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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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258 as a terrorist act, or 113 as sabotage, as i want to remind everyone that in our country the age of criminal responsibility has been lowered from 14 years. for example, a 35-year-old man from kyiv will spend eight years behind bars according to the court's verdict, he burned 13 military vehicles with homemade firearms . at the court, the man admitted that he acted on his own initiative. if the curators and those who ordered the arson are set and punished with an asterisk task, because they are all engaged in subversive activities on the territory of russia, then it will be up to our law enforcement officers to find the perpetrators of the crimes themselves mostly succeeds, following hot tracks. greetings, please look carefully at the photo of this.
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boy, unfortunately, he disappeared and nothing is known about him for more than a year, his name is vlad lyubichev and he is 12 years old, he disappeared in the city of vovchansk, kharkiv region, on june 1, 2023, if you know anything about him, do not delay and call us on the hotline at number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, i emphasize that any, even the smallest details are important for... the search. and how usually, i ask you to share the video on social networks. this really helps a lot in the search and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances can recognize the child and provide important information. we are also continuing the search for 13-year-old hleb cherepanov, who disappeared in mariupol at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. the boy is wanted. his mother, since then no news,
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we filed with all search services, both in russia and ukraine, and to the police as well. despite the fact that a long time has passed since the disappearance, and there is no news yet, the woman does not lose hope, she really hopes for your concern and begs you to help her find her son. played the guitar, studied well, so artistic, i wanted him to become an artist, he studied in the art class, he did well, and he had many friends, all his friends worry about him, a very good boy, i miss him very much ... mrs. victoria told
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the details of her son's disappearance. so hleb lived with his mother and grandmother in mariupol and they stayed in the city when they were already there very tough fights. because of the shelling, hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in the house of their relatives. one day , hleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, she saw that the house where her son and mother were in... the man, their neighbor, said that a shell had hit the house and that the military ordered everyone to leave and go to shelter. i began to cry and say, how will i find them now? he says: go to the bomb shelter. i was in despair, i didn't know what to do, where to look for them, are they alive? hleb's mother began to look everywhere for her son and him grandmother the woman checked all the shelters and bomb shelters, but, unfortunately, could not find...
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on march 13, i was in my apartment, i hoped that they would come, that they had taken shelter somewhere. and only on april 14, on gleb's birthday, when it was already calmer, i went in search of them. however, this time, unfortunately, the search did not yield any results. nothing is known about the fate of the boy, it is worth noting that there was a version about the death of hleb, when a shell hit the house, but fortunately the boy was not found among the dead, so the mother hleba suggests that her son may have been injured, perhaps he suffered a concussion, partially lost his memory and because of this he cannot tell anything about himself, and therefore i am asking you, and especially the residents of the temporarily occupied... who can see this program
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in internet look closely at the boy's face. hleb has grown to approximately 150-160 cm. he has blond hair and brown hair. eyes, three moles in the shape of a triangle on the face near the mouth. hleba's mother really hopes for your help and concern. i appeal to anyone who can help. if anyone has met hleb or mine mom, kateryna pavlovna, please, any information can be useful. please contact the police. or to the child tracing service. i am really asking for help. i am in despair. if you have any information about hleb cherepanov, don't delay and immediately call the magnolia children's search service hotline at 116 30, which is free from all mobile operators
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. greetings, dear friends, this is the espresso tv channel and the special is on the air. issue of the urban reconstruction and development program, my name is lesya vakulyuk, and in today's issue, together with the experts, we we will talk about the reconstruction of ukraine, so that everyone who needs it knows about their rights and opportunities, which are related to recovery initiatives, and we also
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want to improve the recovery process in different parts of our country. today we will talk about zaporizhzhia, and the guest of our program is oleg halych, head of the service for the restoration and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhzhia region. mr. oleg, i congratulate you. yes, good afternoon. before we start the conversation, i suggest you and our viewers watch the story of our correspondent artem lagutenko about the situation with destroyed houses in zaporizhzhia. the existential difference between russians and ukrainians is that the occupiers can... only take other people's property and destroy what they cannot reach. ukrainians are a hardworking people who will definitely rebuild everything. this house in zaporizhzhia was hit by a russian rocket in march of that year. the occupiers destroyed several entrances to the five-powder mill under the foundation. 13
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people died, including an eight-month-old baby. my son and i were here together, sleeping, and when the first explosion happened we... ran to corridor, my son sat on a chair, i covered him and a second explosion occurred. the russians fired their rockets at olga and her nine-year-old son, the woman and the child survived, but not their apartment. until that moment he, well, it was scary, but he didn't understand as much as it could be, after that, of course, he says, mom, i'm scared, he's afraid, he, i can't. we experienced a lot of stress, and this is igor, a resident of another five-story building in the center of zaporizhzhia, which was fired upon by the invaders from s-300 systems in october 2022. my wife and i were in
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in the bathroom, together with the cat, maybe it saved us, there was nothing behind the wall, the destruction in the apartment is glass, windows, furniture, clothes, everything that was in the span, all this was in... in this house, people died eight people, one entrance, completely destroyed. due to the attacks of the russian occupiers , dozens of houses and hundreds of apartments in zaporizhzhia were destroyed. 20 apartments were destroyed and let's say 130 were damaged, it was very scary, well, who was standing there on the balcony wanted to scream, who was taken down with a tower, independent ukraine 80 is 59 apartments, i.e. 59 families, on nezalezhnaya street ukraine 67, 80 families, along myru street 14, 11 families. there are 17 apartments on kamianohirska street, that is, 17 families, zaporizhia 2, 36 families, and
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zaporizhia 2b - 36 families, and people who became victims of enemy crimes were not left to their own devices, their housing is being actively rebuilt, currently 12 are being restored in zaporizhia apartment buildings. according to this resolution, liquidation of the consequences of the russian federation by agency. six buildings were passed, that is, on which the restoration service is still working. the task of reconstruction is not easy, the builders admit. complicating everything, we we do the work, we don't call it thanks, in spite of. and constant air alarms, constant blackouts, which affect the pace of work. we have, nothing else is given, but we fulfill our duties. this is what olga's house
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looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. in general, there will be a major renovation here, and even we were given a choice of wallpaper, interior doors, and floors. there is some choice, not in... everything is the same. developers plan to hand over most of the houses in zaporizhzhia by the end of this year. artem lagutenko, oskar yanson z espresso tv channel. and i will remind you that we are talking about reconstruction in the zaporizhzhia region with oleg halych. he is the head of the service for the restoration and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhzhia region. mr. oleg, once again i congratulate you. actually, zaporizhzhia region, its peculiarity is that it is an area where combat. actions continue, and the enemy adds to the number of those destroyed houses every day, fires,
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takes away housing, a roof over the head, worst of all, takes away the lives of our people, is there any account of how many of those homes people lost, the account is kept by local authorities self-government, how many of these homes have been lost , and how many are in the private sector and high-rise buildings. well, unfortunately, i don't have such information now, since it is completely in zaporizhzhia and the region, how much has been restored, is there such an account? well, yes, we are responsible only for our services, in our country, according to the resolution, we are the customers for six houses that were destroyed in our country by russian aggression, so i can provide you with information about them, about others. it is required in local self-government bodies, well, actually, these houses are what in your competence, the restoration of which is in
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your commitment, what are these destructions, how serious are they? we saw in the report of our correspondent artem logutenko, this is a comparison, and before and after, what happened after the russian missile and how it already looks restored, it is of course heaven and earth, tell us in more detail, well, look how much... all the houses are located in the center of the city, the damage to the objects was different, there, for example, nezalezhnoi ukrainya 80, 80 and independent ukrainya street 67, these were direct hits to the house, well, which caused significant damage, just like you in the video, one of them, houses zaporizhia 2a and 2b, which are located next to each other, a rocket hit the first entrance of zaporizhia 2a, and it is completely now subject to restoration, that is
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, it is dismantled and subject to restoration. on myra street 14, kamyanovirska, fortunately the rockets hit near the houses, so the damage was, let's say, from the black wave, damage to the walls, roof, windows, balconies, and so on, so the damage is different, accordingly the design solutions for each at home how this process takes place, that is a russian missile hits, a russian projectile, there is destruction, when... the moment comes when recovery begins, where does it begin? well, it starts with the first collection of rubble, which is carried out by the municipal services of the city, then the city council engages a qualified expert who determines whether it is possible to restore the building at the expense of
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major repairs or reconstruction, or whether it is no longer suitable. and is subject to demolition, after the expert gave a conclusion that it is possible to carry out major repair or reconstruction works, the city council orders, well, conducts a tender for the production of design and estimate documentation, and already on the basis of the prepared design and estimate documentation, the customer of the works is determined, and in accordance with the tender... e purchases, the contracting organization that carries out these works is determined, how much time is left to continue this recovery, when do you think it will be finished or do you have any plans set, although i don't know, it's hard to make plans right now, considering that we are sometimes without power and sometimes in the air worries, so we have projects,
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project documentation. these are the terms of the missions there , the 25th year, part of the houses, but the task from the state agency and from the local self-government bodies is how to return people to their homes as soon as possible, so the work plans are to restore all the houses by the end of the 24th year, er, and well, it is to completely do the houses and the improvement of the territory, so there are indeed corrections with the fact that now the light is turned off, it affects the same as the order of materials, where the company that manufactures these materials also cannot quickly to produce them, as well as for direct works, but thanks to her help from local self-government bodies, the regional military administration, these issues are resolved in
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a positive direction, and let's hope that these, let's say, directions will not affect the final delivery of objects who is financially helping to rebuild these houses? these houses are financed from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression of the russian federation, that is, it is the state budget, all objects are secured, one hundred percent financing, so in this regard, if on today's moment is not there. uh, the residents, the owners of these destroyed apartments, are there such people, as we saw, and in the story of our correspondent, that it is difficult for the woman who survived this attack to remember it, it is difficult to say, are there such people who say you know, i won't be able to live here in this house anymore, even if you rebuild it, and it will all
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look like a new penny, what happens in that case, well, on the contrary, all people want to live in these houses, that's why well, let's say so, for communication with houses we have residents of apartments that are being renovated have face-to-face meetings for each object , chats have been created there in social networks, and as the resident reported, the arrangement of the apartment is already underway with each one, with each one the color of the wallpaper is chosen there, there is some laminate, some there within the limits of the cost of the materials included in the design and estimate documentation, most people want to return to their homes, as we can see in the video, these houses that are destroyed, they were built back in soviet times, there were slightly different requirements, some other
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different fashion, different layouts even of these apartments. now, during the reconstruction, are any adjustments being made, can the owners of the apartments, can they apply, i don’t know, someone there is saying: let’s make me a studio kitchen here, and over there where the kitchen was, a bedroom, and so i will have a bedroom and a bedroom where in the kitchen, and then it will be considered a three-room apartment, whether it passes, this is impossible, because the work is carried out according to the project, and capital repairs are not foreseen. changing there technical characteristics, but that's all, but he it involves the complete restoration of damaged entrances there, the installation of new water-gas-electricity networks. supply of drainage, heating, roof repair, restoration, repair of glazing and windows and balconies, i.e. new heating of the facade and, well
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, improvement of the territory, i.e. this is something that can be carried out within the framework of capital repairs, i.e. it is being modernized, but not as there, who asked for a studio there or to increase the square footage there in the apartment for the account. searching for construction materials, as far as it is now complicated this process, well, even now, when the war started, everyone, every company that manufactures material, in order to insure itself, simply, well, provides material only with almost , well, almost one hundred percent, with one hundred percent advance payment and well, that's the only thing. such that it used to be possible to provide 50%, 30% of funds there, the material is provided, then the contractor closes the scope of work and pays, but now
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everyone is reinsuring and providing the material, especially which is expensive with full one hundred percent advance payment, and so on the material, in principle, there are no questions, everything reaches the object on time. to the objects, and the builders, is there not a shortage of workers, because we understand that there is a mobilization going on in our country, and the one who was at the object today may already be on the job tomorrow, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately this is a question, many people, well, let's say this, are afraid, are afraid to work in connection with the fact that, well, they will be at the tsc, but at the moment, well, if... well, we are asking to solve this issue on the ground, because well, at least so that we can enjoy the trip to the end
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construction, well, the completion of work on each object of the okra, to what extent are local self-government bodies included in the housing restoration processes, so local self-government bodies, let's say this, help a lot, it's the city council and the regional military administration, and they help in solving issues with residents, with communal enterprises, and well, control from the regional state administration according to the terms that have been established, that is , meetings are held on these issues, well, what problematic issues can we address and there the holding of various meetings with various communal entrepreneurs or residents. to solve the issues that arise during the renovation, well, the residents who turn to you, what kind of questions do they have, with
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questions about the choice of wallpaper, the color of the wallpaper, or any other problems that bother them, well, there are some, and some are so urgent that the deadlines are execution why so long, why so, well, different questions. er, can you somehow calm everyone down, maybe they'll turn on the tvs, turn on the espresso and see our conversation, just get something out of it for themselves, what's up such, such, such houses will already be completed in such terms, well, yes, well, first there is myra, 14 myra street is already 90% ready there, then according to the plans of independent ukraine, we have 67. 80 somewhere in the month of november, well , this is already with the improvement of the territories, there is a little, well, in the same terms there are november, zaporizka-2
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and kanenohirska, october, well, in principle , we plan to finish all of them this year, if nothing drastic changes there, reconstruction is currently underway almost throughout the country where it reached. russian, russian weapons and where there are destroyed houses, is there any exchange of experience with other regions, or can someone give you a hint, or do you give someone a hint from your own experience, exchange it? well, in our state agencies, meetings are held among recovery services in those areas undergoing recovery, problematic issues are discussed at the meetings. issues, ways to solve them there, as in the future, so, let's say, communication, let's say, with us, it goes from the agency to, well, let's say, to
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the regions, they. these questions are basically the same for us, so, let's say, experience yes, yes, in this way, problematic issues during reconstruction that most often occur, well , let's put it this way, very much to designers, when the house is not yet completely disassembled at the stage of its construction of the project, you can not take into account a lot, and this is ... such additional work occurs there there, too, there is a deadline where they can complete the adjustment of the project documentation, well, such technical points that require discussion between our services and our higher management, mr. olezh, i thank you for the conversation, the audience, i remind you that with us on... with
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zaporizhzhia was oleg halych, head of the service for reconstruction and development of infrastructure in the zaporizhzhia region, and it was a special edition of the urban reconstruction and development program, my name is lesya vakulyuk, thank you for being with us, we will meet next saturday at 6:30 p.m. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro - urination under control. there are discounts until independence day on korvalt 10% in travel, bam and savings pharmacies. national tebe namego - too many channels. well, a
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an informational marathon with mykola. in september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. a breach of the border in the kursk region of russia a week ago caught moscow from nenatsk. as cnn writes, ukraine embarrassed vladimir putin, and... the invasion itself is humiliating for the russian state. as of now, the armed forces of ukraine controls dozens of russian forces. and the kremlin announced a counterterrorist operation regime in three russian regions. what's next? how far are the ukrainian troops ready and able to go? the goal they are pursuing, and what trump cards remain in vladimir putin's sleeves. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. well, in fact, ukrainian troops have been continuing the operation for a week.


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