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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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to the territory of ukraine and destroy the military potential of ukraine so that it no longer bombs donbass, right? ugh. this was the idea, russia recognized our statehood, our borders, as it were, but they said, but there is a ukrainian army that is bombing the unfortunate children of donbas, we will destroy it, and everything will be fine again. the same daglat, yes god's grace. we say the same thing. we absolutely do not need the kurt region, we need to destroy the military equipment and manpower of the enemy, which is concentrated. ovan on the territory of the border regions of the russian federation with ukraine, i.e that's all, and here it is very difficult to point out something, because in any war the one who started the escalation, who started the aggression, is responsible both for the victims on the territory of the country that he attacked and for the victims on his own territory , during the second world war, among the victims of... the war there was a lot of
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the civilian population of germany, by the way, why did we all enter its territory, it was its territory, we could have stopped somewhere on the borders of germany, the soviet union and great britain , the united states somehow did not stop, yes, but for the victims among of the german civilian population, who, adolf hitler, is directly responsible for the casualties among the russian civilian population, who, volodymyr, is directly responsible. putin, i talked a lot with germans who said: listen, what a horror it was in the days when the allied armies entered germany, especially the soviet army, the rape of women, murders, mass torture, literally, just horror, i told you, i absolutely i agree with this, it is an incredible horror, by the way, what happened on the territory of ukraine, belarus, lithuania, poland, other countries, all this is an indescribable horror.
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the horror of the suffering of the civilian population, but i am very sorry if your grandparents did not support the national socialist german workers' party in the elections, did not allow it to grow stronger, did not allow it to start a war of aggression against your neighbors, all your grandparents , relatives were alive, you started it, you were driven by a sense of injustice in relation to the outcome of the first world war, but you could understand that after you satisfied your sense of injustice, you could start... these are catastrophes in your life, compared to which the injustice of the first world war will seem to you like flowers against the background of mass murder, rape, torture, well, that's all, who is to blame, who, if you had behaved differently, there would have been no second world war, and that you had a democratic german state, this democratic german state could, together with great britain and france, contain the bolshevik soviet union, could join in the destruction of the communist regime, and nothing would have happened, but you went absolutely other by the way from russia, when the residents
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of the kursk region now say that you and i supported the svo, well, i'm sorry if you support the svo, if you support the killing of your neighbors, the bombing of civilian cities, sooner or later the war will come to you and your children and kill you in your own homes, even if the army that comes there behaves more civilized than the army that came to our land and turned out to be just, i would say a horde of wild medieval bandits. i won't even say barbarians, because there were barbarians after all civilization compared to the russian army, there could just be missile fire, there could be drones, there could be the results of falling missiles, you lose life, you lose health, you evacuate, and what did you want if you think your army can to enter the territory of another country, sooner or later the army from this other country may reach you, it may not reach moscow, but it will reach the court, as it turned out that you, living... in the border regions with ukraine,
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communicating for decades with your neighbors, crossing this border 155 times, knowing for sure that there were no nazis there, there are not and there will not be any, how could you not believe your own stupid eyes, your own tv, what is happening to you and the residents of the kurdistan, belgorod, voronezh or bryansk regions , well, i still understand the people who... live there in the primorsky krai, and who have never seen anything, anyone, nothing except a stuffed tiger, that you all seem to have killed a tiger there, but i understand the people who live in kamchatka region, in some yakutia, they they watch tv, they don't even know where ukraine is, maybe nazis really live there, well, let's imagine, but you, especially the border strip, you're such idiots, you're being rhetorical now. everything you
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are saying now is so logical, well, it is absolutely, like how 2 + 2 = 4, not 5, not 6, not 8 and not 20, but... but you are asking this rhetorical question to ordinary residents of the border regions at a time when, excuse me, even ksenia sobchak says that she is collecting some help there with her project for the residents of kurshchyna, bilhorodshchyna and so on and so on further, which were affected by the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, it now qualifies the problem as arising from the actions of of the armed forces of ukraine, and i'm sorry, i'm not saying that she is a standard of some kind of intellectual thought, but it would seem that every person who claims to be a journalist, at least that's how the journalist, ksenia sabchak, is part of the system,
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and she makes what is considered generally acceptable in this system, somehow money for peaceful residents of ukraine who became victims, victims of the behavior of the armed forces of russia federation, she did not collect. neither for the residents of kharkiv, nor for the residents of odessa, and these are russian cities, why don't you collect money for the residents, nor for the residents of other ukrainian regions, and those who were maimed, and those who were raped, and those who were deprived of property , and those who live without light, and those who can live in the cold, she did not collect any money for anyone, although she has this money, thanks to her connections with putin's family, it fell, and... her husband, bogamolov, yes, yakiv bogomolov, yes, bagamolov, kostya bagamolov, son of the famous a television reviewer in moscow, who , thanks to the upbringing of a good family there, got several theaters, he closed the roman
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viktyuk theater in moscow, you know, uh, that's all these people do, so i'm not at all surprised when you talk about all moscow families. all these patricians from the cesspool, i'm sorry, where did they all come from, they are generally like that, ugh, it just surprises me, because i knew both ksenia's father and her husband's father, and they were serious people, both, and it's all shantrapa, it's just that everyone's in owes his life to his parents, they didn't put a single finger on him to be where they are. you see, that's the trick, and i have to think about all these people right now, what they're collecting there, they're collecting, what the curator said, that's what they're collecting, huh, so, as we can see, there are other representatives of the russian establishment there , the oppositionist lev shlotsberg, as it were, lashed out at
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those russian votitioners who welcome the conduct of the military in the ukrainian kurdish region, how can this be? to be, a politician has, has to be with your people, you see, these are all bastards who do not deserve our respect and attention, i.e. lev schlotsberg, he means with the russian people, but marlene dietrich, she was not with the german people and went to give concerts to the allied armies, of course, no one knows her and the whole world history and all of germany cursed her, and willi brand, he means not... the german people, who came to germany in the form of the norwegian occupation army, but schlossbir with the russian people, and thomas mann, who wanted defeat hitler's to germany, he is of course who he is, he is just some unfortunate writer who betrayed germany, whom probably no
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german knows, reads or respects, only dozens of museums were opened to him after the war, and schlosberg will of course have a museum in skov, if he is not put in prison. with this putin, you understand, this logic, these people cannot even understand examples from history, that the one who wins, only the one who wants the complete defeat of the human-hating regime, and i understand that this road to this defeat lies because of the suffering of this civilian population, which supported the aggressive policy, the more russian suffering, the more chances for change in russia itself, that's what hocus-pocus is. mr. vitaly, but lukashenko spoke up against the background of the recent events... he is even bringing his special forces and iskander with the polonaises to the border from kyiv's chernihiv oblast, well, he spoke quite interestingly about possible changes in the leadership of belarus, he said something about what one way or another, one day i won't be with you,
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of course i'm not going to leave you, but whatever it can happen, how about this public appearance of the belarusian dictator even on... actually the anniversary of the failed revolution in belarus, you know, i once wrote a text about the then president of montenegro in the 90s. and i stole the title from one well-known serbian newspaper at the time, which also wrote an article about him, i liked it so much that i decided to translate it, this article was called chernogorsk eel, do you know what an eel is, ugh, it's an eel, ugh, the eel, that's lukashenko, he behaves exactly like this yaguly, he not even an eel, he is an eel, a real eel, a lady eel, only not a montenegrin one, but... a real eel that does not even maneuver, but squirms,
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you understand, squirms, on the one hand, he needs to show putin that he is his a loyal ally, on the other hand, russia, the russians are already saying in their public, lukashenko agreed with ukraine on the withdrawal of troops from the belarusian border, i myself withdrew my troops from the border, and this gave the ukrainians the opportunity to release forces for an attack on the kurdish region, moreover. .. they quickly them konsentated, because they quickly took them out of the belarusian direction to the kurdish direction, we didn't even have time to notice it, and of course, in this situation, lukashenko says, yes, no, on the contrary, i will now send my border so that they do not break through to where they are not going to break through, you see, this is his whole role, because he understands very well that on the one hand he needs to secure himself, and on the other hand to show putin's company that he is with them... he amplifies what is not necessary strengthen, because he is their ally, therefore
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he will keep iskanders and air defense forces on the border, but he will not keep troops, you understand, yes, and this is the whole logic of lukashenka, he always tried to maneuver, of course, after the 27th year, when he dispersed this popular protest, he should maneuver it is much more difficult, because these people always, as they do, they negotiate with the west, they waver and say okay, hold only free elections, full elections, but there are no questions, but everyone loves me, you see, now madura, he does the same that lukashenka, so there are no problems, this great, but then he wakes up to everything, well, so now i will fight with the venezuelans, lukashenka is exactly what he is doing, but maduro also has a person there to whom he can... turn for money, just like lukashenko, this is xijin ping, xijin
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ping, and now lukashenko is trying to maneuver between china and russia, but for these maneuvers to continue, he needs to survive, and what do you think he wants to die with putin, you are wrong, he may think that he and he will live without putin, only he needs to preserve the regime so that putin does not crawl, and so that the west could not do anything with him, he solves such a difficult task, that is why he twists like that. the ukrainians also wanted to attack us, now i will show where this attack was being prepared, don't worry, volodymyr volodymovych, but the fact that they are there in the kurs region, and why is he not helping the russians, they are members of the csto, i remember , but in january 2022, some incomprehensible people, but clearly not of foreign origin, organize a protest in kazakhstan, and the president of martaka immediately says, this... attack, terrorists, mercenaries, nobody crossed the border of kazakhstan, he somehow
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found these mercenaries right in astana and other cities, and the csto troops immediately came, they had already crossed the state border here, the security council of the russian federation registers this, putin holds meetings, says what a provocation, indiscriminate shelling, and why is the csto not working, ugh, why is the chairman of the csto, who is the chairman there? lukashenko presides, or i don't remember who is presiding there now, he won't say, let's get together, friends, and send our glorious troops to the kursk region, let them will help the russians repel the attack, let's at least do some non-military work there to release the energy of the russian troops, no one wants, no one wants, putin wanted to help tokaev, and tokaev should have seen this putin in the grave in white caps, or slippers, horaz, ot and lukashenko doesn't want to help putin either, he puts iskanders at the border, everyone else doesn't want either,
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well, it's kind of strange, huh, so it also shows to a certain extent how much this russia worries them all, you know, actually , in fact, they are simply maneuvering that she has not reached out to them, everyone hates her, but somehow it is strange, russians hate moscow, csto countries hate russia. everyone around dislikes the csto countries, somehow, as soon as you leave the csto, as armenia said, we suspend our activities, everyone immediately starts to love you, to you. travel, you meet with the derfsect of the usa, maybe this is the key to happiness, leave the csto and other integration structures with russia altogether, if everyone does not like it, why stay with it in the same union? that's all. that's it good question so i think i've explained these to you. yes, she explained, it's more than understandable. it is more than clear, but you mentioned xijin ping, and i would like you and i
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to talk about how the global south sees the situation around it. i doubt, of course, that they all know where the takur region is, but less so with the fact that, for them, it is a weakness on the part of the russian federation, the fact that it did not control a certain part of its universally recognized, world- recognized border, whether they are now observers only, and think whether they should continue cooperate at least in some sense with this country? no, i think they understand very well that they are weak. ugh, and by and large, this corresponds to their idea that the best way out of this situation is a ceasefire and a disarmament, and by the way, this ukrainian raid on kurdistan once again convinces, let's say, just the countries of the global south, in correctness of their approach, that the issue is not someone's territorial integrity, a ceasefire, well,
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because it turns out that between russia and ukraine, like them, well, china has territorial ones. claims to india, india to china, pakistan to india, china to the philippines, everyone has some territorial claims, and someone controls some territories that are considered foreign and claimed by several countries at once, and what to do in such a situation , to try to find a political solution to the problems, so that everything is clear from their point of view, ukrainian troops are on the territory of the kurdish region, which we... consider the russian federation, and russian troops are on the territory of the four of the ukrainian regions of crimea, and we consider this territory to be part of ukraine, but what to do, of course, it is necessary to stop the wagon and start negotiations, so i think that this is rather, even an unnecessary argument in favor of the chinese approach, and i would say that it is possible now to the russians on their part to speak, you see,
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we told you that it was necessary to cease fire and start a dialogue, and you said no, we will not... we will cease fire, but now there is a war on your territory, and you have there is already a disputed territory, tentatively, on your territory, we we recognize your territorial integrity, as well as the territorial integrity of ukraine, but what to do about it, how to prevent it, no way, you have to cease fire, so it is clear that they will express themselves on this plane, uh, well, as far as we understand , the ukrainian state and the ministry of foreign affairs, represented by its representatives, are working on, and interestingly, what exactly on the african continent dmytro kuleba is visiting malawi, zambia, mauritius, and some countries from the african continent, these days they actually broke diplomatic relations with us, and with others, we are trying to build bridges, what is happening and can it give a practical result? practically the result,
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it is not related to the war, it is simply related to the issues of ukraine's positioning. modern world, and if you want, with food security, because if the issue of food security is important, it is also part of our efforts, then in principle, the more countries are interested in peace in ukraine and in economic relations with us, the more better for us, it's diplomacy, it's not about war, about the fact that someone is with us broke off diplomatic relations, it seems to be niger and mali, but yes, these are countries that are under the full protectorate of moscow today. who is helped by the wagner group or the african corps created by the ministry of defense of the russian federation after the death of yevhen prigorshenka. the regimes located in these countries also have, very often, no mutual or diplomatic contacts with other countries, even in africa, because the legitimacy of these regimes is not recognized there.
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both regimes are military juntas. regime niger even seems to be going to kill the sitting, legitimate president. which he receives as a hostage, so in this sense, if you realize that these countries depend on moscow, then of course, they always looked for reasons to show their disloyalty to ukraine. by the way, in the organization of the united nations, they always voted in support of the pro-russian position, not ukrainian, and in this regard, when they say: "oh, we took a neutral position in the war between russia and ukraine, this is not true." with another. i don't think that we we must loudly declare our support for those separatist movements that, say, took part in the destruction of the wagnerites in mali, that is , we can support all this, we can finance it, we can have contacts, we must be interested in the fact that as much as possible the wagnerians remained in africa for a permanent residence somewhere in
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the sands of the sahara, ugh, but we cannot question the territorial integrity of any country, even if this country is ruled by a military dictatorship, because we ourselves are a country that may be in the in the state of complex problems with territorial integrity, this may be so, and that is why we must realize that the issue... of maintaining at least the appearance of international law, because international law, as i have already said more than once, has been destroyed and will not be restored in the next ten years, but we must in any case insist that the world order is legitimacy, and therefore, by helping some groups fighting our enemies, simply on the principle that the enemy of our enemy is our friend, and not being allies of military dictatorships, we have remember that there were times recently when the west helped legitimate governments a little. niger to fight separatism, with radical islamism, and the issue of the territorial integrity of niger is not questioned by anyone on the african continent, the legitimacy
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of the governments of these countries is at stake, so i would simply like the officials of ukraine to be the officials of ukraine, and this seems to me absolutely logical, because there is no need to give an excuse for ukraine to be accused of any actions that would allow us to compare them, say interference with the russian, all the more so everyone is waiting for this. mr. vitaly, after our last meeting with you, sergei shog, shoigu, the former minister of defense of the russian federation, and some people from whose team are currently being arrested in russia for corruption, visited tehran, the capital of iran, and then went to baku, azerbaijan . we understand what iran might be preparing for these days, and there's also... there's a different reading inside, what might be the response to israel's response, yes, the islamic revolutionary guard corps for more radical approach, the new president
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masoud, pezeshkiyan, supposedly more restrained, but less with what shoigu forgot there, and considering the information that russia is sending some samples of its weapons there, what could this mean? well, i think that... russia perfectly understands that iran is her ally, he is helping her in this war. there are not many allies who can openly supply russia with weapons, the kremlin. and from this point of view, of course, he couldn't help but come there. on the other hand, there is different information about what he advises iran, which was handed over to yotali khamenenia by vladimir putin. there is information that russia generally advised iran to refrain from a serious attack on israel. i don't think it's because... they're kind of very sympathetic to israel, but because they might fear that a retaliatory strike would destroy all their efforts in iran, let's say destroy the iranian nuclear
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facility, let's say that nuclear ob facility at tatanza, which could be used to produce nuclear weapons, that this must be prevented, because if iran gets rid of the main scapegoat in its war with the west, then, of course, russia's position can be weakened. by the way, we still don't know what iran is preparing for, because we see that... tehranis said that they are about to strike israel, they were already counting an hour before this strike, but then everything somehow stopped, perhaps because the iranians received the results of the investigation into the circumstances of the assassination of the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, because there are many theories about the fact that haniyeh became a victim of internal political clashes in the leadership of hamas himself, too there is a lot of talk, because he had robberies. with the head of hamas-gazi , yahya sinwar, on how to proceed in the war, whether to seek a truce or
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not, they had different positions there, some accused haniya of not wanting peace talks and a cease-fire , someone from sinwar, in any case, the fact that sinwar was unexpected for everyone, his candidacy was not even named, became the new head of the hamas politburo, says that the destruction. was not some exclusively israeli israeli act to take revenge for the 7th massacre, but it could be the result of widespread idleness in iran itself and in the ranks of this terrorist organization itself, and that is why iran can think that israel did not really kill hania, we will shoot at israel, we will look like idiots in the eyes of our own allies , this is one time, the second may be the danger of a retaliatory strike, the third is that iran may think that it is able to act on it. who also wanted to get rid of their chief of staff, fad shukr, who was killed in berlin by an israeli rocket attack literally a day before
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threw ismail hanni and them. they can simply take their time and they can discuss all this , but this does not mean that russia will simply be there together with iran on this front, it will not fight on this front, it may be interested in the development of events, but they can analyze events differently than in tehran it is in terms of consequences that you understand that when you make a certain effort, you think about the consequences. and here, by the way, with regard to russia's interest in even more inflaming this conflict, and anywhere else. around the world, well, you and i are used to talking that it is always beneficial for russia, on the other hand, now iran can ask russia, and how will you repay me for the unmanned technologies with which i endowed you, and similar things, the russian federation can already send the s-400 to iran, those allegedly they also ask about su-35, modernized fighter jets, i.e. russia, which is now extending its line... a collision
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with ukraine, and everything is happening very intensively, on the other hand, iran, which will also ask for additional resources from it, can gain, or a profitable course of the conflict right now in the russian federation? i think russia in any case, it will supply iran with what it does not need on the russian-ukrainian front. it has its own system of priorities. and iran is definitely not the first part of this system. the second is that russia may benefit from a major conflict in the middle east that opens up. attention from ukraine, but again , such a conflict is important for russia, which would not lead to serious problems related to the security of iran itself, well, and therefore the russian intelligence services can, of course, realistically analyze the situation, precisely from the point of view of what will happen to iran as a result of its attack on israel, perhaps, by the way, that is exactly why the secretary of the security council of the russian federation went to tigran, and not the minister of defense,
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this is... also to some extent a sign that we are sending you a representative of the security forces structures, but specifically the secretary of the security council, who should share some secret information, discuss the general directions of cooperation, and not discuss the nomenclature of weapons, because this is precisely the prorogation of the minister of defense, and in this regard, of course, it is now very difficult to understand where is the balance that russia wanted to maintain, on the one hand inciting instability, and on the other hand , fearing the results of this instability for its allies. there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets 10% in pharmacies psylansky, bam, and ochad. now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacquer activ++ with a plus of active ingredients. i use it to overcome
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