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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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for only uah 499 and receive flat and cross-hardened bits as a gift, call, there are 10% discounts on corvalt until independence day at the pharmacies of travel bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on normoven pills, 10% at pharmacies psalysnyk, bam and ochad , there are discounts until independence day on motorex pills, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become by russia let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday. at 17:15,
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repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, "verdict with serhiy rudenko, with tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we are coming back, we still need 6.00 uah to the amount we talked about, 875 uah, we would really like to save up by the end of today's broadcast with marta, and it will be a quarter from the required amount for drones and rebeds." of the three ukrainian brigades fighting
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in the east, you will donate, we accumulate all these funds, purchase them, transfer them to the east, the boys and girls there use them for their purpose, shoot all this on video, and then we show on our air, and by the way, we can now watch the appeal of the guys from the brigade of the third separate assault force, let's look at their appeals so that we can see for whom we need to raise these funds with you. good health, dear. we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and kamikatu drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, well, we saw the appeal of the guys and we ask you to join, please.
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oksana and i will work in our studio for literally half an hour, so we would really like to finish our information day on a round mark, we currently lack approximately how much oksana, uah 10,000, six, already six, i think it is not a large amount , if this is how our viewers will be active, if there are those who can donate 100 hryvnias, for example, then 60 such ukrainians. who drop 100 each, will already close this collection, well, now we will actually talk about today's such a meeting with the russian dictator putin, he actually demanded from his subordinates to do something with the kursk region, more precisely with the presence of certain unknown good people there who are now trying to liberate these territories, but what was remarkable for me personally was that... putin ruled out any
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possibility of negotiations process, he said that there was nothing to talk about and no one to talk to, let's rewind a little, remember a month ago when putin said that he was ready to withdraw his troops at least tomorrow, but if ukraine fulfills certain ultimatums, and now accordingly this hides his absolute unreadiness for any negotiations, because of course... when ukraine is in a disadvantageous position, putin understands that he can dictate his terms, and only under such conditions does he want this war to end, but here it turns out not as he planned, it turns out that ukraine is now changing a certain course of events, and in fact, he is absolutely right here that we are trying to seize the initiative now so that we have a more favorable position in the negotiation process, but putin does not want to be in ukraine were these profitable. position, because he
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has no intention of agreeing on absolutely anything, because for him the only option is for ukraine to fulfill all his ultimatums, which he set, which is to liberate, kherson, donetsk, and luhansk regions, it 's to abandon the course towards nato, it's demilitarization, it's denazification, there are some abstract ones, but it only says that these events, they broke his plans, and it's good that now we have the opportunity to change the course of these events and, perhaps, to force the russian dictator to look at this too war not only as a game, one goal, but to look at this situation as a long game and from two sides, and whether he will have enough resources, whether he will have enough political influence in his state in order to continue this meat grinder we don't know how long, of course we will only see it in time, but now we understand that these events obviously
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scared him and obviously force him to change his military tactics now. in short, a week has passed since the time when someone crossed the ukrainian-russian border. stitch and today putin convenes a meeting, at this meeting, the acting governor of kurshchyna begins to report, announces the figures that ukrainian troops went to a depth of 12 km, a width of 40 km, 480 km kurshchyna was captured, 120 thousand residents left, at this putin is interrupting him, no-no-no, someone else told me about it. let's now talk about some internal socio-economic situation, this is how this meeting looked, about what it is about, what it shows, we will ask our next guest, viktor is in touch with us boberenko, expert of the bureau of analysis and politics from
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sumy oblast, mr. viktor, thank you for joining, good health to you, putin's reaction to the events in kursh oblast, a week's delay with the reaction, the meeting is only today. fear is obvious from the fact that someone is voicing some data that is not very pleasant for russians, what does this indicate? well, this shows that putin is like that. we saw even when prigozhin was advancing on the kremlin, he disappeared for two days, yes, then he just walked out, it was like that, by the way, when there were troubles, he was still a young man, but i i remember, uh... when the submarine chauvin course sank, uh, it's physiological for putin, he can't where, as they say, lost face, he can't listen to it, he can't be on the air where he's uncomfortable , he shakes the chairs like that, and that's why it's him,
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well, that's how he shows his actual, well, i think what psychologists would say, he shows his panic, his, maybe not panic, but his unpleasant feelings, he there, like , wait, wait, you can’t in front of people on the air, there, like, about what’s bad, maybe ours is only about the good, by the way, this is very similar to president putin, another president, president zelensky, here they are similar, like two narcissists, also non-acceptance, categorical non-acceptance of some unpleasant information, and so... well, showing their discomfort, yes, they both cannot hide it, so , somewhere, somewhere approximately, but please tell me, mr. viktor, about the negotiations, he said there is nothing to talk about, and well, he is telling the truth,
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ukraine wants to improve its negotiating positions now, but wait, a month ago he said that and russia is ready for negotiations, that ukraine is not ready for negotiations, here you understand, everything is changing so quickly, and he says, no, we are not... ready to enter into negotiations with them, this indicates that he was never ready to enter into these negotiations in principle, and it was such a soap bubble and the desire to show everyone, okay, like, we are ready, but ukraine does not want to, i think that by and large everyone in russia is thinking how beautifully it would be to end this war, but they themselves in the fall of 22 year they cut off the path, when they declared four oblasts and crimea there, well, crimea even before that, there as if... subjects of the russian federation, now they need to be there like that, although they were in kherson then, they have never been to zaporizhzhia at all, and where they have the whole luhansk and donetsk regions, where they have kramatorsk, there is slavyansk, let's say,
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yes, it's not even close, that's why if they were in that situation, when they wanted, i'm sure that putin wants to end it now, he's not that... to end the war, to stop the war, he wants to be there right now , but according to the option, who stood there and slippers, that the new border is a demarcation line, but he would have left. on even at such heavy sacrifices, on the condition that ukraine publicly, well, diplomatically , through a peace treaty, recognized that crimea is there and donbas is russia, accordingly, that we cannot do such a thing, we are not ready for such a thing, and that is why putin until recently , i was waiting, expecting, obviously, that in... trump would win in the fall, that somewhere our army and society would fall in the winter, that the winter would be
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hard, there would be blackouts, we would be frozen , sit here and fall, i repeat, both the army and society, and western allies who will say let's agree already on putin's on putin's topic and what trump could offer him, conditionally where... there in february, march of next year, because, well, even putin, even such a strategist, i say conditionally, like putin , understands that trump's inauguration , conditionally, would be somewhere on the 20th of january, it still takes a month for him to form a cabinet, some positions, that's it, and that is , the condition is somewhere before the third anniversary of the svo, we also take it in quotation marks, by the third anniversary of the svo, or by the beginning of march , the negotiating positions would be ready, where in... ukrainian no one would consider the position, well, conditionally there about ukraine, putin would dream of reaching an agreement with
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sidzenpinl and trump, yes, where ukraine is not at the negotiating table, well, exactly the same according to historical analogies, we are again, again, the same quotes, again, the historian putin , the historian putin thinks that it is possible to repeat the podzdam story, when in the summer of 1945, truman, cherchin and stalin sat down to talk about the borders of poland without poland, and he thinks, well, this is a tv series. fly, we will do the same, only in march, and that's why they, they dream about peace, especially everyone there, who is a floor below, to leave with a beautiful face, but they thought that it would all be there, like when they already burned, and we will burn a lot more, and therefore in the month of march somewhere, yes, and now they are there like and what will he talk about now with zelenskyi, he will be talkative there by march, he is talking here and we are ready to exchange things there. here we go to chengar and
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perekop, but here we leave suzhya, koreniv, glushkov, and so on, from the belgorod region, and now to putin, he raps about the czech republic there, but he really doesn’t care about that says, there, they now need to correct the situation, but there by any means, yes, it will be very good for us. great, well, you have to prepare for the fact that they will be tough now, they are now judging themselves the same way, well, we can already see that there will be troublemakers, but they will repel it with all their might, because here they will lose face no more , we see that they are intensifying the shelling of sumy, that is, what they are capable of, we have figures from the head of the local sumy ova to 50 kabs per... this is a huge number, we know, what is the scale of the destruction after the arrival of these
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cabs, and this is not the only thing, there is artillery and everything is working, how are the local people, what are people saying now, because we understand that the support of the local population is also a very important thing, on the one hand, people understand , that now it will be more difficult, that all those who are in the 20-kilometer zone, well, actually these communities, we have five communities, krasnopilsk, myropilsk are being taken away now. but recently i will tell you that yes, well, with a heavy heart, and let's divide those who are in the 20-kilometer zone, who need goes out, well, just takes it and goes out, because cabs are 20 km away, well, they fly up to 30 km into the region, and 30 km, here i am sitting with you, i say 36 km to yunakovka, but i have a gps, that’s who bahkae bahkae, of course it's flying, but one thing, it's one thing for me when i hear, but, well,
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cabs are not falling under my window, and another thing when it's the khotyn community or velikopyserivska, it's completely different, well, there are people there they left, the children were taken away, but in general, if we talk about sums, specifically about sums, then yes, everything is booming there, well, it is difficult, many people there, just in case , sent their children somewhere for the summer , where they can go back to back to their relatives, or i have children, not in bags, or somewhere in some sports camps in western ukraine. but the euphoria prevails, the euphoria from the fact that yes, well, you know, without an eye of stupid anger, like them, like these russian brothers, today they take coffee, like the russians over there, when you fly by pahmadita, they rub their clumsy hands, yes, it's not like that at all,
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but all the same, it's like, what do you see, god forbid eroshka, sees a little, he's like there too. also made the russians feel what we feel, that here we are 30 km from the front, what we feel, and that now 30 km from the front they feel the same, and here, well, this is not gloating, it is not a kind of evil feeling, but the feeling of some kind of justice, well, it's probably satisfaction, you know, when you see that it would be more correct, as you say, yes, unfortunately, we have to finish, mr. viktor, with you, but we were glad to see you, viktor. an expert of the bureau of analysis and policy was with us at communication, now we have a short break after it, we continue, be with espresso. tired of the mess in the kitchen, you constantly have to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a savory pro set,
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favorite shows. enable megogo on various devices without unnecessary wires and antennas. and all this. uah 49 per month, there are discounts until independence day on edem 25% in pharmacies plantain, bam, and save, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% at pharmacies plantain, bam, and save. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and. invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that
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need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about rights, opportunities and... personal experience of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. we are returning to our airwaves and will actually continue the topic we started with viktor boberenko. in fact, what we are talking about today is probably the kurshchyna and... our next guest, mykola skyba, expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, joins our broadcast. mr. mykola, congratulations, glory to ukraine. mr. mykola , can you hear us right now, we are still establishing contact with mr. mykola, so we would like to remind you that among all the events
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that are currently taking place in the kursk region of the russian federation, there is also an event that is connected with the gas transportation system of the russian federation, the suja gas measuring station, through which gas goes to the european union, was damaged there, there are even satellite images that show... this, and in fact, mr. mykola, we would like to ask you what your thoughts are on this matter, we understand that the suja gas measuring station in the kurdistan region is now damaged, and this creates certain inconveniences for our enemy, do you think these events could be some objects for future negotiations, for example, or a temporary cease-fire, something that the ukrainians are now expecting, as some possible... an intermediate stage of this war, maybe, i apologize, it's a little bit wrong to address the question, because i don't conduct foreign policy and we , i will say
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i'm talking about the topic of education, and i think we can talk closer to human capital before this, because, frankly, i can't say anything about the negotiations, maybe yes, and then... actually, i'm also in the same sadness about kurshchyna , but something from the other side, we understand that there is no longer a secret, it happened, everyone learned about this operation, and we see what is happening, there are no official confirmations from kyiv at the moment, but sometimes footage appears in which the ukrainian military is on territory of the russian federation, this is published even by the official ones telegram channels. what should happen next, what kind of information campaign they have in russia, but from our side should accompany
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all these events, how should we now work with their population in order to make the most effective use of what the military has done? well, you know, i apologize, it seems to me like some kind of miscommunication, to be honest, this is not a question for me, you'd better ask people who are responsible for... communications, i apologize, yes, mr. mykola, please tell me , but how do you think this situation with by taking control of their hub in the city of suja, it can affect the transit of russian gas to the european union, in general, as of now, i'm sorry, i'm shutting down, you figure it out, which expert are you calling. honestly, i do not deal with this issue, however, thank you, mr. mykola mykola, an expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, was with us as planned on our
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airwaves, well, there are different situations, that is how we happen on the live airwaves, and you can actually understand this by the fact that that we really have there are different situations, and sometimes the connection with the guests is lost, this is normal, and we understand that, well, live air, direct air, it is filled with various unforeseen circumstances, including. now i suggest, by the way, to go to our congregation, oksanka and i are already following the numbers at monobank and i would like to find out what is happening there now. well, not what we expected, not what we counted on, unfortunately, because we are still almost 5 thousand short of the amount we are dreaming of tonight, with marta. so, if you have... the opportunity , please join the collection, i am not saying one thousand or two, 50 and 20 hryvnias, these are equally valuable and in fact very, very important donations, because we
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monitor what amounts arrive in the account, and in fact they are very different, the largest number of donations is actually uah 20, 15, 35, but they are so small at first glance against the background of the total amount of donations. everything you need to collect. we closed collections for several million, and this is all the calculation of such total donations of several dozen sometimes hryvnias. so join the qr code on screen, it regularly appears on our screen during our ether, while we are talking to our guests, and let's the military themselves listen, because the best thing to hear is a request for. drink from the first mouth. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the 1st assault battalion of the 3rd separate assault brigade, who defend our
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native land on... the front line, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the small, the enemy and komikatsa drones, please of your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, we saw the appeal of the guys and we hope that you, our viewers , will help us collect, unfortunately, this fee does not include a bank card, i see what you are writing to us in our youtube pi'. this one about how it would be more convenient for you to transfer money to someone's card, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, we only have a qr code, and someone is watching us through their smartphones and cannot actually point their smartphone at the screen, because, well, if is watching from his own smartphone, he cannot do it, but if, by the way, you have a modern smartphone, you can take a screenshot on the screen, this is a square, and accordingly , when you are viewing photos in the gallery, you can click on this
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qr code and your... smartphone should, in theory , redirect you to a link to this monobank, try to do so, at least i when i have such opportunities, i try to do just that in this way, if i have one device that i need to copy and follow the link, then i simply take a screenshot of the screen, go to the gallery itself, point to this qr code in yourself in the gallery among the photos, and then it automatically pulls me a link to this bank, actually, which one i need, i am asking you... so that such technical points do not stop you from helping our military, because in fact, this whole operation, even in kurshchyna, is absolutely complicated, and we must to understand that behind all these titanic efforts are our military, heroic people, in fact, some of them understand in what extremely difficult conditions he is currently working, and therefore you and i must do everything possible now to help them, we understand that in ...
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the enemy is now disorientated, the enemy is now trying to divert his resources, draw reserves there, and accordingly he is now trying to keep up with those directions where, unfortunately, he is now being attacked and trying to hold back our defense forces that are now there , and the enemy is entrenching, and ours are entrenching, and actually today forbes information appeared that the ukrainian military is not going to... these territories, and ukraine, and russia, they are now trying to gain a foothold so that this the kursk operation, it, well, from the enemy’s side, of course, he is interested in it not continuing, and we, on our part , are interested in it continuing, and that the enemy transfers its reserves there and, as a result, reduces activity in other directions , well, let's summarize the result of our collection, another +2,000 has flown to...
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the account, it's actually in those few minutes, thanks for your activity, we understand that the figure in monobank is updated constantly, but we assume that a few more minutes can be necessary for that real figure to appear, we hope that 875 00 is already in the account at this moment, who watches us on youtube, there is also this time gap of a few minutes, well, tomorrow. tomorrow we will report and tell you what the situation will be for tomorrow, and now it's time to say goodbye, we wish you a peaceful and safe evening, take care of yourself, do not ignore the air warning signals and cheer for our defenders. well, our colleagues will continue to work for you, there is more news ahead, wait for it and take care of yourself, and we will see you tomorrow.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, i am ana yavomelnyk and this is news. soldiers of the 225th separate assault brigade sent new greetings from the korsk region. in the footage, our servicemen removed the russian flag. from the administrative building in darien, according to the russian media, 28 villages are now under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, and the front line has increased by 40 km. radio liberty's russian service has shown satellite images of the damaged suja gas measuring station in the kursk region on footage.


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