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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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we call escalation such a euphemism, because in fact, of course, in the united states , escalation means an inadequate response from russia, that is, in the form of, say , the use of nuclear weapons against ukraine, and the united states, of course, always wants to avoid this, but i would, you know, i would reflected what your colleague vitaly bortnikov likes to call salami's tactics from the side. on russia, that is, when russia thinks that it can cut off piece by piece of ukrainian territory from ukraine, but the west does practically the same specifically, the united states, piece by piece, all the time, allowing ukraine to do more, sending ukraine more weapons, more types of weapons, i think it's just that the united states believes that by taking these steps step by step, they... are doing
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this, achieve a very important thing, that is, that russia, it will not react inadequately, i am more than sure that this reaction of the united states to this operation of the armed forces in the kursk region, it testifies to this, that american intelligence is absolutely sure that there will be no inadequate response, say, in the form of using nuclear weapons from russia. mr. igor, we have been watching this for a long time... this is how specific weapons are transferred to ukraine, weapons that actually belong to, let's say, some european country, but the manufacturer of these weapons is the united states, then this country had to ask for the permission of the united states to transfer it to us armament. now we are watching how in germany, accordingly, the head of the security committee declares that from the moment we handed over tanks to ukraine, although they are also german... these are already ukrainian tanks,
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they can use them as they see fit, that is, this interesting moment is happening again when, when in principle we, if not openly, but give good good for what is happening, for in your opinion, how will this affect the general situation, even of a political nature, in the united states itself, does it already have an appropriate response in the hearts of americans, who... in addition to all this, are also voters, they need to do the appropriate things in the near future, adopt the appropriate decision of an electoral nature this fall, in the united states this operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, it is very much so, it is covered in the media, with details, with very great details, a lot of articles in leading newspapers, and there are corresponding comments on television in the tv report. there are articles on the websites of news
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tv channels and where the key word here is humiliating putin, humiliating russia and approving the actions of ukraine, that is, the americans are perceived accordingly. as for what this will mean for the american election campaigns, you know, foreign policy and generally everything that is done traditionally in the world. is not the subject of the presidential election campaign in the united states, and this election campaign, well, it is practically no different from the previous ones, that is, it will revolve around internal issues , around the actual protection of democracy, or opposition to democracy, around various social problems, around economic problems , economic policy, and this is what
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voters are most concerned about when they elect a new president, and there will be no change here year, i.e., let's say, kamela harris and tim waltz, in recent days, they spoke in key states for elections, foreign policy matters were not discussed at all in their speeches, and it will be like this until the end of the election campaign, because the main thing for americans - this is economic and social policy. politics, and since there is such a confrontation between the forces led by trump and the liberal forces, it is also a question of protecting democracy, or on the contrary, not protecting democracy, if we say what is meant by trump. ugh. mr. igor, we do we understand that we can expect a debate between donald trump and kamala harris in the near future, maybe we are talking about... several stage
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debates, what are your expectations from this purely pre-election campaign, we understand that even without being official candidates yet. .. from their parties, donald trump and joseph biden met at the debate, and this in fact led to drastic changes in the situation, what to expect now? debates in general, they have been conducted against the last 50 years by the national debate commission, and trump from debates that are organized by the commission, refused, a long time ago, that is, he said that he will not participate in such debates, and the debates that were held between. with trump and biden, which are also proposed by abc channels for september 10, now it will be a debate between trump and caris, and this is a debate in a different format, that is, this is a debate without an audience in the hall, only with moderators, presenters and debaters , and will
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they, i'm not sure, by the way, that they will, because trump said just a week ago that he would not participate in any debate with harris, other than the only... debate possible on fox with audience participation, on thursday he said something diametrically opposed that he will participate in the sept. 10 debate hosted by abc. i honestly don't expect anything like that, because the debate, actually, well, it's the kind of television product that, for the tv journalists , it's very clear why that kind of television product is popular with the viewers, and ... for the voters, well, the voters and this is how they know their candidates, and it is unlikely that a large number of voters can change theirs thanks to the debate point of view about the candidates decide to vote for the wrong candidate that they planned to vote for, i think kamela harris has every
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chance, well, to beat donald trump in a debate because, you know, it's going to be a debate, as sama kamalalagaris, a professional prosecutor, suggests. with a criminal who was convicted, not so, not so long ago, of 34 felonies by a jury , but i don't think that alone can have any significant effect on voter sentiment, certainly the debate between trump and biden 27 june, well, they really had a big impact because joe biden blew that debate and ultimately it led to... him stepping down, but in the caris and trump debates, if they're going to be, well, that's not the case. will happen, that is, trump will be trump, he will behave the way he always behaves, and harris, if she
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prepares well for the debate, she will beat him, but let's say hillary clinton also beat trump in the debate in the 16th year, but lost the election, let's say, mitt romney lost obama first debate in year 12, but lost the election. ronald reagan narrowly lost the '84 debate to walter mondale, but won the election. that is, the debate does not determine the winner of the election, after all, the winner is determined by the vote. it's interesting, you actually noticed and even made a little distinction between tv viewers and voters, as if they are two completely different categories that do not intersect with each other. it is interesting to me from the point of view that in 2019 we are actually here. in ukraine, they watched the elections, in which television and television activity itself our current president played a part and i'm not sure if it wasn't for that plane you could count on some
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high high points there but it's such a small trailer sorry sorry if i can i don't want to interrupt you but just want to add, in the united states they are watching... the same thing, look, only on thursday two events took place at the same time: kamela harris spoke at a meeting of the auto manufacturers union in detroit, and at the same time donald trump held a press conference, but all the tv channels broadcast it live ether, what do you think that trump's press conference, why? well, because it definitely allowed them to increase their ratings, because a lot of people, they, they willingly look at trump, even... those who don't like him, but they want to look, well , because they want to see something like that, unusual , and this, to me, is a problem, a big problem, because, well, people watch tv, a lot of people watch tv, but there should be journalists responsible for the product
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that they put out, and at least when there are elections, after all, tv channels have to ensure that there is no advantage of one of the candidates on the television airwaves, even if it brings ratings. to the tv channels, i think that this is wrong, because it is necessary for the tv channels to position themselves as neutral as possible towards the election candidates. and finally, briefly, the united states and the situation in the middle east, the possibility of iran's response, in fact, to the events that took place last week, in particular in tehran. can we say that the united states is expected, and actually knows, traditionally know what to do in this situation? in a situation of escalation? the united states, i think, is also in anticipation and they are preparing for a possible
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iranian response, but they are very active on the diplomatic front to prevent a major war, to prevent a possible iranian response, possible iranian attacks on israel, because the middle east - this is a region where you can light a match, and from this there will be such a fire that simply, simply, it can turn around. the third world war, so of course the united states has absolutely no interest in it. and yes, the commander of us central command, he, let's say, he was in israel, he discussed with the israeli chief of general staff, the minister of defense, joint actions in the event of an iranian attack, but at the same time, the united states is making a lot of diplomatic efforts, they are doing, the united states with there are no diplomatic relations with iran, but ... through intermediaries, through countries that have relations with iran, the united states is trying to do everything possible
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to prevent the flames of a very large war that could absolutely have unintended consequences. mr. igor, thank you for joining the saturday political club, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university from the united states, on the espresso tv channel, and continuing, that. the development of events in the middle east and the possible response of iran, israel, to the events that took place in tehran, in fact in the context of the inauguration of the new president, so far there is information, in particular from zatelegraf, which refers to unnamed aides of the iranian president, the current president masoud pazeyan offers iran less radical options as opposed to. corps of guards of the islamic revolution, that is, there are certain differences of opinion on those events that will
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develop in the near future, if of course they will develop. queer is traditionally in favor of more drastic actions, but the president has a more restrained view. we will now talk about this and more with vadym polishchuk, a historian and political observer from israel. congratulations, mr. vadim, glory to ukraine. glory, good evening. yes. actually, in what form is the situation directly in israel now, when we are talking about on the one hand, hamas has been decapitated in a certain way, and on the other hand, we already understand that there are new contenders for leadership of a military and political nature, on the other hand, hezbollah and the lebanese side, all this in the context of the threat from iran. i ask you to speak, well, the country, israel is now
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waiting to see what iran and its proxy hizballah will dare to do in this situation, or the events of the persuasion from the united states to reduce the intensity of the possible response, and i also think that the idea of ​​persuading israel to reduce reduce the intensity of iran's response. er, because here, you know, the flywheel of responses can spin up, which, from the point of view of the united states, can lead to a major escalation, which the united states does not need now. from the point of view of hamas, there is already a leader there, that is, the hamasites have decided on the direction of their movement, because the election of sinwar as the head is precisely that. of the political wing that united, that is, before there was a political wing, there was a military wing, now
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all this has formed in one person, and in fact it radicalized the situation, because sinwar is a man more so sharp, more risky, more prone to some adventures, and to hope that this will lead to a decrease in tension. the same agreement that the united states wants to reach on hostages, and through this agreement to actually end the gas conflict and... freeze the situation, israel does not agree to such a development, even if it goes to an agreement, but only on the conditions of a possible extension in the process of liquidating hamas as a structure, because only this can prevent a repetition of what happened on october 7. on the part of hizballah, israel now
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understands that the existence of hezbollah in general threatens israel in terms of investment due to the fact that we... see that such a security zone has been created in the north, which was actually created by hezbollah, several large enough settlements have been evacuated, a large number of israelis are now in those temporary places there with their families in hotels, and it is unacceptable for israel that this whole situation is maintained and even if some conditions are reached by ski ball, there is no... hope that these conditions will be in effect for a long time, and thus these people will not be able to return and feel safe, so in fact now israel is interested in some kind of radical solution to the situation, and there are already discussions about this among experts and, i think, among the military and political leadership, and if
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our army did not actually act as such a political party , which... was not radical, but more, let's say, prone to compromises, i think it would have already started to be solved in a more radical way, and when we are talking about a more radical course and variant of the development of events, what is at stake here attention, decipher, please, what it would look like, well it would look like full-scale military operations in lebanon, and the creation, well, not even to the litani river, because the litani river is there, there from six. up to 15 km, this is not enough for security, there would most likely be a coming to beirut, as was the case in the first lebanon war, and the elimination of hizballah as well as a military structure, that is , the weapons that were imported there by iran in large quantities at one time, look, all their caches are there, what they dug there and so on,
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well, just like that, now a window appeared opportunities'. the iranian threat, including the iranian nuclear program, which was able to develop thanks to the policies of the democrats obama and biden for some kind of flirting with iran, and the impression that they consider iran to be some kind of party that could , well, regulate some relations in the middle east, although in fact they are, well... actually radicalizing them and leading to such a flare-up of some conflicts, and this, in my opinion, is precisely the wrong position of the united states, just as they behaved with russia, this obama reboot is constantly and biden's appeasement of the aggressor, to prevent escalation, that is, they escalate, as russia and iran want, and their countries, which
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oppose them, must constantly restrain themselves, and thus it is even more... burns this situation. mr. vadim, as we understand, iran is looking for support, or at least is currently enlisting the support of its allies, and the same applies here to russia, because, to be honest, why then would visits by quite high-ranking, but already ex-russian military officials to iran, for example, and in general, let's recall, putin called on iran after all. limit its revenge on israel, reuters wrote about it, will russia openly support iran in any actions of this country in relation to israel in the near future, or will it still be cautious? well, i don't know how it can support even more, well, unless these military men, who are now russian in syria, they will take part
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in the conflict on the side of iran, this is the only possible participation of russia even more. even more than now, that is, they support them in all, let's say , international organizations, they support them support the military, just as iran supports russia, they are military allies, and if someone in israel still doubts this, then i don't know what else russia should do, well, what about striking with their planes from syria, well , it's good that they compared to the israeli military, the air force is weak, that is, israel would... repulse this attack and they understand it well, but well , they help in whatever way they can, they teach the iranians, the iranians teach the russians, that is, there is love in measure, like that i say well, a lot of information of varying degrees of confirmation, but still there is information in the world media that
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russia is supplying iran, possibly the s-400, iran for its part even insists on receiving su-35 flanker fighters, yes, yes, these are the same su-35, like the new fighters of the russian federations, with which it is purely theoretical, but the f-16 can meet in some aerial battle. well, that's another question. russia can provide weapons to iran. this means that the russian federation has fewer weapons to attack ukraine. but in any case, as we understand, escalation from iran should not be beneficial to russia right now, right? well, in principle, it's something to look at. first, if there is an escalation around iran, it will once again distract attention. from russia's war with ukraine, and this is good for putin in principle, on the other hand, thanks to this, oil prices, which have recently started to decrease, can jump, and
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it is also beneficial for russia, so why is it not beneficial, beneficial for any aggravation of in the middle east, it is normal for them, but if it is taiwan and china there, the zats will be affected, it is even more normal for russia, so it will to do anything... anything for escalation, they can say anything, there, well, lie to them, you know, this is a normal phenomenon, just like for iran, but you have to look, you even see, they are about for them this situation with the houthis, in fact, turned out to be quite disadvantageous, including economic, due to the fact that they are forced to bite and fire at any ships that go through the gulf of aden, through the red sea, both russian and russian. .. cargo ships go around africa now, but still here escalation around the near east, they still support it, and still no one
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tells iran, not china, not russia, let’s somehow bite and tame them, so they only the only thing that could tame them was a blow to khudei, which slightly reduced their capabilities, and no persuasion works, well, a few words are a lot. briefly, mr. vadim, what is the current state of relations within israel between the authorities and the people in view of the rather successful operations to eliminate high-ranking terrorists that netanyahu, in agreement with israelis? well, israeli society has actually been divided for several years now, and this division is precisely, well, political. forces that are opposed to netanyahu, they personalized it, i.e. took it out of the ideological plane into a personal one, that is, they actually attacked him without touching on
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any such, well, specific problems, and now it continues, these are the people who are now constantly holding demonstrations, blocking roads, now they have it, before they spoke of just one person resigning, now they got caught up in the topic of hostages and the support of certain certain forces that they support, including in law enforcement agencies in the judicial system, they continue to act in that direction, and from the point of view of the people, well, according to the latest polls, after such a radicalization of israel's position, the rating of netanyahu's leput party has increased, huh , and it again became the first in terms of the number of votes it can get in the knesset, the coalition as a whole, it is gaining... a little less than the opposition forces, but it was likut that rose a little, and it will be when the eyes left, this expanded the office they entered
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the former opposition members of hans eisinkott, this israel pursued a more moderate policy, they left, israel's policy became radicalized, such and such evils began, let's say, attacks on these leaders of various and... in general, israel began to achieve certain successes and the food rating increased. let's see what will happen next in this direction. thank you for this constructive input. vadym polishchuk, historian, political commentator from israel joined the saturday political club. and in a few moments , vitaly portnikov, with whom we are, will appear in the saturday political club we will have an opportunity to discuss everything that is most important for ukraine and the world. wait. there are 10% discounts on motorex tablets until independence day in psylansky, bam and oskad pharmacies. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that
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taira unit yulia paevska. mints of svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on the espresso tv channel. new week on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week. the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy. every monday at 20:00 at espresso. this is the saturday political club na espresso. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, i am pleased to welcome vitalii portnikov to the studio. mr. vitaly, glory
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to ukraine. glory to the hero, congratulations, well, kurshchyna and as of this morning, possibly belgorod oblast as well, but we are monitoring there with all caution, in fact, we are also monitoring kursk oblast with caution, why? because we do not have any official information, specific data that would be subject to analysis, and to trust the russian zablik is to disrespect oneself, in principle, on the other hand, it is uneasy and... and several actually populated areas of the russian federations are under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, we saw this video, we saw that absolutely specific brigades are called, those nevertheless, now we are in a situation where, for the first time since the middle of the 20th century , the russian federation has received military action directly on its territory, and all this is happening 16 years after that. how
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she did shameful things in georgia in 2008, and in your opinion, in the historical perspective, what are we seeing now and what will it lead to? you know that the most amazing thing is khrystyna, that from the point of view of the russian federation, military actions have been taking place on its territory for two years in a row, because the russian federation considers donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions of ukraine, such. russian regions themselves, such as the kursk or belgorod regions, and therefore from the point of view of the russian leadership , nothing new is happening, they cannot say: oh, what did you do, you crossed the borders of the russian federation, and we already crossed these borders a long time ago from their point of view, ukrainian troops are located on the territory of donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhya.


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