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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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received military action directly on its territory, all this is happening 16 years after it did just shameful things in georgia in 2008, and in your opinion, in a historical perspective, what are we seeing now and what will it lead to? you know that the most amazing thing is khrystyna, that from the point of view of the russian federation, military actions are taking place on its territory... for two years in a row, because the russian federation considers the donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhia regions of ukraine to be the same russian regions as the kursk or bilhorod regions region, and therefore from the point of view of the russian leadership, nothing new is happening, they cannot say: this is what you did, you crossed the borders of the russian federation, and we already crossed these borders from their point of view, ukrainian troops are on territories of donetsk, luhansk, kherson. areas that
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the russians consider their own, and the main demand for vladimir putin is that these troops leave the territories occupied by them, otherwise there will be no negotiations and no peace at all, so the russians cannot say, you know what happened, the ukrainians crossed the border and entered the territory of the russian federation for the first time since the second world war, as we say and as the west says, because from the russian point of view we are already there... for a long time, we are constantly fighting on the territory of the russian federation federation since the 22nd year, and this is also a certain trap for the russian leaders themselves, because they cannot convene the un security council and say: you know what happened, the war is going on in our territory, and before, in which it was went, you say that she used to go to your territory, why are you so excited, uh, suddenly, but seriously, if you remove this moment... the state border, this, in
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any case, speaks of the ineffectiveness of the russian state itself and the night owls, because one way or another, and that the fact that ukrainian troops crossed the state border of russia, there russia recognizes that there is a state border between the sumy region and the kurdistan region, let's say, it officially recognizes it, and here the troops of some country crossed the state border. occupied several settlements, it turned out that this state border with the country with which you have been waging a war for 2.5 years, a big one, and have been in a state of confrontation with it for 10 years, is not fortified at all, your power structures cannot fight back, you cannot organize an evacuation, you you cannot organize the protection of the residents of kursk from possible shelling of this city, because there is no system there.
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effective air defense and a system of bomb shelters, and this is all 2 and a half years after the start of the great war, that is, by and large, it is an invasion, it has a powerful information effect, because it once again demonstrates the cardboardness of the russian state itself. of course, russia can gather troops, can cross a foreign border, can storm a populated place. another country, we know this both in georgia and ukraine, to achieve success, because a large part of the territory of georgia, ukraine is under russian control, but at the same time, when russia itself is attacked, it does not know what to do with it attack, and this, by the way, is not the first time, because i want to remind you that when the soviet union in the late 1930s attacked finland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, then everything was fine with these attacks.
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well, it's not so good with finland, but in any case , a large part of the territory of finland , including the city of vii puri, which is now called vyborgo, was part of the soviet union, but when hitler's germany attacked the soviet union, no one there was ready for anything, this by the way, it is very similar, and they are again inventing some word treacherously, this is their favorite word, treacherously, the question arises, and from what the hell do you believe, so... why you believed hitler when you were in a serious confrontation with him for many years, and this act of non-aggression precisely meant that , in principle, germany could attack you, so you agree with her on non-aggression, well, if you agree with someone for non-attack, you must somehow think about a possible attack, somehow carry out some measures, but this is not a story for stalin, why do you believe that the ukrainians cannot cross some part of the border if you are at war with them, why do you believe that you do you believe in their weakness, in theirs
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decency, in their fear, what do you believe in, that they have broken your faith again, that where does the russian people have such faith that they themselves can attack everyone? no one on him, that’s also very strange, mr. vitaly, or maybe they believe in international law and universally recognized borders, on which they usually wipe their feet, but they understand that the world cannot ignore the rules that it established after two in the morning, in these borders, which the russian federation considers a border, so it considers it a border, and so does it the border also includes the donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhzhia regions, she has them there too, she believes that she can... those borders, she can do whatever she wants. the russian federation broke international law, well , great, not for the first time, by the way, you know when in 1918, i apologize for such a long digression, but this is an interesting moment: the russian federation, germany and ukraine,
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negotiated peace, then it was decided, where are the borders of the russian federation, where are the borders of independent ukraine, recognized as a... ukrainian state by the bolsheviks, and between these two borders there was a neutral zone, quite a large neutral zone that no one claimed, which, by the way, included the city of sudja. so, what are the bolsheviks doing soon? they decide in kursk that there will be a temporary worker-peasant government of ukraine. but such a government. cannot exist in kurdsk, because it is a russian city, the center of the province, and if there is a temporary worker-peasant government of ukraine in pursk, then the question arises, what are we, what is ukrainian, and then the bolsheviks decide, let the government officials, the bolsheviks, go to suja, so suja became the first capital of soviet
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ukraine, everyone says kharkiv is the first capital, no, excuse me, suja is the first capital, and they immediately announce that this suja is now part of the ukrainian... socialist soviet republic and seat of the first soviet government of ukraine. then, when the court is occupied, i think, by white guard troops, it is decided that the provisional government moves to belgorod, which is then also the territory of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, and then already to kharkiv. and when in 2022 they decided to create the soviet union... the russian bolsheviks say to the ukrainian bolsheviks: listen and judge, we just borrowed so that you would have a government there, but now that you are still part of the soviet union, why do you need this territory, let it be the territory of russia? and so suja, which for several years was part of soviet
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ukraine, and before that a neutral zone between russia and ukraine, becomes part of soviet russia. now the question arises, why can't it be the other way around? why can't it be neutral again create a zone, as in 1918, if it already existed, these are very conditional things, you understand, agreements between states, on which international law is based, on agreements between states, that is, the borders of the soviet union, they were drawn completely conditionally, just with the pencil of the people's commissar on nationality affairs of soviet russia, and then of the soviet union under joseph stalin. few people remember that the general. the central committee of the rkpb still held such a position on november 7, 1917, and all these soviet republics with their borders are exclusively a figment of his imagination. some countries were occupied, such as ukraine, belarus, georgia, armenia, azerbaijan, others separated from
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soviet russia to blur the status of occupied countries that were the founders of the soviet union, but he created their borders himself, so we have. a huge number of divided regions, divided, as we understand with you, the territory of donbass, half of donbass is russian, half of donbass is ukrainian, part of donbass is donetsk region, part of donbass is rostov region, half of bukovyna is ukrainian, because stalin decided to take this part of romania, half of it is romanian, half of galicia is ukrainian, half of galicia is polish. half of the slobojan region is russian, half is ukrainian, ugh, half of the region, sumy region, is russian, half is ukrainian. in
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principle, ethnic ukrainians live on both sides of the russian-ukrainian border. that is, in those regions in which a counterterrorist operation was announced today, the kurdistan, voronezh, and belgorod regions. and also kurdish bryansk, belgorod region, i'm sorry, and more voronisk, in which a counterterrorist operation has not been announced only because it now has a border with the occupied territories of ukraine, and not ukraine itself. which is controlled by the legitimate government, it is the territory of ancient ethnic settlement of ukrainians. most of the districts of these regions, the kursk, bilhorod, voronezh and bryansk regions are part of the ethnic split of ukrainians. even a few years ago, people from these regions wrote to me in messenger, facebook, in absolutely pure ukrainian. the first poet who published a collection of poems in ukrainian, in this part in general. lands was mykhailo koltsov, a famous russian folk poet, bart selyanskyi,
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he started with ukrainian folk songs, because the people of navoronyshchyna spoke ukrainian, he wrote it down and wrote poems in ukrainian, then switched to russian. if we talk about the principle of national self-determination, a large part of the territory that has a direct border with ukraine is ukrainian ethnic territory, but in 1991, when... the decision was made to break up the soviet union, it was it was decided that the union republics should remain within their state borders, the republics which nominally, as independent states, formed the soviet union. and it was the wisest decision, because if you start looking at whose ethnic territory, you can fight all your life, and russia is completely surrounded, that is. this whole vector of russia with foreign ethnic territories, ukrainian, belarusian,
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kazakh, whatever you want, but russia itself broke this order already in the first months after the collapse of the soviet union, they decided to establish control over transnistria, remember, yes, of course, we were a country that supported, unfortunately, and transnistria supported gkchp, but yeltsin. still decided that he would support these transnistrian separatists created by the kremlin. you know how the transnistrian separatists thanked him in 1993, in october they sent armed detachments to support the congress of people's deputies of russia in order to overthrow yeltsin by armed means. people with weapons arrive in moscow from teraspol, carrying out the instructions of the then president, the self-proclaimed transnistrian republic. only igor smirnov , ruslan khazbulatov and oleksandr rutskoi agree with him that they sent an army to
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moscow, an army to destroy the legitimate government. what happens after october 1993? moscow still decides that it is necessary to support transnistria. you don't think it's strange, but if you look at it from a historical perspective, the territory sends thugs to destroy you, you say, well, they are, we are more interested in keeping... moldova in tension than in destroying this abscess, and so continues to today here is a beautiful illustration for you: georgia, abkhazia and south ossetia. russia is involved in a coup d'état in georgia, but when eduard shevernadze comes to power, they decide to punish him for his influence in the past. and they do not agree with him on restoring the territorial integrity of this country. they support abkhazia. and the south ossetian separatists, who, as you know, are carrying out
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terrible ethnic cleansing on their territory, expelling ethnic georgians, here is the second story from the 90s, and then the same, the the very toolkit, it is applied to ukraine, which means that they themselves do not believe in these borders, they believe that they can redraw the borders of the former soviet republics as they like, because these are not real states, a real state on there is only one post-soviet territory, it is the russian federation, but we can also decide that this is no fake state, that this is a state, it is just some scrap of the soviet union, the russian soviet federative socialist republic, a fiction of lenin ostrotsky, they are simply on this territories were able to win back their... bandit power, which, by the way, until the beginning of the 30s, no one
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recognized in this territory, it was just a separatist piece of the russian empire that went down lenin strotsky's throat, because they managed to win it back, then attack on us, of course, on kyiv, on minsk, on er, the caucasian countries, all this is clear, but it is not a sub-state, and there are two ways for it to become a real state, the russians see. this way is to return all the soviet republics to its composition, and i see another way, to give the people of russia an opportunity to decide from one's own. statehood, to cease to be the younger brothers of this very russian people, especially the russian people, for all the time of its history, it shows such infantilism that it cannot be either an older brother or a younger sister, this is simply, i would say, a complex mental such a difficult mental state, i would say, which does not
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allow you to be a member of anyone's family, so it is better, better, you know, when there is, know... if there is a relative in a severe alcoholic state, it is still better to live in a separate apartment, tell then don't open the locks there even when he comes for another, another request for 5 rubles, he comes, he always comes, we know that, someone who has not lived in russia may not know, but i know for sure, always they come and ring the doorbell, but no 5 rubles, no, no, you'll drink tomorrow, here's their whole state. on logic, therefore, in principle, i think that this is a bold step, a bold step precisely from the point of view of demonstrating this cardboardness of the russian empire, so-called, which turned out to be no empire at all, but just such chekist machine, unable, unable to prepare for anything, where is russian intelligence, i want to ask where is the glorious
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federal security service of the russian federation headed by the valiant comrade bortnikov. where is the foreign intelligence service. led by his comrade naryshkin from doblitz, how should she send his wife to paris for shopping, here naryshkin is the first to write a list about the name of this one, this one, this and such a watch, and such a watch and such a jacket and such a coat, ugh, but how to find out are there ukrainian troops in the kurt region, not here in ryushkina it's interesting, he's interested in shopping, well, i'm not talking about bortnikov, of course he is. his wife cannot go to paris, because he is not, i would say, a sophisticated person like naryshkin, but he could also do his own business, what do they do there anyway, you can’t steal all the time and do nothing, well, now there will be something to do, because this counter-terrorist operation that they announced means that it is the fsb officers who will be driving in these areas, although the border areas, no, not exactly, it
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means that in these areas a regime of complete lawlessness, a counter-terrorist operation. was held, let's say, in the north caucasus, which meant that the russian army was operating there, the fsb officers generally rule everywhere, will rule, the impression is that they do not rule, but they get the opportunity to act in a situation of complete lawlessness. look, in the north caucasus between chechnya, ingushetia and dagestan on the one hand, and the rest of russia on the other, there was actually a state border. when you crossed the border, say. of the russian federation, if i'm not mistaken, you had to show documents, passport, everything to the world. you were checked by real border guards and policemen and could not let you go to the real russia, you know, they filtered, found out, conducted interrogations, checked you
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against some of their databases, well, internally, they could do anything there , the counter regime.. .terrorist operation means that they can do anything without any judicial sanctions, keep you hostage, by the way, you know that this was the most profitable business of the russian generals, they just took people as hostages in these caucasian families and then they just received money for the ransom, uh, and this is all under the guise of the kto regime, because they just announced that you were a terrorist, and then you brought them money, and they already said that you not a terrorist you can be kept in prison by the courts and the investigation, they can listen to your phone without any formal sanction, they can even check your correspondence, they can enter any house, any apartment, you cannot prevent them from letting them into a normal life in moscow, if a policeman comes to you, you have the legal right not to let him in, at least
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his own apartment, in the regime of a counter-terrorist operation, as you understand, no one will help you. well, and so on, and what are they doing now? they actually declare the bryansk, bilhorodsk and kurtsk regions to be such a separate state in the border region with ukraine, that is, what they will create there, they will create a border between these regions and the rest of russia, they will decide who to let in there, let's say that journalists should not go there , or some... activists or some volunteers there who will want someone there help, there is no need to go there, it is a matter of national security, go to voronezh, they may not let you out. or release whoever they want, or release whoever they want, they can create a special regime for people from settlements that, say, were
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under ukrainian control or are, if these people want to leave their regions, make them special interrogations, etc., they get the possibility of any military actions in this territory without any supervision, then if they ... there they want to use severe weapons, burn houses, what else, the army and the fsb can do everything, this is absolutely such an idea, you know, as was the case with ivan the terrible, again, i apologize for recalling the story, there was the territory of the oprichnina, it was not possible on the territory of the oprichnina it was quiet and peaceful, it was the royal territory, everything else that was outside the aprichnina, there the aprichniks could do whatever they wanted. to hang you by your feet and cut off everything that they wanted to cut off from you, because it is unplanned, and this is the method of ruling, but now
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putin actually, he rules russia as oprichnya, and the announcement of a counter-terrorist operation is a form of taking certain regions outside the scope of oprichnya, in which it will be possible for oprichniks to do everything in the world due to the fact that there is such a danger there, uh, that's all, because what are they? to think, maybe some local residents cooperated with the ukrainian troops, facilitated the transition, maybe there were some agents in the local services of the fsb or the border troops or in the local authorities, everything must be checked, they are looking for spies all their lives, right? yes, and besides moreover, they really need no one to create an information vacuum, because these residents are already judging other cities, they are starting somewhere else. svo, why are you throwing us at will, why should anyone hear this, you can
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clean up some administrators of local telegram channels there, or tell them what to write? by the way, you may have noticed that the belgorod telegram channels have undergone a certain evolution since the actual combat clashes began there, and they are trying to act. within the framework of the vector set by the administration oblast, and now it will intensify, and it will be like this from kursk oblast, but now i carefully read local telegram channels, let’s say, sudzhinsk, but i am sure that they will all be taken into their hands from a certain moment, as it was with telegram- channels of the same chabekin, and they cease to be sources of information, because you understand that, these are small local channels that are just sources of information, we have sewerage here in... we have a bad mayor here, and when the shelling starts, they start inertia to write: listen, u we flew here, we couldn’t leave here, we don’t have buses here, we don’t have trains here, local residents say this,
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they say that, but nobody needs this in russia, they should write, ukrainians are bastards, the government is wonderful, we thank our governor for helping us, and this is also part of the regime of the counterterrorist operation, mr. vitaly, another interesting observation, maybe? subjective, but it seems that for the russians, you said that in principle for russia as a state, that the territory, excuse me, of the current kherson, ukrainian controlled, that their the kursk region, they are absolutely equal, it’s all their territories, just kherson now, well, it’s occupied by the ukrainian army, a ukrainian quasi-state, yes, on the other hand, to be honest , it’s bigger... the jiotage caused the withdrawal of russian troops from kherson with cries, how are we leaving our people there and so on, than what is happening in kurtshchyna.
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according to my observations, russians know less about kurtshchyna, and they are much less concerned about it than the territories they occupied, specifically ukrainian. well, because when it came to ukrainian territories, there was little talk of occupation, of military victory. here we are simply talking about some territory that someone entered. it is necessary to understand that russian society is sufficiently atomized, if you like, this is an atomized society, it is primarily interested in the situation at home, and if nothing is happening in your region, then you really do not care much, not much, about the suffering of the inhabitants of another region, because it's more that the government itself knows better what to do, so it will free the chickens, it will return people... to their homes, and now we just have to accept the evacuees, according to official data, 76,000 people have already been evacuated from these regions, by the way, this
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is the number one task, as we have stopped. you and i all understand, together with this, and this, it seems to me, is clear, in some moscow, what happens there in the kursk region, few people care, it is true, it is such an important moment of russian political life that the revolution never begins from the suburbs, changes never start from the suburbs, all russian changes always take place in capitals, in 1917 it was petrograd, in 1900... in 1991 moscow, if you don't win the situation in the capital, you lose the country, but in 1917 moscow was against the bolshevik government, but the bolsheviks took power in st. petersburg, in petersburg, and then they absolutely calmly established this power in moscow after some short-term conflict there, now, if you understand, if some rebellion in petrograd wins, and moscow remains under the control of the government, then this
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government will simply be able to destroy any. event in petrograd and vice versa, in 1991 practically all regions of the russian federation supported the gkchcp. moscow did not support, yeltsin did not support, and as a result, the top leadership of the soviet union, which was supported by all regions of russia, lost the struggle for power, there is something in this, as you understand, quite interesting, so from this point of view you are right, kherson is just was for them an event as unexpected as it is russian. the troops have to leave the conquered city, there is some struggle in the border areas, some problems with the inhabitants of some province, who is to blame for them not live in moscow, i would say the following refrain: all of russia hates moscow, all of moscow despises all of russia. this is a real relationship in this state from the time of grand duke ivan kalita, and not from vladimir putin, so i would n't say that we are witnessing something new. well,
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well, from the point of view of... from the point of view of what is happening in russia itself, we understood a little, but about the traps that the russian state is currently falling into, you noted, on the other hand, can we fall into any traps, i now they can blame some very careless thoughts there, but nevertheless, when we have specific definitions of the specific borders of a specific country and declare ourselves as a country that adheres to international law, what... they can reproach us with the fact that we are not just protecting our own, but that we, in fact, they violated this international law by crossing the russian border, or how, how, how not to fall into the trap as well, in fact, and why no one reproaches, because it seems to me that this episode with the kurshkin, it just illustrates , that everyone is very careful in
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their statements, kir. from the white house says: yes we would still have to figure it out, we will receive information now from the ukrainian military, although it is difficult to imagine that they do not know what is happening in kursk, but no one is saying, you know, we consider it inadmissible to invade the territory of the russian federation, however, none no one said that, not even lukashenko, so lukashenko did not say that about him separately, well, look at how international law looks like, if aggression is carried out against your country, and if the country that is the aggressor accumulates military... resources, i live force and equipment in your territory to continue this aggression, then you have a full legitimate right to enter the territory of this country with the aim of destroying the enemy's military force, equipment and manpower in this territory, where it is preparing for a further attack, and by the way, precisely by this guided by the russian federation when it announced a special military operation in 2022, it said that it wanted to protect the people
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of donbass, and in order to... in order to protect the people of donbass, it is necessary to enter the territory of ukraine and destroy the military potential of ukraine, so that she doesn't bomb donbas anymore, right? ugh, that was the idea, russia recognized our statehood, our borders, as it were, but they said, but there is a ukrainian army that is bombing the unfortunate children of donbas, we will destroy it, and everything will be fine again, also daglat, yes god's grace, we say the same thing, we absolutely do not need the kurdish region, we need to destroy the military equipment and... the power of the enemy, which is concentrated on the territory of the regions of the russian federation bordering ukraine, that's all, and here it is very difficult to notice something, because in any war, the one who started the escalation, who started the aggression is guilty, he is responsible both for the victims on the territory of the country he attacked, and for the victims on his own territory, during
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the second world war. he is among the victims


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