about that belarus, i don't know, is ready to give its troops there so that russia can repel enemy forces, in the kursk region, for example, well, let's say, what kind of troops, but from the point of view, again, let's take journalistic work , preparation for the material, if you are preparing for the size of the belarusian army, it is 65 thousand for... the law, well, now it is 67, sorry, but the military personnel is 42, not a set, well, it was from 15 to 20%, it means not a complex precisely by military personnel, and combat-ready brigades that are deployed are only special forces
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operations, all the rest, these are so-called staffed units, what is a staffed unit, it is a brigade on paper, in reality, based on the number of personnel, it is a de facto battalion. and the task of such a staffed unit is simply the training of conscripts, which means that if you want to fight, you have to, well, at least recruit reservists. in belarus there is such a system of reservist training, i gather there twice a year from 5 to 6 00, in some years there are fewer, three, four at a time, but this is of course, let’s say, the training schedule, and to deploy several brigades, you need 10-15 thousand at a time. this is the first, the first sign, there are such signs, there are no, the second sign, again, the belarusian legislation, what about the medical staff, these are nurses, doctors, they are military obligations, they are on the military register, in ukraine yes, until things too, but it is followed there, and
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accordingly, if you are preparing for war, at least these people are not mobilized, but at least the order goes down that vacations are canceled. so there is no such thing today. the third is again, respectively local legislation, part of the motor vehicle, well, at least state bodies, it can be removed as needed. own army, and this means that in the case of preparations for hostilities , a certain instruction is also given that there some trucks should not be used today, because tomorrow they can be taken away, there is no such thing either, so the question is who to send, sir, mr. igor , so it is clear, that is , the comparison is completely irrelevant here, but we are also starting from public statements that sound from minsk, in july you wrote about examples when, during the russian attacks , the shahedis flew to the territory of belarus and sometimes returned, without ever trying to hit
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a target on the territory of ukraine, you allowed a scenario according to which belarus could shoot down the shahedis, to do something that the western countries do not dare to do partners, and this, if it happens, can be a step for negotiations, and the customer of such a scenario can be either moscow or beijing, now this scenario is closer to implementation, and beijing can do it without the kremlin's knowledge, for example, come on, let's go the first and i wrote that this scenario is dangerous for lukashenko, it will happen when lukashenko is sure that either there is a cover-up, or if it is an initiative of minsk, it means that russia will be so busy with its own problems that it simply will not be able to react , or it is a blank with the russian federation, well, let's consider all three points: first, and russia, russia today is not in a state of half a minute to defeat, respectively. such a reversal is impossible, and the second part, and for russia,
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russia today, especially after the beginning operations in the korsk region, it slows down conversations about the beginning of consultations on a peace settlement, which means that the second logic, it also falls behind the russian goat, the third part is distancing from russia, well, let's say so, under the security umbrella of china, so in fact and activated work with china, including military, but so far it has not reached the level where it will be possible, simply without looking at moscow, if the dynamics are maintained like this, then it will be possible next year, that is, if russia will weaken militarily, and once again, the first scenario is that russia is weaker, but it was fixed, the second scenario is that russia is not weaker, but it needs it, the third scenario is that russia is not weak. but china's influence is increasing in belarus, and why next year, mr. igor, and
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why next year you said, well, let's talk about china, in the last month there was, well, before that there was a break of about 8 months in military-technical and military cooperation in the last month , especially for july, i mean, it was po military track, in addition to exercises, three visits are powerful enough. moreover, the visits are the training of the troops, this is material and technical support, etc., and there is one thing that i do not rule out that on the territory of belarus, well, according to the analogue of tajikistan, some kind of military center will appear under the umbrella of the sho, it will not formally be called a military base, de facto chinese military presence, as when it will appear the question in this case, how powerful it will be, how much it will be controlled with including. with economic processes, they are also coming, and when there is a military attack from china, then minsk will be able
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to somehow, let's say, play such a game that they simply agreed with beijing, so far this is impossible. thank you, mr. igor, for joining, i would like to comment on the preparation of journalists, of course, journalists on our broadcasts prepare for conversations, and it is important for us to also hear people who are experts in certain areas, it is very important for our viewers to clarify these questions, which appear, including in... under our we video. ihor techkevich, an expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, was a guest morning freedom i note for all our viewers that you can become an active participant and co-participant in these broadcasts, which take place every weekday from 9 o'clock on the air of the tv channel, as well as on youtube of radio svoboda. you can ask your questions, and this happens in the comments under the broadcasts. you can also note what. you agree with what you hear, and you also have an extraordinary opportunity to propose your topics for discussion on our broadcasts,
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what worries you, those problematic issues that you notice in your life, in society, be sure to write, or in the comments under our videos, and it is guaranteed that our journalists can receive direct appeals from you, you can write to us in social networks, or on the website of radio liberty, find the contacts of specific journalists and editors, and write and share important... information you think needs to be shared, discussed, analyzed. here, we talk about the news on our broadcasts and analyze them, what this day will be like, and what to expect from it. my name is kateryna nekrechu, i and the entire freedom morning team wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow, tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having
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political club helps to understand the process. this is what is happening in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts. based on the facts, they give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. thank you colleagues for your work. we are coming back. remember that... only a qr code is on the screen, it means that ulyana and i invite you to help our three brigades, because this collection, if you point the camera, leads to a bank account, we, together with the vesna fund, collect for combat drones, and they are needed in unlimited quantities, the more, the better, and your donations, any,
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from one hryvnia to a million, are accepted and will help the guys, that's what they themselves will give you they say good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikatsy drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, the qr code will remain on your screens throughout the broadcast, and we will include volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center. glory welcome to ukraine. glory to the hero, congratulations. mr. volodymyr, how serious is what you saw, you all saw the same video, there are still photographs, ragozin wandering about after the seizure
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of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, but he left, then they showed us these fires , which has already been extinguished, how serious is it and what was it? well, it must be said that this is a power plant, it is about 150 m high. its main purpose is to cool water, and this power plant is located approximately 1.5 km from... well, the nearest one is of the sixth unit of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, therefore, in principle, in principle, there is no safety yet. there is no serious danger there, and besides, there in the same tower of the building, it means there is an emptiness there, there
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is nothing there, except for it, except for the water that flows there through the pipes, and the air from below, which, therefore, goes through the holes for cooling of this for this water and further circulation for cooling. the corresponding zones, uh, zones have stopped, this fire has already stopped, yes, but the international atomic energy agency from magate, they said, i.e. tweeted, now called x, that magate experts, who apparently were there, or were not, witnessed heavy dark smoke coming from the northern zone. au after the numerous explosions that rang out in the evening, and where is any reaction from magate and can we count on it?
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well, yes, inspectors are also there, but they are not allowed into many zones, they are not allowed, they are kept there in a certain perimeter, why they are not allowed, because the russian weapons of the russian federation are located at the station. also duplicated, i i would also like to note that the mgat duplicated the statement of the leaders, the current so-called leaders of the terrorists from the as, that apparently it was ukrainian drones that attacked the zaporizhzhya nuclear plant, which caused the fire, and the mgat employees, unfortunately, they, they repeated this. er, this is, so to speak, fake information, and i think that it is bad, because you need to check every piece of information, and not repeat what
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the terrorists who control this zaporozhye nuclear plant say, that's why the situation is quite complicated , but again it should be noted that all six units today, they have been in a cold shutdown state since october 200... 22, which means that this is the most secure state, and i do not see any threat to the nuclear plant as of today, except that that these terrorists are there, who can and do create this threat, and also create such pr effects directed specifically against ukrainian. of the ukrainian state in the kurdistan region, which is temporarily in the russian federation undergoing military training, and the employees of the kurdistan autonomous region can already
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be seen from satellite images, they are preparing something there, digging something trenches, are preparing for defense, but previously we heard that precisely from the southern part of the kursk region, that is, from our side, where the good people went, there are high-voltage lep lines, in... which go from the kursk nuclear power plant, is it enough to control these lepa, will it still be necessary to move in the direction of the kurdish as? well, again, no one knows the intentions of the general staff, there are certain conjectures, fantasies, speculations, i see that in the information field there is a lot of speculation on this topic, that it seems that the ukrainian armed forces forces want to occupy this station. and then exchange it for the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, well , again, in my opinion, this one, i do not have such information, in my opinion, this is just speculation, since i cannot
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imagine how the ukrainian armed forces will go on an assault, and i do not about the assault, i am more about whether it is possible, for example, to cut off three slats and thus blackout them, well, you can do it, there are no problems here, then... you just need to destroy a few weekend transformers somewhere that lower the voltage, and for submission to the united energy agency the system of the russian federation, it can be done, what effect will it have, well, yes, there will be a certain effect, but not as great as it seems, since it must be understood that the total power generation in the russian... federation is about 250 gw, and specifically two units are operating at the kursk
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nuclear power station, this is only 2 gw. that is, it is less than 1% of the total power of the energy system , yes, but mr. volodymyr, we see a certain kind of parade in russia, who will make a blackout sooner, and here it is combat buryatia from the fresh, we know a lot about them now about combat buryativ, and now buryatia is in a blackout, there the armed forces of ukraine certainly did not do anything that is being done in russia, that is, in them... the system is crumbling, well, i think that there is no need for any more optimistic for us, if very, very foster illusions, because indeed they have problems in the energy system, but so far they are not critical, the energy system is extremely large in russia, it produces more than 1/3 kwh per year, and in principle, in principle...
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the kursk nuclear power plant, even if it will not supply electricity, weather will do almost nothing, because they can recover under other power schemes, uh, that means objects, it will go on for a while, but one should not cherish the hope that here we will capture the kursk nuclear power plant station, all the energy in russia is there, or at least half of it. russia to control the volumes of gazprom, and ukraine was exclusively transit, the fact that it is now in the zone of control of the armed forces of ukraine, what does this give us? it does not give anything, here, well, it gives a good pr effect, because now after this ukraine, it means appeared in the news magazine'. of the world in the front
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pages, it is in the front columns, this is really a plus, but in reality it does not give anything, since it is a gas measuring station, there is a compressor station, the so-called kursk, a few kilometers from it, uh, why nothing gives, because what is there, well, they are measuring correctly, but again, if we wanted to close the valve, we could close it on... our side and give the command to the russian dispatchers to close the valve, because if, if we stopped, which means they would have shut it down on their side, and if they hadn’t shut it down, it would have been a big accident, so to speak, so they were simply forced to shut it down, but the contract, the contract is in effect, but it didn’t go anywhere with gazprom, the contract between naftogaz and gazprom, there were no reports that ukraine was terminating the contract with gazprom, yes. it
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ends on december 31 of this year, therefore, in my opinion, there is not much left until the new year, in my opinion, in my opinion, this is not the main goal, capturing the gas meter, thank you, volodymyr omelchenko, the director of the energy programs of the razumkov center, was in touch with us, and now khrystyna parubiy, our colleague, is taking over the baton, in order to tell about all the most important things that happened. in these two hours in ukraine and the world. christ, congratulations. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the situation in ukrainian cities after the russian attacks in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, wait a moment.


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