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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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in the capital tomorrow, the weather is expected to be dry, mostly sunny, but so fresh, i would say, because the maximum air temperature will fluctuate around +23°. this is the nearest synoptic perspective, and i remind you once again that from the second half of the week , the air temperature will start to rise in ukraine, heat is expected, and in some places even strong heat, but of course, keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on the channel. the press good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations, it's a new week on the espresso tv channel. thank you for being with us, my name is khrystyna yatskiv. this is our joint project with andrii smoly, who will definitely join the project already in the second part of the program. well, in the first part. i will have an opportunity for you
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to talk with the most authoritative guests, certainly about the most hot topics that are relevant now and will be relevant in the near future, because the offensive of ukrainian troops in the kursk region of the russian federation continues and expands. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrsky for the first time directly confirmed the offensive operation of the armed forces in... the kursk region of the russian federation. currently , about 1,000 km of russian territory is under the control of ukrainian troops. as telegram reports, the president during the meeting of the stake, the commander-in-chief reported on the defensive actions of the armed forces of ukraine at the front and the operation in the kurt region. we continue the offensive operation on the territory of kurtshchyna. at present, we control about a thousand square meters of the territory of the russian federation. grouping.
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the troops are carrying out their tasks, because they are actually marching along the entire front, the situation is under our control, syrskyi reports. the president thanks the military for their steadfastness and decisive actions, and also instructs the minister of internal affairs, other government officials, here i want to emphasize, the security service of ukraine to prepare a humanitarian plan for the territory of the operation, that is, the defense forces of ukraine must ... control these territories for so long , how it will fit into our plan. this means that it will be necessary to provide humanitarian aid stability and everything necessary for, in particular , the local population that remains in these territories, because ukraine actually operates within the limits of all the signed conventions generally accepted by the civilized world. well, i'm glad to join. to the conversation of dmytro snigerev,
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a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative right to the right. dmitry, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. hello, thank you for the invitation. do you already have a goal emerging for you, and basically yes, the ultimate goal of the operation in kursk region? yes, looming, let's talk about the fact that it loomed we can already talk about it from the first days of the ukrainian offensive. the only clarification of the zone of hostilities in the territory of the kursk region is the regions of the ttoric ethnic lands of ukraine, which were part of the ukrainian state, namely the ukrainian people's republic until 1918, according to the internationally recognized lithuanian peace treaty, which, by the way, was ratified and signed by soviet russia, so we can to talk about the fact that, well... the prerequisites are being created, and i
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am afraid to rush ahead, well, but if there is a free expression of will, the furyans will rise up and the announcement of the kursk people's republic, it will not surprise me at all, especially since the ukrainian defense forces currently control approximately 100 km of liberated territories. it is worth mentioning that the very nature of the military operation testifies to the increase of subjectivity of ukraine, and as a military politician. both informationally and militarily. let's remember that two weeks before the beginning of the military operation in the territory of the kurt region, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense budan said that russian troops are gathering forces in the northern direction. at that time, it was mistakenly believed that we were talking about the ukrainian-belarusian border. instead, in your broadcast, i am talking about the fact that it is possible that we are talking about sumy. direction, accordingly,
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the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, having information about the transfer of personnel of the armed forces of the russian federation and heavy armored vehicles, prevented the formation. the territory of the kurt region of the invasion contingent, which aimed to repeat the kharkiv scenario, i.e offensive on ukrainian territory already directly in the direction of sumy. the pre-emptive strike disrupted these plans of the russian side and led to serious successes of the defense forces of ukraine, namely the advance deep into russian territory, according to various estimates, up to 35-40 km, to name a few. then, accordingly, the advance continues, and moreover, let's talk about the fact that during the successful offensive of the defense forces of ukraine , they managed to take control of the territories , significantly more damage than the russian occupiers during
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the large-scale offensive on kharkiv direction was captured in three months, in the kharkiv direction, let me remind you, the maximum depth of advance of the russian occupiers... 8 km, in the donetsk direction, in three months of fighting, during the summer offensive of the russian occupiers, when hundreds of thousands of regular troops of the russian federation were involved, total advantage of air and means of defeat, advance up to 10 km and occupied 12 settlements . currently, the defense forces of ukraine control approximately 40 settlements in the kurt region. assessment from 28 to 44x. this is an indicator, that is, we are talking about what is for during the week of fighting, the ukrainian defense forces were able to take under their control three times as many settlements as the occupiers did during the three months of fighting in the donetsk region. this is a military component
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of this operation, a political one. undoubtedly, the control of 100 km of russian territory increases the subjectivity of the ukrainian side during negotiation process, this was the main plan of this military operation: to disrupt, accordingly , the russian vision of ending the war at the expense of territorial concessions. let me remind you, literally again a couple of weeks before the ukrainian one offensive in the kursk region, the russian dictator declared that the only possible plan for settling the war in ukraine is the withdrawal of the armed forces of ukraine from the controlled territories of donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhia, and kherson regions. it was actually. ultimatum, after the successful offensive of the ukrainian side, and i will remind you, it was possible to break through two lines of defense, two, worth 200 million dollars, you can forget about the kremlin hotels, ukraine will already put forward its own demands,
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especially since on the third day of the ukrainian offensive it became clear, that the defense force of ukraine is entrenched in those territories, there were the first reports that... units are conducting intensive engineering and fortification work, which indicates that these territories will be held. you know, i'm glad to read in the russian public that it will take half a year, or even a year, for the russian side to regain control over these territories. by the way, today the russian dictator held a corresponding meeting with the power bloc, where he asked the question that... return occupied, in his opinion, historical ukrainian lands, i emphasize once again, these are ukrainian lands, i would like to dwell a little on this particular meeting of putin, here it was really a great pleasure
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to read the telegraph agency of the soviet union, this is what is in them has been alive since then, putin is holding a meeting on the situation in the regions bordering... with ukraine, and an assessment of what is happening in these regions will be given, but the main task now is to knock out the enemy, putin says, and requires ensuring reliable cover of the border with ukraine, after the enemy is knocked out of the territory of the russian federation, instructs civil administrations, departments to provide power structures with everything necessary in the field of transport, medicine and finance, we all saw, well , actually, who is interested in content from... russian publics, how is it all is taking place, there are no evacuations and aid to the civilian population, and putin declares the need for an effective fight against ukrainian drgs within the framework of the counter-terrorist operation in these border regions.
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mr. dmytro, well, it seems to be what it is for the first time the recognition that they do not control their sovereign territories, if we are talking about ee... the history of these territories, so we can use the thesis that you noted, if we are talking about international law and we are a country that adheres to it, well, actually. the borders of the russian federation and their sovereign territory, this is now in question. what do you think putin can do and does he have the resources to, well, i don't know, push our troops out, or strike where it's more vulnerable to us now, and when we we look at pokrovsky, for example, the direction, or in general the east of our country, we understand that little by little, but the advance from... if i am not mistaken, today we are talking about the last section from 2015, that is, the section where
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the front 15 did not move of the year, but today the russians were actually able to overcome this, unfortunately, this is already a trend, so, your opinion on this account, well, let's start with those conclusions, currently there are 100,000 internally displaced persons in the russian federation, these are... figures , which were announced by the russian side, and this accordingly destabilization of the situation in the russian federation itself. on the second day after the invasion, the russian government was forced to allocate a rather serious sum for mobilization, sorry, evacuation , 1.8 billion rubles. but the main thing that we need to understand is that the ukrainian side actually mirrored the events in the kharkiv region, when the russian side hoped that... the russian offensive would lead to internal migration processes, and the undermining
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of trust in the actions of central local authorities authorities, and accordingly the burden on the central and local budgets at the time of ensuring the evacuation of the civilian population, these are the results, and now regarding the possibility of putin, uh, by the way, it is worth noting that the transfer of units of the russian regular army. from the line of combat still takes place, despite the numerous statements in the ukrainian segment that such processes are not observed, a unit of the 810th marine brigade was withdrawn from the kharkiv direction, units of the first army corps were withdrawn from the donetsk direction, so of the so-called dpr, in particular the 5th brigade and the first assault detachment of the former wagner pkv under the command of field commander ratibor, in addition, the overturned... special forces of the akhmat regiment, well, as far as
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special forces, we actually saw on the video published by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, there is talk of capturing their prisoners, less, however , regular units have already begun to be removed, and the most combat-capable and transferred from the territory of ukraine to the kursk region. in addition, it does not exclude the possibility of carpet bombing of their own territory appropriate ones have already been applied. iskander for strikes on the territory of kursk oblast. in addition, most likely , the favorite tactic of the russian occupiers will be used - this is the scorched earth tactic. but this will already apply, respectively, to settlements on the territory of the russian federation itself. and it was not by chance that they mentioned the humanitarian nature of the instructions given by the ukrainian president to the ukrainian security forces. i do not rule out, accordingly, that the ukrainian security forces will have to face the issues of evacuating a russian civilian
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the population, which will suffer accordingly from the carpet bombings of its own aircraft. in addition, i do not exclude the possibility of activation , respectively, at the moment of missile terror and uav strikes on the residential infrastructure of ukrainian cities. this is again the favorite tactic of the russian dictator. when there are no successes. on the line of combat, especially since there is currently still a situation in the kurt region, they will, in my opinion, again use terror tactics against the civilian population of ukrainian cities, so we must be ready for a correspondingly adequate reactions, that is, the population must understand their algorithm of actions very well, and accordingly, let's say this, the military command must clearly understand the further actions of the russian occupiers, this... also, how they can respond, plus, ms. khrystyna, i do not exclude the main lever
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of influence of the russian federation to the world community, this is nuclear terrorism, it is no coincidence that it was russian narratives that were so actively promoted by useful idiots, so-called military experts in the ukrainian environment regarding the possibility of capturing the kurdish as, and look at those events that are happening synchronously with these messages, but already... on zaporizhzhia ec captured by the russians. the creation of an artificial man-made disaster to the point of radioactive release did not happen, but the russian side will not stop. in order to accordingly accuse ukraine as a country of nuclear terrorism, i.e. indiscriminate strikes on nuclear facilities and sabotage of nuclear nuclear power plants, both the captured zaporizhzhia and, accordingly , the kurdistan nuclear power plant under russian control. ugh. mr. dmytro, a little
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about belarus, there are many new things, said the belarusian dictator lukashenko. in fact , these days, we are remembering the revolution that never happened in this country four years ago, and lukashenko ordered to strengthen the border with our country, to bring in special forces, even quite heavy equipment, rocket salvo systems, and so on, and in general such does his public appearance in the world feel like he is trying to balance? but i don't know if he succeeds in it, i wonder what our viewers think about this, our dear viewers and listeners, today we ask you whether you consider an attack by belarus on ukraine likely, that is, not just the movement of russian troops from the territory of belarus, but the direct participation of the belarusian military itself, belarus as a country with its own hands, against us.
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if you think this is likely, please call. 080 211 381, if you think that no, it is impossible, then 0800-211-382, all your calls will be free of charge, and your opinion is invaluable to us, and i am now addressing this question to dmitry snigirov, mr. dmitry, again, lukashenka's public appearance and those rhetorical figures who, so to speak, flew out from under his university, what are they for, trying to divert attention. of our military-political leadership in that direction, or an attempt, well, i don't know, to demonstrate to putin that in general, we, we are with you, but somehow we are not going to actively interfere. the second option, ms. khrystyna, let's talk about what lukashenka said after the appropriate criticism of the actions of the belarusian leadership by the russian media, and this is not only a public telegram, but also
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accordingly, official russian officials made statements, and spoke against it. that , according to the russians, lukashenko created the prerequisites for an offensive in the kurva region when he withdrew troops from ukraine to the belarusian border, that is, he did not go to create artificial tension on this part of the ukrainian border, and i will remind you that it is approximately 1,000 km long, and the general staff the armed forces of ukraine had to withdraw significant operational reserves, both human and, accordingly, equipment and material. resources and here the main thing is worth talk about the fact that lukashenko can declare anything, even taking into account the criticism of the russians, he is really trying to pass, as our first president said, between krapelek, and now what about krapelky, that is, respectively, beijing and the countries of the west, and moscow, he is trying to balance, why beijing i will recall the position of
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the people's republic of china, which considers belarus to be its outpost at the time of its further advancement to the european level. continent belarus is in the zone of military and political influence of the people's republic of china. remember, ms. khrystyna, not by chance, after the event joint chinese-belarusian exercises, the issue of tension on the ukrainian-belarusian border, it disappeared a priori. it was the position of the prc that was key. and russia can make any claims against the belarusian leader, but, in my opinion, he is not the subject of decision-making. the decision on... a large account will depend on the official position of the policy of the prc. and now let's recall the statement of the people's republic of china regarding the events in the kurdish people's republic. were you not surprised by the rather calm , balanced tone? it is not necessary to go to escalation, but less so we state the fact. this is it respond. that is, everything in this situation will
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depend on comrade c's position, and comrade c is not interested. in accordance. swept away by the russian federation, he does not need it, he will weaken it by any means. and, by the way, ms. khrystyna, remember that literally the other day there is a message that the russian side is experiencing problems in moments of mutual calculations with chinese partners, and moreover, since july 1, it is for the useful again idiots of military experts who spread theses about what the prc provides to the military technologies, the people's republic of china introduced... actually put an iron barrier at the time of further transfer of dual purpose goods to the russian federation. mr. dmytro, i am very grateful to you for... adding to the new week on espresso dmytro snigiryuv, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative of law , he was in touch with us, and now we have the opportunity to add to the conversation roman kostenko,
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people's deputy of ukraine , secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the service security of ukraine. mr. roman, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. a few questions, if i have the opportunity, and i understand that most likely, this opportunity may be. on time, therefore, kurdistan, it is precisely this that we are discussing now, the russians for the first time recognize the fact of losing control over significant territories in kursk oblast, this is reported by a local. a few moments to listen to direct speech, please. today , 28 settlements are under enemy control . kursk region is 12 km, width along the front - 40 km. 28 settlements are located in this zone. these are
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about 2,000 people whose fate we do not know. at the same time, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi , actually also admits in the telegram channel that it is now about the kursk region of the russian federation, about the work of the defense forces right here. in addition, he instructed the minister of internal affairs and other government officials of the security service of ukraine to prepare a humanitarian plan for the territory of the operation, well, the cards are opening a little bit, and mr. roman, what is really happening now in kursk region, as far as it has a deep military-political aspect, well, i think here already, let's say this, if we speak in general, then the defense forces of ukraine are conducting... an offensive operation to seize russian territories, which, let's say, have from my point of view, there are several goals, the first is
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the withdrawal of russian forces from hotter directions, from active directions, where the russians are pushing us, this is a matter of intercepting the initiative, with the forces we are working here, having intercepted, it was only possible to intercept the initiative here. and ours the military leadership did it, well , you can see the exchange fund in the wind, the kadyrivs really increased quite a lot, and there are many conscripts, and there are officers, so this is also an important story, then, well, let’s say, the moral and psychological state, i will say, the fighters who are here, they are in such a high mood and... understanding that they are doing an important thing and bringing our victory closer, so many aspects, well, i say that you can see at the level of the vizh, and our international partners and
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inside the country, this is a serious operation, which from a moral and psychological point of view and political has very important such important consequences. mr. roman, as a people's deputy, how do you assess the risks and advantages, let's talk, right? precisely the political aspect of what is happening in kurshchyna, because if we talk about internationally recognized borders and international law, then definitely russia is the country that spoiled this history and not in 2024, 22, but much earlier and not even in ukraine. on the other hand, we position ourselves as a country that adheres to relevant relevant international norms, and on the other hand we see that for a long time our partners resisted and did not want to provide us. approval for the use of certain weapons, now they are already talking about additional leopards in the direction, seeing that the defense forces are capable of success directly on the territory of russia, what
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has changed? well, i think that we finally understood that only by pursuing our national interests and doing everything for victory, not only on the territory of ukraine, but also beyond its borders, we saw that before this gur had already started to do this, now the forces of ... have already moved to do it, we must do everything in order for our victory to come closer, we are very grateful to our partners, we listen to their advice, but we do what is in our interests, i say again, it was difficult with that composition, and here they even work to seize the initiative, for example, on pokrovsk, or for example near kupyansk, but here in this direction we imposed our actions on the enemy, the enemy now has to do something, we must not forget, we still have... 1000 km of border where we can carry out the same actions, and the enemy, in order to secure them, needs, well, mobilization spend, or remove completely from active
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areas. troops and place them along all the thousands of kilometers of the border, so let's say, here we see that it will have serious consequences, including for the defense of our country, what will happen next? i will say, even if there will be, i do not know, just what the future is, or i will not say what the future plans are, there may be several options, depending on the actions of the enemy, which he will impose, how he will react to it, but even if the defense forces there make a decision, to for example, to get out, everything is still an operation... it was very right to cross, to show that we are ready to cross these red lines, which , as it were, someone drew for us, and now in fact, even there we do not have super big ones there at the moment reserves, russia will understand that their thousands of kilometers of the border are unprotected or protected only
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by border guards and military personnel. they are under great threat, at any moment it can happen in any direction, especially since we have already shown that we can covertly to bring their troops to the borders. in principle, recently ukraine received the possibility of reinforcement in the sky by aviation, can we say that it can work precisely in this operational direction, well, it will depend on the decision of the command, so how the decision will be made. of course it will work, mr. roman, a few more questions, belarus is our border with this country, in principle , certain movements are recorded, i do not know how convincing they are in a military sense, whether in your opinion this is a real threat, or a bluff and an attempt somehow maneuver now, i guess that should explain the intelligence in the first place, is it
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a bluff or not, eh? and we should perceive this as a real threat, because we have already seen that the russian federation sent its troops to us from the territory of belarus, so to say that russia cannot use the forces of belarus, especially those that are part of the csto, of course, is not enough it is believable, but we have to be ready for it. ugh, actually what lukashenko said, he does not understand why all this is for ukraine, but he gives instructions for strengthening. grouping of troops in let's listen briefly to the gomel and mozer tactical directions. why is this in ukraine, i don't understand, we have to figure it out, but, as i said, we clearly conveyed the information to them that any provocations will not go without our response. therefore , the ministry of defense and the general staff of belarus are instructed to take appropriate measures
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in order to reliably ensure... well , mr. roman, there are very different assessments of this operation in international media, sometimes authoritative media, we understand certain reservations that may be, but some of they are considered that ukraine is going to war, and this decision of the military-political leadership of our country is the most risky in the given circumstances, if... we understand that there is a war, if we talk about the worst case scenario, how can this affect us? well, honestly, i don't see here that there can be a strong response here, the fact that i talk with my friends there, they are delighted with it, because you see that this was the background recently, that it seems that ukraine is going to lose, all over there somewhere, ukraine moves eastwards,
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somewhere we left... that is, ordinary people, there who are not involved in the war, or there abroad, for them even the fact that we, while leaving, inflict a great defeat on the enemy, for them it looks like as a type, well , logically, we withdraw, which means we will lose, and this was the background, the discrediting of the military leadership began, and this fund was pumped up, including the russian ipso, which picked up everything, and this operation, i will tell you, even talking with fighters, they are now on the rise, we see how even in the information field... confidence in defense forces and in general to our army and the fact that our partners, they are also watching in the majority, maybe someone there, you are right, somehow evaluates in his own way, but this operation has already had a great effect, once again it is important, of course, to prove it to the logical end, it is very important to have, shall we say, the effect, this is the end of the operation, which was conceived, to prevent the enemy, because we are in a threatening on...


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