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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, verdict with serhiy rudenko , from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our life? we analyzed the new ones. praise, to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we will return and... and we will certainly continue
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the actual conversation, where you stopped with oleg rybachuk, we will continue with political expert volodymyr tsibulko in connection with our studio, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, and just in time, while there was a short pause, i managed to upgrade and see that the russian agency tas is authorized to declare, they quote their main ally and communist from china, because there spawned officially, the ministry of foreign affairs condemns the ukrainian operation in the kursk region, where they say, we, our position is consistent and clear, we call on all parties to adhere to the three principles of cooling the situation, namely, military actions are not should spread outwards. it is strange that
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there was no such statement when it was circulated three years ago, but tell me the same thing, the chinese communists are clearly already openly on the side of russia, they will no longer play crazy about the fact that they are above the conflict, that they are making peace, and together with brazil , they are now pushing such a peace formula to us for 110 countries that a reinforced concrete peace will simply come, they are now openly leaving. in putin's forvater? well, they always went openly, the thing is, to have such excess profits, though formally, the positive balance in russia's trade with china is in favor of russia, about 30 billion. but if you count the prices at which china buys all kinds of raw materials, so to speak, resources, forest, water, and ores and so on.
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similar, then as a result it will turn out that china is in big profits, and most importantly, in the political sense, russia was and will remain. for china, it is an instrument of insurance on international platforms, because russia is a member of the un security council, and if china suddenly remains the lone pole in the security council, then china will simply have to, well, play the role of an extra, by the way, questions about the city and the role and in what way russia ended up in the organization of the united nations, finally began. already raise not only ukraine, but also some partner countries, that is, in essence, china has complex shackles with which it has tied russia, russia is such, well, an unconditional clavier of china, that is, without
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china, russia in its current form simply will not survive, yes, but mr. volodymyr, look at... and before that i was dumping and buying both gas and oil at domestic prices, so what suddenly changed, that now they so openly chose one of the sides, i.e. supported the kremlin and condemned ukraine? i think it's, let's say, a sense of not being able to play long scenarios with a collective action, uh, china... would like to be a major partner, but we're seeing blocking sanctions from the european union, particularly on electric cars, we've got blocking sanctions against, well with on the part of the usa, and it should be recalled that china
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has been trying to revive its economy for five years, but it is languishing, curtailing, and this curtailment is forcing china to fringe politically, so to speak, so it seems to me that china anyway, under any conditions, he works out a trade position, now he still has, brazil has appeared, for a short time, i hope, but, well, here is such an idea, and the ukrainians, just the ukrainian side, and the ukrainian diplomacy sees this fraud very clearly, because when china says that 110... countries have joined the chinese peace formula, it is an outright lie, because those countries that voted for the un resolution regarding aggression against ukraine, and there, let me remind you,
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more than 140 countries joined, voted in favor of ukraine, the resolution, these countries cannot turn away like weather vanes and approve. the maximum amount that china can collect is about 60 plus or minus countries, it is not in a condition to collect any more, it may be a virtual number invented by the ministry of foreign affairs in beijing, we cannot verify it, we were not shown anything , but if we return to those calls and such open and various statements that are made, the first was a statement, in my opinion, by the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, which appealed to a collective measure to condemn the actions of weapons. forces of ukraine in kurshchyna, then there were there are still attempts to talk about it through the same un security council, in general, how well is it working in western countries now, about the fact that ay-ay-ay, we have an occupation, an occupier
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has appeared in us, the occupier has entered the kurdish territory, or did it have a greater effect than previous similar statements and comments by maria zakharova? well, why did i mention the oonivsk resolution condemning russian aggression? when russia, according to all the possible international rights and rules, so to speak, condemned, or rather the world condemned russian aggression, now ukraine observes the right to self-defense, that is. it still operates within the framework of international law, and to condemn ukraine after a ten-year aggression against ukraine by russia, to condemn ukraine for entering the territory of a small russia, well , it looks absurd, because in fact, in
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all international documents, it is russia that appears as the aggressor country , and in this sense , russia will not get rid of this, yes... this stamp until the end of its existence, even if it pays all the reparations, returns all the territories, but the sanctions, burdens etc. against russia will be in effect for quite a long time, uh, listen, well, here is another important topic, and which we would like to discuss with you, this is the offensive in the kursk region, of course, we will not talk about it from a military point of view, since we have already been discussing it all morning, in one way or another, the chairman of the defense committee he told the bundestag that kurshchyna is the basis for negotiations with putin's successor, what could that mean? such a statement from the head of the defense committee of the bundestag, well, you see, in political bargaining
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there are always some trump cards that can be used. in fact, it was in ukraine many opportunities to gather trumps for themselves much earlier, but it seems to me that here it would be very important to endure a certain pause, and politically this pause was not only in ... well, let's say so, in the psychological attitude of western societies, because we remember , that in western democracies, no one has revoked the right to vote, and a politician is accountable to his voter, if the voter, as a result of irreproachable actions of a politician, deteriorates the quality of life, gets some deterioration for himself, he reacts very harshly, therefore - western politicians reconfigured the psychology of their societies to not only direct support for
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ukraine, but also to understand the real threat from russia, because for western civilization russia was far away, they did not perceive it as a close threat, but because of the tragedy of ukraine, it seems to me that the western politicians have adjusted their societies to the fact that russia is absolute. evil, and now any actions of ukraine on the territory of russia, on the contrary, well, they receive the approval of democratic societies, they see that the aggressor can be punished, and in ukraine there has been such, well, combative fervor that inspires not only ukrainian society, god inspires, well, many peoples who will push for victory. ukraine, but these societies are beginning to understand the meaning of helping ukraine,
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when ukraine begins to win new victories, these victories also belong to the societies that will contribute to the benefit of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso. volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, this is how we summed up the results of the global changes. moods after a fairly local military operation, so small steps, and now it's still worth it to sum up the results of another important event of the olympic games for the whole world, and for this we invited oleksandr vashchuk, our sports spectator, to the studio. oleksandr, i'm glad to see you in the studio, congratulations, i'm glad to see you too, because it's a very good opportunity, ukraine performed quite confidently at the olympic games, bookmakers and analysts predicted one or two gold medals there. medals, we have three gold medals and there were chances for the fourth or fifth, if nasibov or
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kolyadenko were a little lucky in freestyle wrestling, we would had five or six medals and they were already 15-14th place in the world, which ukraine has never achieved in terms of economy, but our colleagues from ukraine have already come out with the headline that it is almost the worst result of ukraine, well, how not the worst result not the worst, there was one medal, but three years ago 21. because they were in the 20th due to the coronavirus, there was one gold medal, in rio in 2016 two gold medals, the world counts by gold medals, we now have three gold medals medals, yeah, but if we have a total, then we have 12 medals, so in total, maybe it is some, because in the entire history of the olympic games, ukrainian history, the fewest participants were from ukraine, it is clear that the war had a very strong influence, but is this the smallest result in terms of the sum of all the silver, bronze, and gold medals, in my opinion, this...
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one of the ukrainian champions, also known in political circles as a member of the party of regions, bubka, decided that he could not do anything better than awarding a russian athlete within the framework of this olympics. as the former head of mok, well, look, there is a story, well, not quite a russian athlete awarded, he awarded the girl daria varfolomiev, there were generally... bartholomew, he novika, such russian women who are now representing germany, so she won the absolute first place in rhythmic gymnastics, he awarded her, well , to darfolomeya’s chagrin she was there in alushta in 17-19, she took part in competitions, which is prohibited by the legislation of ukraine, i.e. violations in the occupied territories, a photographer also found a photo on instagram with a map and the occupied
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territories of zaporizhzhia, kherson, crimea, as the russian ones are marked, though, let’s wait, because... that this girl, the ukrainian public posted this story, she liked this post, after that she deleted the photo with the photo, with the map, and also deleted many photos out of nowhere, whether she is covering the tracks has she repented, that 's the question, well, what kind of scandal is there with the gymnast, bubka, well, it's bubka, it's what bubka didn't know that this is russian under neutral, what can you think of, that he's not quite ukrainian anymore, but a resident of monte carlo , then maybe he... lives in his own world and maybe he hoped that on this award will be an olympian, well, there will be an olympic medal in ukraine, he, well , serhii bubka has been behaving very strangely since the year 22, he has a lot of complaints from athletes, and they say that it is good that now bubka has distanced himself a little from ukrainian sports, ugh, i asked about what kind of scandal there is with the gymnasts, that one was suspended, another sport in rhythmic gymnastics in ours, well
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, it's not exactly a scandal, the coaching council decided that er... well, one is stronger than the other. onofreychuk is stronger than onoprienko. that's why here, maybe they are plus or minus equal there, but they decided to give way to the younger one. aha. and she performed very well in the qualification , fourth place, a little before third, in the finals, she made two mistakes, well, on two rights, and there was no chance for a medal. but in our country, gymnastics is something with something, because there is gymnastics, there, for as long as i can remember, they share power, there is a president. the federation has a coach, there are personal trainers of athletes, well, before the olympics vernyaya posts that the czechs have rubbed off on him, that they don't buy czechs, yes there are complaints that we are not judged well, because the federation of our judges does not advocate for them to be at the olympics, but i say, gymnastics there, well, it is called two ukrainians, three gitmans, of course, but at the same time
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it is interesting, it was just once a long time ago - a long time ago the olympic principle that if the olympics, all wars stop for a pause. it has not worked for a long time, but as georgians would have said in 2008, it was the war that everyone closed their eyes to and watched for sports events, and if we return to the principle that we do not let we condemn, and then at the last moment belarusians and russians begin to appear, whose credit is it, are gazprom's dollars working so well, is this the philosophy of the international community? of the olympic committee, that at first no, and then in various federations to gradually launch russian ones. so yesterday i listened to the final speech of thomas bach, the head of the international olympic committee, i also thought that he , as he says, we had a great games, he really did not do anything for this olympic truce, what they allowed the russians, yes, there weren't many of them russians, belarusians, they
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won one or two medals there, they performed terribly there several times in the quarter, well, they made some criteria that there... i hear, if there is a member of this cska club of russian, then they did not allow, or some there, photos in the occupied territories, such were not allowed for sure, what kind of them, they see some such mission that sport is outside of politics, and they believe all this, but the fact that in reality he did nothing to make it an olympic truce, maybe money here, maybe he wants this multi-vectority to play, because we also see the world, it is very diverse, it also needs to preserve... the voices of the global south, africa, latin america, well, this kind of sports diplomacy, and also about sports diplomacy, but at our state level, supposedly the head of the national olympic committee, vadym gutsait , ignored everyone who received awards, but ignored zhan beleniuk's bronze medal, or how, well, this is his
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personal facebook page, can he ignore it or not? i don't know how they would say in servants of the people, well, either he is spiteful, or maybe there is some kind of resentment , and what is there between them ? you are no longer a hand-picked person in ukrainian sports, then there were elections of the national olympic committee, where there were the main candidates, these are hutsaid and beleniuk, there , two, even three days before the elections, belenikva was the undisputed favorite. many communicate with the federations, and he probably did the final work better than beleniuk, and they chose gutsait there with a small advantage, but they were chosen, so it is possible that then beleniuk
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said something bad about him there, well, how are they in fact completely like that, well, they did not throw mud at each other, but there is definitely some opinion, and in general, if you look , i understand that every award is well-deserved, the most important is one of our... awards that will set certain parameters for the next olympics, that is, we remember, the same bubka once set a record that could not be broken at the olympics for a very long time , there is one of our awards bet, well, it's hard to say, because we took awards in those sports where we have good traditions, such as high jump, we always had good women, they were just in second or third place, but now there is yaroslava moguchyk, this definitely the number one in the world and it will be the kind of parameter that... well that's right, well we have that, she, she's very young, she says she's not going to stop, i mean, we generally have in this sport of jumping the women's performance was gold and bronze, and beleniuk
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danced the hopak and said that he had finished his career, well, probably yes, he says that he wants to focus more on parliamentary activities, on some kind of state-building, functional activities, he is not super old, but he understands that it is not easy to combine being a deputy and playing sports, although he... in with this status, he won gold in tokyo and bronze here, and he, well, in the semifinals, he could go to the gold, well, fight for gold, he lost one point in the semifinals there, well, even according to additional indicators, he could really fight for gold, and by the way, there is an interesting story because in his weight class the gold was won by the representative of bulgaria, who is actually from kharkiv, well, here is our world around the world, and your prediction about the next olympics, that these next olympics will be in los angeles, of course we will expect the same mighty ones, the same traditions in wrestling, fencing , we hope that
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the gymnasts too, we have zero kovton, this is a top athlete, and everywhere you need, well, you need state support, but it is clear that there are sports in which 11-year-old athletes now participate, a 14-year-old athlete became a champion in skateboarding, that is, children who now 10 years, they can become olympic champions, in the evening, he usually prepares our sports review on the big air, we say goodbye to you until tomorrow, but do not switch, because after a small pause there will be news, and then our colleagues will continue the broadcast. see you soon! tired of a mess in the kitchen?
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uah 799. with possible free delivery, powerful stroon saws, what you need to call, there are discounts until independence day on citramon donation 10% in pharmacies planstry bam and ochad there are discounts until independence day novysin 20% in pharmacies pslanry bam and ochad suffer from heartburn, i recommend izoto izota interacts with acid in the stomach, which leads to a decrease in heartburn symptoms, isota your water if heartburn bothers you. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the cabinet of ministers dismissed the deputy minister of energy oleksandr hale. it was he
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who was detained for a bribe. reports the public, referring to its own sources. the security service of ukraine reported that the deputy minister of energy demanded money from the managers of state-owned mines in lviv oblast and volyn for the transfer of unique equipment that was planned to be removed from the pokrovsky direction in donetsk oblast. after the aggravation of the situation on this part of the front, the miners turned to official with a request to hand over this equipment to them, but he began to demand a bribe. involved three accomplices, a private energy trader, the head of an energy company from the mykolaiv region and the head of a mining plant from donetsk region. it was from the last enterprise that the equipment had to be evacuated. bribes were transferred through accomplices in several tranches. the suspects were detained while receiving part of the money. the minister of energy helped expose his deputy, the security service of ukraine reported. extras of the scheme
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faces up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation.


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