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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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i can't, we went through a lot of stress, and this is ihor, a resident of another five-story building in the center of zaporizhzhia, which the invaders fired at from s-300 systems in october 2022. my wife and i were in the bath together with the cat, maybe it saved us, there was nothing behind the wall, the destruction in the apartment is glass, windows, furniture. everything that was on the flight, it was all damaged. eight people died in this building, one entrance was destroyed in a shunt. dozens of houses and hundreds of apartments were destroyed in zaporozhye due to the attacks of the russian invaders. 20 apartments were destroyed, and let's say 130 were damaged. it was very scary, well, who was standing on the balcony, there wanted to swim, who was being removed from the tower. independent ukraine 80 is
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59 apartments, i.e. 59 families, along independent ukraine street 67, 80 families, along myru street 14:11 families, along kamianoghirska street 17 apartments, that is, 17 families, zaporizhka two, 36 families and zaporizhka 2b - 36 families and people who became victims of enemy crimes. not left to their own devices. their housing is being actively rebuilt. currently, 12 are being restored in zaporizhzhia apartment buildings. according to this resolution, six buildings were liquidated by the restoration agency of the russian federation, that is, on which the restoration service is still working. the task of reconstruction is not easy - the builders admit. it complicates everything, we carry out work on... that's what we call
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thanks to spite and constant air alarms, constant blackouts that affect the pace of work, well, we have what we have, nothing else is given, but we fulfill our duties, that's how olga's house was last year, and this is what he looks like has now, i am not spending money at the moment, in general, there will be... a major renovation and even we were given a choice of wallpaper, interior doors, floors, there is some choice, not everyone cares. developers plan to hand over most of the houses in zaporizhzhia by the end of this year. artem lagutenko, oscar yanson from espresso tv channel. and i will remind you that we are talking about the reconstruction of the vsk region with
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oleg halych, he is the head of the service for the restoration and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhia region, mr. olezh, i congratulate you once again. actually, zaporizhzhia region, her the peculiarity is that this is an area where hostilities continue, and the enemy daily replenishes the number of those destroyed houses, shelling, taking away housing, a roof over the head, which is the worst taking away the lives of our people, is there any... count, how many of those houses people lost? yes, the account is kept by local self-government bodies, so many of these houses have been lost and the time of the private sector, and high-rise buildings, well, unfortunately, i do not have such information at the moment, since it is completely in zaporizhzhia and the region, how many have been restored, is there such an account, well, yes, we will serve... mo only by
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in our service, in accordance with the resolution, we are the customers for six houses that were destroyed as a result of russian aggression, well , that is, i can collect information for you on them, on others it is required from local self-government bodies. well, actually, these are the buildings that are within your competence, the restoration of which is in your responsibility, what are these destructions, how serious are they? we saw in the report of our... respondent artem logutenko, here is a comparison, and before and after, what happened after the russian missile and how it was restored it already looks like heaven and earth, tell us in more detail, well, look how serious all the houses are in the city center, the damage to the objects was different, there, for example, the street of independent ukraine 80, 80 and independent ukraine 67, these were . hitting a house, which caused
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significant damage, just like you have in the video one of them, zaporizhzhya 2a and 2b houses, which are located here. next to each other, a rocket hit the first entrance of the zaporizhia 2a house, and it is now completely subject to restoration, that is, it is dismantled and subject to restoration. on myra street 14 and kamyanovirska street, fortunately the rockets hit near the houses, so the damage was, let's say, from the black wave, damage to the walls, roof, windows, balconies, and so on, so the damage. accordingly, design solutions for each building correspond to their actions, well , their damage, how this process takes place, for example, a russian missile, a russian projectile hits, there is destruction, when the moment comes when the restoration begins,
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where does it begin, well, it starts all over again the collection of debris, which is carried out by the municipal services of the city, then... the city council engages a qualified expert, who determines whether the house can be restored through major repairs or reconstruction, or whether it is no longer suitable and is subject to demolition, after the expert has provided conclusion that it is possible to carry out capital repair or reconstruction works, the city council orders, well, conducts... a tender for the production of design and estimate documentation and already based on the basis of the prepared design and estimate documentation, the customer of the works is determined and, in accordance with tender purchases , the contracting organization that
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carries out these works is determined. how much longer is this recovery going to take, when do you think it will be finished, or do you have any plans in place? although i don't know, it's difficult with the plans now, given the fact that we are from time to time without electricity and from time to time in air alarms, so we have projects for project documentation, it's the 25th year there, part of the houses, but tasks from the state agency and from the local authority self-governance, how to return people to their homes as soon as possible, therefore, in the plans of restoration works. all the houses until the end of the 24th year, and well , the houses and the improvement of the territory should be completely done, so there are indeed corrections with the fact that the light is now turned off, it affects
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the order of materials, where the company that manufactures these materials also does not can quickly produce them, as well as for direct work. thanks to the help of local self-government bodies, the regional military administration, these issues are resolved in a positive direction, and let's hope that these, let's say, directions do not affect the final delivery of objects. who is financially helping to rebuild these houses? these houses are financed from the liquidation fund. of the armed aggression of the russian federation, that is, it is the state budget, all objects are provided with one hundred percent funding, so in this regard, if there is none at the moment. residents, owners of these destroyed apartments,
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are there any, as we saw, and in the story of our correspondent, that the woman who survived this attack has a hard time remembering it, it's hard... say, are there people who say, you know, i will not be able to live here in this house anymore, even if you rebuild it, and it will all look like a new penny, what happens in such a case, well, in such cases, on the contrary, all people want to live in these houses, so let's say so, in order to communicate with the houses , we have student meetings with the residents of the apartments that are being renovated. there are chat rooms in social networks for each object, and as the resident reported, that with each one, even the arrangement of an apartment is already underway, with each one there the color of the wallpaper is chosen there, there is some
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laminate, there is some general within the cost, which material, which is laid out in the design and estimate documentation, most people want to return to their... well, as we can see in the video, these houses that are destroyed, they were built back in soviet times, there were slightly different requirements, some other things, a different fashion, e.g. different layouts of even these apartments, but now during the reconstruction, are any corrections made, can the owners of the apartments, can they apply, i don’t know, anyone there says let's go make me a kitchen, a studio here, and a bedroom over there, where the kitchen used to be, and so i will have a bedroom and a bedroom where the kitchen is, and then a three-room apartment will be considered, whether this is possible, this is impossible, because the work is being done. according to the project , the overhaul does not involve changing
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the technical characteristics there, but that's all, but it involves the complete restoration of damaged entrances there, the installation of new water, gas and electricity supply networks, drainage, heating, roof repair, restoration, repair of glazing and windows and balconies, i.e. the cost of heating the facade and the improvement of the territory, i.e. this is what is possible... to be carried out as part of the capital renovation, i.e. it is being modernized, but not like there, something was requested in the studio or there to increase, well, the square footage there in the apartment , at the expense of what is the search for building materials, how complicated is this process now, well, even now in the days when the war started, each and every one. which manufactures material to insure itself, simply, well, provides material
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only at almost, well, almost one hundred percent with one hundred percent advance payment, and well, the only thing is that before it was possible to somehow provide 50%, there 30% of funds, the material is provided, then the contractor closes the scope of work and pays, but now everyone is reinsured and... they provide the material , especially which expensive with a full one hundred percent prepayment, and so the material in principle does not have any questions, everything reaches the object to the objects on time, and the builders, is there not a shortage of workers, because we understand that there is a mobilization going on in our country and the one who today was at the facility, may be at the facility tomorrow fork. yes, unfortunately, this is an issue, many people, well, let's say, are afraid, are afraid
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to work in connection with what will be at the tsc, but at the moment, well, if, well, we ask to solve these issues on the ground, because, well, let's start in order for us to include trips until the end of the construction, well, completion. works on each facility separately, er, to what extent are local self-government bodies included in the housing restoration process? yes, the local self-government bodies, let's say, help a lot, this is the city council and the regional military administration, and help in solving issues with residents, with communal enterprises, and well, control from the regional state administration for the term. we, who are established, that is , meetings are held on these issues, well, what are the problematic
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issues, we can address and thanks to the holding of various meetings there with various communal entrepreneurs or residents , solve the issues that arise during the refusal campaign, well, here are the residents who turn to you , with what questions are they with questions about the choice of wallpaper, wallpaper color or are any others bothering them? well, there are those, and there are those who are so urgent that the deadlines, well , the execution is not so long, is it not, well , different questions, can you somehow calm everyone down, maybe they will turn on the tv, turn on the espresso and see our conversation, just something they will glean from it for themselves that there are such and such houses in such terms. will already be completed, yes, well, first there is myra, myra street 14 is already 90%
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ready, then according to the plans of independent ukraine, we have 67.80 somewhere in the month of november, well this already with the improvement of territories, there is a little, well, in the same terms there are november, zaporizhzhya-2 and kanenohirska. in october, well, in principle , we plan to finish everything this year, if there is nothing drastic, reconstruction is now almost underway... all over the country where the russians, russian weapons have reached and where there are destroyed houses, is there any exchange of experience with other regions, can someone tell you something, or do you tell someone from your own experience, exchange it? well, in our state agencies, meetings are held among recovery services
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those areas in which restoration takes place at meetings. problematic issues, ways of their solution will be discussed, there as in the future, so, let's say, communication, let's say, we have it from the agency in, well, let's say, in the regions, these issues are basically the same with us, so, let's say, experience yes, yes, in this way, problematic issues during reconstruction, which most often occur, well , this is... let's say so, very much so for designers, when the house has not yet been completely disassembled at the stage of its production of the project, you can there are a lot of things not to take into account, such as the occurrence of additional work there, that the deadlines can also be completed there, the adjustment
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of the project documentation, well, such technical points that require... discussion between our services there and our superior manager. mr. oleg, i thank you for the conversation, i would like to remind the audience that oleg halych, the head of the service for reconstruction and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhia region, was with us in connection from zaporizhia, and this was a special issue of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. my name is lesya vakulyuk, thank you for... being with us, see you next saturday at 6:30 p.m. vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about
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the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zgurets. the world lives yuri feder is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka is next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news. chekchenina, our art watcher is ready to tell. good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. and also distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader. crimean tatar people are in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. the troops of the kremlin are standing. why are young people used as labor in the occupied territories? putin was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. but which of the pseudo-directors prepares students for service in the russian army? the next stage of the installation of our unit. hello, i'm elena. and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the russian occupiers. in today's issue, i continue to talk about the leaders and members of pro-putin groups. organizations that the rashists create in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yuh molody, young army, the first movement, and this is far from a complete list of newly created russian
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organizations to which the occupiers are trying to attract schoolchildren and young people in order to promote the kremlin ideology. they are trying to educate or re-educate the younger generation, so that they are ready at any moment to go to fight, work or simply stand in mass for the unchanging. of russia in addition to the organization for children, movements and for students. we are talking about the so-called study squads, similar ones were already in the soviet union. the first such units appeared on the territory of the occupied part of zaporozhye in 2023 . their goal is to provide students with work in state institutions during the summer vacation in various fields of activity. if it is simply free labor for russia, it will be unnecessary to divert humanitarian aid to the soldiers. schools, go to mass rallies in support of putin, hold pro-russian lectures in schools, all this is work for young people. one of the heads of the regional branch
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kyrylo volodymyrovych papazov, a native of melitopol, is one of the student groups in the zaporizhzhia region. vladimir volodymyrovych putin was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. volodymyr volodymyrovych is the greatest example for us. we all always watch him, his decisions and support him in everything, i want to say. thanks from all the people of the new regions for everything he does for us. this young putin fanatic is 20. from open sources , the only thing known about kirill is that before the occupation of melitopol he studied in the first year faculty of natural sciences and geography at melitopol state university named after bohdan khmelnytskyi. when the city was under occupation, the boy decided that now he has a new family - russia, and therefore he needs to build a career according to russian standards. join the victory for us campaign and thank every military serviceman who is currently serving for the good of the motherland, who protects us all and gives us the right to live peacefully.
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initially, papazov entered the makarenko university, which the russians created in occupied melitopol, for a specialty state and municipal administration, later in april 2023 he headed the regional branch of the student detachments in the zaporizhzhia region. in this difficult time for the country, on behalf of me. i support our president of the student units of the zaporizhia region and the public chamber of the zaporizhia region. we are with you. in this position, zratnyk organizes all kinds of patriotic russian actions, involving students in the reconstruction of buildings destroyed by the russians themselves, as well as providing for the soldiers of the so-called svo. we from our side, we support every serviceman, we take them constant humanitarian aid. we help them. i don't suspect this seller yet, but i hope so. help will soon be given to kirill himself to play in ukrainian prisons. and this is another traitor from melitopol who runs
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a youth organization in occupied berdyansk. i see berdyansk as a developing city, in which young people will respond to all the requests of our population in the same way, because they are always happy to take part in the improvement of our city. as we already long found out that the occupiers often put losers in leadership positions, those who can be easily controlled, who did not build a career during the peaceful life in ukraine, and who are ready to sell themselves with the telbukhs in order to increase their social status. all this fits perfectly with the post of this collaborator, 33-year-old oleksandr gaponov. until february 24, 2022, nothing was known about him. his traitorous nature manifested itself during the occupation. city, when gaponov was establishing cooperation with the occupiers. at first, he became a candidate for deputies of the so-called youth parliament of melitopol, but flew by. later, due to the lack of personnel in
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other temporarily occupied territories, the russians transferred gaponov to berdyansk and made feykovo a student at the azov state pedagogical university. all this in order to later appoint him as the head of the local branch of the russian movement south young. organizations that... youth of berdyansk responded to help in unloading humanitarian cargo, we are always happy, we always have a great attitude to such initiatives, always ready to help, that's what our youth is for. in his leadership position, gaponov promotes kremlin propaganda to the younger generation, for this purpose he specially brings russian politicians, bloggers and pop stars from the bolotnaya capital. also, this traitor is the winner of the competition from rosmolod. where he presented his project school volunteer of the heart of donbass. as we can see from the name, the project has a russian military bias. we, in turn, will provide you
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with any opportunities for implementation. himself in youth politics. gaponov is now helping occupiers to recruit children to russian youth institutions, actively campaigns for russian peace, promotes russian culture and agitates local teenagers and their parents to go over to the side of the occupiers. we advise gaponov to appear more often in the russian mass media, so that our law enforcement agencies have more grounds for announcing his suspicion, and the judge - a sentence. this traitor first assumed the position of rector. one grew up in the occupied territory, and later became the head of the unarmy putin organization at the same university. behind me is the flag of victory - this symbol has been traveling with me for many years. it hung on the building of the regiment of the ministry of internal affairs of the donetsk people's republic, like a battle flag. today he is here. this chuikov andriy yuriyovych, born in 1979, from the city of lysychansk. previously, in his peaceful life, he was a lieutenant colonel of the militia and a senior lecturer at kharkiv
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university in... affairs, known for the fact that in the 14th year he spoke at a rally of pro-russian activists and demonstratively resigned, explaining that he could not accept the use of elite ukrainian special forces against supposedly peaceful people kharkiv residents who wanted to take over the oda. i am lieutenant colonel of the militia chuykov andriy yuriyovych. 18 years of service in internal affairs bodies. i ask that i be dismissed from the internal affairs bodies until constitutional order is established in the country. when a full-scale war broke out in the country, lyubov chuikova's love for russian rubles and the ghostly prospects promised by the occupiers flared up even more. he moved to captured melitopol, as our law enforcement agencies found out, he took an active part in the information war of the russian federation against ukraine, spread the narratives of russian propaganda and denied the armed aggression of the russian federation, also called on the employees of law enforcement
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agencies of ukraine and ... saints of ukrainian higher education institutions to stop resisting the actions of the occupiers, lay down their arms and go to kyiv. after such fruitful work against the invaders, in may 2022 , the rashists installed this traitor in the chair of the rector of the so-called melitopol state university, which was created on the basis of captured ukrainian universities. all our students will receive russian diplomas this year, unequivocally. all ours applicants can enter the melitopol state university. close to the student. chuikov instilled in young people a positive attitude towards the occupation, illegal authorities and occupying troops, and soon decided to train students for further service in the russian army. on the basis of a russian university, the occupiers opened a branch of the propaganda military youth organization unarmia, it is there that young people are taught to hold weapons, shoot, fight, attack and eventually die. russian criminals made chuikov the leader this branch of putin's army. we respect
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dear cadets of the alpha squad. today we have another wonderful stage in the formation of our division. we have acquired official status. in april last year, our law enforcement agencies announced a sensitive suspicion. now his case is being considered by the zaporizhzhia communarsky district court. i hope that soon the seller will be detained and he will eventually join another organization of a group of collaborators who ended up in prison for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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the war criminal rages about what is currently happening in the kursk region, the return of the coronavirus, how many ukrainians have already fallen ill. ha bribe of half a million dollars of the deputy minister of energy was caught red-handed. good evening, annaeva melnyk is with you, the news editorial team talks about the main things for today. a new greeting from kursk region was handed over to the fighters of the 225th separate assault brigade. in the footage, our servicemen removed the russian flag from the administrative building in daryan. according to russian media , two are currently under the control of the armed forces of ukraine.


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